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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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for education, for science, for treating people and so on, for the army, for the military and so on, do i understand correctly that there are already these pills, and they are also clear, and just someone does not want to use them, these pills are, they are clear, we are not the first, we are not the last, that is, there is a fairly well-known set of steps and conditions that need to be created, simple. well, these steps, you understand that they are painful for people who receive powers, you absolutely correctly gave an example with the head of a certain community there, yes, they say conditionally, we say conditionally, the same thing works and for the leaders of the country, yes, that is, they have to manage in a certain way, do you remember this joke, should the president pay...
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bribes for the fact that the verkhovna rada voted the anti-corruption law, yes the anti-corruption law, well, this is our reality , unfortunately. okay, so these are the pills that will definitely cure you, i'm just asking why, because now the next changes that have been going on for 40 years, if not more, are in argentina, very far from ukraine, and there is no way to find them there. the way to fix argentina's economy, they are they tie their money to the dollar, it doesn't help, then they don't tie it, it also doesn't help, then the big social one doesn't help, the small social one doesn't help, juntas come, it doesn't help, democracy comes, it doesn't help, but it should be noted that argentina before the first world war, it was in the top ten most developed countries in the world, and in 100 years , it cautiously entered the second hundred, that is... this, this, that there are such pills that
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definitely work on the disease, can we look at argentina and say, they do not always work, there are such pills, i will repeat again that there are a pretty clear set of, so to speak, success stories, and it's researched, it's proven, so there's no doubt about it, it's worked in many countries, as far as... well, there was a fairly long period of socialism where they made such a departure from capitalist principles, people appeared who promised a lot of things for very simply, trying to explain that it is necessary to simply subtract and divide, that is, we know this, well, this is the kind of socialism dash fascism, there was somehow... and
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they did not have it only once, yes, he even appeared this term is the latin american pendulum, and actually they are stuck in it, they are sometimes thrown into certain liberal ideas, people appear who start to take the right steps, after that it becomes easier for them, people appear who again. .. they offer, they say, look, you suffered enough there, let's return to these issues again, we need to take away the rich and return, return to the poor, and they return to this again, unfortunately, we have the ideas of socialism , like in argentina, very alive, and this can absolutely be our way, yes, that is, on the way argentina, he can come to us, well, that is, we are very close to repeating this entire trajectory. i would really like to, and in particular, we
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in our organization are trying to somehow promote economic enlightenment, but nothing is guaranteed, even look at the same georgia, which a certain period ago made, well, one of the most striking reforms, and now they are just going on a certain inevitable trajectory, that is, unfortunately, certain achievements there are freedom... thank you very much, thank you very much, dmytro boyarchuk, executive director of the center of social and economic research, the ukraine case was in touch with us, and i want to say that we will continue approximately the same conversation, because valeriy pekar, public figure, entrepreneur, teacher of the kyiv business school, will now appear before us, and we will continue with him. good health, mr. valery, thank you for finding time for us on sunday. and i would like to apologize that we do not
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invite you so often, and maybe even very, very not often, and this is my fault, i thought about it today and promise to correct it. so, mr. valery, just now we talked with dmytro bayarchuk, and he says that there are ways to improve the situation, and the only thing i did not understand is whether there are people who not only know ways to improve the economic situation, financial-economic, social- the economic situation, but i don't know about people, whether there are such people, because what mr. dmytro tells me is that... we have to wait for tax increases, instead of tax administration and tax collection, no one thinks about this, and if not to raise taxes, but simply to collect taxes correctly, then this is better than raising taxes and for the people and for the state, it is more profitable, more
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money can be found, but for some reason it is not done, well, if mr. dmytro says, because there are no people who want to do it, and then i have a question for you, and you see these people, is there somewhere... there is a secret, secret basement in ukraine, where such beautiful professors sit, and are they just economists who know what to do, but their government, the president, anyone does not let them out, what do you say, good evening, i would say that in the last 10 years, since the revolution of dignity, through the leaders civil service positions, where it was necessary to... make some reforms, almost a thousand people passed, i mean, first of all, managerial positions of various levels, and everything is known about these people in principle, who turned out to be professional, who only seemed professional at first glance, who turned out to be 100%
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decent, who only seemed decent at first glance, that is , there is no personnel problem in the country, there is another problem in the country, those personnel are theirs, they... do not trust the state, and they would like, in principle , to enter the civil service in order to to complete those reforms that are theirs time has not been completed, but they do not understand how they will get there, because they do not trust the system that has developed now, let's look at the latest personnel appointments, dismissals, all these appointments and dismissals, i will not talk about specific names now , i'm sure our viewers will remember many people who, in one way or another... were appointed, appointed or dismissed from certain positions, neither the appointees themselves nor those who were dismissed , nor society was ever told why they were dismissed, why they were appointed, how they were evaluated work this or that specialist, whether they were fired for
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doing a good job, or fired for doing a bad job, what specifically, well, i even want to mention one of the previous prime ministers. his government, who were thanked for a good job and sacked everyone, it was such a very bad signal and to the next government , this one that is in place now, the signal was: we can't tell you what behavior is condoned, what behavior is punished, we can't tell you , which key performance indicators you have to show for that we consider you effective, but you just work, and then we will fire you, appoint you, etc. then we will divide your ministry, combine it, we will do something else, and to be honest, even if it was a small business, such a small business would have gone bankrupt long ago with such a personnel approach. and why ukraine does not go bankrupt? well, because ukraine is a hugely powerful country in which, even when the state
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cannot do something, these things are simply done by other people, it is done by business, if it is about economic activity, they do it volunteers when it comes to supporting the armed forces. countries or about some other things where the state cannot reach, for example, support for internally displaced persons or something, this is done by various assets, public activists, if the state is not able, for example, to write a draft of a legislative act, but there are already experts, including people like dmytro bayarchuk, who not long ago said goodbye to you, who already wrote it and brought it, please take it, or local self-government, which is constantly limited, which is constantly pushed somewhere in some corner, not giving people the opportunity to work normally according to the law, but it also lays down its hands and does what the central government is not capable of, that is
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, there are simply very, very many people in ukraine who simply really want this country to finally become that the country they dream of, but they just work every day. it's hard for them, i don't know what, i connected recently, what mr. valery, why do completely opposite people get to the mountain, there are a lot of such people, okay, i believe you, i'm not a great researcher, but i... knowing what you are doing, you, your analysis shows that you are monitoring that a thousand people have passed, from them you can choose the good ones, and why do the bad ones get on the mountain, why do others get on the mountain who do not want such changes that will lead to , that the country dreamed of by generations and the generation that now lives on planet earth will be built, and i agree that bad people get on the mountain, random people get on the mountain, by chance... today someone is bad, tomorrow someone is good, someone is accidentally good walked down the street and was under the state, the first management approach is
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the delegation of powers, this approach is also called institutional, then we build the state according to the rules, there is such an institution, and it deals with this, this is written in its regulations, and it does what it is written , and then we delegate to this institution, which means to the head of this institution , the corresponding powers, he already delegates further. to their deputies, heads of departments and so on, that is, this is delegation of authority, this is an institutional approach, and there is another approach that can be called leadership approach, this is when authority is not delegated, but trust, so i trust you, do what i said, i stopped trusting you, so you have to leave, i began to trust you again, so you can come back, and the leadership approach of delegating trust and the institutional approach of delegation of authority is against. opposites, and anyone who has seriously managed anything bigger than a shawarma stand knows that these are
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opposites, but that doesn't mean one approach is good, the other bad, leadership approach works very well in short distances, mr. nicholas, when you have to do something very quickly, and then i told you, you ran and did it and everything was great, and we saved the day, when it comes to the marathon, this thing stops working when it comes to marathon, it works here... only the institutional approach, and unfortunately, today, indeed , the development of institutions in recent years in ukraine is not very popular, it is not very respected, and we rather see that institutions can be destroyed, by the way, a good example, any which merger or the merging of ministries for several months actually, pardon the pun, cuts down the employees of these ministries, because ... they are engaged in endless legal, bureaucratic red tape
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in order to implement the decision to merge without casting, so, mr. valery, let's move on to another , because you just so subtly hinted at the leadership approach, and i felt something in front of me, such and such letters appeared in front of me, russia, or north korea, but somehow i saw these countries where i trust you, and you work, you, i you ... no trust me, i will remove you, or shoot you like in north korea, and then i can return you, like in russia, and there are many such cases. i wanted to ask you about russia, they often use a leadership approach, but autocracy is the same and institutions are built if they want to work for a very long time, well, let me remember, such an institution was the communist party of the soviet union, it was an institution, it worked according to the rules, there was everything is very clear and it was built for... summer, well, the fact is that as a result it led the country to such a disaster that the country had to
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disintegrate, then in principle it is normal, empires always disintegrate, i would like to talk with you a little about the leadership approach, about russia, look, but there are two points of view, as always, at least two, and there are people who are outside the borders of russia, and they say that they say this every day, that here is this event... destroys the economy completely, three months pass, no, this event destroys the economy completely. i recently spoke to my daughter romana about de-dollarization, about the closing of this russian stock exchange, and she said: i really like it nice, but i've been hearing this for 2 and a half years, and nothing is happening with the russian economy, they continue to kill ukrainians. what do you say, to what extent... it is only possible to complete this process so that the russians
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feel that something, something is happening with their economy, we did not discuss this with you, and not some russian experts who fled russia a long time ago said that now the russian economy will be over, and for russian citizens to say something to me, i come to eat, i want to buy, but there is nothing, or there is no that, at least there is no that... the variety that i i'm used to the russian economy, mr. mykola, first of all, the russian economy should not be evaluated from the point of view of the russians, you changed the subject a little here: you want to know about the russian economy, in fact you want to know when the russians will feel, yes but the russians will never feel it, because the russians, if you divide them into three such layers, the elites, the upper layer, they are the beneficiaries of the war, they win, the war is profitable for them, they earn more, or let’s say they steal more, the middle class conditionally yes let's say let's say
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residents of the big cities of moscow, st. petersburg, some separate sectors of the economy, there are relatively few of them, there is no large middle class in russia, everything is done so that they do not feel and they will not feel economic troubles, but a huge mass of what russians call deep the people, according to some estimates, it can be 85-90% of the russian population, they, as mykhailo mykhailovych vanyatsky said, did not live well, so it is not worth starting, they have always lived badly, they are used to living badly. whatever they feel, no one cares, they are on the streets will not go out, and there will be no hunger riots in russia, so let's not think about what the russians think, let's think about something else, let's talk about when the russian economy will not be able to finance the war, this is the key question, correctly asked, and not when the russians will see that something is not going right, and here i would like to draw your attention to the not so beautiful
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sanctions that everyone is talking about like the moscow stock exchange, everyone knows about it, everyone is talking about it, it is very cool. then this is very cool, everyone laughs at the fact that now the economy will be in yuan, we understand that yuan is not a convertible currency, we understand that yuan is worth exactly as much as, say, the wise communist party of china, which is not communist at all, by the way, ah, but anyway , that's nice, but not really big news, actually the big news is something else, and it's been largely overlooked, it's that the sanctions that were focused on a few... sectors of the russian economy that were closest to before the war, in fact now they extend to the entire russian economy, that is, the entire russian economy the economy is considered by our allies as a war economy, this is exactly what is written about it directly in the american press releases, and the main focus is on secondary sanctions, that is, on sanctions against those who
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facilitate the circumvention of primary sanctions, and there are a lot of such methods. we constantly read about one or another way of circumventing sanctions, purchasing something through third or fourth countries, through some very strange schemes and so on and so on, i will not rehash everything now, it is not interesting to our viewers, but believe me, there are a million such schemes, and now sanctions are being introduced against these schemes, against those who implement them, against those who service them, that is, if you help some small bank of some third or fourth country in some way ... to pay and to have something that in principle could be dual-use technology or components, here 's a full package of sanctions just for that, that is , what our allies are trying to do, they 're trying to make everyone who in one way or another whore trades with russia start to follow each other and give each other a headache, and in world business there is such
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a concept as know your client, and there is this concept: know your client's client, that is, someone paid something to someone, someone delivers something to someone, and the question is whether you well you know if you can guarantee that it won't get into russia and that it won't be used for war, if you can't guarantee that, here's the full package of sanctions, and please suffer through it now, basically that's a clarification, clarification, mr. valery, that is, this one the stock exchange is secondary, and the fact that huge ones have been sanctioned... how many chinese banks are settled through russia there in some strange way, it is more important than this stock exchange, i understood correctly, i would say that the stock exchange is beautiful and nice, but the main goal of the current, current sanctions attack is to ensure the overlapping of methods of circumventing
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sanctions, it is not about specific chinese banks, it is about the whole system, when someone helps someone to do something and there is a risk that it gets into russia, that means you and sanctions, i.e. this means that banks will simply close each other's correspondent accounts, check additionally and so on and so on, i.e. it means that everything will be more complicated, more complicated, more complicated, and this is exactly what the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro koleba, was talking about , when discussing the topic of sanctions, i remember at the davos economic forum earlier this year, he said: all sanctions are meaningless if there are a lot of ways to circumvent them. let's enforce sanctions against sanctions evasion. this the message was heard. ah, i want to say that... one way or another, from the ukrainian side, from the european, american side, a bunch of very professional specialists are engaged in this, and the actual package that we see now
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is to a large extent the embodiment of this logic, and this scheme, i understood that it will work for a long time, this scheme will work, but when the tangibility can begin, is it the 24th year, or is it the 25th year, when really, i am not saying that russia will not be able to finance. well, but will be able to do it in a more limited way than now, please, sir valery, mr. mykola, i am not a military expert, i listen to what military experts i trust say, and they say, for example, a bunch of russian planes take off, launch a bunch of missiles, a quarter of the missiles are launched, three quarters are not launched, this is precisely why we see that in the recent shelling, the number of missiles crossing the border of ukraine is not as large as it used to be. this most likely means that these military experts are right, the vast majority of rockets are not launching, something there, or the engines are not
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firing a few rockets there, what does that mean? are launched, do they fall, do they fly somewhere in the sky, i don't know where they end up there, and these are actually signs that the secondary sanctions are working, there will be more of this, but mr. mykola, let's immediately tell all our viewers , viewers: this is a marathon, it is not so easy to overwhelm a big bear, it is not and there is no universal weapon, if you went against the bear with a makarov pistol, and you believe that this is a universal weapon that will stop the bear, will not stop, even if you went against him with something more difficult will not stop it, it is about systematic, difficult, long work, which essentially destroys the russian economy, transferred to non-military rails, and as one of the american high-ranking officials once said, the current sanctions are essentially pouring sand into a well -oiled oil-dollar the mechanism of the russian
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economy, it is obvious that there can be more hellish sanctions, i think that it will come to that, i think that one day it will come to the point that russia will be in a situation where no one will buy anything from it, except for china, who is known to be very happy to buy anything at half price. in russia, and also to pay with them, anyway, thank you very much, sorry, mr. valery, it was valery pekar, public figure, entrepreneur, teacher, kyiv academy, thank you very much, mr. valery, it is really interesting, and the main thing is that at the end and you can't say whether he is a pessimist or an optimist, and this seems to me to be the most important thing, to be so balanced, thank you very much and say goodbye to you, ladies and gentlemen, now we will see you, literally in... for 5-7 minutes such a story about , what happened this week in ukraine and the world, certainly about the west, and about ukraine, and about
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the war. analysis of key meetings was conducted by my colleagues from espresso tv. see espresso. good bye. the g7 summit in apulia, italy, is in the spotlight, as it was expected to make a key decision on providing aid to ukraine in the amount of $50 billion. she. will be formalized as a loan, which will be paid from the income from russian assets frozen in the west. until the last , there were doubts whether the leaders of the seven would reach an agreement, and now a fundamental political decision has been made. we reached a political agreement on additional financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of approximately 50 billion dollars by the end of this year, with the help of a loan, the payment of which can go to additional revenues from the russians. asset frozen in our jurisdictions. there is still a lot of technical work ahead, but these are already details, closer to 2025, this money
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will become available for ukraine. at the same time, not only for humanitarian or social needs, as was the case before, but also for the war against the aggressor. the decision, i would say, gives us the opportunity to breathe, because we had enough of the 25th year, enough, let's say, no, he didn't look confident without it. of this decision, and now we have the opportunity to plan and we have the opportunity to direct the resource to those needs that we consider to be a priority, first of all, this is the security and defense sector. the g7 meeting in apulia was preceded by a conference on the restoration of ukraine in berlin. here, the focus was on the power system. after a series of massive russian attacks in the spring of this year, our state lost most of its heat and hydro generation. power outages are becoming the norm for ukrainians, and they are coming. winter. on at the conference, the allies pledged to provide a billion dollars to help the ukrainian energy sector. so that ukraine does not freeze and plunge into darkness. the issue of energy is
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one of the main issues on the agenda for us. every day, russia fires at ukrainian energy infrastructure. despite all the constant attacks, it is still possible to keep the power supply in working order. germany is helping with the repair and protection of substations and networks, as well as investments in decarbonization, energy efficiency and decentralization of the power system. when we talk about restoration of ukraine, we are talking about the restoration of a country that is a future member of the european union. another important result of the meetings is the strengthening of ukrainian air defense, to the third battery of the patriot system, the germans , together with their allies, promised to provide a hundred interceptor missiles, plus an additional installation of ayista, cheetahs, which have proven themselves well at the front, and us president joseph biden, according to the new york times, finally decided to provide ukraine with a second battery. we have support
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to go. regarding the provision of patriot systems to ukraine. we have also informed a number of countries that are expecting patriot deliveries from us in the future that they will have to wait. we will transfer everything to ukraine now, everything we have, we will transfer to her, and later we will move on to fulfilling our contractual obligations towards other countries. we urgently need seven patriot systems to protect cities. we discussed the possibility of getting five of them. it's true and partners are working on it, it doesn't mean. that we will have five systems tomorrow, but we see in the near future good results for of ukraine. the two leaders made these statements after the signing ceremony of the long-awaited defense agreement between ukraine and the united states. the document will be valid for 10 years and should strengthen cooperation between the countries in the defense sphere. as the american press emphasizes, the agreement increases the planning horizon of washington's assistance to kyiv, but it has a significant weakness.
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it was not ratified. and therefore the next president can cancel it, which is quite likely if donald trump becomes him. but a similar event is preparing for such a scenario: in the shadow of the summit of the group of seven countries in brussels, actually under under the auspices of nato, a face-to-face meeting of the group of countries in the rammstein format took place this week, to which argentina joined for the first time. as a result, the alliance announced the decision to take over the role of the main coordinator of military aid to ukraine. still. it was the united states, as the world press notes, this is also a kind of insurance. nato will supervise the training of the ukrainian armed forces at the bases of allied countries, support ukraine by planning and coordinating the supply of weapons, manage the transfer and repair equipment, will support the long-term development of the armed forces of ukraine. these efforts do not make nato
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a party... this week's decisions are extremely important, they give a clear signal to moscow, the west will not retreat and will not leave ukraine, but is this enough for our victory? until now, many western leaders preferred to avoid this word altogether, hiding behind phrases like moscow must not win, or ukraine must not lose. at a joint conference with zelenskyi. biden was intrigued by the statement that the usa is dealing with ukraine negotiations on the victory plan, this is not an abstract declaration, but a law on additional military assistance to ukraine, which must be submitted to congress. however, for now it is only about a draft of the document, and it is unlikely that the congress will deal with this issue before the presidential elections.


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