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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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please tell about the realities of how difficult it is, what with the technique, how successfully it works and what the praised, advertised enemy rap is. well, you have asked a lot of questions, let's start with the main one, you can hardly say that one type of means is more important than others, drones are as important as artillery as well as infantry, because only a complex of measures can give some a good result if this... all will be autonomous republics, and each one will do its own work exclusively without interaction with others, there will be no result. fortunately, in my subjective opinion, we have pretty good communication now, at least now in the third year of a full-scale war, units cooperate well in cooperation, some uav units, usually it is a wing that carries out deep reconnaissance, detects, already ...
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the support units, whether it's mortars, whether it's artillery, whether it's uav crews, strikers, that is, fire fighters, as you mentioned, are already hitting the target, having good communication, having excellent understanding in each of the areas of the front, where you need what means and having the means themselves, then you can achieve good, good results. about the reb that you asked, indeed the reb is our main, main one. means whether for reconnaissance or for defeat, much more often this happens due to radio-electronic warfare, they have a lot of mechanisms, they have a lot of this equipment, it is of high quality, it must be understood, russia is one of the countries that is one step ahead of most other large countries in... in the means of radio-electronic
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intelligence and in the means of radio-electronic warfare, the method of combat is quite simple, first of all, not to undermine their advantage at the expense of our rebu, which we also have, which we also use, which is also produced in ukraine, maybe not in such quantities at the moment, but these processes are launched, they show themselves quite well in fact, another point, simply just destroy the places of dislocation , people. the enemy, but they are somehow like that, well, you can fix them, find out at which point the enemy's reb operators are, and then strike there, right? reb is a very broad concept, it can be of different types and types cost, from the outside it also looks very, very different, even an elementary mechanism the size of a laptop displayed somewhere on a tree can do a lot of damage to our pilots, on the other hand, it can be huge co... complexes, the bigger the rep, the
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the further it is from the lbz, from the combat line, accordingly, the more difficult it is to detect and destroy it, but the defense forces have such experience, we know very well, as well as the 103rd tro brigade from the lviv region, which destroyed the powerful means of the reb of russia, and other brigades had such an experience, it is very cool, for us, for the pilots it is a very high-priority target, although it is not always possible to ... reach it or detect it, portable weapons that are carried somewhere by infantry, mounted on vehicles, or so-called trench weapons, they are also widely distributed, as in of the enemy, as well as ours, so somewhere we still have to understand that not only the enemy's rap works against us, it can also be said that our rap works against us, so if there is normal communication with units that use radio electronics. the struggle will be
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an opportunity to work normally, negotiate, now we will fly in this direction, please make a window for us, and this is how it works on the personal communication of the crews who use these or other types of unmanned aircraft complexes, the rebists who work, and of course the scouts who uh, let’s say yes, they correct or lead to one or another goal. and by the way, i wanted to return to the beginning of the conversation, because you very rightly noted that... these are complexes of different units and in fact, if all these combinations function correctly, then it gives a cool result, but unfortunately, the delay in the help from our western partners for six months, they forced our fighters to essentially compensate for the shortage of artillery ammunition thanks to drones, and it is good that we thought of this, although we understand that a drone and artillery ammunition, they have different characteristics and carry different damage, nevertheless, how much drones have justified themselves
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in conditions where there is a certain shortage of artillery ammunition, more than justified themselves, i was recently asked the question whether drones will ever be able to replace the artillery, i'm not sure if they can. artillery, but now they are doing their job at 100%, and maybe even more, imagine, that is, a small drone there for $500 can burn an enemy tank, can kill a group of infantry, a small drone for $500, there for $700 or $400 dollars, can cause insane damage, the same drone can be used to destroy the enemy's radio-electronic warfare, they are quite universal, they... can be made cumulative, they, they can be made high-explosive, high-explosive everything depends on the tasks and, let's say, on the imagination of the sapper who prepares the explosives for this drone, so, as you say, at the beginning of the war, it came as a surprise to everyone that drones could be so
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effective, here i would like to draw attention to to the next one: we used and continue to use civilian equipment, which... in principle, by its origin, is not intended for that, let's go into more detail, yevgeny, which civilian equipment, that is, cars, no, look, that's all very simple, ordinary mavik, and, well classic mavik, since the beginning of the war, everyone has heard about maviks, about the need for maviks, about the shortage of maviks, that they are very effective, this is civilian equipment that we as journalists used for shooting before the start of full-scale shooting, and they were often jokingly called wedding drones are civilian equipment, which in our... good hands turns into equipment that performs combat tasks, and so are fpv drones, no one invented them in order to hit the equipment or personnel of the enemy, it was invented for the purpose sports, entertainment, filming, video of some cool, fast, dynamic, but certainly not
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for military purposes, that is, but unfortunately, the trouble forced us to upgrade civilian equipment for our military needs, and we use it to... effectively, which is true, we must also give credit to the enemy, who at the beginning of the war caught up with us in the plan of the small sky, as we call the distances there for reconnaissance or defeating with pings, and now sometimes even overtakes them, and the bayraktars are flying somewhere, have they all worked out their songs there they sang, well, we understand that they were very important there in the first couple of months of the war, but now you don't hear anything about them, i'm not a bairaktar pilot, but... during all the time of my work on the front line , i never once saw for the bayraktars to hit someone or something, instead it was done by other much cheaper types of unmanned aerial vehicles, this is the first, secondly, we declared ourselves
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very cool at the beginning of the war, when we started using bayraktars, we all remember from the year 22 , since the spring of the 22nd year videos where we are whole whole columns... we don't smoke with the help of bayraktars, bayraktars have become such a popular name, sung in songs and so on, eh, but now there are a lot of effective, and most importantly, most importantly cheap equipment, i'm not saying that bayraktars they are bad, i personally have never worked with them, instead we see what the enemy is doing, at the beginning they had full-scale eagles, which were usually used for reconnaissance, now they have lancets and superkamas in huge numbers, this is the story about i say that now in little sky, we are inferior to them, in my opinion, and we have to catch up, and by the way, about drones in every, as they say, house or in every kitchen, well, the ministry of digital has set itself the goal of actually making workshops in almost every ukrainian house in order for us to produce
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as many drones as possible, it would seem like a pretty good idea, but there are quite a few caveats to this process, because the people who assemble these drones, in the first place, they may not be... very educated in this regard , they can make it so that it then or, god forbid, it can still cause damage, so regarding these very kitchen options for assembling drones, how do you think it should look right, so that it is effective and not so that it could bring some danger to our military, i answer, first, i have dealt more than once with the so-called drones assembled in the kitchen. it is not bad that in this way somewhere the state of the ministry of statistics involves civilians to contribute to our victory, it is bad when people do not know what exactly they are doing. in fact, it is not enough to simply look at two posts on youtube, order a kit from aliexpress , assemble, say, let’s fly, when
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such drones come to us, they still have to be upgraded for quite a long time, so the initiative is not bad, i just wish that civilian people who make them with a volunteer... purpose so free of charge to hand over to the military to be done in communication with the military themselves, who will directly use these drones, this is the first, second, you asked yourself: how should it look from the professional side, it is much easier when the drones arrive in batches and all are the same, you i just reconfigured them for myself, made some of my own settings there, upgraded, changed the frequencies and flew, this is how it looks now in the russians, they receive large batches, and with these batches , all their drones are of the same type, it is much easier when you have the drones are the same type, you don't have to climb in and deal with... each individual drone, it's much easier when you just have people there not far from the front line who
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received a batch of drones, flew around, looked at the settings, handed it over to you, you're on the line combat encounter as an fpv drone pilot just doing your job when these home made drones come along as we call them or they are assembled in the kitchen somewhere, it's good that they are there, sometimes they do a phenomenal job, but it's much easier when this story is centralized, and by the way, what is the average life of one drone and how many? one drone must be distinguished, it is for reconnaissance, it is for damage, if for damage, if it is a kamikaze, it takes 5-7 minutes to fly to the place where it will hit or not hit its the goal, if we talk about intelligence, everything depends on other factors, such as rap, in reb conditions it is very difficult to fly, and rap almost always works, first, second, weather conditions, they also affect the life of the board, i have a tradition , for example, i always... kiss reconnaissance drones before takeoff, and then it seems to me that
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they fly longer, they can even live for a few days, but this is mine anyway, this is my own superstition, usually you can’t, well it is not actually possible to derive an average duration the life of a drone, it can live for 3 minutes, but it can do a phenomenal job and save more than one life, and it can live for weeks, but it is useless, well, it is hardly pointless, it is meant to just fly in more favorable conditions. to live longer in such hothouse conditions, to do their work as well, but if we talk about uav operators, operators, drones, how long does it take to train a person, then they took someone from scratch and invited, so to speak, to quickly complete all the procedures, yes so to speak, a combination with our army, well, and accordingly it is necessary to teach a person, let's again distinguish between operators who fly on mavics, matrices, that is, they carry out reconnaissance or elementary drops, that is, small... members of fpv drone crews, that is
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, kamikaze drones, and those that fly on wings, or there on fpv wings or on other means already for deep reconnaissance, which carry a different functionality, in order to become a mavic operator, that is, what we call them mavic drivers, in fact, it seems to me that two weeks, three weeks are enough, and then certain skills pumped already on the line a combat encounter in order to become... a good fpv drone operator, a month and a half is enough and you can do your job in the same way, with wings it’s a different story, because they are all quite specific, very few of them work according to a single principle, and here already it is necessary to proceed from the fact that for each type of wing it is desirable to train specifically the crew, not the operator, but the crew, we are currently practicing the following model in the national guard, persons who want to be uav operators. or from the number of active military personnel, or, let's say yes, recruits who are still civilians, but
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see themselves in the future, in the future as military personnel, namely uav operators, we send them to civilian schools, where they are trained in each, well, in a certain direction, it is either reconnaissance on a multirotor, or fishmen, or wing operators, after passing this standard base, we then already train them as combat instructors and train them to this level so that they... are ready to go to the line of combat missions and already work actively and effectively there crew members and by the way, what's up with the staff now? i mean, do we currently have enough crews and operators of uavs of various types, or is there still a certain shortage in this segment? because if you listen to many, for example, conscripts, many want to get into air reconnaissance, for example, and that's it. became such a master in essence, but i wonder if we don't have a certain upper limit for these specializations, or
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on the contrary, we still need to select such people? i am not ready to answer about the limit it seems that there is no limit, that there are vacancies in many divisions, often even one brigade invites pilots or entire crews from other brigades to join them, to their brigades, to be subordinated, to transfer. also, i'm sure a lot of brigades are running a recruiting campaign targeting people who would like to become uav operators, that's the first, second, uh, why so many... people both at the beginning of the war and now want to to become precisely uav operators, because there is such and such an opinion that it is very safe, it's not very safe, but it's definitely safer than serving in the classic infantry, for example, but you need to pay attention that not everyone can become a uav operator, from my own experience, five percent of people
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are eliminated at the start, even among these civilians schools, which serve as a kind of net, which... weed out people, well, who simply cannot become uav operators, this happens, for example, someone wants to be a pilot, but he has a weak vestibular apparatus and cannot do it others want to work there in intelligence on by bpla, but then they understand, well, it’s not theirs , i had this experience of communicating with interesting and very good infantrymen, it was three of them, the fourth said yes, i was an infantryman there and i remain an infantryman, it’s for me yes... i don’t want that , i am better at the work that i already know, or that i know how to do, in terms of mobilization, yes, the mobilization process is actively underway now, we understand that everyone who has delayed should hurry up, on the other hand, there is also a choice, it is possible for you they are forcibly mobilized, or you will sign contract and you will get into the unit you want, that is, everyone has the right to make up their own
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mind as to what is the best way to do it, and if we are talking about the possibility of entering the defense forces under a contract, then what are the possibilities now, in particular in your unit, what is offered and on what conditions can people go? on different conditions, that is, each brigade has either a full-fledged recruiting center, or at least officers who are engaged in staffing, and you can go and ask what conditions you have, for example, i would like this, this and this. are you can you suggest something specific? the contract is quite normal, quite cool, it is already certain guarantees for the serviceman himself, it increases their chances of staying in the very unit to which he was consciously mobilized. we welcome people who come knowingly, and even more welcome people who already come with certain skills. as they currently work in our
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unit, we offer many civilians. there are ongoing courses for people who want to prove themselves as uav operators, take a course at a civilian school a week, there are courses that last a month, also in different directions, already then they come to us with their certificates, we receive objective feedback from the instructors who have been engaged in them, and somewhere we understand whether it is worth continuing with this person, and in principle, a person decides for himself whether this is his way, whether he succeeds in it, whether it is close to his heart, after all, it is the one. a direction in which self-education, self-development is constantly necessary, without this there is nowhere in the field of uavs. thank you, in our studio yevhen miklushka, a soldier, external uav pilot of the national guard of ukraine, and we now have a small inclusion. odessa is in touch with us, we will talk about the odessa security forum. kateryna galko, our correspondent on this forum. we hope
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that now we will hear about all the main directions and trends. greetings colleagues, greetings to the viewers of the tv channel, so today distinguished guests, ex-officials, as well as current officials, politicians and analysts have gathered in odessa to talk about the security situation in ukraine and, first of all, the security situation in the black sea, they will also talk today and tomorrow about ukraine's place in the european union and nato, the place that ukraine is. must occupy time, in particular , we had the opportunity to talk with ms. ivanna, a member of the verkhovna rada committee on european integration, she was asked about this long-awaited deadline for ukraine's accession to the eu by 2030, and she assures that it is possible, but this path will be really difficult, because we need
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to change many things, implement many reforms, in order to still join the eu, they also asked about... nato and about, they mentioned security the agreement recently signed by president zelensky and president biden, and ms. ivanna is convinced that such security agreements cannot replace ukraine joining the alliance, a little more about everything we heard, let's hear more in the comments. of course, there will be a lot of complex reforms, and some reforms, they will lead to an initial increase in prices there, but they will allow for ... competition, which, on average, in the long term, will actually reduce some prices, so there will be, but this is all necessary explain to people in every realm. ukrainians not only continued to feed the world, but also improved ukraine's self-sufficiency and economy. since the restoration of the black sea humanitarian corridor last july,
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1,850 ships have left ukraine and transported 35 million tons of wheat and almost 17 million tons of other cargo. it is very important for us, because it is an economic component, and of course for the world, as you heard yourself speak today. and they said how important it is, including for those countries that need the goods that we have today is grown, produced, including grains. and just now we also heard about the importance of the export corridor in the black sea, in particular we heard from the ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine, bridget brink, who visited and actually told us that this corridor... it feeds europe, it feeds america, and also ensures our economic stability, actually officials in odesa say that about 80% of all goods that
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are exported pass through the region, so it is very important to ensure safety, to ensure the safety of such and such corridor, we also know that it is such a corridor, it is trying with all its might to be secured, and we will actually observe further. what will be discussed on the forum, we will inform you, that's all the information, let's stop for now, colleague, i will transfer the ether to you. thank you, thank you, katrina, halka, it is clear, it is clear about the odesa security forum, which is taking place today in odesa, yes, and we return to the most important part of the analysis of the situation at the front, we will talk not only about some operative moments, well, but also in general about the newest technology, so in our studio ivan miklushka, our colleague until recently, well, like until recently, long ago. journalist, uav pilot, soldier of the national guard of ukraine. so, we are talking about unmanned aerial vehicles, and in general, when we talk about such long-range raids,
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we understand that this is not a front-line unmanned aircraft, yes, it is a strategic unmanned aircraft, but still, the enemy began to fly into kublo itself and fly quite successfully, and they can't do anything, but strangely it turns out, well, they have a powerful reb there in the line of fire. and they cannot cover their own kazan petrochemical plants it works, what can you tell me about it? non-secret, not secret, first of all, i would not tell the secret, because i do not know, and how should i know the secret about distant stories, my story is quite local, it is 10-12 km maximum from the front line, however , why, you asked, why couldn't they cover themselves? and pointed out about rap, er, the fact is that we have in our arsenal, in particular, even our unit has drones in its arsenal, which
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do not care about the action of the rap, they fly along the route that the crews make for them ahead and it is simply performed during the flight, after all, the shaheds fly according to almost the same principle, there are programs out there such as mission planer, culvert planeer and others, where the crew is in front of you... how to perform the flight, ugh, builds the entire route, indicating heights, all turns , taking into account the landscapes, and sometimes, it happens that uavs fly so low that not even all radars see them, and accordingly, we even, by the way, also had such stories in ourselves, when it was neither of these nor of these oops, some kind of mine appeared here in western ukraine, or somewhere in southern ukraine took off, but hey, he was simply not visible. before that, and it's hard work, but it 's done, so it's not always rep, which is somewhere effective and expensive, can do the job against the uav, which doesn't need
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navigation systems to do its job, here are the maps, how are they made , that is, we understand that there are satellites, we understand that plus or minus satellites see everything that we can't see there, i don't know, maybe there are some clever geodetic programs that measure something there, so this story actually consists in... because you don't need satellites to send a big wing, a big explosive-laden drone from point a to point b. but that's what we have a band for, that's what we have special operations forces for that i suspect and answer thank you, yevgeny, i didn't tell you any secrets, but it was very interesting, well, at least our viewers got an understanding of how it works. evgeny miklushka, a pilot of unmanned aerial vehicles of the national guard of ukraine, a soldier was in our studio, antin and i are with you today farewell, our colleagues. so stay with us and we'll see you on monday, have a good weekend, all the best. attention,
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5:00 pm
greetings to all viewers of espresso, it's time to learn about the main events for this hour, i'm on yobamalnik. putin's manipulative statements are only misleading. he does not seek peace, he seeks the division of the world. the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs responded with such a statement, the words of the head of the kremlin. putin said that he supposedly agreed to negotiations with ukraine, but expressed his three conditions, including giving donetsk to russia.


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