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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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for two hours in the company of our favorite presenters about the cultural news of chihchenina, our tv viewer is ready to talk about good evening presenters , who for many have become like a day , she is ready to talk about the weather for this weekend with me , as well as the distinguished guests of the studios, the leader of the crimean tatar people is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you have a good day, events of the day in two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl winter, a project for intelligent and caring people in the evening at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws, but how do these changes affect the our life? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7 in the legal
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expertise program on the espresso tv channel. get closer to victory together with the central security service of ukraine and the security service of ukraine. join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fills out the questionnaire. and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the csoa sbu team. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. now our guest will be the famous political scientist andrii piondkovskii, who is in washington. glory to ukraine, andriy andriyovych. for you. all communiques
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are extremely important, all summits are no less important, but the key story is the permission to strike on the territory of the aggressor state and the question aviation, and we understand that this is exactly what will decide the situation on the battlefield, your assessments of the current unfolding of events, so we understand that the kremlin is extremely alarmed, and a certain barometer is medvedev's enraged telegram channel. changes were felt in the kremlin. western attitudes are very serious. the first such event that has been brewing in recent months is macron's wonderful statement when putin started threatening him with nuclear weapons. he calmly noted that france also has nuclear weapons. the west stopped responding to putin's nuclear blackmail. he became simple funny nobody is stopped by red lines one after another, they are crossed. the latest example is yesterday's statement. of the minister
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of foreign affairs cameron regarding the next calls of the russians, who allegedly promise to strike on russian territory. how will they react to this, he answered simply: let russia withdraw its troops from the territory of ukraine and there will be no strikes on russian territory. the whole war plan has failed, because putin is fighting not only against ukraine. he declared war on the west. we remember his statement before the war. take the money. go back to the borders of 1994, literally. yes, this is what i call the batia dzhugashvili line, the most westward advance in 1245 and in 1945. but now putin has a different task. he has already understood that he should not be the master of the world and that he now has to hold on to power in a country that has lost the war. his task now is to grab some honorable draw, which. will be able
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to sell to its population, this honorable draw, the plan to which ukraine was forced all the time, the so-called korean option. ono, look how beautiful north korea is, south korea, the war was stopped. north korea remained a dictatorial regime, south korea became a great state in 50 years, but ukraine will never agree to this. the game is happening now. putin understands that there is very little time left before the west dares to come up with a solution. the step that i propose in each of my speeches, for the last three months, is to erase the last red line. it consists in the fact that only ukrainian pilots should be at the helm of western planes. there is not such a number of ukrainian pilots who have been trained for to the west 100, better 200 planes in the sky of ukraine will determine the outcome of the war in a few weeks, because with their help ukraine will throw out the final russian group from crimea, which will cause political. france
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is getting closer to this with every statement macron makes, he made two statements during the normandy meeting. the first france provides mirages, the second, france provides. which should cover our civil sky, everything is correct, everything is converging, and here you very correctly noted the issue of timing, how quickly it will all work, why putin is now suddenly intensified the attacks, his task during this time, while this issue is being resolved, he can destroy residential areas of ukrainian cities and ukrainian infrastructure with impunity, and he does it hoping to stir up sentiment, well , maybe we will still think about a ceasefire, now is the most important time , we see that
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the outcome of the war will be determined in the next month at most, or when the west will send these planes, a very good signal of sweden's decision to provide two american-type planes in addition to gripens. yes , it is an analogue of the american avax, it can no longer be about the ukrainian pilots who are there ukrainian pilots, these are laboratory planes, a crew of five or six people who could not be trained during this time, that is, this red line is being blurred with each step, and the russians understand that when 100, or better, 200 gripens appear in the sky of ukraine , typhoons and mirages, and more... 40 ukrainian pilots will be trained on the f-16, this will put an end to the russian group in crimea. you mentioned that the russians can think about something, i have the feeling that the russian general staff is simply carrying out the orders given to it in certain offices
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lubyanki, well, do you remember, yes, this attack on a civilian object in kharkiv, in a supermarket, on a weekday, people were killed, they go for something like that, that is, those... crimes have already blurred their general perception of good, evil, irrational , and after such crimes, of course, the west is simply obliged to strengthen ukraine. why is the kremlin doing this? their moral idiocy works against them. we see that the american administration, our grandfather biden, who hesitates all the time, they resisted to the last and did not want to give permission for the use of american weapons, and it was these attacks from the belgorod region on... quarters of kharkiv that made it impossible to continue this. we remember a great performance. on all my channels, i showed the video of the republicans, the head of the foreign affairs committee, makola, when he practically shouted at blinken and the administration with a map of the belgorod region. what you do? they
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shoot cities with impunity. they do not understand that this tactic will overtake the west and still force ukraine to some kind of capitulation, some korean version. works against them. these attacks on kharkiv, through kyiv and kryvyi rih, he speeds up the final decision on sending western planes into the sky of ukraine. moscow will lose this time race. but there is also china, which works very actively, not always publicly. i read a very interesting publication of the rowyters agency, yes, in which it is mentioned that the key task set before itself in beijing is to sabotage the swiss summit instead. proposing to create some other negotiating platform in a couple of months, where the countries would be represented the great south, i don't know some putin's brother from zimbabwe there, and accordingly, maybe a chinese-russian or some other paired position. there are such sweet dreams in beijing
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to show their outstanding role, they like to be mediators unexpected. you remember, last year they were mediators unexpectedly in the restoration of diplomatic relations between iran and saudi arabia. here they want again. all chinese, as well as russians, do not understand the changed dynamics in the west. two powerful forces are at work now. first, the so-called coalition led by great britain and france. i remind you of the historic decision, which was also not appreciated in moscow. about the restoration of the entente on the day of its 120th anniversary. because of this, cameron's statement yesterday is very characteristic. and the second effect. one of the effects of the european reaction is the revolution of the reaganites in the congress, who broke the resistance of the trumpists, and they not only ensured the adoption of the law on financial and military assistance, but also launched an attack on the biden administration, for insufficient aid
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to ukraine, so now this double offensive of the reagan republicans. by the way, you noticed how biden in normandy and in the g7 tried to create a motive for his election campaign. pouring pelka on ukraine, abandoning it for a while , etc., very well, but the republicans resorted to unexpected actions, they made a kind of deal with trump, they forced him to close his pro-putin sympathies and launch an attack on biden for insufficient aid to ukraine. see what two brilliant diplomatic effects have been achieved in ukraine, not only diplomacy, but let's note the ukrainian myth, but the main thing here is the heroism of the army and... the people. first, we see the competition between the us and europe, primarily france, for the mantle
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of leader of the free world. after all, when it became clear that the biden administration did not cope with this role, macron came forward with claims as the leader of the free world. and on the other hand, it created an internal struggle in america. we were always worried that the pre-election atmosphere, the pre-election struggle, would create difficulties. or for ukraine, and it seemed that the aid law was blocked for six months, now it has turned in ukraine's favor. biden, democrats and republicans compete on the issue of which of them is the best ally of ukraine. therefore, this trend cannot be reversed. this trend is extremely important and it is extremely good. on the other hand, we understand that elections will be held in the united states in a few months. and there is one more characteristic moment. in essence, putin has no military solutions left, except for the use of
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non-conventional weapons, that is, let’s say that at the conventional level we are inferior to the west, we are inferior to nato, but we have super-duper nuclear weapons, there are no analogues in the world, etc., that is, yes, we concede on the conventional level, but we will intimidate you with our nuclear weapons, but now he is forced to carry out. but the most important thing is his environment. they understand where he dragged them. he was sure and they, along with him, that they would intimidate the west with nuclear blackmail, and now he is forced to wage a conventional war, which putin already admitted two years ago that he would lose. of course, this dramatically weakens his position. you look at the propaganda broadcasts, they are all in hysterics. and why is that? macron declared war on us, but why haven't we destroyed france yet? their threats have now acquired a completely different character, earlier they threatened to drown the british islands in
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the abyss of the atlantic ocean, and now they say: and we will kill the french and english soldiers, and of course you will kill them, they know it, they are going to war, to kill you, to put themselves at risk, so this success in crimea, which will happen immediately after receiving 120 western aircraft, will collapse putin's system of power, there is no need... will overcome this thousand-kilometer line of defense, this is a classic stalemate situation, fortunately, the russian-ukrainian war is not exhausted by this line of defense, the center of gravity of the war is in crimea. the crimean peninsula is an absolutely vulnerable part of the russian military machine. russian military vehicles. thank you very much andrii andriyovych for this extremely interesting conversation on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our viewers that andrii pyon was working for them from washington. a famous political scientist. the time of our program has run out, stay with the spresso tv channel. my colleagues will see you
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to inform about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. see this week in the collaborators program. putin's youth army. how russia recruits children in the occupied territories. in skadovsky. but how does a former teacher of the university form squads of young misanthropists? we appeal to all young soldiers of russia. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. today's issue is about putin's youth and those who lead it on the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. the army in russia is not a group based on interests. a real children's army. by the way, it doesn't remind you of anything.
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putin's army is a direct carbon copy of hitler 's hitler youth. in 2016, serhii shoigu created his own version of philanthropy from the poles. the army is a separate type of troops under the ministry of defense of the russian federation. children's units are tied to the deployment of military units throughout russia. together with adults, children salt. you march in kremlin parades, saluting the dictator. initially, entry there was voluntary, if the child reached the age of eight years later, all the disobedient began to be sent to the youth army. in particular, it became one of the ways of re-educating those who went to anti-putin rallies. children are taught not to use a compass, hold a weapon, shoot, fight, attack and eventually die. determine your path. of course, you are all very different, one of you will probably decide to connect your life with the armed
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forces. russia has created a unit in almost all temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. putin's army, according to the almenda center for public education, consists of: there are more than 35,000 recruited children in the so-called russian military center, and this number is constantly growing. young ukrainians are instilled with the so-called love of russia, among regular events in which young soldiers participate, military meetings and excursions to military units. these putin child army units are run by local traitors and collaborators. meet me, this is wagner vadim maksymovich , born in 1994, originally from mariupol. on behalf of all young soldiers of mariupol, i would like to congratulate all our citizens today, true russians, with this wonderful day, to congratulate them that we have finally reunited with our great motherland. before becoming a collaborator, vadim owned a car wash and was
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a member of the ngo iskrenost. and with the beginning of the occupation of mariupol, he decided to quit business altogether. to devote himself to treason, he was appointed to head the russian organization of the young guard of the unarmy. now vadim is engaged in propaganda among the locals, inculcates russian views and an anti-ukrainian attitude in children, forces parents to send their children to the youth army and personally conducts master classes among children, how to own weapons, how to shoot, dig, trenches. at the same time, he himself does not forget to regularly help russian soldiers. here is a video where a collaborator brought humanitarian aid for walking black bags. now we are waiting for the boys, they will come. here is one generator, the second generator, here we were driving with vadim, the artillery is working there, they are working now. on may 17 , 2024, our law enforcement agencies charged
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vadym wagner with the production and distribution of materials. who deny the temporary occupation of ukrainian territories, in particular, mariupol, so vadim, better train yourself to survive in a ukrainian prison among the same traitors as you. she was a ukrainian journalist, but instead became responsible for filling the youth army in the kherson region, this is sipko yuliya olehivna, born in 1976. she is a journalist by education and worked in the kherson regional state administration until february 24. when the city was captured by the russian army, sypko first decided to become a ringleader of enemy propaganda in the region, got a job as a journalist and presenter on the propaganda tv channel tavria. on unfortunately, the bare pier is 90% flooded. while we were there, there was shelling, there is nothing sacred on that side. they understand that there is an evacuation, while at the same time they continue to do their dirty work. and why did yulichka
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keep silent about who caused this disaster, or about the fact that after the explosion of kakhovsky... hessian russians treacherously threw the locals and partially evacuated only those who had a russian passport. sypko showed that she is worthy of serving the kremlin regime, so she was entrusted with more serious tasks, for example, interviewing volodymyr saldo, well, they have already nominated a candidate from the united russia party. people were just evacuated from the flood zone, they had practically nothing. in addition to this, yulia became the deputy head of the responsible. for recruitment into putin's young army in the kherson region. soon, a movement will be opened in the skadovsky district. the youth army is being recruited in its own way so that they can later merge into the million-strong team of the all-russian organization. this narrow-minded and crooked person essentially calls the forced entry of children through bullying their parents. julia is engaged in
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the formation of new units, in particular, she is now helping to create a children's garrison. in the name of the buried kherson collaborator kyryl strymousov. despite everything, zaprodenko is afraid to even stick his nose in kherson. he sits in henichisk with his tail tucked. the security service of ukraine has already informed her about the suspicion. and this head of the unarmy regional headquarters in the temporarily occupied luhansk region will be tried for collaborative activities and violation of the laws and customs of war. this is oksana luhantseva gennadiyevna, born in 1978, is a native of the city. morokyne, luhansk region. almost nothing is known about her peaceful life, except that she is a former teacher of one of the local universities. the woman began to appear in the media space in 2022. with putin army propaganda among parents and children. today we are addressing all young soldiers of russia, our brothers, those who this time had
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a great opportunity to vote, who are already 18 years old. young soldiers always remain young soldiers. the so-called children's troops began to appear in the occupied luhansk region in 2019 year they were initiated by the occupying second army corps of the people's militia of the lpr. after . as vladimir putin called ukrainian territories russian, this formation of the russian federation acquired a new status, and new leaders appeared with it. from 2022, the chair is occupied by luhantsev. according to the prosecutor's office , oksana is involved in the organization of the russian movement, involving schoolchildren in it. children are taught military affairs. in addition, the collaborator promotes among schoolchildren the entry into the armed forces of the russian federation and other enemy power structures, arranges solemn dedications to youth army students in the captured territories, in other words, she earns bloody rubles as much as she can, but participation in political events and propaganda campaigns in support of the russian federation
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is, for her, volunteering. a wonderful opportunity to touch the life of a huge country, to join the state processes. in april 2023, luhantseva handed over humanitarian aid to the occupiers on the territory of the so-called lpr, after that she conveyed congratulations from everyone in an interview. units of russia, clarifying that the help was collected by the regional headquarters of youth aid in the moscow region. today zaprodanka opens new youth units in small towns so that as many children as possible can undergo basic military training there. this is an excellent promising direction, interaction, it is both educational projects and educational projects, and of course military-patriotic projects. currently, luhantseva is in the occupied territory of the luhansk region. and she is wanted, i hope that soon she herself will have to go on a holiday, or get a residence permit in those places where they also wear a special uniform, and instead of idle
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chatter about pseudo-patriotic camps thoughtful reflections on lager. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors to. follow the russian ship, see you in a week on espresso. there are discounts, they represent, unbreakable discounts on edem, 20% in the pharmacies of plantain, bam and oshchadnyk. there are discounts, they represent unbreakable discounts on hepatrombin gel 15%. travel shops to you and savings.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl winter, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhiy zgorets. but how does the world live? fizer is already with me and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchivka next to me and sports news, i invite you to conversations of yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters about cultural news, alina chykhchenina, our car viewer is ready to tell, good evening, presenters, who have become like a day to many already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliv, leader of the crimean tatar... people are in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening for espresso. summer is
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a time for rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a little peace for children, whose world was destroyed by the war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they need our support like no other, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that traveling helps children recover faster after a loss, children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will survive
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bright emotions, they... will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really liked the trip to austria, i liked the museums we went to each day, it was amazing and i really enjoyed how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help
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to survive. children, these are difficult and scary moments. the organizer of the freedom summit, the national association of the defense industry of ukraine, once again introduces western allies at the highest level to the potential of our weapons of the state this time, the appeal for joint implementation of projects is aimed at american partners. hundreds of industry representatives came to washington for a defense conference. the event will be opened by the former special representative of the us state department for ukraine, kurt volker. he is convinced that the joint implementation of innovations will help ukraine win the war. for this defense industry conference , many people with a great deal of practical experience and knowledge have come here to virginia. also , these are defense companies that are interested in to help ukraine attract more of our know-how and technologies to build partnerships
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with ukrainian companies. a lot of useful things can come out of such cooperation. ukrainian representatives are also talking about their interest in the development of close industrial cooperation with the usa. this is serhii skoryk, the commercial director of the kvertus company, which successfully develops and manufactures electronic warfare and intelligence equipment. currently, there are about 30 different systems. thanks to cooperation with american partners, kverrtus plans to strengthen opposition to the russians drones, which most often injure our military personnel. so it turned out that... that we are the world's leading, unfortunately, because we have a war, but we already have what we have, but we want to develop our product, we know that in the united states there is technology that would be would be useful to us, and that experience and those technologies that we already use, in combination with those technologies that are in the state, well, they simply strengthened protection, and accordingly, we would save
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more lives. protection of the ukrainian sky is one of the topics that are constantly addressed participants of the conference and remind the request of the ukrainian government to hand over the f-16 aircraft to us as soon as possible. meanwhile, interaction in this direction should be comprehensive, says retired general frank helmick, former commander of the 18th airborne corps and the last commander of us forces in iraq. when you hear the f-16, you say, "wow, that's a real game changer." but what the ukrainians get is not a change in the rules. they get planes that are 30 years old, that don't have radars, that are covered in rust, so we have to equip them, think about how to deliver them to ukraine, and also train technicians, where we will get repair parts, how we will protect these planes from russian strikes, we have to help ukraine in this matter. vadym bartkov, marketing director of vik teviro company, which...


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