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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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type from a beret, snipers are constantly improving their skills in order to confront the enemy, who also does not stand still, at the same time they are sure that the motivation and skill of the ukrainian army is the key to our victory. in general, everything usually begins, well, with education, yes, there are also a lot of videos, there are a lot of different other, let's say, ways to learn. something new, here it is, it also helps, well basically the basic experience, it comes precisely in combat conditions, during a full-scale invasion from the very beginning they develop, just like we we try to develop, learn something new, come up with some life hacks of our own, well , the workers who will work, they are also torn apart, from that side. there are people who
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know how to fight, and they have always been there, and one should never underestimate the enemy. leon and skiv are now back in position, luring out russian snipers and ambushes and delivering the most unexpected blows so that ukraine can achieve a just peace as soon as possible. kateryna galko, serhii bulanenko, espresso tv channel. dear friends, we are coming back. let's say from our reserve studios in ukret and we hope that you are also in a safe place, the air alert continues, this is how the map of ukraine looks now, the muscovites decided to make us another fun day, fun of course in quotes, but i see that you react much better at this time , you probably have some anger and irritation that this mediocre thing is happening, because we already have 500 thousand, even beyond the 5000 mark. 500 1942
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hryvnias, you and i passed this mark today, thank you to everyone who donated, please join , with their hryvnias, our fighters need as much as 2.5 million in order to have drones, 13 of them, which will make life restless, or even shorten that life a little for muscovites, will determine where they are sitting in order to send artillery shells there. and of course, that these ground-launched missiles are in a reduced number, of course, that our military uses them very rationally, and for this they need drones that will well determine where to hit the artillery. well, i also want to say that today everyone, the whole world marks the world blood donor day, it is gratitude to donors for their noble act and saving the lives of people who need a blood transfusion or its components. and
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especially in the modern realities of ukraine, this process is very important. let's see about those who do not spare their blood to save others. blood donation during the war became another line of defense of ukraine, because it is needed both by fighters at the front and by civilians who become victims of missile and artillery strikes. in the white church, many townspeople join in donating blood, and this one do not stop the process. at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, as the medical director of the regional blood service center yana cherchenko says, the donation procedure is not difficult at all, you just need to follow a few basic rules, in particular, you must have a dietary breakfast. in order for the component to be really high-quality, it is absolutely necessary not to consume spicy, fried food the day before, alcoholic beverages, no medicines, desired rest, it is not
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recommended to come there after night shifts and donate blood there. anyone aged 18 to can be a blood donor 60 years old. the minimum weight for admission is 50 kg. arriving at the institution, a person registers, then goes to the laboratory, where the blood group and hemoglobin percentage will be determined. then a consultation with a therapist. if there are contraindications, they are classified as absolute and temporary. absolute include cardiovascular diseases, these are strokes, heart attacks in the anamnesis, infectious diseases, hepatitis, bc, hiv infection, as well as rheumatoid diseases to temporary contraindications, this is, for example, surgical intervention that was recently, then a tattoo, which was also recently suspended for six months, well, diseases, there,
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for example, respiratory diseases, also there for two weeks, suspension. anna is donating blood for the first time, she thinks it is especially important to do it in our country. time, in addition, he has a rare blood type, the fourth, which someone will definitely need, since there is such a war in our country now, and we need to help, i know, guys, well, not only our blood is needed by the military, and children also need a lot , came to pass, that is, it is the first time and it is your own initiative to help, yes, yes, of course, the honorary donor mrs. also remembers her first donation... nina says that it all started in 2015, when they were looking for a person with a negative rh factor to save a military man. in total, the woman donated her blood 43 times, she emphasizes that now more than ever it is necessary to join charity. now there is a war, and
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our soldiers are in need, they just need to be helped somehow. well, yes, well, as i... can't help anything else, well , i'm surrendering just to save someone's possible life. the blood service center is asking everyone to come for a donation. their institution is open from monday to saturday from 8:00 to 15:00, no appointment is required, you only need to bring your passport and identification code with you, and remember, blood is always needed, maybe yours will help save someone's precious life. lyubov gerashchenko, about how people now come to donate blood for wounded soldiers, are the queues the same as they were at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we will ask oksana , a korchyn volunteer, she is already
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in touch with us, ms. oksana, i you congratulations, good morning, glory to ukraine, unfortunately, well... yesterday i was just in the hospital and, unfortunately, i did not observe such a queue as it was at the beginning of the war, and by the way, in 2014, i was also impressed when the first wounded, it was exactly 10 years ago, we brought the first wounded back then from mariupol, and i could not understand what kind of people were standing near the mechnikov hospital, there was a line, i thought they were distributing humanitarian aid, to which i was told that they were people , and there were so many young people that... they all stand to donate blood, and the same thing happened, without a doubt , for the entire 22nd year, it happened here in zaporizhzhia, where we brought the wounded, to the dnipro, when we brought the wounded there were long queues, because without all these people, without donors, our teams at the front could not would save
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tens of thousands of wounded, both military and civilian, and therefore blood donation is just as important, donation is just as important as donating to our army, because without donor blood it is impossible to save the seriously wounded, especially now the last year we all front-line medics, combat medics are working to bring the blood components as close as possible to the front line, to the seriously wounded, because the evacuation has been delayed, unfortunately, our boys, girls, soldiers are lying in shelters, waiting for evacuation due to the impossibility of moving and... fpv of drones , and that's why you see how wonderful it is that you collect for drones, because it is important in order to cover the evacuation of our wounded. without drones, we now do not move along the front line and are constantly waiting for help and support from drones, and constantly
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we are looking, of course, for money, we buy slaves so that we can save our wounded, our medics from fpv strikes, of course, we need constant cover, and therefore everyone. who can, please help with the purchase of drones, everyone who can donate blood in this case, please, we need it, all our wounded, all our sick, in ukraine we need it every day, especially really deficient groups, this the fourth group, because i remind you, the fourth group, it is when it is in plasma, it is universal, that is, the fourth group, when it freshly prepared plasma, including dry plasma, it is used. for all the wounded, it is universal, and it is also a rare blood group, the first minus, because it is in ros, that is, in a freshly made blood product, it is the most valuable, because it
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can be transfused closest to the front line, it is in our doctors in special refrigerators, now the last lupus operation, if not for... our donor centers, which helped our teams to leave, to prepare these fresh blood products, and there there was just too much of the first minus, and it... we managed to save the first difficult days of the offensive, we managed to save hundreds of wounded, heavy ones almost immediately, that is , before we even reached the checkpoint, our medics were standing by, everyone was in the refrigerators, we , our cars have long been used in most brigades to warm up special special equipment for warming up the cars, sometimes we do it in shelters, so thanks to these miracles... i say to people, donors, once again that every day they are saved, they are saved hundreds of lives
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thanks to the fact that ukrainians donate blood, and this is extremely important, including for civilian hospitals, because ukrainians are sick, children are sick, cancer patients are also extremely in need of blood products, so this is the everyday heroism that we do not notice, but which are extremely important to all of us, especially in times of war. yes, but blood, not only blood itself, that is, there must be some special conditions of preservation, transportation or special test systems that can detect, god forbid, for example, in the submitted material or hepatitis, some kind hepatitis or cattle rust, is there enough of all this in ukraine, how do we get it, is it some kind of help from our partners, or is it enough from what ukraine itself produces? look, everything that concerns our blood transfusion centers, including large
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hospitals, all of this is, all of this is, it is all checked in a mandatory manner according to the law of ukraine, they are all checked for the four fa factors, it is precisely checked by fa methods , that is, it is for hiv, syphilis, hepatitis b and c, in a mandatory order, all, all donor blood is checked in okhmaditya, 15 years ago, we managed to deliver a special. equipment, we were then the only guardian volunteer council in the country, and we managed to supply specially then this pcr equipment, just the line and check for all additional diseases, so that, and more carefully, because the ifa method, unfortunately, it is not of the highest quality first the first there from 20-28 days of infection, if, if the donor, for example, had an infection during the first month there, and this pcr method, it is
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more reliable, that is why it is a hospital that checks for all diseases in all donors one hundred percent, and in the last few years, well, in the last 10 years, i have not heard, even more since the 22nd, since 2000, it turns out to be the 12th year , i have not heard of even one infection of a patient a child for hepatitis, unfortunately... not all regional centers have such an opportunity yet to prepare, because it is important, and therefore, if the donor is conscious, if the person is responsible, then we ask, nevertheless, it would be ideal if he before that, i went to any laboratory, public or commercial, and checked my blood, because everything it happens, sometimes we really don't know our disease, unfortunately, we can feel normal, people feel great, except for those who got hepatitis, when everyone knows. that they were sick, they are immediately excluded from donating, but for others, unfortunately, they do not know, and therefore the opportunity
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to go and get checked in state or private laboratories, it would be very good, because i say once again, state checks, hospitals check, uh, well, even where direct transfusion is allowed at some of the stops, there is a lycosan filter, especially with anticoagulants. transfusion sets, these are the stopping points that allow direct transfusion, we are the same, well , this is volunteer help, foreigners helped us at first for the 22nd year, now it is a little more difficult, we imported these express tests just in time for inspection, and now we are trying to itself, all the stopping points that apply, we also try them, including, i say, the one in vavchan, we also provided the first day with such tests just to be able to work in the event that... a lack of blood, a transfusion, and therefore, this system
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functions thanks to volunteers, plus we still check, for example, when we send to the front line and order different blood groups, including hermas or plasma, we also purchase express tests, i am very grateful to our benefactors, these are several funds that they help us to buy the well-known ldon over there at the front, cekspress. a test when a combat medic can immediately find out the blood group of a wounded person and use the group that he has in stock, mainly dry plasma or fresh, freshly prepared. er refrigerators in the same way, unfortunately, only volunteers helped us a lot, there are a lot of them, these are several funds that helped us with these refrigerators, that is, now, unfortunately, it is the state that does not help us, there is no such program, at first , as far as i can i remember that there was a small program at the end of the 22nd, 23rd, and some units then received with the help of moz,
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but then we still got all this from our charitable funds, and they help us with these mobile refrigerators, they find us . we take away the wounded, and unfortunately, not from all brigades while it is available, only from those where proactively there are nachmeds and combat medics, but for many, it is indeed an established process, and we are not refused by blood transfusion centers, upon our requests they give us blood products, and we use them, i say again, thanks to this... she the lives of hundreds of our guys are saved every day, because evacuation is now much more difficult than a year ago, much more difficult, many times more difficult, it is timed out, i already explained it to you, i explained it to you on the air, why we are endlessly looking for jeeps for evacuation, why we doctors are endlessly looking for bugs, atvs for evacuation, because we need
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the maximum and, of course, armored vehicles, it is simply difficult for volunteers to find armored vehicles. well, it is extremely valuable, but not everywhere armored vehicles can pass, and therefore we are looking for any through vehicles, we have a lot of evacuations, but we have already carried out evacuations in some areas, including ovchansk, on electric bikes , it is extremely, well , for light and medium, it turned out to be the only salvation, and therefore these medics who stand on first of all, they accept a wounded person from any method of evacuation, this is for a very... professional, when they have a refrigerator in stock, when they usually have heaters for infusions, because it is important for blood products, because cold it is absolutely impossible to drip blood on a wounded person, and warming your body is enough time, that is why we have a protocol, we all know, many of our volunteers and volunteers, our
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instructors also travel around the front and teach this system, finally already... soon , well, it's been more than a year since mos allowed all this to us, it's all legal, and it all depends on people's initiative, because they are taught, including in moza there is a program for teaching transfusion, blood products, and it must be used. mrs. oksano, we literally have a few minutes left, another loss among combat medics, a combat medic from zaporizhzhia, daria mikheeva, call sign carmen, died, she was 44 years old, did you know her? what can you tell about this person, this character? an extremely beautiful woman, she came from zaporizhzhia to the tro brigade, she is the 110th of the tro brigade, and she worked precisely on the front lines, you know, there are people who impress, but she has extremely beautiful eyes, blue, and
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well, this call sign carmen really suited her, she is very similar, you may have seen in the photos, what she is beauty. extremely brave, she was in our area with the brigade for almost one and a half years, she was awarded the golden cross by the commander-in-chief a lot of times, it was just a year ago, because it was a great honor and honor for me that we managed to award carmen, because she endured this very heavy load during counterattack, evacuated the wounded of both her brigade and all of ours, including many marines who also owe... their lives, because it was in our area, it was in the area of ​​vremivka and velyka novosilovka, we had an offensive, and carmen she did a lot and saved a lot of lives, unfortunately she died already during the fighting near kupinsky in the kharkiv region, that's why our front rests on people like carmen, no people, thank you
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people, they deserve it, i hope that the residents of zaporozhye will spend it with dignity in last way, they say that there is no such special tradition in zaporizhzhia, perhaps they associate it with the proximity to the front, to somehow see off the fallen heroes, but i think that now the residents of zaporizhzhia are watching us and will come, put a lamp, kneel down and see us off her last, last trip, ms. oksano, thank you for the conversation, oksana korchynska, a frontline volunteer was with us, dear friends. we can see a bit of a setback in the territory of ukraine, the map of ukraine is turning white, so you can gradually return to your usual life, while we continue our marathon ahead. one hour, stay with us, we will also continue from our usual studio, the most terrible thing in this war right now is not so terrible how a person died, how terrible it is
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to return the body home, it is very terrible that relatives are lining thresholds like this and no one does anything to them says, for eight months, alina tried to find out where her 33-year-old husband mykola shatniuk was, as the woman says... after a term of service in the army, he joined the ranks of the then militia, namely the ups. subsequently worked in the convoy service. he devoted almost 10 years to this profession, after which he resigned. and already in 2020, shkarivchanin signed a contract with the armed forces, served in the fire platoon of the glory 72nd brigade and performed combat missions in the donetsk and luhansk regions. according to his wife. it was a test for her, but it was a real shock when, in may 2022, mykola was transferred to the mechanized battalion, where he assumed
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the position of service number, however, the family learned about this when he had already left for zero. was artillery shelling, and then after the artillery shelling they were attacked by tanks, the position was shelled by tanks, and any of the boys who survived were shot. but according to those whose bodies were cut into fragments, it is more likely that he died immediately at the position, 10 have already been buried, the guys found their bodies, and 15 of them are still missing for a year and a half. the art shelling happened on october 29, 2022, and already on november 3, the woman received a notification that her loved one was missing. after that, she knocked on the doors of all state structures. police, prosecutor's office, national the information bureau, the sbu, and the coordination headquarters, but nowhere did they give a clear answer. as
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it became known later, mykola's body was in the hands of the russians and during another exchange, it got to his homeland. for some time it lay unrecognized, but thanks to dna tests, it was possible to identify it already on july 8, 2023. chatnyuk was taken to the last leg, he helped a lot both in the bat, and in support, and he took a very large part in education, he loved to cook very much with his daughter, after the funeral the son came into the house and saw his portrait, he screamed very loudly, he still does now he asks why dad is not at home, we are going to the cemetery, i try not to take him, he digs the ground. to get him there, he doesn't understand what everyone is doing now, he doesn't have a dad, the man had a callous beard, and as
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my friend lidia recalls, his smile will be remembered, the woman shows the graduation photo album and says that although he has changed externally, his kindness is always was the same as in childhood, or in such a case, my father was hospitalized, and my mother and i were alone, and it was the end of august and it was necessary to ... dig city, well, since we live in shkarovka in the village, and my mother is on my nerves, my father is in the hospital, and it was so difficult, somehow it was scary, i was 17 years old there, i came up, i said, well, this guy is talking, talking, he says, and why you are worried, i will help you, yes, and he helped me then, and i remembered it so much that he, what are you worried, let's dig up your potatoes, everything will be fine, well, it was very memorable, and such cases are very there was a lot about it. support, understanding. soldier mykola shatniuk, posthumously awarded the order for courage of the third degree and is an honorary citizen of the bilotserk community. these awards are now
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almost the only reminder for the family that their husband, father, son and brother gave his life for a peaceful sky over independent ukraine. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. attention, total sale, garden trimmers kors unpack tv with a discount from only 799 uah, only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, hurry to order while the video is broadcast, trimmers are light and very powerful, mow with gas near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and... even branches, simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawn mower function. call now to order at a special discounted price. you just
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11:00 am
with even thick branches. strong saws are easy to use and mobile, once and that's it, it's enough to suffer with standard overall saws, strong saws are convenient to use even in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 799, with the possibility of free delivery, strong strong saws, what you need, call. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. explosions rang out in kyiv. mayor vitaliy klychko reported on the work of air defense forces in the region. previously, the russians launched dagger missiles over ukraine. you.


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