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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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what we are observing now, and these international meetings, summits, which really have many decisions in favor of ukraine, instill in us some faith, hope that everything will be fine, but of course we don't want to, you know, put on rose-colored glasses and think that already that's all, what do you think about it, what can you say, what are we waiting for now, where could the dangers be, i think that the critical turning point happened during the elections to the european parliament, because russia did everything so that the far-right parties won the majority there, and hoped that it will be so, and china also really hoped for it, i think that russia promised it to them, that it has such influences, it did not happen, the european people's party even increased its representation, their allies, socialists, liberals all together kept more than 400 votes, and the far-right parties, the right-wing parties in general, they have a minority, in addition to having a minority, they are divided because, for example, the italian prime minister meleni, although she is from a right-wing party, she supports us, we have seen ... like the conflict between
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the polish right-wing peace party and orban also escalates because orbán calls peace the party of war. this means that the number of political forces that will support ukraine, european parties, will be much larger. what happened after that? we saw how the united states of america, followed by other democratic countries, imposed sanctions against the moscow stock exchange, this is an extremely strong blow, and russia has already announced today that the main foreign currency remains the yuan, and china is just attacking russia all the time and on russian capabilities, as a result the loss of russia, on the contrary, increases, but it increases only in relation to russia, and in relation to the world, of course, it becomes weaker, because russia imposes sanctions against chinese banks, against chinese, not russia, the western world, against the chinese financial system, against electric cars, for example , for china it's a terrible blow to their economy, so it's after these elections in the european parliament that i think the situation has changed and everyone has realized that they don't... i know like the united
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states, because it will really depend on the election, although it looks like that they and we will continue to be supported no matter who wins there, but europe will definitely support us, europe said that they will be the commissar for defense, and it is no coincidence that this position was offered to france, at first we thought that maybe the poles would be there, because france in such way will be able to finance its defense industry, its defense sector, which will help us, and thus the french society will also be interested in supporting us, so in france... the right-wing started and macron called for elections, but it was such a cunning move by macron, calculated on the fact that either society will unite and the right will not win this election, and if they win, it will be worse for them, because the responsibility for the bad economic situation in france will also fall on them, and then in the next presidential election , macron will have a chance to win again. thus, all this once again showed the strength of the western world, and all the hopes and expectations that there will be some negotiations with putin, no one is going to conduct any negotiations. obviously tactical.
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there may be some kind of freezing of the front, but this is not a negotiation, because i have no doubt that the democratic world will do everything to weaken russia to the level, well, the way the soviet union weakened in 1991, so that russia exhausted itself with this war, they will continue to support us, it is another matter that they will still demand democratic reforms and a democratic style of governance from us, because otherwise they will give weapons, and give funds for... our country in such quantity they won't be, so the event is now determined, the west is now united, and for us these are all very good and extremely positive signals that we have actually received thanks to our armed forces, which despite the tactics of russia, which has decided to stretch the front and actually do everything to destroy as much of the ukrainian army as possible, does not really cope with it, loses, we can already see it in the kharkiv direction, they are trying to get a little closer to the direction. but
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all this actually shows their weakness and inability to fundamentally change the situation at the front. mr. maksym, i have a question for you in the context of what we are saying, this quote from the telegraf, but not from a political point of view, but a person who understands defense issues, do you think this is really the window of opportunity for the russian federation that everyone predicted for us, and the president zelensky and budanov talked about this, that may, che... will be difficult, but there will be no armageddon, this is already a quote by budanov that i constantly remember now, really armageddon did not happen, it was difficult, as you think, the military potential of the russian federation further, well, we can't to say that it will collapse there, because we understand the large amount of soviet weapons that they have, the large mobilization resource, we also have to talk about it, but nevertheless, if you believe the same for the telegraph, then this potential.. .
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it will still be such a curve, but moving down in the russian federation, as you think, well , maybe slowly, maybe this curve will be very almost, almost, almost a plateau, but down, you know, well, you can keep your fingers crossed for that . , yes, well, if we see today's armed conflict, it is very significantly different from all other conflicts, yes, that is, and even the fact that we see today the weapons system over the last two years, it is radically different today, well, i can give an example, there with literally there that week, our delegation was in bulgaria at an arms exhibition in hemus, and there are also some nato countries showing theirs. just like the latest developments in unmanned aerial vehicles and other things, and what can i say that some of the stars that we see, they correspond to what was three years ago, and much has not changed, therefore , from the point of view of partners, from our point of view, from the point of view of russia, a huge way forward has been made, today we see, if we say for
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technological advantages, that is, what were there three years ago they said about the number of tanks, the number of artillery, the number of guns, the range of artillery fire, today we... we see a significant advantage of truly unmanned aircraft in terms of means, that is , a huge thank you to our partners, over the last month help has started to arrive within of the last package and we began to have the opportunity to level our positions in artillery, on the other hand, if we turn today to the capabilities that both our army and the russian army have today on the territory of the front, it is a small unmanned aircraft with a range of up to 15 km for small drones with a range of up to 30 km are already an average of drones, so we can sometimes even see some parity. to say today about the superiority of russia in planning aerial bombs, well, i think today everyone can see what is happening in kharkiv, thanks to today
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this type of bomb, and yet there is a statement by the ukrainian industry that we will also master it, but today there are no examples of their implementation in institutions, what can be said about the technology. advantages, today the number of armored vehicles is no longer significant, russia has lost a lot, so today, well , from my point of view of the army, that is, after a counterattack in the lipetsk direction on kharkiv was repulsed in recent days, that is, after all, we see parity with on the one hand and the troops, on the other hand we see technological parity sometimes in the means of the same drones and in the means, so i would not say so very optimistically about the presence of high advantages of ukraine there. we must understand that the enemy is a large state, yes, a huge territory, yes, they have quite good technical personnel, which today they have, they have today some regions in general transferred to military rails, which we do not have, that is, they the military industry is financed in a completely different order, and today we
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can see the superiority of russia in some cases, so if one of the issues that today are considered from the point of view of production, that is , there is also the reservation of what we have , in addition to... the advantage there in partners and to have to increase our technological advantage over the russian federation, if we do not change this, that is, we have no partners help, excuse me, we have markian lopachak, captain of the armed forces of ukraine, secretary of the lviv city council, mr. markian, we welcome you, glory to ukraine, is there a connection, mr. markian, yes, we hear you, mr. merikiy, the question is actually about the west . allowed to use long-range ones, including the americans are targeting their missiles in the russian federation, how does it change, well, that is, as of now, how does it change the situation at the front? well, we cannot clearly say that this situation will change literally in a matter of
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days or hours, it is clear that if we are able to use western weapons deep into the territory of our enemy. to destroy, let 's say, its approaches, to destroy the launch sites of both tactical-level missiles and aircraft, as well as the accumulation of enemy equipment, which we have already seen there for several extreme days and on in different directions in the north of our country, this of course makes it as easy as possible, uh, of course, that the enemy will adapt to that, of course, that there will be, let's say, some attempts by him to repurpose and... and change tactics, change strategy, but as of today it is natural that in many moments it loosened our hands a little and made it possible , let's say, to perform the functions entrusted to us more effectively. today, the president
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of ukraine and ukraine, as a state, were at the negotiating table at the g7, on this existing platform extremely important, there will be a meeting already this weekend. in switzerland, the peace summit, where they will also talk about peace in ukraine, as it should be, there is already a communiqué that should be agreed together and signed, like you. evaluate all these decisions from the point of view of influence on the actual course of the war and events on the front? well, in my opinion, it will not be a direct, let's say such a directly proportional occurrence of what is happening in switzerland or what is happening at the negotiating tables, it will not have a direct, let's say, immediate reflection on the events at the front, after all, the war - it is a series of very complex processes, this and the events at the front, this is a political settlement, if we are talking about the end of the war, we must, well, clearly
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understand what a positive end to the war is, or whether the end of the war is good for us, as ukrainians, for us as states , of course, these processes will also determine the situation on the fronts, but extremely important processes will also take place at the negotiating tables, including pressure from our western partners, and of course the political... the decision is his, it is not will, it will not be the last, it will have an extraordinary great importance, due to the fact that when talking about the end of the war and our victory, it is clearly a series of, well, many important moments, it is the situation at the front and victory at the front, it is the political will of our western partners and the signing of the relevant conditions with the russian federation and many, many other things, because of this... of course, diplomatic support is needed here, extremely needed, and we understand, and looking at
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the last three years we can understand, well, how difficult it would be for us if they would not have western support, to any extent, if we did not have this, well, political other diplomatic support, but we must understand that diplomatic support and political support of our western partners is still not a panacea and is extremely important. this is the situation in our country, our consolidation, our understanding of how much we can resist, our internal unity, the unity of the nation and strong armed forces, these are, well, in my opinion, these are now the main priorities that will determine the future events, and about the determination of the armed forces of ukraine, we had no doubts, as it were, from the first day of the full-scale invasion, but about nato, we always discussed this week, jen stoltonberg said: uh, the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, said that the strikes from f-16 that will be in ukraine on
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the territory of the russian federation, this is not an escalation, well, that is , the rhetoric has already changed quite seriously, uh, they have woken up, or is it rhetoric for now, am i talking about nato? well, i think we are convincing them, the ukrainians have convinced this one the world, that destroying evil is much safer than... obeying it, pleasing it and discussing with it, and everyone understood that these blackmails that are constantly happening on the part of muscovy, these constant, let's say manipulations, they, and the determination of ukrainians to opposition through this whole process and encroachments, that is, let's say, we, we, we showed how much our determination, how much will to win, how much will to defend our own, to... how strong it can be, and we, we convinced the world that you can
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fight with russia, you can fight with efforts to impose your rules, your manipulative, lying rules on russia, and i think that the world has understood that ukrainians are the force that can change this world the best, change this world for say, thank you, markyan lupachek. the captain of the armed forces of ukraine, the secretary of the lviv city council, was with us at the inclusion. we are now talking about global support, but we have had several of these, i am going to mr. pavlyuk now, again disturbing news from poland, they are resuming the blockade anyway, although we understand who is most likely behind these border blockades, it is the first aspect, and the second aspect, after the germans said to transfer 25% of the petri systems. but ukraine can no longer, but 25%, i think, is also a very serious indicator,
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because the germans have to protect their sky, the poles say that they are not ready to give up their patriots yet, how should we read these signals, on the one hand, of course we understand that these patriots are needed here on the territory of our country, but the poles also have a slightly different situation, missiles have already flown towards them, although they are not patriots, they did not use the missiles against those well, look, their patriots, who are in the territory of poland... it's basically a shame, because because of this airfield, all the weapons and all the help that came from all over the world actually went through this airfield, and the poles were really worried. for safety, so that missiles do not land on that airfield, that 's all fine, but i repeatedly drew attention to the fact that poland was and remains the friendliest country among our neighbors, this is the truth, and our government, let's say, our side, the ukrainian side, it is necessary to work there more closely,
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diplomatically and not only diplomatically, government representatives should be there constantly, not only in transit. to pass through poland somewhere for some negotiations in the world, but to constantly sit there and work with ministers, our ministers with their ministers, and in particular from the ministry of defense, ours, unfortunately, come only for some issues that arise, whether problematic or some other issues, arrived, held negotiations and accordingly left, returned to kyiv, this should not be the case, because i repeatedly he said, i think i am also supported by colleagues who are in that... not only in that studio, that poland is the biggest gateway to europe for us, for ukraine, and we need to work much more closely with them, the news was pleasant , i read today that they finally started working on something with lithuania, in the defense direction, this is the production of some joint weapons there, it should have been talked about for a long time and not only
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talked about, but something should be done, especially both the polish side and the lithuanian side , baltic countries. ready for this cooperation, what am i leading all this to, because in our government, i already talked about it, there should be two teams, one team that works for the war today, for our victory, certainly, and the second team that should work, when the war ends, it will end with our victory, i have no doubt about that, but that team must already develop a lot of different directions, both economic and defense, how to live, how to work, how to enter that... community, so that many politicians hope that we will be accepted tomorrow to the european union there or to nato, it will not happen tomorrow, we will be there, we will definitely be there, but before that we have to go a long way, and we have to work on it, constantly work every day, this is what you see, even recently it was restored there again blocking
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borders, well, these are economic issues, economic, but there are also political ones, of course ... no one works with this either, because you can work, even the dog, when we talked about the dog, they are also friendly to us, yes they are perhaps more radical, let's say right, such a party is right, but they are friendly to us, they are not our enemies, they have never treated us and will not treat us, but we can work with them, even with that polish confederation, which is so much more radical, with they also need to work, meet, talk, and then we wouldn't have such problems, let's say at the border. and work not only on the border, but also in the defense direction. a lot, a lot awaits us, a lot of work. mr. vitaly, i wanted to correct you a little, because there really was a statement by the president of poland about the inexpediency of handing over the patriots to us, but the polish government has a different situation, they believe that if the united states of america gives them additional weapons for defense, that hub in ryaszów and many other things, and
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the united states will blow these battles with them, then they will be ready to give we have this patriot, these systems, and therefore the position there is somewhat different. but we have such a situation, as is very often the case with the transfer of weapons to us, that when some country starts saying that it is not ready, it means that in a month or two it may turn out to be completely ready, especially since they still cannot do it without the permission of the united states of america, they use american weapons, they need american permits, and where we may have a problem with them is from the point of view of our european integration , because it may actually be our biggest competitor, and in my... view, an unfair competitor, because very often they are wrong in the arguments they use against us, but the fact is there, and we really have to work with their government, because these problems were with the previous government, and they are with this one, when we talk about, for example, our agricultural sector or about some other things that are often used in the polish internal political struggle and do not take into account the terrible state in which there is our country and
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our economy because of the war, so i would say that here i have more complaints precisely against the polish governments and the previous and current ones, than... against ours, despite the fact that i am in opposition to ours, so that works there will be a lot, but in the defensive area sphere, in international politics, it will really be ours, well, the biggest ally and partner, mr. pavlyuk, has a reply, a short reply, i disagree a little, because i can cite a lot of such examples, where our government officials, without naming surnames are indisputable, they came only when there were problems, and in order to work to detect this problem in advance and prevent it, they did not do this. that's what i meant, and that's why i always had such a reference to them: work harder, gentlemen, in that direction, well, i'll tell you when we talked about unblocking the border during the blockade, for example, minister solsky po... despite the fact that, no matter what was said about him, from my point of view , he worked very effectively, so that agricultural products of ukraine went to european markets , took a fair and honest position,
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the ministry of defense worked the same effectively, i , as the head of the ukrainian-polish group, personally engaged in this, traveled, met with the polish leadership, worked together with our government structures, but the ministry of infrastructure actually very often ignored it, or was ineffective in those negotiations, so our government also has, you name the name of this minister. i will explain to you why, because we spoke personally with solsky, called him, he answered, he called back himself, when i addressed him officially with letters, the same thing happened with the ministry of foreign affairs, when i addressed letters to the infrastructure, i even received an answer there after a month, not that no one called me, so i had no contact with them, but with these there were, so i i can name them, i can only say so after petri, you know, well, it has already been announced... numbers, how many do we need now , it is necessary to protect our main ones, remember, well, seven, seven patriots, yes, in addition, seven , seven systems, well seven, it was called seven, we even counted
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roughly in our tsk the issue of weapons, supervision of weapons, how many patriots ukraine needs in principle to cover all the main objects, cities there and so on, i will not name the numbers , but that's about as many as there are in the world of patriots, so you understand well, in the world, as in america. although some of them are non-working, as well as american ones who are stationed in different countries of the world, and it is certain that no one will give them to us, but please - this is a rising issue, another issue that, again, it has been rising for a couple of months, you understand how hard it is, how this victory is forged with hard, hard sweat and the work of many services and so on, and we still haven't received them, we see discussions, they will give, they won't give, so the germans have only one yes. the americans and so on, they promised, they are looking, the poles seem to give, although we understand that they now they are giving their ass, did this discussion start, this suggests that it is possible that after all there is
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a prediction of the escalation of the conflict, so poland is in no hurry, does not give the go-ahead for this, obviously in order to give a patriot, also according to f -16, huh, friends, how much are we talking about the fact that these f16 could make some weather, we already talked about them a year and a half ago, and they are still the end of the year. maybe summer, how many exercises are being conducted, i do not plan to criticize our international partners, well, but these exercises in arizona, well, well, we understand these processes, which could be more dynamic, and obviously they would also be reflected on the front, and one of the main issues is the permission to destroy our enemy along the border, not on the territory of the russian federation, devlib , where the attackers can fly 300 km there, and on the territory of the border, what an important, well, important work... was carried out by our diplomacy, including international, including parliamentary diplomacy, because we went to washington on this issue and convinced congressmen to, well, let's say convince the white house to make it happen, it's allowed, it happened,
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but again it's a matter of time, because it was possible to win at the price of making decisions faster on a number of issues, including the delivery of weapons faster and more efficiently, it's clear that this tightening, it plays into the enemy's hand, because if there were more dynamic actions, they would feel more, driven beast, we want it, so that they are castle advertising, after it continues, tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs occur spontaneously and worries you: a special complex of active substances dolgit antineuro helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuro helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in the limbs. capsules dollheit antineuro help. in your nervous system there are discounts represent unbreakable discounts on exodoril 15% solution in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. fm: galicia.
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analytics. objectively and meaningfully, no no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads. we will have even better, a special look at events in ukraine and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. norman, all this in an information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. espresso, opinion. and the last point i would like to mention here is america itself. in...
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in america, there are votes in the congress for support of ukraine in both the upper and lower houses, they have always been there, the question is, what was the impetus that allowed these votes to be used, they could have been there even in october and november , ugh, but these are all different stories about the fact that there a person was convinced due to religious motives and so on, that one should be... in solidarity with the one who was wronged, these are a little, you know, children's fairy tales, there are other moments that we need to carefully analyze why this happened, mr. batenko, i support the opinion of mr. yuriy podlisny that it is necessary to work with the public opinion of the country, well, the question is that there are enough of our diplomats to work, because it is possible with other forces, you can go to work there as public organizations, volunteers, and deputies, but you definitely need to work, thank god, by the way, the speaker of the previous
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national assembly, who came, told us this. back that work because public opinion, she, well, it changes, it cannot be stable, and obviously you are right that politicians are oriented, and the example for is very transparent, but america, which is key in that regard for us as allies, after all, it also considers the congress and the senate and the house of representatives, according to the public opinion of its election officials, the majority, and the fact that part of the republicans did not vote, although there was a go-ahead, relatively speaking, for presidential candidate trump, says: that the actual public opinion in the districts is not such that it is possible to say unequivocally pro-ukrainian, and congressmen advise us, go to the districts and work with the public opinion of americans, well , here the question is only because, a question of time and a question of opportunities, because at the end of the year , as you know, there are elections to the congress, the house of representatives and there are re-elections. ..


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