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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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it cannot be compared with afghanistan, and if we take the second world war, then these losses are the same as the second world war there were losses, if we count them on a daily or monthly basis, they were no less, even more, this is a war, a full-scale war, it is more it is still similar , it is closer to the second world war than to the afghan war or any other war there, those wars can be considered. well, even the israeli wars or the vietnam wars or the parei wars are more or less local conflicts, this is a full-scale war in europe, the likes of which it has been since the second world war, and they will repeat the losses sooner or later, but it will end soon, that’s exactly what i said every time, but to hope that it will be easy and simple, well, it’s not worth it, will they have or will they be able to increase offensive actions, will they be able to very good news from... north south
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korea that north korea has seen from south korea has seen that north korea has shipped up to 5 million shells to russia. well, i very much doubt that this is true, but if even such information is not very good, maybe it is less, yes, we know that north korean shells, artillery shells, are meant, they are not of very high quality, not all of them work there, but if there are at least a few million russian shells... i outnumber the number of shots, there are also additional shells , it can double, maybe even triple their shelling for a certain time, then it can be considered as part of the offensive, the strengthening of the offensive, which the same russians say, analysts say, our west , that they are grouped, it is quite possible, and with about kharkiv oblast, well, they didn't plan.
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capture kharkiv, because the forces they used there, the forces and means, people and equipment, it was, well, approximately the same as during the storming of avdiivka, well, avdiivka is, well, bakhmut, well, this is a city of thirty thousand and a millionaire of the city, well of course, they couldn't and didn't plan, because they're not stupid, we always want to think of them as something, yes, orcs are there and so on, all the words, but they're also learning and they wouldn't plan... actions to capture the city , using the forces that for this well, which are not enough for this, will they try further in kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast? i think they will, they are pulling up reserves both in sumy oblast and kharkiv oblast, what will happen in sumy oblast, it is hard to say yet, maybe it will be something similar to kharkiv oblast, but in kharkiv, yes, they, they want to move as close as possible to this city, to the distance of an aimed artillery shot from the barrel artillery for... in order to, well,
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try to turn the city into a gray zone or just keep it in suspense and not let, well, the city function normally for everyone structures, everything, well, everything that is in the city, in order for it to function, they will try to, if not destroy, then keep the entire infrastructure under tension, because in the case of artillery fire, no one even announces an air alarm, so what , well, the air alarm, the missile flew, see... maybe there is not much time, but the artillery shots can be unexpected, at any time, they can discover this wagon, so they will try, whether they succeed or not, well, as official sources tell, well, there, in who are familiar with them, also know that relatively good fortifications have already been built a few kilometers behind the front line of the front line in kharkiv oblast, and most likely, if they ... climb, then we will not
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just cling to some tree in the field in the field or behind some dilapidated building there, and we will move a few kilometers to our fortifications, which have been built, and there it will be convenient for us to maintain defense, and i think that the number of destroyed orcs will increase, losses from our side will decrease, because well, hold on, to be on the defensive, if they are reinforced concrete structures, well, since it says that... really well done, then it would be good, and here again we really need them in 16, as if unrelated things, but these fortifications can be destroyed by kabs, we can’t shoot down kabs with air defense means, ground ones, only air ones, that is, phantoms, you hear, f16s, well, maybe we’ll wait for phantoms, well, you may have been wrong, there is f4, well cantom 2 yes f4, a very good plane, but sir major, i wanted to... ask you about something when we
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we are talking about the losses that the russians suffered in may, and we understand that these are large losses, as you say, by the standards of the second world war, but... which losses will be painful for russia, which will force russia to cancel the war, or not at all with which they will never count, they will simply put as many people as necessary, well, it’s them, they can want it that way, it’s as they want, they don’t want it, the fact is that there are losses for units that are critical, well it’s the unit becomes, well, not very f'. national at a loss of 30%, at a loss more than 50%, he is already everything, he must, must be changed, because he can no longer conduct combat operations, because the unit is not just a bunch of people there, there is a company of 100 people, there is also a communications department to leave so-and-so, so-and-so,
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and when it is lost, then it is lost , half is lost, then the connection is lost, that is, it is just people, as they say, like a movie for guys with a gun, it is not a military unit, it is already well... it's just that there are people there, some number of people with weapons, who in fact do not communicate, do not manage themselves as they should, and it already needs to be diverted, replenished and only after that applied again, er, critical, now half a million, they plan to reach somewhere up to 700-800 00 by september, so in order for them to become unsustainable, we need, we need for currently. to destroy another 1,300-400 by autumn, well, honestly, i think that it will not be difficult to do, mr. major, when we talk about autumn there or about winter and about the duration of the war, one way or another we
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understand that the russian federation is preparing for a long-term war, although today is the same putin started saying that let 's stop hostilities and... there will be peace, and it won't be a truce, but we, let's exchange peace in ukraine for the four regions that we have already annexed, plus an autonomous republic crimea, ukrainian troops will withdraw from the territory of donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia, kherson regions, that is, those parts that the russians do not control, they must leave, yes, the armed forces of ukraine must leave, the nuclear-free status, the neutral status of ukraine. where, demilitarization, denazification, well, that is, in fact, what putin said today, should it be taken as an ultimatum, and in his mouth peace means war, yes, orel
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wrote correctly, he thought it was a novel, and it was an instruction for putin, as i understand it, this book, the fact is that when putin is afraid of something, he is afraid of our nuclear status, well, that's all he is. demands, it means that he is afraid of this battle, and here it is already possible to predict, uh, when he starts to heal, then this, he is not very well, things are going well, and he is not very sure that everything will work out as they planned, uh, that is, when he feels that it will not turn out the way they all wanted, he starts to intimidate me, because we have to do, well, i'm sure that we have to immediately... washington, that there should be some kind of decision regarding our movement in nato, well , it is written in our constitution, we cannot change it, and i am sure that the nuclear-free status must be canceled, the nuclear status must be restored, i think that we we will be able
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to come to an agreement with our partners, if it is not our domestic nuclear weapons, then at least as in germany, as in turkey, let it be something other than american, because sometimes it is difficult to negotiate with them. there is a big country somewhere, many different opinions, and with the british, i think, there are no questions, we, if we, according to international law, if we give permission, and we have certain agreements, military agreements, military alliances, in various formats, with some country, and it wants to keep nuclear weapons on our territory, and we are not against it, then this is not a violation of any international laws, well, for example, how can the russians... legally keep your nuclear missiles in belarus, and that, well, that doesn't violate anything, we may not like it, but it's not warranted by the law, likewise we can keep, well , british or french nuclear missiles on our territory, or to renew our nuclear status, i think that this would be exactly
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what we need, but to exchange the so-called measure for the return of the regions, well, what kind of fear is it that we have to give up our regions, let's go with... we will come out with the opposite proposals, let's create a demilitarized zone and create a separate kursk republic there, which there lord oh, bryansk, belgorodsk, brya, the word stuck, well, you can, well, i’m joking, of course, it’s sad to joke, well, you can offer something like that, such a shahiniya answer, you know when a person says stupid, frankly stupid, and we start seriously on him to react and answer, and he is trying, we are trying to prove that it is not necessary to do so, he is not going to, he was not going to insist on this and... he just needed the everton window to start a conversation about it,
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that but there is some reaction to their complete nonsense, and then they can, well, in russian, well, let’s go to four oblasts, i’ll go to your meeting, give us three oblasts, that’s why it’s necessary to respond very simply to such people, with such statements, or keep silent, say that we’re stupid no, we don’t comment, or some stupid thing like that, so that their brains will turn to... and let’s, well, for example, let’s give us the kursk region, like there in that movie, yes, the kursk region there, well, give it to us, here we are decided, and why not, and accept it, please hand over nuclear nuclear weapons, i i don't know to whom, well, burundi, we make these demands on you, hand over all nuclear weapons to burundi, well yes and no, yes, they say the same nonsense, with what fear you tell us that which alliances we should join , what should we do, out of what fear should we reach for the arrow of victory with you to agree
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to give you some of our territories, well, what is it, and we react to it, there is no need to react to it, it is either to say, that we do not respond to a fool, or launch the same fool in response, thank you thank you, mr. major, for the conversation, it was oleksiy hetman, a military analyst, a reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, friends, we continue to work live on the express tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are now watching us live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages on these platforms, and also take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether the victory of ukraine is possible without the capitulation of putin, yes, no, two options answers, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that the victory over putin, or the victory of ukraine... is possible without the capitulation of putin (0800-211-381), that this
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victory is impossible without capitulation of putin (0800-211-382). all calls to these numbers are free, vote. at the end of the program , we will sum up the results of this vote. at once, several large forums of world meetings took place this week in europe , a large forum on the restoration of ukraine took place. in germany started yesterday, and today ended the meeting of the g7, the g7 decided to give ukraine 50 billion dollars at the expense of russian assets, prime minister, prime minister of italy giorgia meloni said that the g7 leaders reached an agreement to give ukraine this amount. and this is all at the expense of frozen russian assets. let's hear what georgia
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maloney had to say. i can confirm that we have reached a political agreement to provide additional financial support to ukraine in the amount of about 50 billion dollars by the end of the year, through a credit facility, to repay which excess profits from russian assets frozen in our jurisdictions can be used. we're not talking about... it's a shame that they're only talking about the interest that is accrued on assets frozen in europe, russian assets, because the russians have already started to panic, because they say that they will confiscate the assets of western companies in turn. which are located in the russian federation, and in the meantime, the big seven made another one. statement that russia should pay damages in the amount of 486 billion
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dollars have been inflicted on ukraine, and this is also quite a serious statement, we see how our western partners are starting to treat putin and his cronies more harshly, because only numbers, only money, only possible. peace talks, but on his terms. what peace talks mean in the understanding of vladimir putin is the mandatory capitulation of ukraine, because what the master of the kremlin is proposing means that ukraine must voluntarily give up four of its regions, plus the autonomous republic of crimea, that is, kherson,
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zaporizhzhia, donetsk, luhansk regions and autonomous republic of crimea, i.e. from five. oblasts, or well, the autonomous republic of crimea has a special status, that is, from the four oblasts of the autonomous republic of crimea, and to abandon the prospects of acquiring nuclear weapons, to abandon a large army, to abandon the movement towards the north atlantic alliance, that is, the proposals that putin is making now, they are unacceptable for the ukrainian state, it is clear that this week putin ... received many greetings from our western partners, first the united states of america, then great britain, then canada introduced another round of sanctions against russians and russian companies, the moscow city stock exchange came under sanctions, and as a result, the ruble, the russian ruble became
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really wooden, because the russians lined up. uh, for dollars, you see, they don't like the united states of america so much, but they had to wait in line and exchange these, probably no one needs anymore, or let's say, devalued russian rubles for hard currency. the ministry of finance of the united states of america reported that as part of the expansion sanctions the united states of america prohibits the provision of services in the field of software . and it to any person on the territory of russia, and this is stated in the statement of the head of the us treasury department, janet yellen, she says that the united states of america is increasing the risk for financial institutions that deal with russia's military economy and eliminating ways to
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evade to pay taxes, and also reduce russia's ability to benefit from access. to foreign technologies, equipment, software and it services. well, of course, putin himself is now trying to explain to russians that , as they say, the russian economy is stronger than ever, he constantly repeats that the russian economy is one of the four largest economies in the world. of course, putin traditionally lies, there is no, there is no fourth place. of the russian economy in the world economy, and this is exactly what putin is constantly trying to emphasize, that we will survive, we will certainly do everything in order to take revenge on the west and the western countries that support ukraine, as they say the west started the war, and everything is connected with it.
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friends, i remind you that we are working live on the espresso tv channel and we are conducting a survey in the next one. i urge you to vote in this poll, because your opinion is important for us, whether the victory of ukraine is possible without the capitulation of putin, yes, no, if you vote on the youtube channel, everything is quite simple, either yes or no, write your opinion, either please in the comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on the relevant numbers 0.800, 211 381, if you do you think that ukraine's victory is possible. without putin's capitulation and 0800 211 3782 if this victory is not possible without putin's capitulation. next, we will be in touch with volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start our
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conversation with the next so-called peace initiatives of vladimir putin. it's his turn today. taught the world and ukraine an ultimatum, and he said that he allegedly ready for peace negotiations, but of course we will listen to what he said on our own terms. these conditions are very simple: ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from donetsk, luhansk, kherson and zaporizhzhia regions. moreover, i draw attention to this, precisely from the entire territory of these regions within the limits.
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well, that is, this is ultimatum 2, right next to the ultimatum that was issued in the 21st year, when putin demanded to prevent the expansion of nato and give the east under his patronage. the ukrainian state, well, the novel here is that he already pretends that the world agrees with this theft, a big theft of four regions of ukraine, plus the autonomous republic of crimea, and enshrining it in some international legal act, what do you think about what putin did today and why he did it? well, the most interesting thing is that he appeals to kyiv, he does not appeal to the democratic world, to the sponsor. of ukrainian security, he emphasizes that kyiv must recognize, this is the first, in general, that if we talk about certain symbols, about body language,
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about colors, then purple is a color lies, it is worth paying attention to the color of putinskaya's crib, it is unexpectedly purple, he has never been distinguished by a craving for such a color, so... you can say that he is just playing a scene for internal use here, because of course, after the real us sanctions, in particular against the banking system of russia, putin perfectly understands that his economy will be put on his shoulders in a couple of months, but it is very important for him to create the illusion of success and, well, i would say offensive. alness, because he emphasizes that you agree with what i stole, because i will steal even more, and i will press, but this
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is being said just on the eve of a fairly significant rearmament of the ukrainian troops and the acquisition of aviation, and even as of today, this aggression of his on the kharkiv region, it was not just... repulsed, it cost russia a lot of nerves , and the impression is that putin was preparing just somewhere there, well, to announce in connection with the victory in kharkiv oblast, this, well, a similar address, but it looks like nothing in kharkiv oblast has broken for him, and now there is a problem with the supply of water to crimea , there is a problem with the economy in general and... with armaments, and most importantly, in my opinion, in russian society, panic has begun regarding this war, and the partisan movement is growing on the territory of russia, with this, it must also
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be recorded, it is growing quite significantly, and zelensky has already answered on this proposal, the so -called proposal for peace talks by the dictator putin, let's listen to what the ukrainian president said. what can i say: these messages are ultimatums, they are no different from other ultimatums he has made before. now we see that what he is does - this is the revival of nazism, this is a new wave of this nazism, russian nazism. he wants us to give up our occupied territories, but he also wants our unoccupied territories. he talks about the regions of our country and has no intention of stopping, frozen. mr. volodymyr, watching all these international
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forums and summits that took place in the last few days, there were a lot of them, and ukraine and the issue of ukraine's future were at the center of these forums. can we talk about the fact that in the political and diplomatic, that is took place in the political and diplomatic realm. changes this week that will apparently lead to even more aid to ukraine and even more understanding of the world about what to do with putin? well, first of all, we have a certain feeling that the expectations from the swiss peace summit were somewhat exaggerated in ukrainian society, but due to the nature of the representation and for'. of countries, it is still, i would say, well, not a 10:0 victory, but it is already a victory, it is the first, the second, in fact, the relegation now.
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putin, he is actually connected with significantly greater success of the ukrainian negotiators in the preparation of the swiss summit than russia had hoped for, because there was a feeling that 25 countries would refuse to participate in this summit, but it turned out that the efforts of china and russia did not pay off after all. but you can say that even this summit with, well, i would say, no, not huge expectations, but with a very decent result, i myself was quite skeptical about the possibilities, but it turned out that the behavior of russia pushed many potential partners to such a greater activities, and the most important thing is that
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all... continents are represented at this forum, this is important, well, i will give short statistics, because these statistics already exist and there are already representatives, there are lists of representatives of foreign countries who will participate in this global peace summit, and he will begin on june 15 in switzerland, so 100 delegations, 57 heads of state and government, 29 foreign ministers will take part in the conference, six countries have sent their plenipotentiaries. representatives, india, brazil, south africa are also represented at this summit, and china will not be there, azerbaijan will not be there for some reason, armenia will be participating in this summit instead, and there are already reports that volodymyr zelensky, who has been quite active in various forums this week, has arrived in switzerland, and you can see the video
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of his arrival. who is the president to switzerland, and obviously, the very fact of holding this global peace summit and putin's hysteria today shows that even before the start of this global peace summit, ukraine has already won, because this week there is information in the western press and for the western audience, this week was the week of ukrainians of ukraine, because it was also a forum on the restoration of ukraine in germany. and the big seven, and rammstein-23, and the ukraine-nato council, which took place during this week, and by the way, zelensky's talks with the leadership of saudi arabia, with the prince of saudi arabia, this is also part of this major preparatory period and preparatory work for the global the peace summit. i will ask you, mr. volodymyr, about the absence of all 10
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points of the formula. of peace under consideration, at this constituent conference, which is tomorrow whether the founding summit will take place, whether this is a problem for ukraine, that no, not all the issues included in zelenskyi's peace formula will be considered, but only three. well, there is one important factor here, the fact is that the representation of all the countries that are now, well, already on the announced list, are very friendly participants themselves. that is, with such benevolence, in the course of the work of the summit , proposals can be made orally regarding the entire scope of zelenskyi’s initiatives, although zelenskyi himself narrowed it down to three initiatives, i.e. nuclear safety in the first place, in general, i have such the feeling that the banks were hoping that when there is a decision on nuclear security, then...
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russia somehow, wanting to continue the dialogue, will still hand over zaporizhzhia to ukraine. well, but it seems to me that they decided to blackmail putin even more, on the contrary, with this occupied nuclear plant, so the most important thing is that, what can we say, that the representation gives an opportunity to discuss what? possible changes in the un and in the un charter and in the structure of the security council, if we pa, if in parallel with this , the topic of un changes, reforms will be discussed on the sidelines the un and, of course, that this is not included in the block of proposals or initiatives of zelensky, but i believe that an additional result of the summit would be, would be...


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