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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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relations stop working, well, andriy, it seems to me that he does not think so deeply, that he is a little too gangster, he always shouts that he is a lawyer and graduated from the law faculty, there are gangsters and those who simply read the laws there according to the letter, but not about the spirit of the law, they think not about justice and not about a fair trial, but are looking for clues, how can you use these norms to your advantage, so he is rather a... a legalist and a literalist, and in relation to that, in relation to his suggestions, she looks like a thug the habit is just to take a punt, and what is called, well, he comes out and tries to intimidate you, and he already says that this is the last offer, there will be no more offers, it will be worse, let's agree to this on what i told you i suggest, and if you give it some slack, then... then it is clear that he will eat these
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four regions and the next four regions, and so on until there is nothing left of ukraine at all, and we saw that on russia day they are what a propaganda video launched, where moldova got there and ukraine got there, colors, russian colors were actually the entire space of the former soviet union, maybe only the baltic countries outside the baltics with the exception of the baltic states, with the exception of the baltic countries, so their goals are clear. they don't need any ukraine, neither without the four regions, nor with these regions, it's all cossacks, whatever he proposes, well, but olya, andriy is right when he says that he behaves like a gopnik and a bandit leader, he quite often repeats this phrase that 30 years ago the st. petersburg ward raised me, if fray. inevitable, one must be the first, that is
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, he articulates his philosophy of life quite often, but in this situation what he does is not chauvinism, it is terrorism and pure terrorism in relation to ukraine, in relation to the whole world, because he threatens nuclear weapons, this terrorism, and terrorists all over the world are dealt with very simply, no one talks to them, they do not agree on anything, but what he actually counts on, that is, he is not afraid that he is a terrorist. how will the rocket arrive at which points, that is, i have to answer whether putin is afraid, well, i'm trying to explain or with you to find an answer to a simple question: why is a person not afraid that he will be killed just like a typical terrorist, how do you do it, how is it done in the world, well, it's just elementary, maybe he is afraid, well, how can we know that well, okay, still a person. a person with
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a completely healthy psyche, i wouldn’t call him now, dictators who are led by the idea of ​​a fix, and there the idea of ​​a fix is ​​the conquest of more space for the empire, they have a changed consciousness, and it can no longer be called so human, i am not a psychiatrist , but i think that this is very far from the normal norm. such a conscious, healthy person, well, he is progressing in this, in this direction, and i did not just answer your question on the blitz, because of course, there are putin’s entourage, there are elites, it is difficult to get into the heads of these elites, because they and became elites, thanks to their proximity to...
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to resources, they supported, they are equally responsible for the war with ukraine, but everyone has their own red line, and i would rather think, what is in the minds of putin's entourage now wallets, those people who support the regime with their powerful shoulders, financially, they are not afraid, they have no children, they have no women, mistresses, real estate around the world, well, he is a bunker rat who is cornered, they don't want to be bunker rats, they want to live as they are used to, and this situation, it leads only to the complete catastrophic isolation of russia, well...
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unless there is north korea, because china cannot be called, taking into account the current schedules, of course , chinese officials will now. this closest and richest entourage of putin, well, it is unlikely to like it, this is me leading to the fact that we cannot, then ukraine should push putin's entourage for this, i don't know how to do it, if i knew, i would advise. but i would not reject such an option, that is, for us in principle any option, of course, of course, we are not talking about a person who does not bypass us at all, who will leave after him, but the situation without
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power, without putin in russia, now, she would, she would add advantages to this. eh finally eh the kind of progress that the states and western countries are already showing, in principle, yes, they stopped going to such half-measures, but it's just that every day is a good day, you get up and rejoice that my god, well, there is such a thing or saying that the states in the end always make the right decision. but only after they have tried all the wrong decisions, for more than two years, sometimes delaying arms for ukraine, then less money for arms, then delaying important decisions, and here
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recently, such statements and actions have been taken, which , well, ukraine waited a very long time, this says in... from my point of view that the free world has finally realized that it will no longer be possible to balance between restraining russia and supporting ukraine, here it is necessary to clearly take the side of the country that is suffering from the fascist regime, and this is ukraine. suffers from putin's fascist regime and to do everything so that this regime, well, has no chance of victory, he wants to have a chance not only to win, putin, i mean, he attempted to build a new system of ensuring
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global security in eurasia, calling join it and nato countries. we have a small fragment of what the russian dictator said, let's listen. ultimately, the selfishness and hubris of western powers have led to the current extremely dangerous state of affairs, and we have come unacceptably close to the point of no return. obviously, we are witnessing the collapse of the euro-atlantic security system. today she is simply not there. it must actually be created anew. all this requires us and our partners, together with all interested countries. there are many of them, work out your security option security in eurasia, well, putin also said: we destroyed the entire security system that existed in the world and all the agreements that were made after the second world war, and now we will build a new security system, and those
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who want to stay with us, those those who don't want to, stay with nato, and here, if i drown, you will drown with me, right andriy. a multipolar world is trying to build as it was, well, a bipolar one will not work anymore, well, there is probably a three-polar or four-quadrupolar one and is trying to gather around itself loyal or dependent on he states, we see that, unfortunately, in some countries he succeeds, how georgia is changing literally before our eyes, and it is simply a shame that the law on innoagents has already been adopted there and already... ee ban on lgbt propaganda, and in fact , they follow the same methods, which russia went through only much faster, and i also think that he is going to do the same in moldova and in other countries where he can get
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an electoral victory, and here are the elections, well, what is the weakness of democratic countries, we know which is that these democratic processes can be influenced from outside... authoritarian regimes, and unfortunately, the results of the elections to the european parliament, where we see an increase in the representatives of radical forces traditionally sponsored from russia, indicate that in the european countries, right or left , radical ideas, they are popular, they are planted through propaganda through social networks, intolerance, hatred spreads on tiktok, on other platforms, and as a result, we see such results as in the european parliament, and now a very dangerous situation in france, the parliament has been dissolved, there will be re-elections and... on the one hand, one can hope that the french will come to their senses, come to the elections,
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demonstrate a high turnout and vote for moderate pro-european forces, but if this does not happen and there will be a repeat of the election results in the european parliament, then there will be more radicals in the parliament, well , it is unlikely to change the security system in europe or in the world, that is, but one stone at a time, he is trying to destroy the european, the european project as a whole, well and we... are still trying to build, rebuild ukraine, restore, i wanted to propose one more topic, we will discuss it very briefly, because this forum on the restoration of ukraine in germany, it was announced a long time ago, and on the eve of this forum, mustafa nayem, our former a colleague, and now the head of the agency for the reconstruction of ukraine, submitted his resignation, and this was quite a serious step on the eve of such a forum, a professional ee... specialist cannot go to the forum and shmygal refused him, but we
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had on the air ivanna klympushentsa for yesterday, and she says that what happened with nayem, with his resignation, how he slammed the door, that this could lead to a loss of trust of partners, let's listen to what ivana klympush tsensadze said, this scandal obviously, well, significantly worsened... the settings in relation to ukraine and the seriousness of the intentions of, say, those countries or companies that would be ready to talk about some current investments, about serious programs, projects, well, including aid and recovery. olya, maybe, maybe we emphasize a lot on the fact that mustafa and it all revolves around mustafa, but still what naim did. he is a person on whom western diplomats are oriented, and he is a marker in zelenskyi's team, no matter
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what, and this is also a step, and this is also a demonstration of what is happening in ukraine, i am ready to say about it, you know me it does not surprise me, because social networks and the media drew attention to this situation at the height of the scandal, this is mustafa's statement. and such a resolution is a joke, and what happened next, in principle, no one is interested, then very interesting things were happening, well, because many people said, nayam, well, now he will quietly go into the forest, no reports, nothing, he will go abroad, so on the 12th, i refer to the telegram channel on ema, he reported on his... work in great detail, with explanations, there were infographics, there were, well, such
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a remark that, let's say, for the restoration, for the protection of energy facilities, it was underfunded, that is, it was financed only by a quarter, there were specific objections to the government and staff. mr. shmyhal and in such a decent situation, now i would like to listen, what will the prime minister say about this , because here is the report you asked for, and there are very well-founded claims, maybe i missed it, but i did not see mr. shmyhal's answer, instead, i read what was on this conference, and the conference was recognized as a success, in... the country signed more than a hundred many multilateral agreements, i
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apologize for what ms. klympush tsensadze says is a scandalous situation and a loss of trust, that is, we have to somehow come to an agreement on the shore, so the lease did not work well, it lost trust in us as well nothing was given, no, we were given more than we were expected, she complained about the loss of trust, that the hire... wherever he went, he could not go accordingly, because he was given a report on the day when this conference was supposed to take place, this is a mysterious story. which needs such a solution, and it will be right, colleagues, if we make a joint effort to ask mr. prime minister, by the way, mr. prime minister is one of the most unique prime ministers, there has never been such a thing in ukraine, all the prime ministers were from political ambitions, and this one is so inconspicuous and
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quiet, it's like a lever, but the lever is in the hands of some others. managers, but i have such there is a feeling that he has been in the prime minister's chair for the longest time, there is no doubt that because he is called, well, remember all the prime ministers, starting with kuchma who was the prime minister, became the president, yushchenko was the prime minister and so on, there are no ambitions here, there are no presidential or political ambitions here, a person has a normal life in this area, in this area, but here... a very revealing situation, if you make claims against a certain employee, well, he reported, now it's your turn to respond to there were no objections, and the conference was a success berlin, well, when there are no answers to the questions, something happened there,
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the western press begins to write, which in principle is not surprising that the guardian began to write and... mustafa nayem probably has enough arguments to tell western journalists that, what happened, andrii, how does it affect the atmosphere in ukrainian society in any way, or is society not up to it now, and we are sitting at the table now, because we all know who mustafa nayemi is, the names, i think, that in general, ukrainian society is not very interested in politics, unfortunately, unfortunately, because... it seems to me that if we were interested, then perhaps others would have the quality of life we ​​have now, but, if we talk about mustafa's case, first of all, i want to say that immediately, as he wrote a resignation letter, we wrote to him in private that we want an interview and an explanation and so on, there was no answer, unfortunately, but we still wrote the article, it will be published tomorrow morning on
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the espresso website, on the espresso website, the reasons were described in detail there. resignation of mustafa nayem, well, to be brief, i have one thesis from this i will announce in the article that the decision to fire kubrakov and, accordingly, mustafa nayem, who was a member of the team of the vice-prime minister and the minister of infrastructure, was made back in april and for a reason, rather not a causal one, but a political reason for such a decision . .. do you remember the flight to tets near kyiv, in trypilsk for theft and as if funds were allocated for it, it was protected and it was guaranteed that it was protected, and it turned out that it was destroyed by a puppy, that this protection did not work, well it is another matter that that protection was not rather from the chaheids or from
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debris not from a direct hit, and i think seven rockets landed there, and quite a few rockets, but... there were also other complaints, of course, when it comes to spending large amounts of money, about working with contractors, about how tenders are conducted, always are dissatisfied, someone who did not win the tender, on the contrary, the one who won is criticized, one of the companies that is criticized is the autostrada company, which won the tenders, if you remember, there was such a scandal with a kyiv restaurant , where a businessman and a policeman quarreled over a table in a restaurant, and then it turned out that... the businessman is the millionaire maksym shkil, who is actually this highway company, and the policeman very quickly lost his position, now the truth has been restored through the court, that is, an influential businessman, and there is a suspicion that he effectively worked with kubrakov mustafa,
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obviously those who could not work with them, they were offended, well, i think for most of us. our tv viewers, who is the school, who is even kubrakov, who is mustafa nayem, i have now named some for in a word, it should not be like this, as it happened, right, this story and procedure itself should not be, all claims should be public, why do we learn about the claims to kubrakov and to nayem in sources from the servants of the people and there in the environment of the president, but this was not announced to the public. well, if you have a complaint against an official, let's somehow let it be known, i always say in such a situation that the monova in which we live, needs a mono answer, if you have all the power, then you have all the responsibility, that is, it cannot be so, that shmyhal did not sign a statement there, well, we were going to release him, who, what claims,
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well, that is, there is no such articulation, yes, well, that is , someone should have come out there and said, well, shmel said, well, i didn’t let him go abroad, because he had to report and we have complaints , you know, on the one hand, the monopoly power, on the other hand, there are so many points of influence in this monopoly power that are trying. well, you answer president zelenskyi, prime minister shmyga, but all this is under the carpet, so i am the bulldogs under the carpet, who are quarreling, and we only see some prices, yes, well, obviously we are talking about big money, that’s why we see this quarrel on the telethon , they won’t show it, they will write on the espress website, please read the article about nayem yakubrakov tomorrow, don’t go to the only telethon, stay with espress, friends, i i would like to remind you that during our broadcast we are conducting a poll, today we are asking you about yes... is the victory of ukraine possible without the capitulation of putin, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you are on tv, watch us on tv, you can
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pick up a smartphone and a phone and vote, if you think that the victory of ukraine without surrender is possible, 0800 211 381, no, 0800 211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, we vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, another short topic in us, when... 5 minutes on the air remain with us, this is the mobilization and conflict that we see between the representatives of the tsc and the ukrainians, and these conflicts are becoming more and more, are replicated by different telegram channels of different levels of different types of telegram channels, what is this in fact there is, that is, someone is artificially dispersing the topic a split between, well, relatively speaking, society and the armed forces, because the tsk is the armed forces, and when we see how they are beaten... tetskashniks attack them, or maybe they are wrong in something, and in this situation, ukrainians, well , are trying to reflect, ulya, how do you see this situation,
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because every time i see these videos appear somewhere, i think, my god, there are probably a million such stories in various spheres of life, where the police beat someone, or someone beats the police is, or something else, and it does not acquire such a resonance, does not resonate, well, it is clear that in other spheres it does not... does not happen, because more irritating and hotter and more tangential to almost every family topic than mobilization does not exist and cannot exist, because it is directly connected, well, forgive me, with human lives, yes, that's why such a reaction, and it's all normal, and eh i i think that there is a whole, whole bunch of problems tied up here, and this is deliberate overclocking. it also exists, and the same russian police officers who deliberately conduct their own special information operations, which,
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well, unfortunately, many people are led to, yes, well, and the third thing is that the plots of these stories, they become, well just karakolomy, me the last one, it’s just that it’s probably not the last one, but here’s the thing... they broke through the hungarian border with a spear, they threw a spear, they cut a hole in the net, and 20 people went there, well, it’s kusturitsa, it’s gollivsk solyutna, as far as i remember i mean, he was still on military numbers, that's why it's very interesting whether civilians or military crossed the line there, just simply impossible, impossible things happen, and of course to a certain extent when you put yourself in their place. a person who has to make an unambiguous, hard decision, so mobilization, which is called does not look at forest, because if we start, it goes like this, it
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doesn't go, well, it's impossible, it's hard to choose, this person can, this person can't, but in the end, a hard decision is necessary regarding the mobilization, you know how, i think i will be supported precisely those people whose relatives and relatives have been at the front since the first days, well, like your son, absolutely, i don’t have any, you know, mental confusion, oh, is it necessary, chitre, yes, we go to defend the country, women, old people remain and teenagers, thank you, olya, andriy, well, it seems to me that the system itself was not ready and deliberately was collapsing, before the war, even before the 14th year, i would say, er, both the army and the mobilization system, after the 14th year, unfortunately, no conclusions were drawn, the system was not
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modernized. then it was possible to localize the war, to extinguish it diplomatically, and there was no need for widespread mobilization, again the 22nd year showed that there were many volunteers and at that moment, in the 22nd year, again, the mobilization system could not cope with the influx of those who wanted to, and choked, i have a bunch of friends who bypassed several tsk to get there, got into the war on the blat, as one comrade with the call sign hamlet from the buryviy brigade told me that he literally had to go from kyiv to the region in order to get in, but the 23rd year already and now the 24th have shown that there is a shortage people, and the traditional approach that existed in our country prescribed by law did not work, now they are trying to digitize this process, and it is already showing
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results, we see that... that the data of more than a million men have been updated, respectively, well, let's hope , which will be updated, we have to go off the air, excuse me, please andriy yanitskyi, olga musafirova were guests of our program today, friends, during the entire broadcast we conducted a poll, we asked you about whether a victory for ukraine is possible without putin's capitulation, let's see the results of the television poll: 42%, yes, 58%, no. that's the end of it, friends, i wish you all the best. health, take care of yourself and your loved ones, have a good weekend, goodbye, anatomy of hatred, putin and ukraine, the new book of espresso tv presenter serhiy rudenko, insight, first-hand information, behind the scenes
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