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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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it looks like a deficit in the russian federation, because now russians are trying to get on the last train and buy currency for themselves, but it is no longer possible, mozgorbirzha simply does not fulfill the duty that was assigned to it. against this background, the second stage of training of non-strategic nuclear forces continues in russia, during which the russian and belarusian military exercises. preparation for the combat use of tactical nuclear weapons, that is, putin is trying to continue to thunder with nuclear weapons together with lukashenko, and they are trying to to convince that this last argument, which is in the hands of the two dictators, is the argument with which they can already sit down at the table in the future for some negotiations or agree on something with our western partners, although our western partners made it clear to putin as well and...lukashenko that the use of
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tactical nuclear weapons or strategic nuclear weapons will mean the end for them. well, obviously, in this situation, both putin and lukashenko are playing on their voters, and on the citizens of their countries, and are trying to to convince them that they will be determined to the end, and to make this determination even more informative, the russians sent the russian frigate admiral gorshkov and... the nuclear submarine kazan of the russian fleet to havana, that is, putin is trying to be a kind of nikita sergeyevich khrushchev and show the americans kutzkin how they can threaten the coast of the united states of america with two ships in the white house in the pentagon said that they do not see any military in this. threats, well that is, two
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some frigates, one frigate and one kazan submarine, according to putin's logic, should scare the americans. putin uses the usual tactics, the tactics of a st. petersburg gopnik, and he has repeatedly said in his interviews that the st. petersburg gatekeeper taught him. one, if there is a fight, if a fight cannot be avoided, you have to be the first, well, it looks like he is trying to demonstrate some strength, and he is also trying to demonstrate how he can hit the united states of america there, and of course show the russians this picture, as admiral gorshkov and nuclear submarine kazan entering the harbor harbor, and for the russians to finally believe putin that he... can do
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whatever he wants to the united states of america. friends, i remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our social networks, we work on youtube and facebook. for those who are now watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: do you think that the ultimate goal of russia in relation to ukraine - the destruction of the ukrainian nation? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write in the comments below this video, if you are watching us live on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the final russia's goal is the destruction of the ukrainian nation 0800-211-381, no 0800 211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote, and we are in touch: there is ivanna klympush sensadze ,
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people's deputy of ukraine, head of the parliamentary committee on ukraine's integration into the european union. mrs. ivano, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you on our broadcast. thank you for the invitation, good evening. good evening. today is not an easy day for us, as in fact this week is so foreign political, big, you were at the forum on the restoration of ukraine in berlin, despite the request of your faction to include petro poroshenko in this forum, this request was ignored, but you are there were, you saw with your own eyes what, what happened actually on this forum for the recovery of ukraine, let's start with this, and how our western partners at this forum perceived the government, the government scandal with mustafa nayem, the head of the agency for the recovery of ukraine, he slammed the door the day before and... said
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that shmygal, the prime minister the prime minister of ukraine, does it prevent him from implementing those powers and those plans that he had? well, yes, indeed, unfortunately, as always. during these years of full-scale, the beginning of a full-scale invasion, we have problems with attracting parliamentary delegations representatives of various political forces, and only there until the last moment it is always unknown who will go and whether a representative of the same european solidarity will be included in this parliamentary delegation, but it happened, indeed, i was there with other colleagues from mainly the servants of the people, and... . this year's forum, after lugano, after london, it was much larger, about 3 thousand participants only, and government officials, representatives of civil society, what is important, representatives
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local authorities, regions, cities, business representatives were present there and what gave them the opportunity to really have it there. such a serious network history and opportunities to establish some contacts with your visavi, but at the same time, you know, in my opinion, despite the fact that, well, the government officials who spoke on various panels, and the president himself, despite the fact that everyone obviously talked there about our challenges today with energy, our needs of ukraine in terms of increase. provision of weapons, it seems to me that ukraine did not use this unique, this a unique platform in order to convey this urgency of the need for additional mobilization of our partners, that the situation
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is actually very tough, very risky, and it seems to me that today actually, well, lloyd austin already said this, and... the secretary of defense of the united states on ramstein on duty, because he once again stated that the survival of ukraine is at stake, so ukraine did not convey this message in berlin, in my opinion, this is one thing, and another, if it was about restoration, and if someone wanted to discuss restoration, then it is obvious , which ukraine does not have of its systemic vision, but also of politics and recovery mechanisms, and she did not present it, and neither did ukraine. i came without the people who are responsible for recovery in ukraine, because the minister of infrastructure and regional policy, kubrakov , was dismissed a few weeks ago, on the eve of this event, due to, as i
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understand it, a series of disagreements that gradually built up like a snowball, and the last straw was that... the prime minister did not allow mustafinay, the head of the reconstruction agency, to go to berlin. he too resigned. this scandal obviously significantly worsened the attitude towards ukraine and the seriousness of the intentions of, say, those countries or companies that would be ready to talk about some current investments, about serious programs. projects, well , including aid and recovery, and we should not despise this, we should understand that we do not have strong institutions and we do not have individuals who would be responsible for certain directions, well, in this way we
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will not be seriously perceive our partners, and it is necessary to change our approaches, to change our behavior, to build institutions and... to be able to take responsibility for every action and for every inaction, and this is key for us now, because otherwise, if we don't change it, if we don't use it, then we will continue to lose the support of our partners, and not increase it, which is critically necessary for us. today, mrs. ivano, ukraine is trying to increase this support on several platforms at once, today is renbshtein 20. the third meeting was held today. ukraine-nato and during the meeting of the contact group in the ramstan format, deans stoltenberg said that the coordination of aid to ukraine through the north atlantic alliance will increase the amount of military
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aid to ukraine, he is convinced of this, and says that in the issue of the transfer of weapons there was a certain accountability and... transparency is very important, let's listen to what jens stoltenberg said. we're talking about a minimum of $50 billion in usage. of gross domestic product, i.e. countries pay according to their gdp, we know, yes, that, if we are talking about the gdp of the usa, then it is about the share of 50% of the entire part of nato, so we understand, yes, how proportional the amounts of contributions can be. i hope and expect that the nato allies will agree to this, because it is very important that ukraine... this stability, predictability, and we have to act preemptively in order to avoid those delays in supplies that we
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observed in the previous months. so, mrs. ivano, jen stoltenberg said an important thing about the predictability of ukraine as well, and for this accountability to be there, does anyone have doubts about what our western partners say, or he just. decided to preemptively say about it, well, believe me, politicians of such a level as the secretary general of nato, they do not speak preemptively, something from themselves and precisely express a political component right there, agreed with the vast majority, at least of the member countries of the alliance, and at least those key players who provide us with this military assistance in a serious amount, therefore ukraine should... seriously treat these bells and behave accordingly
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so that we can provide us with this uninterrupted supply of weapons where we can't produce them ourselves, we can't buy them ourselves, we can't buy them in some other countries, but you also know, that's a good thing, that now it's about the fact that it's 40- 50 billion, this amount sounds like something... that annually within the framework of ramstein, the countries should agree among themselves and provide us with weapons, but i would like to remind you that stoltenberg's initiative was originally about 100 billion, and we see that there is no such readiness, there is no such appetite, and here we still need a lot to work seriously on this, it is not a given, the help of our partners, despite the fact that it is really very serious, despite the fact that we... for the first time in the history of our struggle in general , we are not alone in this struggle for
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many, many centuries and they seriously and systematically help us, but in order to maintain the level of support and increase it, we need to have trust, this is the defining currency with which ukraine should operate today, and when it comes to permanent ones, well , about pro'. constant corruption scandals, about any obstacles to the work of this or that agencies or about the impossibility of building this or that system of work or about issues with anti-corruption bodies, it is obvious that this trust is being lost every day, it is very easy to lose, but very difficult to gain, the ukrainian people have gained this trust, so the task of the government is not to blur this trust and not not... to fail the ukrainian society, which is so, so bravely
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and so sincerely fighting for its own survival, for its freedom and for its opportunities to have and decide its own future. mrs. ivano, today is a meeting of the great seven, the leaders of the group of seven countries reached an agreement on the allocation of 50 billion dollars to ukraine by using frozen russian assets and... it is not about the confiscation of russian assets abroad, it is about interest from these assets, and why do you think our western partners they treat it so carefully, to russian assets, and they do not seize all russian assets for the benefit of ukraine, is this interest the first step to this, well, i really want to calculate that this interest is from frozen assets. russian, this is really the first step, there are a large number of lawyers, foreign, western lawyers, who prove that,
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entirely within the framework of international law, there are options for confiscating these assets of the russian federation, and this should not lead to the undermining of any financial system in the same countries european, or to break the trust of other countries. who keep funds in the territory of the european union or in other countries of the western world, but at the same time we have a large number of those who re-insure and who... well, maybe somewhere is counting on the fact that, well, somehow it, somehow it will be resolved and it is not necessary for us to risk such a serious decision, when sovereign, for example, assets of the state, terrorists, it would seem a simple black and white situation, can be confiscated and transferred
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to be used for the needs of a country that is a victim of a country that ... is suffering from the aggression of terrorist countries, but some are also very worried about how our western companies that have remained working in russia will feel, and for some reason they have, as they say, the russians will then start confiscating them, and for some reason no one speaks about the fact that the russians have been confiscating them for a long, long time, or pressurizing them in such a way that they are forced to sell them on the spot or hand them over to the russian federation for no reason, well... in fact, this is again a question of money , but also morals, why do these companies, contrary to the sanctions restrictions, continue to work and decide for themselves to stay in the aggressor country, pay taxes in the aggressor country and thus support its military
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economy. there are many questions, but i really want to expect that when we see one greater readiness of the united states. to take the lead in this process of confiscation of assets, that they will still manage to find a common language with the countries of the european union and move from purely using percentages of frozen assets to the assets themselves for the benefit of ukraine. among the issues that president zelensky is solving today in italy, where the meeting of the leaders of the group of seven summits of the g7 is taking place, is the signing of security agreements. agreements with japan and the united states of america, with the prime minister of japan fumio kishida, zelenskyi has already signed security agreement, he announced on social networks that president zelensky writes that during the 24th year, japan will provide ukraine with 4.5 billion us dollars and support our
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state throughout the ten-year term of the agreement. security and defense assistance, humanitarian cooperation. technical and financial spheres, joint work for the purpose of implementing the points of the peace formula, sanctions against the aggressor and bringing him to justice, this is also confirmed by the condition signed today, and we are now waiting for the actual signing agreement between zelenskyi and biden, such a ten-year security agreement, and a joint press conference between zelenskyi and biden should take place, but on the eve of the washington post edition. with reference to officials of the united states of america wrote that since the ten-year security agreement between ukraine and the united states, which zelenskyi and biden plan to sign, will not be ratified by congress, then any future president of the united states will be able to cancel it. well, this is the last, the last point and the last statement, probably from the first days
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the signing of similar agreements was written and written about, and it was written about in the international press. in the western press about the fact that these agreements, since they are not ratified by congresses and parliaments, that they are not so legally precise in terms of implementation, we will not ratify these agreements in the parliament either, right? yes, we will not ratify these agreements in parliament, and yes, unfortunately, uh, well, all the time we see, the issuance of the desired... valid by our leadership of our country, these are not security agreements, these are cooperation agreements, about cooperation, about providing support, and indeed this and that element, that they are not ratified, means that if there is a serious change in public sentiments
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within this or that country, politicians will follow those public sentiments, if they do not show their own. .. leadership and readiness, and there their beliefs will not correspond to the fact that they themselves have to form this public opinion in support of the country. so, you know, when i hear about what is in the security agreement with the united states, or rather the so-called security agreement with the united states will write that when, or in the event of a new attack by the russian federation , ukraine will hold consultations with the united states to decide how to proceed. well, this is a direct reference to the budapest memorandum. in the budapest memorandum it was written that if any country violates something in relation to ukraine, to its territorial integrity. countries will hold consultations, so in 2014, in march of 2014 or at the end of february, we held and collected these consultations, obviously she did not come there
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the russian federation, well, they consulted and as a result received very weak sanctions, the first, the first sanctions that the free world applied in response to the annexation of crimea, and we remember how long we had to explain that this was no... civil war and no, no, you know, miners don't find weapons in the mines to fight against the ukrainian armed forces, in fact we are dealing with the aggression of the russian federation, so it seems to me that we need not engage in self-deception and finally focus all our efforts only on because it is and can be the only guarantee of our security, it is... membership in nato, it is membership in the north atlantic alliance. thank you, ms. ivana, for the conversation, this was ivanna klympushadze, people's deputy of ukraine.
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friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you this, do you think that the ultimate goal russia's approach to ukraine is destruction. of the ukrainian nation, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, the answer is clear, either yes or no, if you have any special opinion, please leave it in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, take it in your hands smartphone or phone and vote if you think russia's ultimate goal for ukraine is to destroy the ukrainian nation 0.800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will match. the results of this voting. next, we are in touch with roman tsimbalyuk, my colleague, journalist, former vaskor unian in moscow. a person who runs his own large youtube channel, 1,200,000
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subscribers. mr. roman, i congratulate you and urge all our viewers to subscribe to your channel, i am glad to see you on the air. thank you very much for this promotion, it is very, very nice. roman, let's get started. from good news in moscow, from how today, in fact, what was the reaction to the sanctions of the united states of america, great britain, in the capital, in the russian capital, yesterday over 30 individuals and more than 200 entities from russia and china were added to the us list of sanctions against russia. the treasury department of the united states of america said that as part of the expansion of sanctions, the united states is banning. providing software and it services to anyone in russia, and as us treasury secretary janet yellen has said, we are increasing the risk to
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financial institutions that deal with russia's military economy and on their way to tax evasion, and we reduce russia's ability to benefit from access to foreign technology, hardware, software, and it services. in addition, there is a list. mozgorbank, sberbank, financial institutions, insurance companies were hit, well, the shares of these companies fell down, the dollar fell to 100 rubles, queues lined up at exchange offices and the yuanization of russia began, that is, how do you perceive the technology of our western partners in the attack, this principle of salami, you know, during from the soviet union, when everything, everything was slowly cut off, cut off, was cut off, and as a result, the united states of america actually got the result,
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well, the sanction regarding the moscow stock exchange is probably important here, in general, the story is cool, it’s cool because the american batik comes out, he was strong, heavy and painful . and everything remains the same, the question is how the american government uses them, but now they are objectively hurting, here the question arises, of course, why are these people who vote 146% for putin running to buy the currency of enemy states, well, it is generally very cool story, agree that everyone is telling that the united states should be burned with a nuclear bomb, and indeed europe in the same way. and when it comes to babuletics, for some reason this desire disappears, and in order to save their savings, they go
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to buy something not for yuan, globally this situation looks like... in my opinion, putin, well, you know, well, really, it seems that he was recruited somewhere in beijing at some stage, that is, to make a sufficiently large state completely, so, well, i don't know, completely subordinate, comrades, this is simply a fantastic thing, and i part of the propaganda likes how they started to lick. this is the place where vladimir putin is sitting, but not for him anymore, but for china as a whole, and accordingly comrades all, here are all the phrases about what is the 500-year history of china, that they are so cool, that they will conquer everyone, who want, and it looks very very like this, well, it's just humiliating to me in principle, because they certainly
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haven't joined this yet, although it was expected, agree, that is, we, we were all waiting, when china will reap its dividends, and here simply in the current situation, the yuan is replacing the dollar, i think that the russians have finally seen through and understood what is happening, although your good friend maria zakharova, the spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, promised. and i am looking for a response from russia on new sanctions from the west. let's listen to what maria zakharova said. such a step will not lead the west to anything good. this is an illegal initiative related to pumping the kyiv regime with money at someone else's expense, threatening the final imbalance of the financial system and devastating crises. in addition, european property and money of russia, as you know,
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this has been mentioned repeatedly. enough is enough, our government officials said, and the inevitable retaliation will be extremely painful for brussels, so they will have to pay for their madness out of their own pockets. here, maria spoke not only about this, but about 50 billion frozen interest from russian assets, and now when maria zakharova says that this is an illegal initiative, you just want to sob, because the country. which destroyed the entire world order that was established after the second world war war, which violated all international conventions, the right of people in ukraine, and simply turned into a murderous state, they are still talking about some illegal initiatives, what, what else can they say and what, what can they do, roman, well given the hysterical nature of zakharova and... not
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the unpredictability of the same putin or medvedev? and they do not have many steps, firstly, in principle at the state level, secondly, zakharova and i, well, yes, we are acquaintances, but we have not been friends for a long time, we will most likely never eat with them were not, and what she is saying is just once again, in my opinion, she should demonstrate to the western world that she can transfer her production - to expand the demand there, knocked down there and so on, you need to think very carefully about where you are doing it, the fact that she, they, are threatening to take away the western factories that have been built over the years, you can be calm here, it will work for a while, then without updating, without proper maintenance by the westerners there, including it specialists , it just won't all
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come back to one. great point, but here i am still, i wonder how much they made the decision regarding the war with us impulsively, that is, putin, and his decision, attention, was to place more than 300 billion dollars and euros in the west, that is, in nato, and you don’t think so, serhiy , that it is somehow logical, on the one hand, again threats, threats, then a significant part of the russian reserves are located right there in the european union, it seems to me that they have a little bit of a wolf in their heads, to be honest, and i like these cries, that this money of russian grandmothers and grandfathers, but i want to say only one thing to the russian grandmothers and grandfathers, pray that you will not be killed during hostilities, and money...


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