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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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what is happening now in the occupied territories, well, in the occupation now, the enemy is trying to create the illusion of normal life, first of all, that the sanatorium-resort period is functioning, that everything is working, everything will be normal, residents are actively being recruited there of the russian federation for them to come, rest and... some even go to berdensk to kyrylivka , there is no such information, but they even go to berdensk, because in principle it is more or less such, let's say, territory, many go from donetsk region, from the occupied part of donetsk region, especially vacationers, well , compared to what was before the occupation, this is of course heaven and earth, especially considering that the infrastructure is partially destroyed, but they are trying to create the illusion that the city is returning to normal life and itself...
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on top of that propaganda is actively working, er , artists came to energodar from yoshkarola, yekaterinburg and the suburbs of moscow and painted murals until the day of the city, and those murals there were painted with all kinds of pushkin's tricolors, well, the word russian peace and so on, does it have any... . project, or after all, or maybe people really already think like that, but no, ukraine probably won't be able to recapture this territory, and oh my god, we're not that strong anyway, all people are the same, we're one people, but what's the difference, we still love pushkin, well, actually, it has a certain accumulative effect, and this is due to two things, firstly, those who could oppose it have already left there, either since the beginning of the full-scale aggression or immediately after the occupation. and secondly
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, two categories remain, those for whom everything is equal in the grand scheme of things, and the greedy, well, for the greedy it is usually a holiday, and for those who fortunately, it has a certain accumulative effect, because when an artist comes to energodar thousands of kilometers from yashkarala, it is just an event, and when there are 20 such events, then a person begins to feel a part of the general, let's say, russian system. of some kind of russian mentality or something else, and it is gradually giving up everything that identified it with ukraine, and a few are holding on, but to date, these are really only a few people who continue to understand that this is propaganda, what is needed for this to behave, because the children went to school there, there is some kind of holiday, there is something else, there is something else, and there is a certain cumulative effect, and of course, what if people did not commit any crime. then after deoccupation they will remain,
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and this effect will also work in the opposite direction and after a certain time people will integrate back into society, but they are forced to state that more and more people do not really understand what the difference will be for them in the case of deoccupation or something else, it's our fault that we are 30 years old, in fact, they couldn't, couldn't instill... something so that it couldn't be destroyed so easily, didn't take root, it's our fault that for 30 years we flirted with the attitudes of the population that we instilled in them the soviet union, and that there is no need to do anything, that there is a paternalistic society, that you don't have to decide, it should be decided by the state, and for 30 years they used it with this. flirted,
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gave people what they wanted, not what they deserved, and so on and so forth, and as a result, in my opinion, we have a situation where people are simply used to living as they will be told from above, but now the authorities have changed, and they came and were told something like that, well, they are getting used to it, of course, that in 30 years a new generation has grown up, which could in principle, not to react to it, then the occupation would certainly not have happened, if only... well, until then, i don’t know, until the 20s, probably the 2020s, all people were like this in one way or another , well, we watched tv, listened to the radio, on the radio we had russian radio, russian and chanson, namba one and nambatu, on television we had the main channels, which had the largest audience, showed a new hour with light steam, may 9 , victory day. fake and lying, and this
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continued, and it continued for 20, more than 20 years of independence, that is, children were born. after a scoop, well, there are simply specific people who should bear responsibility, at least moral, at least political responsibility. for the fact that the enemy came today, occupied our lands, and all normal people left, those who did not leave, may have already been shot, repressed and so on, nothing new, but the mass of people remained quite large and such they say, so what's the difference, and this, and this is
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because the question is not to recapture territories, it's true, but we still have enough territory, well, excuse me, enough for the amount of population that is left now from... bloodless country, the question is, is it a population, or is it a nation, right? well , the point is that if we talk about responsibility, then in my opinion, this responsibility should be borne by politicians only when the people themselves will be forced to tell them, forced or willing to tell them that they are needed for this responsibility to attract, because as a result, we see almost... in the 20th year, an almost 30 percent rating of the opzz of the zaporizhzhia region of officials who worked with boguslaev in all positions in the zaporizhia city council to this day, not to mention the officials from the opzz , and so on and so on, and not
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only in the zaporizhia city council, the zaporizhia regional state administration, the military administration, there are still people who worked directly with bohuslav, well , that is normal, such a situation. in the benches in the country, well, they don't want to fire these people, believe for some reason that their conditional professionalism is more important than the consequences they have made, although their professionalism does not consist in the fact that they made these consequences for people, for the region, for everything, mr. sergey, thank you, hold on, thank you for this conversation, serhiy lyshenko was with us, a volunteer deputy of the zaporizhzhia regional council, i understand why... i don't know why the residents of zaporizhia called their city depressed, in the last survey, not only the case at the front, in the 21st year so the majority of zaporizhzhya citizens themselves thought that this was for me it seems, depression, it
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sprouts somewhere from here, from some misunderstanding of what is actually happening and who should be at the head of this region, we for us... now we move on to the next conversation, and yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the battalion of gifted people, will be with us of the achilles unmanned aerial systems of the 92nd separate assault brigade. he will be with us right now, we will talk about the situation, of course at the front. mr. yury is not there yet, we hope that we can, we will be able to get involved, i don't know, yury fedorenko, it's like that... you can say it's like that a star in a good sense of this war as well, he was the first, the first they managed to create a whole separate battalion, then of unmanned attack vehicles, and now we know that this is already a separate type of military, the first in the world was created in ukraine,
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specifically drones, specifically attack drones, and mr. yuriy is already with us, mr. yuriy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, please tell us. we continue to perform tasks in kharkiv oblast, we perform them quite successfully, both in the temporarily occupied territory and, accordingly, in the territory of the russian federation, after granting permission to use weapons, drones, as well as high-precision weapons of our partners , operate quite effectively and powerfully on the territory of the russian federation, this plays a very strong role in favor of the defense forces. why, because the enemy lost the opportunity to get as close as possible to the state border line and feel unpunished there. if we talk about drones, before the permission was given, we used them quite effectively for various categories of military purposes on the territory of the russian federation, but
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this was not enough to make it fully clear to the enemy that he was now not a square meter in their territory, near the line. state border, where he could feel safe. at the moment, the situation is stabilized by the defense forces, in two areas where the enemy crossed the state border line, and active work is being done to knock the enemy out. their positions, there are concrete successes, both in the area of ​​the shooter hlyboke, and in vevchansk itself, there are active battles, but i am sure that more it takes some time for the defense forces to fully take the tactical initiative to their advantage. oles molyarevych told us recently that it was completely before this permission, he said that we can see, they are just behind the border line, and we can't hit them, there's nothing to do. no, there is no permission, more precisely, there is something, there is no permission, how has the situation changed now, are russian tanks driving further along the border and
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looking for a place to stop, no, look, they are driving, but now they are driving very fast, from landing to landing trying to disguise oneself as much as possible and not to show oneself once more, given the possibility of using high-precision weapons directly destroyed the enemy's fast shoulder of the logistics of the transition line. border, well, to be clear, there is a state border line, here is a state border line, the enemy is accumulating here in his own territory, and then quickly enough maneuverably moved to the state border line, the use of high-precision weapons gave us the opportunity that the enemy from the state line the border is forced to withdraw the main forces and resources to the rear and migrate, using different tactics, fewer groups, less saturation, and so on, which significantly hit his shock-assault capabilities. defense forces, in particular within the framework of the military aid package, with the support of the ukrainian nation, with the help of uavs, got
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the opportunity to harvest it efficiently and densely. in this way, this step-by-step stabilization of the situation took place, but the capture of the tactical initiative on the battlefield, the work continues, and i am confident of success, here is not even just restrained optimism, just such confident optimism, how many russians in as a result, they already lost their equipment. manpower with this adventurous offensive on kharkiv, well, it is difficult to calculate, this information is known for sure by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. i will tell you that in the first days of the invasion of the kharkiv region, the enemy used a large number of lightly armored armored vehicles, as a result of which more than 50% of these vehicles were either damaged or destroyed in the battle. accordingly, today the enemy resorts to the use of highly maneuverable equipment. i repeat this over and over again, this two-wheeled motorcycles, they even pass tactics. application, training, how to quickly reach the line of combatants, these are motorcycles with sidecars, these are
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atvs and many other things, there are civilian cars, many other things that the enemy uses in order to shorten this one distance and jump to the front line, but one way or another, this tactic has been known to us since the time of bakhmut and how to counter the defense forces, in particular the units of the 92nd assault brigade know exactly and do it quite effectively, last week they were... out measures, we managed to repel the enemy from several positions, now this work continues constantly, in order to improve the position and knock out the enemy meter by meter from our god-given land. we literally have a minute left, mobilization continues in ukraine, the wave is wide, and is it somehow already being signaled, have many people joined, in particular to your battalion, is there successful recruitment? i would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported bataryna nahilets, in particular with the placement. advertising and conveying the opinion that such a unit exists at all, which he fulfills the tasks, how important they are,
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and accordingly the posting of information about us, in particular, i sincerely thank the tv channel, i will say that we have already crossed the equator of manning, there are a lot of applications, we are completing, if we talk about the defense forces, mobilization processes, they cannot be uncontradicted, unfortunately, i expect that these problematic issues will be corrected, but in general they have already given their positive results, the troops have begun to... get more people in their configuration, which means that we have become more powerful, as with from the point of view of taking defensive actions, as well as from the point of view of knocking out the enemy from our territory. well, thank you very much, in fact, for your work, for your service, yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the akhilets 92 assault unmanned aviation complex battalion, a separate assault brigade, was with us, and now we will go on a short break, just a reminder , which we continue to collect in the same way for intelligence. in particular, attack drones for the hundredth brigade, and look, we have already made quite
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good progress with you, yesterday we collected somewhere from 50,000, and somewhere even, well, close almost 50, but today i think that sunday, that holy day, we should go to church, leave a couple of hryvnias there and also leave a little couple of hryvnias for this collection of ours, i will return to this today, lesya vokulyuk will return to this topics, i plan... that today we will surpass our yesterday's, our yesterday's collection, we will collect even more, because actually the muscovites have already waited, the muscovites have waited, they say, well, when they kill us with those drones, well, how much do we have to suffer? and suffer on that front, well, let's see everything, well, let's help those poor russians and still make them, so to speak, improve them, well, now we'll take a short break and return to our marathon, what is bahmud, bahmud is a place
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of fear. and the place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear, bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end of our days, children born in the era of independence, who are they, there are many of them, and they are strong and brave , these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, this boys who never cry lem. mom, don't cry, a book by the writer olena cherninka, a book by a mother about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and disappeared in the vast expanses of donbas. we will not die in paris,
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now i know that for sure. enjoy real rock, dead rooster, buy tickets for concert ua, live sound. in the latest issue of ukraine magazine, the diary of the fallen paramedic iryna chakiy tsyboh, the story of a brave person. and energy security expert andrian prokip has a firm position with advice on how to survive the attacks on the power system, the story of ugandan dictator idi amin's road to bloody madness, interesting stories and quality analysis, with the country at the center of the main events, buy from press outlets, probetargin remember, the morning
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will be without a hangover, romania-ukraine only on megacom. the best generation of the national team should start their journey at the european championship only with victory. cheer on june 17 at 16:00 and watch all the euro 2024 matches exclusively on meego. there are discounts representing discounts on urulessan. 15% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings summer is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this. this year, we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a little peace for children, whose world was destroyed by the war. these children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting our country with you, died at the front, and they, like no one else,
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need our support, because they are the future of our country. our... experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning this summer to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive help from qualified psychologists. and it is possible. now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. to me really enjoyed the trip to austria,
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loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i will be... in the cities of sasburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. dear friends, we are coming back, le vacliuk andriy. we are working all day today and we hope you will spend this day in our company, and for this day we will collect a little more money than we
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currently have for our fighters of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, we are collecting for drones for them, we want to buy and make 13 drones a fun life for muscovites with the help of these drones, because these drones will calculate where their positions are in order to send raids there, all the necessary details are now on your screens, the code of monobank is on the right, if you face the screen on the left, the qr code of privatbank is scanned only with the help of the privat-24 application, if you have it, open this application, find the scanner function, press it, point the frame and voila, transfer as many hryvnias as you don’t mind, for this morning you and i collected 400 hryvnias, for yesterday 45 hryvnias, and we have about 34 00 hryvnias left to reach the 6,000 mark, it will be... the account on one, on one of the accounts, that is , there will be 600 on mono, and 2.5 million must be collected in total, so friends , it is necessary to do it a little more actively, to support it more actively,
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and let's look at those beautiful guys, for whom we are actually holding this collection, see how positive they are, let's give this positivity that they give us from the very morning and what they do, we will convert into hryvnias and transfer these hryvnias for them , let's see, i wish you health! we are soldiers of the 100th brigade of reconnaissance, we ask you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, i don’t know, i’m in the mood every time, how i hear it's their glory to ukraine, the hero's glory is rising, although we understand that they are in hell, and there is little joy, but... the military are very happy when they have some gadget, any that makes their life easier and whatever - which makes moskal's life worse, so
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join in with your hryvnia so that these 13 drones are on the front lines as soon as possible and are used in such a way that they will negate our enemy. meanwhile, we will now talk about what is happening in the occupied luhansk region, occupied... donetsk, roman glasenko, head of the severodonetsk district village administration, is already with us. mr. roman, we congratulate you. good morning, glory of ukraine. heroes sent glory to heroes. mr. roman, they say that the russians are checking men on the way to luhansk, from sever-donetsk, they are checking men, and what happens next, these are some planned mobilization measures, then these men end up in the russian army. indeed, the activities of... such a hidden mobilization from the conscription, they last practically 24/7, i can't say that there is terror in this sensei, but really all checkpoints are charged
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with registering men and movement between territories, any services, employment, medical services, all this through military registration, through registration in the army. the conscription of all men of conscription age continues, not just 18 years old there, but up to 27, and recruitment into the army takes place there through agitation, through a social package, we understand that there are certain problems with work there, there is a shortage of men both in the army and in working professions, that's why they are looking for it as much as they can. we see how ours continues mobilization, we see these stories, how there are men who try to avoid it, resort to all kinds of methods, or to the services
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of lawyers, there are already advertisements everywhere about the fact that we will arrange a white ticket for you, help you go abroad, we see the tisza river, which someone cannot overcome, we see how men literally break out of the beads. and nods - they can nod their heels from the representatives of the tsk, and there the mobilization is after all to the enemy army, is there any possibility to avoid this mobilization, what methods are resorted to by our men, do they still go to the enemy army and take up arms, well, in my opinion, all the volunteers who were there, they must have already died, because all these measures have been taking place since... the 22nd year, when luhansk region was temporarily occupied, i think that the volunteers there have long since run out, and the possibility to avoid it is in
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principle. there are, and in principle we ourselves agitate men in the occupied territories, communicate less with the occupation authorities and try to avoid mobilization measures, but with regard to men, there are a lot of restrictions, and there are some, for example, categories of professions, let's say this, which in principle are forbidden to leave the territory of the so-called lpr, even to the russian federation, and... what news is there from the srebyan forest, there seem to be certain movements of admiration? well, really, i understand that our guys managed to stabilize the situation a little on the front line, in principle, in all directions in the luhansk region, this is bilogorivka, and the sreblyansk forestry, and further up to the kupyansk direction, the occupiers have no success, and there is news about the fact that the fighters of azov something
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there... several positions in silver forestry have moved up, there is progress, and i think that this adds a little optimism, self-confidence, but still , all this news should not be too much there, well conditionally rejoice, because the pressure continues , the reserves are being drawn up, the artillery is working, we have some not very good news there that a woman died yesterday from artillery fire in occupied nevsky. therefore, the war continues, the situation is tense, but from the military point of view there is good news, there is an improvement in the operational situation in some cases, therefore, let's hope that the situation will stabilize, i think that in this case the russians have problems with the fact that they are forced to pull reserves from luhansk region to vavchansk. well, thank you very much, mr. roman,
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roman vlasenko, the head of the severodonetsk district military administration was in touch with us, thank you for this conversation, and i don't know what to wish for a faster liberation of severodonetsk, as well as luhansk and the whole of luhansk oblast, you know, luhansk is heterogeneous, luhansk, there are many, many there was a ukrainian-speaking population, in particular in svatovo, in the svativ district, and so on, we remember how the occupiers were driven from there, the ukrainian army had not yet arrived even after 14 years, and the ukrainian army had not even entered, but the flags had already been raised there, and all those were already fleeing from there strelkova ghirkina, henchmen running, running, dear friends, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working in this studio today for you, let me remind you, throughout the day until 5 p.m., we will talk about all the topics that concern us, we will summarize a little week, please stay with us, well,
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traditionally at 9 o'clock. we honor the memory of all ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russia's aggression with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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where for an hour it is time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. the final declaration of the global peace summit will be approved in switzerland today, reuters reports. the project contains documents for the leaders of countries and organizations accuse russia of causing large-scale human suffering and destruction of territory and call for respect for the territorial integrity
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of ukraine. you too. are trying to return kyiv control over...


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