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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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donetsk, luhansk oblast and the autonomous republic of crimea, i.e. from five oblasts, or the autonomous republic of crimea has a special status, i.e. from four oblasts of the autonomous republic of crimea, and give up the prospect of acquiring nuclear weapons, give up a large army, give up the movement to the north atlantic alliance, i.e. the proposals that putin is making now, they are unacceptable for... the ukrainian state, it is clear that this week putin received many greetings from our western partners, first the united states of america, then the great great britain, then canada introduced another round of sanctions against russians and russian companies, the moscow city stock exchange came under sanctions, and as a result , the russian ruble... the ruble became really wooden,
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because the russians lined up for dollars, you see, they do not like the united states of america, but were forced to stand in line and exchange these apparently no longer needed by anyone, or let's say, devalued russian rubles for hard currency, the ministry of finance of the united states of america reported that as part of expansion. the united states of america prohibits the provision of software and it services to any person on the territory of russia, according to the statement of the head of the us treasury department , janet yellen. she says that the united states of america is increasing the risk for financial institutions dealing with russia's military economy and eliminating avenues for evasion. taxes, and also
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reduce russia's ability to benefit from access to foreign technology, equipment, software and it services. well, of course, putin himself is now trying to explain to the russians that the russian economy is as blue as ever, he constantly repeats that the russian economy is one of the four largest economies in the world, of course, putin traditionally ... lies, there are none, there are none the fourth place of the russian economy in the world economy, and this is exactly what putin is constantly trying to emphasize, that we will survive, we will certainly do everything to take revenge on the west and the western countries that support ukraine, they say that the west started this war, and everything is connected with it. friends, i remind you that... we are working live on the tv channel
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and conducting a poll, once again i urge you to vote in this poll, because your opinion is important for us, whether the victory of ukraine is possible without the capitulation of putin, yes, no, if you, vote on the youtube channel, everything is quite simple, either yes or no, well , please write your opinion in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote with the appropriate numbers 0800. 211-381, if you believe that a ukrainian victory is possible without the capitulation of putin, and 0.800-211-382 if this victory is not possible without the capitulation of putin. next, we will be in touch with volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start our conversation from the queue. of the so-called peace
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initiatives of vladimir putin, today he once again announced an ultimatum to the world and ukraine, and he said that he allegedly ready for peace negotiations, but of course we will listen to what he said on our own terms. and these conditions are very simple, ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from donetsk, luhansk, kherson and zaporizhzhia regions. moreover, i draw attention to this precisely from the entire territory of these regions within their administrative borders, which existed at the time when they were part of ukraine, as soon as kyiv declares that they are ready for such a decision and will begin the actual withdrawal of troops from these regions, and will also officially announce the cancellation of the plans joining nato and from our side immediately, literally at the same minute, the order to stop will come. well, that is, this is ultimatum two
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, next to the ultimatum that was issued in the 21st year, when putin demanded to prevent the expansion of nato. east and put the ukrainian state under his patronage, well, the novel here is that he is already claiming that the world agrees with this theft, a big theft of four regions of ukraine, plus the autonomous republic of crimea, and enshrining it in some international legal act, what do you think about what putin did today and for what did he do? well, the most interesting thing is that he appeals. to kyiv, he still does not appeal to the democratic world, to the sponsors of ukrainian security, he emphasizes that kyiv must recognize this first, in general, if we talk about certain symbols, about body language,
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about colors, the purple color - this is the color of a lie, it is worth paying attention to the color of putinska's tie, it is unexpectedly purple. he has never been distinguished by a craving for such a color, so it can be said that he is simply acting out a scene for internal use, because of course, after the real sanctions of the usa, in particular against the banking system of russia, putin perfectly understands that his economy will be put on the shoulders in a couple of months, but it is very important for him to create an illusion. success and, well, i would say, offensiveness, because he emphasizes that you accept what i stole, because i will steal even more, and i will put pressure, but this is said just on the eve of a fairly significant
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rearmament of the ukrainian forces and the acquisition of aviation , and even as of today. day of his this aggression against kharkiv oblast, it was not just repulsed, it cost russia a lot of nerves, and the impression is that putin was preparing just somewhere there, well, to announce in connection with the victory in the kharkiv region, this, well, a similar appeal, but it looks like he did not lose anything in the kharkiv region, and now there is a problem with water supply to crimea. there is a problem in general with the economy, with armaments, and most importantly, in my opinion, panic has begun in russian society about this war, and the partisan movement is growing on the territory of russia, with this, this must also be recorded, it
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is growing quite significantly, and zelensky is already answered this one the proposal, the so-called proposal for peace talks by dictator putin, let's hear what the ukrainian president said, what can i say, these messages are ultimatums, they are no different from other ultimatums he made before, now we see that the , what he is doing is the revival of nazism, this is a new wave of this nazism, russian nazism, he wants us to give up our occupied territories, but he also wants our unoccupied territories, he says: mr. volodymyr, watching all these international forums and summits that have taken place over
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the past few days, there were a lot of them, and at the center of these forums was ukraine and the issue of the future of ukraine, can we talk about what is in the political and diplomatic sphere. what changes have taken place in the political and diplomatic sphere this week, which will obviously lead to an even greater increase in aid to ukraine and an even greater understanding by the world of what needs to be done with putin? well, first of all, we have a certain feeling that the expectations from the swiss peace summit were somewhat exaggerated by the ukrainians. in society, but by character representations and by the number of countries, still this, i would say, well, not a 10:0 victory, but it is already a victory, this is the first, second, in fact, the current attack of putin, it is actually connected with
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much greater successes of the ukrainian negotiators on the preparation of the swiss summit. than russia hoped for, because there was a feeling that 25 countries would refuse to participate in this summit, well, it turned out that the efforts of china... and russia still did not pay off, and we can say that even this summit with, well, i would say no, not colossal expectations, but with a very decent result, i myself was quite skeptical about the possibilities, but it turned out that the behavior of russia pushed many potential partners to such greater activity, and the most important thing is that all
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continents are represented at this forum, this is important, well, i will give statistics short, because these statistics already exist and there are already representatives, there are lists of representatives of foreign countries that will participate in this global peace summit, and it will begin on june 15 in switzerland, so 100 delegations will participate in the conference, 57 heads of state and government, two 29 ministers of foreign affairs, six countries sent their plenipotentiaries: india, brazil, south africa are also represented at this summit, and china will not be there, azerbaijan will not be there for some reason, armenia will participate in it instead summit, and there are already reports that volodymyr zelenskyi, who took an active part in various forums during this week. arrived in switzerland, and you see a video of the arrival of the ukrainian president in
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switzerland, and obviously, the very fact of the event of this global peace summit and putin's hysteria today shows that even before the start of this global peace summit, ukraine has already won, because informationally, this week in the western press and for the western audience was this week. of ukraine, because the forum on the restoration of ukraine in germany, and the big seven, and ramstein-23 and the ukraine-nato council, which took place this week, and by the way, zelenskyi's talks with the leadership of saudi arabia, with the principle of saudi arabia, this too, is part of this great preparatory period and preparatory work for the global peace summit, i... i ask you, mr. volodymyr, the absence of all 10 points of the peace formula
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under consideration, at this constituent conference, which will be held tomorrow, or the constituent summit, is this a problem for ukraine, that well, not all issues included in zelenskyi's peace formula will be considered, but only three. well, there is one important factor here, the fact is that the representation of all the countries that are now , well... on the announced list, are very friendly participants of the summit, that is, for such benevolence, during the work of the summit , proposals can be made verbally regarding the entire scope of zelenskyi's initiatives, although zelenskyi himself narrowed it down to three initiatives, i.e. nuclear security in the first place, in general, i have the feeling that the banks were hoping that... er when there is a decision on nuclear security issues, russia somehow wanting to continue
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the dialogue will still transfer the zaporizhian army under ukraine's control. well, but it seems to me that they decided to blackmail putin even more, on the contrary, with this occupied nuclear plant, so here is the most important thing, what it can be said that... the representative office provides an opportunity to discuss possible changes in the un and in the un charter and in the structure of the council of security, if we, if in parallel with this, on the sidelines , the topic of un change, un reform will be discussed and, of course, that this is not is included in the block of zelenskyi's proposals or initiatives, but i believe that an additional result... of that summit would be, let's say, the declaration
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of the readiness of most countries, members of the united nations organization, for a serious reform of the un, because the un is currently not you, does not fulfill its main role, and that's it i wonder, gutierrez should be on this forum, but where? he, he refused to go to this forum, this is the most interesting thing. it's good that saudi arabia has sent a fairly, well, fairly authoritative representative of the royal family, and i think this is enough, even if not at the level of ... the first person, this is quite enough, that is , in any case, it can be said that this is a continuation of the previous experience joseph biden, who at one time in the 21st year convened the forum of democracy, then the majority of the participants of the forum
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democracy, well, the entire list of the democracy forum, then voted for the resolution in favor of ukraine in but with the next democracy forum, which took place already in the 23rd year in march, the initiators still tried to bring about a joint resolution, and there was a problem, because somewhere out of 120, in my opinion, six countries , 50 countries refused to sign the joint resolution, i.e. here there may be an intrigue on the joint resolution of the summit we... but i believe that in any case the framework of such communication and, well, a set of tangential interests of each of the participants of this summit, gives a perspective, firstly, to conduct the next stage of such a peace summit more effectively,
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most importantly to reach the reform of the un and the councils without the un and the creation. of the un peacekeeping corps, i.e. well, we remind you, when the ukrainian war is paralleled with korea, i want to remind you that it was the international contingent that protected korea then. another event that took place this week, which is of great importance, well, at least, this event is called historic by president zelensky himself, is the signing with the president of the united states america's joseph biden of the security... agreement and what the president of ukraine himself says about this agreement, which he signed yesterday with the president of the united states of america. and this is the strongest agreement with america in all 33 years of our independence. there is a legally binding
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part of the agreement, there are absolutely useful details on air defense and aircraft. we have recorded that america... will assist ukraine in supplying squadrons, fighter jets, as many fighter jets as ukraine needs. what is important, the agreement with america now stipulates that there will be support for ukraine both in times of war and times of peace. true, mr. volodymyr, some western experts say that this agreement, they say, if it is not ratified by the congress, the next president, well... for example, trump, he can simply cancel it, but it is unlikely that president trump, or who will be next, who will be biden's successor, will take such risks and cut off the shoulder in order to refuse this security agreement, because this is also part of the internal policy of the united
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states of america, which is foreign policy, mr. sergey, now a convention is being planned republican party because when we mentioned trump, petro poroshenko was invited to the convention. for more than a month, the chairman of the verkhovna rada has not signed off on this trip for him. well, how will we then be friends with the republicans so that this agreement is not revised. in fact, we have ratified interstate agreements, this agreement is not ratified, but there is the experience of france. for example, president macron made the same deal. he submitted to the parliament that the parliament approve such an agreement at the level of a resolution, so it is obvious that this ukrainian-american agreement is very is often called an analogue of the american-israeli security agreement, which began essentially with declarative
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norms of the same kind, but with a declarative form. but i would say that this is more of a conceptual agreement, this is an agreement to strengthen trust, and here, when it is done publicly in front of the whole world, the principles of democracy do not back down, let's remember how much noise there was about the budapest memorandum, and those who rush to call this agreement the budapest memorandum. indeed, well, it has not been ratified in the parliament, but well, even the budapest memorandum, being unratified, he moved. partners of ukraine, in particular great britain and the usa, at the moment of russia's attack on ukraine, to stand by ukraine, that is, in a democracy, when
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they make public promises, it is simply not easy for them to refuse public promises, because it destroys trust, and democracies are just that coexistence based on trust, that's what 's different. cracy from autocracy where everyone suspects everyone. biden announced at a joint press conference with zelensky that the united states of america will not send troops to ukraine, but will help with the provision of weapons and economic support. let's listen to what the president of the united states of america said. our goal is to strengthen ukraine's defense capabilities in the long term. ukraine will have the ability to defend itself now and deter any. the united states will help ukraine do both. we will not send american troops to fight in ukraine, but we will provide all
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necessary weapons and ammunition. we will also provide intelligence and continue to train brave ukrainian soldiers at bases in europe and united states. we will invest in the defense of ukraine's industrial base, and we will also support economic recovery. in addition, biden said that the white house is preparing a victory plan for the congress of the united states of america in accordance with the previously adopted law on aid to ukraine for 60 billion dollars. mr. volodymyr, do these statements and this agreement mean that the united states of america is making it clear to putin that there will never be a russian victory over ukraine because the americans, the... the british, the canadians have enough tools, in addition to military, economic tools, which, in principle, can strangle russia and prevent
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it from continuing to wage war in ukraine. here, the question is not only to strangle russia, but also to turn ukraine into such an economic tiger, because let's see, step by step, and the just-adopted bezek agreement gives a chance to do so. next steps and transform ukraine, let me remind you that there are similar agreements in israel, in the philippines, in japan, in south korea, that is what was signed with japan and the united states on the same day the security agreement seems to be symbolic, but president biden loves symbolic gestures, let's remember how he signed the agreement, or rather the law on lend-lease. may 9 , 2022, so this is a very symbolic gesture, and the signing on the same day with japan is a strong hint that ukraine will be transferred
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to the status of a central european economic tiger, and the country will be made self-sufficient in terms of security , all the more so since ukraine itself develops a large number of modern technologies, which are... global, let me remind you that systems, the delta battlefield management system, which was developed in ukraine, it has been of great interest to many nato countries, and, well, in general, the nato military committee, that is, we have a lot of our original developments, which give us a chance not to feel like a poor relative in among developed countries. well , even yesterday zelenskyi said that he is ready to consider an alternative chinese peace formula. also assured that the chinese leader xi jinping had given him his word not to give weapons to russia. let's listen to what zelensky said? i
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had a telephone conversation with the leader of china by phone. he said that he will not sell any weapons to russia. this, this is the first. we will see, you and i will see, but he told me that. if he is a respectable person. he won't do it because he gave me his word. they can prepare an alternative formula for peace, if we share common, common views on it, as globally with the whole world, it seems to me. so, if they share this path to peace, then we will find a dialogue, an opportunity for dialogue. mr. volodymyr, very briefly, do you mean that kyiv is ready to hold a dialogue with beijing? well, with beijing? dialogue is conducted, but not too intensively, this is the first, after all, we know examples when china and belarus jointly produced the polonaise missile complex.
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and these polonaises are not in russia’s armed forces, by the way, that is, they are in azerbaijan’s armed forces, which does not take, we have to finish our program, please forgive us, the time of our program is coming to an end, it was volodymyr tsibulko, friends, let me remind you that we are conducting polls throughout the broadcast and we ask you about whether a victory for ukraine is possible without the capitulation of putin, let's look at the interim results poll on the screen, please. 42%, yes, 58%, there are discounts representing unbreakable discounts of vel 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. plebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. discounts represent unbreakable discounts on mevycar ic. 10% at
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travel pharmacies for you and the saver. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, me and my colleagues will talk about the most important things, two hours to learn about the war, about the military front, the component, serhiy zurets, and what the world is like, yuliy feder is already with me, and it's time to talk about what is beyond the borders. in ukraine, yuriy dobrecher took place, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, chekchenin cultural news , our art viewer is ready to say good evening to the presenters, that many people have already become movridnidenko next to me, i am ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa,
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i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. summer. this is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace for children. a world destroyed by war. these are the children of the dead heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they, like no other, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking
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you to receive our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions. they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, the most important thing is that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations. and this is the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our ukraine. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such
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a... unlikely trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and. invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect ours tomorrow, see saturday's political club. every saturday at espresso. congratulations, friends, it's live.


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