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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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the whole world has not understood who russia really has to deal with, but we understand who we are dealing with. now there are no rules, the masks are broken. and uh, well, on this matter, of course, the russians already come up with some completely fake stories and some completely fake explanations. the most likely kumen story is the one that russian propagandists wrote there, to state duma deputy zhuravlov, he... voiced it on the air, but when it was written, this fake only appeared and only the russians spread it, and when he already said it on the russian air, until this moment this fake was disproved, and he had to, you know, twist it, and what he said, and how it was twisted, well , you know, a separate such comedy story and comedy show, as we know, they were removed from the azov regiment or brigade. restrictions on the supply
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of weapons to the americans, it used to be there, but now it has been removed, and why? you all think, why? and i 'll tell you why: at the gay parade in america , the emblem of azov lit up, and everyone there danced, rejoiced and had fun to that emblem, that's why you want weapons and money, it doesn't matter, you can think of the nazi swastika, you can think of some war crimes, there are many concepts. why i really agree with you, but this video is definitely a fake, it could be, but it is specifically a deep fake, that is, the joke is from the internet, that is, the people of azov did not perform at that gay parade, to say that it could be a fake, well, a joke from the internet, fake, not fake, a joke, in fact, i think, they all seem to want to say you, that's right, olya, that's what i wanted. say suppose
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suppose, well, you see, they made a fake and a lie and now they say that it was a joke, well , that’s what it is, someone made a joke, well, of course, that is, now when russians are exposed somewhere and they say that they lied, they now say that they were joking , well, that 's it, well, you know, two things in particular are comical out of all this, well, how can i say no... not that comical, i would say remarkable. the first, well, if you recall it like that, you know, in general, well, if we talk about nazi germany, yes, there, the second, during the second world war, then in principle, nazi germany sent gays, gypsies, jews to concentration camps, and all the enslaved peoples it captured there and those... who resisted something, that's who we
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are now fighting against lgbt people there and also trying somewhere in the to send gays to prison, and this is russia, well, i don't want to say anything, but you know, there are such parallels, well, they exist, and it's strange that this state ideology, for some reason, it is so connected, when racism is not much different from hitlerism, here, well, the second remarkable story is... here are all these cries about what kind of ukrainians terrible terrorists, like all this, but you know, this is said by the same people who are now at the state level going to recognize the taliban as just that, well, an ordinary organization there, an ordinary government, and they have been spending a month already in the russian state councils , literally a whole company whitewashing of the taliban from afghanistan. and putin himself
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speaks out about this and says, well, that ’s normal, well, what about them, well, they’re not gangsters, not even terrorists at all, and they’re not the ones who, you know, throw stones at women, shoot people right on the street , hang and they are shooting, no, it's all normal, nothing to worry about, that is, these people will also tell us something about the nazis, about azov, about something else, well, that is, they don't get on the head, relations with... mines with the taliban and afghanistan always of hearing there are problems in afghanistan, they are well known to everyone. the question of how to build relations with the current authorities is another matter. but it is necessary to build relationships somehow. these are the people who control the country. they control the territory of the country. they are the power in afghanistan today. it is necessary to leave realities and build relationships accordingly. well, i'm not saying that it's
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russian television, it's just that it constantly non-stop talks, and people hate it. and terrorist and direct calls for the extermination of people in various countries in ukraine constantly, and now in the west, and it is enough to simply look at these statements of solov'ov in order to simply all the questions that can be to anyone, anywhere in the world, including probably the taliban, to simply stop them, because you know, well, actually the russians and russian propaganda i have already spat it out a long time ago. the taliban in their kind of, you know, extremism and hatred. now deutsche welle is showing how vovchansk is burning. they are horrified by this, we have this video, please show it. here they show the vovchansk-kharkiv region,
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the intensity of the fighting, the northern part of the city almost completely. here they show it all. you understand that the cities of germany will look like this. only. with regard to them, we will be much more brutal, we will simply destroy everything. you understand this, or you need a russian soldier to come to your land again, but didn't leave this time? and fresh conversations, of course, about how terrible ukrainians are on russian television, it's just that they have such, you know, regular there, half an hour of hatred on various tv channels, and so on, for example. the next one was last week on ntv, where they just discussed for an hour how terrible ukrainians are, how bad they are, the whole nation is bad, and literally, well, they washed all this, well, well,
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it’s really hard to think when again , people are sitting, and this is the only topic they have in general for conversations on the air, this is a desire to remind, so that he has the last word, to say how much they hate us, that is, this anger that lives in them, this is what i always felt. i think that ukrainianism can be called a political subculture. why this annoys us is because the people themselves belong to this political subculture, they are not really ethnically self-determined at all. and in ethnic terms. it is simply impossible to define yourself as a ukrainian, there is no such ethnic, cultural set that could be used to say what this is a ukrainian. there is no such set, there are some negative things, that is, a russophist there, let's say, does not go to the orthodox church, there, i don't know, wishes russia some
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problems, there, that is , there are some negative points, but it is impossible to list the positive ones. that is, there are some crazy people, you know. well, they invent some fictional ukrainians, at the same time telling that these ukrainians do not exist, but these ukrainians annoy them terribly, that what was interesting on this broadcast in particular, it was interesting, what has changed in general, you know, some general the tone of these statements, that is, so that you understand, now they are no longer ukrainians, not a brotherly people, moreover, ukrainians, russians, they are different peoples, finally, although ukrainians, as you heard, do not exist, but nevertheless. different peoples now appear, so, well, that is , the conversations on russian television are actually about the fact that ukrainians, russians are one and the same thing, but they have stopped very much now, have decreased, and now they say that
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no, they are ukrainians completely different, and they are not like that at all. i am one of those who never under any pressure so that we are not told from above that we are one people, i am not... but i have naturally been to all slavic countries and i know well that there are no two peoples whose psychotypes are as different as those of russians and ukrainians, we are much closer to poles, much closer, not to mention other peoples, we are completely different from ukrainians, we have many other shortcomings, which for obvious reasons i will not talk about now, however, stop maksym anatoliyovych, i want to clarify... you say about the current situation, you say you've always felt it but in soviet times, i didn't mention soviet times, you also felt it, felt it, that is, it turns out that in soviet times, ukrainians and russians were not one people, they were even much further than the poles from the russians, that's how
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it is, that is i think it's downright sensational, even such thoughts on russian television, and in the end it also turned out that not only in... lviv there are not russians and a different people in general, but even in odesa there are already people who, it turns out, are always still in soviet times , they did not hate the russians and were not one nation. my first trip was to a city that i call odesa in moscow, and i am always called odesa, and i will speak as i am used to odesa, my mother and i arrived, i was 13 years old, we went to the market to buy wheat, millet, yes they call our corn, and at some point, our corn, our corn is awesome, ours is usually an agricultural crop, did they feel something malicious in the russian-speaking region? why don't you love us so much, and why should we love you, answered the woman. even then, it was all felt, little by little,
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little by little, i was coming to lviv, my dad a sports journalist, i was met there by a correspondent of soviet sports in lviv. there was still a soviet union, everything seems to be normal, but all the same, this givence always, always crept through. it turns out that even in soviet times, the russian propagandist was disliked neither in odessa nor in lviv. and they directly said that there is nothing to love him for, and he is this trauma with him and with him already lives there, i don't know how old he is, probably 50 years old, well, what can i tell you, the most interesting thing in all this that they don't even explain they can, but why do they hate ukrainians so much, because as it turns out, ukrainians have not done anything bad to them, but they still hate them and invent fairy tales about them, and this is very visible on the example of another e. propagandist on this program, who simply that's how he said, well
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, they didn't do anything bad to me, but i still hate them, i have a difficult situation, because for me personally, ukrainians living in ukraine, i emphasize, have not done anything bad, but they are hysterical, so what they carry their offense like madmen, they will be to someone push quietly they will poison the wells if there is such an opportunity, they generally hate everyone, they want to live on their farm, and so that no one interferes with them, there will be a hidden guerrilla war in all the territories that will become part of russia. well, it turns out that ukrainians are to blame for the fact that they want to live. without them, it’s just so that no one goes to them, and this causes such hatred, i mean, hour-long conversations,
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some kind of demonization of ukrainians, but these conversations and such and such conversations about what have never been one nation, always this and some terrible things, all this is actually, you know, evidence of a change in russian propaganda as well, because it is no longer about the liberation, as you see, of some... ukrainian territories there, it is simply about seizing ukrainian territories, er, about the destruction of everything ukrainian there, about the destruction of people, because it turns out that these people have never loved russians since soviet times, so they must all be destroyed, it’s simple, well, if they didn’t love you, you understand, but how otherwise, about the destruction of all, well, that's it in general, about the destruction of everything here, that is, all these conversations about the fact that someone over there is liberating someone. they are over, now the russian state television essentially only promotes
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the fact that ukraine must be invaded and everyone there destroyed, everything, this is the main idea that they are promoting, this is the main thing that they are dealing with, and therefore it is not surprising that against this background little by little , international organizations are coming to mind, which talked about nationalism in ukraine here, and the american congress, which is also there... adopted some wild resolutions against azov and in general, well, somehow the world, i would say the media community, which is also beginning to come to its senses a little and somehow stops taking these russian conversations, about terrible ukrainians, as something serious, but simply understands that this is ordinary propaganda in order to take over a neighboring country , and actually all this led to one such thing, very interesting, which... also happened literally yesterday, when on june 12 the new sanctions of the united
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states of america turned out to be simply stunning for russia, because the moscow stock exchange, the national clearing center and the national settlement depository of russia. as a result , they lost the opportunity to trade in the dollar, and in american securities. this is actually a very... big blow to russia, because practically they cannot now settle in dollars, well , legally, and well, their banking capabilities are limited, you see. you know, this already caused such a hysterical reaction among ordinary russians, because now they have to find a dollar somehow, somewhere, because it may come to the point that they will be banned altogether, as in the soviet union it is free to buy dollars, and not, well, the ruble began to fall very much as a result of these, they stopped trading on the russian stock exchange for dollars
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and euros, now only yuan is traded there, well , actually, i would say eh... this was also such a blow amazing for russian propagandists, because they have been telling for dozens of years, dozens, even more than a dozen years, how to destroy the dollar, how to abandon the dollar, and then the dollar abandoned the russians, and suddenly it happened, you know, no one expected , i.e. it's one thing to watch russian state tv channels, however... how are they going to beat america and beat the dollar there, and it's another matter when this dollar is suddenly taken away from them, and even salavyov, who shouted about it the most, is not happy about it. of course, it is interesting that yesterday, on russia day, the americans introduced a package of sanctions. if we didn't use the term sanctions from
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hell before, then surely they should be used now, every time we talk about it. it must be understood that these are sanctions from hell, not because the sanctions are so severe, but because those who impose them are absolute devils, panic idiots what's up let's buy the dollar it's all gone it's a nightmare nightmare now doing a lot of trade with china how are you going to service it if you don't have the brains to think we're going to do that yes, but because of the cross-rate with the chinese... then don't be fooled, first of all, because china is not strictly a market country in terms of the yuan exchange rate, and then who told you that something will not happen to the yuan later, if you believe that your system is to move away from the dollar and come to yuan, so you didn’t understand anything, and why isn’t he happy, i don’t know, some kind of
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sadness and there are no cries, how they will burn america, suddenly it turned out that sadness... well , it’s not clear how to continue living, and he does not know how even to sell his oil and gas to china now, moreover, there are not only these, there are also restrictions for the russian military industry regarding access to certain software and it services, this is also, well, it turns out to be trouble, trouble, because somehow also it is not clear how to live with it.
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we need to go to the maximum an independent type of economy, we pump oil and we need to pump, that is, we pump oil and buy everything we need, from insta-women to iron, which is necessary to create a large cloud storage system, but now we need everything of our own. now you have to live all your own, it ’s called, now live like in the soviet union, well, in accordance with everything that was your own back then, that is, when there weren’t even normal underwear, so that’s it, yes, it ’s now closer, that’s it has its own, it’s called isolation, and you see, it’s somehow no longer
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happy, moreover, this concept that they have existed as he describes. to sell oil and buy everything in the world, it may suddenly not work, because in what, if you can't sell in dollars, then how and what, and for what to buy, in fact, not for the ruble, no one needs the ruble in the world , well, in short, this is such a drama in russia now, how they will experience it, we will watch, because so far they had a whole day off, june 12 , and for them it became such a shock. when the day off ended, and yet they did not even have time to come to their senses, so what's more, how their reaction to this whole story will develop, we will show it. what's next, well , let's meet next week and see more, we'll see each other, there are
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abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life, gave a ride to the beka, gave a ride to the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of the cold ravine in the direction of chasiv.
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well, if during the broadcast you will see a qr code on your screens, take out your smartphones, open the link and transfer donations to the unit named after noman chilibijagan, who is directly fighting for the liberation of crimea, now you can directly see this qr code, go and send money, help our defenders liberate the peninsula. and we, as always. during this hour, these 40 minutes, and, apparently, if i am not mistaken, we will talk about crimea, about the consequences of strikes by the armed forces of ukraine on
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russian enemy objects in the territory of temporarily occupied crimea, well, the first block of our program, it is dedicated military object and aspect, and we already have a guest whom we are ready to introduce zablotskyi, a naval expert. defense express such a project, mr. volodymyr, congratulations, congratulations, salaam alaikum, alaikum salaam, hello, thank you for the invitation, let's traditionally sum up the results of the past week, what in your opinion was the most important thing that happened in crimea, which explosions were worth watching, which the most important, well, first of all, you should pay attention. systematic destruction by means of air defense, large-scale, complex and consistent. eh, that's it literally instantly,
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the s-300 h2 missile batteries and one s-400 were destroyed in three key points of crimea, which covered the approaches to the peninsula, to objects from different directions, and in fact it was left without cover from the air, this is along with the destruction of the previous radar stations and new stations this time is evidence, direct evidence that... the peninsula is being cleared of anti-aircraft weapons and the opening of ways, so to speak, for future airstrikes by ukrainian aviation to finally destroy the military potential of the occupiers temporarily the occupied peninsula. well, at the same time, we know, mr. volodymyr, that the russians are transferring system elements, at least the s-500 system, our intelligence
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reported about it. are these defeats that we are doing or not, they are useless against the background of the fact that new air defense systems are constantly being transferred to the peninsula, they will transfer as long as there is something to transfer, because the peninsula is so sacred for them, for them, well for putin, in particular, this is the goal for which he started this war and which, after the deoccupation, is on the streets. well , stop, finish, so to speak, and why they transfer, well, there was nothing else, because the use of cluster munitions of atakams missiles, which are ballistic missiles, let me remind you, er, does not allow to restore what was attacked and damaged there, if earlier we said that this is near tarkhankut s-400s were attacked last year, yes, but...
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actually s-400 elements were attacked. the complex itself, well, was more or less combat-ready. they changed the radar, they replaced something else there, and the complex again waited for the next strike. this time it is about something a little different, this more large-scale damage, because cluster ammunition allows you to hit all elements that were in range. and restore something there. maybe, but, but it’s very, very difficult, that’s why they are bringing new ones there, and by the way, uh, there was a message from the main intelligence agency that from crimea, if i’m not mistaken, from crimea, they are transporting s-300 anti-aircraft missile complexes uh, to the belgorod region, it is very strange when they bring the s500 here and the s300 there, well, but if you analyze, why,
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well... they use the s-300, it is more such an old complex for firing at ground targets, in particular at kharkiv, they shoot, well, you know, mr. volodymyr, i have a question, is it true that the russian ezarka s-300 and s-400 simply do not have the potential and capabilities to intercept american atacoms, and that's why when the pentagon didn't allow ukraine... to attack the kremlin itself, that was the main reason, because it will definitely hit, definitely neither the s300 nor the s-400 will simply be able to intercept it and shoot it down, or is it indeed, and if we are talking about the s5 500, do they have these capabilities and intercept atacoms, you are right, the technical component also takes place, c 500 is the latest development of the enemy, but they position c4
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with the name triumph as the best development, well, the last up to five hundred was , and it is going to be exported, and now, well, maybe so, and the news that the families of air defense servicemen received an order from the russian, received an order to evacuate families from crimea, which can testify to why the families must be evacuated. they are afraid of the activity of our partisans or something else here is the story, there can be two components, two answers: the first is to remove, let 's say, military families from the affected area, because the cluster, cluster combat unit is designed for defeat. great
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square, and there is a military man.


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