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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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let's say rls that exist, which are gradually destroyed, and according to the classics of the genre, after that, well, it can already be said that in the air we also do not graze the rear, somehow, the british publication the telegraph announced a plan to liberate the peninsula, relying on writes to various british military experts and journalists that it is not necessary at all for chobit to enter the territory of the ukrainian... and even crimea, it is enough to make it inconvenient for putin and cut off the arteries of the supply of ammunition, and as if it is possible so to speak, release him remotely, at the same time, ukrainian experts from the project of information resistance to resistance say that, after all, a ground operation cannot be dispensed with, because it will be necessary to establish a constitutional order in crimea, and it will be necessary... after
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all, ukrainian troops will enter crimea , to get away with only destroying the kerch bridge and, for example, breaking through it at perekop, this is not enough, what is your opinion, after all, what we should most realistically do is, for now, only cut off the supply to the kerch bridge, oops on the... peninsula, or are you still preparing for a land operation? i completely agree with the point of view of ukrainian experts, and what the british say is only the first part of our plan, i think so, and the end is the end of any victory, it will be final only when the boot or its other e, let's say so , ee... when
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our scouts will be drinking coffee on the beach in yalta, we know this story, and here we see on video, by the way, how the supply of fuel to the crimea goes over the kerch bridge in , well, apparently, they dared, the russians dared the occupiers still transport it, that is , they still continue to use the kerch bridge, including, well, in my opinion, fuel is a completely military, military resource, including for military purposes, will the kerch bridge be destroyed or not? for sure, what will happen, because this is communication, this is the logistics of the living army, this is the logistics of the black sea fleet or its remnants in the crimea, and there are still many ships and vessels, despite everything , despite the fact that the main forces have been evacuated to novorossiysk and beyond to the sea of ​​azov, like us we know, it all has to be destroyed, because the army of... there will be a lot of diesel fuel
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aviation, respectively, aviation fuel, well and so on, so well, after the ferry crossing that we damaged recently, the kerch bridge should be the main target, which , well must be impressed, and our administration, the main intelligence administration, is probably already working in this direction, mr. volodymyr, and you know me in this matter. something else worries me, mostly when we talk about the deoccupation of the peninsula, and we talk about the need to isolate the peninsula from the russian federation, and this destruction of the city of kerch there from the northern direction of isolation and further by long-range missiles, strikes on russian military facilities, well, it looks really very logical and very military, many experts say so, even benhodges too.
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i wrote a huge article about it and so on, but when we talk about isolation, we understand that in this isolation, together with the russian military and the occupiers, there will be peaceful people, and these are citizens of ukraine, crimean tatars, and so on. do you think this poses a threat to our ukrainian? population in crimea. it definitely makes up, but... i want to tell you, all my acquaintances who have some contacts there, or those who recently returned from crimea, i have friends, i have, well, let's say, even relatives there, who are distant those who remain there, mostly they say, we are ready to endure, to suffer, but if we were to be freed from this horror, from this, from this influx that
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came to our land, well, and so on, so there is definitely a risk of meringue, but hey, war doesn't happen without risk, as they say, but we'll have to. something to risk in the future, but well the reward for this will be liberation, it will be de-occupation, and it will be worth it, ugh, we see that the black sea fleet is almost gone, but russia still continues to patrol the black sea with submarines, can we something to oppose submarines, or maybe we already have some artificial intelligence underwater drones that can harvest. er, these vessels, er, indeed, submarines remain a priority target because they are the only time they go on combat duty, have missiles on board that can hit the entire territory of ukraine selectively, and we never
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know where they will shoot from, because the main trump card of a submarine compared to a surface ship is stealth, they dive immediately. after leaving novorossiysk, by the way, these exits to the sea turn into whole operations, they are very afraid of our remote means, and this is along with surface unmanned boats, so-called surface drones in a broad sense, they can also be underwater drones, which we have, which we have developed several types, by the way, and one of them is marichka, which is harvested from underwater. that is, they are also hiding and they are probably patrolling somewhere there or preparing for it in order to intercept the enemy at the base, the enemy knows this, they also act creatively, they analyze our forces and means, what we do,
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what tactical techniques we use, and prepare accordingly repel, but until recently it did not help them, even the use. complex of aviation means of search and reconnaissance over the black sea, well the latest example is the destruction of boats in the black sea area, vuska bay, tugboats, shallow, smaller boats near kircha feodosia, and so on. well, here is this, here is this auxiliary fleet, mr. volodymyr, his pile is actually all these tugboats and small boats, or is it a waste to spend drones on such small targets? i'll tell you, it's not about drones, it's about the fact that this is called operational mode support, the enemy must know that we are constantly watching the sea, we know, we are working on intelligence, we are tracking all targets, and they are for a reason they are hiding their ships, they are even
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conducting the usual elements of combat training now in the sea of ​​azov, they are hiding behind the crimean bridge on the other side, and they think that they are in danger there, well, let it be... it is not yet evening, as they say, thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr zabloskyi, a naval expert defense express was on our air, let me remind you that you are watching the beraber program together in ukrainian, it is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the first crimean tatar tv channel of the apr, and andriy yanitskyi and gulsum work in the studio khalilova, of course, and we have, i understand, a short break, and then we will continue. our air, don't switch, your place is waiting
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for you, the light stays on, for dinner, what you love, that... the blanket is spread, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, at your church , because in your house they dream about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you. we were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win. and we will do
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everything to hug you faster. therefore, when you are at home,... when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. continues on your screens, in gulsum khalilova's studio andriy yanitsky, we are talking about crimea, crimean news, the second block is mainly devoted to the humanitarian aspect of the kremlin's stay on the peninsula. and because of what is happening there, we have a guest, ms. elmira
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ablyalimova cheygos, an expert of the crimean institute of strategic studies, she should be in touch already, ms. elmira, congratulations, greetings maliki village, glory to ukraine, glory, we will talk about the khan's palace, and for those, the khan's palace, for those who do not know, it is the only palace in the world. a preserved complex, a sample of crimean tatar palace architecture and the residence of the rulers of the crimean khanate, the heraev dynasty. so, let's start with such a light news, the lego company, a world-famous toy manufacturer, presented a designer in the form of the khan's palace, and this designer, of course, popularizes crimean tatar culture and history in general. around the world, i i hope that children all over the world will be able
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to play with these toys and learn more about crimea, the crimean tatars, but we know that there are also realities, now the palace is under occupation and not in the best condition, as far as i know, well, they really appear recently very exciting news, during illegal excavations, as it became known. a previously unknown building was discovered on the territory of the bakhchrai khan palace, the foundation was discovered in the harem garden of the palace complex of famous heroes, russian propagandists claim. referring to their diggers, to their so -called archaeologists, they promise to dig until they reach the layer of earth that the owners of the khan's palace used to walk through. elmira khanov, how risky it all is, how all these actions of russian diggers, archaeologists, they are... illegal and they are harming our palace,
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ugh, well, first of all, i wanted to thank you for raising such an issue, it is extremely important, especially for the crimean tatars, because indeed you are absolutely right, because the schesrai khan palace is the only monument that really confirms our existence, ethnogenesis, statehood on the territory of crimea, therefore... preserving this monument is our number one task. ugh. as for the works that we record on the territory of the bagchesrai-khan palace, from the point of view of international humanitarian law, they are illegal, because all these works must , firstly, be authorized by ukraine, and secondly, they must carry such a restoration function. today, we see everything except restoration, first of all, it is very
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similar to repair work, reconstruction, as a result of which we are losing the authenticity of the monument, unfortunately, and a vivid example of the fact that we are losing this authenticity is, first of all, the fact that the great khan mosque, where the so-called, yes restoration from the point of view of russia. which authorities, the occupation authorities, the works began way back in 2016, they, unfortunately, are not open to the public today, that is, these works that they started, they led, led to certain consequences, consequences, and these consequences are still to be overcome impossible, here, and as for... also i wanted to reflect a little, if possible , you know, unfortunately, in the ukrainian environment
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there are a lot of such stereotypes that were imposed on us since the time of the soviet union, the russian empire and so on, and the first object that the lego campaign made regarding crimea, it was so swallows, a swallow's nest, yes you remember, and... unfortunately, unfortunately, well, the first such, their first attempt to show crimea and associate it with this particular attraction, well, it is such an outrage . evoked in society, including i wrote a lot posts on this matter, that is why i spoke about the fact that i believe that crimea should be associated among ukrainians with the crimean tatar culture, with the unique crimean tatar culture, and i am very glad when
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the khan's palace really appeared this year, well finally and elmira khanum, and what about khan? palace, i still have a few questions, you said that, unfortunately, today we are losing the authenticity of the khan's palace, and indeed, if we look at these pseudo-restoration works of the russian occupiers, we saw before that what they they removed our old roof tiles there, and they brought another one from spain and put it on there, well, it's really just a loss of all authenticity, and this old roof tile... it was lying there under the rain and so on, it was simply destroyed, how much these all processes, they are irreversible, well, that is, when we already de-occupy the peninsula, come to crimea, we will be able to restore everything properly , restore everything, return it all, how irreversible and risky it all is, well
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, it is difficult to answer here, because we do not have access to this information object, it seems to me from that, and based on... what we see in the photos or videos that we will receive from crimea, indeed certain works, they are already irreversible, to restore authenticity, well , almost impossible, we can reconstruct the object, but to restore its authenticity, well , almost it is impossible for some objects of the complex, you know that the ghanaian palace is a complex that consists of several monuments, ugh, here are some of the children with it. but the work has already led to a certain partial loss of authenticity of the object, and it seems to me that even the question of including the palace in the list, the usk world heritage will be a big problem, because the first factor for inclusion is
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the authenticity and authenticity of the monument, but i think there is something... uh, which we don't talk about much, but it's also a big problem, the fact is that a monument, any, it is also historical material, a source of future scientific research, and it is by restoring, no, oh, sorry, by carrying out reconstruction, and not by restoring a monument, that we lose certain, well , sources of knowledge that can be . used as a source of future research research, because even construction and construction techniques are also a source of knowledge about how the productive forces were developed in a certain period before the crimean khanate, we know that russia still imposes such a thesis that
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the crimean khanate was supposedly such a weak state in which ... well, there was no, the economy was not developed, there were no certain attributes of statehood, yes, it was a state that lived only on the begam and so on, but it is the practice and construction technologies that show the development of the production forces and is a source of certain knowledge, and by losing such sources, we almost lose future ones. where mythologizing research that would give us additional knowledge, i was so, you know, amazed when they were dismantling the roof of the great khan mosque, such a complex construction of the roof of the great khan mosque, without a single nail,
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structures were built there that did not even exist. understandable to modern engineers, because the only thing they were able to do, the only decision they made, was the dismantling of this very roof, but, that is, the construction was so complex that is the roof of the great khan mosque, but today we have lost this structure, we have modern, you are absolutely right, modern materials, modern technologies. modern roof tiles, which do not correspond either to the era of construction or to the technologies of that time, and it seems to me that even a little in... they have lost such integrity of the complex, when one part of the complex is under, well, one type
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of building materials and technologies, and the other part under another. elmira, you mentioned unesco, and we know that the khan palace, it was included by ukraine in the previous lists for inclusion in the objects of cultural heritage. of world importance, but not finally included, but unesco can somehow influence russia, stop this mess and still force the occupier not to destroy the khan's palace, but to carry out exclusively restoration work, not repair work. and did we as a state address this issue to unesco? and so we appealed, the state of ukraine did everything in its power to preserve not only this monument, but all the objects that today is under the influence of the occupying
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power, yes, the fact is that russia is not only rebuilding the bagchesarai khan palace, it is conducting illegal archaeological excavations on the territory of the occupied territories, it is moving the museum of worthlessness from the occupied territory to the russian federation. and even from the newly occupied territories certain museum values ​​are transported to the territory of the occupied crimea, and russia appropriates cultural values ​​and objects of cultural heritage together with cultural institutions, it uses them for military purposes, to date certain facts of the use of archeology are already known. monuments of crimea, which are located in the north of the peninsula as fortifications, and of course it is rebuilding certain monuments, and we
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recorded all these facts and forward them to the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, the ministry of culture and information policy. as a result of such work, there is a unesco decision to conduct annual monitoring. the state of protection of objects of cultural heritage, science, culture, religion, that is, in everything the mandate of unesco, but the problem is that international law, in particular in the matter of the protection of objects of cultural heritage during an armed conflict, very easily spells out the issue of responsibility, and it is extremely and extremely difficult to hold russia in particular... to account for these objects , and i think that this will be precisely such a task
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of ukraine for the future, ah, to become at the forefront of the processes of a more careful consideration of the norms of international law, regarding... bringing to justice people who are involved in crimes against cultural heritage. by the way, on july 4-5, our organization , the crimean institute of strategic studies, together with the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, together with the ministry of culture and information policy, as well as our partners, the all-ukrainian organization of international law, are holding a conference dedicated to precisely the 75th anniversary of the hades convention and the 25th anniversary of the second protocol, and the focus of this conference will be the issue of
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criminal responsibility for crimes against cultural heritage. well, unfortunately, unfortunately, it's not some kind of news that the empires, steal cultural values, even the old empires, which seem to be civilized now, still keep in their museums many cultural values ​​from... other countries, it would be good to actually return them and, after all , to get rid of the consequences of this imperialism in general, but if not to say only about the khan's palace, not only about directly cultural values, in general about life in the crimea, now is the season, we see, for example, in kyiv, that on the beaches, on the rivers, the beaches are full of people, and here are the shots from the crimean beaches, which unusual empty, why is this happening, has russia already stopped sending these pro-soviet activists, soldiers, to the sanatorium, they don't
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even risk it anymore. i understand everyone that a tourist on his own is unlikely to go to crimea, well , is he a very risky one, who is ready for adventure, so to speak, yes, but we know that the russians have developed this organized tourism, now the beaches show that even this there is not so much organized tourism anymore, do you have any data on what is happening with tourist crimea now, well, you know, i am always quite was skeptical of... the russians' attempts to create a tourist region from crimea, because it seems to me that all people who understand russia's intentions regarding the seizure of certain territories, we understood that all this was done for military purposes, and sooner or later this story it would have ended with crimea as a tourist region, but today it seems to me that this is the situation that i
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see now. on your footage, it very clearly shows ukraine's intentions regarding crimea, and the citizens of ukraine who are in the territory of crimea today, they are happy to accept it seems to me such a wonderful picture. yes, i will remind you of this sacramental phrase of a russian tourist, mommy mommy, it is necessary to dump from here, it is necessary to dump from here, come on. let's address this phrase to all russians who are illegally on the territory of the peninsula and return to other issues, the prime minister, mr. chmyhal, made a statement about what crimea will be like after liberation, he mentioned that what exactly will develop there, well and in particular, it was also about tourism development, you say that you are skeptical of russia's attempts to develop tourism in
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crimea, but can ukraine transform crimea? to such a tourist mecca? ah, uh, you know, it's a tricky issue, i think the first thing we 've got to do is sort out some issues, uh, about protecting our borders, because this crazy neighbor, crazy neighbor, yeah, she's from us won't go anywhere, and we have to do... everything so that any of her efforts, even looking in our direction, are perceived as an intention to capture, you see, so the first thing we need is to ensure that security of our borders, regarding further actions, i think yes, really, because crimea is wonderful, you know,
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yesterday... i literally thought a little bit about what could be in crimea and about myself in crimea personally, and i came to the conclusion that first of all, you can study history, world history on the sights of crimea, it is unique from this point of view, and world history, including the history of humanity, and we have a lot of different sights, starting from ... anderthals and ending with modern history. crimea is wonderful from the point of view, it was picturesque, extremely picturesque such an inspiration for poets, and for writers, and for artists, and it can be such, it is a health center, it is the homeland of the crimean tatars, and it seems to me, if we return to the question of political relations.
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status of crimea, crimean tatar territorial national autonomy, do n't be afraid of this issue, crimea can become the most beautiful city on earth, the way we all see it, but before that we need to do a lot of work, first of all, regarding the decolonization of crimea's history . regarding the decolonization of the territory, regarding the rethinking the history of crimea, including that which is part of the history of ukraine, regarding the reinterpretation of certain historical figures, certain historical events, and then, perhaps, we will form our new vision of crimea as an integral part.


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