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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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svobody and the italian league criticize military aid to ukraine and call for negotiations with russia. however , the country may feel the biggest consequences of the elections to the european parliament not in relations with italy, where prime minister maloney's position regarding support for ukraine remains firm, but in relations with france, austria and a little later with the czech republic. also, as it became known, from the european truth, in the elections to the european parliament. in hungary , gabriela derjenny, a native of the transcarpathian city, who was born in berehova in 1977, where she lived for the first 10 years of her life, after which she moved to hungary, until 2021 she worked for a long time in the structures of the european commission. it was not possible to find her public statements about ukraine, however, during the campaign.
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she closed old posts on her facebook page after pro-government propaganda media started spreading manipulated messages based on her old posts. according to the preliminary results of the elections to the european parliament, it is already obvious that the pro-ukrainian majority has won, the radio emphasizes freedom. despite the growing popularity. european populists, the key takeaway from the european parliament elections is that the three largest political groups retain their influence. the largest centrist group, the european people's party, won with 184 deputies. actually, this is how everything happened in all elections to the european parliament since 1999. the epp is the only major party that has increased the popularity of all. others
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lost compared to the 2019 elections. according to preliminary results, progressive the alliance of socialists and democrats in the sld took second place with 139 deputies. the liberal centrist party restoration took third place, receiving 80 seats. together, these three leading parties will receive 403 seats in the european parliament, which will constitute a majority, although ... admit that this is 14 votes less than the previous convocation of the european parliament, 417 seats. the group of european conservatives and reformists (ecr), which includes parties such as the italian brothers of giorgia maloni, the polish law and justice peace party, the sweden democrats and the spanish vox party won 73 mandates. the political group is even more right-wing identity and democrat. marine le pen and the
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freedom party of austria (fpo) would also gain more if they did not get rid of the odious pro-kremlin party alternative for germany, afd. after a leading member of this german ka party failed to justify the actions of the eu in world war ii. french president emmanuel macron was forced to dissolve the national assembly and announce early elections. when it became clear that his centrist party from... roden was defeated, instead the right-wing party of marine le pen (national union) won with a margin of 15% over the coalition of centrist liberal parties of president macron, and the fpou is leading in austria. together, isr and id will have about 130 mandates, which roughly corresponds to the number they received in 2019. always exists. the belief
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that the two groups could merge to form a populist right-wing supergroup that would potentially become the second-largest in the house, giving it an advantage in key committee chairs as well as nominations speakers however, as observers note, it will be difficult for them to come to an agreement, because these parties have many differences in views and values, this is noticeable, in particular, in the example of the exclusion of the german af. for example, the party: isr, as a rule, is very aggressive towards the kremlin, especially led by the polish party law and justice. and the italian giorgia melani is increasingly gravitating towards centrist parties. on the other hand, the id group is openly pro-russian and does not seek a compromise in the european parliament with other parties. aic still often votes with the main groups, in particular, on issues of foreign policy of the european union.
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almost 100 independent deputies in the new composition of the european parliament who do not belong to any party are unexpected. deputies have. reach an agreement on the composition of the political groups by july 16, when the new european parliament will gather for its inaugural legislative session in strasbourg, france. the russian occupiers continue their attacks in almost all directions along the front. this was announced by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. more details about the situation at the front in our story. armed on june 12, the forces of ukraine on duty attacked russian anti-aircraft missile systems deployed by the invaders on the temporarily occupied ukrainian peninsula of crimea, officials reported at the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. this time
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, a group missile strike was carried out against one enemy s-300 anti-aircraft missile division. not far from belbek, as well as two s-400 anti-aircraft missile divisions near belbek and sevastopol. hits in the areas of the targets were confirmed, in particular, as a result of the damage , two radars of the s-300 and s-400 complexes were destroyed. regarding the third radar, the information is being clarified. in addition, further detonation of munitions in all three districts, placement of advanced missile divisions of the russian federation was recorded. and while the armed forces demonstrate the results of their work, the occupiers have nothing to do... they can only invent about their successes. thus, on june 9 , chechen dictator ramzan kadyrov announced the alleged occupation of rezhevka by militants of his akhmat-chechnya group. propaganda media also spread this information. however , in a comment to the public, the head of the bilopol community yuriy zarko denied this information
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and explained that there are no such buildings in rezhivka that were distributed in photos and videos by the russian authorities. military expert oleksiy hetman says: kadyrivites do not fight on... all they are capable of is creating fakes and eliminating russians who flee from the battlefield. when the village was shown as filmed by the kadyrivtsy, there were several errors, firstly, some rather large administrative or industrial building was shown there, which, which are not there, at least not destroyed, definitely not there in this village, and secondly, there through the middle villages flowed the river is according to the video that... was shown by the kadyrivets, which is not there, that is, this video was filmed somewhere else, well, it’s a little bit, well, it didn’t work out, but the kadyrivets are the kind of troops that are used by the russians, the kadyrivets, directly, like the threat detachments, it's hard to remember something, somewhere serious
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combat where brocadery took part, and to gather there, er, it looks very beautiful, especially kadyrov in women's bers, prada. that is, everything is fine there, they look like that, but to conduct combat operations, those, well, we are not something we remember, yes, to shoot at the russians who are running away with a rifle, they know how, i think that they don't really have much love for the russians, after the first and second chechen war, that if somewhere we see zero, there, where kadyrivs are fighting, and not where they are actually located, in fenced-off detachments, then this means that it is a fairy, there are no kadyrivs. at zero, they do not fight, they shoot russians who flee with a volley, although the threat to sumy oblast still remains, because the russians are pulling in this direction additional forces, there is no need to panic, says the expert.
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it is not worth considering that these forces and means available in sumy oblast can be used to capture or surround the city of sumy. there we can talk only about some local offensive actions. some provocative actions, such as the people of kadyriv with a trecolor flag, to believe that the russians simply attracted several tens of thousands of people there to sit there, to look at the wonderful ukrainian nature, is not worth it, they do not have enough russian people to carry out those , for doing things the way they're used to doing things with a lot of manpower, so spread out... here and there 10, 30, 40 thousand, here and there, they won't, these troops are really there to do some kind of action that no less to stretch our defenses, as you just said, withdraw troops from other positions, well, depending on where the hostilities take place, they are more than 1,000
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km long, the front line, even sumyshchyna shares a 564 km border with russia, so there are cities where there are... really serious hostilities and concentrated russian troops, where there are places where they are not powerful combat operations, and there is a small concentration of russian troops, so we can transfer forces from all directions, it is... a normal situation to move troops in the middle of the front, using the so-called rocket roads, you can even call it that, if in the place where we withdrew part of the troops, the russians will try to strengthen, we will attract other reserves, but this is a tactic of conducting hostilities. at the same time, oleksiy hetman warns that this summer will also be a difficult period. we have a perspective, but let's remember that it is summer now will be the most difficult. so we are sure that we will be able to gain positions, that we will be able
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to win, but it will come at a very high cost to all of us, not only at a great cost to all of us, not only to those who are now fighting on the battlefield, to those who are in in civilian cities, in the rear, let's say so, it cannot be the case that someone here in the rear goes to a cafe, in a swimming pool and relaxes there, let's say so, and it's not very difficult for them, but the people are at zero. it is very difficult, it must be difficult for everyone, but only together we can achieve victory. analysts the american institute for the study of war calculated that the limited permission granted by the united states to strike targets on russian territory reduced the area of ​​safe space for the aggressor by 16%. what is happening at the front with the use of western weapons, see in our. in the following plot: permission from the usa to strike the russian federation reduced
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the untouched territory of the aggressor. analysts of the institute for the study of war calculated that the limited permission to hit targets in russia with provided weapons reduced the area of ​​the aggressor's safe space by 16%. analysts note that the states still limit ukraine in the use of western weapons, so about 84% of the... land territory of the russian federation remains untouched. us policy restricting ukraine's use of us-provided weapons has effectively created a massive cover that russia uses to protect its combat forces, command and control, logistics and rear support that the russians use militarily to conduct their military operations in ukraine . us policy is still pro... protecting the vast majority operative body and deep body of russia, and us policy prohibits ukraine
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from using attackcoms anywhere in russia. the institute for the study of war notes that the ukrainian army can attack russian military targets in the belgorod, kurd and bryansk regions. however, it is not clear whether the defense forces of ukraine have permission for this. high-ranking american officials gave permission to ukraine to strike the territory of russia for counter-battery fire. and... at the same time , they limited such attacks to the districts of the kharkiv region, so in fact the armed forces of ukraine can strike at russian military facilities located near the border, however, they are prohibited from hitting russian military targets further to the rear or in other areas of the kurdish bryansk regions, which are also within the range of anti-aircraft missiles. statements by us officials also indicate that ukrainian forces can. may be limited in striking russian military targets that do not actively participate in
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ground attacks and strikes against ukraine. thus, the reduction of the area of ​​untouched space can be less than 16%. meanwhile, in the russian federation on on the territory of the akhtubinsk airfield in the astrakhan region, the ukrainian military for the first time struck a russian su-57 multi-purpose fighter. this was reported to the ministry of defense of ukraine on june 9. on june 8, 2024 , a su-57 multi-role fighter of the aggressor state was hit on the territory of the akhtubinsk airfield in the astrakhan region of the russian federation, located 589 km from the combat line. this is the most modern fighter of moscow, which is capable of using h-59 and x-69 missiles for strikes. was in service with the russian aerospace forces. units of the specified combat aircraft. later, on the air of the national telethon
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, the spokesman of the gurminoboron andriy yusov reported that not one, but two su-57s could have been damaged. there are data that continue to be clarified, accordingly there is information that there could be two affected aircraft 157. there is also information about irretrievable losses and wounded among the personnel of the occupiers. damaged fighters. recognized in russia as well, this was confirmed by the russian propagandist ilya tumanov, who administers the thematic aviation channel fighter bomber. two su-57s were damaged, the second su-57 received minor damage, which will be closed on the spot. i already wrote about the first: they will think whether it is advisable to restore it or not, because the board of the prototype is really not suitable for combat operations. of the three uavs that attacked the airfield, all three flew by. russia
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can keep about 100 tactical nuclear warheads in the kaliningrad region. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of poland radoslav sikorskyi at the conference on the reconstruction of ukraine in berlin. he also reminded that sometimes russian missiles are used to strike across ukraine, fly into the territory of neighboring poland, which is extremely dangerous. so, should we pay attention to russia's threat to use nuclear weapons? see in our story. in russia, on june 11, the second stage of the training of non-strategic nuclear forces began, during which the armies of the russian federation and belarus are to work out preparations for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. this became known from the notification of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. according to the decision of the president of the russian federation
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, the second stage of training has begun non-strategic nuclear forces. training is aimed at supporting the goths. personnel and equipment of parts of the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons of russia and belarus with the aim of unconditionally ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the union state. minister of defense of belarus viktor hryenin also confirmed the joint exercises with the russian federation. he accused western countries of introducing an uncompromising aggressive policy in the field of military activity and hatching plans to use military force against belarus. representatives of some countries make a statement about permission to strike with their weapons, which were transferred to ukraine through the territory of the russian federation. well, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of lithuania, in his militaristic mood, reached the point where he actually called for strikes.
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potential, and our participation in the second stage of consistently strengthening our defense exercises of the armed forces of the russian federation, regarding the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, is a confirmation that now, more than ever before, we are determined to respond. he also emphasized that such measures are taken in the russian federation related to the preparation for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons are carried out in favor of ensuring its own security and are planned, and belarus does not aim to create tension in matters of ensuring
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regional security. the authorities of the russian federation reported on joint military exercises on may 6. then the ministry of foreign affairs. said the exercises were intended to cool down hotheads in the west, which moscow accused of pushing for direct military confrontation between nato and russia. at the same time, as reported by reuters, back in may, the pentagon stated that they did not see it a change in the position of russia's strategic nuclear forces, despite the statement of moscow, which at that time was only planning exercises with the use of tactical nuclear weapons. we did not notice any changes in the positions of their strata. of forces obviously, we 'll continue to watch. this is an example of the irresponsible rhetoric we have seen from russia in the past. this is completely inappropriate given the current security situation. on june 10 , there was an explosion and then
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a fire at the mesko arms factory in poland. according to rfmfm, three people were inside. one of them independently left the room, the other two needed help. one of the victims could not be saved. the dead man was 59 years old. the mesko plant produces portable piorun anti-aircraft missile systems, which are also supplied to ukraine and are actively used against russian troops. according to numerous reports of the polish military, the explosion occurred on monday morning in the center of rocket fuel. for... that these weapons have proven themselves highly at the front, and the polish company has started supplying these complexes to other states. in particular, to norway and estonia. others are also in development. missiles of the purun family, in particular air-launched missiles and missiles of the new generation. the plant also produces ammunition for tanks, which are supplied to ukraine and
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other countries. it was visited several times, including by ukrainian specialists. only in recent weeks, there have been a number of large fires at infrastructure facilities in poland. several people were detained on suspicion of deliberate arson and sabotage. citizens of ukraine, belarus and russia. polish authorities believes that representatives of the russian special services may be behind this. let's add a few more famous stories of this undeclared war. on february 14, 2022, a powerful explosion took place at the dynamite plant in krupsk mlyna in poland. two missing people are known. in april 2024, in great britain , a massive
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explosion and fire occurred in the morning of april 17 at the factory of the largest british arms manufacturer, bae systems, in monmurcher, south wales. this plant was built during the second world war for providing for the needs of allies. last year , bae systems began building facilities there for the production of ammunition, mortars, 155-caliber artillery shells, and yes... also tank shells. it is also worth reminding that the british company is involved in military aid to ukraine. so, last year it opened an office in ukraine for the production of howitzers l-119, which has a caliber of 105 mm of the nato standard. in addition, bee systems decided to resume production of m-777 howitzers, which are actively used by ukrainians defenders in april 2024, a large-scale fire broke out at night at a military plant in scranton, pennsylvania, usa. this plant
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produces artillery shells for the needs of the us armed forces. according to journalists, the plant is one of seven facilities that manufacture ammunition for the united states armed forces. this includes, among others, shells of large caliber and mortars. in february 2024. in 2015, in the latvian city of marupe, firefighters were able to extinguish a fire at the enterprise for the production of unmanned aerial vehicles of the company edge autonomy. edge autonomy, formerly known as uav factory, manufactures unmanned systems that are supplied to almost 70 countries, including ukraine. the company was founded back in 2009, its owner is the american company edge autonomy holdings. in may 2024 , a powerful fire broke out at the metallurgical plant diehl-metal in berlin. the deal metal
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applications company belongs to the deal defense company, which is engaged in the production of ppo irst systems, including for ukraine. a black cloud of poisonous smoke covered the german city. it was noted that the enterprise stored a large amount of sulfuric acid and cyanide. to midi on the evening of march 21, 2015, on the territory of the largest state- owned military enterprise in bulgaria, in the azov machine-building plant, vmz, there were explosions and flames like on a battlefield. a large fire destroyed warehouses of weapons and ammunition, scaring residents of the resort town of sopot and other towns at the foot of the balkan mountains in central bulgaria. a column of smoke rose. to a height of more than 200 m. in less than a month, on april 14, a powerful fire and explosions rang out. two weeks later
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, bulgarian arms supplier emilian gebref fell into a coma as a result of poisoning. all these three events became part of a large-scale attack on the bulgarian military industry. for more than three years, the bulgarian investigation stood still and asserted. that gebrev was poisoned by pesticides from a salad with arugula, only after british investigators linked gebrev's case to one of the suspects in the poisoning of sergei skripal, which was carried out in saltsbury by employees of the russian secret service gru, according to using a substance like novichok. the bulgarian prosecutor's office was able to admit that in gebrev's case it was about something more serious than food poisoning. by. a few months after russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine , a fire broke out at a weapons warehouse belonging to one of
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gebriva's companies, mmko, in the city of karnobat in eastern bulgaria. it was found out that the ammunition from this warehouse was intended for ukraine. according to the former prime minister of bulgaria kyril petkov, at the first stage of the russian large-scale invasion, his country put a third of all necessary ammunition to the ukrainian defense forces. the explosions at the weapons warehouse in vrbetica occurred in october-december 2014 in... the czech republic, the explosion destroyed more than 50 tons of ammunition. as a result , two people died, significant material damage to the environment was caused. total losses amounted to more than 47 million dollars. the czech authorities announced suspicions against russian military intelligence agents in mid-april 2021. presumably, the target of the explosions was ammunition destined for ukraine. subsequently, in april 2024, the police. and stated
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that closed the case about the explosions at ammunition warehouses in ubetitsa, in which, as the investigation established, the russian special services were involved. in the police report, the names of gru employees, the investigators named anatoly chipigi and oleksandr mishkin. the head of the czech security and information service, michal kudelka, also said that gru officers chipiga and mishkin were involved in the explosions. according to him . counterintelligence services of the czech republic identified other russians involved in the bombings, but chepiga and mishkin are considered the main organizers. chipyga and mishkin are the same employees of the gru, whom the british authorities, under the surnames petrov and boshirov, accused of an assassination attempt on former gru employee sergei skripal and his daughter in the british city of saltbury in 2018.
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i, taras berozovets, conducted this program for you, thank you for watching, together to victory and glory to ukraine. tingling, numbness, or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you. a special complex of active substances of dolgit antineuro helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuro helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in the limbs. capsules dolghit antineuro - help to your nervous system. allergy is non-human. overcomes
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need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, with a new culture, will find new friends, and the most important thing is that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists, and perhaps now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed the trip.


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