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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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aircraft equipment, it is not done so quickly, but we already have enough converted aircraft, as well as weapons in order to understand how much of it is needed and the effectiveness, we had to try it first, er, we were given test batches, they showed their efficiency, and today we have much more orders in quantity than we have already used, the only question is when, when it will be provided to us in the amount that we need, er, as for... the russians, they just had this process earlier , we have now work is also underway on the conversion and creation of their modified air bombs based on conventional free-fallers, there are some constructive nuances, we need to choose a wing, we need to choose a gps module, as well as a control module, these works are being carried out, and somewhere in the near future... in a few weeks we
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we have to start the first tests of the first batches of such bombs, already ukrainian, but for now we use the western production of gbu-39, gb 62 of various calibers, various warheads, both penetrating and cluster type, i.e. in depending on what the target is, and their effectiveness is impressive, if it is possible to ... overcome the air defense system of the russians, then this is a one hundred percent hit on the target. but as i understand it, you are not using it to its full depth, because there is a problem with the s-400, s-350 russian air defense systems? yes, we cannot use the means of destruction to the full depth of action, because we have to enter the zone of destruction of the russian complexes. well, the second side is not a secret for anyone, and if possible.
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it was up to us to neutralize these complexes located on russian territory federation, then we could work more deeply, but at the moment , negotiations are going on with partner countries to give us permission to work, including on the territory of the russian federation. you mentioned the gb.39, a photo confirming their use in ukrainian appeared quite recently. aircraft, which, let's say, the features of this aerial bomb and the process, as i understand it, took some longer time, and its adaptation to soviet aircraft, than the same jaydams, or not? the adaptation is done by almost rewiring the wiring that i fly because our weapons control systems are not compatible with those for which they were created on western models. er, but what, let
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's say, is the uniqueness of these gb39s, they are small diameter bombs and they are almost impossible to shoot down with anti-aircraft means, plus they can be taken much more, and each bomb has a programmed target, that is , one plane can take out several targets at once , and as i said, due to the fact that their effective surface is too small for the means. in russia, they also almost one hundred percent hit the target, reach the target. according to president zelensky, russia every month releases more than 300 aerial bombs, i obviously, you will not say, but maybe you will say, to what extent ukraine's use of aerial bombs is commensurate with russian use and can we say in this context that russia has a certain tactical advantage in the air? certainly.
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to date, the russians have both a technical and a technological advantage in some, well technologically i do not mean in comparison with the ammunition that is provided to us. the ammunition provided by our partners is technologically much better, they are more modern, they are more accurate, they have more protection against spoofing, but the russians have a lot more of them, and the russians were preparing for this one. probably more than a dozen years, and unfortunately, su-35 or mih-31 aircraft, they have a much greater potential than the aircraft that we currently have in service, so we have hope for the modernization of our aircraft, as well as for the aircraft of the western productions, which you have already said, which everyone expects, about the use of aerial bombs, we are talking about hundreds, about dozens in ukraine, like, if the president of ukraine said that there is going on... we are talking about 3 thousand, i think that
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well, at least 1:0 must be taken from our side, will this change the balance in this one? the number of aircraft munitions used, the receipt of f-16s, the receipt of f16s by ukraine. the f-16 is not a panacea, and we don't wear rose-colored glasses. we understand very well that it will be difficult to win superiority in the air with one plane. this will be a complex, and together with the use of both rap means and radio technical means of detection. perhaps these will be long-range radar planes. such, let's say, negotiations are also underway and there are promising plans, this is also a well-known complex patriot. if all this is used in a complex, then the awareness of the pilot in
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the air about the ground situation and about the air, thanks to link-16, thanks to the exchange of information between ground and air points, i think that we will succeed, first of all, to drive away from the contact lines those planes that are dropping the cabs, it's possible they're getting too close and they're going to be in the hit zone, and if we deal with those planes, i think the next step is going to be this hunt for the cover planes, for the su-35s, if we will manage them drive away at least another 30-50 km away, it can be considered already... mm a certain turning point and already some kind of conquest, well , if not advantages, then parity in the air space? well, we will come back to these issues, i want to talk now about the storm shadow and
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scalp a year ago, when we recorded the interview with you, there were only the first, let's say, unofficial evidence that ukraine is starting to use these cruise missiles, during this year, how would you... rate the effectiveness of this weapon? weapon effectiveness, the weapon itself, it has not changed, but we have learned to use it better at some points, the routes are chosen that are unexpected for the russians, along with storm shadows and scalps, bluff missiles are used, which simulate flights, but they exhaust them. the air defense system is distracted from the real missiles that reach the targets. all of this is very telling, and you can see it in the luhansk-donetsk region in the territory of the occupied crimea, and within the black sea, you all see that now
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the russians have significantly, significantly surrendered their positions there, their effectiveness is very high, they happen. that they are shot down by an air defense vehicle, so the more distracting targets we give them, the more chances that these missiles will reach the target, so we use both drones and harm anti-radar missiles to force their air defense equipment to turn off, as well as decoy missiles malt. well, actually, probably the attack on the headquarters of the black sea fleet, one of those bright moments that everyone remembers in context. using storm shadow and scalp, you told a little bit about how it happens the planning, the actual work of these blows, how difficult it is in general, how much, how long it can last, i can't help but say how difficult it is, because when you learn this thing all your life, it's
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just a job for you, but i will say that very, very many components are involved in planning , e. this is the joint work of gur, the sbu, this is the work of the officers of the general staff, first of all it is necessary to accurately define the goal, relevant, irrelevant and how critical it is at the moment, that is, it happens that what we planned, but while the planning process was still going on, the goal was already there not relevant, it is cancelled, that is, the process is not complicated, but it requires coordination from many sides and... it is a complex, if there is a shadow or scalp storm, then we perfectly understand that gur and hymars artillery are working next to us, and radio-electronics are working some means of suppression in the area
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of ​​the contact line so that our missiles can pass, so it is a complex, it is not complicated, but it requires a lot. regarding storm shads and scalps, how difficult was it to adapt them to soviet aircraft? here is the question lies in the field not that... it was difficult that these missiles, they were made by the developer for an already existing platform in the west, and of course there in the pilot's cabin there were already appropriate monitors for displaying the readiness of these means, and monitors for displaying the targets themselves , if it is in the field of view of the locator, and also the controls of this weapon, on our planes we had to do all this, somewhere... which planes are more adapted, for example, the mig-29, it is more adapted to conversion,
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su-27 planes are more complex, but that's all is done thanks to our engineers and with the help of manufacturers, partners, if we talk about these cruise missiles, they are also programmed on the ground, as far as i understand, like other western weapons or not, that's exactly why i said that... both difficult and not difficult, if these missiles were used on western-made aircraft, their programming could be carried out directly in flight, that is, receiving information about the target, directly online on board the aircraft, eh, we cannot do this now, we we do on the ground, there is no way to reprogram in flight, but f16 aircraft will have such a possibility of programming right in flight, i want to ask you about the su-25, we see that russia is actively using them on
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the battlefield, we see due to the fact that from time to time the armed forces of ukraine shoot down these aircraft, how far in the current conditions of dense air defense on the battlefield, in your opinion , the use of the so-25 is justified and effective, from the ukrainian side and from the russian side, if you can estimate, as far as use is concerned su-25 from the ukrainian side, at the very beginning. war, we had enough unguided means of destruction specifically for these aircraft, for assault operations, we used them literally in the first year, and after that our partners began to provide us with their unguided weapons, these are zani missiles, we also used them in large quantities, at the moment, they simply do not exist in the world and... and their resumption of production from the point of view of changing the tactics
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of warfare is impractical, because now there has been a transition to high-precision weapons, as well as to the use of unmanned component, therefore, most likely , it will be possible to forget about guided weapons for su-25s, but our su-25 aircraft are also being modernized and now they can already use missile bombs. let's put it this way, it's a bomb that has its own jet engine, and we use them, they're called hamer, they're, uh, and very successful, as far as the russians are concerned, they don't have such missiles yet, as far as i know, and they're still using weapons that remained with them from the time of the soviet union, they changed their tactics, they used to enter the heights, when their it was possible to shoot down our... air defense means. now they approach at extremely low altitudes, they are almost invisible, but before
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using weapons, they still rise to a height of 200-300 m. as far as i know, the extreme cases of damage, somewhere around the extreme seven planes, this is literally maybe three or four weeks, took place at the expense of portable anti-aircraft missile complexes stinger and igla. they, the stinger is very effective. and that 's why... their destruction takes place precisely with these complexes, how effectively, well, once upon a time also, let's say, a year ago, we had information that flights on these planes are not made by personnel, officer-pilots of the russian military and space forces, but something like those mercenaries are beautiful only in the air, so probably the russians do not feel sorry for them. then they use them as meat, you mentioned
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the hamer, it's about french bombs, am i confusing something, what you called a rocket bomb, well, it's not purely french, it's a joint production, there's the fate of the british , maybe someone else, well, everyone says that they are french, there was a commitment publicly announced about 50, seems to be an aerial bomb every month. yes, the supply, if it was being carried out, look, in the first two weeks of the war, we did not expect such help from the west, then this help went away, someone believed in us, what was said six months ago may not be relevant now, because the numbers are now are going much, well, to increase, because the world is divided into black and white, and those who stand on the white side help ukraine, they understand that ukraine needs more, because it needs adequate to confront the monster that is coming from
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russia, there were still 50, it was promised, it is, but today the promise is already possible... 300, maybe more, that is, in all countries there is a possibility of increased production in order to help ukraine , and we will get more, more, more ammunition. i would like to ask you more about harm missiles, i remember how in 22, what effect they had, and how many videos there were on the internet, about the consequences, and their use, now somehow in this context something is rarely found , they continue to apply, or russia has adapted. to them and they are no longer so effective, they continue to be used, it's just that we have such a psychology, we perceive something new, then forget it, and hyped up and forgot, er, as one of our representatives in the air force says, they are used every day, they
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are used, as i said , to blind her anti-aircraft, er... russians, so that other munitions can safely pass the engagement line or strike zone. at the beginning, the russians were not knew that we had them and did not turn off their means, so almost all harm missiles reached the target, and the destruction of air defense means then, as far as the analysis showed us, was somewhere around 40% of destruction. over the course of literally a week, then the russians learned, understood what kind of missiles they were, they began to turn off, let them pass, then turn on again and shoot down directly those means that were supposed to go to the target, but not so massively, but we use them every day, they show their effectiveness,
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the only thing is that the frequency range, the russians also take this into account and they rearrange theirs means so as to leave the range with which the homing head of these missiles can work. but i understand that the arrival of the f-16 will increase the effectiveness of both harms and jaidams, in general, all aviation munitions currently in use, and can you explain why they will increase the effectiveness, how they will work? we hope that it will be so, because according to the tactical and technical characteristics that ... we are informed by the representatives of the country that will provide these aircraft, there is a series of aircraft in which will be used thanks to the sensors that are in the plane, that is, there will no longer be a rocket launch in the hope that it will be turned on, but it will be launched exactly when the device on the ground is turned on and
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radiates, so it will be more effective in any way, because it will not rocket launch about the non-working anti-aircraft means, about the weapons that will be on the f-16, it is obvious that you cannot tell a lot, maybe even everything, but, if we generally talk about the efficiency and increase in the number of ammunition, air, ground, air, air, it , it will be how significant it will be, and maybe about some ammunition , you can definitely... say that they will definitely be there, i can say with certainty that all the planes that will be provided have undergone some modernization, there is an improved sight, it stands for detecting air targets, there will be together with the planes, we will be provided with a special container that allows us to find and direct
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missiles and bombs at ground targets. also, this modernization was mainly related to the conversion of the aircraft for the use of high-precision weapons, you can read in wikipedia, it is the abbreviation mlu, that is, it precisely these planes will be provided to ukraine, well, high-precision weapons are the same, if you compare the current wars with the second world war, how many there were. thousands of those bombs, and now this same problem can be solved by two or three bombs, because if there was a hit there in a radius of 800 m from the target, then here now an error hits. goes not to meters, but to centimeters. therefore, of course, we expect that the use of high-precision weapons will allow us to hit exactly those targets that are
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needed for victory, for the advancement of our ground troops, to the state border and liberation of our territories. and speaking of air-to-air weapons, you said that one of the tasks would be to drive away the russian aircraft so that they could not use them. so massive cabs, again, it depends on what the radar will be on the f-16 and what the missiles will be, air, air, will they be able to work against the same, su-34, su-35, i would not like to disclose technical details now, range and detection, but our pilots are currently training overseas and i 've been talking to them, they're all impressed with the endurance sight works, they work without fail, they. targets range from a drone to an airplane , i won’t say what, but the well-known aim-120 missile is still used there and
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its range is, well, let’s say, according to some data, up to 180 km plus, that is, the most important thing for us first is to try it ourselves, how it works, and then develop. tactics in which we will be able to carry out what i spoke about at the very beginning, we must first make it so that on the heads of our soldiers on the front line, on peaceful cities like kharkiv, sums, zaporizhzhia did not fall to the cabs, and then the veeneshchuvachi continued to be driven away. a year ago, you said that three or four squadrons would be needed to gain air superiority in a certain area. 16 now, according to public data , it is obvious that there will be more aircraft than these three or four squadrons, in this context, eh, what are your predictions regarding changes in the situation in
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the air and how quickly it can happen, because i understand that the very process of the arrival of aircraft , it is gradual, they will not appear immediately, the same three or four squadrons, it will be gradually, let's say three or four squadrons, i was talking about how... some certain direction, and then, the provision of patriots to ukraine played a great role, and you know, in the chernihiv direction and in kherson, the enemy stopped using kaby altogether, because it was shot down in the course of two weeks of 13 planes and they realized that it can't be done and began to hunt for the patriots, now with the patriots, if ... the f16 works, we expect somewhere about the same effect, that is, they will realize that they are being shot down and will be replaced or tactics, or refuse altogether
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from the use of aviation on some routes. as for the number, today there are few places in the world to train pilots, and this process, it is not fast. there are many features, it's not just learning to fly, you have to learn to use weapons. and the mentality is that western-made aircraft, they are very different, in terms of their weapon guidance procedure, as the aircraft on which, let's say, i fly, and those that we were training, so i won't say that it will be fast , but the fact that this year we will already see the effect and we will know what to... still need to be changed or not to be changed, time and the actions of our pilots in the air on f-16s will show. well, actually, in this context, regarding the strategy
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of using the f16 there , i had to read in the american media that this strategy is divided into three stages, i.e. the first stage is purely air defense, the second stage is already what you talked about, it is to drive away the russian aviation so that it does not use cabs, and actually the third. a stage is the conquest of a certain advantage in a certain area, whether it is so in your opinion or not it's all simplified and it doesn't work like that? we cooperate with representatives of the aviation coalition of states, and let's say this, in this context of this triad there is still a separate phase approach to the use of aviation, in short... it sounds something like this: crawl, go run, we haven't learned to crawl yet, they will be planes, we will understand that we can crawl somewhere in the depths of the country.
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we will try what these planes can do, we will learn, we will get used to it, we will master the space that is relatively safe, then we will go further, and when we have already taught let's learn to walk, and then we'll run, then there will be exactly that third stage of gaining superiority, returning to the f-16, i want to ask you about the process of training ukrainian pilots, i remember that when the provision of the v-16 question was just discussed... language, it was , let's say, one of the key ones, that the problem there in education is language, which is shown by practice, it is really a problem only in language, are there any other nuances that need to be adapted and implemented during the actual learning process , maybe two or three more years ago, i also could not understand why language is so important, but now i have had many business trips abroad, and i will say, language is very
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important, why so. because all training, all procedures, all documents, they are written in english, and a person who has mastered the language, it is much easier for him to perceive the material, it is much easier for him to communicate with those with whom this training takes place, that is, in europe, almost all training centers, they are not for an individual for some one country, these are joint centers for three or four, for example, the center in spain in albace, there are altogether 10 countries takes part, and therefore the personnel who come to these courses, to these trainings, if they cannot communicate in that common language, then of course they have nothing to do there, so the language is very important, and we had the first batch of our aviation personnel. training with
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translators, they mastered absolutely everything related to service technology, and after that we still made the decision to send them to language training, because the procedures for operating the latest weapons require knowledge and software of these planes that will be provided, and the forms that are filled out, that is... and they will still have to overcome this barrier, that is why the language is very important and the preparation time, which is why we have slightly increased it, because from 2.5 we spend up to four months to train our staff, first with understanding, and then with technical issues. recently the president visited belgium and actually within the framework
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of this... visit it was announced that belgium will provide 30 f-16 aircraft, but many were surprised by the terms of 2028, now 2024, one gets the impression that the process is very, very delayed, is it delayed or not, not to reveal all the details, let's say, to date, four countries that have confirmed the provision of aircraft, it does not mean that this is the final decision, because... there are many more of these aircraft released in the world, and almost all countries that have f-16s in service today will gradually re-equip with f-35s, so there will be more of these planes, and they will be offered, probably ukraine will also have them, as for 30 40 planes there, you have to understand here, that not all aircraft will be
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transferred to ukraine. they will now come to ukraine, some of them will remain in those centers where our pilots and aviation personnel are trained, these will be ukrainian planes that will be used to train our own pilots, so the number should not surprise anyone, there is a number that will go to ukraine, there is a certain number of planes , which will be stored safely at safe air bases outside of ukraine, so that they are not here between. and this will be our reserve in case of need for replacement of defective aircraft, for carrying out routine work, i.e. so that we can constantly to have a certain number of aircraft in the operational inventory, which will correspond to the number of pilots we will have, there will be more pilots, there will be more aircraft in ukraine, that is , today the calculations are made in such a way that we know how many pilots we will have, how many engineers there will be, how much will be
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serving personnel of airfields, that's why we have.


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