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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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i did not torment my husband with such questions about what you are doing and why you do not want to talk to me, and i did not hear in the conversation of the wife of a military serviceman, who, by the way, went to war back in 2014, that she said that he somehow does not pay attention to her, and does not want to chat on the phone, a completely different conversation, a completely different mood, in the end you can see for yourself, watch this program on youtube about what wives feel, what husbands who went to defend the country feel. did it in 2014 and in 2022 year also left, and they also had the desire to conduct some stupid conversations, which are reflected in these videos, already with us is viktor boberenko, a political expert, mr. viktor, we congratulate you, mr. viktor, good health to you, glad to see you , and we are glad to see you, and you have seen these videos from the ministry of defense, these motivational videos, as they believe, one and... i have seen some, i don't
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know how many of them, but i have seen them, and how about you, well, how am i political technologists are already evaluating all of this, so i, if, well, it wouldn’t affect me, but i understand that there are different target groups, for different target groups act differently, and you need to look at the same spectrum, because here, if you make such videos, you need to make them. dignities, well, understand that what are the target groups, yes, on whom, what can the event, yes, that's how, they separated us from mr. viktor, but i will say such a woman's point of view, i really do not like that women in in this video, they are depicted as such stupid and short-sighted people who do not seem to understand what is happening in the country, that there is a war in the country, i do not know whether those wives who are now waiting for their husbands from the front, who are waiting for this is a plus-plus. just a short, short
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little message in some messengers, as a reaction to the fact that to the question of whether you are alive, of course, that there may be some tension in the relationship, because there is distance, because there are different circumstances , and that women also at this moment have to take care of the family, older parents, for example, and not only their own, but also their husbands, children of different ages. there may be small children, naughty children, or children in adolescence, in which everything is very difficult, despite the fact that there is a war, despite the fact that dad is not there at home, but it seems to me that the percentage of women who will just get angry on the phone with a man, saying, what are you doing there, why don't you contact me, because i just want to talk at this moment, it is very small, and and i don't like that women in ukraine are depicted exactly. such
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and such, you know, a little hysterical and i don’t know , selfish or what, in the meantime , you know from following the work of marina bezuglya , who is writing a lot again, and there is a feeling that she has recently become very disliked by commander-in-chief syrsky that now she has literally everything that she wrote, now she is writing about syrsky, i am trying to understand what she is leading to, i even sometimes, for example, say, it would be better if zabrodsky was already made the commander, i say and, and plus , that cool, good idea, and then yes, but even then such a typical mariana bezugla starts again, and what does it all lead to, but i have a suspicion that it leads to the fact that something in the rank of the commander-in-chief is ripening some kind of dissatisfaction and on... they want
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to switch seats again, here, because the musicians should remain the same, is it really so, it would be possible to talk to mr. victor, but we have no connection with him, but we are setting it up, dear friends, while we are waiting for the connection to be set up, don't forget, that we have a collection going on and actually need the help of our soot brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, military intelligence. still waiting for 13 maviks to see moskal from above and send him gifts there. 2.5 million is what we have to collect, we are currently getting close, in fact , we have less than uah 300 left so that we have 500-60 00 on this mon account, which you now see in the corner of your screen, so while we are talking with mr. viktor buberenko, you take and donate at this time, send there i don’t know 5, 10, 15, 20, as much as you want uah. we are returning mr. viktor, mr.
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viktor, you are already with us, yes, yes, hello, hello, yes, and what do you say about the fact that maryana bezugla has started writing again. to express some dissatisfaction, but this time not with valery zaluzhny, but with the new commander-in-chief oleksandr serskyi. i think the problem here is that the military are rioting against the office of the president. maryana bezugla does not represent anything by herself, she is nobody at all, she is just yermak's voice, and yermak sometimes speaks in his own voice and... hope is maryana's voice without a fight, and you have to push back from this, that is, what what are yermak's claims, through mariana, to the military, that they don't want yermak to lead the war around the globe, that one person draws arrows, that one
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appoints brigade commanders, that one else something else, we have a strange situation in ukraine, and there are several foreign publications have already written about it that... mak in the country of ukraine manages everything, he not only manages the president's office, he not only whispers in zelenskyi's ear and actually prepares decisions that zelenskyi simply blesses with his signature, he also manages its parliament, he also manages the government, he manages the law enforcement system until, before the resignation of the stalwart, the only thing that irmak did not manage in the country was the armed forces of ukraine, here. now he thought that with the replacement of the old man with syrskyi, syrskyi will play along with them, and he will be the king of the mountain in general, that is, he er, one stick, two strings, i am the owner of the whole country, yes, as the old songs sang, here,
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and, but the military still do things in their own way, they have their own opinion, we understand what to lead in kyiv stalls, as yermak is used to - this does not mean... to lead a war, but i want to, and that is why isyrskyi is already following the path of zelenskyi, what he says, and you are like that, maybe he is addressing zelenskyi девушки выть, your mother, this is also a quote from movie, and a famous russian one, so we see, well, just a real situation, when ee they don't listen to yermaka, where to fight, how to fight, what to fight, that's the biggest trouble. the country, which can only be in the country, that is , there is nothing worse when the jackets, well, that is what the military leaders of the country call the political leadership of the country, when, well, there is no greater trouble than when the jackets want to lead the army, and they say not only there, like we will be a role
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politicians, we will fight to the end, then they must ask the armed forces of ukraine, there like mr. zaluzhnyi, or now mr. syrskyi, what do you need, and syrskyi should to say: there are 10 patriot batteries there, 100 tanks, something else, plus there are 300,000 mobilized there every month, for example , 30,000, all this is there, 360,000 this year, everything is okay, this is your responsibility, this is mine, i am fighting , you bring us ammunition and provide the rear completely and we also need a million of these drones, and not the ones that the volunteers will hand over, but ukroboronprob, your problem is already armor. there's something else, something else, summits in switzerland, but don't get into ours, you said there, guys, we're holding on, okay, and they have to ask, guys, what do we need were advancing, but in order for us to advance, there are +10 brigades there, for example, plus 150 there, f16, spit and we will advance, so that maryanka
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once asked in vain where is your plan, so maryanka, her kind must say that plans are built depending on resources, that is , if you have 50 brigades. conditionally, this is a defense plan, if you have 100 brigades, then this is an offensive plan, if you have 0 f16s, this is a defense plan, if you have 150-16s, we are attacking, and that's all, but maryana, shut up and shut up the landlady, oh, but it is clear that the syrian is intelligent he won't say so, but we have to understand for ourselves the whole role of these maryanas, maryana must keep her mouth shut, she is trouble when maryana comes. according to their powers to the front, well, to what front, there to the third, fourth line of headquarters, everyone is afraid of them, but this does not mean that she is loved and listened to and respected, but that is what interests me about mariana bezugla, she seems to know, she some, she is like a symptom of some kind of something that
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is accumulating, of some kind of scumbag, relatively speaking, but but, but she looks like this in this is not very attractive in this whole story, but it is a symptom of some processes... some suppuration and that is why i am following it, especially since there is very little official information, i don't want it to have some stupid outcomes later , mr. viktor, very much. i'm just, i can add, in short, in short, i just have one over there, well, i won't name the number of the brigade, my friend is a colonel, zampotilu, yes, when he comes for maryano, everyone has trouble there, because she needs three or four people to follow her, so that she can be pampered, they pushed her to take her somewhere, to bring her, to not let her go to the place where the arrows are really pointing, where the decision is made, because she will try to, er, make some corrections in the decision there about there...
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we are watching a plot about that ukraine and the usa , in fact, for the first time in washington jointly discussed the possibility and importance of cooperation between the two countries in the field of arms production. the organizer of the freedom summit, the national association of the defense industry of ukraine, once again introduces western allies at the highest level to potential of our state's weapons. this time, the appeal for joint implementation of projects is aimed at american partners. hundreds came to washington for the defense conference. industry representatives. the event will be opened by the former special representative of the us state department for
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ukraine, kurt volker. he is convinced that the joint implementation of innovations will help ukraine win the war. for this defense industry conference , many people with a great deal of practical experience and knowledge have come here to virginia. also this defense companies that are interested in helping ukraine attract more of our know-how and technology to build partnerships with... ukrainian companies, a lot of good things can come out of such cooperation. ukrainian representatives also talk about their interest in the development of close industrial cooperation with the usa. this is serhii skoryk, the commercial director of the kvertus company, which successfully develops and manufactures electronic warfare and intelligence equipment. currently, there are about 30 different systems. thanks to cooperation with american partners, kverrtus plans to strengthen countermeasures against russian drones, which most often injure our military. so it turns out that we are the world's leading, unfortunately, because we have
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a war, but we already have what we have, but we want to develop our product, we know that in the united states there are technologies that would be useful to us, and that experience and those technologies that we already use, combined with those technologies that are in the state, well, they just increased the protection, and accordingly we would ... more lives. protection of the ukrainian sky - one of the topics to which the participants of the conference constantly refer and remind about the request of the ukrainian government to hand over the f-16 aircraft to us as soon as possible. meanwhile, interaction in this direction should be comprehensive, says retired general frank helmick, former commander of the 18th airborne corps and the last commander of us forces in iraq. when you hear the f-16, you say, "wow, that really makes a difference." the rules of the game, but what the ukrainians are getting is not a change in the rules, they are getting 30-year-old planes that have no
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radars that are covered with rust, so we have to equip them, figure out how to get them to ukraine, and also train the technicians, where are we going to get repair parts, how are we going to protect these planes from russian strikes, we have to help ukraine in this matter. vadym bartkov, director of marketing at wiviro, a company that develops intelligence services. among the company's achievements is the unique and largest drone in ukraine, leka 100. almost 50% of all reconnaissance missions on the battlefield are performed by this bird. the company is presented in washington for the first time and vadim is counting on it find partners to make a technological breakthrough. you need our experience, we need your money, that is, you have financing, you have such an opportunity, finance our ukrainian rents so that today we already... understand what will happen in the future, yes, i can say right now, and maybe , that's the main thing
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to say, there are two strategies, the first strategy is cross-system, it's just now starting to be developed among drones, cross-system, and we're doing that as well, and the second is artificial intelligence, if we combine that, maybe it will have some effect. according to the participants of the conference, modern armed conflicts in the world and in ukraine have long since turned into military wars, research and development competitions, and drones play an important role in this. number of technological changes'. advances in unmanned aerial vehicles, fpvs, suggest that reality has changed a lot. everything we see in ukraine is significantly different from the experience we had in iraq. you have to relearn, but you have to understand that you have the right to any weapon, if it is effective. fpvvi is a very important part of the war in the conditions when ukraine lacks rockets,
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mortars and other weapons. and it is good that ukraine produces. drones on their own. financing of the defense industry of our country is possible not only through cooperation with powerful american corporations. in particular, funds seized from the aggressor states within the framework of sanctions imposed by the international community can be used for this. vladyslav vlasyuk, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yarmak, told about them at the defense conference in washington. two years therefore, after a full-scale invasion, we saw a lot of posta challenges. in front of ukraine. andriy yermak and former us ambassador to russia michael mcfaul led an international group on sanctions against the russian federation. we meet with international experts, successfully develop criteria and recommendations in order to transfer them to the relevant authorities and confiscate the assets included in these sanctions. during the g7 meeting, this will be
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one of the topics. hopefully, a strong confiscation solution will emerge. an asset for russia of ukraine. the statements made at the conference clearly indicate that us arms corporations are very interested in cooperation with ukraine. joint production will be able not only to strengthen the positions of both states in the world arms market, but also to push other players out of it, who, in particular, provide support to the russian federation. but most importantly, instead of changing the rules of the game on the battlefield, innovation should ultimately end this war. we, the team of early spacex engineers, i have experience in building rockets and spent most of the time trying to install hardware on the surface of mars. i am well aware of the cost of human lives due to the fact that certain systems were not delivered to ukraine. innovation is very important, and i would like to convince all
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americans in this room that we should stand together with ukrainians. we have all the necessary tools to... solve this problem to stop the bloodshed in ukraine, and i urge everyone to do so. in general, decisive and convincing statements in support of ukrainian manufacturers and the indomitable ukrainian people shouts were heard from each of the hundreds of participants who took part in the conference, and most importantly, its result was not only discussions and passionate speeches, but also specific agreements, said the director of the ukrainian armored vehicles company, vladyslav belbas. the density of business meetings here is much higher than at some defense-related exhibition events, and there is such sincere interest in the level of representation at this event, it is the senior management of international corporations - american large corporations, therefore , of course, the agreements that are reached on
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at this level, they are carried out and quickly implemented, firstly, secondly, we already have certain agreements regarding the further implementation of defense projects with ukraine, including with our company. summarizing what is important for the domestic defense industry of the west, deputy chairman of audi serhii vysotskyi expressed his belief that joint initiatives with the americans will strengthen our defense capabilities and make weapons more effective. then, as ukrainian products will become more competitive in foreign markets. today in this hall were representatives of the state. department, the us department of defense, the us national security council, numerous opinion leaders, experts, and those things that we formulated, discussed today about the need for greater cooperation of our defense industries, about the need to move from the principles of this
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financing, in general, to working out specific industrial programs that can be financed for the procurement of ukraine itself. weapons in ukraine at international expense, and of course, the national association of enterprises of the defense sector will continue to do this, will continue to organize similar events so that ukraine can win this war. the organizers emphasize the importance of our state remaining in the focus of attention of the american political and business elites, so they plan to hold the washington freedom summit every year. increasing international investments and... exchange of the latest technologies should help ukraine defeat the enemy and make our country one of the leaders in arms production in the world. tatiana shustrova, dmytro kaplonsky from washington for the tv channel. attention
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is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments, leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 9:30 p.m. on espresso. get closer to victory, together with the central security service of the asbu. join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu.
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together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. friends, congratulations, the mykolaichuk open festival has started in chernivtsi, it is a film festival that shows its viewers audience cinema, that is, at the same time intelligent and one that brings the audience satisfaction, and it seems to me that it is one of the few festivals in ukraine. which has exactly such a direction, because in the majority on after all, they want to show such serious author's films at festivals, we also have the odessa film festival on our noses, also a festival
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that always positions itself. as such an arteinstream festival, that is, again, this is a smart art film, but which is understandable to the general public, i usually during this period am very jealous of people who live in chernivtsi, and because they can see all these paintings that are not available yet, in fact, in cinemas, not on television, and today we will tell you what these tapes are, together with program... director of the festival alex melyshenko, he will join us in 10 minutes and tell us about the tapes, i am especially interested in the closing tape about nazarii yaremchuk, we generally have enough, you know, now ukrainian music of the 60s, 70s is in trend, it has been called mustachioed funk for several years now, like when the movie with the corresponding name was released, because before that
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this music did not have such a name. now it's called cartwheel funk, and i want to tell you that there are a lot of events at which young musicians play songs of that time, and they simply gather a huge number of viewers, this is one of the super trends, and if you look at the fascination of ukrainians with different periods of the development of ukrainian culture, then you can deduce other super trends, for example, the literature of the 20s years, it is called either the same 20s, or the shot revival, who likes it, there are certain disputes, which is better, but in the end, we see behind the success of taras tumenko's tapes, the house is an endless novel, which debates continues around this tape, some call it genius, others say no, phew, there are such cardboard characters, but until now these arguments continue, i think it's very cool, another trend is, as
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it seems to me, dissidents , because surely you could observe the furore that took place at the exhibition dedicated to alla gorska at the ukrainian house in kyiv. artist, not many people knew about this artist, although she is outstanding, although she just had a super interesting life, this is one of those closest friends vasyl stus was there, and she was killed, these are enough... well, not mysterious circumstances, tragic enough and these are the ones that should be understood, i would wait for a film about aluhorska, it would be an enthusiastic film, if it was made in a cool way , and that's why we see these trends, and in particular, i think that a lot of people will come to see the film about nazarry yaremchuk, because again, this topic is very relevant, well, before talking about this
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film, there are many other films, and i... i will tell you about the epic of this whole week, about pitchings in the state cinema, because i am attached to them the attention of the entire ukrainian film community and those people who are interested in ukrainian cinema in general, who worry about it and its future, i will say that , in general, there is such a division of the film community in our country, some, mainly those people who are engaged in commercial cinema, they weigh in addition to supporting state cinema, others... who are engaged in more authorial, more serious cinema, if we generalize like that, they are in terrible opposition to state cinema, for two years now to be exact, they first demanded the dismissal of the head of state cinema, maryna kuderchuk, calling her incompetent, but then many people agree that nothing will change with that, with this dismissal, even if it happens, because, let's say, maryna
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kuderchuk almost does not solve anything. and according to rumors, you know, all the processes are somehow managed by andrii yermak, because this happens in many other areas as well, and therefore we have to put up with the fact that now there is a greater emphasis on the support of commercial cinema and on the support of the television product, i.e. funding for state funding, in particular claims many tv people, our colleagues who make tv series. which make documentary television publicity, not documentary film that can be presented at various film festivals. now you can see excerpts from the contests that took place at the state cinema, these contests, i think, are the most scandalous in the entire history of the contest, this is the 19th pitching of the state agency for cinema affairs, and...


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