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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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9th on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. the final declaration of the global peace summit will be approved today in switzerland. reuters writes about it. in the draft documents, the leaders of countries and organizations accuse russia of causing large-scale human suffering and destruction of territory and call for respect for the territory.
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national integrity of ukraine. they also demand the return to kyiv of control over the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and access to seaports. it is also about the exchange of all prisoners of war and the return of ukrainian children home. according to information from foreign zmi. the final declaration has not yet been agreed upon by the participants and the summit, as several controversial points remain. instead , the office of the president of ukraine assured that there is a clear position of all those present regarding the joint issue. let me remind you that the global peace summit, organized by ukraine, is ongoing in bürgenstock, switzerland. more than 100 participants take part in it, and they have to approve the final declaration. the international community seeks to restore peace to european continent. this is evidenced by the high turnout of the participants of the peace summit, in particular the countries of the big seven. - emphasized
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the prime minister of great britain rishi sunok. according to him, in this way the civilized world gives a powerful signal to putin that ukraine will be with it as long as it is needed. today's summit demonstrates the determination of the international community to see the end of the war in ukraine and the return of peace to the european continent. the war affected people in different ways, including with their electricity bills, so it's... it's right that we see a lasting peace on terms acceptable to ukraine, based on the principles of territorial integrity and the un charter. russian dictator putin made a mistake by not attending the peace summit. this was stated by the prime minister of the netherlands, mark rutte, during a meeting in switzerland. he also called it a crazy proposal of the head of the kremlin to withdraw the armed forces of ukraine from the territory of four regions and to give up. accession
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to nato. according to ryuta, such statements by putin indicate that the aggressor is panicking. this whole process started a year ago with 14-15 advisers from of national security. and here we are today with half of the un and the leaders of many countries, and putin is preparing for a state visit to north korea. that's all there is to say. volodymyr zelenskyi met with... president of kenya william ruto. the meeting took place within the framework of the global peace summit, which began yesterday in switzerland. the presidents discussed issues of food security for both countries, as well as projects in the field of export of agricultural products. in addition, the possible participation of kenya in the creation was considered hubs for ukrainian grain in african ports. russian troops shelled seven villages in a day.
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points of the kherson region, the head of the kherson ova, oleksandr prokudin, announced this. several settlements came under enemy fire and airstrikes, including antonivka, kizomes, prydniprovskyi, bilozerka, boryslav, zmiivka, and kherson. the occupiers targeted the gas pipeline and residential quarters, in particular, three private houses were damaged. there are no victims or injured. the russians attacked. seven settlements in zaporozhye, during the day the occupiers struck more than 400 times in the houses of civilians, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. they took aim from artillery and drones, destroyed four human dwellings. there were no casualties. sumyshchyna under enemy fire. at night and in the morning, the russians shelled the border areas in the region eight times.
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the regional military administration reports. almost three dozen explosions were recorded on the territory of four communities, there is no information about the victims. in our night. on june 16 , the occupiers shelled the dnipropetrovsk region, the head of the regional military reported administration serhiy lysak. marganets and nikopol were attacked by the enemy. the russians used heavy artillery and bombarded with kamikaze drones. as a result of shelling, 10 private houses, four farm buildings and a power line were damaged. another 1,160. the ukrainian armed forces destroyed the occupiers yesterday, and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russian army has lost 526,000 of its terrorists. also, yesterday, our defenders managed to eliminate almost six dozen enemy artillery systems, as many units of special equipment and
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six armored combat vehicles. and they landed three cruise missiles and 11 enemy drones. the data added by the general staff are indicative. our people are converted into donations for our defenders due to enemy shelling. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are calling to join the collection for drones and components for the art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first lot that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are eyes in the sky, keeping an eye on safety and enabling. confidently go forward most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. we need to collect uah 2.5 million. do not waste time, join the collection for our defenders. after the war, ukraine needs
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to return its refugees, otherwise it will have to invite migrants from other countries. ella libanova, director of the institute, stated this in a comment on the espresso tv channel. of demography and social research named after mykhailo ptukha. the conversation took place in lviv during the ukraine-poland forum. there, in particular, they discussed the strategy of returning ukrainian migrants. ella libanova added that there is already a shortage of labor in ukraine. after the end of the war, this deficit could be catastrophic. according to the un , there are more than 6.5 million ukrainians abroad.
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war increases this shortage of labor force, if we cannot provide our own labor force, and we cannot, then we will have to invite someone from others. most likely, these will be people from less developed countries, it usually happens this way, but if the starting conditions are interesting for young people in ukraine , poles and from the baltic countries can also come. can come from central europe, from western europe, it is absolutely possible. also , during the ukraine-poland forum, they talked about sending pro-russian narratives. foreign online media, but the poles do not believe the propaganda, said the deputy minister of internal affairs and migration policy, maciej dushchyk, in an exclusive comment on the espresso tv channel. he added that russia's media attacks had some influence on the course of the election process in their country. at the same time, according
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to him, poland will continue to transfer weapons to ukraine and support it on its way to the eu and nato. russian narratives are noticeable. are present in the polish media, especially in online publications, they are often repeated, but i am glad that the majority of poles simply do not believe this propaganda, understand that someone just wants to deceive them and influence the deterioration of relations with ukraine, we also observe the influence russia on the results of the elections, but we also have a special department in the ministry of digitalization that deals with the issues of ensuring that russian narratives do not penetrate too deeply. a pole with ukraine in his heart. it took place in lviv memorial evening in memory of yatsyk kuron. the topic of the event: poles and ukrainians - a difficult dialogue. the event is timed to the twentieth anniversary of the death of one of the founders of the solidarity party and
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supporter of polish-ukrainian historical understanding. the evening began with the screening of the film "my testament", which was recorded by the politician himself in 1990 for polish television, when he learned about a serious illness. the guests of the event were greeted in a video message by the wife of the polish oppositionist, danuta koron, who was unable to attend this year. could come to lviv. there were his conversations on television with polish, with poles, not with the people, not with society, but with every pole who watched it then, in the time of reforms, a catastrophic economic situation, someone had to talk to people, and his conversation was so close and understandable to everyone, i think his contribution to what polish society endured was really huge, because he was able to love it. society and everyone with whom he spoke from the tv screen, because i forever remembered his confessional
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words, we made it impossible at least twice to gain independence for ukraine, in return , ukrainians have never done us such wrong. and also today, as part of the commemoration of yatsik kurony's days, a charity concert by the telniuk sisters vocal duo will be held in lviv. people's artists of ukraine will perform in the park. auditorium of the shaptytsky center, starting at 4:30 p.m. the next issue is at 10 o'clock, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, my colleagues, lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk, will continue switch, stay with the espresso team. dear friends, we are back, we are continuing our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk,
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we are working for you in this studio, we have already collected 10 00 with you this morning, we are collecting for drones for military reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, we invite you to join, i i see that 2.5 thousand people are watching us now on one of our youtube channels, and i kind of thought that if each of those 2 thousand donated... uah 20, for example, then it would already be 50,000, 50,000 uah, dear friends, only 20 hryvnia, 20 hryvnias, even now it is not coffee, coffee is more expensive, in short, think about the fact that together we can all do great things, if we unite, then we urge you to do it , okay, okay, i will do it now time, but i'm like 20 uah, well, it's not solid, 20 uah is not solid, 40 uah is solid. i think so, so good, come on, you are 40, and i, and i am 160, and it will be
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200 hryvnias together, and that is the family budget, we have agreed, friends, let's try it together, we take numbers, we take phones, point to on qr on i pointed you to the qr code privat 24, and they calmly, normally , took me right away to where i needed to go, so i don't know how they say that their private code doesn't work, here's iryna. i am asking for the recipient right away, and i will send 200 from my card, where i have 200, for example, 100 uah, it is not a problem, once 100 uah arrived and you said that 400, 100, one hundred, after all, 100 is all, iryna volodymyrivna koval received these 100 from me hryvnias that will go to aid and fundraising is small. our presenter, who is she, it is her charitable foundation that is conducting this collection, and we help her
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to promote this collection, because now it is not just for volunteers, the fees are falling, and the military needs these drones even now and cannot wait long, but the private sector, by the way , has free advertising with us, like imonabank for the fact that they help us make this collection, by the way, i was recently in a private bank and was super impressed by how super fast it was, and then they call me and say, like, rate all the parades. i say and everything was faster, nicer and cool, super, they took it to kolomoisky bank and he i just got better, i don’t know him, but the reality is this, well done bank managers, dear friends, my money has already flown away, i hope yours too, i hope that actually all those people who are watching us now have heard this call and i say, the sums don't have to be big, but there should be a lot of us, and then our fine guys will get these drones to calculate where the russian positions are, now we'll talk about money and... about reservation, economic reservation from mobilization, how real it is and whether
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skhodovskyi, manager of the network, is needed ans joins us, mr. ilya, we welcome you, good morning, there is actually a corresponding draft law, there are many discussions, some are in favor, some are against, in our news broadcast, ela libanova literally just said that ukraine already has a huge lack of specialists, even we... i will tell you, andriy and i are experiencing this lack of specialists, because our editor was mobilized, and it is not so easy to find a graduate editor, because he is a person who has just graduated from the faculty of journalism. to form, form issue, the few hours that we spend on the air, those guests, this is all selected by the editor of the issue, we spoke recently with but what, what is the news really for, there is a strategist, there are official messages from the president's office, there is a telegram channel joker, come on so
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all the news is ours, so to speak, they only divide us even further. women, children and their parents, all economic experts, who here muddy the waters like neshadovsky to the front, everyone to the front, yermak will tell in which departments, so to speak, let's write it down now, that's all, and in principle, the americans will give us even more money, they will be for the army, they will be on pensions, what else is needed, and it will be possible somewhere on the big side. construction, something for myself and to buy a couple of villas, mr. ilya, what do you say, good plan, first of all i want to pay attention, look at this situation, the cabinet of ministers is silent, why is it silent, because the current reservation, the mechanism that is implemented , he is completely satisfied, it is completely manual,
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establishing reservations, identifying strategic enterprises. which the cabinet considers of the ministers of strategic affairs and we can see which clearly non-strategic enterprises got there, and thus this manual management makes it possible to book employees of a single marathon, of single news, and at the same time, all the rest do not get there, and this leads to injustice, they often say about the fact that economic reservation is an injustice, an injustice, that... supposedly the rich, they may have to pay off, but what is happening now, well , open your eyes, look, to date, 600 thousand people have been booked in ukraine, 600,000, let's see who is there, do you have any information about who is specifically booked, i understand that it is precisely those who are in power, they get reservations, and
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deputies' assistants, and all the rest, there are also for their sons and the like. is this a manifestation of corruption, or is it even some kind of manifestation, i don't know any, it is, it is, it is a manifestation of power, it is a manifestation of repression, sometimes even about repression , we have already seen that journalists. who publish things unpleasant for the authorities, then they are directed either there by a law enforcement officer or, in a surprising way, suddenly right there mentioned that as soon as a person publishes information that is unpleasant for the authorities about the pressure on journalists, about actual censorship,
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they come to him again and mobilize him, that is, in other words, mobilization is now without any er... clearer criteria, it is a manual mechanism, where, when everyone can get there, here it is still necessary to understand that, taking into account the situation in general, the tsc will never come to a separate enterprise, because they are either close to the authorities or have bought themselves off, they will constantly lose to other enterprises, and they have will be not having enough workers to continue normal operations. it is also a tool of unfair competition, for example, there is someone close to the government, there are competitors, and in fact you can organize a mobilization raid simply and knock out key employees with a report, that's all, well, for example, since decisions are made now even at the regional level? agree, so actually as of today, is there
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a booking condition, because for some reason we're discussing economy booking now, and i think some... people feel that they are now they don't understand that there is a reservation, huh, that is , they say, corruption will appear, someone will receive a white ticket there, or there will be no white ticket, and i mean protection from the fact that he will be called up, that's how it is now, therefore , appropriate approaches are needed that will allow the economy to work and enterprises to hire their own employees, i believe that the best way to determine... which employee is important for your company is his salary, that is, if you are ready to pay for this a person, pay him a earnings. if you say that he is important,
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but i can pay him the minimum, well, you are lying, that is, it is not true, if you are not ready to pay him a salary, yes, maybe even higher than in the morning, then you do not need him so much, that you ... keep him, therefore, in this context, i consider the salary criteria to be really quite important, however, in the bill that was introduced, i believe that some points are not taken into account, firstly, this is the question of whether and the company itself paid taxes in good faith, and so that it would not be the case that all employees signed up for the minimum wage, they receive it in an envelope, and individual employees pay it now. a salary of 35 thousand or more uah, that is, in other words, so that there is no such manipulation, there must be just the tax burden to
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see that their average salary in the enterprise, at least the average in ukraine, is one thing, and secondly , the fact that this company directly pays taxes to a sufficient extent, because despite the aid that is allocated to us, i believe that this criterion still there is... an important budget must be filled and there really must be equal conditions, and of course, in this context, another element , in my opinion, is the number of employees, for example, i do not support the possibility of providing a reservation for a fop, if he pays a certain amount, this is just the way, let's say, to pay back, that is, i paid the money and that's it, i consider this approach unacceptable, that is... fops can book their employees, if there are more than 10 employees, their wages meet the criteria, but the fop itself, if he
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is simply registered there and will pay some amount there, well, this is exactly the redemption they are talking about, enterprises that perform sufficient volumes of production, that have the appropriate revenue, that have the appropriate income should be booked, then it is my conviction and is fair. approach to the reservation of workers, mr. ilya, but i now imagine how relatives of those who are fighting and fighting are now near the tv screens, for example from the first day, how my friend's son, who left voluntarily, left, but worked in a good company, had a good salary, had a good education, knew several languages, and had already been wounded several times, and here she says, what about him, he has the right to finally leave the war? if his company now wants to retroactively book it to him, they just didn't have that option, for example, after the law was passed, well, in retrospect, i don't think that
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's acceptable, but it's a different point, the state, and i think that's just going to be the justice that the state shows its inaction again, this is the order of demobilization, these are specific terms, that is, in other words, the people who were there went to tsk on their own in the first days of the war. the first 100 days of the war, the war, they now have, if, well, they have already served more than two years, then they must be demobilized, you have the opportunity accordingly, it is possible to make certain waves of demobilization, but a person must clearly understand, he from today, for example, there are two months left, and you will go home and you will go to your relatives, that is, there must be demobilization rules, there must be... there must be clear deadlines, because the person who is going now tsk, she can sign a contract for a year and return, and the person who passed in the first days of the war, then she, i apologize, will be there
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permanently, that is, this is exactly the injustice that must be overcome, it is not a question of economic reservation, it is the question of honesty in relation to those who have been there long enough and have been protecting our ukraine for two years, they are raised. they should rest, this is a question of demobilization, the return of people, well, but our war is global, our war is an existential overkill, do we know in principle in history some such examples of demobilization during the war, and economic reservation during the war, are we inventing some kind of bicycle here, well, i will say my opinion about demobilization, see in connection with the fact that there are few of them now. who are not wounded, returned from the front, as a result, a person feels that when you are taken to the front, you have two options, either to be there until
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... until the end of the war, and you are constantly taking risks, or if you return, you will either return, i apologize, on a shield, or you will return already wounded, we have no heroes, we must have heroes, people must come back and talk about how they served, so that we can be an available example, a visible example that it is not a sentence, the fact that you went to the front is not a sentence, it is a person who served, did, she has honor, she has, she has respect, she has earned money, and she will be respected in society, a person who took risks in the first days of the war, was not afraid, went to defend ukraine, then she should be respected, that is why i believe , it will give a message when people will come back to the fact that it is not so scary, you do not only have these ways, you have a way to come a certain time,
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to return. and have appropriate guarantees from the state and have respect from their loved ones and from all ukrainians, therefore, in this context , i think it will be a very strong psychological moment for us to see such heroes, for them to come to school, maybe maybe, maybe there is a point to carry out some kind of separation and differentiation here then, i just now, in fact , as far as i understand, we have both contract workers and volunteers, and those who were caught and fought back with their hands and feet, biting. scratched everything one thing brought to the front, they then ultimately receive the same salaries, conditionally speaking, 25 dashes there, 55 if he is already there on the front line, and so on, and there are already up to 100 and something there, if they take part in hostilities directly , well, that is, there is no differentiation, as people, which i suspect that all those people fight differently and have different effectiveness, well, i think just about
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the fact that you pay... how you were drafted into the army different amounts, well here it is not quite correct, but about the way you show yourself there is not just being at the forefront, and you receive a corresponding bonus, some payments and so on, that is, in this context it is important, by the way, i will say the following very, very important thing about economic defense, that it is much better to not have 10 fighters who are poorly armed and in which there are limitations in shells, which have limitations in drones, which have limitations in means of electronic warfare and other things, it is better to have less, but still, in which all this will be unlimited, and this is precisely solved by money, it is precisely solved by that there is funding, and you will not be asked how you wrote it off there and so on, by the way, one of the points, of course, is that the bureaucracy must
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be removed, another issue, but in this... context, if you have an unlimited number, so that you are there if you didn’t wince for the extra lost mavik, then in this context the result will be much more, much better, that is, this is another point why you need an economical reservation, mr. ilya, i see a lot of comments from our viewers on our youtube broadcast, i see that the topic worries everyone, there is many questions, but we we have an etheric discipline, we have to finish, but i think that we are still... let's get to this topic, we will discuss it, thank you for your participation, ilyana shkodovskyi, the head of the analytical direction of the ans network was with us, we talked about economic booking, friends , i see, i see that this topic touched you, i understand everyone, i understand what you write and that our wounded, who return disabled, then ask for money for prostheses, for treatment, our viewers write about the fact that there are people , who, for example, receive a lower
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salary, and hardly any of them. book of course, we will still discuss all this, now we will discuss what is happening in the verkhovna rada, and there is such an impression that the apparatus of the verkhovna rada has taken people's elected officials hostage, iryna fedoriv, ​​a journalist and public activist, is joining us, and we will now talk about how e-e signatures began to disappear under the appeal to slightly reduce the salaries of managers and employees. the apparatus of the verkhovna rada, what kind of situation is this in general and what kind of salaries are there, that people resorted to such tricks, well, it a crime, well, look, we talked about it at the end of last year, when we looked at the state budget for this year and realized that the verkhovna rada had been cheated, they laid it at the end...


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