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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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that's theory, but practice still gives, gives much more. as the hottest direction, both remembered luhansk region, the silver forest, an area that the enemy attacks with a special onslaught. there were pluses, it was easy for the infantry to dig in there, but it was complicated by the fact that the difficult terrain is very difficult to navigate, especially at night, it is very difficult to pass certain areas constantly. if you don't have special means for night vision, it's very easy to get lost in this forest, there are many trees, close distances, and there were also some problems that, well, didn't quite play into your hands, there were many drones, and they could be easily blocked, and without... night
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vision devices. during the two years of full-scale war , the defenders went through many hot spots and difficult battles. it was possible to work with a very complex weapon. in particular, both mention the barret m-107, a modern rifle capable of destroying lightly armored vehicles. the peculiarity of this rifle is that it is easy to work with it on lightly armored equipment, such as it is. pierces armor lightly armored, it was during the kharkiv operation, our comrade destroyed bmp, type from a beret. snipers constantly improve their skills in order to face the enemy, who also does not stand still. at the same time, we are sure that the motivation and skill of the ukrainian army is the key to our victory. in general, everything usually begins. well, from training, yes, there are also a
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lot of videos, there are a lot of different other, let's say, ways to learn something new, this also helps, well, in general, the main experience comes precisely in combat conditions, during a full-scale invasion from the very beginning, they evolve, just like us try to develop, learn something new. come up with some life hacks of your own, well , workers who will work, they also break up, on the other hand, there are people who know how to fight, and they have always been there, and you should never underestimate the enemy. leon and skif are now back in position, luring russian snipers and ambushes and delivering the most unexpected blows so that ukraine can achieve a just peace as soon as possible. kateryna galko, serhii. bulanenko,
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espresso tv channel. the air campaign continues throughout the territory of ukraine anxiety. calls on all viewers of espresso to take an example from the team. espresso and stay in safe places, and news for your attention. schedules of hourly blackouts in ukraine started earlier at 2 p.m. and will last until 10 p.m., ukrenergo reports. they note that they extended the period of non-unlocking due to the increase in current consumption in the eastern regions, as well as the low generation of solar stations in the west of the country. six people got it.
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four women and two men were hospitalized after being wounded as a result of the shelling of selidovoy in donetsk region. the russians dropped an aerial bomb on a residential quarter of the city, the regional prosecutor's office reported that at least 10 high-rise buildings, shops, a cafe and a pharmacy were damaged. the strike was carried out according to the preliminary information of air defense technicians by a guided air bomb umpb d-30. they were working at the scene. according to this fact , police investigators and the security service of ukraine entered information into the unified register of pretrial investigations under article 438 of the criminal code of ukraine. my daughter died a year ago, and i am here alone. it didn't crash, my dear. fell down and did not crack. this is the second time.
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a 17-year-old girl was wounded by russians as a result of shelling in the nikopil region, serhii lysak, the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, announced. the occupiers hit kamika with a drone, it was damaged and a private house was damaged. a woman who was hit by a train in the kyiv metro yesterday had her right arm amputated. currently, the victim is in intensive care in a serious condition, write the capital's media. according to doctors. in addition to the damage to her arm, she also has head and chest injuries. incident happened in the evening at kontraktova ploshcha station. according to preliminary information, a 38-year-old woman lost her balance on the platform and fell onto the track. at that very moment, the train was arriving.
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russians recruit ukrainian teenagers. law enforcement officers exposed several groups of young people who set fire to ukrainian military vehicles. young men aged 13 to 18 managed to commit sabotage in odesa, dnipro and kyiv. they received tasks from enemy curators through social networks, for which they were promised a generous payment. young criminals face up to 15 years in prison. to everyone the intruders were charged with the crime provided for in the second part of article 113 of the criminal code of ukraine, that sabotage was committed under the conditions. state, all criminals were remanded in custody without bail, and the 13-year-old boy was released to his parents as bail, law enforcement officers call on parents to pay more attention to their children, to pay attention to which chatbots,
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which media they use, and to emphasize the insidiousness of the enemy . amber miners were detained in the rivne region. according to the state of the border service, three men illegally mined solar stones near the border. violators worked hydromechanically, used a motor pump, law enforcement officers found and seized stones and equipment for illegal mining on the spot. the police opened a criminal case. denmark will purchase weapons and military equipment from ukrainian manufacturers. the corresponding memorandum was signed by the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umyerov and his danish colleague trols lond poulsen. it happened as part of work of the contact group on the defense of ukraine in the ramshtein format. three hymars systems,
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air defense equipment and 10 leopard tanks. germany handed over another aid package to ukraine. the full list was published on the website of the federal government. 20 infantry tracked vehicles also entered there. marder, anti-aircraft missile complex, airisti, 21,000 ammunition and 4 million sets of small arms. in general, the government of germany transferred or undertook to transfer in the future military aid to ukraine in the amount of almost 28 billion euros. mrs. ambassador of the usa to ukraine bridget brink arrived on a working visit to odessa. the ex-diplomat announced this on her page on the social network. already met with general deineko and admiral kostor from the odesa regional directorate of maritime security. brinka noted that almost 1,850 ships passed through the black sea corridor and transported 52 million tonnage. according to the
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ambassador, ukrainians are doing everything possible to feed the world and support their economy. the last way home to ukraine was returned. bodies of 254 fallen defenders, informed to the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war. more than two hundred defenders died in donetsk region, 25 in zaporizhzhia and four in luhansk. another four were taken from morgues in russia. once the bodies are identified, they will be handed over to their families for burial. eternal memory and glory to the defenders of ukraine. and the tv channel. espresso invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate unit with a donation of the kholodny yar mechanized brigade. they choose victory every day and do not leave
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the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. also , they allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support. significantly increases the chances of citizens of holodony yariv not only to successfully perform combat tasks, but also to return from them alive, so join our collection, the goal is 4 million uah. save hearts. in the center of children's cardiology and cardiac surgery of the ministry of health within the framework of a special program, heart implants were installed in two young patients. now they are already preparing for release, how does it work, how does the program work in general, how does the little one feel, let's see further. selenika, how do you feel, tell me, it's fine. do you want to go home smiling? who do you miss after the cat and after
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the dog. nine-year-old solomiya is already smiling and ready to go home to her furry pets. she comes from the village of romanivka, kyiv region, where she was under occupation for a month and a half. the girl was operated on in the center of children's cardiology and of cardiac surgery moz of ukraine. she had a secondary atrial septal defect successfully repaired. which the little one had from birth, at the moment everything is very good, even after the operation she felt very well , we literally got back to normal very quickly and there are no complications, we hope that tomorrow we will go home, except for a straw in the center of the same another girl from chernihiv region was operated on the other day, who has the same diagnosis, she is also already packing her things home, it is very good, even if i say so myself, so... it would take a very long time, first of all, and even to buy such devices, then everything, it
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would take a very long time, and it is very convenient, that the girls' diseases were detected by the doctors very quickly and in such a timely manner thanks to the program of cardiac care for children from the affected areas, which was launched back in march 2022, the center's field team went to the de-occupied parts of ukraine and... monitored children who had experienced stress and could not get to kyiv on their own. we understood that children cannot reach us, that is, there are doctors, they are here, yes, children ours, they are there somewhere, but they don't even undergo examinations there, they don't pass their medical examinations, well, and then we decided that since the children can't get to us, then we will go to the children. if a team of cardiologists detected a heart defect, they invited the child's family to... their center in the capital, where up to 18-year-olds are treated and operated completely free
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of charge. they came a lot, probably once in a while every two to three months we go to donbas and even next week we are also going to go to examine the children, because the children are there, so they must be examined, because it is better to detect the quad in... well, timely in order to have the opportunity treat her correctly so that this child will be healthy in the future. the center for children's cardiology and cardiac surgery ranks first in europe in terms of the complexity of operations performed there. free consultations and operative intervention are a guarantee that the child's heart will be long and safe fight tetyana golonova, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. throughout the territory of ukraine , an air traffic alert is sounding, so i'll see you at the espresso studio at 4 p.m., and
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you can always read more about important things on our espresso tv website, subscribe to our channels on social networks, stay close, see you. bürgenstock is one of the most picturesque. the swiss mountains near lake lucerne, wonderful views, fresh alpine air and a very expensive hotel-resort, which more than once became a negotiating platform for settlement conflicts the global peace summit will be held here next weekend. this is a ukrainian initiative that was born in the fall of 2022. then, during the g20 summit in indonesia, president zelensky presented his peace formula. 10 points to end the war. the key one is that russia should withdraw its troops from all ukrainian territories, including crimea and donbas. in fact,
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this is the formula for ukrainian victory. and for a year and a half, ukraine has been trying to enlist the support of the world in its implementation. the west, in general, recognized zelensky's plan as the only one a fair way to end the war. but with the countries of the so-called global south , everything is much more difficult. until the last , kyiv hoped that he would come to the meeting in the swiss alps. the meetings in switzerland still fall far short of china's requests and the general expectations of the international community, which makes it difficult for china to participate. we have always insisted on participation in the peace summit of both russia and ukraine, as well as on the discussion of all peace proposals on a fair and equal basis. otherwise, it will be difficult for china to play a significant role role in restoring peace. china's refusal was
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unfortunate news for ukraine, especially since representatives of beijing last year. in august took part in a preparatory meeting in jeddah in saudi arabia, according to the authoritative british edition of the financial times, during a may visit to beijing, putin personally asked chinese leader xi jinping to ignore the summit. after china's final decision, a number of other countries followed suit, including brazil, saudi arabia, and south africa. president zelenskyi, it seems, caused no only disappointment, but also irritation. the united states. the americans have contacts with some states, where they are encouraged to participate in the peace summit. china, unfortunately, on the contrary, today works to prevent countries from coming to the peace summit. there is a big difference between these two positions. as of the beginning
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of june, about 110 countries have confirmed their participation in the summit. western countries will be represented at the highest level. german chancellor olaf scholz and french president emmanuel macron are scheduled to visit switzerland. the usa will be represented by vice president kamala harris and biden's national security advisor jake sullivan. but the level of representation of the countries of the global south that decided to attend the summit will be much lower. in particular, india will be represented by the secretary of foreign affairs or the deputy national security advisor. the indian press writes about it. and even for the sake of such a result, ukraine had to make... concessions and bring up for discussion only three points from zelenskyi's formula, these are food and nuclear security, as well as the issue of the exchange of prisoners and the return of illegally deported ukrainian children. the agenda is as narrow as possible in order to reach at least some kind of agreement. we should not expect more - german
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chancellor olaf scholz said on the eve of the summit. there will be no peace talks, we are still far from that. while russia believes it can achieve its goals on the battlefield, it is about engaging countries from around the world to make it clear to moscow that international law and the un charter continue to apply, russia must withdraw its troops from ukraine. concerns about the possible results of the summit were also heightened by the european truth publication, it claims to have read the previous communique of the meeting, which seems to say that its participants are based not only on the ukrainian uniform. of peace, but also on other peace proposals, that is, in essence, the so -called peace plan of china, which is supported by moscow and which proposes to freeze the conflict on the front line, is legalized. alarming is also added by bloomberg's information that after the summit in switzerland, the eu is apparently planning to organize another one in saudi arabia in the fall and
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this time invite russia to meet. in interview frankfurter alemaine, it is indirect. confirmed viola amhert, the president of switzerland, the host country of the first summit. with the help of this conference , we want to create a dialogue platform where, as a first step, we will discuss how to achieve peace in ukraine. it is clear to us that we will not sign a peace agreement based on the results of the conference. for peace, both sides must be at the negotiating table. at the moment it seems impossible. russia could participate in a possible next conference. the idea of ​​the summit. when he was just born in the heads of ukrainian diplomats was to agree on the terms of ending the war without russia, and only then to put pressure on the aggressor with a common position of the world. but if the meeting in switzerland is limited to only three non-key points, and ends with ambiguous formulations, then it will not be easy to do this. the withdrawal of russian troops from ukrainian
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territory, the payment of reparations, and the restoration of international law, all of this was ruled out. meetings in bürgenstock, which means that it is unlikely to significantly bring ukraine closer to justice peace there are discounts, representing unbreakable discounts on steel foams, 20% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. attention, total sale, kors garden trimmers unpack tv with a discount from only 799 uah, only 799 for. reliable tool, high power, easy to use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, hurry to order while the video is being broadcast, trimmers are light and very powerful, mow with gas near fences from... along the line of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, cut bushes and even branches, simple and easy, leave big heavy mowers in the past, choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function,
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can do it all in one go with strong saws, just see how fast they cope, even with thick branches, strong saws are easy to use and mobile, once you're done, you don't have to bother with standard overall saws, strong saws are convenient to use even in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool. only from uah 799 with the possibility of free delivery, powerful saws, strong, what you need, call for information, the information day of the espresso tv channel continues its work, so the air alarm is over, we continue to work with the espresso studio and will add guests to our broadcast. news has arrived regarding the peace summit, which is about to begin. tomorrow, so the delegation of ukraine at the peace summit consists of eight officials, there is a list and program of the first day. the summit will begin at 2:45 p.m. kyiv time
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with joint statements by the presidents of ukraine and the delegation of ukraine included president zelenskyi, head of the president's office yermak, first deputy prime minister of the minister of economy yuliya svyredenko, minister of foreign affairs dmytro koleba, deputy heads of the president's office ihor brusylo, mykola tochytskyi and ihor zhovkva, commissioner of the verkhovna rada of ukraine for rights dmytro lubinets, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in switzerland confederation and principality of liechtenstein iryna venediktova. we will now. to speak with oleh shamsher, diplomat, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the united states from 2005 to 10 and ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to france from 14 to 20. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, there is a list of the ukrainian delegation, quite high- ranking ukrainian officials will be present at the summit tomorrow. the summit
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will begin, actually. already after lunch, in fact, and we understand that there will be the first plenary meeting summit, here we are approaching this x-day, how do you now assess, first of all, the preparation for this summit, for this communiqué, which does not already contain this clause that ukraine is ready to cede territorial quality to russia, and in general, what should be expected, in principle, nothing... unexpected neither in the composition of the delegation nor in our realistic expectations from the summit, well, i have one way or another, my opinion has not changed, this summit can be useful precisely as a platform for broadcasting our messages, for work on expanding the group of supporting countries.
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the ukrainian peace formula, but it is clear that this very one, well, by definition, cannot prepare any solutions, advance to the end of the war in ukraine, especially on terms acceptable to us, we had quite a lively discussion, as i understand it, about the content of the final document, as the achievement was. indicated, i at least heard that there finally appeared a provision that russia is an aggressor, well, the fact that there was even a struggle for such a wording indicates that the expectations from the summit should really be very, very limited, of course, we would like to make progress, at least in solving
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some practical... issues related to the three items of the agenda, but we understand that these items are important, but they are not fundamental for the end of the war. that is, this is my assessment, and the main thing is not what will be written in the document, well, in principle, it is important, but the main thing is whether there will be discussions, any specific steps will be adopted, and in principle , this summit is to drag... side, if you want, to stir up, not the western ones partners, everything is clear here in principle, namely the representatives of the global south, let 's see how many of them will come, at what level, and most importantly, what they will say, then after, after that, it will be possible to beat up some side effects of the summit, well, russia is sneaky before the summit itself, putin decided to make such a move
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. putin, speaking in... from the russian federation , decided to talk about peace negotiations again and says that he offers a real solution to the war, not freezing the conflict. what does putin propose? he suggests that ukraine gave up zaporizhzhia, kherson region, donetsk region and luhansk region, where nazification, demilitarization, retreat from intentions to join nato. so, if we fulfill all these conditions, according to putin, he is ready to create and sign an order to stop the withdrawal of troops right from tomorrow. hostilities, by the way, we have your son-in-law, oleg senyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, in the studio with us now, so i want you gentlemen to react to putin's repeated statements, especially on the eve of the peace summit in switzerland, regarding possible peace negotiations and, as it were, even negotiations, which will really guarantee us the end of the war, not a freeze, so let's first, mr. oleg, you will react, and then, mr. oleg sinyutka.


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