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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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will be in the new week, we will discuss the events of, of course, that monday, the previous days, that is, in fact, connect the previous week, the new week, and of course talk with the most famous experts in completely different fields, so join us on monday at 20:00, and that's all for today, i sincerely thank mr. vitaliy, vitaliy portnikov and... we will meet with you in a week, all the best. active event assistance, detailed analysis of important meetings and their achievements. global. the peace summit, whether
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a fateful decision for ukraine will be made today, is the truth defeated the propaganda of the muscovites, the usa finally lifted the ban on applicants, what does this mean in practice? good evening, the espresso team is summing up this week, with you anna javamelnik. the first day of the global peace summit is coming to an end in switzerland, delegations from 100 countries and international organizations have gathered at the bürgenstock resort. all of them are working on the development of a single international strategy. restoration of a just peace in ukraine, the aggressor country russia was not invited to the event, its correspondent espresso is following the events tatiana vysotska. welcome back to espresso, my friend, and tell me and our viewers what the results of the first day of the summit are. greetings annayev, greetings to ukraine from switzerland, today's first day of the two-day peace summit in bürgenstock , switzerland was really very... powerful,
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because representatives of 100 delegations from different parts of the world gathered at one table during its plenary session, it is important that this the summit took place today because, for example, tomorrow will already have a somewhat lower representation, because some leaders states will leave switzerland and return home, but nevertheless it does not continue at the level of working groups and with the participation of a more limited number of li. but let's talk about today, out of 100 delegations, 92 states and eight international organizations were represented, including the council of europe, the european commission, the european council, the osce, the united nations organizations spoke at the summit in the role of an observer, in relation to the 92 states that participated in summit, and by the way, the ukrainian delegation suggested that in fact there were not 100 delegations, but... one,
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because ukraine was not counted, together with ukraine, it is 101 delegations, therefore, among them , 2/3 of the participants were represented at the highest level, for example, 57 representatives of the heads of states and governments of the participating countries took part in the summit, also 29 states participated in levels of ministers and six more sent special envoys, and the main achievement of sainat was that it represented all corners of the world, all continents, because... as the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky said, for example, only collective efforts can stop the war and establish a just peace. what is the goal of ukraine and switzerland at this summit? create a joint international peace plan based on the ukrainian peace formula, which consists of 10 points, and then at a certain stage, when this new peace plan supported by the entire world community will be agreed upon, e. pass it on to
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russia at a certain stage, and at the first inaugural summit will discuss three issues from the peace formula, these are nuclear security, food security and humanitarian issues, this is about the return of ukrainian prisoners and people illegally deported to the territory of russia, including ukrainian children. tomorrow will start with work at the level of working groups, on all these three issues. each working group will include representatives of approximately 30 states, and it is also very interesting that it turns out that, despite the fact that only three points of the ukrainian peace formula are included in the summit program, the other seven points are also discussed, and each of the 100 participating states undertakes to supervise and take care of one of the clauses of the peace formula, for example, it is already known that the faction will take care of nuclear issues security, but all this is us... already tomorrow, when
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, after the work in the working groups ends, a joint meeting will be held with the participation of the leaders of the states, and it will continue. the final communique will be published, which will be open for signature and even all states that did not participate in the sainik will be able to join it. studio. thanks for the work and information. tetyana vysotska, correspondent of espresso in european institutions, about the results of the first day of the peace summit. to hold the front, to survive the winter, to avoid financial collapse, but to win? this week really special, a number of super important. meetings witnessed the event, became more active in helping ukraine. analysis of key meetings was carried out by my colleagues. the g7 summit in apulia, italy, is in the spotlight, and a key decision on providing ukraine with $50 billion in aid was expected from it. it will be formalized as
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a loan, which will be paid from the income from russian assets frozen in the west. until the last, there were doubts whether the leaders of the seven would reach an agreement. and now a fundamental political decision has been made. we reached a political agreement on additional financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of approximately 50 billion dollars by the end of this year with the help of a loan. additional income from russian assets frozen in our jurisdictions can be paid for. there is still a lot of technical work ahead, but these are already details. closer to 2025, this money will become available to ukraine, at the same time not only for humanitarian or social needs, as was the case before, but also for the war against the aggressor. the decision, i would say, gives us the opportunity to exhale, because we had enough, enough, in our 25th year let's say, no, he looked uncertain without
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this decision, but now we have the opportunity to plan and we have the opportunity to direct resources to those needs that we consider to be a priority, first of all, this is the security and defense sector. the g7 meeting in apulia was preceded by a conference on the restoration of ukraine in berlin, where the focus was on the energy system. after a series of massive russian attacks in the spring of this year, our state lost most of its heat and hydro generation. power outages are becoming the norm for ukrainians, and winter is ahead. at the conference, the allies pledged to provide a billion dollars to help the ukrainian energy sector, so that ukraine does not freeze and plunge into darkness. the issue of energy is one of the main issues on the agenda for us. every day, russia fires at ukrainian energy infrastructure. despite all the constant attacks, it is still possible to keep the power supply in working order. germany is helping to repair and protect substations and networks, as well as
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investing in decarbonization, energy efficiency and decentralization energetic when we talk about the restoration of ukraine, we are talking about the restoration of the country, the future. another important outcome of the meetings is the strengthening of ukrainian air defense. for the third battery of the patriot system, the germans, together with their allies, promised to provide a hundred interceptor missiles, plus an additional airist installation, cheetahs, which proved themselves well at the front, and us president joseph biden, according to the new york times, finally decided to provide ukraine second battery. we have the support of five states to provide ukraine patriot systems. we have also informed a number of countries that expect future patriot deliveries from us that they will have to wait. we will transfer everything to ukraine now, everything we have, we will transfer to her, and later we will move on to fulfilling our contractual obligations towards other
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countries. we urgently need seven patriot systems to protect cities. we discussed the possibility of getting five of them. it's true and affiliates work. above that, it does not mean that we will have five systems tomorrow, but we see in the near future good results for ukraine in the future. the two leaders made these statements after the signing ceremony of the long-awaited defense agreement between ukraine and the united states. the document will be valid for 10 years and should strengthen cooperation between the countries in the defense sphere. as the american press emphasizes, the agreement increases the planning horizon of washington's assistance to kyiv, but it has a significant weakness. it has not been ratified by congress, so the next president can repeal it, which is quite likely if donald trump becomes the president. but it seems that the event is preparing for such a thing scenario: in the shadow of the summit of the group of seven countries in brussels, in fact under the auspices of nato
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, a face-to-face meeting of the ramstein-format group of countries took place this week, to which argentina joined for the first time. as a result, the alliance announced its decision to take over the role of chief coordinator of military aid. of ukraine, until now it was the united states, as the world press notes, this is also a kind of insurance. nato will oversee the preparations. of ukrainian armed forces at the bases of allied countries, will support ukraine by planning and coordinating supplies weapons, will manage the transfer and repair of equipment, will provide support for the long-term development of the armed forces of ukraine. these efforts do not make nato a party to the conflict, but they will strengthen our support for ukraine in defending its right to self-defense. this week's decisions are extremely important, they give moscow a clear. signal, the west will not retreat and will not leave ukraine, but is this enough for our victory? until now,
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many western leaders preferred to avoid this word altogether, hiding behind phrases like moscow must not win, or ukraine must not lose. at a joint conference with zelenskyi, biden was intrigued by the statement that the us is negotiating with ukraine on a victory plan. this is not an abstract declaration, but a law on additional military assistance. ukraine, which should be submitted to the congress. however, for now it is only about a draft of the document, and it is unlikely that the congress will deal with this issue before the presidential elections. next, about what is happening at the front. the most tense situation remains in the pokrovsky direction. fighting continues in the districts novooleksandrivka, yevgenivka and novooselivka the first. in the direction of kharkiv, terrorists tried to push our soldiers from their positions. fighting continues in two locations. near vovchansk, near kupyansk, petropavlivka, andriivka, grekivka and nevsky. the invaders
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are trying to knock our units out of position. the situation is under control. the russians are attacking near rozdolivka on the seversky vytinka, in the kurakhivsk direction , the enemy's attempt to wedge into our defenses near pobeda and paraskoviyvka was successfully repulsed. on orichovskoye direction, the enemy made two unsuccessful attempts to dislodge ukrainian soldiers near the small tokmachka and robotyny. in fact, the enemy is trying to carry out active offensive actions along the entire length of the front and try to penetrate our defenses. the most difficult directions were actually four, this is the pokrovsky direction, where the enemy is trying to expand the bridgehead around ochereteny, this is the kurakhiv direction, where the enemy is trying to seize krasnohorivka and then move to the kostiantynka highway, ugledar. well... actually , these are events around chasivyar, where the enemy is the same seeks to capture chasivyar, which is an important
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element of our defense and is trying from three directions, from the north, from the south and from the east, using the advantage there in manpower and equipment, to advance to the times of the ravine. they just hit the pride of the russian air force, the representative of the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense andriy yusov confirmed the attack on two of the most modern enemy su-57 fighters on the territory. akhtubinsk airfield in the astrakhan region of russia. it happened on the night of june 9. one plane has significant damage, the other is less damaged, his can be restored faster. the airfield, where su-57 was based, is located 600 km from the ukrainian border. whose operation is uhur yet to comment. however, they add that there are a few units of su-57 in moskovyta. potinists used them for strikes on the territory of ukraine with cruise missiles. x-59 and x-69. the russians got the temporarily
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occupied crimea. ukrainian troops worked hard against russian anti-aircraft missile divisions. on the night of june 9 , one s-400 and two s-300s were hit in the dzhankoya area near chornomorskyi and yevpatoria. none of the ukrainian missiles were intercepted by russian anti-aircraft missiles. and already on june 12, the zsu struck another division. s-300 and two s-400 near belbek airfield and sevastopol. thus, in just one week, moscow's anti-aircraft defense of the peninsula suffered significant losses. a unique type of troops that has not yet been found in any army in the world. unmanned systems forces were officially introduced this week. there they will deal with complex planning of military operations and the use of uavs. they will manage the development of drones of all kinds. will perform special tasks and teach others. currently, there are already more than
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3,000 people in the sbs, the command says that they will not take units created in other branches of the military. at the same time , they will actively engage in recruiting, they plan to reach full combat capacity by the end of this year. i build the system in such a way that verified people go to the units. so we will open such centers, if they are developed, if throughout the territory of ukraine, my dream and my task and the future in therefore, in order to save life, and not to go there to... mass artificial there artificial intellectual application, man is the main organism, at this moment, but the safety of this man, if our priority. another victory over kremlin propaganda , after a long-term ban, the administration of joseph biden allowed the ukrainian special purpose brigade azob to use
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american weapons. earlier , united states officials suspected that some azovs held russian... and ultra-nationalist views, and un human rights defenders accused the brigade of violating humanitarian norms. the state department conducted an inspection and found no violations. now azov, which has been part of the national guard since 2015, will have access to the same us military assistance as anyone in the armed forces. we justify the responsibility assigned to us. we will prove the effectiveness of this decision with our discipline, stability and bravery in battle. the colossal combat experience that azov soldiers, sergeants and officers have, combined with modern american weapons, will become deadly weapons for the enemies of ukraine. in-depth
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reconnaissance, units that do hot utiluga, their work. difficult to capture, and its results cannot be overestimated. we managed to talk with the intelligence officer of the first separate special forces brigade named after ivan bohun, his story from the first mouth. i think, i will go, i will go. i drive up to the checkpoint, do you want to go to the army, i say, i want, tomorrow, no, i say, the day after tomorrow, because i’m off, that’s it, the military commissar came, okay, go through the commission, that’s all, i say, okay, i’ll pass, only i’ll come and that's it, well, let's go and my journey through the zhytomyr military commissariat began, i already went there without a queue, without anything, so they just
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sent us twice, back there, back there, the third time they took us away. and that's it, and that's how my service began, it's a pity, as you look at the map there and already there, this is another, where else have you been, how is it all, well, they have a res, they understand how i had a pass with grenades, they they don't know what to do, they 're like fearless idiots, there's no way, that's all, they've done it, everything is standing, that's all, they don't make any moves, the same...
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it wasn't, but now they fly over you like swarms, well, you can't even make it out and it makes no sense.
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do it, and if it’s even a little bit, you don’t need a lot, there’s this, that, that, that, some adequate conversation, even, well, elementary, even the school program is also going, there to look around the world, yes, you can’t use a phone , what else did he get the phone, that's all, and how will you see it, if anything, well, you start to remember, yes, yes, yes, yes, somewhere over there, they disappeared, where, behind, where, you say azimuth, here is azimuth, well this ordinary school curriculum, eighth grade, circle 360°, everything, you say. not on time, if the same one is sitting there who doesn't know, let's tell him what it is, where it's going, but the gun is straight at 12 and left. work in the rear, work in the enemy's rear, get to
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the rear, do something there, some task, if there is only one task there, let's say, go there and see this, that, that, that, that, and if possible and win, then you can win right away, this is our task, it's a small one... well, even if they don't show about it on tv, but - we'll make a good mess there, here's a plan like this, we can make it there and do what you do, if you have a head and arms and legs, damn it, it’s physical, some elementary thing, then god with pleasure, with pleasure, people just don’t want to go, but they don’t know what they are... there, no one sends him to death, he they will teach him, they will train him, look after him, because he is not needed there either, it is called, but i cannot understand this, where
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are they motivated, what, what motivation can it be, if the enemy came to the house, that's it, to your country the enemy has entered, what can be a separate motivation, i was not born to fight, we all were born, we all have an army now, all of them, i generally paste billboards. we're waiting for important decisions from the global peace summit to be the first to tell you, so watch espresso, read our website and follow our social networks, and of course support the espresso youtube channel with your likes and comments. be close, it's all good. walk up the stairs, not with my knees, from pain
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friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in... the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that cause resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaliy portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about... let's get out, help us understand the present and predict the future, the second trump presidency will be terrible for the world. a project for those who care and think.
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club every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. congratulations, the real front program is on the air, and i am taras berezovyts with you. today in our program. the elections to the european parliament were a triumph for right-wing forces. however, the situation is far
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from dramatic. russia continues its attacks on almost the entire front. the permission to hit targets on russian territory gives results. poland is worried about the possible placement of russian nuclear weapons in the kaliningrad region. the elections to the european parliament, which lasted from june 6 to 9, ended with a kind of triumph for the rights. parties these elections are also important for ukraine, because of them it depends on whether the european union will maintain the current level of unity in support of ukraine. read more about the elections to the european parliament in our story. the elections to the european parliament, which lasted from june 6 to 9, ended with the victory of the european people's party. according to preliminary forecasts published
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by the state on... june 12 , the european people's party has the most seats in the eu legislative body - 189 mandates. the union of liberals, renewing europe, can count on a group of approximately 79 deputies. european conservatives and reformists can get 73 mandates, and right-wing nationalists of the union of identity and democracy - 58 seats. the green european free alliance gets about 53 seats. the progressive alliance of socialists and democrats preliminarily wins 135 mandates, while the left gains 36 mandates. independent members will make up 45 deputies, another 52 mandates will be newly elected deputies who are not allies of any of the political groups created in the parliament. the majority in the european parliament preserves the forces that gravitate towards the center, and this is a favorable scenario for of ukraine. even if the current head of the european commission, ursula fondelein,
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fails. for some reason, to remain in office, she will be replaced by a politician who supports the provision of aid to ukraine, but this will not reduce the political tension in the european parliament, writes bbc ukraine. on the other hand, the success of the eurosceptics from the european conservatives and reformists group, which includes the brothers of italy, the italian prime minister giorgi meloni and the polish law and justice of jarosław kaczyński and the far-right. identity and democracy means that discussions about the future of the eu, the reduction of the powers of european institutions in favor of national governments, the expediency of expanding the eu to new countries will be even more heated than before. the difference between these two groups is that the government of meloni and peace in poland actively helped ukraine with weapons, while the representatives of identity and democracy, the national association le pen, the austrian freedom party and the italian league criticize.
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wax aid to ukraine and call for negotiations with russia. however, the biggest consequences elections to the european parliament, ukraine may feel it not in relations with italy, where prime minister maloney's position regarding support for ukraine remains firm, but in relations with france, austria, and a little later with the czech republic. also, as it became known from the european truth at the elections to the european parliament in hungary from the newly created opposition. the tisza party was won by gabriella derjenny, a native of transcarpathia, who was born in berehova in 1977, where she lived for the first 10 years of her life, after which she moved to hungary. until 2021, she worked in structures for a long time european commission. her public statements about ukraine could not be found. however, during the campaign.


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