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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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and even she writes that when they said goodbye in the bible room, she promised her that she would write to him first, it really is such a very sweet friendship, and antannyk krymsky wrote this in the 41st year before his death that we were really close friends until the death of lesya ukrainka, you mentioned that he might have been in love with lesya ukrainka, solomia. researcher of literature, in particular ukrainian literature, western literature, wrote her own work called nationalism, sexuality and orientalism, the complex world of agathangel of krymskyi, and that 's it, in this work sofia solomiya writes about the fact that this one is probably about homosexuality. agathangel of krymsky that
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his nationalism grows out of sexual neuroses, because he, well, he writes about his homeland as a woman, so, for example, they give an example that in the 90th year in a story, he writes a story, psychopathy nationalis, a 19-year-old crimean describes. such a kind of specificity of national psychopathy, so the title of the work, according to solomia pavlychko is a diagnosis that the agathangel of crimea gives himself, as if it were a national psychopathy, and here the hero, having arrived in moscow, secretly goes to the garden, looks for a cozy place, lies down, lies down with his face to the ground, kisses the ground and says: my ukrainian, i whispered, barely able to breathe, my dear, so solomiya
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believes that this was a form of sexual neurosis, and this is not entirely unreasonable, because his novel andrii lagovskyi also constantly hints at homosexual relationships, sympathy, some ancient relations between the heroes, and on the contrary, relationships with women exhaust the main characters, take away their strength and so on, what do you think about this... about this thesis of solomia, about such homosexuality and the first homosexual novel in the history of ukrainian literature, the first is really very good work by solomia, unfortunately it is not finished, she did not finish it, but it is a very deep one, a work that sheds a lot of light on a lot of things, including his mental characteristics, and i would like to say that it is a thankless task talk about...
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the actual sexuality of the authors on the basis of artistic works, including, say, andriy lagovskyi or letters, and lesya ukrainka also wrote about this, that she, by the way, was very critical of lagovskyi, yes, but she wrote that she understands that this work is not autobiographical, but she was critical because of the attitude towards women, i know, of course, her comments. yes, but i would also like to start dealing with this issue, because while writing the book ukrainian lebanon, i realized that lebanon has become like this, you know a measure of his sexuality, because some researchers believe that he went to lebanon for two years not only to look for academics and to do his research academically, but also to escape from these ...
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shackles, a society that does not tolerate dissent , does not tolerate unconventionality and so on and so forth, but even researchers put him in the same row, say, with flaubert, oscar wilde, or andrezhid, here you have to understand that this is a very far-fetched situation, because in fact most writers followed such feelings actually not to lebanon, but it was egypt. more alexandria, for example, in lebanon, he got into a society that was exactly the same as in conservative russia, all of him, his entourage, were teachers of the russian orthodox school, it was consul gagarin, actually, who is also in question at work, the russian consul in syria, gagarin, yes, prince gagarin, by the way, who had a ukrainian wife. also, uh, and yet,
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uh, he spent almost five months in the mountains, where he only talked with people, they're all christians around, and it was... the orthodox school, which he helped, he communicated with priests, orthodox, so if we talk about the environment where ori actually is the so-called oriental environment, then it is difficult to agree with the authors who attribute the lebanese, the lebanese journey, actually to him as an oriental journey, in fact under this the word oriental means the tolerance of homosexuality, yes, because in the cultural arab tradition we also know that it is male. the upper world was, the upper world was male, women, as a rule, were in the kitchen or in harems, for example and uh, he also translated hafiz there, and saada, and many other authors who also had similar texts about it, but nevertheless,
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i think there is another episode to talk about, which is love, a very short love to maria kamenskaya, this is a woman who worked in... as a teacher in a russian school, but how he behaved because he was very shy, very modest, very intelligent, he was afraid to confess and dared only at the last moment, when the ship, it was it in lebanon or was it planted, this is beirut, beirut was then in principle with syria, but now it is lebanon, yes, so he meets there, he comes to beirut, and he also meets, actually, the teachers of this school, the russian orthodox school, and he goes there almost every day after lunch, when there are no classes, the union , communicates with female teachers, there were seven of them, it seems , female teachers in this school, and here was maria kamenska, and this is such a rather interesting
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friendship, and when the ship was leaving with her, he began to shout that i would not like would you marry me ours answered yes, you will understand. they probably broke up and later he even regretted it, but what is very interesting: the same authors who write about this unconventional orientation of his, believe for some reason that he used this love as a way to send his critics on the wrong track, which after all he was in love, well, if i was, if i were this woman, that's exactly what i would think, because... that your husband is enlightened, and when the steam comes out, in principle, that 's what it means, so what, what he obviously wanted to give some false beacons, you know, if that was then done with great pr, then it
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could be agreed, but in fact he only wrote about it in a letter to his brother, well, by the way, he also wrote in the letter that he would ask her if she would marry me, well, by herself kamenska knew it. so, in principle , it seems to me that there are no such grounds to say that it was an attempt to disorient someone somewhere in his views, by the way, by the way, mr. igor and i are talking about this novel by andrii lagovskyi, i highly recommend reading it, it is considered the first intellectual ukrainian novel before by dr. serafikus domantovych, before the city of pidmohylno. read it, i think you will be very interested, this is such a novel by fende seckl, such a very decadent novel, with many neuroses, with many strange relationships, and i think you can form your own, your own idea, so about
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is it, are there hints that this is the first in the history of ukrainian literature such an unconventional novel with a homosexual undertone, but is it true, and we will close this topic then, is it true that he already in the east, he also studied the sexual culture of the peoples of the east, whether it is, whether it is not true, or it is practically true, he wrote about it somewhere, he himself translated poets who had such a tendency, of course, when talking about his very complex psyche, let's say problems with my mother, problems with my parents, with my family, and there were problems with my family, yes even. to understand him, that he was the only one who was ukrainian in this family, and this was not accepted by the family, this was not accepted by the family, and he was looking, of course, for another family, and let's say, the same zhytetsky was for him as a father, the same the miller family, about which became the prototype
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in the novel, in the lagovsky novel, yes, this is all his teacher, and then also his student, that is, all of this was, of course, somewhere. to some extent related to his psyche, we see certain bifurcations, a certain neurosis, we see prone to such suicidal thoughts, perhaps some say that it was such a bifurcation connected with the fact that he felt it in himself , but could not, could not refuse, but could also accept, uh, and uh, maybe this option, but when we say about homosexuality, of course i understand that, i understand that he was an extremely intelligent, decent and very moral person, so in principle, i think that it remained, it was unacceptable, it remained in his writings. allusions and so on, that is, what did he write about? most likely, yes, but when we
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talk really about lagovska, this is an underrated novel, i think that this is a completely european context of this really fen theek, this modernism, unique, this is digging, rummaging in the psyche, the depths, and this this is very true, i support your opinion that it should be read, now i actually let's talk about... the main thing is to talk about what is its meaning, that it was unacceptable to the soviet authorities, why, and first of all, what he was tolerated for so long, yes, his work, his activities until the 41st year, and only in the 41st year he was arrested, well , imagine him, let's imagine that he comes to the academy of sciences, which, by the way, at first it was called the ukrainian academy, then the bolsheviks renamed it the all-ukrainian academy, that's how they belittled the importance of the ukrainian academy. he really built virtually all of oriental studies from scratch in ukraine, iranian studies, and
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arabic studies, he practically wrote all the main textbooks, he practically assembled this irano-arabic cabinet, a wonderful library, which is, of course, a huge treasure to this day, but in addition, he was also engaged in and ukrainian studies and slavic studies, is he one of the authors? the author of the dictionary, yes russian yes, imagine that i actually, how i came to agathan of crimea, i felt that this was my mission, because he a slavist and an arabist, uh, he got to lebanon, and i got to lebanon, he was the absolute secretary of the academy of sciences, and i was the secretary of the academics of the academy of sciences, so i think it's really very important for me, so imagine that you understood that he was almost 30, until the 29th year he managed to maneuver, as they say between. by the force of kharyvda between the drops, why is it true that he said that it was about him protesting against
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russification regarding the dictionary when he is preparing, so actually, it was a discussion with kaganovich, refused even to work on the dictionary, because in principle, he did not want, he did not want in principle, to be the one who would actually russify him with his hands. the ukrainian language, he was practically also the director of the ukrainian scientific language, so he was the author of textbooks, the author of ukrainian grammar, collaborated with shakhmetov on many publications, on the history of the ukrainian language, even ancient kyiv, he studied the ancient kyiv dialect, moreover, there is a wonderful work dedicated to the zvenhorod region , that is, he there was also a ukrainian scholar, in such a broad sense of the word, and actually two... the year was the last when he was tolerated, and practically he fell out of favor in the 29th year, that is
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, it was happening in parallel, the form, the process of the ssu was happening in parallel, and his assistant, mykola levchenko, actually got hit by this ied, and he really, really saved, he, he tried to save mykola levchenko, unfortunately, yes, unfortunately, levchenko came back in the 34th year and ended his life by suicide, unfortunately , it's very sad. so therefore, already later, how this is not surprising, in 1938 there was a certain warming, there was also a reverse process, the ruling elite, in fact, they already tried to partially rehabilitate him and even celebrated his anniversary, but nevertheless in july 1941, he was arrested in zvynohorodka with... the meaning was the most terrible, bourgeois nationalism, treason and so on and so forth, and he himself, by the way,
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an infirm old man, was 70 years old at the time, he could not see well, he had very poor health, nevertheless he was taken to kharkiv, and then to kustanai, 70 years, that's actually it, this is not a very old man, but he was destroyed, he was destroyed by life, and what, he was taken to kustanaev, and he dies. in the prison hospital, there are a lot of questions, in fact, because there is no testimony of a person who was imprisoned with him, but there are many very unclear things, i actually think that we need to address these issues very to seriously deal with not only this issue, actually, because when we talk about the eternal memory of agathang of crimea, it is a big complex questions, can i be here right now, actually , i have this last very important question for you, because in the 90s omalyan pritsak,
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a world-renowned historian, who... lived in america, he said that he singled out four points back in the 90s, at the beginning of the 90s, yes, regarding the perpetuation of the memory of agathangel of crimea, and now i will read these four points to you, and you will tell me what was done and what was not done in these 30 years, so omelyan pritsak writes that the first thing to do is to rebury gatangel krymsky in the fairy-tale cemetery, at least symbolic, we know where he is buried, or it is not known where his grave is, only the burial zone is known, only the zone, then, write a full biography of krymsky, not individual lives, separate lives , to publish a complete collection of works by agathangel of krymsky and to create a museum in zvenigorodka, where the krymsky estate is located, what did you, in particular, manage to realize from this, so
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let's start with the fact that the first point is the perpetuation of the grave itself, right? i think that it is very important for us to turn to now government of kazakhstan, it is imperative to get to the archive and the prosecutor general, i was talking, by the way, with our diplomats who worked in kazakhstan literally the day before yesterday, and actually we need to really see what is in the closed archival materials in kazakhstan, because today only the burial area is known, there is now pa... and, but also we have to understand that there is not even any memorial sign there and that is very wrong, i think also if we find any real evidence, it will have to be to perpetuate his memory is right there in kustanai, and this task is also for ours, for my colleagues and diplomats, i think we will do it, so this is the first question, after we went
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to zvenohorodhka, this is how i started talking about the activists , by the way, these are women from zvenhorod. tamara sukhenko, yanina barybina, andriy melnyk and many other interesting people, we came to zvynohorodka and saw, we were shocked, you know, because i thought there was a museum in zvynohorodka, gatang of crimea. in fact, the story is this: in 1993, this building burned down, then in 1996 for several years it was rebuilt, and practically by the 99th year work was going on and the walls were erected and the building was covered, that is, this is a new building , it is already a new building, a replica that was made , but on the materials according to the drawings, so, unfortunately, in the 99th year, that is, 25 years ago it was all stopped, and these boxes are not
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connected to the network and have been standing for 25 years, and in 2009, this house. was included in the register of monuments of national culture, that is , you understand, the general national cultural heritage, you can imagine what a serious problem, so actually after our guests, we called it guests to crimea, we prepared a letter addressed to our prime minister denys shmyhal, actually we are talking about what we need now , it is our business honor build the museum to the end and start it up, then we need, by the way, like the writer prytsak, to complete the publication, or to publish a complete collection of works, and not censored, and this is very serious work, in fact, both in the archives and with correspondence, and in encyclopedias, he wrote more than 300 articles only for brookhouse, yes,
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that is, this is a very serious task, plus these 15 00... a library, which, which we also have to, which, which still, well, look, there is an institute of literature, and which in 30 years , he managed to publish lesya ukrainka, and in 30 years he did not, in fact, did not prepare a complete collection of works of such a scale of a person like agatha angel krymskyi. there is a library, yes, which one, which has not been able to describe and systematize the library over the years. i don't say prozvenogorodka anymore. they told everything themselves, yes here you see, the problem is that there is also the atan krymsky institute of oriental studies here, this is also one of its tasks, so it should be a synergy of all academic institutes, five or six, which should actually be involved in this project, but further i believe that we should put a monument to agathan ukrainsky in the center of the city,
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it can be a place near the academy of sciences, near shevchenko university, or, if you want, the place we are arguing about, where, where chkalov, literary square, and of course, there even there, here we are for sure should do it, we should call the next krymsky metro station in kyiv, and this is also a very important point, i think we talked about banknotes, crimean should be on the banknotes, by the way, there is also a gymnasium of oriental languages in kyiv, perhaps it would be good, and here the question is more to the ministry of education to also name the agatang krymskyi middle school of oriental languages, that is , we have a very serious one. program, we are actually talking about this, our initiative group is writing to the prime minister, and we will do everything possible, in order to implement these things step by step, we
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must put him on the pedestal in which there must be an outstanding scientist, an outstanding ukrainian, and a person who really died, perished, gave his life for ukraine, and please tell me whether it is you or you ... you realize, because, because i have such a suspicion that the answer you will get from the authorities, one way or another, maybe from the executors, will be that this is the amount you want to pledge for the creation of the museum you can buy so many and so many drones, as they said regarding the holodomor museum, it was actually argued that it is not the right time to invest in the army now, very, very good question, of course, the sums are completely disproportionate, let's say that... to complete the museum, we are talking about some 10 million hryvnias, probably not more, these are pennies, and we are ready, if we see that the government will not be able
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to finance it, we are ready to find funds from other sources, including the same as the holodomor museum, you know what is proper canadian, canadian foundations and the canadian government agreed to finance. this project i think that we should do the same, but believe me, the money is small, we can even collect it, here in ukraine, but have you thought about how to fill this museum with what to fill or exhibits, i understand that there are already several floors , i saw photos of this building, a very beautiful house, and it has a road where the crimean hotelier often liked to climb, it was his. connection with space to observe, the tower, yes, there is a beautiful terrace for tea, but there was a library, imagine, only my father's
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library had more than 300 volumes, father's, and his library was huge, of course there are very few authentic things left there, but it can be collected, there is a beautiful grand piano, let's say, in the museum of local history, it can also be returned to this museum, and... but the most important thing, i think that it should be a place, such an open air for young water scientists, young scientists, young ukrainians, who can gather annually, we talked about the permanent annual readings of the agatang of crimea in zvengorod, it should be alive, filled with meaning, a place of strength, a place of new strength of ukraine, i know , what about i thought, i also thought about the apartment of yuliy yury shevelyov in kharkiv, which was bought by local businessmen and turned into a literary residence, actually there, where what you call plein air is when authors come and write there in
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residence , it seems to me that actually this house, also with a vineyard, could be such an artistic residence of some kind in order to remember, to perpetuate the memory of gatanel of crimea, a man of colossal scale, so if you are talking about the four main points, malyan prytsak's will, i would like to... add that we have done even a little more, i want to brag, this edition is two books in arabic, the beirut story of gatan of krymskyi and the palm of the hill, about which there is a big discussion, actually a modernist discussion on urology -poetry, so in principle, raev is also a translator, and we think that it might be appropriate to translate arabic as well. the history of new arabic literature, so there are many plans, and i hope that we are all in peace, now it a time when we must raise our spirits.
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thank you, mr. igor, for what you are doing, for your enthusiasm, for reviving the memory of a person of such a class, an intellectual and scientist of such a class as ananana krymskyi. ihor ostash was a guest of the own name program. thanks for watching us. see you in a week, stay with espresso. thank you. attention, total sale, garden trimmer kors unpack tv with a discount from only 799 uah, only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, order in time while the video is being broadcast, trimmers are light and very powerful, mow with gas near fences, along the path line, near
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