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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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on june 14, short-term rains and thunderstorms will occur in the west of ukraine, the air temperature will be low +17 +23°. in the northern part of ukraine, also in places, in some areas, short-term rains, as we say, this is the summer nature of precipitation, when it falls in such spots, so to speak, and the air temperature is +23 +26, of course higher than in the west . in the east of ukraine, the heat will continue tomorrow at 27:31 and... no precipitation is expected, the anti-cyclonic nature of the weather will prevail, increased atmospheric pressure (who suddenly forgot) in the central part of ukraine will rain in places thunderstorms, gale- force winds and hail are possible during thunderstorms. carefully, carefully. 24-29° above zero, tomorrow is expected in the central part of ukraine. in the south, in the south at 27:31, the heat of precipitation is not expected. and in kyiv on june 14, tomorrow. namely
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short-term rains and thunderstorms, the air temperature is comfortable, it will fluctuate around +23°. the return of the heat throughout ukraine is expected, according to preliminary forecasts, from monday, and for now, once again, i congratulate everyone on the ascension, and of course, as always, keep a close eye on the updated weather forecasts on the channel espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. fighter coalition, air defense and anti-russian sanctions. leaders of the g7 in italy discuss support for ukraine. how will the proceeds from frozen russian assets be used? f-16 on approach. the armed forces are preparing the ukrainian skies for american planes. clearing the crimea from enemy air defense. what
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prospects for the de-occupation of the peninsula are opened by new western weapons. panic on the currency market of russia. the usa has blocked dollar and euro trading on the moscow stock exchange. the dollar's cash rate jumped to 100 rubles. will western sanctions lead to the final collapse of the russian economy. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii orudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour , we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk about the current situation at the front, about the f-16s that are supposed to arrive in ukraine, and about a number of today's international meetings where decisions were made. full support of ukraine. about this
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we will discuss everything with general serhiy kryvonos, people's deputy of ukraine ivana klympush tsintsadze and our colleague, journalist roman tsimbalyuk. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how ukrainian fighters attacked the enemy's concentration in vavchansk. the defenders struck with four precision bombs. let's see. this is a magical video.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, do you think that russia's ultimate goal is the destruction of ukraine? nations, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, you can write your own comment under this video, and don't forget to like this video so that it can be promoted in youtube trends if you watch us on tv , pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for numbers, if you believe that the ultimate goal of russia regarding ukraine is the destruction of the ukrainian nation 0800, 211 381, no 08'. 211 382 all
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calls to these numbers are free. so, the armed forces of ukraine are preparing the ukrainian sky for american planes, clearing it. crimea from enemy air defense. the russian military has already transferred the latest s-500 systems, called prometheus, to the occupied crimean peninsula to cover important objects. the occupiers are expecting f-16 fighter jets to arrive in ukraine and are therefore trying to strengthen the sky above occupied peninsula. this was announced by the head of the main intelligence department of the minister. defense kyrylo budanov. ukrainian troops are doing their best to weaken russian air defenses. what kind of system is it that the russians brought to crimea: s-500 triumphator m. it went into
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production only in 2021. the russians claimed that the target detection radius of the s-500 is 800 km. the range is 600 km, the maximum height of the target is 200 km, and the maximum speed of the target is 7 km/s. for comparison, voiced by the invaders s-400 characteristics - 600 km range, 200-250 km maximum height of target damage and 30 km and 4.8 km/s respectively, so. it seems that the armed forces of ukraine are methodically knocking out air defenses on the occupied crimean peninsula and are preparing for the appearance of f-16 aircraft in the sky of ukraine, well, at least the propaganda media is already
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saying that this summer these fighters must will definitely be in the sky of ukraine, meanwhile , in the kremlin, dmitriy is hysterical. threatens our partners again and says that everyone places where these f-16 aircraft will be located and will be used by the ukrainian army, that this is a legitimate target for strikes by the russian occupiers, that is, hinting that if these aircraft will be located on the territory of neighboring poland or countries neighboring ukraine, then russia will have the full right to strike at those targets, and in the meantime, against the background of what medvedev and putin are saying, threatening the west with retaliatory strikes, the situation at the front, as of june 13 , looks like this: commander-in-chief
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of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrian says that in the direction of kharkiv, the enemy is behind the cargo and is conducting unsuccessful actions, which says... syrskyi. we need to gain an advantage over the enemy. reduce losses, and most importantly - change defensive and offensive psychology, which will be an important step on the way to our victory. to do this, we are focusing our efforts on improving the quality of conducting classes with units that are undergoing combat coordination, during which the issue of combating and protecting against enemy drones, movement on the battlefield is worked out. use of rescue equipment, evacuation wounded and many other issues that are relevant in the conditions of modern combat, and in fact this effort of the armed forces of ukraine to restrain the russian occupiers, and our
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opportunities that arose after our western partners allowed us to strike with their weapons deep into the russian federation. will allow the ukrainian side to create a so-called security belt or sanitary zone, as putin once said about it, only he wanted to make this sanitary zone at the expense of ukrainian territory, but now, starting from the border of ukraine with russia and going deep into russia for 300 american-made shells and missiles can fly km. last week , the president of the united states of america, joseph biden, stated that they gave the opportunity and gave the go-ahead to the ukrainian army to strike 200 miles deep into russian territory, that is 320 km, while biden himself said that we did not
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allow the ukrainians to strike moscow and about the kremlin, well, it seems like such a sweet pill for the kremlin grandfather to calm him down. said that the ukrainians will not attack moscow and russia, well, i could also add that for now, until that the ukrainians will not attack moscow and... the kremlin, and in the future it is also possible, because if you imagine, uh, how two years ago our western partners perceived the use of weapons by the ukrainians in the fight against the russian occupiers and in relation to strikes on the territory of the russian federation, it is certain that at that time no one could imagine that the americans would give permission to use this weapon, a long-range weapon that would fly 300 km. deep into the russian federation, what does this mean? this means that the armed forces of ukraine
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will knock out the rear support of those the troops that are now trying to storm vovchansk, the troops that are now trying to attack in the direction of kharkiv, well, simply put, all the support that, all the logistics, all the support of the russian army will be destroyed by the armed forces of ukraine and... such opportunities in we are emerging and such opportunities allow us to create a so-called sanitary zone, which putin once talked about and which vladimir putin dreamed of. obviously, the story we are witnessing now is connected with the fact that our western partners understood that putin's intention to enter kharkiv region and surround kharkiv is dangerous for the future. of the russian-ukrainian war and for the future of ukraine, and at some stage our western partners said yes to the armed
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forces of ukraine in their desire to destroy the enemy already on the territory of the russian federation. meanwhile, the russians themselves report that they are completing the construction of a railway that will run from rostov-on-don to mariupol and melitopol. in this way,... the russian federation is preparing for the possible destruction of crimea bridge, the same bridge that the russian federation illegally built back in 2018, and they are now trying to do everything to simplify the logistics of the delivery of weapons and troops, precisely through the land corridor, the same corridor, by the way, about which at one time in 2004 2018, western analysts said that one way or another
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, it will be important for putin to cut down this corridor and that this corridor will pass through mariupol, melitopol and there all the way to the kherson region and the isthmus, which connects mainland ukraine with the currently occupied crimea, that is, the russians are trying to solve these logistic ways, but again it all depends on. when f-16 fighters will arrive in ukraine and how they will be able to destroy all the logistical chains that allow the russians to fight on the territory of the ukrainian state. well, in the meantime , colonel of the security service of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine, roman kostenko publicly stated that over the past month , more have been mobilized into the armed forces of ukraine. people than in the previous six months, and this is precisely
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the result of the decisions made regarding changes to the registration of military personnel, regarding the order of mobilization servicemen, conscripts, and in connection with the law, which entered into force on may 18, 2024, the ministry of defense is satisfied with the results of the recruiting campaign. from recruitment to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, deputy minister of defense nataliya kalmykova stated that: systemic changes are being implemented in the defense forces, a new system of personnel policy is being created and a network of recruiting centers is developing, there are already 22 of them, this week we plan to open three more. the results are amazing for may ratio. the number of volunteers and conscripts who joined the army is one to three, which means that we
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still have the potential to defend ukraine, and of course, in this situation it is worth saying that russian propaganda and, in general, russian telegram channels, pro-russian telegram channels, are trying to create a picture of how society, ukrainian society, struggles with territoriality. by assembly centers with representatives of tsc, that is, numerous videos that appear in telegram channels, in many public places, i.e. you see now in... this story, a famous story already in odesa, when shvydka came to the tcc to pick up her employee, who was taken to the tcc, a fight broke out there. such a video permanently appears in telegram channels, and this whole story with
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territorial assembly centers, with conflicts that arise between representatives of the tsc and... citizens, they are very quickly dispersed by the information resources of the russian federation, or those resources controlled by the russian federation, and in this situation, of course, we all have to be aware and understand that there is a war going on in ukraine, and the appearance of similar information or similar videos, and the dispersal of this video with relevant comments such as that again the tcc was beaten, here again... the tcc arranged some kind of conflict there, all this is presented in from such an angle that, they say, the tsc is fighting against ukrainians and against ukrainian society, there is a war, a full-scale war, there is mobilization, the tsc is fulfilling its duties, and if there are complaints against tsc employees,
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of course, it can be contested, including in court, but... by no means, by no means by the way, ukrainians should not succumb to informational provocations, when such a video is specially posted on the network and they try to do everything so that ukrainians are afraid of shopping malls, so that ukrainians are afraid to come to shopping malls, it is necessary to understand that this is all part of putin's big, big special operation , because... he does not think differently, that is, the war he is waging against us, he still calls it a military, special military operation. well, what is happening in russia itself, in russia in general, today, it seems like a rainy day, because the ruble has fallen, moshor stock exchange received a warning and sanctions from
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the united states of america and great britain, the russians rushed to buy dollars and the central bank of the russian federation announced that, apparently, the wooden one will now be tied to the american, not to the american dollar, to the chinese yuan , that is, there is a gradual yuanization of the russian federation, china got its way, that is, with their active participation in this war and russia's incitement to this war, the yuan just started to press. russia and the chinese should be satisfied in this situation, because despite all the bravado that putin flaunts so much, he got a negative result, when the whole economy will now be forced to fall under the chinese yuan, because the dollar and the euro will be like a deficit in the russian federation, because
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now the russians are on the last train trying to... sit down and buy currency, but this is no longer possible. mozgorbirzha simply does not fulfill the duty it was entrusted with. against this background, the second stage of training of non-strategic nuclear forces is underway in russia, during which the russian and belarusian military are working out preparations for combat use of tactical nuclear weapons, that is, putin is trying to continue to thunder nuclear weapons together with and they are trying to convince everyone that this last argument, which is in the hands of the two dictators, is the argument with which they can already sit down at the table in the future for some negotiations or agree on something with our western partners, although our western partners gave clearly understand to both putin and lukashenko what
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the use of tactical nuclear weapons or strategic nuclear weapons will mean for the end of them, well, obviously. in this situation, both putin and lukashenko are playing on their voters and on the citizens of their countries, and they are trying to convince them that they will be determined to the end, and to make this determination even brighter in terms of information, the russians sent admiral gorshkov to the russian frigate and nuclear submarine kazan of the russian fleet to havana, that is, putin is trying... to be that nikita sergeevich khrushchev and show the americans a yakuskin and show how they can threaten there with two ships. this is the coast the united states of america in the white house in the pentagon declared that they do not see any military threats in this, well, that is, two
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frigates of some kind, one frigate and one submarine kazan, according to putin's logic, should, well, scare the americans. putin uses the usual tactics, the tactics of a st. petersburg gopnik and... he repeatedly said in his interviews that the st. petersburg gatekeeper taught him one thing: if there is a fight, if a fight cannot be avoided, you must be the first, well, he seems to be trying to demonstrate some strength, and tries to demonstrate that how can he strike the united states of america there, and of course show the russians this picture of admiral gorshkov and the nuclear... submarine kazan entering the harbor of havana, and so that the russians finally believe putin that he can do to the united
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states america anything. friends, i remind you that we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our social networks, we are working on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe. on ours page, take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, do you think that the ultimate goal of russia in relation to ukraine is the destruction of the ukrainian nation, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write in in the comments below this video, if you are watching us live on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think russia's ultimate goal is to destroy the ukrainian nation 0800 211 381, not 0802 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free , vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. and we are in touch with ivanna klympush tsintsadze,
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people's deputy of ukraine, head of the parliamentary committee on ukraine's integration into the european union. mrs. ivano, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you on our air. thank you for the invitation, good evening. good evening. today is not an easy day for us, as this week is also a big one in terms of foreign policy, you were there. at the forum on the restoration of ukraine in berlin, despite the request of your faction to include petro poroshenko in this forum, this request was ignored, but you were there, you saw with your own eyes what actually happened at this forum for the restoration of ukraine, let's start with that, and how our western partners at this forum perceived the government. government scandal with mustafa nayemov, the head of the agency for the reconstruction of ukraine, he slammed the door the day before and said that shmyhal, the prime minister of ukraine, was preventing
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him from implementing the powers and plans he had. well, yes, indeed, unfortunately, as always during these years of full-scale, at the beginning of a full-scale invasion , we have problems with... attracting representatives of various political forces to the parliamentary delegations, and only there, until the last moment, it is always unknown who will go and whether a representative of the same european solidarity will be included in this parliamentary delegation, but this took place, indeed, i was there with other colleagues from mainly the people's servants, and this year's forum, after luhan, after london , it was much larger, much larger, close to... only participants of various and government officials, officials, representatives of civil society, what is important , representatives of local authorities, regions, cities,
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business representatives were present there and what gave them the opportunity to really have such a serious network history there and opportunities to establish some contacts. with their visas, but at the same time, you know, in my opinion, despite the fact that, well, the government officials who spoke on various panels, and the president himself, despite the fact that everyone was obviously talking there about our challenges today with energy, our our not ukraine's need to increase provision weapons, it seems to me that ukraine did not use this unique, this unique platform in order to... convey this urgency of the need for additional mobilization of our partners, that the situation
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is actually... very tough, very risky, and it seems to me that today , actually, well, lloyd austin already said this, and the united states minister of defense in ramstein told the duty officer, because he once again stated that the survival of ukraine is at stake, so ukraine did not convey this message in berlin , in my opinion, that's one thing, but the second, if it was about recovery, and if someone wanted to discuss recovery, obviously. that ukraine does not have such a systemic vision, but also politics and recovery mechanisms, and she did not present it, and ukraine came without people who are responsible for recovery in ukraine, because the minister of infrastructure and regional policy kubrakov was dismissed for several weeks therefore, on the eve of this event, due to, i
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understand... due to a series of disagreements, which gradually built up like a snowball, and the last straw was the fact that the prime minister did not allow to go to berlin, the head of the agency for the restoration of mustafi's employment, he also resigned, this scandal obviously significantly worsened the attitude towards ukraine and the seriousness of the intentions. let's say those countries or companies that would be ready to talk about some current investments, about serious programs, projects, well, including aid and recovery, we should not despise this, we should understand that we do not have strong institutions and we have personalities who would be responsible for one or another direction, well
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this way of us... will not be accepted by our partners, and we need to change our approaches, change our behavior, build institutions and be able to bear responsibility for every action and for every inaction, and this is key for us now, because otherwise, if we do not change, if we do not use it, then we will further lose the support of our partners, and not increase it, which is critically necessary for us. today, mrs. ivano, ukraine is trying to increase this support on several platforms at once. renbstein takes place today 23rd meeting. a meeting of the ukraine-nato council took place today, and during the meeting of the contact group in the format of ramstains , stoltenberg spoke about the fact that the coordination of aid to ukraine through the north atlantic alliance will increase the volume. military
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aid to ukraine, he is convinced of this and says that there was a certain accountability and transparency in the issue of the transfer of weapons, this is extremely important. let's listen to what jens stoltenberg said. we are talking about a minimum of 50 billion dollars of use of the gross domestic product, that is, countries pay according to their gdp. we know, yes, that... if we talk about the us gdp, then we are talking about the share of 50% of the entire part of nato, so we understand how proportionately the contribution amounts can be. i hope and expect that nato allies will agree to this, because it is very important for ukraine to have this stability and predictability, and we must act preventively in order to avoid such delays in
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supplies. which we have seen in the previous months, so ms. ivana, jen stoltenberg said an important thing about predictability and of ukraine, and for this accountability to be there, does anyone have doubts about this, what our western partners say, or did he just decide to preemptively say it? well, believe me, politicians of such a level as the secretary general of nato, they... do not preemptively say something from themselves and precisely express a political component right there that is agreed with the vast majority of at least the member countries of the alliance and at least those key players who provide us this military aid in a serious amount, so ukraine should take this seriously bells and behave accordingly so
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that we can. to ensure this without interruption.


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