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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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and the daughter made a tattoo on her arm in memory of her father. everyone believes that alexander is watching over them from heaven and is proud of his family. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. greetings to all espresso viewers. i am annavamelnik and the news editor is ready to tell about the main thing for this hour. the first global peace summit is ending today in bürgenstock, switzerland, where 100 delegations from all regions and continents are looking for ways to establish a just and lasting peace in ukraine. the correspondent follows the course of events espresso by tetiana vysotska. my greetings, my friend. so what is happening now? what news
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do we have at this hour? congratulations to annoyeva, welcome to switzerland, right now the final meeting of the summit is taking place, the leaders of the participating states are speaking, summing up the results of these two events, in fact, i want to remind you that during this summit, three issues from the 10 points of the ukrainian peace formula, which is also called the peace formula, were discussed zelenskyi, the leaders of a hundred states who were at the peace summit paid attention to nuclear safety, food safety, as well as humanitarian issues, which involve the release of prisoners and the return to ukraine of illegally deported civilians and, first of all, children. according to the results of the summit, the final communiqué will be signed, it has not yet been made public, but shortly before the start of the final meeting , the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, spoke to journalists and told some details about this. let's listen to
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his speech directly, and it will be open for other countries to join after the summit is over, so we already know that several countries are undergoing an internal analysis of the joint communiqué and plan to join it, although they are not currently at the summit, the text is balanced, all our principled positions, which ukraine insisted on, are taken into account. so, in the project of the community, currently circulating in the kulary summit, in particular, it is said that the world community will demand the immediate return of the zaporizhzhia as under the control of ukraine, will also demand from russia to ensure uninterrupted access of merchant ships to the black sea ports so that ukraine can organize food export for ensuring the food security of the world, and also call for... action to carry out a full exchange
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of captives and finally return to ukraine illegally deported ukrainians and, first of all , tens of thousands of ukrainian children. we will wait for the final text of the community and follow the news. thank you tanya for your work and information. espresso correspondent in european institutions, tetyana vysotska, about the second final day of the peace summit. the issue of environmental safety was discussed. the president of ukraine and the president of the republic of palau, the head of state met during on the second day of the peace summit in switzerland, signed a document on the establishment of diplomatic relations, this is the first contact at the highest level between ukraine and palau. volodymyr zelenskyi spoke about the environmental threats provoked by the russian occupation of the zaporizhzhia as, and invited to join the implementation of the environmental security clause in the peace formula, and also thanked for supporting sovereignty and territorial integrity.
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of ukraine. the russians injured seven residents of donetsk region, two of them children. the enemy hit the private sector of the village of nova poltavka kramatorsk district. two brothers, four and seven years old, were in the yard of the house during the shelling. all the injured in the hospital reported to the regional prosecutor's office. as a result of the shelling, private homes and cars were damaged. officially confirmed by the armed forces of ukraine. pushed back the occupiers. on april 21, azov soldiers, together with the first operational brigade of the storm national guard of ukraine, conducted offensive operations in serebryan forestry. as a result, the units of the brigades advanced 1 km in depth and 2 km along the front. in sumy oblast , the intensity of russian shelling has decreased, vadim mys, the spokesman for the severske operational-tactical group of troops, said. according to him,
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this may be due to weather conditions and technical difficulties of the enemy. at the same time, the russians continue to terrorize the civilian population and conduct military inspections. ukrainian defense, chaining our troops along the entire border. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for quick evacuation of the wounded and transportation ammunition support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they will choose victory every day, they will not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable for evacuation. assistants, and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the people of kholodnoyariv not only to successfully carry out combat missions, but also to return from them alive. so join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. forged documents for the child in order to
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escape from abroad. border guards detained a 30-year-old man from kyiv at the tisza checkpoint. on which he wanted to go to hungary. the man submitted a court order, according to which he supposedly raises his minor son on his own. but it turned out to be a fake. his wife and child left ukraine and have been living in switzerland since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the state border service reported. the man was detained, all data were handed over to the national police. massacre in russian. rostov sizo as a result. during the assault, the special forces eliminated six people the prisoners who committed the mutiny, the hostages, were released, none of them were injured, - reported the federal penitentiary service of russia. he notes that the insurgents were suspected of being involved in a terrorist organization and preparing a terrorist attack. three
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of them were sentenced in december 2023, today they tried to negotiate with them, convinced them to surrender, but did not reach an agreement. the days of yatsyk kurony continue in lviv, today representatives of the ukrainian and polish delegations laid flowers and lit memorial lamps at the lychakiv cemetery. the memory of the heroes buried at the ukrainian and polish military memorials, as well as on the field of mars, was honored. in the 90s , polish oppositionist jacyk kuren worked for understanding during the restoration of polish military burials in ukraine. politicians and the public on both sides of the border learned with respect. analyze a shared, complex history. and today, as part of the commemoration of yatsyk kuron's birthday , a charity concert by the telniuk sisters' vocal duet will be held in lviv. people's artists of ukraine will perform in the park auditorium
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sheptytsky center. start at 16:30. and look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel. be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts. all news releases, programs and special projects that can be seen only here are on the air. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section. share them, comment, be around. october palace and english music. the baroque amateur choir held a final concert before their vacation. our correspondents also listened to the singers. songs from the english middle ages to the legendary beatles. it concert england of england by baroque
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amateur choir "bach". the choirmaster shared that the preparation for the performance lasted almost six months. today we perform only secular songs, as well as fragments from opera works. from henry purcell's opera, and ee baroque is actually very interesting music, which is closer to us than it seems to us , because it is very similar, similar to our modern pop repertoire, there are simple harmonies, simple melodies, they are very well remembered , and well, it seems to me, it would be very, very close for the listener. one from the choir members - our forecaster natalka didenko. she said that they worked and rehearsed a lot with other performers to sing english songs and immerse the listeners in a journey through different eras. with great pleasure we will sing the beatles, this is very unusual, because i, for example, was asked if it was difficult, what
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was difficult in this new program, and surprisingly, it was more difficult, old things like that, old english ones there , namely bitos, well , it seemed like songs that we all know there, and they are very familiar, in fact in a choir. it is very difficult to perform. chor bag is an association of amateurs, as the members themselves say, they are a community of creative people who share a love for choral singing and baroque music. how do you know? the drummer of the team, the fact that most of them do not have a professional musical education is the highlight of the choir. the best thing that can be in music is love for it, and they are not professionals, and because of this they love it even more, because they have not passed through the grindstone of professional musical education and the musical profession as such, that is, this is the essence of love just to music, passion and it's always very nice to cooperate with...uncut diamonds, as they say. after this concert
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, the choir goes on vacation, but as the organizers admitted to us, they are already planning new performances in august. the organizers promise that at the next concerts there will be not only english, but also ukrainian songs. yulia zubchenko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will work later on the air. be with us. dear friends, we are returning to ether and continuing our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio we work for you until 5 p.m. and we have for you a huge list of guests and topics that we will discuss with them, uah 47, this is... what you have already donated for this hour today, i hope not stop in this good cause, support
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our army, especially the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, their artillery reconnaissance, for which we need drones in order to see where moskali is sitting, to destroy that moskali and destroy his equipment, and for this we need mavics, you need 13 of them on your screens now monobank qr or private bank, if you face... on the right, mono on the left, private, or write down the card numbers and in this way transfer as much as you don't mind. i want to say that if we collect about 10,000 even now, it will be the same as we collected for monday of this week, and if more, then we will surpass today's highest mark for this week of 57 thousand, we are already slowly moving towards of the first million, 610 00 we have on the card. mono and if you add another 145,000 that are on the private card, then already in
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we have 7.5 hundred thousand uah, and it is already closer, and in general we need 2.5 million, so here is this qr code at your service, or you can write down this card number, in the meantime we will talk about what happening on the front and what is happening around russia's war against ukraine, dmytro zhmailo, executive director of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation, joins us. dmitry, we congratulate you, congratulations, mrs. olesya and mr. andriy, congratulations. mr. dmytro, we have a message that the general staff says that in the pokrovsky direction, very the difficult situation that is happening now on the fronts of ukraine, how can you characterize this situation? the russians are continuing their plan, they understand that somewhere in their other directions, in particular in the kharkiv region, they have breathed a little, but the situation in chasovoy yer and in the pokrovsky direction remains difficult. it is still very important for them to push through there, they sometimes resort to advancing there, so far these are small
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distances, but the enemy is trying to press the pokrovsky direction is the most important for the russians, they hope that after breaking through him, they will be able to go to more operational spaces, in order to then threaten our group, which protects this kurakhiv direction, as well as to possibly turn to the north and move towards the agglomeration of the large cities of kostiantynivsk. kostiantynka-kramatorsk specifically concerns the time ravine, where both our special forces and the defense forces are working, where our operators of unmanned systems are actively trying to remotely mine the approaches to this city, so the enemy is not giving up yet from his plans, he is trying to pressurize, push through our defense lines, although still, if we take the entire length of the front, we see that the losses of the enemy have become smaller, because they are putting less effort , after all, a little bit... they are exhaling , this was also helped by the supply of western weapons to us, in particular artillery shells,
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mortar shells, which the soldiers of the defense forces note, that there were indeed more of them, but globally the enemy did not give up his plans, he continues to try to pressure and overwhelm us with numbers, use guided aerial bombs, to use mechanized assaults, that is, they continue to try to squeeze everything possible out of the situation, and in general, the situation at the front is now like this... we all understand that the plus-minus is equalizing, but the main question remains, what next, or do we have a plan and do we have a plan to win or because everything is more. voices about the fact that, you know, someone recently calculated that if the russians are advancing at such a pace and as they are now, for example, from the beginning of winter, then they will need 14 years, at least, and more appropriately all the losses that they have lost now, and they will be saved in order to reach the borders of the four regions, this is in the best
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case, and for them, about which putin is now talking to his so-called as a call for peace, and 14 years and an incredible number of corpses, but on the other hand, we also remember how one of the american professors calculated last summer that if ukraine advances as it did at zaporizhzhia, it will also reach the borders of the 11th of 91 20 years, well, that is, about what, what are these actually about, or can you count like that in general, is it correct, well, look, in order to build all these forecasts, we need to understand that a lot of factors must remain unchanged, what... we calculated with our expert circle at the beginning of the year, but since then a lot has changed , that if the russians continue to use the tactics they are using now, if they are not helped by third countries, if the supply of weapons does not increase, if they are not able to better circumvent sanctions, then at this rate they would be able to operate somewhere for a year and a half, but we we know that the russians have currently launched an active
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recruiting campaign, according to various sources they are recruiting from 25 to 30,000 mercenaries to the ranks of their army, they are still trying to form larger reserves of 300,000, but we must understand that these reserves are they throw themselves to the front in order to cover all the hot holes, where their offensive potential is failing accordingly. regarding our plan, we currently have permission to strike western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, we are at the first stage of this plan we are destroying air defense systems, only in the occupied territories we have damaged or destroyed somewhere... about 10 such systems, we have also already carried out up to 10, at least up to 10 strikes on belgorod oblast, including the headquarters of the sixth army, which was in charge the attack on vovchansk, also on the ammunition composition of the pivnich group, on the positions of the russian troops, where there are also casualties, we need to break the global logistics of the enemy, so far all these strikes are not felt at the front,
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because the only thing that is felt is that it has decreased terrorization by s-300, s-400 systems, because they, in addition to covering the sky, have been reprogrammed. for strikes on ground targets, in particular, they terrorize the civilian infrastructure and the city of kharkiv, we destroy air defense systems in border areas, we strike with our developments, drones that can strike at a distance of 2 to 300 km, in particular e300 enterprise drones and many others developments, we are now trying to do what the russians wanted to do with us, by opening a front in the kharkiv region, we are trying to do with them, but on the territory of the entire federation, so that they thought about what...objects they should cover, whether oil refineries, or warehouses with ammunition, or something else, because, for example, if we achieve, and this is the next step of our diplomacy, strikes with atacamas on the territory of russia, specifically with cluster munitions, which would be more convenient to destroy aviation, then 20 airfields will be in our zone of destruction and up to 200 military facilities, these are training centers, military bases of the russian federation,
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the fsb and other structures, so our plan is this, it is long, but our goal - to break the logistics of the russians, to... have this military machine, disrupt the ways of their supply, so that over time the russian front began to feel the lack of all the necessary weapons. in fact , we want to repeat the plan that we made with the right bank of the kherson region, we remember how long we destroyed the antoniv bridge with the hymars, as we did in the kharkiv region, when before that the defense forces methodically carried out, i can’t say it in another way, the warehouses the russians were hit at their logistics points, and now our plan is to intercept this... initiative at least until the end of the year and do all this with the entire front, that this offensive, this initiative, which the russians seized after half a year's delay in giving us weapons, in order to finally bring it down, and we will definitely carry out this plan, we simply have no other way. er, you know, a long time has passed since the publication of the then commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny together with general zabrodsky,
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which they wrote, where they explained with sufficient reason why er... the border crossing in 1991, even in the case of border crossing 91 cannot be considered the final goal of this war, and it is not formulated conditions for victory, so actually what are our conditions for victory, well, for example, the professor of the royal military college, walter dorn, writes that the victory of ukraine means its preservation as a functional, democratic european country. which will have a powerful army, support, security agreements, will join the european union, and after 5-10 years to nato, do we, do we, do we understand how to... achieve this, because well , i just always say that in such cases we have afghanistan, where there are three the great empires won, but in fact
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the country itself is more or less functional, well , american analysts made a big mistake when they hoped that afghanistan would stand up, we remember that they said that six months after the departure of the coalition forces, it would be able to hold out the government, in fact , lasted three... weeks, and well, it is not compared to how much they invested in afghanistan, how much military equipment was there, how many billions of dollars were invested in the economy, but if the citizens of this country are not ready to protect democracy, then we saw how it is quickly pouring down, the situation in ukraine is quite different, we have already shown that without western weapons, without any support, we will fight, and anyway, even if everyone gives up on us, there will be everything burns and burns, in this time, in this moment of time, where we are now with us, in us in us. there are not many options to continue the war because what is the alternative if mobilization fails, if we really accept that the war is deadlocked, and what next, what do we propose
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society, what we offer to the state, the alternative is very simple, the alternative is what we saw in pluch, in irpen, in izyum, they came to destroy us physically and that's all, so in reality there are not many options and ways, partners are good, from they are not giving up on us, western weapons and armaments have started to arrive to us, now to the defense forces. easier than it was a few months ago, when we were one shot away from the russians, 10 shots from the russians to be exact, we could respond with one projectile, now the situation has improved, the recruiting system is working somewhere, we are trying to recruit, not everything is so good, of course, with mobilization, but little by little they are still being replenished, so there is a crazy exhaustion of our troops, there are certain half-hearted decisions from our partners, when we are expecting the nato summit and already somewhere we understand that there will be no invitations. but the partners do not refuse to say directly that this summit should bring us closer to nato, that bridges should be built, treaties with allies are concluded, we are in a situation, if we want
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to preserve the state, we cannot stop, russia wants to stop at the moment , they need take a breather, in order to accumulate our resources at least a little bit and strike with new force, when we understand that the front will be much, much further west, that is why we continue to fight, we have no other way out and we... must not be allowed to rest to the russians, because no matter how tough and difficult it is for us now, no matter what losses we suffer, but still the pace of our destruction of the enemy, they exceed the pace of their recovery, so we have no right to stop, how much, how much they exceed, well then what i said at the beginning if china does not intervene, does not begin to provide full-fledged military assistance, if , roughly speaking, all these factors that exist now remain in the state as they are, then the enemy will be able to continue at this pace for about a year and a half, i do not mean the pace of the offensive, that they will be able to lose a thousand, from a thousand to one and a half soldiers, but the very idea of ​​this movement, the promotion of the accumulation of troops, these are
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our estimates, but we all have to understand how quickly it changes, how dynamically, that any predictions, they are currently everything is absolutely very, very conditional, mr. dmitry, russia received 5 million projectiles from north korea, at the same time we hear, for example, trump's statements, as he says that he will not have time to reach the white house, how he will immediately cancel aid to ukraine, and well, aid to ukraine is very important, if in this case, god forbid, trump wins and really closes all aid programs, how much, as far as we have enough, we see that china did not go to the peace summit, and as jake sullivan, an adviser from national security of the american president that it was at the request of russia well, including our president volodymyr zelenskyi directly said that chinese diplomats are trying to convince us not to go to this summit, how many of us will be enough,
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well, the question is rhetorical, well, how many of us were enough in the first months of the invasion, the fact that north korea is handing over shells and the russians are very keen on these contracts, then we see, everyone was talking about the bottomless russian warehouses, that they can throw shells at us for tens of years, just overwhelm us with this ball of fire, huh. we see, it means that these shells are already running out, and we see the de-conserved equipment of the russians at the front, these are already older versions of t-55 tanks, and we can look at the statistics that our general staff provides every day that we destroy up to a hundred artillery systems, because our artillery systems, in particular from western partners , are more accurate, than the russian ones, which are de-canned, yes, they have more shells, they have more people, more weapons, but we still have more motivation and more effective strikes, what will happen next, well, the question is... very, very difficult, allies from we are not refused, it is trump, we understand, there is the issue of the election and campaign rhetoric, but i will remind you that it was the trump administration that made one of the first key watershed decisions
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by giving us... his rhetoric is not consistent, i'll counter with what he said during his campaign that if he was the president, then he would start bombing moscow and beijing, if only so that the war in ukraine would not start, so we will see what happens in the future, but for us, i say, we must continue to fight and hold the front line, in this regard, the what are you saying, actually these are all the nato meetings, etc., that took place in the past days, and that the allies take on more obligations. precisely designed so that the change of political systems, leaders and this period of power change in our western allies does not affect our assistance, that is why it is important for us to have more bilateral security agreements, more reaching an agreement and more recorded concrete decisions regarding support for ukraine , so that we no longer have such problems as last year, when we endured six months on our own, at the cost of extraordinary heroism, the use of drones to contain the enemy, let us continue our work.
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thank you for the conversation, dmytro zhmailo, the executive director of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation, was with us, we talked about the situation at the front and talked about what is happening around the war of russia against ukraine, now we are going to take a short break, we will come back and talk with an international political scientist maksym nesvitaylov, let's summarize this week, in which there were a lot of all kinds of international meetings. warning! mega sale! cordless saws strong with a discount of only uah 799. reliable, powerful, convenient. order while the video is streaming. strong forks will cut trees and bushes with ease. they are convenient to use for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 799. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order now. free delivery is available. check with
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time two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, at espresso dinner. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the foreign affairs committee. in the affairs of the polish sejm by pavel koval, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as we always talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 3.30pm with a repeat at 10pm in collaboration with sister au. get closer to victory.


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