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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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first of all, the next stage of such a peace summit should be held more effectively, the most important thing is also to reform the un and the soviets without the un and the creation of a un peacekeeping corps, that is , we remind you that when the ukrainian war is paralleled with korea, i want to remind you that it is the international contingent then defended korea. another event that took place this week, which is of great importance, well... at least, uh, this event is called historic by president zelensky himself, is the signing of a security agreement with the president of the united states of america, joseph biden, and what about this the agreement, which he signed yesterday with the president of the united states of america, is spoken by the president of ukraine himself. and this is the strongest agreement with america in all 33 years of our existence. dependencies, there is
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a legally binding part of the agreement, there are absolutely useful details on air defense, politakas, we recorded that america will help ukraine in the supply of squadrons, fighter jets, as many fighter jets as ukraine needs. what is important is that the agreement with america now stipulates that ukraine will be supported both during wartime and during peacetime. yes, mr. volodymyr, some western experts say that this agreement, they say, if it is not ratified by the congress, the next president, well, for example, trump, he can simply cancel it, but, well, hardly, president trump, or whoever will be next , who will be the successor, biden, will take such a risk and so, chop off the shoulder in order to refuse this security agreement, because...
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is this also part of the domestic policy of the united states of america, as well as foreign policy? mr. serhiy, now the convention of the republican party is being planned party, because when we mentioned trump, petro poroshenko was invited to the convention, the chairman of the verkhovna rada did not sign this trip for him for more than a month, well, how will we then be friends with the republicans so that this agreement is not revised, in fact. we have ratified interstate agreements, this agreement is not ratified, but there is the experience of france, for example, president macron submitted the same agreement to the parliament, so that the parliament approved such an agreement at the level of a resolution, so it is obvious that this agreement in ukrainian american very often called an analogue of the american-israeli security agreement. which essentially began with
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declarative norms of the same type, but with a declarative form, but i would say that this is more of a conceptual agreement, this is an agreement to strengthen trust, and here, when it is done publicly in front of the whole world, then retreat they do not deviate from the word in the principle of democracy with... let's remember how much noise there was about the budapest memorandum, and those who are in a hurry to call this agreement the budapest memorandum, really, well, it has not been ratified in the parliament, but well, even the budapest memorandum, being unratified, it motivated ukraine's partners, in particular great britain and the usa, at the time of russia's attack on ukraine. to stand by
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ukraine, that is, in a democracy, when they make public promises, it is simply not easy for them to refuse public promises, because it destroys trust, and democracies are precisely coexistence based on trust, that is how democracy differs from autocracy, where everyone everyone is suspected. at a joint press conference with zelensky, biden stated that the united states of america will not send troops to ukraine, but will help with weapons and economic support. let's listen to what the president of the united states of america said. our goal is to strengthen ukraine's defense capabilities in the long term. ukraine will have the ability to defend itself now and deter any aggression in the future. the united states will help ukraine do both. we are not over it. send american troops
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to fight in ukraine, but we will provide all the necessary weapons and ammunition, we will also provide intelligence and will continue to train brave ukrainian soldiers on the ground. europe and the united states. we will invest in ukraine's defense and industrial base, as well as support economic recovery. in addition, biden said that the white house is preparing a victory plan for the congress of the united states of america, in accordance with the previously passed law on aid to ukraine for 60 billion dollars. mr. vladimir, do these statements and this agreement mean that... that the united states of america is making it clear to putin, that russia's victory over ukraine will never happen, because the americans, the british, and the canadians have enough tools, apart from military, economic tools, which in
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principle can strangle russia and prevent it from continuing to wage war in ukraine. here, the question is not only to strangle russia, but also to turn the country into such an economic tiger, because let's see, step by step, and the security agreement that has just been adopted gives a chance to take the next steps and transform ukraine, let me remind you that similar agreements exist in israel, in the philippines, in in japan, in south korea, the fact that a security agreement was signed with japan and the united states on the same day, er... makes it seem so symbolic, but president biden loves symbolic gestures, let's remember how he signed the agreement, or rather the lend-lease law signed exactly on may 9, 2022, so it is a very symbolic gesture, and signing on the same day with japan is
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a strong hint that ukraine will be transferred to the status of a central european economic tiger, and its country. .. will do in the plan security is self-sufficient, especially since ukraine itself develops a large number of modern technologies that are of interest to the world. i would like to remind you that the delta battlefield management system, which was developed in ukraine, was very interested in many nato countries, and in general, the nato military committee, that is, we have a lot of our original ones. which give us a chance not to feel like a poor relative in the circle of developed countries. well, even yesterday zelenskyi said that he is ready to consider an alternative chinese peace formula, and also assured that the chinese leader xi jinping gave him his word, no give weapons to russia. let's listen to what
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zelensky said. i had, had a telephone conversation with the leader of china on the phone. he said that... he will not sell any weapons to russia, this is the first thing, we will see, you and i will see, but he told me that, if he is a respectable person, he will not do this, because he gave me his word. they can prepare an alternative peace formula. if we share common, common views on this, as globally with the whole world, it seems so to me. so, if they share this path to peace, so do we we will find dialogue, opportunity for dialogue. mr. volodymyr, very briefly, do you mean that kyiv is ready to hold a dialogue with beijing? well , there is a dialogue with beijing, but not too intensively, this is the first, after all, we know examples when china together with belarus
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produced a joint missile complex polonaise, and these polonaises are not in service with russia, by the way, that is, they are in service with azerbaijan . which, mr. volodymyr, we have to finish our program, please forgive us, the time of our program is coming to an end, it was volodymyr tsibulko, friends, i would like to remind you that during we are conducting a poll on the air and asking you whether a victory for ukraine is possible without putin's capitulation, let's look at the interim results of the poll on the screen, please display, 42% - yes, 58%. the organizer of the freedom summit, the national association of the defense industry of ukraine, once again introduces western allies to the potential of our country's weapons at the highest level. this time, the appeal for joint implementation of projects is aimed at
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american partners. hundreds came to washington for the defense conference industry representatives. the event will be opened by the former special representative of the us state department for ukraine, kurt walker. he trans. joint implementation of innovations will help ukraine win the war. this defense industry conference brought a lot of people with a lot of hands-on experience here to virginia. and knowledge, as well as defense companies that are interested in helping ukraine attract more of our know-how and technologies to build partnerships with ukrainian companies. a lot of useful things can come out of such cooperation. about interest in the development of close industrial cooperation with the usa, ukrainian representatives also say. this is serhii skoryk, the commercial director of the kvertus company, which successfully develops and manufactures electronic warfare and intelligence equipment. now it's close. various systems. thanks to cooperation with american partners, kverrtus plans to strengthen countermeasures against russian
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drones, which most often injure our military. it so happened that we are the best in the world, unfortunately, because we have a war, but we already have what we have, but we want to develop our product, we know that there is technology in the united states that would be useful to us. and that experience and those technologies that we already use, in combination with those technologies that are in the state, well, they simply strengthened protection, and accordingly, we would save more lives. the protection of the ukrainian sky is one of the topics that the conference participants constantly refer to, and they remind the ukrainian government's request to hand over the f-16 aircraft to us as soon as possible. meanwhile, interaction in this direction should be comprehensive, - says retired general frank helmick. former commander of the 18th airborne corps and last commander of us forces in iraq.
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when you hear the f-16, you say, "wow, that's a real game changer." but what the ukrainians get is not a change in the rules. they get planes that are 30 years old, have no radars, that are covered in rust, so we have to equip them, figure out how to get them to ukraine, and also train the technicians, where we will get the repair parts. how will we protect these planes from russian strikes? we have to help ukraine in this matter. vadym bartkov, marketing director of vik deviro, a company that develops reconnaissance drones. among the company's achievements is the unique and largest drone in ukraine, leka 100. almost 50% of all reconnaissance missions on the battlefield are performed by this bird. the company is presented for the first time in washington and vadim expects to find partners to make a technological breakthrough. you need our experience. we need your money, that is, you have the funding, you have the opportunity, fund ours
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to the ukrainian lease, so that today we already understand what will happen in the future, so i can say right now and maybe this is the main thing to say, there are two strategies, the first strategy is an intersystem, it is just now starting to be developed among drones, an intersystem, and we are also doing this and... the second is artificial intelligence, if we combine it, maybe it will give some impact. according to the conference participants, modern armed conflicts in the world and in ukraine, in particular, have long since turned into rnd wars, research and development competitions, and precisely drones play an important role in this. the number of technological changes, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, fpv, indicate that reality has changed a lot. everything that... we see in ukraine is significantly different from the experience we had in iraq. you have to relearn, but you have to
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understand that you have the right to any weapon, if it is effective. ff is a very important part of the war in the conditions when ukraine lacks rockets, mortars and other weapons. and it is good that ukraine produces drones independently. financing of the defense industry of our country is possible not only through cooperation with... powerful american corporations, in particular, funds seized from aggressor states as part of sanctions imposed by the international community can also be used for this purpose. vladyslav vlasyuk, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yarmak, told about them at the defense conference in washington. two years ago, after a full-scale invasion, we saw how many challenges ukraine faced. andriy yermak and former us ambassador to russia michael mcfaul headed the international group of. against the russian federation, we are meeting with international experts,
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we are successfully developing criteria and recommendations in order to transfer them to the relevant authorities and confiscate the assets included in these sanctions. during the g7 meeting, this will be one of the topics. we hope that there will be a strong decision regarding the confiscation of russian assets in favor of ukraine. the statements made at the conference clearly indicate that... us military corporations are very interested in cooperation with ukraine. joint production will not only be able to strengthen the positions of both states, the global arms market, but also to move other players out of it, who in particular provide... support to the russian federation, and most importantly, instead of changing the rules of the game on the battlefield, innovation should ultimately end this war. we are a team of early spacex engineers. i have a background in building rockets and have spent most of my time trying to install hardware on the surface of mars. i am well
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aware of the cost of human lives due to the fact that certain systems were not delivered to ukraine. innovation is very important it is important, and i would like to convince all the americans in this hall, that we should be together with the ukrainians. we have all the tools we need to solve this problem, to stop the bloodshed in ukraine, and i urge everyone to do so. in general, decisive and convincing statements in support of ukrainian manufacturers and the indomitable ukrainian people were heard from almost every one of the hundred participants who took part in the conference. but most importantly, its result was not only discussions. speeches, but also specific agreements, said the director of the ukrainian company armored vehicle vladyslav belbas. the density of business meetings here is much higher than at some defense-related exhibition events. and there is such sincere interest in terms of the level of representation at this event, it is
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the senior management of international corporations - american large corporations, therefore... of course, the agreements reached at this level are implemented and quickly implemented, firstly, by -secondly, we already have certain agreements regarding the further implementation of defense projects with ukraine, including with our company. beating up the results of the important event for the domestic defense industry, deputy chairman of audi serhii vysotskyi expressed his belief that the initiatives are shared with the americans. will strengthen our defense capability, and weapons will be made more effective, while ukrainian products will become more competitive on foreign markets. today in this hall there were representatives of the state department, the us department of defense, ah, the national security council, the us, numerous opinion leaders, experts, and those things that we formulated, discussed today about the need for greater cooperation
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of our defense industries, if necessary, move to the from principle. yes, this financing in general until the development of specific industrial programs that can be financed for the purchase of specifically ukrainian weapons in ukraine with international funds, and of course, the national association of defense sector enterprises at audi will continue to do this, will continue to organize similar events so that ukraine was able to win this war. the organizers emphasize the importance of the following. our country is the focus of american attention political and business elites, so they plan to hold the washington freedom summit every year. increasing international investments and sharing the latest technologies should help ukraine defeat the enemy and make our country one of the leaders in arms production in the world. tatyana shustrova, dmytro kaplonskyi from washington for the
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espresso tv channel. events, events that are happening right now and influence. on our lives, of course, the news story reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited guests experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. a journalist who joined the zsu, a political expert who became a special agent of taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovtsem every saturday at 21:30 for espresso.
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greetings, i'm olga len, these are war chronicles. and i remind you about our collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporozhye directions. please join the repair and recovery regiment, working mainly on the contact line in the gray zone, in the open air in any weather, day, night, and for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular, a tank. bmp apcs need a minibus that will deliver them to the combat zone action mobile repair groups and equipment and pneumo-hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is 630 00 uah, now we already have 440 00 uah, don't delay, please join,
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you can see all the details on the screen, the collection is very important, it saves our soldiers on the battlefield, so please watch and join, well and now let's see what has been happening on the line of scrimmage for the last few days, then we will talk about it. map of hostilities for the period of june 5-12, the frontline crisis in donetsk region and clearing the sky over the crimea. the dynamics of battles at the front are gradually changing the vector. the russians still try to attack by inertia, but for the most part without territorial gains. instead, their losses are increasing day by day. thus, in 10 days of june, the armed forces of ukraine eliminated 550 artillery systems, which is the largest rapid destruction of enemy artillery during the entire war. kharkiv front. a month has passed since the russians opened a new front. in the north of kharkiv region and announced an offensive on kharkiv, there have been no changes on this front line for three weeks, but the occupiers do not abandon their plan and
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new ones are being transferred to the place of the destroyed units, but not from russia, but from other areas of the front, in particular from klishchiivka near chasovoy yar and from the korakhiv direction. therefore, it became a little calmer in some areas of donetsk region. the armed forces continue to counterattack. city battles continue in vovchansk. our infantry is taking house after house under their control. in particular, it took place the other day. attack on the village of hlyboke, where the rashists were concentrating for an offensive on the lead. at first , our aviation bombarded the village, later the bradleys went there and seriously equipped the enemy ranks in addition, ukraine carried out the first historic airstrike on the territory of the russian federation, destroying a building in belohorod region where the operational headquarters of the northern group of the armed forces of the russian federation, which led the offensive on kharkiv region, was located. in the spring of time, city battles began. during the week, the russians began to enter actively. to the district a canal, which is distant from the rest of the city, by the siversky dinets canal. earlier, they surrounded this territory from three sides, and then, under the cover of massive shelling and airstrikes, went on local assaults.
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they managed to occupy several eastern quarters, which make up 50% of the district. probably soon the defense forces will have to leave the entire quarter and retreat to the administrative part of the city, but for now fierce battles continue for every high-rise. from the northern flank, the enemy never managed to enter kalynivka, but in the south, the russians completed the occupation of ivanovsky, part of which was in the gray zone for the past few weeks. the defenders of klishchiivka withstood the onslaught and partially improved their position in the village. postavdiyiv front. after failure near ocheretany, the armed forces still cannot stabilize this section of the front. the armed forces of the russian federation continue to advance in the direction of vozdvizhinka, which is less than 5 km from the highway connecting pokrovsk and kostiantynivka. this week, the enemies succeeded almost completely. capture novooleksandrivka, as well as expand the zone of control to the north of it. in addition, advancing on novopokrovskyi, they threw back the defense forces for 500 m in a section
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2.5 km long. however, the armed forces of ukraine stopped the offensive of the invaders on sokil. on this front, the russians there remains considerable room for maneuver in different directions, our defense lines are prepared here based on the operational situation, and not in advance. therefore, the scale of the threat of vdrshists in this area is constantly increasing. on the southern flank of postavdiyivskyi. front, the enemy expanded the zone of control near umensky, but could not do anything with our defenders of yasnobrodivka and novoselivka first. along the entire length of this front, the armed forces destroys a significant amount of equipment, and it becomes increasingly difficult for the invaders to advance. ugledar and the southern front. russians in vogledar district continue to gradually implement their plan to capture the city from the north, although all this is happening extremely slowly, and they are losing a lot of equipment and people, but the trends are clear. yes, in the last two weeks, it has been a lot. managed to push back the front line to the south of the village of pobeda, as well as break through to a few hundred meters near volodymyrivka and solodko. in the berdyansk direction, the enemy has practically completed the re-occupation
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of staromaiskyi. zzu further controls only the northern outskirts of the village. also, the russians continue their offensive on the nearby fertile land, but here, the defense forces hold most of the territory and prevent the enemy from advancing in depth. clearing the sky over crimea. the crimean air defense, which was once the most effective and saturated after moscow, has now become leaky, as decided. the armed forces have significantly increased the intensity of strikes and destruction of everything that once defended crimea from our missiles and drones. the other day , an s-400 and s-300 anti-aircraft missile division was hit in jenkoi. before that, within a few days, strikes were directed at chornomorsk, krasnoperekopsk, simferopol, pervomaiske, yevpatoria, the villages of naumivka and mykhailivka, saksky district. it is noteworthy that the newest s-400 complexes in crimea are starting to run out, and we are increasingly destroying outdated s-300s that are not capable of stopping them. a whole range of percussion nomenclature. the guerrilla movement reported that the russian military is recommended to begin evacuating their families from the peninsula. unique strikes on russia. for the first time,
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during the war, our drones... flew to the mozdok airfield, which is 1,000 km from ukraine in north ossetia, where planes that launch missile strikes on ukraine are based, in particular tut-22m3 long-range bombers, from which x-22 cruise missiles and mig-31 k dagger carriers are launched. at the moment, the results of the strike are unknown, but they have arrived, this is the first stage, more will follow. the impact of the most modern russian su-57 fighter at the akhtubinsk airfield in the astrakhan region is an extremely powerful reputational blow. across the russian federation, which demonstrates that the racists cannot protect even the most important strategic objects, because akhtyubin is the airfield where their most modern weapons are tested. nice, what else one modern su-34 decided to end its existence on its own during a flight from the caucasus. we defeat death to our enemies every day. yes, and we are joined by guest oleksandr kovalenko, a military and political commentator of the information resistance group. oh,
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congratulations, alexander. good day. well, you know, let's start with such a general question. well, as if we got the opportunity to strike with western weapons on the territory of russia. already there, a number of politicians have made statements that it is normal for ukraine to destroy military capabilities on enemy territory, but still in the question is, and when will we see it directly en masse, because you know, maybe there is some idea that now they will fly there with rockets or something else, but how it will actually be, can you describe when and what will we actually see on the territory of russia, well , the use of this very nuclear, nuclear i say, western weapons, well, from time to time we already see it, it all started in the information space of the destruction itself. of one
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of the divisions of the s400 s-300 complexes, which were located near belgorod, then not only the launcher was destroyed, but also and radar stations, and two at the same time, and it's very cool, it's a much bigger loss than the loss of the launcher, and then we saw the strike on the headquarters in the belgorod area, the headquarters of the north army group. and in the belgorod region , there was also an attack on a warehouse with ammunition with high-precision weapons, most likely this attack was made by m-30 type ammunition from m142 hymers. so they happen. in addition to everything else, strikes on the territory of the russian federation are also carried out by long-range and high-precision artillery, but not about that so often reported, that is, if every time
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in... it will be told: today we fired a shot there and destroyed a self-propelled artillery installation there, for example, an msts with a hymars or 155-caliber strike, a high-precision strike from panzirbytsi 2000, and so on, no, mainly it is not artillery work that attracts attention, but such large-scale strikes on some separately taken locations, headquarters, location, air defense deployment, warehouse. and so on and so on, in principle these blows continue daily at a different level there of the same trunk artillery, and when hundreds will fly there, for example, thousands, but here is the question, we have just received permission from our international partners, and we really finally waited, but there is a nuance, we
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received permission. and it is enough for, for example, the entire line of combat, even if only on the border with the belgorod region, to be closed by all systems, well, let's call it that, conditionally, the toolkit used for inflicting damage, the use of means of damage, unfortunately, we do not have , we don't have enough high-precision artillery, long-range receiver, for example, to cover all needs along the border with the belgorod region. there are only some separate locations, mainly those that are directly connected with, for example, zones in the lybtsiv area, zones in the direction of na vovchansk, where offensive actions by the russian occupiers are taking place, so we will mention this wave first of all, only later we deal with secondary, and even more so tertiary,
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tertiary zones. well, when i ask.


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