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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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expert analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, a project, both for experienced fans and simply for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football, football format, every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. good health once again, it's 17 minutes, 17 hours 29 minutes 51 seconds, martyna bohuslavitsya, i'm sorry, i didn't say the name correctly, martyna bohuslavets, head of the anti-corruption center meza, she was a speaker at the conference on restoration in the city of heroes berlin , i hope she shows up now, oops, i'm in i am not there, i do not hear, i do not hear the hardware, or maybe the hardware says that it is not there? not yet,
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well, there are just a lot of interesting points here, i apologize once again, ms. martyna, because i called it wrong, i would say that the corruption of the ukrainian government, ukrainian society, is quite large, and i really have a huge number of questions, and about the dismissal of mr. nayem, whether his resignation is a self-resignation, i do not know whether he resigned himself, whether he was dismissed, whether it is possible... private investments to guarantee that these investments are guaranteed by the ukrainian judicial system, as far as i'm concerned, it's not possible, i 'm not convinced that it's possible to organize the case in such a way that these people who want to invest in ukraine are calm, especially since it 's not very easy to do because of the war and during the war there is little at all who thinks about investments, that is, we need some special gentle conditions like that. and so on and so on,
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in short, there are a huge number of questions that i would like to raise with ms. martyna, but i do not know how much she will appear to us, you see, they say that she has appeared, hello, ms. martyna , show me good evening, mr. mykola, good evening, we only hear you, but we see, we see, but tell me, please, when someone is late during the broadcast, this is... is this a corrupt action, action or anti, what action is it, can it be compared to corruption, stealing time, that 's stealing, stolen time, okay, it was a bad joke, let's say, no, it was very successful, successful, yes, well, it's up to you, i 'll be modest here, look, so, indeed, martyna bohuslavets, the head of the anti-corruption... to the center, the border is also a strange
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name, i believe that the fight against corruption should be limitless, there is some limit here, well, what kind of fight against corruption with a limit, limitless it must be eradicated at all levels, well, god be with you, it’s like this, just the release of mr. nayem, how important do you think it is and you can you explain at all, because this is ... such a publicly known figure of an activist who went from activism to from non-state institutions, to state institutions, and now he left state institutions, and this is for many who such a sign is quite serious, what do you say, why he resigned as far as i was concerned i understand that this is not dismissal, this is self-release, he left or not, it is important, i think, please explain , madam. mr. mykola, this is a very good
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question, and this is exactly the case when the border is crossed, which is why the name of our anti-corruption center is actually very relevant in this case. and look, who is mustafa nayem? mustafa naim, the head of the recovery agency, and it must be understood that mustafa naim took this position together with the team, also the dismissed minister kubrakov. mustafa naim really wrote it himself statement about dismissal, but why did it happen because mr. schmegal kept him out of the recovery conference in berlin that i attended, which was attended by a huge number of people, including an official huge delegation in berlin this week, and in our view it was done because of political motives, and they didn't let him in anymore, we are already joking on the sidelines, yes twice, because on this statement... which was seen by the whole country, according to which
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he was not allowed to leave the country, it is written twice, i do not agree, i don't allow it, so is there an explanation or no explanation, mrs. martyna? we we can understand that they do not agree, so at least at the level of gossip, i don’t know, well, if there is no official position, then we will resort to speculation, we have no way out, so the fact is that there is an official position, and there are behind-the-scenes gossip from berlin, i will share both this and that with you, the official position is as follows, it appeared immediately on the same day when this statement appeared on the internet, and in the evening they allegedly explained to us what to see here.. rental should report because a huge number of energy facilities the infrastructure is destroyed, and in general , on the 12th, the lease is closed, and the lease will not go anywhere, but you know, the problem is that the government knew the date of this conference almost a year ago, and the agency itself, the team took,
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the agency took a huge role in its preparation, so it is not that the date of the conference became known in two weeks, and just by chance. coincided with the release of nayem, i want to draw your attention, before telling what the hooligans say, i want to draw your attention, mr. mykola, this is not about nayem, it's not about, not about nayem, not about kubrakova, not about mr. mykola, no, not about some conditional person, it is about a systemic problem, the systemic problem is that we lack protection at the level of the law, protection from a possible political one. from possible political massacres of these leaders, as well as the institutions responsible for reconstruction, in this case it is the reconstruction agency, and in fact there is no competitive procedure, because it is martial law, there is no
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protection, how can you be conditionally released there, and the institution is completely politically dependent , i do not like what you you say, no, we have... the situation in ukraine, we have a war, we don’t have a lot of things, and in our country, like in any country that is waging a war, the number of democracy is decreasing, you can’t get anywhere, whatever where it is decreasing, but i am interested, recovery is taking place, mr. nayem's ideas are what they have done, what are the latest procedures to do it faster, so that it will be better for everyone, you know, checkers or go, i am against checkers, i want to go. therefore, when they say that he was not fired like that, yes, it will be, it will always be, especially during the war and before the war, and after the war, but during the war there will definitely be some, well, let's call it very mild, so as not to offend anyone, troubles, but in terms of what the agency did or planned
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, what we say is good work, it great work, and the person left the post wrongly, she is valuable for the state, while i don't know anything about it... apart from these, some frictions arise, he said something wrong, he didn't let that person in, and so on and so on . your point of view, ms. martyna. mr. mykola, i absolutely agree with you, and i for that, to go, i don’t care, checkers, b, i’m not a lawyer for hire, and whether his work was effective or not, let us a, again, the government reports on this and the government deals with it, and b) if there are any questions about the work of mr. nayem, please. law enforcement agencies, the only thing i can say is that they tried, from what we saw, we analyzed their work there for a year and a half already, the biggest, if you just ask me, what is the biggest corruption in reconstruction, the biggest corruption in
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reconstruction is purchases, it is prices for procurement, these are often hidden estimates, yes, that is, not all estimates are published transparently, this is also a violation of the law , and what was their team trying to do? they proposed the creation of the central procurement agency, a central procurement body, which would regulate at least all procurements that would go through the agency, that would go from the ministry, that these procurements would be regulated by a single procedure, that all these estimates would be published in one a single system so that prices can be controlled, and again as far as i know they are were very worried, they were very worried, that in the agency, that it did not arise during their period. no corruption scandal related to their purchases, and we know that during this year there was no corruption scandal, that is, in fact, when he was in office, that there was something wrong with the procurement of the agency itself or there 2 - 4 offices, which are regional, which were subordinated to the hiring agency, we
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do not know of such corruption scandals, because what i know, they were very worried about it, and they spent a huge amount of money on it, it is necessary to understand, including the money of international partners. where an office was created, an office that actually ensured the transparency of this agency and actually checked purchase prices manually. they were very afraid that such a scandal would not happen. if we talk at all. here about some corruption risks and about corruption, then we have to look at it from the other side: and we remember what a case, when mustafa announced with information to the whole country that a servant of the people, a people's deputy, acting at that time, had come to him a minute, i will remind you, i offered him ten bitcoins, $50,000, so that mustafa allocates money from the liquidation fund for the object controlled by the odarchenko majority district, that's one time. we remember very well when a well-known businessman came to kubrakov with a proposal,
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saying that we will arrange real estate for close people under your control, the main thing is not to break the contract, don't break the agreement on the development of the land plot, which was under the control of the ministry, kubrakov has already fired him. martyna, excuse me, excuse me, just a second, i'm just informing the audience, that's what you see in the middle of the window, it's about... the beginning of the swiss negotiations, we see mr. president zelensky, and the guests are arriving, the guests are starting, i think it's the representative of switzerland, the president, or they have a very strange confederation there, and that means she meets these people, and since the organizer is mr. zelenskyi, we will observe it, i hope you will not be too distracted by the words of ms. martyna, who will now answer the next question, it is possible... what you are telling shows that such ukrainian moods are beautiful
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officials kubrak's hiring does not matter, but it is an anomaly, if something depends on everyone, you need to have institutions, you need to have some outside people so that it does not depend on september, because he stuffs his pockets full, which means bribes. and so that september is not there at all, it is simply not there, it may not be suitable for september, it does not decide anything at all, it happens in some automatic way, such a thing can be created in ukraine, ms. martyna, i have a feeling that you eavesdropped on ms. pritzker , and mrs. pritzker - it's a top state official, you know exactly who it is, it's washington's protégé for ukraine on economic recovery, and she was speaking on the... the very day at the event that i was speaking at on monday, and what you just said that
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it should not depend on one person, but it should be a system built correctly, in fact, you, you just said her words in other words, and i will quote what was brought to us in berlin, the number one person from washington, who will oversee the economic recovery from ukraine, she, she said, the quality of management in kyiv should... meet the criteria - once - integrity, two - unity, democratic values, which will indicate a break from the post-soviet past. this is what a top united states official told us three days ago at a conference in berlin. we are reminded of some post-soviet past, they talk about the criteria of integrity and democratic values. i was very lucky, because before all these performances i had... a conversation with myroslav, and we analyzed this performance, and then all the minutes,
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please, ms. martyna, there is simply no time, i could, could already analyze from the point of view of what she suggested to me, she says, it is necessary to listen to everything between the lines, they are very diplomatic, but they tell us the main critical things that they worry about, thank you very much, sorry, please, martyna bohuslavets, head of the anti-corruption center, meza. informed us today that there are smart people in america who know what to do, but it turns out that there is a certain mykola veresin in russia too, who simply does not listen to the americans and comes up with how to fight corruption, but please do not appoint me to any anti-corruption body, now we will have an advertisement for four minutes, and then we will move to lithuania, to the baltics, because these days there is such sorrow in the baltics, due to the events of june 14 in lithuania and the baltic countries in the 41st year , 300,000 lithuanians were deported to siberia. who?
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norms change our lives, what to prepare for? the leaders will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we call on everyone to donate to z'. from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv. watch at 9 p.m. news, summaries of the week. global peace summit ukrainian initiative to end the war and bring russia to justice.
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our correspondent will tell about the historical event from the place of events. ukraine is in the center of attention. g7 recovery conference and rammstein format meeting. the situation on the fronts, the russian offensive on pokrovsk, and the battles in the robotynoye area. about all this and much more already at 21 on espresso. good health once again, my name is mykola veresen, now it will be a half-window in the full sense, not a double-window, but in one window it will be september, in the other it will be zelenskyi, and who needs to shake 98 hands,
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which is the least, so this is the number of delegations that arrived in switzerland, this is... your number, this is few people in russia can understand that 100, 100 countries sent their representatives to reach a peace formula for zelensky viktor chernyshuk, a lithuanian journalist, head of the public association ukrainian house of lithuania, will also appear in the half-century. now we will see him, but i tell you, oh, you see him, mr. viktor, and i want to say that on june 14 and june 15 both in lithuania, and in latvia, and in estonia, these are the days of mourning, because of what happened in the 41st year, when hundreds of thousands of people were. simply taken to siberia and murdered there, some returned after 50 years, some never returned, and in short, this is such a rather terrible page of our
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baltic brothers. thank you, mr. viktor, for finding time for us, thank you for joining, good health to you, good evening, and i have a question for you, you know, not about today and not, and no, not about the 41st year, when i... had conversations, for example, with the balts, our brothers, with the finns, this is quite an interesting moment, such a controversy, the baltic politicians are jealous of the finns, that the finns took up arms and fought and defended themselves, yes, they were circumcised, a lot was imposed on them, but because of that armed resistance to russia, the russian authorities, stalin, moscow, the kremlin, all the same. some independence was preserved, and the baltic countries, whether they believed it or not, whether they went to or pretended that they believed stalin, received
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a full occupation, and when i asked these people, will you fight now, if you have to, then just them, to me the baltic the brothers said that we will see the 40th year of finland, by fighting you can leave... at least a part of independence, without fighting, you will not leave anything, and the kremlin will be here. what is the mood in lithuania today, in particular, will lithuanian boys and girls fight if there is danger, and russian fascism will come to the baltic countries, as it was in the 40th year. you know, mykola, i will tell you from my experience, i am no longer... a young person, although not, i do not think that i am old, but here is my good acquaintance, friend, lourinos, he is currently
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working as the minister of defense, he organized they are called commandanturas, well, these are not the commandanturas that existed in soviet times, but these are commandanturas that unite people who are not... military, but i want to defend my state, i, for example, am a member of that commandants, this is just an example for you, and there are many of my colleagues, my friends, my acquaintances with me, er, well, this is the situation, at the level, mr. viktor, at the level of just people on the streets, why am i asking this question , because she studied in estonia for six months. well, my daughter studies in different universities, yes this is a european program, she was in estonia, and she has the impression that the nato umbrella is so reliable, that politicians are really
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talking about what we will do, the military is discussing, and ordinary people, they understand that it is reliable, that nato is what it is, that a russian soldier will not climb there, how much do people on the streets of vilnius, kaunas... feel this tension, which we definitely feel, because we are at war, i am sitting in the basement right now, i don't know if it is on the mountain something flies, something buzzes, and something air defense works or does not work, and you are ordinary people there, they continue to think about themselves, and not about the fact that a russian will now set foot on the land of lithuania, and until the last, they did not believe at all that under... , now they are taking care of lithuania, you know it, germans, and until the last
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did not believe that it would be, that their brigade would be here, there would be equipment, there would be a patriot and everything else, and now that’s all there is, but since inertia still after all, it was such that what if... if they are not there, if they do not come, you have to take them weapons in their hands and to defend, that 's why a lot was created, i always say that when we talk about people, as you said exactly like that from the street, i think that we still have to think about those people who in the morning they wake up, they wake up and they don't think about... about big state problems, they think about whether they live peacefully or peacefully, whether they will succeed today?
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to eat normally, to have a job, to take a child to kindergarten and another to school, or to call someone and ask if you are healthy, that is, people think about themselves, very your accent was correct: they think about themselves, and while thinking about themselves, they still have to remember that lithuania is their only country where they can live, and... well, they have to protect their home and their land. i have a historical question for you. i once spoke with president brazauskas, many of your leaders, back in the 90s, when lithuania and ukraine were competing, after lithuania independence should be emphasized, and i didn't ask any of them, i'm asking you now, maybe it just resonates with ukrainian circumstances,
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our discussions are many years old. and how did it work? lithuania should not let or somehow surround itself with something, that the number of russians in lithuania was the smallest compared to at the time of independence in estonia there were half of ethnic russians, and i think that in latvia there were more than half, well there 54 or there 52, in lithuania for some reason there were 70, well 60. 5% of the indigenous population and only 30-20 75 75 you see and only 25 russians, how is it, how did you arrange your life there so that a huge number of russians did not settle there, what did you do there, i don't know what they did in general, but not 25 russians, but 10, because on the second place are the poles, you know,
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the poles and those people who call themselves poles, because not all of them are ethnic poles , after all, they are poles most likely, you know, by part of the polonized culture and by faith, that is, this we call them belarusians, who call themselves poles, yes, yes, the one here, do you remember how it happened, i don't know , maybe they are some trick of the lithuanians, who nevertheless suffered, so you started from the 40th, 41 -th year, then, then they suffered, they understood, and what are those russians who will come with their boots here, they will bring order, their culture, in quotation marks, of course,
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they will bring... and somehow they succeeded, i don't know how, what's the secret here, i'll tell you honestly, the last question, we literally have one minute, mr. viktor, what about the kursk spit, half of which is lithuania, the other half is the russian federation, it is kaliningrad or koniksberg, i hope that soon it will still be koniksberg, i do not want kaliningrad to be there, but there is some tension there, there from...
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public association ukrainian house in lithuania. on the occasion of the fact that june 14-15 are significant dates for lithuania, latvia, estonia, it was then that the mass, mass deportation, this is not deportation, this is the expulsion of baltic people to siberia, and not all, far from all, then returned to their homelands. now we'll have news, then commercials, and in 13, 13 minutes we'll start talking. about energy, which is of interest to everyone in ukraine, and now advertising and news. kyiv and...


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