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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv ya. greetings to all viewers of espresso. time to learn about the main events for this hour. the occupiers were encircled in vovchansk. the armed forces of ukraine are blocking russian units at a local aggregate plant. according to the kremlin media, the invaders have been unsuccessfully trying to rescue their people from the territory of the enterprise for two days. about 400 russians are under constant fire from the side defense forces the number of wounded and dead is increasing. send them products. or
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medicines are practically impossible, terrorists complain in public. good luck on the front line. the armed forces of ukraine have pushed back the russians in the srebyan forestry in the luhansk region, as well as near klishchiivka in the donetsk region, analysts of the deep state project write. they updated the map of battles on the ukrainian front and analyzed the movement of the occupiers. the enemy managed to advance slightly near kalynyvka. novopokrovsky and yasnobrodivka. the woman died as a result of an enemy attack on the village hlushkivka in kharkiv oblast. a russian projectile hit a kindergarten nearby. the national police was notified. the occupiers also bombarded the villages of boguslavka and kutuzivka with guided aerial bombs. two people were injured. they were riddled with variable explosive injuries, destroyed private houses, damaged tractors and farm buildings.
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three people were killed and five were injured as a result of enemy shelling in donetsk region. in the morning, the russians hit the village of ulakly in the volnova district with cluster submunitions, the regional prosecutor's office reports. they hit the territory of the private sector. a 30-year-old man and a 39-year-old woman died in their own garden. their neighbor died of her injuries on the way to the hospital. five victims were near the store at the time of the shelling, they were hospitalized. an attack on the energy sector, as a result of a russian attack on one of the high-voltage substations , household consumers in the east were out of control, and there were disruptions in the movement of trains, the ministry of energy informs. currently, specialists are working on the restoration of electricity supply in the chernihiv region the russians shelled the air line. because of which
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almost 200 subscribers in 12 settlements were without power, the ministry of energy reminded that today the hourly blackout schedules are in effect from eight in the morning to 11 in the evening. the united states allocates 1.5 billion dollars to help ukraine. another package of support was announced by us vice president kamala harris at the peace summit in switzerland. a third of the funds will be used for emergency repairs. energy infrastructure, the other part will be distributed to address the urgent needs of refugees, internally displaced persons and communities that suffered from russian aggression, they also plan to purchase rescue equipment for ukrainian border guards and security guards. officially the president: the inauguration of the newly elected head of state peter polegrini took place today in slovakia. the ceremony was held in... the philharmonic orchestra, where
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a symbolic meeting of the parliament is organized. 400 guests were invited to the event. ex-president zuzana chaputova has already transferred her powers to pellegrini. in his first speech, he mentioned the assassination attempt on prime minister robert fizo and called for peace and association of society. in general, the inauguration will last until saturday evening. a solemn mass and a military parade are expected. of exports through ports, acting minister of agrarian policy taras vysotsky assured that currently ukrainian port facilities cover all needs, in particular, 75% of the sale of agricultural products falls on the three ports of greater odessa, another 12 on the danube region. vysotsky noted that this is due to the decrease in the volume of ukrainian production. we
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will even end this marketing year with these average final balances, i.e. currently there is no shortage of port capacities, but this is also due to... the fact that 20% of the territories are temporarily occupied. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. and they also allow. move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of holodoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. so join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. fatal accident in
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kirovohrad region. one person died, five more were injured as a result of a traffic accident near the village of rozsokhovatka, novoukrainian. informs the state emergency service. according to preliminary data, the driver of the dacia car is not managed to control, drove off the road into a ditch and overturned. the injured were hospitalized, and the overturned car was towed away. a man who fought against russia for two years as part of the armed forces of ukraine was detained in bern, switzerland, the local publication blik writes. john. neidhard volunteered to join the police force to further draw attention to the war during a peace summit in switzerland. he emphasized: it is necessary to give ukraine the opportunity to win on the battlefield. before the full-scale invasion, john was a student and planned to become a school teacher a teacher however, in march 2022, he joined
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the international legion. first , he fought near bakhmut, then took part in the kharkiv counteroffensive and in the battles under the camp. back home, neithart faces up to three years in prison for serving in a foreign army, according to swiss law. race in support of the armed forces. the bucharan 2024 charity race took place in bucha, kyiv region. its purpose is charitable, as the organizers say , they plan to use the proceeds to purchase drones for the soldiers of the 47th separate mechanized brigade. hura hopes to collect half a million hryvnias. we have already made sure that such events bring people together, unite the community and guests of our city. and especially at this time, when the task of every citizen is
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to support the armed forces, why not take advantage of this opportunity, and today this event is not just a mini-marathon, support of the armed forces? today i will run with headphones for the first time, because in big... sports you can't use them, so i want at least one, it's important for me to maintain the same pace, no to stop, not to walk, but simply to run at such, well, still quite a fast pace. polish-ukrainian, that was the name of jatsyk kuron, one of the founders of the polish solidarity party and supporter of the polish-ukrainian historical understanding. in lviv, on the square named in his honor, they set fire to it. candle of memory to the 20th anniversary and from the day of his death, the politician yatsyk kuron wrote articles in support of the ukrainian people, which caused a wave of indignation among poles. he initiated a joint commemoration of the fallen soldiers of both sides in the polish-ukrainian ceremony war for lviv 1918. he was imprisoned for
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anti-communist opposition. in the evening , the potocki palace will host a public event on the topic of poles-ukrainians, a difficult dialogue, timed to the days of... for me , it was extremely important that i, kuron, could feel the historical pain of ukrainians like no one else. he understood this pain, and he taught us to understand polish pain. for me , his empathy is probably the most impressive feature. i have never met a more empathetic person, and probably, if only like a science someday it will reach the level of learning how to measure empathy quantitatively, i think it would be good to choose just one curuni for that measure of empathy, everything else would be mili curuni or somewhere around 10 curuni, well, hardly
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more, probably in my life more there was no empathetic person, read more about the important thing on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels on social networks and support our youtube channel. next issue at 17. see you soon. warning! mega sale! cordless saws strong with a discount of only 799 uah. reliable, powerful, convenient. order while the video is streaming. strong saplings will cut trees and shrubs with ease. they are convenient to use for carpentry. this is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 799 uah. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order now.
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ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it, all this in informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but what about these changes? on our life we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. friends, we are back on the air, we still have an hour of our participation in the espresso marathon, and
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we have a few more guests and many topics for them, we will talk now about the peace summit that is happening in switzerland these days, and we will also talk, sum up the jg7 summit, as well as what putin said the day before, well , let's talk about what is happening in armenia, and what effect it will have on ukraine, because everything that happens in the world is in one way or another interconnected and has its own influence in one way or another , and what exactly has a direct impact? on how many muscovites, how many muscovites will be less, these are your donations, i do not get tired of repeating about our collection, which we are currently conducting, and we must finish it as soon as possible, 2.5 million, this is a huge ambitious goal, dear friends, already such amounts you and i collected, it is clear that when
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there are many such collections every time, then everyone thinks, my god, how much more, but war is such a thing that needs and needs, because the enemy pushes and pushes, there are a lot of them there, and we eat them we have to reduce them by a child's number, 13, 13 e mavics, eh, a damn number, that's how many we we want to convey to the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine for art intelligence, why are they art intelligence, because art intelligence with the help of these drones will see where the moscow positions are, where they are stuck there, where their equipment is? what is this technique and in this way will clearly and accurately determine where to send art projectiles, so that those muscovites and their technique become fewer. there are two qr codes on your screens now, on the right, if you look at the screen face to face, monobank, you just scan it with your phone camera, and on the left is a private qr code
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private bank and you scan it only if you have the privat-24 application, in which you find the scan function. and already click on it, then move the frame over the black and white picture. you don't have those apps, you don't know how to open those cameras, just write down your card number, and with that card number you can come to a bank or some sykes and tell them how sorry you are. i want to say that for today, dear friends, you donated 38 hryvnias and we hope that you will donate more and we will come out. for such an average amount for this week, in principle somewhere yes, 40 and a half thousand is the average amount, tomorrow we will sum up how much we managed to collect this week, of course, to be honest, i don't know what words to choose anymore, it's a bit difficult, i understand that it's summer, i understand that it's more difficult everyone with money, but,
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but our boys need your help, after all, let's see who we 're raising for, let's listen to them. yeah, we'll listen to them later, well, the guys are positive, if anyone else hasn't seen how they address us, then you've missed a lot, because it's uplifting, despite the fact that the guys in hell, but, but on them, but they have such an angelic mood, and this video literally radiates positivity, we will show it to you later, well, one of the reasons why now she has started donating less, she is also famous, slav litynskyi says about it, a well-known volunteer. e lviv, the whole story is that in fact now almost everyone has someone whom they want, whom they need to inform, because it is some family or very close friends, acquaintances, so, well, it is obvious that when a person chooses, relatively speaking, whether i don't know, tell my nephew there i don't know if the funds are for the meetings of the foundation with which he is used to working, come back alive,
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for example, or the meetings we do on the express tv channel, then it often goes according to priority, first there. but we understand that there we collect immediately how much there is, i don't know, we throw in there, 5 00, 10 00, as much as we can, to help that person something there, something important there, and for his unit, here, when we collect such gatherings, they, they are interesting to others, due to the fact that a million people are connected here, and if everyone is literally even there by hryvnia drops, then we collect in the end and buy very cool things, we bought quad bikes, we will buy them again now , we haven't bought the ones about quad bikes yet, we are still collecting. we are still collecting, and still collecting, because there is a huge amount, there is 4.5 million, there is an old trailer, let's look at those beautiful guys for whom we are just now collecting, maybe someone, someone you know, is also in this hundredth brigade of the armed forces, so you can also help them in this way, i wish you good health, we, the soldiers of the art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade, ask you to join our gathering of nadrona and their
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components that will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. these are such wonderful guys, 556 thousand, i wanted to say that we got the mirror number, but no, it's already 556,656 hryvnias. this is the account on the monobank, dear friends, we will talk in the meantime and this qr code, while we are talking, the card number will appear here later on the title, they will remain, so join us, in the meantime we are talking with stanislav dzhelakhovsky , candidate of political sciences, expert between. spring, and he is already appearing on our screens. mr. stanislav, we congratulate you. good day. mr. stanislav, let's start with the fact that the peace summit is taking place right now. in switzerland, many countries were expected there, then the last number announced by sources of journalists of radio liberty, 78 representatives of different countries
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of the world, was this number confirmed, in the end, how many of those who were expected came? well, indeed, a two-day, two-day global peace summit organized by... initiatives of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, and it should be noted here that kyiv's efforts to officially organize this meeting have been ongoing since the fall of 2022, and it was then that the president of ukraine announced during the group of 20 summit in indonesia the 10- point plan that we now have. .. we call the ukrainian peace formula and its actual provisions and will be considered at the summit in switzerland, and you really noted that
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the number of countries, the number of participants, as well as international organizations that should take part has constantly varied, and now it is reported that more than 90 countries should take part and gradually delegations from certain countries or organizations. are arriving in switzerland, the president of ukraine arrived the day before, so he is meeting there those representatives who will participate, well , it seems to me that now it is not about the number, but about how the parties will reach an agreement to support the ukrainian peace formula , because we must understand that there are a lot of different views in the world, especially among the countries of the so-called global... south, where, let's put it mildly, recently, some people knew very little about our country, well, except that they can get
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food from our country or some other necessary products or resources from it, and therefore, let's say, it was very difficult to break their their consciousness, regarding the fact that they really could and did come to this summit and support. because we see that, after all, the russian agenda has been privileged among such countries all these years, and all this is reflected as traditionally since the time of the soviet union in certain regions, and also now, when russia is making a lot of efforts to be present in certain countries of the world, i actually think that it is important that this summit takes place after all, so that uh... it is really possible to consider at least those questions that would suit the largest possible number of participants, although even now it remains to be seen how much they support the final document that
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is being discussed now, that project, because it has already been changed and changed for us allegedly in a better direction, because there ukraine's interests are lagging behind and what is needed settle the situation there, well, in particular , they call things by their names there, russia, for example, is a country. an aggressor, and not some veiled definitions or provisions and the like, but this could just as well affect the number of states that were planned to be invited, and obviously now, not least as russian propaganda has been working hard against our summit in recent days, in it involved, for example, such a country as the people's republic of china and some other countries that are part of the brics group. and uh, we see that it is possible, to some extent, to moscow succeeded, i don't know what they justified it with, but i do not rule out that
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precisely because of those connections that have been taking place for many years, or these eight disinformation campaigns, well, we also see that there are elements of bribery, repeatedly russia made all kinds of discounts for one thing or another, for example, let's remember last year's... russia-africa summit, and then even free tickets from the free lot of earth for the countries of the african continent were offered there, well, that's right , the russian federation is also in such a complex is working, so for now we see that somewhere around half of the world's states should take part in the global peace summit, but we hope that it will still be an important step on the way to a peaceful settlement of the russian-ukrainian war and that in the future this number of actors will only ... will grow. meanwhile, on the eve of the start of this peace summit in switzerland, the russian dictator vladimir putin made a statement, where again with... that he
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is ready to stop the war forever, but he has demands, in fact the demands are ultimate, how to deal with this and whether in this case, in ukraine, in order to avoid criticism from the side, in particular representatives of the global south, it is not worth saying that we are also ready for negotiations, but on completely different grounds, because now what is being accused of us and in what... what, it seems to me that what is difficult to deny at the international level is when putin and his henchmen say that ukraine refuses to negotiate altogether, are you ready? well, here it may really look like an ultimatum, but it also looks like from the side of the russian federation, i mean, like a capitulation plan of ukraine, well, what we have already talked about even before the full-scale invasion, when russia actually put everyone under such ...
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conditions that it would not invade ukraine if it was actually supported, well, these inadequate demands for denazification, well also non-alignment and the like, well , actually, that absolutely does not correspond to the realities that could be, taking into account the fact that ukraine has its own statehood, its own sovereignty, and only it can decide where... to integrate, how many armed forces to have , well, these statements about nazis, well, that's it obviously, this is an absolute creation of russian propaganda in order to mobilize its citizens and send them to war, being cannon fodder, actually in this carnage organized by moscow, as to how to respond, well, obviously, we should not bother at all to any such proposals, it
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absolutely... does not correspond to our interests, nor at all, it does not correspond to the common sense that can be, but nevertheless, we must convince in parallel, the countries of the global south and even the western ones state in what is now impossible to go on such conditions, that is why the ukrainian side did not invite russia to the global peace summit, but to do everything possible to support us in the context of the peace plan proposed by kyiv, the ukrainian peace formula. er, and also help us fight russian aggression as much as possible, that is , in parallel, er, displace russian troops, because only in this way will we be able to consolidate our positions, improve them before the next rounds, which will take place and where , obviously, the russian delegation, so, in fact, now we have a lot of problems, but in no case should we react to what russia offers, not
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agree. therefore, for the time being, we are gathering the coalition that we can and will convince it to support us, and as i mentioned, we will expand it in the future, well, actually, this is the only way we can move towards our victory, otherwise it will definitely be capitulation, and we all perfectly and soberly understand what consequences it will have for the ukrainian state. well, to summarize, actually the g7 summit, what for... for ukraine, what is positive after this meeting? well, here, of course, there are several important, important positive points, positive news for us, it is obviously that it is possible to use the frozen russian assets to repay the loan that our european partners give us in the amount of 50 billion euros, and this is important, that is, in fact, russia
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will pay for us what we... what we will receive from our partners, including weapons, and this is a very big plus, and of course the security agreements that were signed italian apulia, namely with japan and the united states, because it is worth understanding that it was we who actually completed the signing with all the countries of the group of seven, which, in fact, was agreed upon by the parties at the nato summit in vilnos last year, and i think that it is valid . a really important stage, especially if you look at the agreement with the united states, it is really a comprehensively developed document, a fundamental, fundamental agreement that significantly strengthens relations between kyiv and washington, and obviously there are such important conditions for us as confirmation of our euro-atlantic course, and this once again proves that we must move along this path and us.


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