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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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components are added and investments are made, and in the same way, when we talk about the production of air defense, there are certain decisions regarding the construction of new factories, in particular in germany, in order to produce patriot interceptors, and that is, we are working, we are, we are expanding our help sir secretary, please tell me, it is not yet known who will replace you in the position, prime minister mark rutte spoke about the fact that almost all participating countries, except hungary, have already talked about this issue, please tell me, have you discussed this is a question with viktor orbán during your visit to budapest yesterday, yes, i visited budapest yesterday, and we spent a few hours... with prime minister
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orbán, we talked about such big, broad issues that are very important for nato, including with the fact that we managed to find a certain denominator, a common denominator, regarding how we will work with ukraine, and they do not refuse to provide training before training. military, ukrainian, and they will not join the coalition of those who provide long-term commitments to ukraine. that's why prime minister orbán also said that their country will not block nato's decision, in particular, when we talk about these long-term promises, as well as them, assistance from nato. they will not enter,
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they will not block macro-financial and visionary aid, which includes training for ukrainian soldiers, that is, hungary will not block it any more, as far as i am concerned, this was a fruitful discussion in budapest yesterday. regarding mark rutte, i want to say that we discussed a lot of points during our meetings with prime minister orbán, but i i don't... go into details, at least publicly, because these are such closed consultations and they must remain confidential. thank you for the opportunity, i represent the ukrainian media, and mr. secretary, please tell me that the first peace summit will be held on switzerland day, and in order to promote the peace formula proposed by the president. please, are there
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certain expectations from nato and how the situation on the battlefield can affect the results of the actual discussions during the summit, what principles are acceptable to nato when we talk about a peaceful settlement? so, of course, we welcome the holding of the peace summit, we strongly support all efforts to find a peaceful solution, i know that very... many member countries will gather and also representatives of the alliance will be present at the peace summit. the most important principle, or the most important principle for nato, is once again for ukraine to decide what can be an acceptable solution. we cannot decide this at the nato headquarters, which is acceptable or unacceptable for ukraine. we are talking about a sovereign, independent state, ukraine, which was attacked, and that is why it is has the right to... to self-defense, we support
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ukraine to help, we support ukraine in its efforts to defend its sovereignty, but ultimately it is up to ukraine to decide what is acceptable, what we know, so what is happening at the negotiating table, negotiations, all this is related to the situation on the battlefield, so if there is a desire to find a peaceful solution to the war in ukraine, then it is... you see that ukraine can continue to exist as a sovereign democratic state in europe, and therefore now the only way to to do it is to provide ukraine with the necessary weapons and do it as much as it takes, so we have to show it to everyone, to the whole world, first of all to putin, for how much we will support ukraine. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself, the following frames can get you. news from the scene live,
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drone attacks, kamikaze, political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and impartial. you draw conclusions themselves. your place is waiting. the light remains on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are expected on your
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streets, at school, in your church, because in your house... they see dreams about you, you always in front of our eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard victory is given. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than family. we are a nation that
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united around you. get closer to victory. join one of the best special forces in the country together with the central security service, the sbu. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in tsso-sbu team. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. so, we continue the big broadcast on the spress tv channel. now is the time to talk about money. oleksandr morshchevka editor
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with me. alexander, congratulations. please, you have the word. greetings, greetings to the audience. in the next few minutes, i will tell you how much the national bank lowered the discount rate, but it says that inflation will still grow, but the russian one. the exchange is under sanctions, how it affects exchangers in the russian federation, i will tell you in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money, during the war, an important figure for today: 50 billion dollars. the leaders of the group of seven agreed to provide ukraine with this amount. this was announced by the minister of finance of germany, christian lindner. he stated, for this will use interest from the frozen assets of the russian federation. such a decision will show putin the unity of the eu countries, in particular in the g7 - believes posadovets, and at the same time it will remove the burden from the budgets of the allied states. lindner emphasized that the partners are currently working on the details
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of the transfer of these funds to ukraine. well, vasyl, finally, after such a long debate about frozen assets, whether to transfer them completely to... ukraine, agreement at the level of various working groups, at the level of states, the european union, at the level of ambassadors, well, i followed with this, one could simply get confused, but it seems to me that this is a more concrete decision, to transfer the interest from the frozen assets, what is earned from these fortunes, to ukraine itself for victory, well, i can only congratulate this decision and say that much more, of course, russian... money is not yet available to us, but the understanding that russia has to pay with its own money for what it does in ukraine, this understanding has come, well, the most important thing is that the mechanisms have worked, because we understand , that the european union, all these banking structures, this is all a big bureaucracy, and bureaucracy, and a lot of mathematics, and clarity and punctuality,
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they say that these percentages will arrive by the end of the year, but still you see, did not decide, the countries of the group of seven did not decide, still at least something from himself to transfer the body of these assets to ukraine, well, he still doesn’t dare, for his part, the kremlin has threatened with appropriate sanctions, and big money is still circulating, it’s not only about... the body of frozen assets itself, but the interest that has been earned exactly thanks to the work of the financial institutions of the european union , the moment may come to the end that russia has developed informal relations with the parents of figures in the european union for quite a long time, they do not say that they are all there in positions, but well, somewhere there is some kind of dependence , financial, business, some other, then russia has worked for a long time on the market of the european union and the fact that it has its own scales there, which are not talked about, but it can also be, unfortunately, but the discount rate has been reduced by half a percent to 13% per annum.
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the national bank did something important today decision, and this is the third considered step recently. well, they took into account the current inflation indicators, say the nbu, and a certain optimism regarding price growth in ukraine. well, after all, they believe that inflation will be restrained within the predicted limits. limits, but there are skeptics who point out that prices will continue to rise, well, here we can only welcome such, well, in fact, a bold step of the national bank, to lower the discount rate by another half a percent, let's hope that this monetary mechanism will help , well curb inflation, but for vasyl, as they say, the increase in electricity tariffs will add fuel to the fire, that's enough. such an important factor in the inflationary process, well, we will receive the first payments and we will receive, of course, such a higher
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indicator of the consumer index, but here it will all end with the fact that people will either limit themselves in certain things that they could afford before, or limit their savings what they bought, well, because more than people have, they will not spend in any case, because who it will benefit, no, it is difficult to say, and the question is that someone will not pay utility bills, will buy what he bought before, debts will grow. this person, so it is important to give tools to people to earn, at least stably, i don’t say more at least stably, then it all has a perspective, otherwise, somewhere it will still seep through, well, i mentioned energy, and there is information that is interesting, important and well kind of unhappy, as for me, if russia continues air attacks on power plants in ukraine, then in the worst case scenario, in the winter, people can to spend up to 20 hours a day without light and heating, the bbc reports, referring to data from the energy company.
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part of the problem, it says, is that our thermal and hydroelectric plants are difficult and expensive to repair. as indicated by ukrenergo, it will take years to repair some of them, and others may never be restored. well, one of the consequences of long-term power outages in our country is that after the electricity supply is restored , consumers turn on at the same time. appliances and in fact, there is a deficit and unplanned power outages occur, and in july the situation may also destabilize after all, the nuclear power unit is essentially being taken out for scheduled repairs, of course, there may be a deficit, its capacity is 1000 megawatts, indeed, the current deficit may grow due to this, but energoatom promises to carry out all planned repairs as soon as possible in order to stabilize the situation, but... it is necessary so that certain failures do not occur in the next heating season of nuclear
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energy, but the government of ukraine has already started preparation for winter, special attention is paid to kharkiv and the regions, due to russian shelling and significant destruction of the energy system of the region , 2 billion hryvnias have been provided. at the regular meeting of the cabinet of ministers, the ministers also allocated additional money. let's hear the direct speech. today, the government is allocating an additional 2.5 billion uah for kharkiv and kharkiv region, these will be funds for the restoration of the energy system of the region, the city, for the installation of cogeneration plants, block-modular boiler houses and gas generators, i.e., these are funds for the residents of kharkiv region to have light and warm. at the central level, we continue active measures to decentralize the energy system, the basis of this plan is two principles: the first is the availability of energy equipment for people, condominiums, communities and
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businesses, the second is the simplification of connection and operation of this energy equipment. well, the rate of wood in russian exchanges is growing rapidly, and this happened due to the introduction of american sanctions against mosbirge, the main financial platform of erefia and a number of other financial institutions. trading in the dollar and the euro was suspended altogether moscow exchange, so now the main... currency on which moscow's business and international partners will focus is yuan, added the main central bank of the aggressor country. well, for example, according to the bloomberg agency , chinese money. they are already sold the most in russia, a number of countries have long paid attention to this, as they see an opportunity to reduce their dependence on the dollar in financial transactions with the kremlin, for example, bangladesh is currently paying moscow in yuan for the construction of its nuclear power plant. velyka was also added to the sanctions against mozbirge britain. we are monitoring the situation on
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the russian financial market, i think it will still be hot there. and i will conclude with this. column about money, a big broadcast is going on, watch us! what about china, by the way, because they are already talking about the fact that now the yuan will become an equal alternative to the dollar, now in russia the yuan will make some kind of revolution in the banking system, the financial system, i always like to listen to such, you know, boring economists, they, in they don't have many views on youtube. people who study the economy of china know a lot about who do not speak, and it is very interesting to understand that there is a great dependence on the western market in china, there are certain problems in the chinese economy itself, so everything is not so clear, china also needs a lot, unfortunately, from this war, well, but we have our own to do, and now about cultural
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events, so what kind of cinema will we have in 2-3 years, or? will not happen, these days the state cinema holds pitchings, i.e. contests in which film crews do not compete for funding, part of the professionals boycott this event, calling it illegal, the other part hopes to get money, the budget in it is this year is a record, lina chechenin will tell about the brightest and most interesting moments, alin, please, good evening, good evening, vasyl, good evening to our audience, i want to say that many authors are trying to tell that they will be of help.. . to influence foreigners and convince them of something, i will tell you in a second whether i think they will succeed. so, about the boycott, i will briefly remind you that part of the film community calls this pitching illegal,
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and also, i will remind you, a record amount for it allocated uah 590 million. the code is carried out and illegalities are accused through the council, the council is the body that determines who is the winner, who is not the winner, and it is illegitimate, because the court recognized it as such, but then the supreme court , i will allow myself such a phrase, overturned this decision at the knee, and now everyone somehow does not understand what is happening, well, while we wait, will the money that the contestants win really go to them, or will this contest be recognized in the future? i still don't understand illegal by some court, but i will tell you about the pitching contests themselves and at this pitching on the 19th already from the state cinema, as in the previous ones , there are many different sections, this is a game film, well , that is, a feature film, there is a documentary film, a documentary game film, which is for the ukrainian audience, there is one which shot in co-production, i.e. with foreigners and all
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that, but the common feature, of course, is that almost all the films are about the war in one way or another, and that's... absolutely clear, i want to say for myself that many authors from from my point of view, they are speculating on this topic and did not prepare very well, and others, well as far as i get the impression, they really worry about their project and treat the war seriously, they try to study it, for example, one of the projects is about irpin, about the occupation, the director himself survived the occupation in irpin and is going to make a movie, by the way , he is with us now on the screen, and well... i will also say that the trend continues, which began in our cinema in the 19th year, this is the attraction to a commercial product, that is, in almost every day, including this competition, their already a few, and we see really very, very many specifically commercial films and television films, that is, even those authors who say that they will shoot feature films or
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documentaries, they are still going to shoot according to their stories and based on their presentation. television content, and also the trend is that many film crews come and say that we want to tell the world about ukraine, and very often they say that we will tell the world, which forgets about us, about our suffering, other authors, by the way, and the projects that are really successful abroad, they say that this story does not work, we need to show our successes, our heroism, and this is what attracts foreigners, and not another display of this suffering, well, yes ... such a story, and i will also say that there are a lot of apters who are really able to tell something to the world, they told in previous years at film festivals, they are precisely among those who are boycotting this competition. that's why such a case is also coming out, well, i will also say that a lot of films are being planned about the reconciliation of ukrainians, about showing that we have
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conflicts, that they need to be reconciled, to somehow decide on rethinking our history, but it is possible that we ignored something in our past, did not complete something, we had some unpunished evil, and now the directors are trying to show it, rethink and show our future. so, we will wait for the results of this competition, who will receive funding, and in the future we will see whether this competition will still remain, well, the kind that is legal, whether the opponents of state cinema will still submit to some other institutions, and it is still recognized as illegal at some point. thank you for that they put up with me, i'm sorry, i'm joking, of course. i say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 6:10 p.m., then the weather, and at 8 p.m. serhii rudenko, stay with espresso and i wish you a peaceful evening.
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synoptic. hello everyone, our dear viewers. now, this is the rainy season, classic summer showers are falling, and sometimes very strong, accompanied by thunderstorms, hail and even squalls. and we... today we will talk in connection with this, in general, about the climate of our capital, about kyiv, at the end of the very interesting recent rain information, i want to say record immediately. so, kyiv is located on seven hills and therefore has a difference between heights, and somewhere between the upper and lower point of about 100 m, and therefore cold air in winter flows, so to speak, down into the river valleys and lowers the air temperature there accordingly. well, besides that, in winter, in such a huge city as kyiv, the air temperature is several degrees higher than, for example, in the suburbs, because of the dense buildings and the excessive number of cars. the coldest
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period in kyiv is january 26, february 6, the highest air temperature according to statistics, july 25, august 3. the absolute minimum air temperature is -32.2°, we have already forgotten about it, to be honest, and the absolute maximum... was observed on july 30, 1936, and in the last 100-120 years, the average air temperature has risen by about 1.5° . kyiv's climate is moderately continental, i remind those who suddenly do not know, and here is this interesting information that i promised you: on wednesday , june 12, more than half of the monthly normal precipitation fell in kyiv in less than a day, and such a downpour... in 46 mm has fallen in the capital for the first time in the last 30 years, and the norm is 74 mm month, i.e. 74 is the monthly norm, and in one
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day even less fell, 46 mm. well, today is the ascension, i congratulate you all and a couple of such non-scientific folk signs: if there is a lot of rain on the ascension, a scanty harvest is expected, and today there is not much of it, so the harvest will be great, and they also say that if there are many mosquitoes on the ascension, then it is ahead. a lot of great weather, well, with what, with what, but with mosquitoes, we just have too much right now, so i think that the great weather will last for a very, very long time, because summer is actually almost all ahead, we are moving from summer, from the climate of kyiv to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field and we will see together with you, er , accompanying the forecast diagram, what will happen there, er, well, i want to say right away that the situation is quite calm, minor fluctuations will be observed, so we will immediately move on to... actually to the nearest weather, on the weather that is expected tomorrow, june 14, in the west of ukraine short-term rains and thunderstorms,
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the air temperature is not high +17, +23° in the northern part of ukraine also in places, in some areas, as we say, short-term rains, this is the summer nature of precipitation, when they such spots fall out, so to speak, and the air temperature is +23 +26, of course higher than in the west. in the east of ukraine, the heat of 27:31 will continue tomorrow, and no precipitation is expected, the anti-cyclonic nature of the weather will prevail, the atmospheric pressure will be high, then suddenly i forgot. in the central part of ukraine, in some places there will be rain, thunderstorms, stormy winds and hail are possible. carefully, carefully. 24-29° above zero, tomorrow is expected in the central part of ukraine. in the south, in the south 27-31, the heat does not rain before'. well, in kyiv tomorrow, june 14, there will be short-term rains, thunderstorms, the air temperature will be comfortable, it will fluctuate around +23°.
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the return of heat throughout ukraine is expected according to preliminary forecasts from monday, and for now , once again, i congratulate everyone on the ascension, and of course, as always, keep a close eye on the updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, i'm olga len, this is the chronicles of the war and i remind you about our collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporozhye directions. please join the repair and restoration regiment, working mainly on the contact line in the gray zone, in the open air in any weather, day, night, and for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, bats,
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need a micro. a bus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the war zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000, and now we already have uah 440,000. don't delay, please join, you can see all the props on the screen, the collection is very important, it saves our fighters on the battlefield, so please watch and join, well ... now let's see what happened on the battle line in the last few days, then we will talk about it . map of hostilities for the period of june 5-12, the crisis of the front in donetsk region and the clearing of the sky over crimea. the dynamics of battles at the front are gradually changing the vector. the russians still try to attack by inertia, but mostly without territorial gains. instead, their losses grow from every day thus, in 10 days of june, the zsu
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eliminated 500. 10 artillery systems, which is the largest rapid destruction of enemy artillery during the entire war. kharkiv front. a month has passed since the russians opened a new front in the north of kharkiv region and announced an offensive on kharkiv. there have been no changes on this front line for three weeks, but the occupiers do not abandon their plan and replace the destroyed units with new ones. however, not from russia, but from other areas of the front. in particular, from near klishchiivka near chasovoy yar and from the direction of korakhiv. so, on some areas in donetsk region. a little calmer. the armed forces continue to counterattack. city battles continue in vovchansk. our infantry is taking house after house under their control. in particular, the other day there was a powerful attack on the village of hlyboke, where the rashists were concentrating to attack the people. at first, our aviation bombarded the village, and later the bradleys drove there and significantly equipped the enemy ranks. in addition, ukraine carried out the first historic airstrike on the territory of the russian federation, destroying the building in belohorod oblast where it was located
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operative. the headquarters of the north group of the armed forces of the russian federation, which led the offensive on the kharkiv region. in the spring of time , city battles began. during the week, the russians began to actively enter the district, which is remote from the rest of the city, the siversky dinets canal. earlier, they surrounded this territory from three sides, and then, covering themselves with massive shelling and airstrikes, they went on strong assaults. they managed to occupy several eastern quarters, which make up 50% of the district. it is likely that the whole will have to be left with the defense forces soon quarter. and retreat to the right-bank part of the city, but for now fierce battles continue for every high-rise. from the northern flank, the enemy never managed to enter kalynivka, but in the south , the russians completed the occupation of ivanovsky, part of which has been in the syrian zone for the past few weeks. the defenders of klishchiivka withstood the onslaught and partially improved their position in the village. postavdiyiv front. after the failure near ocheretany, the armed forces still cannot stabilize this part of the front.
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the russian armed forces continue to make their way in the direction of the vozdvizhenka, from which less than 5 km to the highway connecting pokrovsk and kostiantynivka. this week, the enemies managed to almost completely capture nova oleksandrivka, as well as expand the zone of their control to the north of it. in addition, advancing on novopokrovsky, they pushed back the defense forces for 500 m in a section 2.5 km long. however, the ukrainian armed forces held back the offensive of the occupiers on sokil. on this front, the russians have considerable room for maneuver in different directions. and our defense lines are prepared based on the operational situation, not in advance. so the scale of the threat the number of brambles in this area is constantly increasing. on the southern flank of the postavdiyiv front, the enemy expanded the control zone near umanskyi, but could not do anything with our defenders of yasnobrodivka and novoselivka the first. along the entire length of this front, the armed forces destroys a significant amount of equipment, and it becomes increasingly difficult for the invaders to advance. ugledar and the southern front. in the ugledar district.


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