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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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it is good that ukraine produces drones independently. financing of the defense industry of our country is possible not only through cooperation with powerful american corporations. in particular, funds seized from aggressor states as part of sanctions imposed by the international community can be used for this. vladyslav vlasyuk, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yarmak, told about them at the defense conference in washington. two years ago, after a full-scale invasion, we saw many challenges ahead ukraine. andriy yermak and former us ambassador to russia michael mcfaul headed the international group on sanctions against the russian federation. we meet with international experts, successfully develop criteria and recommendations in order to transfer them to the relevant authorities and confiscate the assets included in these sanctions. during the g7 meeting, this will be one of the topics. we hope it will appear. decision
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on the confiscation of russian assets in favor of ukraine. the statements made at the conference clearly indicate that the armed corporations the usa is very interested in cooperation with ukraine. joint production will be able not only to strengthen the positions of both states in the world arms market, but also to move other players who, in particular, provide support to the russian federation. but most importantly, instead of changing the rules of the game on the battlefield, innovation should eventually stop. we, the early spacex engineering team, have experience building rockets and have spent much of our time trying to install hardware on the surface of mars. i am well aware of the value of human lives will be paid due to the fact that certain systems were not delivered to ukraine. innovation is very important, and i would like to convince all americans in this room that we should stand together with ukrainians. we have them all.
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tools are needed to solve this problem, to stop the bloodshed in ukraine, and i urge everyone to do so. in general, decisive and convincing statements in support of ukrainian manufacturers and the indomitable ukrainian people were heard from almost every hundred participants who took part in the conference, and most importantly the result was not only discussions and passionate speeches, but also specific agreements, said the director of the ukrainian armored vehicles company, vladyslav belbas. the density of business meetings here... much more than at some exhibition events, profile, defense, and well, such sincere interest in terms of the level of representation at this event, it is the senior management of international corporations, american large corporations, therefore, of course, and agreements , which are achieved at this level, they are carried out and quickly implemented. firstly, secondly, er, already
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we have certain agreements regarding the further implementation of defense projects with ukraine, including with our company. summarizing what is important for the domestic defense industry of the west, deputy chairman of audi serhii vysotskyi expressed his belief that joint initiatives with the americans will strengthen our defense capabilities and make weapons more effective, while ukrainian products will become more competitive on foreign markets. in this hall were representatives of the state department, the us ministry of defense, and the national council security of the united states, numerous opinion leaders, experts, and those things that we formulated, discussed today about the need for greater cooperation of our defense industries, about the need to move from the principles of this financing, in general, to the development of specific industrial programs that can be financed. for
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the purchase of ukrainian weapons in ukraine at international expense, and of course, the national association of defense sector enterprises naudi, i will continue to do this, i will continue to organize similar events so that ukraine could win this war. the organizers emphasize the importance of our country's continued presence in the focus of attention of the american political and business elites, so they plan to hold the washington freedom summit every year, more often. international investments and the exchange of the latest technologies should help ukraine defeat the enemy and make our country one of the leaders in arms production in the world. tatyana shustrova, dmytro kaplonskyi from washington for the espresso tv channel. hello, how are you? there? it's normal, slowly. so we got a total of nine new tanks. guess what, turn on the video link now, i 'll give you a tour. well, come, we are here.
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we'll stand there for another two weeks, i'll give you a ride, and not only on a tank, like here near the wall in grozivka, if you say you're with a student, they'll let you through, well... student, that's my call sign. yes, here near the station in grozivka, i will say that they will let you go to the student. yes, nine there. yes, there are nine of them. thunderstorm student. student. today you do not observe information security. see you tomorrow will visit iskenders, the enemy hears, watch.
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summer is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a little'. for children, a world destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, defending our country with you, died at the front, and they, like no one else, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that traveling helps children. wants to recover from the loss, the children feel better emotionally, i am reaching out to you with request to support our project, we plan to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country,
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a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and perhaps, now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of the great. businesses that will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who have lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our ukraine. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of zarsburg and wiede. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments.
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silyam alaikum, welcome to the joint broadcast the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and the beraber tv channel. i work together in the studio for you, gulsom khalilova and my colleague andrinits. we welcome you, traditionally we encourage you to subscribe to the espresso and atp youtube channels, ring the bells, post your comments, questions about this broadcast, and if you see a qr code during the broadcast. on your screens, take out your smartphones, open the link and transfer donations to the unit named after noman chilibijahan, who is directly fighting for the liberation of crimea, right now you see this qr code, go
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and send money, help our defenders liberate the peninsula. and we, as usual, during this hour, this 40 minutes. yes, apparently, if i am not mistaken, we will talk about crimea, about the consequences of the strikes of the armed forces of ukraine on russian enemy objects on the territory of temporarily occupied crimea. well, the first block of our program, it is precisely dedicated to the military object and aspect, and we already have a guest whom we are ready for volodymyr zablotskyi, a naval expert of defense express, such a project. mr. volodymyr, congratulations. greetings, salam aleikum. hello aleiku, thank you for the invitation. let's traditionally sum up the results of the past week, what is most important in your opinion. happened in crimea, which explosions were worth
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watching, which were the most important? well, first of all, you should pay attention to the large-scale, comprehensive and consistent systematic destruction of air defense systems. er, literally, one c300 h2 missile battery and one were destroyed at the same time. 400 in three key points of crimea, which covered approaches to the peninsula, to objects from different directions, and in fact he was left without cover from the air, this along with the destruction of the previous radar stations and new stations, this time, evidence, direct evidence that the peninsula is being cleared of anti-aircraft weapons. and opening the way, so to speak, for future airstrikes by ukrainian
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aviation to destroy the military potential of the occupiers on the temporarily occupied peninsula. well, at the same time, we know, mr. volodymyr, that the russians are transferring elements of the systems, at least the s-500 system, our the intelligence reported about it, are these e defeats that... are we doing or are they useless against the background of the fact that new air defense systems are constantly being rolled over the peninsula? they will transfer as long as there is something to transfer, because the peninsula is so sacred for them, well, for putin, in particular, it is the goal for which he started this war and which, after deoccupation, will allow this war to stop, to end, so to speak, and why... they transfer, well, there was nothing else, because the use of cluster
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munitions of rocket attacks, and these are ballistic missiles, let me remind you, it does not allow us to restore what was attacked and damaged there, if earlier we said that the s-400 was attacked near tarkhankut last year, yes, but in fact the elements of the s-400, the complex itself, were attacked. well, it was more or less combat-ready, they changed the radar, they also replaced something there and the complex was again waiting for the next strike, this time it is a little different, it is a larger-scale damage, because cluster munitions allow you to hit all the elements that were within reach, and to restore something is possible there, but it is very, very difficult, so they drag. it is new there, and by the way, there was a message from the main intelligence agency
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that from crimea, if i am not mistaken, from crimea they are bringing s-300 anti-aircraft missile systems to belgorod region, it is very strange when they bring s500 here, and they bring s300 there, well, but if you analyze why, well, they use the s300, it's more of an old one. for shooting at ground targets, in particular they shoot at kharkov, you know, mr. volodymyr, i have a question, whether it is true that the russian srks-300 and s-400 simply do not have the potential and ability to intercept american attackcoms, and that was the main reason when the pentagon did not allow ukraine to attack the kremlin. because it will definitely hit, definitely neither the s-300 nor the s-400 will simply be able to
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intercept and shoot it down, is this really true, if we are talking about the s5 500, do they have, they have these capabilities and intercept attacks, you are right , the technical component also takes place, c 500 is the latest development of the enemy, but they position c400 with the name. as the best development, well, the last one was up to five hundred, and it is going for export, and now, well, it is possible , but it was reported. about the fact that the families of air defense servicemen received a russian order, received an order to evacuate families from crimea, what they can testify about, why families should be taken out, are they afraid of the activity of our partisans, or is there some other story here, there may be two components,
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two answers, the first thing is to remove, well, let's say, military families from the affected area, because the cluster, er, cluster warhead is designed to be affected of a large area, and there is a military military town where these families of these anti-aircraft fighters live, and they are in the risk zone, they see it, they analyze it and want to reduce the level of these risks, it is quite understandable, but... and there may be another answer the fact that the enemy is preparing for the evacuation of crimea in advance and is removing its civilians from there, they are also taking spare parts from the black sea fleet's technical equipment since october of last year actively taking property from sevastopol to novorossiysk,
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well, let's say from the warehouses in sevastopol, this is also a fact, if you compare it with the latest report about... the evacuation of the families of anti-aircraft fighters, let's say this, military air defense, this, well, shows that this is a system, this is a chain, this is one chain, one, one plan, let's say this, well, that is, this concerns only, let's say so, their own and military families, because they are just civilians, citizens who live there and in akhyar, and in kozleev, in saka, and so on, well, they are simply russian occupiers. russia 's ministry of defense of the russian federation is simply to be stuffed, by and large to be stuffed, we know how to stuff them on their own the military, others who are not elite, such as air defense, which take a long time to prepare, we see these vengeful assaults, attacks that continue, well, such a system, such a country, and besides
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, 800 thousand, it seems, yes, displaced persons have been brought to crimea yes, the so-called, well, what kind. they are being pushed out, they want to change the ethnic composition of the peninsula in this way, then say, and we will now hold a referendum, well, what about them, they are bandits, they have such a logic to turn it around in st. petersburg, and they will definitely not evacuate them, and they will not even warn them they won't talk about it, it doesn't matter to them what happens to them it will be how, well, even this week there was... news about the defeat of russian radar systems, and, if i am not mistaken, they are the ones that provide the ability to detect and even further defeat all air targets, please tell me if this is really so , and how much time do we still need
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for the scientist to destroy all russian radar systems located on the territory of the occupied peninsula and do... the occupiers now have the ability, the power, to transport other such systems to crimea and deploy them. well, really, security air dominance, which we want to do over the peninsula, begins with the elimination of the enemy's anti-aircraft, anti-aircraft and anti-missile defenses, as well as its fighter aircraft, which can also establish an element. of the same air defense, the aviation was re-based for the most part to the caucasus , there to mozdok and so on, and the remaining missile units with radar complexes that allow them to see far and something to prepare there for repelling attacks remained, so here is a complex without radar combers
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of radar stations, he is not able to fight therefore, it is advisable to destroy it ourselves. the radtsi complex is a radi radar station, which is long-range, let's say, long-range, which i can see, it works on long waves, the range up to long waves, its shooting radar stations, those that work directly with the complexes that lead the target and these provide a whole guidance for missiles, and radar complexes or stations are immediate. e-e of short-range complexes - this is for self-defense of the stations themselves and the anti-missile defense complexes themselves. here are three such levels, let's say, radars that exist, which ones are gradually destroyed, and according to the classics of the genre, after that, well, it will be possible to say that
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in the air we also do not graze the hindquarters, somehow . here, the british publication the telegramgraf sounded a plan for the liberation of the peninsula, relying on various british military experts, and wrote to journalists that it is not necessary at all that the boot of a ukrainian soldier should even enter the territory of crimea. it is enough to make him inconvenient for putin and cut off the arteries of the supply of ammunition, and it is as if he can be released remotely, at the same time, ukrainian experts from the project of the informational resistance of the resistance , they say that, after all, a ground operation cannot be dispensed with, because it will be necessary to establish a constitutional system in crimea, and an intervention will still be necessary. to the ukrainian troops in crimea, to get by with only what it is, to destroy the kerch bridge and, for example, break through the trench, this is not enough, what is
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your opinion, after all, what we should most realistically do is, for now, only cut off supplies to the kerch bridge, on the crimean peninsula, or whatever. prepare for a ground operation? i completely i agree with the point of view of the ukrainian experts, and what the british say is only the first part of our plan, i think so, and in the end, any victory, it will be final only when the boot or ee other ee, let's say this, her shoe is ukrainian. our scouts will be drinking coffee on the beach in yalta, we know this story, but we see on video, by the way, how the supply of fuel to the crimea goes through the kerch bridge, well, apparently they didn’t dare,
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the russian occupiers still dared to transport it, that is after all, the kerch bridge continue to use, including , well, in my opinion, fuel is a completely military, military resource, including for military purposes, will the kerch bridge be destroyed or not? no, for sure, what will happen, because this is communication, this is the logistics of the living army, this is the logistics of the black sea fleet or its remnants in the crimea, and there are many ships and vessels left there, after all, despite the fact that the main forces have been evacuated to novorossiysk and further to the sea of ​​azov, as we know, all this must be destroyed, because the army needs a lot diesel but aviation, respectively , aviation fuel, and so on, so after the ferry crossing that we damaged
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recently, the kerch bridge should be the main target, which should be hit, and our management, the main intelligence management, is probably already working in this direction, mr. volodymyr, you know, i am concerned about something else in this matter, uh, mostly, when we talk about the deoccupation of the peninsula, and we talk about the need to isolate the peninsula from the russian federation, and this is the destruction of the city of kerch, there from the north direction, isolation and further long-range missiles, strikes on russian military facilities, well, it looks really very logical and very military, many experts say about it, even benhojistes also wrote a great deal about it there. state and so on, but when we talk about isolation, we understand that peaceful people will find themselves in this isolation together with the russian military and occupiers, and these are
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citizens of ukraine, crimean tatars, and so on. in your opinion, does this pose a threat to our ukrainian population? crimea of course it is, but i want to tell you with... all my acquaintances who have some contacts there, or those who recently returned from crimea, i have friends, i have, well, let's say, even relatives there, who are distant those who remain there, uh, mostly they say, we are ready to suffer, to suffer, but to be freed from this horror, from this, from this influx that came here to our land, well... and so on , therefore there is certainly a risk, but, well, what, there is no war without risk, as they say, but something will have to be done
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continue to take risks. but well, the reward for this will be liberation, it will be de-occupation, and it will be worth it, ugh, we see that there is almost nothing left of the black sea fleet, but russia still continues to patrol the black sea with submarines, or we can we do something against submarines, or maybe we already have some artificial intelligence underwater drones that can attack these vessels? indeed, submarines remain a priority target, because they are the only time that go on combat duty, have on on board missiles that can hit the entire territory of ukraine, selectively, and we never know where they will shoot from, because the main trump card of a submarine compared to a surface ship is stealth, they dive immediately after leaving
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novorossiysk. by the way, these exits to the sea turn into whole operations, they are very afraid of our remote means, and this is along with surface unmanned boats, so-called surface drones in a broad sense, they can also be underwater drones that we have, which in several of us were being developed types, by the way, and one of them is a submarine that strikes from a submarine, that is, they are also... and they are probably patrolling somewhere there, or preparing for it, in order to intercept the enemy at their bases, the enemy knows this, they are also creative act, they analyze our forces and means, what we do, what tactical techniques we use, and accordingly prepare to repel, but until recently it did not help them, even the use of
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a wide range of aviation means. in search and reconnaissance over the black sea, well , the latest example is the destruction of boats in area of ​​chornomorskyi, bay, vuska, tugboats, shallow, smaller boats near kirchy feodosia and so on. well, this is this auxiliary fleet, mr. volodymyr, its actually a bunch of all these tugboats and small boats, is it a waste to spend drones on such small targets? i'll tell you the truth. not in drones, the fact is that it is called operational mode support, the enemy must know that we are constantly watching the sea, we know that we are working intelligence, we are tracking all targets, and they hide their ships for a reason, they are even ordinary elements of combat training are currently being conducted in the sea of ​​azov, they hid behind the crimean bridge on the other side, and they believe that they are in danger there, well, let them believe, it is not yet evening. as
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they say, thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr zablovskyi, the defense express naval expert was on our air, let me remind you that you are watching the beraber program together in ukrainian, it is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the first crimean tatar tv channel atr, and the studio is working andrii yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova. yes of course. and with us, i do i understand, a short break, and then we will continue our broadcast, no... events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news channel reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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