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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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and get to the conference there will be, but on the other hand, we understand that there will still be a part that is not public and we understand that our friends and allies will shape their agenda, which, unfortunately, is not accepted by china, and china wants to create or wait for situation when there is a need to create a so-called other summit with the participation of, in particular, russia, this is the official position of beijing, and accordingly i would like to ask you... well, the threats here are obvious, what are the possible solutions, how should we do it right, right? well, because the swiss summit is mainly our allies or states neutral to us, but there is also russia and china, which will try to push their agenda. mr. antin, if you look at this week that we have now passed, starting, let's say, from the press conference of viola amhert, the president of switzerland, and what she said. after the summit,
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and the reaction that came from beijing, from moscow, the reaction that was heard at the meeting of foreign ministers of the brics countries on the preparation of the summit, and what is being drawn? first, we must thank the swiss, they are very mature, they perform their duties sensibly, that is , they keep in touch with everyone, do not interrupt anyone and do not close the door. credit must be given here, and it is obvious that this is a school, this is a decade of the position that switzerland takes, and they know how to do it, and i would not scold them very much for what the minister of foreign affairs, ignacios, said there about what is there, what is today, and what will happen tomorrow with russia, we will see, i would not quarrel here, because this is switzerland, and these are the swiss, they should be thanked for what they are doing, now that also applies from this side, i am convinced that... since the meeting
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of the brics foreign ministers was presented almost as preparation for an alternative summit of the global peace summit, and this role should be played by the august-september summit of the brics countries, the date of which has not yet been determined. i will remind you that we draw and proceed from the fact that there are at least five of them, and there are already 10 of them today, because there is a podeodna. and the united arab emirates, and saudi arabia, and egypt, and ethiopia, and at this meeting that took place in moscow, they all talked about this spoke, and there is so much that attracts attention, here are the statements of the eyes, which sound calmly, because the shos summit is also added to this, and when they talk in pakistan, they are currently, if they were looking, to do it at the brics summit or to do it at the sos summit, but what is there, what do they have... dynamite, because in one case india, and
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here it may happen that this summit will simply fail, in principle, as soon as they start to drag the issue of an alternative conference into it, and there disagreement of the central asian republics, that's not all as smoothly as they wanted to hold the third summit, after russia spent trillions of rubles on the st. petersburg international conference, and now... the brics sports games are held, and there, ah, they go to all industry exhibitions, it is unlikely that they will be spent on it, china itself will not do it, so i would accept these conversations about an alternative, simply as information for the time being, which should be followed, and i will tell you this, if it was possible to further promote this meeting, which was in moscow, a technical meeting. on
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the preparation of the brics summit, because for the first time in history i have seen that such importance was attached to the opening speech of minister lavrov at the technical meeting, where global ideas and so on were discussed there, so for now we must treat it like this, whether it will be or not, but the fact that this is the appearance of, say, a summit in switzerland and controversy. alternative is a testimony, you know how the axis of rome, berlin and tokyo were formed at the time, and the alternatives to this are, let’s say, allies, there are three allies, italy or four, that is allies, that is positioning, what it shows is that there is a split, this split positions and groups forces from... on the one hand, it is formed from evil, on
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the other hand, the forces of good, and this only proves that the situation in the world and on the continental, and on the global level is intensifying, and in principle, this is the road, as we understand, to the expansion of the conflict, and if we answer the question, what is this, then this is not an alternative summit, no, it is a kind of chain, which continues to be held in a certain group of countries in its environment, because from the point of view of the system of relations that is now being formed... between russia, china, iran, all these others, like this, north korea, which sends garbage there to south korea and so on, and it is unlikely that such a forum can be held between them,
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because, well, these are clearly not equal, disproportionate values, to arrange this for billions, as it happened in... in st. petersburg, when the president of zimbabwe and the president of bolivia were imprisoned together with the führer of moscow, and it was the highest achievement, i don't touch it now . no, well zimbabwe is one story, eh the people's republic of china is another story, yes, and they justify their non-appearance in switzerland by the fact that they see the creation of such a platform where the victim country and the aggressor country would be represented, this worries me, because... this is the official beijing position, and we understand that some states will try to listen to or play out similar stories, we understand that this is not only a question of pressure, but also a question of, so to speak, so-called countermeasures on the part of china, which can strengthen, for example,
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the economic and only economic support moscow may not do this, but the so-called negotiation or diplomatic process will undoubtedly be affected, as you think, this may be reflected in specific... decisions for ukraine, in particular, when we talk about possible pressure, or about possible the supply of some additional weapons, well, as an alternative, the same aviation. mr. antin, the fact is that china has a very narrow maneuver, and it does not come from relations with moscow or relations with ukraine, this maneuver is narrow because of the relations between washington and beijing, and even that. these are the current sanctions the treasury department of the united states of america announced, and they are very long, with long arms, and actually, pay attention, two months, you and i talked about this topic,
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two months, as janet allin warned, she was in beijing, was in secretary of state blinkin to beijing, they explained that do not do this. do not finance the enterprise, do not supply dual technologies, no, as it was already said there, if this is not stopped, there will be sanctions, who will these sanctions hit? china, saudi arabia, united arab emirates, all five states of central central asia, these are tajikistan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, and so on, through which, even american, british... french equipment went to russia, in principle, it is capable of seriously undermining and the financial and currency sector of russia, i'm not talking about the it sector, because it will actually be deprived of the possibility of obtaining those volumes that china provided, because this is not so much connected with the possibility of china
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supplying russia, as with china itself, because if the united states of america a blocked lending, but... they will stop businesses there, i'm not talking about the supply of technology there, because the first question when during the visit of helen and blinken was that china uses advanced american technologies in order to then supply them there in the form of microcircuits to russia, the questions were asked in the same way there, that is why the current steps were delayed until the third decade of september in order that... in china, these smart and not so smart people were sitting there and thinking about what to do next, because china is already is in the stage of stopping with the increase of gross of the national product, and therefore the situation there is not difficult, that is why there is no such
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maneuver in china that we can talk about, but as an answer, i would like to emphasize this, as an answer, why not go to switzerland, as from... it could interfere with such a level, but it is unlikely that there can be an own initiative of training on our own, we are fighting. now 160 invitations have been invited, the president of switzerland said that there would be 90, and if you look in that direction, how many invitations will there be, well 50, how many will come, well, five or six, well, 10 forces are those that are spinning there, and they are at the level of zimbabwe there and no more, that is the whole answer, and here it is not so much the position of china that is important, the position or the führer of moscow is important here. will give an indication to do this, because you understand, here is the scale, the inflated scale
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of the st. petersburg economic forum, and it was just a movie, all these numbers, stories about foreign guests, concluded investment agreements, these are lies that came out and were spent , there is even a column of funds spent, even a report, there is no number in the report, that's why that it is clear that, especially for inflating the information cushion, respectable resources were used here, so i don't see the possibility of such a level to make an event, like switzerland is doing for ukraine. i agree, roman petrovich, but why does the führer constantly repeat his mantra about their readiness for peace, and repeats about the istanbul agreements, which were not just ratified, they were not signed at all, if there were any negotiations, then the word ... so we understand that the russian position was unacceptable for the collective sunset, but the führer constantly turns,
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turns and walks in a circle and announces, announces, to whom is he addressing all this? you understand, for mr. antin, for russia, for moscow, especially for this racist führer, for him negotiations are an instrument of war, it is not an instrument of appeasement, it is an instrument of war, and therefore... achieving any pause, not giving by god, somewhere in something there is a retreat from sanctions, it will definitely be his victory, that is why he is spinning this roach, any dialogue in the current situation is not a real conversation about him, because it conversations are conversations for the unconscious and ignorant, those who can bite, it's like bait for fish, well, fish are brainless, but they are people anyway, well, not all of them really have bags that... are able to read it, so it's not this at all conversations are not about negotiations,
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not about making a decision, these are conversations as a tool of war, and he will always conduct them, he fools the heads of both his own and others, and here and here the situation is the same, here it is unclear whose head is fooled more, his own or strangers, we already perfectly understand that there will be absolutely nothing to eat from this, well, for now there are still those in europe who believe in this, but what can be done with it, such are the truth, what is. but there are already those who have perfectly realized the first and second. let's imagine for today, all these 15 packages of sanctions, sanctions of the united states of america, and it will take more than a century to rake it out, you just understand, there is no backtracking in this process, absolutely none, are you pro-sanctions or pro-military? i am pro-military, there is no turning back, but i am trying in this coordinate system, well , still, well... i lived my life working, but do you remember, one by one, there was a reformation that
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was in ukraine, so in it they rushed with it, they did not know from which side to approach it, and now this complex, this armed forces, this system, which is already set up, well, it is not will go back, because mr. antin, billions of turnover of business, finance, resources are involved here today, moreover, the russian economy is built today on... new military industrial complex, now remove these inflated artificial figures of so-called growth from military industrial complex, that's all, don't worry about it economy, there is none, and it now rests on what, on military-industrial complex, there is no way back from here in russia, well, if we understand it, we understand it, then look, they meet in st. petersburg, well, it's a movie, they meet in berlin, they talk about what, where to take it? patriots, where to get arish t, where to get ammunition and so on, and somewhere there,
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somewhere in the corner, and what are we going to do when peace comes, somewhere in the corner, you see, when 98% of the conversation at the conference is devoted to reconstruction weapons, that is , people already objectively understand that this is an issue number one on the agenda is the topic... restoration - this is the topic of hope, which the conference gives to people, and europe, and ukraine , and so on. but there is still a situation on the front line, there is still... a situation with an attack by a barbaric aggressive attack by the russians on kharkiv, that is , they demonstrate their readiness and there is a response from the west, that is, permission to strike at russian interventionists who are preparing to attack on russian territory, that is, we understand , that this is a very powerful military signal from the west, as well as the issue of aviation, the minister of defense of the kingdom of the netherlands
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promised us that the f-16s would be there this summer, and there's also the french... mirage signal, so we might actually get a military air component this summer? i am convinced that time is currently the only barrier in this regard, including, and i have already told you more than once, the entry of the countries we are talking about, our partners, into this war, it is a matter of time , and it is connected with the fact that the democracy of the civilized world, it has... has its own decision-making and action mechanisms, including these planes, and i no longer i say the service system there, but pay attention, behind the current conversation about planes, there is a deep conversation about tanks, yes, about abrams, and so on, as it is now
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being conducted, yes, we gave the ukrainians armored vehicles, but we did not give them service, we... gave a service system, and that is why there is such a technological discussion on both sides now, hence from my point of view, everything that you and i are talking about, it by no means in such a way, well in a tiny dose, leads to the fact that the issue of negotiations may arise, and in the current situation, in the current situation situation, russia's economy, which is launched... military-industrial, it would show them that this is their salvation, in fact, it is the death of russia, the world today is watching this coming and looks at the moscow führer as a clown, that is, what it turned out, he thought that during the economic boom and
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the connections he had with the world, he would not be able to oppose himself to the whole world and slip through... this period, now everything is the opposite, now the world is more and more grouped around of ukraine, the potential of involving forces in this war is growing, technologies is growing, so, well, where is the backtrack here, so i am trying, well, even to switch, conditionally speaking, to the side of those who say that it is possible, and what the führer would propose, well, if hypothetically we take into account that he can to give certain trade pro... positions, it is clear that we do not, and it is clear that we do not want to talk about switzerland publicly, perhaps through intermediaries, but at one time switzerland and austria were used by the soviet union, so to speak and not only by the soviet union, but also by the reich, as well as certain countries where possible to hold certain conversations, and accordingly, what the führer can suggest, that such a narcissistic person, they have a peculiarity, they
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are not able to objectively assess the realities, they. live in a virtual world, therefore, in order to offer some real mechanisms, including real ones written about by literate people, there was the foreign office, and the new york times, and the washington post, there was a whole series of recipes like it is possible to do, but no, it is impossible for him to apply, because he cannot objectively assess the situation, that is the fact that those who watched the fragments of st. petersburg there, he understands that... that this person lives in another world, this is his world, which is not present today in 99%, including his compatriots, and therefore absolutely everything to him exactly how many hundreds of thousands will die, how many will be maimed and so on, this is his world, so now let's imagine that he is flying like
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god in this totalitarian world, here and there some scholz, macron,... biden walk the earth and they also allow a discussion among themselves, you can imagine how this psychopath looks at it, that is it is obvious to me that the topic of russia and the topic of solving the situation, it is only in one, in the defeat of russia, in its capitulation, complete capitulation, another option, that someone there will come to his senses and say that what are we on... and well, it's impossible in principle, from here, if you want to judge a person whether he has a healthy head or not, as soon as he said that he was from russia. you can sit at the table and talk about something, be afraid of such people, it means that they simply cannot objectively assess the situation, well, this
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moscow psychopath, and especially his clique, cannot well, they are like sows, they are already there around him, and they, you understand, already have this instinct to bite everything around them, which has developed so much in order not just to bite, but to serve this führer, as far as i understand the scenario. before us are difficult questions about our resources, that is, the west will help us with money, technologies, weapons and possibly instructors, that is, from this point of view , we have a certain rather powerful support, there is also a story with personnel, the west has no way out than to enter this war will not whether the west wants to help ukraine or not, the fact is that... the current process will lead to this psychopathic person striking nato countries. these statements that he made recently, that you are not there with a good memory,
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that you imagine a war between russia and nato, remember the conversations in 2010, remember the conversations later in 2018 and so on. it's psychopathic. a person for whom such statements are not a position, it is an announcement of his actions, and that is the only way it should be perceived. i do not want to list the facts of violations now territorial, airspace, maritime space, which are currently happening in the baltic sea and so on, what russia is currently creating on the border there with finland, i am not talking about what is happening on the belarusian-polish border... because everyone thinks what are some migrants over there, well , migrants over there seem to have killed a polish soldier, those who think so are in vain, they are in vain they
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think so, these are absolutely lies, planned provocations, the essence of which was much greater, and we still do not know with you , what happened when the poles focused all their attention on this point, what was happening in other places on this border, and so on, what was happening in other parts. the current process, which, the investigation that is going on in the czech republic, belgium, poland, france, germany on residency, russian, it showed such holes in the european security system, it showed such a strong integration of european political forces into the fsb system, if it is brought to logical conclusion, well, it will not be revealed easily. serious failures in the system of european countries, including in the nato system, so i don't see any more this information will come out, because the issue in
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the confrontation between nato and russia is now not only because nato does not understand something, nato understands everything perfectly, nato sees where the führer of moscow is moving, nato perfectly understands how many agents today in... security systems of states, countries, nato, it is already coming out in full, and you understand that with such dynamics, to say that it can be resolved while sitting at the negotiating table, well , it is necessary, it is simply necessary to be an inadequate person in such a situations ok, mr. roman, we are talking about the situation in our country, yes, because the western allies are ready to supply us with everything, except personnel, we understand that certain processes are ongoing in us. this is the implementation of the draft law, which began on may 18, we see certain informational and psychological operations, sociology shows a certain weariness of society, and so on. on the other hand, i don’t know
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what the actual situation is with the enemy, but putin also did not take public additional mobilization steps, maybe he will do it this fall, maybe he won’t, but he will and continue to use simply the purchase of recruits, so in certain states, well... additional personnel will be recruited, also for money, but how should we be in that situation? well, judging by what the führer says, and judging by how the number of recruiting companies abroad is increasing, the situation there is unpleasant, but that is the way it is, mr. antin, the situation is not the same now, who has more resources in ukraine or in russia , and it is so clear that manpower is more in russia, because... 100, almost 140 million population, everyone understands this very well, not in that's the point, the point is that this polarization that's going on, that i'm paying attention to,
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that's working. the world, it forces both sides to be closer and closer, this will lead to the fact that the topic of personnel, it will be resolved due to the fact that this closeness and the need to protect each other will be so high that the topic of personnel, it will resolved, i will emphasize this once again, this is a question of time, what fills time, the answer to this... the question was already asked a long time ago by mark milley and zaluzhnyi in that, in that article, technological leap, everything was written there in great detail, well , you already understand how it is with us, then a person who was supposedly appointed, but not really appointed, left, everything she said, and there are four points, the first, they are the most important, what can be compensated for this manpower, which
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is not comparable, only technological growth, it is interesting that when i was studying the situation at the st. petersburg conference, i came across an article by the former chairman of the verkhovna rada of crimea konstantinov, who writes that in the current situation, ukraine is radically changing its technological approach before conducting operations, and this dramatically increases her chances, i don't know who wrote this to him, or someone suggested these things to him, but in fact, both mark milli and zaluzhny actually responded to this problem of inequality of resources, inequality of technological leap , in order for the ukrainian armed forces to have more chances, the range, respectively, the current maneuvers that are being conducted, here... they gave permission, they did not
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give it, this is a consequence of the lack of strategy. you and i have talked about this topic 100 times, i want to emphasize once again, if there is no clearly defined one goals, these conversations, they gave permission, they did not give permission, will be conducted from morning to evening, and they are clear to me, they are explanatory, from here it is obvious that the first task, which in this tactical situation, which is being held now, is together with. .. allies to form an answer to this question, it can be formed no earlier than the election of a new nato leadership, but after that this process will begin. yes, mr. roman, but instead you mentioned the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhnyi, yes, well, we also remember what was the criticism, who did it come from, and as far as we understand, it was relayed someone's thoughts, yes, and then everything ended
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with what, landing, in the direction of london , now we also hear similar voices regarding a number of senior ukrainian generals, in particular, regarding the new post-deployment commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general syrskyi. are we preparing another big rotation again, and what are the possible consequences of this? i draw only one conclusion from distant phenomena, you know, so far... they don't run around the country, remember, with posters and a crowd that will be shot, hanged and so on, because it happened in our history, it means that we are healthy, and if we have an exception there, one or two or three, and even this one, if this exception is sitting in the hall of the verkhovna rada, then i will tell you this, in any healthy body there are not without problems somewhere, then somewhere a nail broke off, then somewhere it spread
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and... and so on, another matter, what you hinted to me, if this is not a special operation in order to start spinning in the information spacious, but this is possible only when it comes from one room, and i would even say from one office in the bank, if it is, well, it is more than dangerous, but for now i attribute it to the first option, what's up... the dogs are barking, and the caravan is moving, it 's doing its job, and although anyone will tell you that in war conditions such barking is very, very dangerous, because it's not scary for the political leadership establishment, it is terrible for society, it divides society, it divides people on the line front very quickly, and this can have... very
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unpleasant consequences, well, simple.


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