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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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the enemy, but the s-400, they position it with the name triumph as the best development, well , the last one was up to five hundred, and it is exported, and now, well, maybe so, and the message that the families of military personnel air defense received an order, russian, received an order to evacuate families from crimea, what can they testify about? why should the families be taken out, are they afraid of the activity of our partisans, or is there some other story here, there can be two components, two answers, the first is to remove, well , let's say this, the families of the military from the affected area, because the cartridge, the cartridge warhead.
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intended for the destruction of a large area, and there is a military, a military town where these families, these anti-aircraft fighters live, and they are in the risk zone, they see it, they analyze it and want to reduce the level of these risks, this is quite understandable, and the other can be the answer is that the enemy is preparing for the evacuation of crimea in advance, and is removing its civilians from there, they are taking them out. in addition , since october last year, the spare parts of the black sea fleet have been actively exported from sevastopol in novorossiysk , well, property, let's say, from warehouses in sevastopol, this is also a fact, if you compare it with the latest report about the evacuation of the families of anti-aircraft fighters, let's say, military air defense, this shows that this is a system, this is a chain, this is... a chain of
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one plan , let's say this, well, that is , it only applies to, let's say this, military personnel and their families, because it's just civilians, citizens who live there and in akhyar, and in kazlev, in sakas, and so on, well, they're just russian the occupiers of russia and the ministry of defense of the russian federation simply on to scratch, so by and large to screw up, we also know how to screw up our military, others who... are not elite, like air defense, which take a long time to cook, we see these meat assaults, attacks that continue, well the system, the country is like that, and besides, 800,000 people, it seems, were brought to crimea, yes, so-called so-called, well , who are displaced, they want to change the ethnic composition of the peninsula in this way, then say, and now we will hold a referendum , well, how are they... these are gangs, they
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are such a logic, a gateway to that of st. petersburg and they will definitely not evacuate them and will not even warn about anything, this is for them, well, they don’t care what will happen to them and how, well, even this week there were news about the defeat of russian radar systems and, if i don’t i'm wrong, they are the ones that provide the ability to detect and... already further defeat all air targets, please tell me if this is really the case, and how much time we still need for the scientist to destroy all, all russian radar systems that are on the territory of the occupied peninsula, and whether the russian occupiers have now there are opportunities, forces, and capacities to transport other such systems to crimea and deploy them, well, really. e ensuring
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dominance in the air, which we want to do over the peninsula, begins with the neutralization of the enemy's air defense, anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense, as well as its fighter aircraft, which can also be an element of the same air defense. most of the aviation was relocated to the caucasus , then to mozdok, and so on, and the lower missile units. radar complexes that allow them to see far and prepare something it remained like that until the reflection, so here is a complex without radar stations without radar stations, it is ineffective, so it is advisable to destroy these complexes first of all, these are the radar stations that are long-range, let's say, long-range that i can see. it
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works on long waves, the range to long waves, ee radar stations, shooting stations, those that work directly with the complexes that guide the target and give... targeting for missiles and radar complexes or stations of short-range direct complexes are for the self-defense of the stations themselves and the anti-missile defense complexes themselves. here are three such levels, let's say rls, which exist, which are gradually destroyed, and according to the classics of the genre, after that, well, it can be said that in the air we also ... do not graze the rear, somehow, here is the british edition the telegraph announced a plan to liberate the peninsula based on various british military experts, and the journalist there writes that it is not necessary at all for the boot of a ukrainian soldier to even enter the territory of crimea, it is enough
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to make it inconvenient for putin and kill him artery of supply of ammunition, and it seems that you can say so. to release him remotely, at the same time, ukrainian experts from the information resistance project say that, after all, we cannot do without ground operations, because it will be necessary to establish a constitutional order in crimea, and ukrainian troops will still have to enter crimea, do without only those to destroy the kerch bridge and, for example, break through the trench. then this is not enough, what is your view, nevertheless, what we should most realistically do, for now only cut off supplies to the kerch bridge, to the crimean peninsula, or still
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prepare for a land operation? i completely agree with the point of view of the ukrainian experts, and what the british say is... only the first part of our plan, i think so, and the end is the end, any victory, it will be final only when the boot or the other, let's put it this way, a shoe is diesel fuel, aviation, respectively, aviation fuel, and so on, so after the ferry crossing that we... damaged recently, the kerch bridge should be the main a target that, well, must be hit, and our administration, the main intelligence agency, is probably already working in this direction. mr. volodymyr, you know, i am concerned about something else in this matter, mostly when we talk about
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the deoccupation of the peninsula, and we talk about the need to isolate the peninsula from the russian federation, and this destruction. kerch city there from the northern direction of isolation and further long-range missiles, strikes on russian military facilities, well , it looks really very logical and very military, many experts say about it, even benhotgest also wrote a huge article about it there and so on, but when we talk about isolation, we understand that in this isolation together with the russian military and the occupiers. there will also be peaceful people, but these are citizens of ukraine, crimean tatars, and so on. do you think this poses a threat to our ukrainian population in crimea? of course, it is, but i want
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to tell you, all my acquaintances who have some contacts there, or those who recently returned from the crimea, i have friends, i have, well, let's say, even er... relatives there, which the very distant ones who remain there, uh, mostly they say, we are ready to endure, to suffer, but to be freed from this horror, from this, from this influx that has come here to our land, well, and so on, therefore , there is definitely a risk, but hey, what, there is no war without risk, as they say, but something will have to be done. continue to risk, but well, the reward for this will be liberation, it will be deoccupation, and it will be worth it, well, we see that there is almost nothing left of the black sea fleet, but russia nevertheless still continues to patrol the black sea
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with submarines, can we do something against the submarines, or maybe we already have some artificial intelligence underwater drones that can harvest? these vessels, indeed submarines, remain a priority target because they are the only time they are on combat duty. have missiles on board that can hit the entire territory of ukraine selectively, and we never know where they will shoot from, because the main trump card of a submarine compared to with a surface ship is stealth, they dive immediately after leaving novorossiysk, by the way, these exits to the sea turn into whole operations, they are very afraid of our remote means, and this is on a par with surface unmanned... boats, so-called surface drones in in a broad sense, it can also be underwater drones,
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which we have, which we have developed several types of, by the way, and one of them is a marichka, er, which strikes from underwater, that is, they also hide, and they are probably somewhere patrolling there or preparing for it so that to intercept the enemy at the base, the enemy knows. they also act creatively, they analyze our forces and means, what we do, what tactical techniques we use, and accordingly prepare to repel, but until recently it did not help them, even the use of a wide range of aviation means of search and reconnaissance over the black sea, eh, well, the last example is the destruction of boats in the black sea region, the bay, vuska, tugboats, shallow smaller boats near kircha feodosia, and so on, well, this is this auxiliary fleet,
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mr. volodymyr, his pile of all these tugs and boats are actually small, is it a waste to spend drones on such small purposes. i'll tell you, it's not about drones, it's about the fact that it's called operational mode support, the enemy must know that we are constantly watching the sea, we know, we are working. intelligence, we track all the targets and they are hiding their ships for a reason, they are even conducting regular elements of combat training in the sea of ​​azov now, they are hiding behind the crimean bridge on the other side, and they think that they are in danger there, well let them believe, it is not yet evening, as they say, thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr zablosky, naval expert defense express was on our air, i remind you that you are watching the beraber program together in ukrainian, this is a joint project
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of the espresso tv channel and the first crimean tatar atr tv channel, and andrii yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova work in the studio. yes, of course, and we have, as i understand it, a short break, and then we will continue our broadcast. don't switch. there are discounts presented. unbreakable discounts on stzfin 20%. there are discounts in psylu-balzamgel, 15% in psylu -vam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours
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of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, for two hours, to learn about the war, about military, frontline, component, serhiy zgurets and what the world is like. yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yuri good evening two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morshchevka in the field with me, and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, greetings, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already
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approached the snake itself. next frames you may be shocked. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and unbiased, you draw your own conclusions. continues on your screens in the studio gulsum khalilova andriy yanitskyi we are talking about crimea, crimean news, the second block is mainly devoted to the humanitarian aspect of the kremlin's stay on the peninsula and what is happening there,
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we have a guest ms. elmira ablyalimovy gos expert. the crimean institute of strategic studies should already be in touch. mrs. elmira. congratulations. greetings from the village of malikov. glory to ukraine. glory. we will talk about the khan palace and for those who do not know, the khan palace is the only preserved palace complex in the world. a sample of the crimean taran palace architecture and the residence of the rulers of the crimean khanate. the heraev dynasty, so let's start with such a light news, the lego company is famous in the world, the toy manufacturer presented a constructor in the form of the khan's palace, and this constructor, of course, he popularizes crimean culture and the history of crimea in general around
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the world, i hope that children all over the world will be able to play with these toys and learn. more about crimea, the crimean tatars, but we know that there are also realities, now the palace is under occupation and not in the best condition, as far as i know, well , very exciting news has been appearing recently, during illegal excavations, as it became known , a previously unknown building was discovered on the territory of the bakhchrai khan palace, the foundation was discovered in the harem garden of the palace complex glorious heroes. russian propagandists claim, referring to their diggers, to their so-called archaeologists, they promise to dig until they reach the layer of earth that the owners of the khan's palace walked through. elmira khanovna, how risky it all is, how all these actions of russian diggers, archaeologists, they are illegal, and they are harming
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our, our palace. ugh. well, first of all, i wanted to say thank you for what you bring up. such a question, it is extremely important, especially for the crimean tatars, because indeed, you are absolutely right, the bashchesrai-khan palace is the only monument that really confirms our existence, ethnogenesis, statehood on the territory of crimea, so preserving this monument is our number one task, uh, as for the works that we record. on the territory of the bagchesrai-khan palace, then from the point of view of international humanitarian law, they are illegal, because all these works must, firstly, be authorized by ukraine, and secondly, they must carry such a restoration function. today
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we see everything except restoration. first of all, it is very similar to repair. work reconstruction, as a result of which we are losing the authenticity of the monument, unfortunately, and a striking example of the fact that we are losing this authenticity is, first of all, the fact that the great khan's mosque, where the so-called, yes restoration, from the point of view of the russian authorities, of the occupation authorities, the work began back in 2016, huh. they, it, unfortunately, is not open to the public today, that is, these works that they started, they brought, led to certain consequences, consequences, and these consequences are still impossible to overcome, here, and as for lego, i also wanted to reflect a little, if
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possible, you know, unfortunately, in the ukrainian environment there are a lot of such stereotypical ideas that have been imposed on us since the time of the soviet union, the russian empire and so on, and the first object, which the lego campaign did regarding crimea, it was so swallows, swallows on the nest, yes you remember, here, and unfortunately, unfortunately, well, the first such, their first attempt to show crimea and associate it with this particular memory. well, she caused such indignation in society, including i wrote a lot posts on this matter, that is why i spoke about the fact that i believe that... that crimea should be associated among ukrainians precisely with the crimean tatar culture, with the unique crimean tatar culture, and i am very happy
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when the khanate really appeared this year palace, well, finally, elmira khanom, and regarding the khan's palace, i still have a few questions, you said that we are losing, unfortunately, the authenticity of the khan's palace, and indeed. if we look at these pseudo-restoration works of the russian occupiers, we have seen what they are they removed our old shingles there, and they brought another one from spain and put it on there, well, it’s really just a loss of all authenticity, and this old shingle, it was lying there somewhere under the rain and so on, it was simply destroyed, that’s how all these processes are , they are irreversible. well, that is, when we already de-occupy the peninsula, come to crimea, we will be able to restore everything correctly, return it all, how irreversible
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and risky it all is, well, it is difficult to answer here, because we do not have access to this object, i it seems from that, and based on what we see in the photos or videos that we will receive from crimea, indeed certain works, they are already irreversible, to return... authenticity is almost impossible, we can reconstruct the object, but return it authenticity, well , it is almost impossible, for some objects of the complex, you know that the hansky palace is a complex that consists of several monuments, well, here, and for some of them , the works have already led to a certain partial loss of authenticity about project, and it seems to me that... even the issue of the inclusion of the palace in the list of world heritage will be a big
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problem, because the first factor of inclusion is the authenticity and authenticity of the monument, but it seems to me that there is something that we don't talk about much, but it is also a big problem, the fact is that the monument yatka, any... it is also historical material, a source of future scientific research, and it is by restoring, no, oh, sorry, by carrying out reconstruction, not by restoring a monument, that we lose certain, well , sources of knowledge that can be used as a source of research, future research, because even buildings. and construction techniques - this is also a source of knowledge about how the productive forces were developed in a certain period before the crimean
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khanate, we know that russia still imposes the thesis that the crimean khanate was such an understate that did not exist, was not developed economy, there were no certain attributes of statehood, yes. uh, it was a state that lived only on begama and so on, but this is precisely the practice and construction technologies, they show the development precisely production forces and is a source of certain knowledge, and by losing such sources, we almost lose future mythologizing studies that would give us additional knowledge. i... i was so, you know, amazed when the roof of the great khan mosque was being dismantled, such a complex
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construction of the roof of the great khan mosque, without a single nail, structures were built there that were not even understandable to modern engineers, because the only thing that they were able to, the only solution they... is the dismantling of this particular roof, but that is so complicated there was a construction of the roof of the great khan mosque, but today we have lost this construction, we have modern, you are absolutely right, modern materials, modern technologies, modern tiles, which do not correspond to the era of construction, nor to the technologies of that very thing... time, and it seems to me that they even lost the integrity of the complex a little, when one part of the complex is under, well, one.
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included by ukraine in preliminary lists for inclusion in cultural heritage sites of world importance, but not included finally, unesco can somehow influence russia, stop this mess and... after all , force the occupier not to destroy the khan's palace, but to carry out exclusively restoration work, not repair work. and did we, as a state, address unesco with this issue? and yes, we appealed, the state of ukraine did everything in its power to preserve not only this monument, but all objects that
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today... are under the influence of the occupation authorities, yes, that's the point , that russia is not only rebuilding the baghesarai khan's palace, it is conducting illegal activities archaeological excavations in the occupied territories, it moves the museum of worthlessness from the occupied territory to the russian federation, and even from the new occupied territories certain museum values ​​are transported to the occupied territory. crimea, yes, russia appropriates cultural values ​​and objects of cultural heritage together with cultural institutions, it uses them for military purposes. to date , certain facts of abuse of the use of archaeological monuments of crimea, which are located in the north of the peninsula as
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fortification spores. well, of course, it is rebuilding certain sights, and we have recorded all these facts and are passing them on to the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine and the ministry of culture and information policy. as a result of such work , unesco decided to conduct annual monitoring of the state of protection of objects of cultural heritage, science, culture, and religion, i.e. in all areas of unesco's mandate. but the problem is that international law, in particular on the issue of protection of cultural heritage objects during armed conflict, is very easily spelled out the question of responsibility, and holding russia responsible for these objects, is extremely and extremely difficult, and i think
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that this is precisely... it will be such a task of ukraine in the future to become at the forefront of the processes of a more thorough consideration of the norms of international law, regarding the attraction to the responsibility of people who are involved in crimes against cultural heritage, by the way. on july 4-5, our organization , the crimean institute of strategic studies, together with the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, together with the ministry of culture and of information policy, as well as our partners, all-ukrainian organizations of international law, are holding a conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the hague convention and the 25th anniversary of the second protocol and in
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focus. eh, this conference will be the very question.


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