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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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so that it does not exist, so that we do not receive the necessary aid package from the united states. so, we are now in a situation where we still have to do what we should have done last year, only the start, we have already missed a certain time, we should have done it a year ago, six months ago, and we are not like that there is a lot of time left until winter, this is the first, and the second is mykola, i just want to add to the discussions that are coming from experts about gas turbines, gas piston systems, all this is wonderful. cool, but where are the muscovites now hitting on the stria, on our gas storages, and in fact, you know, to become hostage to the availability of gas in the gas pipeline system, i will build it exclusively, betting on such generation, it is also very, well, let's say this, risky, so we need to diversify, we need to think about... and consider
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different other technologies that can be used, and the key thing is that now we have to protect our skies, because there have already been so many flights after we started to restore the thermal power plants that were destroyed using the equipment that our partners provided us and are ready to provide, but we're rebuilding it all, and they 're destroying it all for us again, and we're seeing another... waves of corresponding attacks, so we have to close the sky, first of all, before we do, we're going to make some such powerful investments, and with distributed generation, this is definitely the way to go, but we must remember that now , unfortunately, our gas transport infrastructure, especially gas storage facilities, are also being attacked, they must also be closed from shelling, it surprises me, you know , which surprises me, here i am with... myself
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talking, i love ivan plachkov very much he helps me understand a lot of things, and i just see a huge number of specialists, and why these specialists do not sit on the hills of pechersk and advise, perhaps, i do not say that they make decisions, but at least tell, say, because the impression is that this i have some kind of conversation with a deaf person, okay? can you say something about this? there is no desire to listen to intelligent people, probably because of the unwillingness to simply admit one's own inability to act in accordance with the challenges that exist. and this is wrong, many people are ready to help, i know many people, alexiy kochurenko, former minister, tells me and ivan plachkov tells me, tells me and some such things. well, listen, i want to tell you, don't tell anyone a secret. especially in
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the hills of pechersk, long-term planning is not a strong point of ukrainian government officials, it’s not a great horror, it’s not me, it’s such a horror that everyone understands that in a year it will be worse to start things than now, they will still start in a year, now will not start, they will start to agree and so on. thank you very much, victoria vaitsytska, people's deputy of the eighth convocation, director of advocacy in the energy sector of the ukrainian international center. victories, well now advertising, then we will talk about what you see here we have in the field window, you see now the peace summit is global, indeed now we can definitely say that it is global, because if there are 98 representatives, then it is obvious definitely not local, yes, not local, we will talk with volodymyr horbach, a political analyst of the euro-atlantic cooperation institute, an expert on foreign and domestic issues ukrainian politicians, but first let's watch a three-minute commercial.
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6:36 pm
get closer to victory, join one of the best special forces in the country, together with the central security service, the sbu. we are expanding and announcing recruitment, inviting civilian specialists from various fields, experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and training. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the csoa, sbu team. let's write the history of victory together. details on the official pages of the sbu. watch at 21. news, summaries of the week. global peace summit. ukrainian initiative to end the war and holding russia accountable.
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our correspondent will tell about the historical event from the place of events. ukraine is in the center of attention. the g7 summit, the recovery conference , etc. meeting in rammstein format. the situation on the fronts: the russian offensive on pokrovsk and chas sivyar, battles in the robotyny area. about all this and much more already at 21 on espresso. good health again. 18: 36 minutes, 37 minutes thing. as i promised, volodymyr horbach, political analyst of the institute of euro-atlantic cooperation, expert on foreign and domestic policy of ukraine, but we will talk primarily about foreign policy, mr. volodymyr, thank you for finding time for us today, thank you very much, bye, good evening, mr. mykola,
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so my question for you is not about what we will talk about now either and show it, probably, or maybe we won't, because mr. zelensky has already greeted everyone, now we'll... show the general meeting, here they are, this big hall, where probably 98 representatives of different countries are sitting. mr. volodymyr, this week, the week when there was a meeting of the big seven, this week, when this one started, you still have some anxieties, such serious anxieties, it is obvious that anxieties, about anxieties putin tells us first of all, and we just feel them with our ears, but i have such a... such a calmer inner state , because 98 is really a world peace council, let’s put it this way, we can’t say whether it is local or regional or small, well, that is , putin’s dreams did not come true, but zelensky’s dreams,
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as far as i understand, did come true, and the decision at the j7 summit were also not bad, and signing of some agreements, maybe... those who would like to immediately join nato, but what is your mood? please, mr. volodymyr, well, i, i, mr. mykola, am a cautious optimist, a mood of cautious optimism, because this one was quite intense, and i would like to say, well, it was full of fateful events, and here they are a whole series, and more not everything is over, there will be today's swiss summit. continue even tomorrow, but the decisions, they were mainly in our favor, and they should also add to us, add to the ukrainians more and more optimism, accordingly
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, to upset putin, even yesterday's updated ultimatum, he should also give us more optimism, because he is not simply reacting, it is obvious to him the latest events. this week they are very seriously slandered, since he decided to make a noise once again, er, so to speak, break, break the silence, that's what concerns the present, well, today. of this forum in switzerland, you said that indeed we see a very representative gathering, well, i would say that if the main, the main conclusion or the main goal of this forum was a collective photo, so we can say that the event was successful, yes, the event was successful, yes, as it turned out, it was possible to do it, well, this is a demonstration of strength. in fact , who is on the side, well, if not ukraine, then at least justice and the principle of international law
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and the un charter, those are sitting at the table, who are either outside of it, or he does not care, then they are there, they are not there, ah, well, but this is again, we must understand that this is not the kind of peace conference where the fate of the russian federation or northern eurasia is decided, yes, it is only initial, initial step, initial... well , the founding, one might say, the founding conference of this long process, and it is not yet known on which trajectory it will go, because there are many participants who have gathered here or there, gathered at the table, they think that the continuation will be the invitation of russia, and the president of switzerland, the host country, the hosts of this meeting, and other european and western leaders, even ledven, are talking about this. said the president, the head of the president's office andriy yermak also said today that they
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are considering whether he is considering, as a possibility, how to invite the representatives of russia to the next, next summit, that is, after all , it was all sharpened under such a founding conference of the process, to which russia should then join and which the table will be set by today's... or tomorrow's communiqué, mr. volodymyr, but there is some other way, well, because it is obvious that you can not invite russia only when russia turns into fascist germany in 1945, then they do not invite it, but simply say, come in, here sign the act of precautionary surrender and you can go back to prison, and that's not what hitler did, already. already other people, and here the situation is the same, it is difficult for me to imagine such
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a victory, which i, for example, dream about, i can only dream about it, that the yellow-blue flag over the kremlin and that the russian troops stand alone are not russian troops, but the soldiers were stationed beyond the urals, preferably somewhere on the border with north korea, they were hiding somewhere there, but this cannot be, and this means that sooner or later some will have to be brought. points between the world community and the russian federation. what do you say? mykola, mr. mykola, never say never, dreams have the ability to come true, and sometimes unexpectedly for ourselves, and maybe even when we stopped believing in it, maybe in time, maybe not in time, but such a scenario is possible, i about him, i also wanted to say that the second, second trajectory of this founding process is theoretically possible, it is an analogy with atygeran, the second world war, where hitler was not invited and other
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representatives of germany were also not invited, these were questions, well, this is a world war, in fact, is already the establishment of a new world order after the results, well , the victory in the second world war, this is such a way then, but we are not guaranteed that the current war will not turn into one of the same scale, more global. a more global confrontation with the participation of other states and the opening of some other theaters of hostilities, including in the far east, is possible there, as was the case with japan in 1945, uh, with the japanese empire at that time, so everything is possible, and theoretically this process, which was launched today, it he can follow these two trajectories, well, of course, the probability of the first option is much higher, but i would not discount the second either. calculations, i want to go to the favorite topic of ukrainians about good russians, so
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look, i have told quite often that i focus more on studying what is happening in russia than on what is happening in ukraine, because it is right here next to me, that to study it, when it flies and falls and explodes, but about the good russian ones, for the last few days i was interested to talk about what i mean, it is so, so chorus... chorus nothing will come out of them, but with them - this means for us, this means for zelensky, this means for ukraine, this means for the civilized world, and i just a little bit... i sit now and think, what if ukraine, russia will start losing, people like, for example, latynina, shenderovych, they will start cheering for russia, well, that's how i understand, well, because when, when they, when there's a draw, they say, well, it's probably not necessary to help the ukrainians, but when the ukrainians go on the attack, they are
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patriots of russia, they are not so good russians, they are... still patriots russia, what is a patriot, russia is a patriot of the empire, and the empire is beautiful, as we were convinced by the words of many russian, so to speak, intellectuals, and therefore, well, everything will be fine, your opinion, well, i think that there are good russians , but there are very few of them, well, this is a disappearing species, the rest disguise themselves as good russians, i would perhaps paraphrase khahloshye ruskies, but they are so on the one hand... on the one hand, they want the defeat of putin, but they do not want the defeat of russia, and this if it is clear, emotionally, they have a connection with the homeland theirs, not ours, they do not feel ukraine as their homeland and do not consider it the ukraine of their parents, although they claim that it is possible there, somewhere there is a single country, there is a common history, a cradle, oh, a cradle, yes,
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a common cradle, but , but their homelands are different, they do not feel and do not consider ukraine as their homeland, and therefore accordingly. wish for good, more precisely, how they are hurt emotionally and psychologically, it is the russian problem, the ukrainian problem that cannot hurt them, they are not ukrainians, we also need to understand this, and well, their behavior, but mr. volodymyr, look, here is a very interesting point, if we say that the disease exists in russia, then doctors, that is, good russians, i have not seen any real discussion. seriously, if it exists, then it was provoked by the ukrainians, namely, what will we, good russians, do in the event that putin is not there with the northern territories of japan, what will we do with finland, what will we do with the eastern prussia, what will we do with the regions
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of georgia, i am not talking about ukraine, let me not talk about ukraine. to look great objectively, well, but you can add about kuban, about cuba, well, these are the moments when they are obvious, but there is no discussion, there is simply no discussion, let's go, but what is a just peace and in and healing from the disease of the russian main thing, the main disease is this empire, and it is ours, and it is ours, and it is ours, there is no such discussion at all. absolutely not, because they are not bearers of national consciousness, they are bearers of imperial consciousness, i.e. russians, like the population of the russian federation, collectively, yes, the general name russians is an imperial nation, they are not a nation-state, not a nation-state, and in them the subject of state creation is not the nation, as a subject, as a phenomenon, in them the subject of
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state creation is power, well, relatively speaking, the idea of ​​the emperor and, accordingly, control over territory and... from here everything comes out, they just have a brain, well, the consciousness of thinking is formatted in such a way that there is no such problem, there is no such threat, there is no colonial exploitation of the regions of russia or oppression of ethnic and religious groups on the territory of russia, no, they think , that the problem is putin, putin's changes, we will build beautiful russia, this same question, mr. volodymyr, i apologize for interrupting, putin will not be there, and my next question is not even... what will we do with the buryats, here i am sitting in moscow, a good russian, and automatically in my head, ok, there is no putin, but kazan, what are we going to do, and what are we going to do, what are we going to do, the northern caucasus, well, this is the root problem of nationality on the territory
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of the multinational so-called russian republic, that's more, that's more. or pseudo-federations, it was the late navalny who said that there crimea is not a sandwich and that's all he later corrected himself, i am not a lawyer for yavol and navalny, but then he began to say that no, nothing, i did not want to say anything bad about him now in this context, just to emphasize once again that no russian politician who will claim to power in russia after putin, after whoever will come after putin and so on, no one will afford it. any ideas or a decision about the deprivation of territories is voluntary, and yes , even the kuril eyes are southern, that is, that means i'm sorry, sir, that means that... that simply because the russian society is, that is, i will not win the elections, i am a conditional navalny, god forbid, or anyone, and i
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will not win the elections, because if i say, let's give, let's strengthen the national element in they said, ugh, no, no, no, let's not make autonomy real, but let's just let them learn the language at school, let them somehow recreate museums there. "it will not find the support of the russian people, so i will not say it, i understand correctly, of course, it will not find the support of that part of the population of the russian federation that thinks of itself as the imperial people, the collective multinational russian people, like the people of russia, but you say there is no dialogue, there is no dialogue in the elites, including in the opposition elites, there in moscow, st. petersburg, dialogue about this, about national rights, well, about rights in fact, on the russian, well, like, the right of self-determination of the sub-russian nations, this dialogue must be started by these nations themselves, and they are gradually starting it, including with the help of ukraine
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and precisely, well, using the russian-ukrainian war, as good, well, good in this sense the reason for that to continue the war for its own independence, after the war of ukraine's war for its independence, such a war can be waged by tatarstan, which you mentioned, there is bashkarsovstan, buryatia, sakha and everything else, and the north caucasus regions, there and so anyone, who wants, let's say, including ordinary regions, as we now accept the russian federation, where it seems that there are no national, as if there are no national features, but in fact there are, and if desired , they can always be found, when the process of nationalization begins in these regions of the russian federation construction and seeking its implementation. the right of its nation to self-determination, then an intra-imperial dialogue will begin, and this dialogue can be either peaceful or not very peaceful, and what do you think is the ratio
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of peaceful and non-peaceful, that is, there are some reference points where it will definitely be non-peaceful , well , at first it will definitely not be peaceful, but if the imperial center does not win in this struggle, then it will go into a peaceful phase of voluntary surrender, as at one time the soviet union was actually dissolved from the grassroots level by the three main leaders republics that made it up. oh, i wanted to ask something, but i won't ask anymore, because everything is already clear, volodymyr horbach, political analyst of the institute for euro-atlantic cooperation, expert on foreign and domestic policy, viola a. hurd, this is the president of the confederation, yes, the swiss confederation, thank you mr. volodymyr, now we will hear it, we will listen to it, and then, and then, and then there will be a speech
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by volodymyr zelenskyi, i am prompted, in my right ear, so that september disappears, and the swiss confederation appears, after which ukraine will immediately face, for the good of international law and the un charter. develop a common understanding of how to take concrete steps towards this, and we want to discuss how and under what conditions russia can be included in this process. it is significant that so many of us are using this summit to express our support for a peace process, a process beyond any armed action. over the past few months, you have been actively helping to plan and prepare for this summit with the utmost dedication. i
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i want to sincerely thank you for your help, your highness, ladies and gentlemen. finding a way to peace requires perseverance and will. it requires effort from all sides. we will be able to achieve an ambitious goal. this summit only if we join forces and unite, even in those areas where our positions differ. here at bürgenstock, we will all take this first important step, it is up to us to follow up with the second. thank you very much.
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now i invite the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi to deliver his speech. thank you very much, madam president, thank you for your efforts in organizing this summit and bringing us closer to a just peace, peace. ladies and gentlemen, today is the day when the world is approaching a just peace. i thank everyone who worked so hard for this day, all the leaders, teams and advisors. to all states, 101 states and international organizations are present at the summit today, and this is an incredible success, our success, the joint success of all those who believe that the united world, the union of nations is stronger than any aggressor, your excellency , leaders and representatives of states and international organizations, everyone who is here today for
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a just peace, i am happy to welcome. everyone at the first peace summit, which could be the first step towards a just end to russia's war against ukraine. and when we fairly and honestly end this war for ukraine on the basis of international law, then every state in the world will be able to count on the same justice and honesty, on the same effectiveness of the statute. in regard to their rights, and then these words will once more acquire their full force, we, the peoples of the united nations, are determined to deliver future generations, from the misfortune of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold grief to mankind, and
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to reassert faith in... basic human rights, in the dignity and value of the human personality, in the equality of men and women, and, so important, the equality of rights of large and small nations, and to create conditions under which justice and respect for obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be observed. these are the first words of the un charter, but they are also words. describing the essence of the peace formula that formed the basis of the peace summit and encouraged all parties of the world and different states with equal honor to participate in our joint work, the peace summit. our unity today proves that the idea of ​​international law remains alive and
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effective. your presence here proves that the un charter and the main conventions are informal, the real foundation of coexistence between people. our principles are clear: no one has the right to wage an aggressive war against their neighbor and undermine one of the basic principles of the un charter, the territorial integrity of the state. no one has the right to threaten the world with nuclear weapons, no one has the right to undermine the food, energy or any other security of the world and its regions, no one has the right to kidnap the children of other countries, no one has the right to undermine peace. we can ensure the effectiveness of such principles, these are globally
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important principles. and i am grateful to you, respected leaders and representatives of states and international organizations, for proving that the world cannot fall into a total war, a war that russia, unfortunately, brought to ukraine, to our homes, to our cities and villages and hundreds, hundreds of them that were, on alas, completely burned by russian bombs, artillery and rockets. putin took the lives of thousands of our people, why? because he wants to take over a neighboring country. i don't wish this on anyone. i sincerely wish that all of you, all the peoples of the world, every child, every family, could simply live without war. and i want this for all ukrainians. ukraine has


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