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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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well, yes, such a dangerous situation, let's say it bluntly, another guest joined us, a soldier of the ukrainian armed forces, yevhen ievlev, congratulations yevhen, i wish you health, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, yevhen, i understand that you are closer to horlivskyi there direction, but you also visit pokrovsky, which we are currently discussing, and chasovoyarsky, can you describe to us, well, actually, you know, the question is, do you feel that there are some new weapons there after all now at the front, more ammunition has appeared, therefore that it's as if this situation has already changed a little, when it was so lacking, lacking, and completely bad, or something is already felt, because, well, we discussed here before that the situation is difficult enough, it is still impossible to stop the progress. russians and
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we are trying to understand how, what, why this is happening, whether you can speak, and yes, i heard you for a second, there was a connection, look, i will tell you, i want you to evaluate what you i will say, through the prism of the fact that a serviceman is talking to you precisely from the trench line, because there are some there global strategic plans you see, even the regional headquarters, i will not tell you, and i will tell you that it is palpable, palpable skill, line, when there is bk for artillery or there is no bk for artillery, of course, when the artillery is worked out normally, it stops working, advance of the enemy, and this allows us to carry out certain maneuvers there to withdraw some of our positions, landings there, although it does not sound global on the scale of the entire front line there, but the repulsed landings are a very serious gain for us there as well, so it can be said frankly that that appeared there critically archi new, which helps us there to knock out the enemy and so on, the fact that we work fpv, you know, from the point of view of fpv, we are more or less in a stable situation, when we have.
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there is someone to fly and we more or less have, let 's say, sources that help us with fpv drones, with explosives and so on, what can really be said as a matter of fact is that it is noticeable that arta began to work more actively, and i emphasize , in what this manifests itself, i pointed out to you, the enemy does not advance as freely as, say, i will say frankly, i myself saw, there were settlements, not so long ago, a little, you see, the connection is interrupted... the connection is interrupted a little, i hope it will be restored now, but until it is restored, er, er, me then, i will ask oleksandr, oleksandr, look, your colleague, kostiantyn mashovets, regarding the pokrovsky direction, said that at the moment we already have a full-scale tactical crisis in the pokrovsky operational direction, and if the enemy... additionally introduces
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two or three, two or three motorized brigades here, then in this case i don't even see any particular difficulties for him, regarding the conversion of these tactical successes of his into operational, it's enough veiledly said, but eh, can you decipher what your colleague had in mind and actually, how to counteract it? yes, this is actually what i also said, the russians in this particular location have much bigger plans than it seems at first glance, they don't even concern pokrovsk so much, well there may be different options here, because i won't be surprised if they are make maximum efforts to advance in the pokrovsky direction, but the way they are forming the flanks, the way they are now forming their security zones, speaks of that they still... will move to
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the north, not so much east, to the north, and this is in any case a great danger for entire bridgeheads, such a bridgehead as turetsky, such in the future as the kramatorsk-slavic agglomeration, that is , this whole movement, it can really create a serious crisis in the donetsk region, and how to stop it, and to stop it, well, first of all, we don't have... enough to counter their advantages, it's aviation, in fact, every settlement that was lost, it is lost due to being completely destroyed using adjusted aviation bombs, and this allows them to open up any, no matter how powerful, no matter how powerful the defense-district is, no matter how powerful the defense lines are, they are opened, when they are not so powerful, then they are opened even faster, this is the first moment, the second moment, yes, it's true,
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the situation with artillery ammunition has improved a little now, and they have started to be provided to us according to everyone. promised aid projects, aid packages, but still they are not enough, if we are talking about such a location as chasiv yar, then it is generally height, this is the dominant height, but even there our artillery does not have a dominant role, even there there is not enough support that could, at least in this location, which is a dominant height, make it. well, let's say this, our advantage, although all the conditions for this are natural, landscape, well, i see that yevgeny evleev has returned to us, you already talked about the fact that, well, a little is felt in art, but here is the same question, actually , what, what do we need now
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in such a case, to still feel that we can, well, at least stop that the problem he started talking about. so you know, as briefly as possible, i support with both hands the thesis of mr. oleksandr that today the key story is the protection of the sky. if we wait for our f16s, which will start to change the situation a little in the sky, to hit the enemy planes that today are pelting us with fabs and kabs, this will change the situation quite significantly, i would not say that we will be there tomorrow, this will allow us to knock them out quickly from the territory and go to the border of the 91s, so as not to fantasize, but it will definitely make it possible to keep them on the lines we are on, because even though we have a shortage of bc, despite the fact that we have a shortage of personnel, frankly, the means we have today will be enough to at least deter the enemy and
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not to allow him to advance, if the advantage of the enemy in the air space is removed. thank you to our guests, our time is up, so stay with us... we still have a lot of interesting things to do, and we will see you in a week, the scariest part of this war right now is not so scary how a person died, how scary it is to return a body home, it's very scary that relatives are blocking thresholds like this and no one tells them anything, for eight months alina tried to find out where... where is her 33-year-old husband mykola shatniuk, as the woman says, after his military service, he entered to the ranks of the police of that time, namely the ups, later worked in the convoy service. he worked in this profession for almost 10 years, after which he resigned, and already
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in 2020, the man from kariv signed a contract with the armed forces, served in the fire platoon of the glorious 72nd brigade. and performed combat tasks in donetsk and luhansk regions, according to his wife, it was a test for her, but the real shock was when, in may 2022, mykola was transferred to the mechanized battalion, where he assumed the position of service number, however, the family learned about this when he had already left for zero. there was artillery shelling, and then after the artillery shelling they were attacked. the position was shelled by tanks, and which of the guys survived was shot, but after those, their bodies were cut into fragments, it was more likely that he died immediately at the position, 10 were already buried, they were found
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the guys are dead, and 15 of them are still missing, it's been a year and a half, the shelling happened on october 29, 2022 and already. in november, the woman received a notification that her loved one was missing, after that she knocked on the doors of all government agencies. the police, the prosecutor's office, the national information bureau, the sbu, and the coordination headquarters, but nowhere did they give a clear answer. as it became known later, mykola's body was in the hands of the russians and during another exchange, it got to his homeland. for some time it lay unrecognized, however, thanks to dna tests. him it was possible to identify, already on july 8, 2023 , chatnyuk was taken to the last road. he helped a lot in the fight, and in support, and he took a very big part in education, he really liked to cook with his daughter, after the funeral, his son
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came into the house and saw his portrait, he shouted very loudly, he is still asking, what about dad he's not at home, we're going to... the cemetery, i try not to take him, he digs the ground to get him there, he doesn't understand now what everyone has, he doesn't have a dad. the man had a beard, and as lidia, an acquaintance, recalls, his smile will be remembered. the woman shows the graduation photo album and says that although he has changed externally, his kindness has always been the same as in childhood. i had such a case, my father was in the hospital, yes, my mother and i were alone, and it was the end of august, and we had to dig up the garden, well, since we live in shkarovka in the village, and my mother is on my nerves, my father is the hospital, and... it was so hard, it was somehow scary, i was 17 years old there, i came up, i said
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, well, he’s talking, talking, he says, why are you worried, i’ll help you, yes, and he helped me then, and i remember it so much that he, what are you worried about, we will dig up your potatoes, everything will be fine, well , it was very memorable, and there were a lot of such cases, regarding support, understanding, soldier mykola shatniuk, who was posthumously awarded the order of courage... of the third degree and is an honorary citizen of the bilotserk community, these awards are now almost the only reminder for the family that their husband, father, son and brother gave his life for the peaceful sky over independent ukraine. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva.
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10 years of war, 10 years of hardening the ukrainian nation. espresso tv channel prepared a documentary about the key events of our history and extraordinary people who directly influenced its course. it is here that a ten-year history is documented, from the maidan to the present day to the full-scale invasion. films are documentaries. there are many of them, but exactly such a clear, concrete chronology of this particular period, well, there hasn’t been one yet, everyone will see in this film what they understand, or want to understand, and everyone will see something unique, it was important for me in the context of the slightly reduced attention of the western audience, to show what is actually happening in ukraine, what is happening. in ukraine, why this is happening in ukraine, especially in the context of
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counter-propaganda against russian informational aggression. the voices of the ten-year history in the film became prominent ukrainians, journalist and activist tetyana chornovol, the founder of the taira volunteer ambulance corps, writer svitlana povalyaeva and her son, the fallen hero of ukraine, activist roman ratushny. all three named the characters of this film, i.e. tyra, tetiana chornovol and roman, they are undoubtedly heroes, they are undoubtedly those people who gave the most for their tribe, and roman also gave his life. the film tells about triumphs and defeats, challenges and victory. about achievements and transformations that happened to each of us during these 10 years. there are all the events,
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starting from the maidan and ending with the current state of the war, and the main life of these three people, the life and death of one of them, the real heroes of ukraine. on the one hand, he is like that historical, just retelling events, and on the other hand very emotional, because these events are retold through people's lives, and i think that is the key to understanding. work on the preparation of such a large-scale documentary work lasted almost a year. in the end, the film will be released in two versions: in ukrainian and in english, because, as the creators emphasize, the main goal is to reach the foreign audience and show the way ukraine and ukrainians have come during this decade. the more films there are about the war in ukraine, the larger their audience will be, because each... a work of art finds its own audience, and people who may not have been affected by any other film will be affected by this one, and those who were not
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affected by this film will be affected by others, the main thing is to have the author's point of view, so that people see the war as a tragedy, for them to see people in war, and this is very important for the future. american director of slovak origin oleg garenchar became the director, scriptwriter and producer of the film. the tape was realized by the espresso tv channel together with the all-ukrainian public organization. media program in ukraine, which is being implemented democratic forum with the support of usaid , the international organization internews and the zmi development fund of the us embassy in ukraine. for us, it will be the movie sport. that is, when we watch these footage, we will think where exactly i was, at what corner i was standing on the same square when those things happened, or when the boys were shot, so for us these are memories, but we did not do it for only to remind ukrainians that for these 10 years, we did it to show this history and these
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stories to all ordinary citizens. there are two hours and covers not only the stories of the heroes, but also the history of the formation of the state, the visa-free eu, the creation of the ocu, the adoption of the law on language, the first viewers of the tape share their impressions, the archive footage, never seen before, was the most impressive. since i live inside these events as a citizen of ukraine, to say that something so new, i discovered for myself, something was impressive. but the completely unknown, never-before-seen footage with roman really affected me, when i started to remember his whole life and especially the year before the war, to be honest, i got goosebumps, i sat, watched, i looked at these beautiful people, at taira, at svitlana, at paevska, at definitely, at the footage of
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the chronicle of roman ratushny, and i realized that it has been 10 years already. i experienced these events in the same crimea, on the one hand, it is almost two hours long, and on the other hand , it is time-keeping in one breath, our main task is to remember and never allow a repetition. the documentary film 10 years of war is planned to be presented at kinoprokat, at film festivals and, of course, on the air of the tv channel espresso. and there are several more exclusive shows ahead. see this week's how does russia recruit children in the occupied territories? in the skadovsky district, a movement is opening. but how does a former teacher of the university form squads of young misanthropists? we appeal to all young soldiers of russia. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following
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the call of their hearts and wallets, go to serve the roshi occupiers. today's issue is about putin's youth. and those who manage it in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. the army in russia is not a group based on interests, it is a real children's army. by the way, this does not remind you of anything, putin's youth army is a direct carbon copy of hitler's hitler youth. in 2016 , serhii shoigu created his version of misanthropy out of diapers. the junior army is a separate type of paramilitary ... the ministry of defense of the russian federation, children's units are attached to the deployment of military units throughout russia, together with adults, child soldiers march in kremlin parades, paying tribute to the dictator. initially, admission there was voluntary, if the child reached the age of eight years later, all the disobedient began to be sent to the youth army. in particular, it became one of the ways of re-educating those who came out at
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the anti-putin rally. children are taught not to use a compass, to hold a weapon. shoot, fight, attack, and eventually die. determine your path. of course, you are all very different, one of you will probably decide to connect your life with the armed forces, in almost all temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russia has created units of putin's unarmy. according to the almenda center for public education, it includes: more than 35,000 conscripts are stationed in the so-called russian military center. children and this number is constantly growing, young ukrainians are instilled with the so-called love for the great russia, among regular events in which young army personnel participate, military meetings and excursions to military units. these putin child army units are run by local traitors and collaborators. meet me, this is wagner vadim maksymovich
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, born in 1994, originally from mariupol. on behalf of all the youth soldiers of mariupol , today i would like to... congratulate all our citizens, true russians on this wonderful day, to congratulate them that we are finally reunited with our great motherland, before becoming a collaborator, vadym owned a car wash and was a member of ge iskrinest, and with the beginning of the occupation of mariupol, he decided to quit business and devote himself entirely to treason , he was appointed to head the russian organization young guard of the unarmy. now vadim is engaged in propaganda among the locals, inculcates russian views and an anti-ukrainian position in children, forces parents to send their children to youth. the army and he personally conducts master classes among children, how to own a weapon, how to shoot, how to dig trenches, at the same time he does not forget to regularly help russian soldiers.
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here is a video where a collaborator brought humanitarian aid to the walking black bags. now we are waiting for the boys, they will come. here is one generator, the second generator, here we were driving with vadim, the artillery is working there, they are working now. may 17. in 2024, our law enforcement bodies announced suspicion against vadym wagner for the production and distribution of materials that deny the temporary occupation of ukrainian territories, in particular mariupol. therefore, vadym, you better train yourself to survive in a ukrainian prison among the same traitors as you. she was a ukrainian journalist, but instead became responsible for filling the youth army in the kherson region. this is yuliya olehivna sipko , born in 1976. she is a journalist by education and worked in the kherson regional state administration until february 24. when the city was captured by the russian army, sypko first decided
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to become a ringleader of enemy propaganda in the region, got a job as a journalist and anchor on propaganda tv channel tavria. unfortunately, the bare pier is 90% flooded. while we were there, there was shelling, there is nothing sacred from that side. they understand that there is an evacuation, while at the same time they continue to do their... one thing. and why did yulichka keep silent about who caused this disaster? or about the fact that after the explosion of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric station, the russians insidiously abandoned the locals and partially evacuated only those who had a russian passport. sypko showed that she is worthy of serving the kremlin regime, so she began to be entrusted with more serious tasks, for example, to interview volodymyr saldo. well , a candidate from the united russia party has already been nominated there. people are only being evacuated. in addition to this, yulia became the deputy head responsible for recruitment into putin's army in the kherson region. soon, in the skadovsky
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district, a new movement will be opened, a squad of young soldiers will be recruited so that they will later merge into a million-strong team of the all-russian organization. this narrow-minded and crooked person essentially calls the forced entry of children through... intimidation a selection their parents yulia is engaged in the formation of new units, in particular, she is currently helping to create a children's garrison named after the deceased kherson collaborator kyryl strymousov. despite everything, zaprodenko is afraid to even put his nose in kherson, he sits with his tail tucked in henichesk. the security service of ukraine has already informed her about the suspicion. and this head of the unarmy regional headquarters in the temporarily occupied luhansk region will be tried for collaborative activities and violations of horses and customs of war. this is oksana hennadiyevna luhantseva, born in 1978, native the city of sorokene, luhansk region.
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almost nothing is known about her peaceful life, except that she is a former teacher of one of the local universities. in 2022, a woman began to appear in the media space with the propaganda of putin's army among parents and children. today we are addressing all the youth soldiers of russia, our brothers, those who this time have it was a great opportunity to vote for those who are already 18 years old, young soldiers always remain young soldiers. the so-called children's troops began to appear in the occupied luhansk region in 2019 . they were started by the second occupation army corps of the people's militia of the lpr. after vladimir putin called the ukrainian territories russian, this formation of the russian federation acquired a new status. and new leaders appeared with him. the second year the chair is occupied by luhantseva. according to the prosecutor's office , oksana is involved in the organization of the russian movement, involving schoolchildren in it. children are taught military affairs. in addition,
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the collaborator promotes among schoolchildren the entry into the armed forces of the russian federation and other enemy power structures, arranges solemn dedications to the student army in the captured territories. in a word, he earns bloody rubles as he can. well, participation in political events and propaganda campaigns in... trymka of the russian federation is so much volunteering for her. a wonderful opportunity to touch the life of a huge country, to join the state processes. in april 2023, luhantseva handed over humanitarian aid to the occupiers on the territory of the so-called lpr. and after that, in the interview, she conveyed congratulations from all the youth army units of russia, clarifying that the aid was collected by the regional headquarters of the youth army aid of the moscow region. now the store is opening. new subdivisions schools in small towns so that as many children as possible could receive basic military training there. this is an excellent promising direction of interaction, it is both educational projects and ...
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enlightenment projects and, of course, military-patriotic projects. luhantseva is currently in the occupied territory of the luhansk region and has been declared wanted. i hope that soon she herself will have to go on a holiday or get a residence permit in those places where they also wear a special uniform, and instead of idle chatter about pseudo-patriotic camps, thoughtful considerations about alloy it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about... the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on
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espresso tv channel, studio program. we will analyze the event as the most important of what is called high security international policy. our guests today are matthew bryza and oleg rybachuk. our first guest matthew bryza, former adviser to the united states secretary of state, former director of european and eurasian affairs at the us national security council. glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador, god save america. glory to heroes. well, the key story is a huge diplomatic, negotiating circle. on which we are now walking, we understand that the g7 meetings should take place, yes, in particular, between the president of the united states biden and the president of ukraine zelensky. we understand that the g7 will be a key platform for discussing security issues, and at the same time on the so-called swiss peace summit is approaching, dedicated, in particular, to how to stop russian aggression. of course, russia and its friendly china will not be there, i would ask
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you to outline. a certain diplomatic-military-political contour of the situation in which ukraine is now. i think that we will see a very strong and unified support of ukraine at the meeting of the group of seven countries. the problems in the west from the point of view of maintaining this support for ukraine are primarily concentrated in budapest. the big seven will probably come to some kind of economic package support of ukraine. i hope that there will be progress on the issue of using the profits from the frozen russians. assets located in brussels and providing this money to ukraine. as for the peace summit in switzerland, it is very important that it obviously takes place without russia. of course, it would be better if china was present, but china chose a very cautious path. to say that china is an ally of russia is an understatement. china and russia undoubtedly have common interests in their efforts to counter the us and its
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allies. however, given the... on the current discussions between china and russia over natural gas supplies, china is clearly the more powerful partner and is pressuring russia and gazprom to get a much lower price for russian natural gas than russia wants. therefore, i think that the geopolitical forces at the g7 meeting and at the peace summit will be deployed in favor of ukraine. yes, well, but on the other hand, we understand that the position of china, unfortunately, what concerns geopolitical issues, maybe... security issues, it is connected with the position of russia, and beijing has voiced what we would not wanted to hear, in particular, beijing says that in order for the negotiations on russian aggression to be successful, russia must also be represented there, and this is china's position, and that is why china is absent from switzerland at this summit, even as an observer, how should we be with china's security position, china's position...
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remains the same as before. let's recall when he published his so-called peace plan for ukraine, the first point was the preservation and restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine, which was very unpopular of russia we also know that china and xi jinping later reportedly warned president putin to stop threatening to use nuclear weapons, saying that china strongly opposes russia taking such a step. china, by the way, has been considering it for many years. ukraine as an important trading partner, but as i said, china's deep security interests lie in undermining us leadership and the so-called rules-based international order that the united states actively helped create. so china will be against the us, along with its european allies on...


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