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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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at the freedom summit, the national association of the defense industry of ukraine is once again introducing western allies to the potential of our country's weapons at the highest level. this time, the appeal for joint implementation of projects is aimed at american partners. hundreds of industry representatives came to washington for a defense conference. the event will be opened by the former special representative of the us state department for ukraine, kurt walker. he is convinced that the joint implementation of innovations will help ukraine win the war. for this conference of the defense industry , many people with very great practical experience and knowledge came here to virginia. they are also defense companies that are interested in helping ukraine attract more of our know-how and technologies to build partnerships with ukrainian companies. a lot of useful things can come out of such cooperation. ukrainian representatives also talk about their interest in the development of close industrial cooperation with the usa. this is serhiy skoryk, commercial.
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director of the kvertus company, which successfully develops and manufactures tools electronic warfare and intelligence. currently, there are about 30 different systems. thanks to cooperation with american partners, quertus plans to strengthen countermeasures against russian drones, which most often injure our military. so it turns out that we are the world's leading, unfortunately, because we have a war, but we already have what we have, but we want to ... develop our product, we know that in the united states there is technology that would be the experience and technologies that we already use, combined with the technologies that are available in the state, are useful to us, well, they simply strengthened the protection, and accordingly we would have saved more lives. the protection of the ukrainian sky is one of the topics that the participants of the conference constantly address, and they remind of the request of the ukrainian government to transfer f-16 aircraft to us as soon as possible.
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therefore, interaction in this direction should be comprehensive - says retired general frank helmick, former commander of the 18th airborne corps and the last commander of us forces in iraq. when you hear the f-16, you say, wow, that's a real game changer, but what the ukrainians are getting this is not a rule change. they get planes that are 30 years old, that don't have radars, that are rusted out, so we have to equip them. you, think about how to deliver them to ukraine, and also train technicians, where we will get repair parts, how we will protect these planes from russian strikes, we have to help ukraine in this matter. vadym bartkov, marketing director of the vik tyviro company, which develops reconnaissance drones, noted the achievements of the company, the unique and largest uav leleka 100 in ukraine, which performs almost 50% of all reconnaissance missions on the battlefield just this bird. the company for the first time. presented
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in washington and vadym expects to find partners to make a technological breakthrough. you need our experience, and we need your money, that is, you have financing, you have such an opportunity, finance our ukrainian lease, so that today we already understand what will happen in the future. yes, i can say right now, and maybe this is the main thing to say, there are two strategies, the first strategy is cross-systems. it is just now beginning to be developed among drones intersystem, and we are also engaged in this, and the second - this is artificial intelligence, if we combine it, maybe it will have some effect. according to the participants of the conference, modern armed conflicts in the world and in ukraine, in particular, have long since turned into r&d wars, research and development competitions, and drones play an important role in this. number of technological changes. the use of unmanned
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aerial vehicles, fpv, shows that reality has changed a lot. everything we see in ukraine is significantly different from the experience we had in iraq. need to retrain, but you must understand that you have the right to any weapon, as long as it is effective. ff is a very important part of the war in the conditions when ukraine lacks rockets, mortars and other weapons. and it's good that ukraine... produces drones independently. financing of the defense industry of our country is possible not only through cooperation with powerful american corporations. for this, in particular, the funds seized from the aggressor states as part of the sanctions imposed by the international community can go. he spoke about them at the defense conference in washington vladyslav vlasyuk, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yarmak. two years ago, after a full-scale invasion, we saw many challenges. it came before
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ukraine. andriy yermak and former us ambassador to russia michael mcfaul headed the international group on sanctions against the russian federation. we meet with international experts. we are successfully developing criteria and recommendations in order to transfer them to the relevant authorities and confiscate the assets included in these sanctions. during the g7 meeting, it will one of the topics. we hope that there will be a strong decision regarding the confiscation of russian assets in favor of ukraine. the statements made at the conference clearly indicate that us arms corporations are very interested in cooperation with ukraine. common willow house. will be able not only to strengthen the position of both states in the world arms market, but also to push other players out of it, who in particular support the russian federation, and most importantly, instead of changing the rules of the game on the battlefield, innovations should ultimately end this war. we are a team
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early spacex engineers. i have a background in building rockets and have spent most of my time trying to install hardware on the surface of mars. i am well aware of the cost of human lives due to the fact that certain systems were not delivered to ukraine. innovation is very important, and i would like to convince all americans in this room that we should stand together with ukrainians. we have all the tools we need to solve this problem, to stop the bloodshed in ukraine, and i urge everyone to do so. in general, decisive and convincing statements in support of ukrainian manufacturers and the indomitable ukrainian people. there were shouts from each of the hundreds of participants who took part in the conference, and most importantly, its result was not only discussions and passionate speeches, but also specific agreements, said the director of the ukrainian armored vehicles company, vladyslav belbas. the density of business meetings here is much higher than at
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some defense-related exhibition events. and such a sincere interest in the level of representation at this event. "this, the senior management of the international corporation, of large american corporations, therefore , of course, the agreements reached at this level are implemented and quickly implemented, firstly, secondly, we already have certain agreements regarding the further implementation of defense projects with ukraine, including from our company, summing up the results of the event, which is important for the domestic defense industry, the deputy chairman of naodi , serhiy vysotskyi, expressed his belief that joint initiatives with the americans will strengthen our defense capability, and weapons will be made more effective, while ukrainian products will become more competitive in foreign markets. today in this hall there were representatives
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of the state department, the us department of defense, the us national security council, numerous opinion leaders, experts, and here are the things that we formulated, discussed today about... the need for greater cooperation of our defense industries on the need to move from the principles of this financing in general before the development of specific industrial programs that can be financed for the purchase of specifically ukrainian weapons in ukraine at international expense, and of course, the national association of defense sector enterprises at audi will continue to do this, will continue to organize similar events. so that ukraine could win this war. the organizers emphasize the importance of our state's continued presence in the focus of attention of the american political and business elites. so they plan to hold the washington freedom summit every year. an increase in international investments and the exchange of the latest technologies
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should help ukraine defeat the enemy and make our state one of the leaders production of weapons in the world. tatyana shustrova, dmytro kaplonskyi from washington for... espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world he dreams of, mr. norman. can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september saturday 17:10, sunday. 17:15 at espresso. well, gentlemen, we continue our television marathon on the espresso tv channel, and just now we are joined by yehor checherinda, a serviceman, major of the armed forces of ukraine, and before mobilization, tv channel host. egor, congratulations. good
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evening, colleagues, i don't know if you can hear me, i just can't hear you, unfortunately, so again, if i can ask a question, i can already start answering our topic, yes, but you are not heard yet. ok, let's try to check the connection again, whether it's with us now or you, can you hear us, yehor, no, andriy, greetings, well, no sound, let me, well, i'll wait anyway, or? we agreed to talk about the mobilization reserve, i can even start now, while the sounders, if you hear me, you hear me, so let's know, we just started this conversation yesterday, unfortunately, we didn't have enough time yesterday, because there was live broadcast of the peace summit in switzerland, so in principle , let's obviously start with this topic, because we haven't finished it, so our mobilization process is already in a serious knockdown is, i hope, not in a knockout. there are a lot of claims, a lot of all kinds of special information operations, the russians, i know,
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even the centers for disinformation, the fight against disinformation of the national security council, recently stated that a significant number of all these videos, in which people are shoved with beads, women seem to repel men, a certain number these videos are also produced in russia and in the territories of the occupied donbas, that is, there are russians working on this and even the center of this fight against disinformation names certain producers. of this video, but less so let's talk about the positive points: first, i spoke with the heads of specialized and non-specialized committees of the parliament, during one forum there, we were in vinnytsia, such information, the information shield of ukraine, it was called, this is what our parliamentarians say with reference to the ukrainian of the military, that literally in the month that this new law has been in existence, yes, about the new rules of mobilization, the number of those mobilized has increased threefold, and the president himself... zelensky seems to have recently talked about this, that the results have significantly improved by three times , this
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significantly let me remind you that, well, according to the information of our ministry of defense, the russians mobilize 30,000 people every month, you can multiply by 12 months, it comes out to almost 400,000 a year, and a significant number of these people come to fight in ukraine, they are contract workers, for the most part , that is, we need to resist with something, well, this is the first, the first position, that after all, little by little... the situation is stabilizing, secondly, what the people on the front lines themselves say, i read there our colleague, our expert, who often joins our channel with you, espresso used to be included, obviously is included now, kyrylo sazonov, he writes, he is now in the donetsk direction, why has it been a long time, yes, he survived the month-long occupation in buch, then signed up for the armed forces, volunteered and went to serve, and says that there are a lot of positive stories, when people they come here mobilized in a similar way, and then after some time they become real. fighters and real heroes, and i will add from myself, we just need to spread these stories,
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similar, positive ones, not show only these little girls, yes, and people who are outraged there, but also those people who came from mobilization, came to combat units, and they became real fighters there, there are also such stories, well, and the third, third position, i started talking yesterday, unfortunately, our discussion was interrupted, about the fact that literally two days ago, on june 13, well, ukrainian units and various structures of the defense forces themselves started. should conduct their recruiting companies, in particular , on june 13, just two days ago, announced the first public recruiting company, it is called staff, launched by the main development department of the ministry of defense, there was a presentation, andriy yusov, the official spokesman of gurmo spoke at it, and he told what, well, what kind of technology is used to recruit units of this respectable ukrainian special service, that a person can go to the gurmo website. and there you can choose the career section, fill out the questionnaire and send this questionnaire from 18 to 40 years old
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, they accept the recruitment and within 10 days, if the person passes the preliminary selection, they will contact him and he will continue to pass this selection, it is also possible to find these questionnaires, links are now open in many ukrainian cities, so creative i would ask for banners with a qr code, where a person can also scan and go to the profile of this site for... you form, this form can also be found on the website of the ministry of defense in the recruiting section, and there is also such a lobby, as i understand it, a recruiting platform that also recruits ukrainian fighters, i also thank gurm, very creative, and you know, we are breaking this stereotype, here is a similar one, this is a video from the presentation, as you can see, the new uniform, i understand, is now black ukrainian scouts will have, we are breaking this stereotype that in we ukrainians are fleeing, they are being hunted down, they are... being forcibly taken somewhere to the war, to the front, that all of us will die, everything is lost, and
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let us all flee and we will all be evasive or traitors, such things, well, we need to restore not only trust in the army, but also this narrative that a ukrainian man should be a soldier first of all when there is a war, then after the war we will be engaged in other professions, and i believe that such actions restore this narrative, plus i will say that similar the third assault brigade also deals with things. separately, other ukrainian units that are trying to mobilize ukrainian fighters to themselves, to themselves, so here it is 18:40, unfortunately, i would not pass, yes, i am already over 40, i understand that you are also a little over 40. although this ageism probably cut us off in this way, but nevertheless, there is a recruitment there even above this age, if technical specialties are needed, andriy yusov was there and they showed kirill budanov on the video, they apologized, said that technical specialties are very much needed, especially drone operators , not only those who fly drones, but also operators, flying drones that destroy
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enemy targets on the black sea and in other waters of the sea of ​​azov, that is, people who are hardy, intelligent, and loyal to ukraine are needed. there i know the selection there is so serious there polygraph polygraph people pass and who intellectually, well , first of all, think with their head, well, of course , there must be physics, so i hope that this , well, this story, when we talk about someone being caught, someone is brought by force, everyone is in tears, shouting, the women are fighting back that this whole story must end, that this kind of recruiting must be a model for the selection and recruitment of ukrainian fighters, ukrainian defense forces, not only in gurma, but... ok, let's try something, yehor, let's hear, first of all, a remark about ageism, then here we are all three already over 40 , you are probably under 50, er, with andrii, i mean, yehor is older, i remember him, that he was older by a course, by two, or from
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the university, so, er, what if we have mobilization age. informprostir, i'm curious, what about i know that you are also researching russian mobilization sentiments in russia, which are there trends now, well, you know, i was recently at... the conference of vadym denysenko, he reported on the results of the survey in may, it seems that the institute of the future and vadym are there, i'm sorry, but it's simple with the state, but volodymyr zelenskyi just chooses the time to speak then, when we turn you on to us, we have to take a break, this is our supreme commander, so he has his word, of course, his word, but we are watching from switzerland
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against another country, and this is ukraine, and she is a victim, it does not differ. it's not any kind diplomatic misunderstanding, this is a serious story, a serious number of victims, we did not start the war, we are not waging it on the territory of russia, the war is being fought exclusively on the independent territory of the state of ukraine, by the way, this independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty is one of the successes, i consider this summit. recognized by absolutely all participants of the summit, most of the world, and this gives strong support to ukraine, therefore, as soon as, you know, brazil and china join the principles that united us all here today, civilized countries, we will be glad
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hear their thoughts, sometimes, even if they don't match. with most of the world, it is normal to hear, to join efforts to end the war. i now want to give the floor to the ukrainian media. let's go to channel 24. mr. president, iryna uslova channel 24, and we are talking about the fact that we are really ready to hear all sides. are ready for a just peace based on international law, which, as you say, has the right to exist even now, and indeed it exists, it works, based on the un charter, territorial integrity. uruslav funderlajen also said during the joint conference following the breakthrough global peace summit that putin and russia will be invited to negotiations when they are ready to move towards peace, also based on the un charter. but, mr.
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president, we see that russia does not need a just peace, it needs an honest peace. they come out again today, yesterday, a few days before ours. summit and talk about some abnormal territorial realities, talk about the fact that they have nothing to say, so the question is the following: please, what about us under what conditions, under what conditions will we involve them in the negotiation process, how will these mechanisms be worked out, how long will it take? thank you. thank you very much, peace is not needed by them, the fact is, we all need it, the fact, the gathering of so many respectable countries or representations of respective and... religious leaders says that we all need peace, it is more than any other. in terms of population, number of weapons, number of territories, any one aggressor, the world is bigger, so we have to do our job,
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let's not think for russia, let's do our own thing, so far russia and their leadership are not ready for a just peace - this is a fact, contrary to loud statements. they talk about the fact that, well, first of all, these are, i believe, and i do not want to count their historical, tragic mistakes, starting with the occupation of crimea, donbas, and then a full-scale invasion, these are their mistakes, but this is also a mistake, to disrupt the world's efforts for a just peace, even just for us to come together, and coming out with... the message that they are ready to end the war, while a very serious mistake, a person who offers
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ukraine to withdraw from some of our territories, yes, which are under our control, as well as ours, are absolutely legal, that is, a person who wants to end the war, he can say anything, even about the frozen conflict, which doesn't suit us, because we... we don't believe them, but here is a person, she absolutely provoked the whole world and, frankly, scared, talking about the fact that she is not going to end the war, but wants to continue taking over the territory, that is, this is a big mistake , which is useful for us, for us useful, their messages are all here behind the scenes, i will not say which specific countries, because in reality almost everyone said that it was just... with this one message, putin conveyed to the whole world that everything he had said before was about a real desire to finish war multiplied by zero, all countries said, even those who have
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a different view, or a small one, had, and i also consider this a great success, sometimes due to the mistake of the enemy, it is also a success, and because it can be ... more, then working meetings, i told you the list of countries with which we have started working, there will be meetings at the nsa level, at the level of our teams, a plan will be developed, well, first of all, these three points that we talked about, and there is a lot of work, not all of them, maybe not all of them are public, but nevertheless there are no, you know, such big secrets , but nevertheless there will be a specific plan and... i think that after all these meetings that we must organize properly, and we must organize them everywhere, we are definitely part of europe,
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both geographically and mentally, but it is very important that everyone these meetings were held on different continents, on the territories of countries that may not united with us by borders, but definitely united with us by values, and this is very important, and that is why these meetings will be held in... in africa, and in latin america, in europe, in asia, well, we are directing right now your efforts are on this, after that there will be a plan, a joint plan, yes, please, bbc, please wait for the microphone, mr. president, a question from the bbc, i just wanted to ask you, the fact that ukraine is speaking now. about peace, and russia is still waging war, does this reflect the feeling in ukraine that international military support is for ukraine
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weaker, and that you're not getting the amount of aid from the international community as quickly as it needs to be, and that you're worried about what might happen during the american election, that is, are you worried about what about the international, what about what international support for helping you on the battlefield is weaker? this summit, sorry to start with this, and going back to what i already said, this summit says that international support is not weak, it is strong, on the contrary, i believe that a large number of other countries have joined, in terms of support, it different, you you know that journalism is also a weapon, your word is also very ... important, but it is a weapon that protects the truth, protects our country today, our values, and that is why countries join not only with this or that military
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package, russia, so that it ends this an unprovoked war is unfair, you can pressurize in two ways: the first is the diplomatic way, yes, and what we can, what we use, the diplomatic way, the peace summit, then meetings, a joint plan, this is the way, if a. .. and yes, and as for the second way, here you are right, a strong defense, a strong army, a strong ukrainian soldier on the battlefield who defends his families, his country, his statehood, and this is very important, the package voted by the united states, the package voted and supported by the nordic
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countries. an important package supported by great britain, the question is really about timing, the question is exactly that, not because we are weakening, that is why we talked about peace, we always said peace, we always appealed, it has been almost two years since we proposed a peace formula at the g20, right at the height of the war, and at the height of the war we talked about peace, we wanted for... the world to put pressure on russia and end this war and stop killing us, just killing civilians, i want to pass the floor now to someone from the middle east or maybe from the pacific region. kyoto news, yes please. thank you for this
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opportunity, at this summit many countries insisted that russia should join the peace process, and you know, some said that we should discuss when and how russia should be included in the process, that is, are you ready to talk with by the russians, and if so, what are the conditions you... to start negotiations, at this, at this summit, many countries, as you said, wanted the involvement of representatives of the russian federation, and also most of the countries do not even want to shake their hands, so you know, that is why there are different opinions in the whole world, and it is absolutely fair that they are different
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and have the right to sound and be different opinions, that is why a consensus was worked out, and because we absolutely understand what we are talking about, russia, i do not want to repeat this, but if you asked, russia blocked any initiatives even before the full-scale invasion of our working groups, there were about 200 meetings, minsk meetings, that's what they were called. where not a single issue was resolved, all blockades were from the russian federation, absolutely all of them, why, because it was not profitable to end the war, the proof of this is a full-scale invasion, because this is not only proof, but their real desire, that's it, that's all , that is why the right process was chosen, a peace summit, and then the development of a corresponding
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detailed plan, and then when it is on... working, this indicates that russia cannot block it even the beginning of a peaceful process, and if there is already a specific plan, after that this agreed plan will be handed over to the representatives of the russian federation, and then we will see with you whether they are ready for the end of the war. these are the terms of the dialogue with the occupiers. yes, now radio liberty, radio free europe is here in the center. thank you, zaryana stepanenko. by radio mr. president, you have called the number, the number of participants in this summit a diplomatic success, and my question is, can you be specific about the number of signatories to...


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