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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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for example, they receive a lower salary, and it is unlikely that anyone will book them, of course, we will discuss all this further, now we will discuss what is happening in the verkhovna rada, and there is an impression that the apparatus of the verkhovna rada has taken people's elected officials hostage, iryna fedoriv , a journalist and public activist joins us, and we will now talk about how the signatures under the petition to reduce salaries started to disappear. managers, staff of the verkhovna rada, what kind of situation is this in general and what is there for such salaries that people resorted to such tricks, well, this is a crime, well, look, we talked about this at the end of last year, when we looked at the state budget for this year and realized that the verkhovna rada had cheated, they laid at the end ...
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the provision of such a norm that allows employees of the verkhovna rada apparatus to be paid more than one million per year, and some can receive two or three million, and in fact, so that you understand, civil servants should receive, well, more or less normal salaries, but they should be equals, there cannot be any privilege for the verkhovna rada, and for this we had to carry out a reform, but our reform, unfortunately, looks like everything is ours and others, well, as it turned out, and then the persecution of the state began. that the staff of the verkhovna rada has exorbitant salaries, and when the declarations appeared and we compared them, we saw that the chairman of the committee receives three times less than the head of the secretariat of the corresponding committee, and that is not the case, i would like to show it on the screen now this graphic, which was made by a public initiative the needle you lead is that.
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managers' salaries, although i suspect that we are currently collecting 2.5 million for our military, and our viewers will now give up, ugh, because, for example, the head of the budget committee's secretariat, andriy viktorovych vatulov, uah 1,546,742, is it a salary per month or is it per year, per year, is it per year, is it per year, is it a small salary, come on, let's be, it's not a big salary, look, we're not talking about going into populism and put some meager salaries of the apparatus there, but here they should be the same the rules of the game, and the head of the committee of the verkhovna rada cannot receive 300 or 400 thousand hryvnias, i emphasize per year, and this is three times less than the head of the secretariat, and here we must comprehensively talk about the fact that we have to make a reform that allows. civil servants receive decent
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salaries, but not in such a way that everyone receives little, and the representatives of the apparatus are more or less normal, and others are not, here we need to equalize, yes, that is, there is simply no, there is of course a question, that is, if the average salary of a deputy is what it is now 40 -50 00 per month, and sometimes they send me screenshots that they received 30 00 per month, well, the head of the budget committee 125 00 per month, 125. well, look where on the graph, well, it turns out that these are the numbers of the head of the secretariat and the people's deputy who heads the committee, well, this disproportionate burden and disproportionate responsibility, we talked about it, the only thing is that people's deputies should not go to populism to take money from the apparatus, but should think about how to set normal salaries for people's deputies, because well , it's not ok when a people's deputy gets 30,000 but i emphasize once again, it should be... not in a manual
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mode, somewhere with final provisions, but it should be a reform, the european union requires us to adopt a 70 to 30 reform, which means 70% salary and up to 30% bonus , so that it does not happen that our salary is 20 00, and the bonus is 300 0, well, it definitely should not be like that, no, well , of course, if a deputy, for example , there is a certain kolya tyshchenko, and a famous restaurateur and so on, someone and the restorer, as well as him and... we understand that for him those 30,000, 40,000, i don't know, 140,000, well , just simply not money, well, not money at all for this person, but on the other hand, there is a normal deputy, well, a person who is really just a deputy, that's a deputy and that's all, he has no business, politicians and such simply, but in normal parliaments of normal countries, the majority of deputies of parliaments are professional politicians, they have a deputy 's salary and that's all, they have nothing else, only a deputy's salary, they don't have any business, moreover, if the business
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starts right away, what conversations will start, but what does it mean, he means he doesn't a professional politician, he has interests, he is no longer a deputy, however, accordingly, well , there is also such a moment here, i don’t... how to bring it all to my senses, simply and then this person goes to coffee with tishchenko on some business and it turns out that he is not the same as a poor relative, he can't even pay for coffee, because he ran out of money and the woman says: my god, you married a deputy, well, it's just a slipper for some idiot, you have all your friends , they drive 500,000 euro cubic brabus, and you are just the last, like there president zelensky said, you are 42 years old and you are the last fool, well, in this spirit, well... in other words, something, something needs to be put in order with all this, i don’t know, but if they accepted the reform, then we wouldn’t have there were problems, but i emphasize that deputies should really receive decent salaries and it should be changed now, why, because after the victory there will be elections, and it is critically important for us
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that normal people are ready to go to parliament, and if we let's look at the real workload of people's deputies and give them a salary of uah 30,000, you understand that the fsb works. some money, and businessmen come to power, then normal people will think that, my god, i will work in business, earn 3-4 thousand dollars and i will not go to the parliament, and then what quality of lawmaking will we get even in the wrong composition of the parliament , which we cannot change now due to the fact that we have a war, in the new composition of the parliament, and this will be a challenge for another five years, and the country is simply slowing down in development, so this is what is happening now in the verkhovna rada, which salaries are considered there devices, discuss them. this is simply a good informational reason for the media and the public sector to talk about the need to carry out a reform that will make 70% of the settlement and 30% of bonuses, and equalize the sector of civil servants, how then to carry out the reform, if signatures began to disappear under the decree, and this is done by people who work in the apparatus
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of the verkhovna rada, because they are not interested in having their salaries cut. well, there are two stories here: the resolution is not a reform, that is, the parliament must make a reform. separately, and separately there is a glaring case when folk the deputies register the initiative, they signed it, and then the signatures disappear, because the apparatus starts to write: clean up, withdraw, and here the question begins for the citizens, and where is the subjectivity of the people's deputies, that is, we are not talking about populism, that salaries should be lowered there , to reduce a serious number, we need a reform, but here in this particular case, well, there are elements of real pressure when... you have one will, and then in you have a different will, and you take away your signature, and this will was formed by the apparatus of the verkhovna rada, well, this is trash, listen, well, but when we talk about the reform of the civil service again,
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we still need to understand, and how and who become civil servants in our country there are those civil servants, for example, i'm looking at a group photo of the swiss summit right now. and here stands, for example, the head of the president's office, andriy yermak, who then went to the journalists and said: well, here in switzerland the leaders of the countries have gathered, i repeat once again, yermak says, we have gathered here in switzerland the leaders of the countries, i repeat for the third time, we have gathered, yermak says on camera, we, the leaders of the countries, have gathered here in switzerland, well, look, the apparatus of the verkhovna rada. i also believe that he can influence people's deputies, it is some kind of, well, distorted subjectivity of those who do not have it, and not the subjectivity of those who should have it, here too, well, it is necessary to fix very seriously , and well , we still need to reform the civil service and
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set decent salaries, otherwise we in the civil service will have regular interviews, we are the leaders of the country gathered here, do you understand what we can do? well, it is necessary to push the people's deputies so that they adopt the reform, finalize the relevant draft laws, and, well, introduce them, but here we also need to talk with international partners, because raising salaries is one thing, we have to understand where we should get these funds from. and let's see if we really need the help of the west, and when we tell citizens that we need to raise the salaries of civil servants and we need to... raise the salaries of the people's deputies, well, most people don't will understand, although it must be done, because they are doing important work, they are writing, but right now our viewers are writing on the youtube broadcast that what, how to raise their salaries, we have 3-4 thousand people living on pensions here, look,
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because, because, because everything is very simple here, they specially kept these low prices, starting from the very beginning, this was all the consensus at state-owned, for example, large enterprises, i don't know the turnover of a large state-owned enterprise there. what did it lead to, that a professional person is really from business, for example, whether someone from abroad will come here to work at 10:00 a.m. well, she won't come, because it 's not his, because she can earn, for example, $10,000 a day, somewhere for some american company, well, we won't have it anywhere else, and accordingly, people only went there to steal and perform political tasks, and we, in this consensus, live by the approval of people, because people need to be counted, we just need to understand here that professional, classy people, they are worth, they are worth a lot of money, but accordingly, we then control them. and a we get to the point where the head of the president's office comes to us and says:
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i am the leader of your country, and we say, stop, we didn't vote for you, who are you anyway and all these people around you, why are they driving mercedes cars were bought for 500,000 euros during the war, what is going on, but they tell us, calm down, calm down, everything is fine, this is a war for independence, we are your servants, go fight for us, and we will buy pitchforks for the time being, suddenly you. .. if you lose this war to us, you will have to go to italy and live there. well, that's it somehow it looks like this, we, we, we this, this, this way we can lose the war, if we don't finally get our heads in order, first of all. well, here we really need to explain to people that we need normal salaries so that we hire those people who will not steal and come and manage, because when i talk to those who are in favor of populism and say that... there are people's deputies in general , you can put on 1 hryvnia, let’s remember the real leonid chernovetskyi, who said that
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he was the mayor who would work for kyiv for 1 hryvnia, chernovetskyi is not in the country, he is accused of treason, and we have been on trial for almost 20 years for defending the land around perogov and other important cultural objects, and this leads to this, which we then correct for decades our mistakes, as in that soviet film about pinocchio... " a fool doesn't need a knife, show him a copper penny and do whatever you want with it, the same hryvnia that chernovetsky showed, gave out some free lunches before the elections, buckwheat , he was elected, he is the capital then he squandered a lot of money and bought himself from some warm country and held some courses there, when there was some crazy advertisement with his participation, well, somehow, and we still remember sunday. eh, what are all these churches, god knows what, iryna, thank you for participating in our broadcast, thank you for the conversation, iryna fedoriv,
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​​journalist, public activist and head of the public initiative golka , talked about the fact that the leaders, employees of the apparatus of the verkhovna rada the councils are going somewhere, where they are doing something with the signatures under the resolution, under the initiative of the deputy, about the fact that a little deal with their salaries. dear friends, we are going on a short break now, we will be back. let's talk about what's happening at the front. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 99. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 99. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than 200 hryvnias, but we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only 99 hryvnias , take advantage of such a favorable offer. the "smart light" bulb works
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politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. war. russia vs of ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests. of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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dear friends, pavlo lakiychuk, head of security programs of the globalis center, is also returning to the air. strategy 21 captain of the first rank of the reserve, and something in us ate a leaf, mr. pavle, what should it sound like in your position, but not necessarily, not necessarily, good strategist, so you know what i wanted to say, what to rest on, the peace summit is going on now, theoretically, if russia is really ready for negotiations, as they say, then she... they could at least somehow distinguish themselves there, well , they would send i don’t know any deputy there, i don’t know medvedev there or something like that, so they even forbade china to participate, so what kind of bears, china, russia, it is unlikely that russia can forbid china from anything , china could certainly ban something from russia, but it certainly has its own interests, no less than that, but instead, putin actually speaks,
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announces his so-called peaceful proposals in quotation marks, what is in these proposals? we saw, i think that we will not be here to argue that we definitely saw in them, probably that this is again such an ultimatum, in which, which is absurd from the very beginning, that is, he understands from the very beginning that no one will accept this peace offer, why is putin doing it, this is an increase in rates, it’s just that it is happening against the background of the fact that the russian initiative at the front on the battlefields has slowed down, in principle the military is noting this now, because... in fact, it is becoming more and more difficult for them to raise large units due to the fact that they are already being broken into border, and accordingly, well their prospects are also hampered, and we they advanced 7 km for their entire offensive in the best place there for them, it is more difficult on the battlefield they are trying to advance in other areas of the front, this morning i read the analysis of
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the institute of war studies, this is such a research organization in .. such an international team who believe that putin partially achieved his goal with his statement on the day before, in fact, the day before the summit, because his goal was to distract the international community from making concrete decisions, at least for those. directions that were proposed by switzerland, in order to achieve, well , at least peaceful plans, regarding... the transit of grain and other goods from ukrainian ports to the countries of the global south, nuclear security,
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which is extremely important for the whole world, not only for ukraine, but he was able to redirect the attention of the participants summit in the participation or non-participation of the aggressor state in this. in this event, according to putin, no one invited to the peace summit, and this was the right decision, and this is the principled position of ukraine, but the swiss decided that russia should be represented, at least in the information field, and invited and gave permission to the mass media to participate in the summit. of the russian federation, there are two such oppositional types of rain, here are two specific propaganda channels and tartas and sputnik, if i am not
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mistaken, yes, well, not very beautiful, although, well, what do you take the swiss here, so it is obvious that... the summit is all one thing will achieve its goal to a greater or lesser extent, and the russians are unlikely to succeed in breaking the order of the day, and the chinese, the russians, and the chinese, or vice versa, even the chinese, who actively joined the boycott and discrediting of this summit, and here i may not be entirely with you , or rather, i agree with you more in the sense that... he cannot dictate the will of his chinese suzerain, but rather ask him for something, and it is most likely that the chinese are acting in connection with russia,
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they actually already discovered, so not completely, but they discovered, took away, demonstrated, quite frankly, whose fault is on whose side, and that of a number of chinese companies'. just the other day, sanctions were imposed for helping russia, this is such a response, a response legitimate, the answer is honest to the position of the people's republic of china, which they take, well, jake sullivan, actually the national security adviser of the united states of america, the adviser to the american president, said that china at the request of... russia did not have its representatives go to switzerland, and china thus obliged putin. what did he oblige putin to do? that too, sullivan, if he says, maybe
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he knows. so, but rather they know those agreements and the nature of russia's interaction with china, the american special services, which do not advertise very much, the information that they have, but most likely it also concerns nuclear security, and in this bloc china could take part in the peace summit, but as we can see, political, not even political, as it is correct, here are the agreements... between the dictators, the agreements took above even the interests of china itself, i think that china's participation in the peace summit would be in
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the interests of the people's republic of china, but there is no such court, no, we have to focus on reality, we have to see who is our friend, who the enemy, well... this is another lesson for the ukrainian authorities, mr. pavle, me too i wonder, putin also mentioned the number of russian servicemen who are currently fighting in ukraine, he said that 7,000, well, we, we can’t verify, of course, this number, these numbers are classified in our country, the last time he spoke about the number of the armed forces of ukraine was the previous one minister of defense of ukraine reznikov, 700,000 is more than that. there were estimates even, er, nevertheless, that is, it is a lot, it is a little, and what does this indicate? well,
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first of all, when a politician. some numbers say, this is a rather conventional concept, because politicians say the figure that the military told them, and the military say that figure based on some specific calculations without explaining what it means, that is, for example, when the same putin starts talking about russia's losses, he does not talk about losses of the armed forces of russia, these are... reversible, irreversible losses, well, most likely, this is information in general not from personnel bodies of the ministry of defense, but from their informational and psychological units, the same with the number of groups of russian forces in ukraine, well actually saying about order, order of numbers at. approximately
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corresponds to the number of the group that is currently in the territory of our state, which is interesting, here is putin in his ultimatum, i cannot call this another ultimatum to ukraine and the world in another way, regarding the capitulation of ukraine, he named zaporizhia, kherson, donetsk, luhansk autonomous region. the republic of crimea with its territories, on the one hand, and demanded from ukraine to release the occupied, or i don’t know how, from his point of view, our part of our regions, which are under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, and on the one hand they consider these regions, they declare that these regions of ukraine are russian territory, and at the same time they say that
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in... the svo in ukraine, so many so many troops, such and such forces are involved, so let it be determined whether their occupation army is in ukraine or it is in the territory of the russian federation, because it is also important for our partners, who sometimes draw red lines, where they can act against whom. the armed forces of ukraine, god forbid the russian the territory they will strike, so from putin's point of view, it is russian territory, it is our kherson region and zaporozhye region, and donetsk region and luhansk region, so, well, this is nonsense, and we have to decide, and in the end, i think,
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for our partners. i'm not talking about putin there, military logic should work, and not the logic of those advisers who are still trying to save the face, well, the muzzle of the face of this kremlin punisher. well, mr. pavle, thank you for the conversation, pavlo lekiychuk, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the ukrainian navy and... also the head of the security programs of the center of globalistics, globalistics strategy 21. our ethereal time is coming to an end in this block, which we conduct for you with leseya vakulyuk. at 11:10 we will return, dear friends, and continue, thank you for the 24 hryvnias that you donated today to our army, namely, to the military artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade. thank you for every hryvnia,
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we hope you will finish it. this day is at the mark of uah 6,000, and maybe more, but in the meantime, we are approaching 10 o'clock in the morning, which means that we will be watching the news, khrystyna porubiy is ready to tell you what is there happened in ukraine and the world. christ, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you, there is unrest in russia, what is happening there, we will tell you in the issue in a moment, do not miss it. khrystyna porubiy works in the espresso studio. the final declaration of the global peace summit will be approved in switzerland today, reuters reports. in the draft document, leaders of countries and organizations accuse russia of causing the scale.


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