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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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to use it, of course, i would like to clarify here that the newly re-elected president, he did propose a government of national unity, yes, but, his pro-russian opponents, they just did not agree with it, and therefore now there will be a coalition government with, in the first place firstly, it is with the democratic alliance, which takes enough... ukrainian positions, and secondly, the second partner will be, or rather, the third partner - this is the inkata, the inkata freedom party, yes, that is, it is a party based in the province of kwazulu natal, ah, so this proukra, this coalition, it will definitely be more favorable for ukraine, that is, we don't... i don't
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think that we can expect any quick reversals, you know, any, but that there will be changes, i think that they, that they will, that's why this party, by the way, is permanent, it is the ruling party in the province of cape town, i forgot whether it is the western party or the eastern party, but in any case, in cape town itself they have been... for many years in power, they illuminate the parliament building in blue and yellow colors, that is , their position is pro-ukrainian, it is known, that's why there are changes here, there can certainly be changes, but these changes can be both positive and negative, we don't know, for example, the president of chile burych, who is left-wing and takes a pro-ukrainian position, who was... . at the summit, but it is not excluded that
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in the upcoming elections parties will come to power, right-wing parties to power, and then we will have to find a common language with them, that is , such an option is also possible, that is why we say that democracy is always a problem, as we see it, and unfortunately we cannot... predict completely how it will turn out to develop, but we are able to influence, again, we should not overestimate our ability to influence these countries, and more than that, we should understand that sometimes, you know, trying to jump in, jump in to solve some problems, or blame these countries in the fact that they do not support russia enough, to throw everything at them, here... it can play into
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the negative, you have to be very, very, very, very careful, again in those countries, especially if we are talking about asia, about africa, that is really very strong anti-westernism in latin america anti-americanism, it is deep in their blood, and therefore, we also need it, we also need to take it into account, but i gave the example of qatar, right? i.e. saudi arabia refused to accept the communique, and qatar on the contrary, i.e. we know that there are contradictions between these countries , including over letters, so and so maybe such things can also be used, but again, it is very, very careful and very tactful, but on the other hand, you see that the president is to blame. the president of ukraine
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accused china of trying to disrupt the peace summit, but today he said that ukraine does not consider china an enemy, it would just like it to be a friend, if you say such a formula, well, well, the formula, the formula is good, but we understand that china was actively working, worked with these countries so that they either did not send their representatives at all, or sent, ah, ... uh, lower-ranking delegations, or, for example, like brazil itself, it was just represented in observer status, and we we understand how close the relationship between brazil and china is, unfortunately, lula and sidzimpin, and lula also talked a lot about... the future settlement, about
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the multipolar world and so on and so on, well , that's for sure, it's these conversations now, they play along with china and play along. russia also, to what extent do you think that these countries are now dependent on china, by the way, these countries that are between china and russia, specifically, they simply did not come, it is true, the countries of central asia, mongolia, they simply did not come, well there we can even, i think that these countries are under the influence of russia and china, and largely under the influence, and under the influence of russia, yes, i think that even... the russian influence here would be enough to prevent them from coming to this to this summit, it's interesting to look at the southeast , east asia, yes, where are the countries of southeast asia, they, well, cambodia,
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malaysia, did not go, thailand was, thailand went, but refrained from. joining the communiqué, by the way, singapore came, there was little hope for it, yes, that is, working with singapore, it gave results, ah, at least if we talk about participation, the philippines was represented, it seems, at the level, at the level of the ambassador, but indonesia itself, it also abstained from adopting the communiqué, so these countries, i think that... yes, they are influenced by the position of russia as well, and china, unfortunately, we have to be here, we have to understand it and we have to be realistic. and to what extent is it possible to modify the position of china under some kind of american pressure, what about
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the chinese representatives, they say that it is the americans, they are inciting, subjugating everyone, china has a neutral position, china just wants, for russia and ukraine to sit down at the table for victory, they said that just a few days ago. once again, well, we understand that in fact the chinese peace plan is actually playing along with russia, this is obvious and the rhetoric that china uses in the world, but - american policy can affect this, well, again, we well , we know that the americans also say that china does not supply russia with weapons, but... dual-purpose goods, yes, and here we need to see whether there will be a backlash, whether the position of the usa and the west will really become tougher in relation to china? china can maneuver, of course,
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but, well, now i see no reason, once again, in prolonging the conflict, in principle, it will win for now, for now. wins, the only thing is when russia starts rattling nuclear weapons, then china can say together with india, no, no, no, well, so far, i think they will win if the americans and the west as a whole take a stricter position on relations of chinese banks with russia, regarding the export of dual goods. destination, well then i think certain restrictions are possible, but again, try to control all this. if the speech, that is, i, look, i, you know, i always want to comment so that there is more, that there is more positive, but here
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it seems to me, when we talk about this topic of the global summit, about the participation of the global south, about the participation of china, it seems , that our comments, they should be very, very measured and careful, again, so that we do not create some, some inflated expectations, we do not need to shout that china is our enemy, maybe in this sense the president is right, but what in reality, china played along with russia recently, well, it’s true, to what extent do you understand the meaning of india ’s representation at this forum, well , by and large, india was supposed to be china’s competitor, there is no need for it to gain from its presence at this forum forum, nevertheless, as you can see, she
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was represented at the level of the deputy minister of foreign affairs, well, look, i think it is good to say that she was represented at all, i would say yes, because ... modi is passionate about the politics of multipolarity , they even have their own a special term, if i may say so. teralism, oh, uttered, and modi, modi constantly, as it were, shows that he takes an independent position, he again benefits from the prices at which india is able to purchase russian goods, and at the same time india needs western technologies and innovations and weapons, why, because... well, who is the main competitor? the main enemy for india, here we can use the word enemy,
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it is china, here, but india, that is why india is afraid of it, it needs to be friends with the west, and be friends with russia, and so that it does not become stronger, let's say an alliance along the lines of china, pakistan, pakistan, by the way, did not come at all, bangladesh did not come, nepal did not come, ah. that's why i think that if, let's say, it was a higher level of representation, well, for fashion it would probably be too radical, a radical change, a change of course, once again this position is very cautious, cautious, pragmatic, well, cynical in certain things , again, what i am saying is that our diplomats cannot say about india's cynical attitude, but experts, they can... talk about it, but i understand that this is primarily a position of economic benefit, because when oil became cheaper in
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the gulf countries, india calmly refused to buy russian oil, without even thinking for a minute, absolutely right, but i say that russia, the problem of russia is not only that, it is not only oil, yes, it's not only goods, it's this strategic quadrangle: moscow, islamabad, beijing and the chinese. so is delhi, that's why every step here, it must be balanced by some other steps, by the way, the indians still remind us, and you sold tanks to pakistan, i i say when it was, well, at the beginning of 2000, i say, well, what, well, they sold, yes, but you see, you sold tanks to pakistan then, well, it is clear that these are also denials. but if stereotypes at the level of these countries also exist, and relations between india
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and pakistan are extremely, extremely tense, where do you think russia will act to create some new conflict after the ukrainian middle east, india, pakistan, the balkans, the caucasus, where is now the most favorable zone for a new war to break out? you really want me to give so... no, well, we can just see where the most risky places are, he himself knows what to do without our parades. well, i think again, it's africa, it's the middle east, right? that is, these are countries where it is easy enough to do it. in latin america, well, it's just hard to do, right? because, well, in latin america to organize some... conflict between states, interstate conflict is difficult, in the middle east and
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africa, well, i think that it is, that it is easier, and the balkans, you know, in the balkans i all- still i hope that it will have an impact, well, maybe, maybe. maybe yes, but i still hope that the role of the west, including the european union, will be more restraining here, and the balkans are closer to europe, and on the one hand it may be more painful for europe, but on the other hand it is will mean europe's attention to these countries and try to hold back. situation, and we see that, for example, in the same africa, yes, these possibilities are limited, yes, they are becoming
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limited, or, ah, or in the middle east, after what happened, after the attack hamas, after the breakdown of the agreement between israel and saudi arabia, that is, there are fewer such opportunities, and you yourself know very well that the situation there is constant. to say that the situation is so complicated that it is very difficult to even hypothetically imagine how to find a way out of this situation. well, by the way, the minister of foreign affairs. and there was also such an interesting telling fact at the peace forum in switzerland, and next to him were the president of macedonia, the president of slovenia, the prime minister of croatia, the president of montenegro and the president kosovo, so neither the prime minister of albania nor the president of albania, i think, was, well, this also says a lot about which side
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of the balkans and a member of the presidium of bosnia and herzegovina, that's how i want to finish, right? by the way, armenia was also there, but azerbaijan was not there, was not there, although azerbaijan is our strategic ally, it does not understand what territorial integrity is, it is not as if, maybe it does not understand it now, but that is a good remark, thank you, mr. oleksia , oleksiy, oleksiy garan, professor of political science at the kievogyl academy, scientific director democratic initiative fund named after lka. he was on our air, on the air of the program. club on the tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and
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salam alaikum, welcome to the joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and beraber tv channel, yagulson works together in the studio for you. we welcome you, traditionally we invite you to subscribe to the espresso and atp youtube channel, ring the bells, post your comments, questions about this broadcast, and if you see a qr code on your screens during the broadcast, take out your smartphones, open the link and transfer donations to the unit named after noman
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chelijigan, who is directly fighting. for the liberation of crimea, now you can directly see this qr code, go there and send money, help our defenders liberate the peninsula. well, as usual, during this hour, this, 40 minutes, and, apparently, if i 'm not mistaken, we will talk about crimea, about the consequences of the strikes of the armed forces of ukraine on russian enemy objects on the territory of temporarily occupied crimea, well ... the first block of our program, it is precisely dedicated to the military object and aspect, and we already have a guest whom we are ready for, volodymyr zablotsky, naval expert of defense express, such a project, mr. volodymyr, congratulations, congratulations, salam alaikum, alaikum salaam, hello, thank you for
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the invitation, let's traditionally sum up the results of the past week, what in your opinion was most important. in crimea, which explosions were worth watching, which were the most important? well, first of all, you should pay attention to the systematic destruction by air defense means, large-scale, comprehensive and consistent. literally, the s-300 h2 missile batteries and one s-400 were destroyed at once. in three key points of crimea, which covered the approaches to the peninsula, to objects from different directions, and in fact he was left without covered up from the air, this, along with the destruction of the previous radar stations and new stations, this time, is a testimony, a direct
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testimony that the peninsula is being cleared of air defense means and opening the way, so to speak, for future airstrikes by ukrainian aviation to finally destroy the military of the military potential of the occupiers on the... temporarily occupied peninsula, well , at the same time, mr. volodymyr, we know that the russians are transferring elements of the systems, at least the s-500 system, our intelligence reported about this, are these the damage that we whether we do it or not, they are useless against the background of the fact that new air defense systems are constantly being transferred to the peninsula, they will transfer as long as there is something to transfer, because the peninsula for them is... so sacred, well, for putin, in particular, such a goal, for the sake of which he started this war and which, after deoccupation, will allow this war
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to stop, end, so to speak, and why do they transfer, well, there was nothing else, because the use of cluster munitions, rocket attacks, and these are ballistic missiles, let me remind you, eh -e, does not allow to restore that that it was attacked and damaged there, if earlier we said that the s-400 was attacked near tarkhankut last year, yes, but in fact elements of the s-400 were attacked, the complex itself, well, it was more or less combat-ready, they changed the radar, they are there something was also replaced and the complex was again waiting for the next strike, this time... it is a little different, it is a larger-scale damage, because cluster munitions allow you to hit all the elements that were in range, and to restore
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something possible there , but but very, very difficult, that is why they are bringing new ones there, and by the way, there was a message from the main intelligence agency that from crimea, if i am not mistaken, from crimea they are taking s-300 anti-aircraft missile... complexes to belgorod region, it is very strange when they are taking s500 here, and the s300 is taken there, but if you analyze why, well, they use the s300, it is more of an old complex for firing at ground targets, in particular at kharkiv, they shoot, well , you know, mr. volodymyr, i have a question , is it really... that the russian srk the s-300 and s-400 simply do not have the potential and ability to intercept american atacoms, and that is why when the pentagon did not
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allow ukraine to hit the kremlin with atacoms, this was the main reason, because neither the s-300 nor the s-400 will hit for sure just won't be able to intercept and shoot him down, is that really the case, and if we're talking about the s500, do they have those...powers and intercept sy attacks? you are right, the technical component also takes place, s 500 is the latest development of the enemy, but s-400, they position with the name triumph as the best development, well, the last one was up to five hundred, and it is being exported, and now, well, maybe so, and the news that... that families of air defense servicemen received a russian order, received an order to evacuate families from crimea, what can they testify about, why
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should the families be taken out, are they afraid of the activity of our partisans or is there some other story here, there can be two components, two answers, the first is to remove, well, let's say this, the families of the soldiers from the affected area, because cluster, cluster warhead is designed to defeat large square, and there is a military, a military town, where these families of these anti-aircraft fighters live, and they are in the risk zone, they see it, they analyze it and i want to reduce the level of these risks, this is quite understandable, but the other... there may be an answer , that the enemy is preparing for the evacuation of crimea in advance, and is removing its civilians from there, they
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are also taking spare parts. from the black sea fleet, since october of last year , it has been actively exporting property from sevastopol to novorossiysk, let's say from warehouses in sevastopol, this is also a fact, if you compare with the latest announcement about the evacuation of the families of anti-aircraft fighters, let's say this, military air defense, this shows that this is a system, this is a chain, this is one chain, one plan, let's say this, well , that is, it only concerns, let's say this, the families of the military, because the russian occupiers of russia, the ministry of defense of the russian federation, simply sneeze at them, yes, by and large , sneeze at them, we know , how to put them on their own the military, others who are not the elite, as in po,
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who take a long time to cook, we see these soft assaults, attacks that continue, well, such a system, such a country, and besides , 800 thousand were brought to crimea, it seems yes, the so-called runaways, well, who are being pushed out, they want to change the ethnic composition of the peninsula in this way, then say, and now we will hold a referendum, well, what about them, that’s it, well, this is such a loophole logic, that of st. petersburg, that’s what they are they definitely won't evacuate and won't even warn about anything, it won't be for them it doesn't matter what will happen to them and how, and even this week there were news about the defeat of russian radar systems, and if i'm not mistaken , they provide the ability to detect
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and further defeat all air targets, please tell me if this is really true , and how much time do we still need for the scientist to destroy all, all the russian radar systems located on the territory of the occupied peninsula, and do the russian occupiers now have the capabilities, strength, and power to transport other such systems and their place, well, really provision. air dominance, which we want to achieve over the peninsula, begins with the elimination of the enemy's air defense, anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense, as well as its fighter aircraft, which can also be an element of the same air defense. aviation was re-based for the most part to the caucasus, there to mozdok, and so on, and the remaining missile units with radar complexes,
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which... allow them to see far and prepare something there for reflection, remained like that, so here is a complex without radars without radar stations, it is not combat-capable, so it is expedient to destroy these complexes first of all, these are long-range, let's say, long-range radar stations, which i see on long waves. the range up to long waves works, er, shooting radar stations, those that work directly with the complexes that lead the target and give these whole instructions for missiles, and radar complexes or stations of direct ee complexes of short range, this is for the self-defense of the stations themselves and the anti-missile defense systems themselves. here are three such levels,
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let's say so, rls. which exist, which are gradually destroyed and according to the classics of the genre after that, well, it can already be said that in the air we do not graze the rear either, somehow, the british publication the telegraph announced a plan to liberate the peninsula, relying on various british military experts and a journalist there writes that it is not necessary at all for the boot of a ukrainian soldier to even enter the territory of crimea ... it is enough to make it inconvenient for putin and to cut off the arteries of the supply of ammunition, and as if you can say so to release him remotely, at the same time , ukrainian experts from the project of information resistance to resistance say that, after all , a ground operation cannot be dispensed with, because it will be necessary to establish a constitutional system in crimea, and it will be necessary...


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