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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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marina is a difficult director, i remember, i’ll just remind you, friends, marina vroda. once upon a time, we first heard about her as a winner at the cannes film festival. her short short short short short short cross won an award at the cannes film festival . here is marina who shot steppe, which also received awards, and please tell me what exactly is artistic value? of this tape, and how, how, possibly, should the viewer prepare to watch this film? well, yes, this is not a movie where a lot of events take place there and a lot of action, this is a film that requires a certain trust in the director and in her pace of the story, and only then will you be able to enter this world and stay there, it is interesting here that questions of memory are raised, and this is the memory of that older generation, which... is currently leaving, but they
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know a lot, and they don't talk about it, about some traumas that the soviet union brought, about some personal experiences, these are all our grandparents who do not remember the most terrible things, what they experienced during the second world war, and do not really remember a lot of pleasant things, and perhaps this film is about these people. places that can really disappear along with it, and if we do not pay attention to them. yes, i will say that this tape tells about a man who comes to such a remote village, to his mother, who is already in such a bad state, she needs to be taken care of, there he meets his brother, and that's all there around him, there there is a very big scene with exactly... how these older people
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recount what happened to them in their youth, how it happened, it's really very interesting, we can watch an excerpt, give me bread, oils, take money, matches, come on, that 's good, and take it, play, not everyone is there, not everyone, until retirement, what are you doing, i need black bread, you hear me, i'm money, write on me, i'm definitely there, festival documentary film about human rights is also quite popular and many of my acquaintances who went there raved about the film nice ladies, they just posted it all and said, you have to see it, see it, please, please, please, on this is a movie, and here in
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chernivtsi itself, those who live in chernivtsi have the opportunity to go to this tape, i honestly did not miss it anywhere and i regret it very much, because, well , there are already such compliments, but tell me what it is in this film that makes people so chipper, you know, with this film it is a little difficult for me to submit that sticks because i know the story of its creation, and from the beginning it was a story about a cheerleading team from kharkiv. who perform in the category, it seems 25+, because there is no 30 + 35 category in cheerleading, there are some, but 25 is like an older age, and despite their 50 terms, they become in serious competition with younger girls, who are winning, who, well, charge life with such super-energy, and it was supposed to be a film about this, but how is russia conducting a full-scale invasion contribution.
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corrections and the team was forced to break up, and here we are, in addition to this first part, which i talked about in principle, we see a story about our relationship with those who left and with those who stayed, as a matter of fact, is it possible to have a dialogue between these people, how we should talk to each other, for me this film raises these questions very subtly, very tenderly and at the same time it's so life-giving and wants... literally to watch it and participate in it, it's a must, but you have to see it, and it also seems to me, just mastcei and also on at this festival, although the tape will be in the picture, also a stapler , please don't confuse it with the serf serfdom series - it's a cartoon, it's very good, but now we can watch this cartoon as well. cartoon
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animated film yes, and there is a sufficiently complex technique, for the original, it is immediately recognizable, it is, as they say, from the creators with love vincent, also a film that... received many awards and many artists worked on it, including ukrainian artists. tell me, please, what is the peculiarity of this animation that we are now seeing on the screen, and what, again, is the artistic value of this film, because it is also being discussed, it already has many, many positive reviews. well, the special thing about this movie is that it's really hand-drawn animation, it's not artificial intelligence, although it looks like it's just... the collective made this movie and it shows the value of human input into animation there in in such complex forms, very unexpected, well , of course, it impresses anyone who loves cinema or animation as such, and it has another such added value for us, in my opinion, and
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this is such a typical story from ukrainian literature, in the 18th and 19th centuries, about a woman with whom different people were in love and actually she loves a less promising one. and for her , a more promising one, well, it’s like natalki poltava, for example, a classical opera, and i would also like to see such a screen adaptation of ukrainian literature, and probably by showing this movie, i'm realizing this dream of mine a little bit, passing it on to the viewers, well , we won't show this version either, we 'll show the original version, but as far as i know ukrainian, it's in ukrainian. the cult nataliya sumska and the blogger and actor vitaly gvardienko recorded it, that is, it will sound nice now for us in the cinemas, and we can listen now, how it will sound, let's listen and watch, of course , an excerpt from this cartoon, sooner or later
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yagna as long as it is not the parental home, it is possible was and to give out a widower too rich, i'm fine where i am, my mother wants to sell you, you'll be the first lady of the whole village, well, one of those films with which we can now draw parallels, by the way, there are a lot of such, it turns out, we have parallels the sea, this occupied city, by steve mcqueen, the famous director who presented the film. about the occupation of amsterdam during the second world war, tell alex, what could there be, and could there be these parallels in the ukrainian viewers who will watch, because in fact i know that many people are looking for these parallels in different things, it is very popular to look for parallels in the second
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world war, especially and so on, what can you say about this film, well, the occupied city is such a large-scale uh... ambitious project, steve mcqueen is the director , who has an oscar, well, that is, he is actually an oscar winner, not even a nominee, and it turns out that he put his career as a feature film director on pause to make a big 45-hour documentary based on his wife bianca stikter's book, her book - this is something extraordinary, it was issued only in dutch, i even asked her to bring it to me, it is so meticulous, detailed. a study of how the city functions during the occupation, and here not only about the story, what we expect from films about the second world war, in principle about the life of the city, and about the curfew, and about some partisan movement, that is, a very wide
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panorama that responds to us, but, well , mcqueen wouldn't be mcqueen if he was satisfied with this, and he overlays this story with every detail, every scrap. of amsterdam land to modern amsterdam, that is, he shows us that now there is a hill where children ride, in fact there was something like that many years ago, and we have such an interesting picture of memory, at the same time, on the other hand, it is as if we are traveling to amsterdam, because those who has been to the city, well , i think that it will evoke very nostalgic feelings for those who have not been, they will probably be inspired to travel someday and... the important thing is that this film, it shows the modernity of amsterdam, i.e. kobit, and it continues, continues, continues, until the beginning of the ukrainian-russian war, and in principle it is there several frames with ukrainian refugee men and women, and this is probably the most haunting footage in this film for me, because it is still
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a political statement by the director, unfortunately, we do not have access to him so that he could comment on what to say under this, but to me it seems to be more than eloquent. alex, thank you very much, we will talk about your festival further. i would like to draw the attention of our viewers to the fact that this is only a small part of what will be shown at the mykolaychuk open festival, just from... go to their website and choose and i will also say that if you want tickets, you need to book and buy them in advance, because at festivals they sell out quickly, it is not as often as in a cinema, where you can buy them in a few hours, and well, i say goodbye to you, i wish you a good week, a good weekend, calm, most importantly, and see you next week. there are discounts
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representing unbreakable discounts on emmolium 25% in the pharmacies of travel to you and the saver there are discounts representing books on urulesan 15% in the pharmacies plantain fam and oshchab. extraordinary a look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15. on espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws, but how do these changes affect the
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our life? we analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do laws change our lives? what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktu bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 on the legal expertise program. on the espresso tv channel. summer is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a bit of peace for the children, whose world was destroyed by the war. these are the children of the dead heroes, whose father or... mother, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they, like no other, need our
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support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will survive. bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new ones friends, the most important thing is that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists, and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help, remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those , who lost a loved one, because... their parents went to protect our ukraine. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to
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every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went out to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna, and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's make memories together that will warm hearts. and will help to survive these difficult and scary moments. greetings, i am asking for your help in finding this guy, his name is aurelio gonza. in this photo, he is with his mother, here they are happy and smiling. the family lived in the city of voznesensk, mykolaiv region. when
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this photo was taken, the boy was still studying at school, talked and went out with friends, in short, lived the usual carefree life of a teenager. however, in the summer of 2019, everything changed, the life of this family was divided into before and after. on august 17, 2019, aurelio went missing. that day he left the house. went for a walk and didn't come back, no calls, no messages, the guy just disappeared. at first, his parents assumed that he had decided to leave home, but to this day he is still missing. no news when aurelio disappeared, his mother turned to us for help in the search. above all, she wants to know at least something about her son. and although the search for him has been going on for more than four years, we still really hope that with your help we will be able to find the boy, or at least get some information about him. so don't be indifferent,
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please look carefully at the photo. a lot of time has passed since the disappearance, the guy has certainly changed, but pay attention to the fact that aurelio is tall, about 180 cm, he has blond hair and brown eyes, among special signs there is a scar on his lower back after an operation. so, if possible, you know where it might be guy, please contact us on 116 30. our hotline is open 24/7, so if you know anything. about aurelio gonsa, let us know immediately, calls to the hotline of the child tracing service from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. and although aurelio disappeared as early as 2019, we will, of course, continue to look for him, because we really do not lose hope. for more than 20 years of work of the child tracing service, there have been such cases when a missing child
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was found after a year, three and even 10 years search i have told you only one story of a missing child. in total, we have received thousands of requests for help in the search just since the start of the full-scale invasion. currently , many children disappear in the front-line areas or in the occupation, many boys and girls are deported to russia, but at the same time children disappear for reasons not related to the war. these are usually teenagers who resort to running away from home. so... the child tracing service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about what you need first to do to prevent the child from leaving the house. let's listen. show respect for the child's personality, his personal space, and his belongings. often we do not notice how our children grow up, and what was normal in behavior with a small child,
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is completely unacceptable in behavior with a teenager, for example. we can't go into a teenager's room without permission. what's more, we can't go into the bathroom when he's there, we can't rummage through his personal things without permission, we can't read his messages, it all violates him privacy, violates boundaries, makes him feel vulnerable and prompts him to run away, prompts him to seek safe places somewhere outside the home, do we need that? therefore, please show respect for the child's personality, for his personal space and for her. this is very important, and finally, as always, i ask that you take just a few minutes of your time, go to the magnolia children's tracing website, look into the faces of these missing boys and girls, maybe you will recognize someone, maybe it is your concern that can save a missing child and return it
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to safety so, if you have any information about any of these children, please let us know right away. hotline at 11630. calls are free. we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. there are discounts represent unbreakable discounts on memicar ic 10% in pharmacies travelers you and saver try flabodia 600 pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids 600 treat hemorrhoids without any oops, there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on penistil 20%
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in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause resonance. in our society, drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of changing processes the country and each of us. should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time,
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they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening. press verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion
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from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 5:10 p.m. hello gentlemen, my name is andrii zholup, this is
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a project without armor, and before starting our big conversation, i will remind you that you do not miss even the smallest opportunity or the smallest conversation from our project, be sure to subscribe and put like, press the bell, click, do all these options for... to join our youtube channel without armor, well, now i can introduce the person who will have this round table meeting with me today, almost a diplomatic whole conversation, and i don't like to speak and name people's regalia myself, i think it's much easier, it's when i just give the person a word, so rostyslav antimys, a veteran, tell me, please, rostik, where are you, where did you have the opportunity to meet? a large-scale one, where you had to finish it, and then we will sail our ship for talks, congratulations, to meet her a full-scale invasion, i had to be in bed, it is very responsible, yes,
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i slept, overslept, my wife will, she says, it has begun, they are shelling kyiv and so further, we have children in the layer camp just right, the first thought, damn, you have to somehow get the children out, it happened in the rivne region. well, luckily , the camp management worked and despite all this, well , this passenger flow was just formed on the freeway and it was possible to bring the children home quickly, accordingly, the second part - this is a military man , that's where i was taken to the 62nd battalion of the 103rd brigade of tro, yes tro, so and so . it started, you asked how it ended, it's not over yet, well, for now, on a pause, deep tystavy, on a pause, for now, you have completed active duty now, with what rank,
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er, sergeant, sergeant, served, yes, because i was a private, having no military experience, before that, well, in fact, i didn't plan any military career and so on, and you don't plan a suspicion, no, i'm not at that age anymore, you know, there... it's okay young people plan for themselves, because it's really not time to build a career in the army, let the young people plan, said the burly old man and smiled like a 16-year-old, well done, old man, please tell me, i actually want to return to that question, you just said, that the children were at the stratum camp, it was still quite a cold period for us, the beginning full-scale, what kind of camp was it, it is rather a system of training. skob such systems have been studied by four schools, this is the vovchelig smoking initiative, but we conducted this study
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up to the full scale. invasion, and one of the stages was actually in the rivne region near klevan, that's how this invasion caught us, please tell me, friend, what do you think for you, actually, you have a huge layer experience as a participant, i understand it, and you also managed to be an educator, in fact, and still at the camps, you managed to be in the stratum itself there. yes, even during during last year's vacation, i came to the formation camp with my boys, because it is somehow so somehow so impossible not to come, that this organization, in fact, did it give you some kind of base, so that you can more easily experience some of these, you know, discomforts, even banal ones, i'm not saying about shelling, about military operations, the discomforts of military service, well, i don't know, somehow it is the way it is, but maybe i would be like that
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and... from the stratum, or maybe it would actually be a stratum, a stratum of me somewhere, well, i've been like that since i was 14 years old actually in the strata, not only that, we are 14-year-olds, 15-year-olds guys, at that time i lived in berezhany in the ternopil region, we actually made a layer, without elders, without anyone, it was our initiative, it was the 90s and 91s, but there was resistance to it, as i understand it, the communists were still alive and well , here we are for... and the same grandfathers who were still in that stratum, this is actually like the transmission of that stratum spark, the baton is like that, and what the stratum has taught me, actually it seems to me that this level of comfort is lowered, ugh, she really, really lay down on this whole situation, she really slept there
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dugouts and without any problems, tell us... the muscles, no, the muscles are terrible, the muscles are terrible, the muscles, probably the layer hasn’t taught me, i don’t know who can tolerate this chattering, you just wake up and they chatter, you knock on the walls , they continue to chatter, well, that's what i know, i'll tell you word for word, i remember so well how i was lying in the dugout in a sleeping bag, watching something on the phone, you know, they said there was an opportunity, you can use sterling, it's clear there you know, all tiktoks, i'm watching some movie, here i suddenly feel that someone is a movie... look with me, i turn around, i look at the sleeping bag, the mouse sits like that and sticks into the screen, well, they fell on our heads, it’s frank, and they fell on your head, and they fell into the bowls, but okay, i agree, mice are hard to survive, tell me to me, because the experience is like this, and i have already met with it, that here are the guys who get there completely unprepared for such a field life, there, say, electricians from poltava oblast or middle-level managers from
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kryvyi rih for them... in principle, all those burners, keremats and so on, then there is something certain some kind of general notau, what is happening, yes, we had to learn, it was explained, very often from the first days we actually had to teach, explain how simple it is to put on shoes, and how simple it is that coarse socks are right, thin socks are wrong , this, this is just breaking in people's heads, like how to walk in rough socks in the summer, and what did the woman send from zhytomyr? and here, in fact, from such everyday moments , such skills of a warrior are very often made up, and well, comfort is important, comfort in war is really this it is very important how you can ensure your life in all these conditions so that you are comfortable, how to choose the right clothes, choose the right shoes,
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how to buy a burner, because the guys save money, buy cheaper burners, they just stink up the dugout with it non-combustible gas, well, this is also a problem, uh, and somewhere like that, here and there somewhere in the layer, well, actually also the plastuns that i met, we had no problems with this, we somehow understood that this is how it works, and somewhere like that, well, me too personally they said, you're kind of... abnormal, why is it so easy for you in these difficult conditions, you know, really, i watched people complain about the fact that it wouldn't occur to me to complain, and one more thing - cooking food, you and i were taught how to cook food in plosto, you were like that, and somehow without problems, and once in the morning he got up and brewed oatmeal.


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