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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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thank you dear, we have to finish, sorry, roman, sorry, it was a verdict program about her serhii rudenko, goodbye, frozen russian billions, security agreements and money to restore the ukrainian energy industry. the summit started in italy. the big seven, the war in ukraine at the center of the meeting and what to expect, we will discuss in today's bbc edition, i am olga palomaryuk. the world's largest economies, as the group of seven countries are called, gathered in italy. there are many issues for discussion. the summit will last two days. there are many participants, leaders of countries and governments of the big seven, italy, france, germany, great britain, canada, japan and the usa. joe biden also flew in. this is the president. of other
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countries as special guests, the pope will visit the summit for the first time, volodymyr zelenskyi has also arrived, dozens of leaders in total, and that's what the purpose of the meeting is even before the start, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg said. the main topic of the summit is ukraine, defense conditions, as well as our partnership with the asia-pacific region, australia, new zealand, japan and south korea. i expect that today and tomorrow... "we will agree on a plan of assistance nato to ukraine in the field of security and training, but of course financial assistance still needs to be discussed. my proposal is that we should agree on long-term financial support of 40 billion a year, which is money that will be given to ukraine every year because they need it to make sure they have the resources to resist russian aggression. and this year's summit of the great si'.
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the 50th anniversary ukraine was waiting for important decisions from the meeting, as volodymyr zelenskyi said before coming to the summit, and about these we will also talk about important decisions, but a little later, and to begin with, let's see how the summit began. they call it a family photo, but like all families, the big seven have their problems. many of these leaders are facing tough elections and are trailing in the polls, but they want to show the world that they are still up to something. until. they are still here. the only exception is the prime minister of italy, who hosts the summit. and the party showed good results in the elections to the european parliament. according to her, the summit will give concrete results in everything, from migration to warriors in the middle east and ukraine. g7 is not a closed fortress that must be defended against others. it is a repository of values ​​and we want to open up to the world to grow and develop together. the leaders came to this luxury resort to discuss in the first place. a new plan to use
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frozen russian assets and provide about $50 billion a year in loans to ukraine, using interest from frozen russian assets as collateral, but there are points that still need to be ironed out: some european leaders are concerned consequences for financial markets, and also want the united states to take on more risk. the logo of this summit is the olive tree. of course, the olive branch is an ancient symbol of peace, but the leaders are talking here. more about the war and how to secure what they hope will be long-term financial support for ukraine. the politician who was met here, probably more warmly than at home, was rishi sunak. he took a break from the election campaign to promise ukraine almost £250m to rebuild its destroyed energy infrastructure. sunak will also meet with ukrainian president zelenskyi, who will try to convince the j7 leaders to give kyiv more of what it needs. this means that
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security here on the southern coast of italy is tight, no outsiders are allowed in, almost no one. well, the war in ukraine, the central topic of the g7 meeting, will not only discuss security, but also money. the leaders of the g7 have been thinking for a long time about how to direct the frozen russian billions to help ukraine. before the start of today's meeting a number of the media wrote that the decision was made and it was about p'. and this is what the bbc correspondent mark loven told about this turning point, he is now in italy. leaders are expected to give the green light to a deal to use interest from $50 billion in frozen russian assets to finance war-weary ukraine, which needs the money. this will require a broader international consensus, perhaps greater than here at j7. therefore, there are other leaders here, and this too.
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will be discussed at bilateral meetings with the president of the european commission and president of the european central bank, who are also present here, this will be an important sign of support for ukraine. there is also the argument that... leaders are rushing to make important decisions before donald trump potentially returns to the white house in november, and before the far-right potentially comes to power in france, if that happens in parliamentary elections in a few weeks. many of the g7 countries are facing internal political upheavals that are high on the minds of politicians and leaders, and this may influence what is achieved at the summit. this could be risha sunak's last international summit. also, the clock is ticking for the presidency of joe biden. so this comes at a watershed moment in geopolitics, and next year's j7 could look very different. yes, and at first it was about full confiscation in favor of ukraine, later
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the finance ministers and heads of the central banks of the big seven came to the conclusion that the measure would not confiscate the assets themselves, but the interest received from their investment. in the united states for... proposed a scheme to transfer the first 50 billion dollars to ukraine, in total 285 billion dollars of russian currency reserves are blocked in the west, it is expected that this will be a loan, it will be repaid at the expense of profits from frozen russian billions. for comparison, the cost of rebuilding ukraine is already estimated at 500 billion dollars. so, what can kyiv spend this money on? and here is the correspondent's analysis. bbc's jean mckenzie, who also summarized ukraine's initial reaction to the agreement. there is a certain optimism here. zelenskyi said he was grateful partners for their faith in ukraine and for their faith in the victory of ukraine, and this is quite a large sum, it is about 50 billion dollars. for
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context. the latest aid package from the us congress is more than 60 billion. and the main idea is that ukraine will be able to spend these. money to ease the current financial pressure, so what exactly will the money go to? an expert i spoke with said that the most likely and the best is defense, and although this is obvious, we are talking about spending on the industry's own defense, in particular on joint production of weapons with other countries, this idea arose because over time ukraine really wants to reduce its dependence on western allies. earlier, i spoke to people who were campaigning for this, and they said that ... that ukraine would get access to all the frozen assets, not just a percentage of them, or even a larger part. at the same time, they admit that this is a very good first step, because when it comes to western support for ukraine, it has always come in gradual steps. but how did russia
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react to the aid to ukraine at the summit? says the bbc's correspondent in moscow, steve rosenberg. in fact, not too long ago, president putin signed an executive order that would allow russia to seize the assets of american individuals and companies on russian territory, although it is not clear how it will work, it is clear that the deal on russian assets is annoying. in recent weeks, senior russian officials have been talking about the idea of ​​taking interest from frozen assets as theft. so i think if this goes any further, russia's reaction could be quite negative. and quite interesting is how russian media and russian officials view the g7 meeting. on the one hand, there is a lot of chaos around, a lot of contempt, they pick apart the participants and point out how weak they are at home. the british prime minister, the leaders
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of france and germany, after their defeat in the european elections, on the other hand, there are noticeable fears that this summit could lead to the strengthening of international sanctions against russia, to the elimination. part of the loopholes, which will ultimately make it more difficult for russia to finance military operations. yes, it was a correspondent bbc from moscow, susan lynch, editor for european issues of politika, says that reaching an agreement on directing profits from frozen russian assets to the needs of ukraine was not easy. and so, how does she explain the positions of the parties and what differences they had to overcome? there were between europe and the usa. disagreements on this issue from the very beginning. the united states initiated this process and tried to seize russian assets themselves. many russian assets are frozen, but most of them are located in europe, and not in america that's why the europeans say: "listen, it's easy for america to talk about it,
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we are the ones who hold these assets, they are with us and mostly in belgium. that's why the us had to abandon this idea that they will use these basic assets to help ukraine." instead, they devised a plan to provide ukraine with a loan that would then be financed or repaid by the interest generated by those assets. the problem is that if the war ends, these... assets will no longer be frozen and will not give interest, then how to return the loan? this is a big question that europeans are asking, and they want an answer to it. so today we see the search for an answer to this question, whether it will be a syndicated loan from several countries, whether it will be individual loans, what to do and who will be responsible for their returns if the situation changes. president zelensky also arrived at the summit before that, having attended a recovery conference in berlis. and in saudi arabia, he is here to get engaged more support, he needs more
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weapons, he needs more financial and other assistance, and he will wait for these assurances from western countries. financier bill browder, who was an investor in russia in the past, but since his death will play his lawyer serhiy magnitsky, leads an international campaign against the russian government, says that all 300 billion russian assets should have been given to ukraine, this is his opinion. this is a war of resources, russia has many times more resources than ukraine. ukraine needs money, if not money will be, then ukraine will lose this war. we saw what happened when there were delays with $61 billion in united states aid. so getting 50 billion is good, but we must not forget that this war is not going to stop soon, putin is going to continue it, in the west for... not just 50,
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in my opinion, it sets a very good precedent, because if you are a dictator who invaded a foreign country, killed a lot of people and destroyed a lot of property, then the reserves of your central bank should be confiscated, that. a precedent, and i hope the chinese are watching, because they are another country that keeps a lot of money in the west, and laso looks at his neighbor, planning aggression. security is another key issue of the summit: ukraine has already signed 15 security agreements, today japan joined them. volodymyr zelenskyy signed a document with prime minister fumiokida, an agreement for 10 years. officially, i... ponia is not handing over weapons to ukraine, but has pledged to help with non-lethal
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equipment and treatment of the wounded, as well as provide 4.5 billion dollars by the end of the year. the security agreement is also for 10 years, towards the end on the first day of the g7 summit, ukraine also signed with the united states of america. and finally, does the group of seven lose its importance at a time when china and russia are creating alternative regional ones. and transnational groups, this is the opinion of a prominent british diplomat, former ambassador to moscow, andrew levy. the big seven, the group of seven, has existed for 50 years, in its full composition - 49. it is important that in 1977 the european union, then the european economic community, joined these meetings. in fact, the eu has become eighth member the group of seven includes individual countries of the european union, but also the eu itself. therefore,
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the seven group represents more than half of the world economy. the united states is ahead here, in partnership with other members of the group. so it is of great importance. most of the members of the group of seven are also part of nato, and japan, although not a member of the alliance, cooperates closely with it. the group is very influential, and leaders in both russia and china will be watching closely to see what they will be like. so, the g7 summit, the leaders of the g7 countries, started today in italy reached an agreement on using percentages of frozen russian assets to help ukraine. well, subscribe to our pages on social networks so as not to miss the most important news, we are on facebook, instagram, tik tok, and on youtube you can watch our episode if you sometimes missed it on the air. well, that's all for today. comment, like, share our releases, and we'll be on the air again, tomorrow, as always, at 9 p.m.,
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good luck. important week for ukraine and i want to believe that all the events that are happening now will have a positive historical impact for us, our state has just signed a security agreement with the united states of america for 10 years, j7 announced the provision of an additional 50 billion dollars to support
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ukraine and a lot of very, very important news regarding support from partners. of our state in a war, a war of aggression, which the russian federation is waging on the territory of our state. congratulations to all viewers of the tv channel, velikiy lviv is talking about this project. thank you for joining us, glory to ukraine, glory to our heroes. traditionally we start this broadcast with an interview with vitaly portnikov, who is with us on skype. in a few minutes, we will go to the main studio, there are already guests there, we will also communicate with them live. in addition to the agreement with the united states of america, which is also indisputable. important, we also signed an agreement with japan at this g7 meeting, mr. vitaly, how important is it, our cooperation and assistance to japan, but in such a long-term perspective we are talking about 10 years, well , it seems to me that japan is now just trying
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to play such an important role role in the civilized world. which she had, you know, blocked by the legacy of the second world war, and the fact that now the united states and japan are simultaneously signing security agreements with ukraine, despite the different weight of these agreements, this is also an important moment, an important moment not only for of ukraine, an important moment in the geopolitical sense, because japan should be one of the most serious allies of the united states in the asia-texas region. japan should now play the role of guarantor of stability in the region. in terms of this, i would say the security challenge that exists in connection with the confrontation between china and the united states, in connection with the fact that china is playing a more and more serious role for the region, that it claims an absolutely special role in the asia-pacific region, and claims it is often used with force, and this
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can also lead to conflicts in the future, we know that the minister of defense of the people's republic of china during the shangri-la forum. in singapore has unequivocally threatened american allies in the region, and they are now looking at china more and more a caveat, let's say there 73% of filipinos now believe that a military, some kind of military response, a military response to china's actions can be quite acceptable, this is such a historical number, as you understand, and in this situation, the role of japan, the political role becomes absolutely extraordinary, today communicate to the fact that the world is actually moving towards not j7, but j2, where there will be two hegemons, the united states of america and
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china, and in principle it is important for ukraine to take the position in which it is in such a configuration. these world, it will not be in the zone and in the sphere the influence of the same china or the russian federation. how do you generally evaluate such opinions regarding the fact that there are actually two countries that now share spheres of influence in the world? i think i already told you that everything will depend on the outcome of this war. if ukraine can defend its sovereignty, its territorial integrity and international law, there will be no g2 and no chinese influence. the so-called monopolar will remain. the world, the world of influence of the united states, if you will, the world of influence of democracy, here is this group of seven that we see because china depends on everything from the economy of these countries, it is nothing without them, and if it is proven that rights, rights are more important than the right of force, there will be no group of two, if the war continues, it will definitely
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weaken both the west and russia, and so this way there will be this two... bipolar world all the time, as long as the war continues, and if the war ends with the victory not of ukraine, but of russia, then there will be no bipolar world either , there will be a multipolar world, because in the world of russia's victory, it will be russia , not china, will be the political hegemon of europe, like you you understand, and china will have to reckon with it, just like the united states, and putin is fighting for this, for a multipolar world, well, the world is even divided into two, where the influence of india or europe is not taken into account, that too. a very strange world, to be honest, i don't think it necessarily has to happen. natalie, summing up our conversation today, in the context of all the news that we discussed today, we listed, perhaps, something and not... we mentioned statements regarding support for ukraine, indeed there are a lot of them this week, a lot of specific ones, not just statements, and already, let's say, intentions to
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act, especially if we talk about patriot systems, as you think, we often say about this that if the west supports ukraine, but it does not fully understand how, how it can end this war is our ukrainian victory, because no one understands what to do next with the russian federation, honor... the events of this week show that, in fact, the west has already finally decided, this is the first part of the question, the second part of the question, whether they have already created for putin has sufficient conditions, you know, as they say in chess, tsukslang, yes, if i'm not mistaken, no tsukuklang has been defeated yet, but the pieces are already moving, we just see how the pieces are moving, and putting putin into a situation where every next move will be a losing one for him, of course, how long these pieces can... move, not as long as it seems, if the figures will actively move, then the situation in russia and with the russian possibility, it will deteriorate faster than many think.
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can we expect it to happen already this year? i never, as you know, speak about time dimensions, but i can comment on trends. russia is weaker than the west, you see, weaker. this is an axiom. and if the west is really acting, and not watching, then there is no russia. to respond to his moves, it is important that the west continues the party. mr. vitaly, thank you for this conversation, vitaly potnikov, journalist, writer, tv presenter, publicist and political observer was with us on skype. the entire conversation with vitaly portnikov will be on our youtube channel, it will appear soon, it is already in this broadcast, and we are moving on. congratulations you who are with us in this studio already are ready to introduce our audience of guests. with us today is mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, from the eu, co-chairman of the group on
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inter-parliamentary relations with the republic of poland. good evening. congratulations to taras batenko, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the parliamentary group for the future. vasyl pavlyuk is also with us, diplomat, consul general of ukraine in lublin, 2015-2022. good evening yuriy podlisny, head of the ethics program. politics and economy, head of the department of political sciences of ucu. good evening. oleg mytsyk is with us, a lawyer, lieutenant colonel justice. we welcome you. maksym plekhov, head of the lviv defense cluster. good evening. good evening. some talked with vitaly portnyk, and it was really interesting, the conclusion was interesting, when they came to the conclusion that it is not yet a tsuktsvank, i somehow find it difficult to pronounce this word, as in chess, it is a position when every move is an opponent. which worsens his position, but nevertheless this situation is moving closer and closer to the fact that the russian federation will have no good moves left, well, they can, you know, like in chess,
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when there is no good move, you can cast the king with another piece. mr. tarasa, mr. butenko, i am asking you, how do you think these recent events that are happening now are historical in general, and literally what happened before the broadcast was the signing of a security agreement with the united states of america. you know, you also talked about this topic in washington a few weeks ago, here are these shots where zelensky is at the same table with representatives of jay seven, it seems to me that we really live in difficult times, but these days it is important, of course, that we live in a historical time, the main thing is that this historical time works for ukraine, and because we understand that the time of history is very fleeting and very changeable, and something is constantly changing. political leaders are changing, political circumstances are changing, combinations are changing due to elections, due to certain upheavals that europe has now experienced through the elections to
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the european parliament, the picture for europe is also changing, and all this is just as reflected in ukraine as in a warring country, well, because the aggressor is nowhere to be found did not back down, he did the opposite tries to advance further in the depths at the cost of the great blood that it bears, the great losses that it bears in human resources, it further tries to advance in the depths, that is why ukraine continues to fight. obviously, every agreement of a financial nature gives confidence to ukraine that it will now withstand this situation financially and in a military-political plan, therefore any agreement is important here, especially if it is a long-term agreement, but this agreement, every agreement must be reinforced well, with some additional guarantees, because if we are talking about the united states of america, this agreement that was signed today with joe biden, we understand that it is not reinforced. at the congress of the united states of america, yes, that is, the question here is what happens if the united states government changes after the presidential election, and to what extent this agreement will be implemented, so to speak, at
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a key moment. this agreement will be implemented by the next, well, the next presidential administration, if suddenly, and if suddenly the democrats change to republicans, we have a two-party political system in in the united states, we have a similar situation in the european union, it is important that the achieved part is related to 50 billion in aid from under the guarantee that it will be taken from interest, that is, blocked funds that are in the eu, the russian federation, this is an important thing and ... it is binding on the european union that they must not back down, the totality of all these steps and including japan, which gives a very large part, and gave before that, and which strengthens its role as a key player in its region, i think it's probably an alternative understanding of china in this region, i think that it definitely strengthens the chances of ukraine, well , let's say so, to endure at this stage, but you have to take, you have to see the long sequence
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of the picture, that is, the global... the global long sequence of this situation, definitely the global long sequence outlines this summit of peace, peace, because i keep saying that this summit, let's say, it is important, but it is not key, from the point of view of solving or achieving what ukraine seeks, a just peace there or or fair victory, in a war with an aggressor, it is obvious that this is the first part, so to speak, from the point of view of history. well, let's put it this way, we, we are taking over russia here, because we have shown strength from the point of view of the participants, will we show strength when it starts from the point of view of the participants, there are about 80 of them now, maybe 90, maybe 100 will be there somewhat decreased due to the adjustment, as you know, of the formula, the resolution formula of the agreement, where it was clearly stated that this is an aggressor, which means that he entered ukraine, that this is what
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is guaranteed territory... sovereignty and the inviolability of borders, all borders, in accordance with the un charter, so i believe that certain countries have just shown themselves, which, well, i don't want to talk about the role of trojan horses at that summit, but if they had fallen away a little, so to speak, yes , those that focused on the russian federation, but this is the first step to a more, well, let's say, a global process that, one way or another, the world, and the global south, and the european union, and the united states, one way or another will be on... try to find some steps, steps of contact with the aggressor in order to force it to work out a mechanism that will allow us to reach an acceptable level of negotiations and force the aggressor to retreat, retreat, that is, the war is won on the battlefield, but the war is also won through diplomacy, continuing the theme of the united states of america, of course, that their presidential elections are important an event that will somehow influence the course of events in ukraine as well, you mentioned. about this
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ten-year agreement, which was signed today by the president of ukraine and the president of america, but there is really such a note in this that the next president, the next administration will be able to revise this agreement, we really hope that whoever is the president of the united states of america, the attachment to ukraine will remain and the usa will support us, but i want us to give a quote from the newspaper za telegraf, because it is important, they. the american media is also writing about this a lot now, and it is understandable, everything revolves around their elections, and they say that president putin, the russian federation, may have already missed the opportunity to win a decisive military victory on the front before the presidential elections in the united states, a critical window opportunities, i am quoting here, when moscow outnumbered and armed kyiv, almost certainly has already passed, and as november approaches, it will cost
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vladimir putin dearly politically. mykola knyazhytskyi, i give you the floor. what we are observing now, and these international meetings, summits, which really have many decisions in favor of ukraine, instill in us some faith, hope that everything will be fine, but , of course, we don't want to, you know, put on rose-colored glasses and think , that's it, that's it. how do you think about it, what can you say, what are we for now we wait, where could there be dangers? i think that a critical turning point occurred during the european elections. parliament, because russia did everything so that far-right parties would win a majority there, and they hoped that it would happen, and china also really hoped for it, i think that russia promised them that, that it has such influences, it did not happen , the european people's party even increased its representation, their allies, the socialists, the liberals all together retained more than 400 votes, and the far-right parties, the right-wing parties in general, they have a minority, in addition to the fact that they have a minority, they are also divided, because, for example, the prime minister of italy
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meleni, although she is from the right party. she supports us, we saw.


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