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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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greetings to all viewers of espresso, it's time to learn about the main events for this hour, i'm on yovamelnik. putin's manipulative statements are only misleading. he does not seek peace, he seeks the division of the world. the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs reacted to the kremlin leader's words with such a statement. putin said that he supposedly agrees to negotiations with ukraine, but expressed his three conditions, including giving donetsk to russia.
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luhansk, kherson and zaporizhzhia regions and the non-aligned status of ukraine. nato also commented on the dictator's words. alliance is not considers this proposal peaceful. so the member states will continue to provide military support to our country, noted jens stoltenberg. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi met with the prime minister of india at randymod. it happened during a working visit to italy for participation. summits of the group of seven countries. the leaders of the countries discussed the development of bilateral relations and expansion of trade. in particular, it was about the operation of the black sea export corridor. they also talked about the future agenda of the global peace summit. also the ukrainian leader met with pope francis. zelensky thanked the pontiff for his prayers for peace for ukraine and for humanitarian aid for ukrainians. together , they discussed the consequences of russian
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aggression and the difficult situation in the energy sector, talked about the peace formula and expectations from the global summit, which the pope is a participant of. in kyiv, a bank teller stole $400,000, which he received from a client for transfer. the 22-year-old man worked in a commercial institution for two years, the metropolitan prosecutor's office said in a statement. had to put the money in the bank vault. but instead hid four packs of 100 thousand in a previously prepared paper box. afterwards, he packed everything in his backpack and went home. the cashier was detained, he was suspected. launched a festive firework. the capital police detained a man who congratulated his friend on his birthday with fireworks tonight in solomyansk district. at that time in... in the kyiv region, there was an air
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alarm, so loud sounds and bright flashes scared people. the police immediately left to the scene and established the identity of the violator , a 28-year-old man from kyiv will be tried for hooliganism. the sanction of the article provides up to five years of imprisonment. we walked, celebrated the birth of my friend. and so to speak, in honor of this holiday, i decided to please him, set off a firework. and i apologize to those who are civilians, were sleeping, i apologize, five people died and four were injured in a large-scale accident in the russian annunciation, there , on one of the streets, the driver of a minivan flew onto the sidewalk and hit pedestrians, a man who a 59-year-old local resident caused an accident. according to witnesses, he was drunk, the man was detained by the local police, the victims are in the hospital in...
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the ukrainian point is to blame for everything - shout russian propagandists in response to the shelling of the shb cinema in the belgorod region, where a five-story building collapsed, as reported by local media , two residents of the building died and five were injured. one entrance was destroyed, 15 apartments were destroyed, there may still be people under the rubble - the local governor wrote to the telegraph. the channel also blames the armed forces of ukraine for this. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so quad bikes are indispensable for evacuations. assistants, and they also
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allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the holodoyarivets not only to successfully perform combat tasks, but also to return from them alive, so join the collection, our goal is 4 million hryvnias. world blood donor day is celebrated annually on june 14. this is gratitude to donors for their noble deed and saving lives. this holiday has become very important in today's realities of ukraine. details in the material of my colleagues. donating blood during the war became another. line of defense of ukraine, because it is needed both by fighters at the front and by civilians who become victims of missile and artillery strikes. in the white church, many townspeople join in the surrender of blood, and this process does not stop at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. according to
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yana cherchenko, the medical director of the regional blood service center, the donation procedure is not difficult at all, it is only necessary to follow a few basic rules, in particular mandatory. dietary, for the component to be really high-quality, it is absolutely necessary not to consume spicy, fried food the day before, alcoholic drinks are not allowed, medicines, desired rest in general, it is not recommended to come there after night shifts and donate blood there. you can be a blood donor each aged between 18 and 60 years, the minimum weight for admission is 50 kg. came to the institution, the person registers, then goes to the laboratory, where the blood group and hemoglobin percentage are determined, then a consultation with a therapist, if there are contraindications, they are classified into absolute and temporary, absolute includes cardiovascular diseases, strokes, heart attacks in
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the anamnesis , infectious diseases, hepatitis, bc, hiv infection, as well as rheumatoid diseases. to temporary contraindications - this is, for example, surgical intervention, which was recently, then the tattoo, which was also recently for a six-month suspension, well , diseases, there, for example, respiratory diseases, there is also a two-week suspension. anna donates blood for the first time, believes that it is especially important to do in our time, besides, she has a rare group. the fourth one, which will definitely be needed by someone, since there is such a war in our country now, and we need to help, i know, guys, not only our blood is needed by the military, and children also need a lot, i came to give it,
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that is, it is your own initiative for the first time to help, of course, the honorary donor ms. nina also remembers her first donation, she says, it all started... in 2015, when they were looking for a person with a negative rh factor to save a military man, in total, the woman donated her blood 43 times, she emphasizes that now, more than ever you need to get involved in charity, it's a war and our military are in need, they just need to help something, well yes, well yes, as i can't help anything else, well... i'm giving up just to save someone's possible life. the blood service center asks everyone to come to a donation their facility is open monday through saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., no appointment required. you should only have your passport and identification code with you, and remember, blood
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is always needed, perhaps yours will help save someone's priceless life. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. the ukrainian edition of the book of rule by the british judge tom bingham was presented in the capital. the monograph is one of the key publications in the field of law. the project was implemented as part of the usid program. justice for all is oriented towards ukrainian lawyers, judges, advocates, prosecutors, as well as legislators, officials and students. this book is about those components of the ruovland that are indispensable. for use by politicians when they develop or pass laws, by judges who, on the basis of those laws, pass decisions by lawyers who need to protect the rights of the client, but you need to know in what way all these principles are laid out here, and that is why it is
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valuable. see you at the 18th in the final news release, you can always read more about important things on our website "espresso tv". also subscribe to our channels in social networks. see you soon. attention, total sale, kors garden trimmers, unbox tv with a discount of only 799 uah, only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort , maximum result, order while the video is being broadcast, trimmers are light and very powerful, mow with gas along the path line, near the curb, around the trees. leave the big heavy ones mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers,
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for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? to these and other questions that worry? the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will be responsible. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. silyam oliik. we welcome you to the joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and tv together in the studio, i am gulsom khalilova and my colleague andrinits, we welcome you
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, we traditionally invite you to subscribe to the espresso and atr youtube channels, ring the bells, post your comments, questions about this broadcast, and if during the broadcast you will to see the qr code on their screens, take out their smartphones, open the link and transfer donations to the unit of the name of the noma. on the chelydzhigan, who is directly fighting for the liberation of crimea, you can see right now this qr code, go over and send money, help our defenders from... liberate the peninsula, and we, as always, during this hour, this 40 minutes, and probably, if i 'm not mistaken, we will talk about crimea, about the consequences of the strikes of the armed forces of ukraine on russian enemy objects in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, well, the first block
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of our program is dedicated to the military object and aspect, and we already have a guest. let's traditionally sum up the results of the past week, what is most important in your opinion happened in crimea, which explosions were worth watching, which were the most important? well, first of all, you should pay attention to the large-scale, complex and consistent systematic destruction of air defense equipment. s-300 h2 missile batteries and one s-400 were destroyed literally at once in three key points of crimea, which covered
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the approaches to the peninsula, to objects from different directions. and in fact, he was left without cover from the air, this is along with the destruction of the previous radar stations and new stations, this time, a certificate, direct proof that the peninsula is being cleared of anti-aircraft weapons and the opening of paths, so to speak, for future airstrikes by ukrainian aviation for destruction. exactly the army of the military potential of the occupiers on the temporarily occupied peninsula, and at the same time , mr. volodymyr, we know that the russians are transferring elements of the systems, at least the s-500 system, our intelligence reported about this, are these the damage we are doing or not they are useless against the background of the fact that
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new air defense systems are constantly being transferred to the peninsula, they will be transferred to... will what to transfer, because the peninsula is so sacred for them, well, for putin, in particular, this is the goal for which he started this war and which, after deoccupation, will allow this war to stop, end, so to speak, why are they transferring, well there was nothing else, because the use of cluster munitions, attack missiles... and these are ballistic missiles, let me remind you, uh, does not allow to restore what was attacked and damaged there, if earlier we said that it was near tarkhankut was attacked by s-400 last year, yes, but in fact, the s-400 elements were attacked, the complex itself, well, it was more or less combat-ready, they
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changed the radar, they replaced something else there, and the complex was again waiting until... for the next strike, this time it is about something a little different, this is a larger-scale damage, because cluster munitions allow you to hit all the elements that were within range, and it is possible to restore something there, but it is very, very difficult, so they are bringing new ones there, and by the way, there was a message from the main intelligence agency that from crimea, if... i'm not mistaken, from crimea they are taking the s-300 ee anti-aircraft missile systems to belgorod region, it is very strange when they take the s500 here and the s300 there, but if you analyze why, well, they use the s-300, it is more of an old complex for firing at ground targets,
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in particular at kharkiv, they are shooting, that's how things are. volodymyr, i have the following question: is it true that the russian ezarka s-300 and s-400 simply do not have the potential and ability to intercept american atacoms. and that is why, when the pentagon did not allow ukraine to launch attacks on the kremlin itself, this was the main reason, because it will definitely hit, definitely neither the s-300 nor the s-400 will simply be able to intercept and shoot it down. is it really so? and if we say already? about s5 500, do they have these powers and intercept atakamse? you are right, the technical component also takes place. 500 is the latest development of the enemy, but they position the s-400 with the name triumph as the best
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development, well, the last one was up to five hundred, and it is being exported, and now, well, it is possible , but the message that families of air defense servicemen received the order russian, received an order to evacuate families from crimea. what can they testify about, why should the families be taken out, are they afraid of the activity of our partisans, or is there some other story here, there can be two components, two answers, the first is to remove, well , let's say this, the families of the soldiers from the affected area, because the cluster uh... the cluster combat unit is designed to hit a large area, and there is a military, a military town where all the families of these anti-aircraft fighters live, and they are in the risk zone,
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they see it, they analyze it and want to reduce the level of these risks, it is quite understandable, and another answer may be that its enemy is preparing for the evacuation of crimea in advance and removes its own from there. in addition, they export spare parts from the black sea fleet from sevastopol to novorossiysk since october of last year, let’s say from the warehouses in sevastopol, this is also a fact, if you compare it with the latest report about the evacuation of the families of anti-aircraft fighters, let’s say, military ppo, it shows that it is a system, it is chains. it is one chain of one one idea, let's say so, well, that is, it concerns only, let's say so, their own, and
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military families, because it's just civilians, citizens who live there and in akhyariya and kozleev, in sakas and other things, well, it's just for them the russian occupiers of russia and the ministry of defense of the russian federation are simply going to screw up, yes, by and large, we know how to screw up their military. others that are not elite, like air defense, which take a long time to cook, we see these meat assaults, attacks that continue, well, such a system, such country, and besides, 800,000, it seems, were brought to crimea, so-called so-called refugees, well , who are displaced, they want to change the ethnic composition of the peninsula in this way. referendum, what about them, they are bandits, they have such a backdoor logic, that of st. petersburg , they will definitely not evacuate and
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will not even warn about anything, it doesn’t matter to them what will happen to them and how, well and even this week there were news about defeating russian radar systems, and if i i'm not mistaken, it is they who ensure... the detection and even further destruction of all air targets. please tell me if this is really so, and how much more time do we need for the scientist to destroy all, all the russian radar systems located on the territory of the occupied peninsula, and whether the russian occupiers now have the ability, strength, power to transport to crimea more other such systems and to locate them. well, in fact, ensuring dominance in the air, which we want to do over the peninsula, begins with the neutralization of enemy air defense, anti-aircraft
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and anti-missile defense of the enemy, as well as its fighter aircraft, which can also be an element of the same air defense. the aviation was re-based for the most part in the caucasus, there in mozdok and so on, and below. missile units with radar complexes that allow them to see far and something to prepare for repelling attacks remains, so a complex without radars without radar stations is not combat-capable, so it is advisable to destroy these complexes first of all, these are radar stations that are long-range, let's say yes, far away actions, i see it on the long-wave range works, radar stations, gunners, those that work
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directly with the complexes that lead the target. and these provide a whole guideline for missiles and radar complexes or stations of short-range direct complexes, this is for self-defense stations and anti-missile defense complexes themselves. here are three such levels, let's say, rls, which exist, which are gradually destroyed, and according to the classics of the genre, after that, well, you can already say that ... in the air , we also do not graze the rear, somehow, here the british publication the telegraph announced a plan to liberate the peninsula, relying on various british military experts, and the journalist there writes that it is not necessary at all for the boot of a ukrainian soldier to even enter the territory of crimea, it is enough to make it inconvenient for putin and cut off the arteries of the supply of ammunition and as if on...
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it is possible to release him remotely, at the same time, ukrainian experts from the project of information resistance, opposition say that after all, a ground operation cannot be dispensed with, because in crimea it will be necessary to establish a constitutional system, and it will still be necessary for ukrainian troops to enter the crimea, to get away with only destroying the kerch bridge and, for example, punching through a copy of it, well, this is not enough, what is your opinion anyway, that we should most realistically do, uh, just cut off supplies to the kerch bridge, oh, to the crimean peninsula, or should we still prepare for a land operation? i completely agree with the point of view of ukrainian
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experts, and what... the british say is this only the first part of our plan, i think so, and the end is final, any victory, it will be final only when boot or ee another ee, let’s say a shoe, when our scouts are drinking coffee on the beach in yalta, we know this story, and here we see on video, by the way, how the supply of fuel to the crimea passes through the kerch bridge. well, apparently, the russian occupiers dared to transport it after all, that is, they still continue to use the kerch bridge, including , well, in my opinion, fuel is quite military, a military resource, including for military purposes, will the kerch bridge be destroyed or not? for sure, what will happen, because this is communication, this is the logistics of the living army, this is the logistics of the black sea
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fleet. or its remnants in the crimea, and there are still many ships and vessels left , despite the fact that the main forces have been evacuated to novorossiysk and further to the sea of ​​azov, as we know, er, all this must be destroyed, because er the army needs a lot of diesel fuel, aviation, respectively, aviation fuel, and so on other, so, well, after the orob crossing that we damaged recently, the kerch bridge should be the main target, which, well, should be impressive, and our management, the main intelligence management, is probably already working in this direction. mr. volodymyr, you know, i am concerned about something else in this matter, mostly when we talk about the deoccupation of the peninsula, and we talk about the need to isolate the peninsula
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from russia. this is the destruction of the city of kerch there from the northern direction of isolation and further long-range missiles, strikes on russian military facilities, well, it looks like really very logical and very military, many experts say this, even ben hodges also wrote a huge article about it and so on, but when we talk about isolation, we understand that in this isolation together with the russian military ... and the occupiers there will also be peaceful people, but these are citizens of ukraine, crimean tatars, and so on. do you think this poses a threat to our ukrainian population in crimea? definitely makes, but i want to tell you, all my acquaintances who have some contacts there, or those who recently returned from crimea, i have.


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