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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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the brics of half the world and let's show these damned damned imperialists they will squirm and they will show squirm to themselves because you are absolutely right, they cannot achieve unity, well because how can you achieve unity between china and india, well you have to be a brilliant strategist to delay such countries under one roof and to think that after that you can achieve something, well, this is brilliant, well, i think that... uh, the initiator of this idea should be given an order for stupidity, if they, if they think about some of their interests there global character, that's why here, in fact, this is a stillborn story from the very beginning, there will be no common currency, there will be no common positions, this is absolute er absolute delusion and delusion, but for propaganda it will work, and the russians will think that they big and they
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united under their tent, half the world, half the south, half the east, and so on and so forth, but to no avail. another topic that i would like to talk about with you is the actual summit of the big seven, it took place literally the day before, ukraine is also in it participated, in fact a security agreement between ukraine and the united states was signed there. to the countries of the big seven, they agree to use things, there they also mentioned about it, that russian funds are frozen for ukraine, for our, our advancement, so to speak, in the fight against the russian aggressor within the framework of the war. if we are talking about this summit, how successful was it and how can it also be compared to such
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great successes of our diplomacy? yes, this is a joint success, i think, mr. andriy, a joint success of us and the seven countries, because well you see, turning the situation around in such a way as to help ukraine with russian money, well, this is really, this is a cool, cool, high-class, i would say on... game, and here we can only thank those who decided to punish russia in this way , it's true, it's only the first step, let's be honest again, it's not what we expected, but maybe our expectations in this regard were a bit high, because we wanted everything at once, well, unfortunately, it doesn't happen, but this is a very powerful step forward, it means that...
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the taboo on the topic of using russian has been lifted money for ukraine, and these 50 billion are like loans to ukraine, we need them like air today, because it closes our problems with the budget for this year and maybe even for the next, and it gives us the opportunity to additionally buy weapons that we need today, well ... we understand well, it is necessary, like the same air, so it is a double success, and therefore i believe that, well, this summit in this context will go down in history as a consolidation of the western elites of the western world against russia, so i repeat once again, this is a court, please tell me mr. volodymyr, what do you think, and will it come to the confiscation of the russian assets themselves, one day we will wait for this... you do not really
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believe in it, well, for now i will tell you honestly, i do not really believe, although, well, from experience, i will tell you honestly, mr. vitaly, if you work methodically and for a long time at one point, you still achieve some kind of result, and since this first step has already been taken and psychologically western countries have agreed to the use of actually russian... money, then with proper organization of work and with the right selection arguments from our side in the first place, and you know that a whole team of our lawyers is working to convince the western partners to go further, it still seems to me that there is a chance for success, and the numbers speak for themselves yourself, you see, well, we call the figures of losses 700, the world bank
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there talks about almost 500 billion, these are sky-high, sky-high amounts, so we will have to look for them one way or another. where to get them and why, let's say, our western partners should pay for it, and not russia, well, where is the logic here, and i think that for many western partners precisely this approach is very profitable, because they tell their voters, dear friends, we will not touch your money, we will touch the money of the aggressor, and this is fair, i would also like to ask about sanctions, this is probably one of... such the most pleasant news this week for ukraine, because the united states of america has imposed sanctions against a number of legal entities and individuals of russia, china, by the way, and a number of other countries, mr. volodymyr, when should we expect
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the consequences, or are these consequences already in fact in russia and before things in china? well, you know, me it seems that the first consequences. rather , we have already seen the first consequences and they are shown even by russian television channels, these are long queues at exchange offices, because the blow to the moscow stock exchange, well, you know, such a blow to the breath, well, but it was, well, i think that it should have been expected for moscow, especially after it began to threaten... er, the united states of america and western europe that it will put weapons in the hands of terrorists who will strike on their territories, well, they threatened, waved their next nukes there and non-nuclear sticks, well, they received a blow, which
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can definitely be very, very painful for the russian economy, because, well, excuse me... now, when they are talking about the fact that the dollar can jump from 80 to 200 rubles, well, what the economy will withstand such and such blows, although it will all happen in another month, the sanctions will come into force exactly in my opinion on july 12, but you already know that the panic in russia has gone, so, you know, it seems to me that such with pointed, but very painful blows , the west shows putin that if you will to continue playing these completely idiotic,
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sorry, games of yours, well, it will be more expensive for you, and so, if, and so, sorry, if it starts... er, first the russian economy will sag, and then fall apart, well, then there is nothing to fight for, because war requires crazy funds. but if we talk about these sanctions from the point of view of the fact that they are aimed at chinese companies as well, is this also a certain slouch? it seems to me, mr. vitaly, that it is precisely the americans here, so far, well, after all... they are trying to act not so harshly and straightforwardly, as relatively russia, but these, so far, not too broad sanctions against china, they are just clearly hinting, dear chinese friends, if you want to have some kind of
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normal relations with us, then let's pay attention to what to do, what... you do it is not worth it, because the sanctions will also affect you, so far it does not work, i will tell you honestly, my impression is that so far china has firmly clung to its pro-russian position, and here is the fact that there is not even a single representative of china in any capacity at this conference, shows that they in the same boat, but it's a matter of time, i think, including the political consequences. of this summit now in switzerland , the same thing should happen to china, it must understand that it finds itself, together with russia, in isolation, and this is not what it claims to be, as a country that wants to play some, well, serious, serious roles in world politics . thank you for your
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expert opinions, volodymyr ogrysko, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs in 2007-2009, manager. of the russian research center, we are currently in direct contact with tatiana vysotska, correspondent of the espresso tv channel, by the way, is now in switzerland. at the global peace summit, tatyana, good evening, greetings, greetings from switzerland, greetings, so, tatyana, what is happening now in bürgenstock, what are your impressions of the general atmosphere of this meeting? right now these minutes, here i am begging and the plenary session is being broadcast on the big screens, finally, which started, it started somewhere about an hour ago, one by one... it will last a very long time, considering the fact that
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the states represented at this summit in number of 100 delegations, of which 92 states and eight international organizations, that is, it is such a powerful event and very interesting, because we can see the opinion of each individual state that participates in this summit, as to how this summit should be held, in what way should take shape: a peace process, and it is also interesting what the leaders of one or another country think about the possible participation of russia in this summit, because, for example, today the ukrainian delegation once again clearly stated that ukraine will not sit down at the transition table with russia ready, and the fact that yesterday, for example, there were news about the fact that in some form russia may take part in the next election, today to journalists, ukrainian journalists, by the way, there are a lot of them here, there are more than 40 of us here. ihor zhovkva, the deputy minister of foreign affairs, came to us, and he
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said once again that ukraine will not hold direct negotiations with russia now, but nevertheless, if, not if, but when the states participating in this great peace initiative, which are present here now , which may be joined later, when they will form the same road map of the peace process, based, as ukraine still insists, on 10 points. the formula is zelensky's formula, when this document is already formulated, then it can be brought to the attention of the russian federation, but not so that putin will sit at the negotiating table next to macron funderlais and zelensky, and this will be done through some intermediaries or for now this format is being discussed, that is, so far it cannot be said that there is any decision that russia will participate in a certain way in the nearest ones, it was announced in some news, and there were some already resonant statements or some
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really interesting things that our international partners, leaders of other states talked about, or some speeches were already made before the actual community of this summit, something, something so interesting that actually, what could... be talked about now and what could be considered as a fait accompli at this peace summit? well, first of all, it is worth noting that it is an established fact that the summit is still successful, because it represents all corners of the world, that is, all continents are represented here at the summit, in fact, all practically all the most powerful states, as the previous one correctly said. guest of the studio, there is no china, there is no russia, they are in a certain isolation,
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everyone else has come, even brazil, which is actually a co-author of the alternative, alternative peace plan of the region, brazil is represented here at the summit in the form of an observer, that is, the summit can really be called in this plan successful, as far as applications are concerned, it is also interesting to note, for example, that the organizer of the summit is switzerland, which is a neutral state. constantly in all the speeches of the swiss side, the side of the organizers, it is emphasized that the peace process is impossible without the participation of russia, that is, switzerland is constantly biting, in this way , somehow, it is even pushing a little to involve russia in the negotiations, but for example, here i am before join now in the studio funderlein, the president of the european commission, was listening to the speech of the vice president of the united states. had karis listening to the speech of olaf scholt, the federal minister of germany, none of them about
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the fact that russia should be a full participant did not say negotiations, on the contrary, they said that russia , the aggressor, should be punished, that is , among the participants of the summit, there are, so to speak, different inputs, different opinions, and that is why this summit is actually being held, so that people can talk, so that people can exchange ideas, and tomorrow will be very interesting... because despite the fact that some of the leaders of the states will go today, the representatives of all the delegations will remain, and they will participate in parallel working groups, and here at... the working groups will discuss not only three points, which will be included in the final community, this site is also criticized for this, that the national community will include only three points - nuclear safety, food security and humanitarian issues of prisoners of war and the liberation of ukrainian civilian prisoners and ukrainian children whom russia took to its
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territory , but really, the final one... which will be exactly these three questions, but why? because regarding these three issues, no participant in this event has any amount, because of course there should be nuclear safety, of course there should be no sales crisis in world and of course it is necessary to free the children, free the captives, free the civilians who are actually hostages of the russian federation, but at the same time the states will discuss the other seven. which, as we know, contain the demand to withdraw russian troops from the state borders of ukraine, punishment, the creation of a tribunal and so on, that is, these issues, despite the fact that they will not be included in the text, they are discussed, and it is also very interesting, by the way, among these stoma participants of the summit, of course not
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all will participate in it, but tomorrow it will already be known who agreed, the idea is that each... state participating in the peace initiative will take on one or two issues from the 10 points of the peace plan of ukraine. that is, for example, already today macron said that france will take care of nuclear security, because france itself is a nuclear power, this is their topic and their experiences in fact. and it will be very interesting tomorrow, when the presidents of switzerland and ukraine will come to the final press conference, whether they will announce which other states have made commitments. be some other points, including the points that we included in the final communique, so the summit itself is actually much more interesting than it might appear from today's news reports, because today's news reports, actually all day we have been analyzing what has not happened yet, because the plenary session has just started, and all day long we have been transmitting news that a bilateral meeting was held, someone
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arrived, someone said something, but just the real conversation at the round table of hundreds... of delegations from all over the world's continents, this in fact, everything is cool and very interesting, i am waiting for tomorrow with great impatience, because the working groups will meet again from the very morning, and already in the afternoon there will be news, there will be three press conferences, the joint president of ukraine and switzerland, separately the president of switzerland, separately, the president of ukraine, and this again shows that switzerland, it has its own rhetoric and they want, if only a little separately. it is possible to talk again about the fact that russia should be seated at the transition table next to ukraine, but tomorrow, that is, it will be despite the fact that the second day and the lower level of representation, some letters will go, but it will be a very, very interesting day, i hope that it will be possible to agree on exactly these issues, which state will lead, which clause of the peace formula of ukraine. well, that
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means that, in principle, there are many who will speak at the summit today, he... just today at the evening plenary session, then it will be, as is often the case with work in working groups, correct? yes, yes, yes, and in fact, the communique, the final council, is based on these three less, as it were to say, debatable points, yes, points that everyone supports, for all the good, against nuclear war, this communiqué has already been practically rolled back, yes, there is already a draft of it, if only it were tomorrow. just to finalize the commas and dots there, but nevertheless tomorrow there will be a lot of work also on planning what to do next, when you hold the second summit, at what stage it will be held, it is clear that the working groups will now meet after this summit, well that is it's very interesting, it's nice that this summit didn't turn out like it was
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a firecracker that burst, showed some picture and disappeared, that is, there is... great hope that this process will really involve many states, dozens of states, which will continue to work on how to establish peace in ukraine, this is very important, it is actually historic summit, which we even, one might say, did not expect, but can, for example, this final communiqué be radically changed by tomorrow, and the second question is whether there can be states. who, for example, in the final case will not sign this last option, which is very good question, it's really a question about... just great, because really, you shouldn't expect this communiqué to have 100 signatures by the number of delegations. already today, even the ukrainian delegation and in the background, talking to journalists, said
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that the actual communique is open, which means that some states, if they want, sign, if they want, they do not sign, but also in the future some other states, which now are not involved in this process, or, for example, have not signed now, then they can... sign later, so that's it there will be a document without a final dot, the number of signatures will vary over time, and indeed, changes may be made, but let's see what happens tomorrow, because i don't have the actual text of the draft right now, let's see, and if we talk in principle about future intentions, you will think, it will be clear after that. forum, when the next summit will be held, in what format, will the heads of state still meet, well, as i
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feel, there will definitely be no answer to this question, because all these participants of the new new, you can say the inaugural summit, as it is called, by the way, the ukrainian delegation, this is the beginning of the first... this is a new initiative, and therefore it is not known when all the participants will decide that they are ready to take the next step, or, for example, will this road map fully formulated before the second summit, yes, on the basis of all 10 points there will already be some kind of ready peace plan, which will already be presented in the mountains, is it possible that there will be some intermediate summit, where three points will be considered in detail today, three more points will be discussed on the next website , tomorrow will be just that... decide even today, including, by the way, at closed meetings, at working groups. thank you, tatiana. tetyana vysotska, correspondent of the express tv channel,
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just in time, yes, i say that we have almost, almost a pause, yes, mr. vitaly, you wanted to say something, and she is at the peace summit in genstok, but we continue all these talks, we will continue the conversation in a few minutes after a short pause and... there will be further thoughts of vitaly portnikov, we will discuss all these topics that were discussed before, and in that including new topics, everything that happened during this week and everything that is important for our country, do not switch, a few minutes and we will be back. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war. front-line, component, serhiy zurets, and what does the world live on? yuriy fizar, with me already, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yuriy dobrovech, two hours to keep up
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with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchavka next to me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alena chekchenina, our art watcher, ready to tell, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend. also distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good afternoon, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, espresso in the evening. we continue saturday's political club broadcast, vitaliy portnikov, and we then have a practical hour to talk with... with mr. vitaliy, let's probably start with these statements of putin, which alarmed someone, someone took them with
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humor, someone says that this is food, there are different opinions, putin stated that he actually has his own demands, that he rejects all the vision that ukraine has, which has... has civilized world, putin says that ukraine should not become a member of nato, says that five regions of our country should, in fact, even legally, according to international law, become part of russia, which it was, according to international law he did not say, well, he said that it is necessary to recognize, to recognize, we understand that recognition means recognition, if recognition is recognition within the framework of international law. contracts or something fixed, well less than that, we understand very well that putin has nothing special there connection with or not, does not rely on
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legal. facts, but less with what it was? i think that everything is happening absolutely logically, it seems to me that we have already repeatedly talked about the fact that he is trying to drive both russia and ukraine into such a legal trap, not the first day. this legal trouble is connected with the fact that in 2013 he started doing something he had never done before. this is the same, this is the development of political schizophrenia. in the 1990s, they simply separated parts of the territories from former soviet republics and created quasi-regimes there: the transnistrian moldavian republic, abkhazia, south ossetia, by the way, gauzia, which later agreed with the republic of moldova, and by and large it is absolutely obvious that they believed that this would be such an obvious proof of their influence in the post-soviet space. in 2008
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, they moved. such a new rubicon, they recognized the independence of abkhazia and south ossetia, and at the time they said that this type of answer to kosovo, the west recognized the independence of kosovo, and they, although it was after the decision of the un international court, after genocidal attempts, after ethnic cleansing, in abkhazia, south ossetia, there was a slightly different ethnic cleansing, people of georgian ethnic origin were expelled there, but they recognized their independence, and this was the next stage, which absolutely does not allow to explain, but what will happen. relations between georgia and russia are unrealistic if russia recognizes the independence of the territories that georgia considers an integral part of its sovereign territory, but anyway they did not claim them. in 2014, a new stage took place: the annexation of crimea, the annexation of the territory of one state to another, and this, i would say, changes everything very seriously from
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the point of view of international law and... that for the first time since the second world war in europe, one state annexed the territory of another state, well, in 2022, by and large this continued because in ukraine there were two , so to speak, hybrid regimes of influence: the annexed territory and the occupied territory, which declared itself an independent state, but this independence is not recognized by russia itself, so to speak, all this happens within the framework of the transnistrian scenario in... february 2022, putin decided to replace the transnistrian scenario with the abkhaz one, literally in a few months, he replaced the abkhazian scenario with the crimean one, and now the question arises whether it is possible to find a political solution to these problems, really no, and that is exactly what putin is trying to achieve , he clearly says that if we imagine the end of hostilities, then this end
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of hostilities must ee... take place so that ukraine withdraws its troops from the occupied russian territory, which is absolutely schizophrenic, but it is absolutely logical for him built in his head and in his constitutional law, and note that i always pay attention, russian propaganda always distinguishes between a conditional kharkiv and a conditional kherson. kharkiv is a ukrainian city. kherson is a city under the control of kyiv. ugh. odessa is a ukrainian city, though. they say all the time that odessa will be russian, but it will be, ugh, zaporizhzhia is a city under the control of the ukrainian regime, there were explosions in russian-controlled zaporizhzhia , but not in ukrainian, which means, in principle, they have a clear understanding where the state border of the russian federation now passes, it passes along
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the administrative... borders of the kherson, zaporizhzhia, donetsk, and luhansk regions with ukraine. thus, no real political settlement of the russian-ukrainian conflict is possible, because any president of the russian federation who will follow putin's course will not be able to get his country out of the war with ukraine, even if this decision is political. it would not be sought, it can be between russia and ukraine only conditionally saying a ceasefire. ugh. this is roughly how israel and the arab countries negotiated a cease-fire in 1948 on the island of rhodes. and the first peace agreement, which in principle fixed, well, at least such, i would say, the external border.


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