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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EEST

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kivits, it just won’t all come back in one great moment, but i still wonder how much they made a decision about the war with us impulsively, that is , putin, by his decision, attention, more than 300 billion dollars and euros were placed on in the west, that is, in nato, and it does not seem to you, serhiy, that this is somehow illogical.
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well, excuse me, well, this is once again the aerobatics of vladimir putin, when the war against russia is waged with russian money, yes, for this money, which will be transferred, of course, under the control of international institutions, there will be her salaries were paid to our military, well, and on and on and on, why am i focusing on the military, it's clear, there is a wider scope of this outstanding article, because they are the ones who destroyed it.
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there is a survey of the kyiv international institute of sociology that was made public, and it says that according to this survey, 60, 60% of ukrainians believe that the ultimate goal of russia in relation to ukraine is genocide and the destruction of the ukrainian nation, only 7% believe that the aggressor seeks to preserve already occupied territories, but does not actually claim all or most of the territories of ukraine. frankly, i can't understand why during a full-scale war only 60% of ukrainians believe that the ultimate goal of russia in ukraine is genocide and the destruction of the ukrainian nation, it would seem that these are obvious things that should be clear to 99% ukrainians, why do you think 40%, well , hesitate or let's say not yet... are sure
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that the russians have come here to destroy us? well, you know, for all these years, what has been happening since the 14th year, ah, if a person has not understood something, then he is an idiot, but again, in any society there is a certain percentage of people who, well, that is, so that this does not happen, you know, they are even such political technologists, they are like that when they promote a certain candidate, they... it is known there, they always know , that there are 10%, these are those who, no matter what happens, they will always be for this candidate, and there are 10% who will be against it, even if it does not happen, if he is there, i do not know, will either eat honey, or children, it doesn’t matter, their position will not change, so i still think, here too, up to 10% of people, well they are like that, they, they would, they would... hang
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russian soldiers on the lantern, and they will think, well, this is probably a mistake, there is nothing in heaven , they will figure out what, where is our place, to talk about public opinion polls in such a way , you know that 40% of our population does not perceive the situation inadequately, well, i don't think so, these social polls, you know, it's also such a thing. it would be possible to ask a few more questions about this and we could get a different and different answer and it would not be so striking, but i believe that here are other polls that say that 90% are in favor of the fact that we are advocating the return of all ukrainian territories, and actually this says that we are all right with the information, the fact that... this is such a mix of these and our
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problems, and there is also mobilization, well, war , the time is scary, and for some these fears are a little. well , somehow, some moron is in his head, but at the same time, no one wants to have a russian occupation boot in his city, if we were to add the father to this question, about which we are now discussing the poll, for example, here it seems to me that here these numbers were more adequate and relevant, but absolutely well... if in the same survey there were astronauts who even wanted the de-nazification and demilitarization of ukraine, yes, only 5% of them, so this is my theory, it seems to me that it corresponds to that, so
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in the survey it seems a bit strange to me, but i don't think that we have to pull our hair up here somehow, and we just need to... tell journalists what they are doing, and of course, against the background of what kind of support putin had in ukraine at the time , remember, in the mid-2000s, his there the level of support in ukraine was somewhere around 56% or 60, well, quite high, so considering that it was, well, literally 20 years ago or 19 years ago, it looks like ukraine did. a big step from russia, from putin, because we also had a party supporting putin, remember, in 2006 they struggled in the parliamentary elections, and they got 0.32%, or 1, 0.32, they got in sevastopol, only in sevastopol
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they received, but this party was officially registered in ukraine, and this is also, in principle, an indicator of the current state and of the past, as far as... we have gone far from them and moved away from them, well, actually, understand that, what we have as a result, i even, well, the numbers are all clear, you can discuss here, you can not discuss, the fact remains the fact that vladimir putin and the russian people, i.e. all russians, are pursuing a policy of de-russification of ukraine. it is happening before our eyes, and by the destruction of cities with people who, well, in theory they could, and the elections always showed, were loyal to the russian federation, what is russia doing to them, it is killing them, well, not only them, they are just in
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in this regard, they are absolutely systemic, they don't mind killing ukrainians in mariupol who speak russian, or residents of ternopil region or lviv region. the difference is, really, these definitions are aimed at us, we all know. in russian sociology, well, excuse me for this phrase, but they still periodically try to publish some numbers. well, today i came across a figure that 58% of russians understand why putin is conducting a special military operation in ukraine, and to be honest , this figure surprised me. could write 88 or 98%, still, or whatever is the attitude of the russians to the war against ukraine changing, because russian sociology, well, it is just as lying as
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the current leader of russia, and like everyone who is trying to publicize some figures, is russian society changing with the war, the main... the next, the fact that they do not mind killing us, it is clear in the overwhelming majority, of course, there are 10% of russians, i think it is ironic, who are currently there, who do not accept all this, well, you can also discuss, well within the framework of this concept that i said, and the rest, they - let's say, occupy such a place, they look down, do not look up, do not look anyone in the eye. the war, my friends tell me, that means when russians meet at the table, there are various topics, there is no war at all, they simply ignore it, they pretend that it does not exist, but what are the criteria, why are they changing, there are more and more such bells, that there is not
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enough meat in the russian army, and more and more people are talking about the fact that they will be mobilized, putin says that there will not be, and the russian kirmanich, well... he lies very often, i do i will say diplomatically, was it wanted differently , that's why they are changing, the issue is that they russians do not in any way... influence the decisions that are made there, because they think to themselves there, well, it seems to me that we we have to broadcast such a thesis, we you, dear temporarily, disrespectfully, temporarily aggressive neighbors, in ukraine you have two options, leave or die, this is where i begin to reach, well , within the framework of this, if someone does not leave quickly, they begin to arrive on the russian territory, well ... let's just record that even for us ukrainians, the burning of some plane,
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thank you, we have to finish, sorry, roman, sorry, it was the verdict program about serhii rudenko, goodbye. attention, a profitable offer. order a lamp. smart light at a special promotional price of only 99 uah, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 99 uah. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light, for only uah 99. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in capacious battery. it is so convenient, especially now, and the bulb is also a smart light, not afraid of voltage drops
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1:15 pm
get ready, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. get closer to victory, together with the central security service of the asbu. join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory.
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details on the official pages of the sbu. greetings, i'm olga len, these are war chronicles, and i remind you about our collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporozhye directions. please join the repair and recovery regiment, working mainly on the contact line, in the gray zone, in the open air, in any weather, day, night, and for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of ... wife of military equipment, in particular, tanks, bmps, bters, we need a minibus that will deliver to the zone military operations mobile repair groups and equipment and pneumo-hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is 630 00 hryvnias, now we already have 440 00 hryvnias. don't delay, please join,
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you can see all the props on the screen, collection is very important, it saves our fighters on the... battlefield, so please watch and join, now let's see what happened on the battle line last few days, let's talk about that later. map of hostilities for the period of june 5-12, the crisis of the donetsk front and the clearing of the sky over the crimea. the dynamics of battles at the front are gradually changing the vector. the russians still try to attack by inertia, but for the most part without territorial gains. instead, their losses are increasing day by day. thus, in 10 days of june , the armed forces of ukraine eliminated 550 artillery systems, which is the largest rapid destruction of enemy artillery during the entire war. kharkiv front. a month has passed since the russians opened a new front in the north of kharkiv region and announced an offensive on kharkiv. there have been no changes on this front line for three weeks now, but the occupiers are not leaving
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new units are transferred to the place of the destroyed units. however, not from russia, but from other areas of the front, in particular from under the pincers. near the temporary ravine from the korakhiv direction. therefore, it became a little calmer in some areas of donetsk region. the armed forces continue to counterattack. city battles continue in vovchansk. our infantry is taking house after house under their control. in particular, the other day there was a powerful attack on the village of hlyboke, where the rashists were concentrating for an attack on the village. first , our aviation bombarded the village, later, bradley drove there and significantly equipped the enemy ranks. in addition, ukraine carried out the first historic airstrike on russian territory. federation, destroying the building in belohorod region where the operational headquarters of the north group of the armed forces of the russian federation, which led the offensive on kharkiv region, was located. in the spring of time , city battles began. during the week, the russians began to actively enter the kanal district, which is distant from the rest of the city by the siverskyi dinets canal. previously, they surrounded this territory on three sides, and then,
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covering themselves with massive shelling and airstrikes, they went on strong assaults. they managed to occupy several eastern blocks, which make up the 50th district, probably soon the defense forces will have to leave the entire block and retreat to the administrative part of the city, but for now fierce battles continue for every high-rise. from the northern flank, the enemy never managed to enter kalynivka, but on the southern side, the russians completed the occupation of ivanovsky, part of which had been in the gray zone for the past few weeks. the defenders of klishiivka withstood the onslaught and partially improved their position in villages postavdiyiv front. after the failure near ocheretany. the armed forces still cannot stabilize this section of the front. the armed forces of the russian federation continue to advance in the direction of vozdvizhynka, which is less than 5 km from the highway connecting pokrovsk and kostiantynivka. this week, the enemies managed to almost completely capture novooleksandrivka, as well as expand the zone of their control to the north of it. in addition, advancing on novopokrovsky, they pushed back the defense forces for 500 m in a section
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2.5 km long. however, the armed forces stopped the offensive of the invaders cell on this front, the russians have considerable room for maneuver in different directions, our defense lines are prepared based on the operational situation, and not in advance, so the scale of the threat of the ukrainians in this area is constantly growing. on the southern flank of the postavdiyiv front, the enemy expanded the zone of control near umensky, but was unable to do anything with our defenders of yasnobrodivka and novoselivka persha. along the entire length of this front, the armed forces destroys a significant amount of equipment, and it becomes increasingly difficult for the invaders to advance. overview and southern front. in the vogledar district, the russians continue to gradually implement their plan to capture the city from the north, although all this is happening extremely slowly, and they are losing a lot of equipment and people, but the trends can be traced. clear thus, over the past two weeks, the rashists managed to push back the front line south of the village of pobeda, and also to break through to a few hundred meters near volodymyrivka and solodko. in the berdyan direction, the enemy
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has practically completed the re-occupation of staromai. zzu is further controlled only the northern outskirts of the village. also, the russians continue their offensive on the nearby fertile fields, but here the defense forces hold most of the territory and do not allow the enemy to advance into the fields. clearing the sky over crimea. the crimean air defense forces, which was once the most effective and saturated after moscow has now become leaky, as decided. the armed forces have significantly increased the intensity of strikes and destruction of everything that once defended crimea from our missiles and drones. a s-400 and s-300 anti-aircraft missile division was hit in dzhankoy the other day. before that, within a few days, the strikes were aimed at chornomorske, krasnoperkopske, simferopol, pervomayske, yevpatoria, naumivka and mykhailivka villages of sakhsky district. it is noteworthy that the newest s-400 complexes in crimea are beginning to run out and we are increasingly destroying them. s-300, which are not capable of stopping a whole range of strike nomenclature. the guerrilla movement reported that the russian military is recommended to begin evacuating their families from the peninsula. unique strikes on russia. for the first time
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during the war, our drones flew to the mozdok airfield, which is 1000 km from ukraine in northern ossetia. aircraft that launch missile strikes on ukraine are based there, including tut-22m3 long-range bombers that launch x-22 cruise missiles and dagger carriers. could 31k at the moment, the results of the strike are unknown, but they have arrived, this is the first stage, more will follow. the attack of the most modern russian sub-57 fighter jet at the akhtubinsk airfield in the astrakhan region is an extremely powerful reputational blow to the russian federation, which demonstrates that racists cannot protect even the most important strategic objects, because akhtyubin, it an airfield where their most modern weapons are being tested. it's nice that another modern su-34 has decided to do away with its own. existence on our own during the flight from the caucasus, we are defeating the death of our enemies every day, and we are joined by our guest oleksandr kovalenko,
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a military-political columnist of the information resistance group, oh congratulations oleksandr, good day, you know, let's start with such a general question, well, as if we got the opportunity. to strike with western weapons on the territory of russia, there are already a number of politicians there made statements that it is normal when ukraine destroys military capabilities on the territory of the enemy, but we still have a question, and when will we see it directly en masse, because, you know, maybe there is some idea that now there will be missiles flying there or something else, how it will actually be, can you describe when and what we will actually see on the territory of russia. and well, the use of this very nuclear, i say nuclear, western weapons, well, from time to time we already see it, everything began
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in the information space precisely with the destruction of one of the divisions of the c400 c300 complexes, which were located near belgorod, then not only the launcher was destroyed, but also the radar stations, and two at the same time, and this is very ... cool, this is a much greater loss than the loss of the launcher, and then we saw an attack on the headquarters in the belgorod region, the headquarters of the north troop group, and in the belgorod region there was also an attack on a warehouse with ammunition, high-precision weapons, most likely, this attack was carried out by m30 type ammunition from m142 hymers. and therefore they occur except apart from everything else, long-range and high-precision artillery strikes are also carried out on the territory of the russian federation, but this is not
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so often reported, that is, if every time the report says that we fired a shot there today and destroyed a self-propelled artillery installation there, for example, mc10s with a hit from haimars or 155 caliber, a high-precision hit from 2000 armored personnel carriers and... no more, mostly it is not the artillery work that attracts attention, but such large-scale strikes on some separate locations, headquarters, location, placement air defense, composition, etc., etc., in principle , these strikes continue every day at a different level of the same barrel artillery, and when hundreds, for example, thousands will fly there, and well... here is the question, we now we just received permission from our international partners, and we really
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waited for it, but there is a nuance. we received permission, and it is enough to, for example, close the entire line of combat, at least only on the border with the belgorod region, with all systems, well, let's call it that, conditionally, tools used for inflicting damage, using means of damage, unfortunately, we do not have, we do not have enough artillery, high-precision, long-range, barrel, for example, to cover all needs on the border. with the belgorod region, there are only some separate locations, mainly those that are directly connected with, for example, zones in the liptsi region, zones in the direction of vovchanchansk, where offensive actions by the russian occupiers are taking place, so we remember first of all this wave, only then we deal with secondary, and even more so tertiary. number
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its line zones, well, when i asked, i didn’t know, you know, you mean, well , on the night of june 12, on the night of june 12, the russian troops massively attacked ukraine again with rockets, rockets, mainly all of it flew into the kyiv-kyiv region, and that was all 30 means of air destruction, there are six missiles, 24 shageda, it seems that all of them except iskandero were shot down. and it looks like this, well, after such a little break and some, well, not enough, let's say, so massive, well, that is, it was already clear to them that they would not achieve anything with such small blows, and so with it gives the impression that we can probably expect some repetition of a more massive one, and that it was a bit of a shootout, and of course, from this point of view.
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the question arises, how can we, can we somehow prevent this, perhaps by striking at the airfields? well, here is the moment when the russians strike with the hast1555 missiles, they use strategic aviation, most of these airfields are out of bounds. damage by western weapons, and on some airfields conditionally, well, this is the same engels, an aquarist, although it is not currently the main airfield for basing strategic aviation, but we can get there with drones, that is, if we are talking about retaliatory strikes on the airfields of the russian federation, then even shaykovka, to strike at shaykovka, where
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the tu-22 m' is located. er, which are x22 32 carriers, or, as it was recently with the mozdok, the airfield of the mozdok, which also houses the 22m3 here, we can only get there with drones, and er, if we need to cover a large area, then the best option is however, striking with an atakams-type missile, unfortunately, we have not yet received approval from washington regarding the use of atakams to the full depth of their functionality, which is almost 300 km deep into the territory of the russian federation, although it is within this radius that shaikovka, baltimore, and morozovsk, where it is located su-34, so a fairly wide range of such objects, the favorite target for atakoms with a cluster- type warhead, so warn somehow... work,
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let's say, on preemption, and maybe using only drones, or as an option already our missile weapons, but again, regarding this, some details are relatively absent, ugh, well, let's move on to the line of combat collision, let's start with the kharkiv region, well, i'm not talking about the sumy region, because what is there it happened near the red river, it's more like this... such a pr move of kadyrivsky taken separately, his tiktok troops, that's why there is no such thing.


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