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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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all matches euro-2024 exclusively on mego there are discounts represent unbreakable discounts on medicar ic 10% in pharmacies plantain for you and saver vasyl's big broadcast of winter two hours of air time two hours of your time two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives two hours to to be aware of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become their own languages ​​for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, espresso in the evening. see this week in the collaborators program. as a traitor from melitopol, she led the russian youth movement.
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russia has already said that this is an effigy, no one will talk to him at all. on tuesday, june 18, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in the new one. in an hourly format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from
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tuesday to friday from 20 to 22 our defenders and immediately the donats flew just crazy, i just update and see how they fall, fall and fall into the bank, for which we thank you, the defenders are also grateful, we are convinced, despite the fact that they make that more difficult, bigger and, probably - still the most important part of the work, but you are also well done and thank you for these donations, continue, in the meantime we will move to the north again, our colleague alyona yatsina will be in touch with us. ms. alyuna, congratulations, good morning and glory to ukraine. good morning and glory to the heroes. how was your weekend, because there is such a double situation in the kharkiv region, after the ibk arrived and our high-precision ammunition began to fly a little differently. they say that the intensity of shelling and bombing has decreased. the opposite is true in donetsk region. that is , as intensive as it was there, it was even more so in some areas. how did you decrease
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increased the number of shelling of communities near the border? and you know, in fact it has decreased and during this week, according to statistics, we probably returned to the period of june 22nd, that is, the real number has now become much smaller, that is, if earlier we had 200, 300, 400 shells per day with... now, well, 25 to 30 fly by, in very rare cases there are up to 50-50, but this is real, but i don't even remember the day when last week there was such a number, that is , the intensity decreased very, very much and we see that the number of consequences of shelling has also decreased, that is, we have damaged houses and people. unfortunately, we have at
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six last week, i think seven people were injured and one person died, but it was a rocket attack on the city. you see how people get used to everything, when there is less shelling, then we all breathe a sigh of relief and say: oh, it's less, it's easier, but that doesn't mean that it's completely calm, because these shellings continue all the time, the bus that last week in fpv drones were allegedly attacked on friday sumyshchyna is there a feeling that they are literally hunting, yes, looking for some civilian objects, larger, vehicles, to do as much damage as possible, you know, they are hunting absolutely everything, that is, there are cars, for example, local people who live in seven-kilometer zone, and the russians have already studied them over the past two years, and in principle, they are more or less there. they don't touch, eh, but there are
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moments when one drives into the five-kilometer zone, into the zone, then such, as if someone else's cars, yes, or those that they have not seen, or those. which can carry many people, therefore let's be honest, in the five-kilometer zone , it's not that there aren't some types of bus-type transport everywhere, but it's very, very rare, that's why they just start pelting everything they see that is foreign, everything else they see drones, by the way , the attacks have become more frequent, well, i don't know, probably times 10, that is, we constantly see fpv, fpv, fpv, and they strike. specific civilian objects, civilian houses, and some communication towers, which we have already left on the border like a cat cried, but the russians continue to mine absolutely everything and destroy it so that the people who are left to live there have nothing
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to use. and in what way is it possible to inform the population, if you say that there are not many communication towers left that are working, how to convey information so that there is no force. for their propaganda, you know, it's difficult with this because we have certain measures of the council, which i probably can't talk about on the air, they are working on this issue, but i would like to see a little more support from the authorities in terms of conversion or the same repair of towers connection, because even when i travel to the border, or to filming... we work, or i go to my grandmother's house, she still hasn't left anywhere, so the operator constantly offers me to switch to russian roaming, that is, i i think that people who live there permanently, who want to have some kind of connection , are located on it, mrs. alyuna,
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as far as the history with the petunia makarenko university of sumy is concerned, well, let's say a voice. is not in place, is it a bubble within the university itself, or has the discussion fizzled out outside the university, because i look at it this way, i read different opinions of both local historians and teachers, some say that makarenko, our friend and his, the theory of education still works, others say that, well, as they say, he was and a teacher and chekist from the nkvd, so it is better to take over. but this is me saying the opinions of the teachers themselves, how much does this story resonate in the city? i can't say that this story directly overwhelmed the city, but people who are interested in renaming, as well as those who are interested in keeping the name, they
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are starting to spew this information already the limits of the bubble, this is literally the last week this wave happened, and there are really those. they shout that - and what did makarenko do wrong, as if - at that time, everyone who did something had to be, in some way , serve the soviet union, and therefore he did everything correctly, and he is a very good specialist, and there are those who shout , my god, we have renamed 300 streets in the city, and we are constantly getting rid of this sovietism, we are trying to make it so that it is really recognized as the occupation of ukraine during this period and in general. and we have a university here that teaches of future teachers, has this name, let's see what it will lead to, because even among the leadership of the university itself, as far as i know, there is no single common opinion, so let's
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hope that the public will still waver, which way will we go watching it is interesting, because it seems like a talented teacher and talented. not the last member of the nkvd, that is, there are two arguments, i wonder which of them , in sum, will tip shalka tereziv? let's see how, in general, society in the region has become so single-minded, because we we observe that in odesa there are still some scandals from time to time, sometimes because of mova, sometimes with the shopping center, after all, this happens in various other regions as well, how? do you have this, are such stories the exception, or does it still happen, as is the rule? what i want to say is that, perhaps, for many, sumyshchyna is the edge of geography and somewhere the zone that has the longest border with russia, and
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supposedly should have been with russia, however, even before the full-scale invasion of us , nothing like this was observed and did not happen. revolutions of dignity began in sumy region, in sumy region the maidan began in 2004, and any questions about language or national identity were never relevant for us, that is... that is, i probably don't know a single person in my circle who would openly oppose ukraine, or somehow there as much as possible for the russian language, yes, we can use surzhik or the sumy language on the side, as they say in our country, but eh, but this does not mean anything anti-ukrainian at all, that is, this question is not serious at the time, and if it was raised, then well, i... remember from the 22nd year, so that it would be at least somewhere in such a plane, you know, general, that is, there is nothing like that,
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and on the contrary, in our country, to be honest, both kurshchyna and bilhorodshchyna, here and bryanshchyna, these are three regions of the russian federation, with which we border , then there in the villages people chatter, as we, ugh, that is, in our country this is an irrelevant issue for us, and the tsk in our country, to be honest, well, if we compare it with those... which we see in other regions of ukraine, when people there in the middle of the street they pack in beads and so on and so on, then we don't have such a thing, that's the way it is of course certain problems, we do not have an ideal tsk, it probably does not exist anywhere, now, for example, recently our colleague, the editor of one of the sumy media, who has -12 eyesight, was taken to different units for three combat summonses, he was not accepted there, though. they say, lord, what are you going to do with us, he says, i want to serve, if necessary, take me away, but give me something, well
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, according to my state of health, because, well , where will i go -12, i will be a burden in combat of some kind exits, but he is being rolled, let's say yes, all over ukraine, huh, ms. alyona, thank you for the story, alyona yatsyna, journalist, our colleague from sumy oblast, where the number is. i see it has decreased in recent weeks, our border guards confirm, and the number of shellings, this is what the gracious permission of 300 km plus can do, although in principle, ms. alyona correctly reminded us, because the buffer zone can be these lands of the ukrainian people's republic, kurshchyna, bryansk, bilhorodshchyna , those that lenin once signed and recognized as the territory of ukraine. a short pause, and after that we will... to analyze the latest challenges in armaments and not only with serhiy zgurets, director
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choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in... the csoo a-sbu team. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. as promised, serhiy zgurets, director of the information and consulting agency defense express, is with us. mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory, good morning. greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. they saw it, obviously the russians, we saw on the video how, somewhere deep in... russia , an echelon was going through the kemerovo region, on it such museum exhibits, t-62m tanks, and there was an immediate assumption that they were obviously taking it to the front, because what, well , probably a new museum will not be opened, they will equip them all with barbecues, as such a super modern method of protection, do you think that these tanks are now capable of doing something on
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the front, and does it mean that they are like that old... exhibits are taken that belong to the russians bad situation with such a technique? well, when we talk about the use of tanks on the battlefield, they have gone through several iterations. we remember the appearance of russian tanks there , the breakthrough of the most modern m tanks, which burned well. we know about the total number of losses of russian tanks in ukraine, according to the general staff, within 700. we understand that now the enemies are still trying. to somehow use armored vehicles, taking into account the new realities, the new realities are that tanks on the battlefield are destroyed quickly and are already destroyed, in particular by large-scale water tanks, and now the enemy is trying to adapt in some way, what is adaptation, well, on the one hand, they started to pull old tanks, indeed, and there we saw tam-62, other models,
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generally the enemy according to our estimates, there according to the estimates of gur and other foreign ones. experts, er, the enemy can produce 1,500 tanks a year, that is, of which up to 150 are new, and the rest are actually such as we see t-62. in any case , they will be used on the battlefield, perhaps there will be improved formats of tsarmangals, we saw this near avdiivka, in krasnohorivka, in particular near krasnohorivka and beyond, these tanks are used, still plastered with its iron, by others, but... in fact, we are talking about the fact that the enemy is trying to clean up their reserves and somehow, well, strengthen their capabilities on the battlefield. our main countermeasures are precisely mines, anti-tank means, fpv drones, and they actually, well, minimize this potential, no matter how it works in russia, whether with the use of the latest tanks or with
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the use of t-62 tanks. mr. serhiu, you know, we just had a conversation on various... near the russian border areas and in the sumy region and kharkiv region , shelling has significantly decreased, can we explain this by the fact that we now have an open permission to destroy both missile launchers and anti-aircraft missiles and everything else on the territory of russia, or is it with a statement is it related to any specific strikes that have changed the life of sumy oblast and kharkiv oblast in the last week? well, we really know what the enemy has been accumulating. forces there in sumy region, kharkiv region, we know about the enemy's attempts to carry out offensive actions there, we know that with on may 10 and beyond, active counteroffensive actions, counteractions with ours were carried out. side , they significantly reduced the russian potential, including using strikes on the accumulation of russian forces, on equipment warehouses that were located on
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russian territories adjacent to our sites, this of course affected the russian offensive potential, but now i think that after significant losses, the enemy is trying to carry out regrouping and still some there, i do not rule out that the enemy will try to make certain attacks in the direction of those areas where hostilities are currently taking place, in particular, there this also applies to vovchansk, there and liptsi, but i think that the enemy will not advance there, but when we talk about the losses of the enemy, by the way, here are the tanks yesterday , the day before yesterday there was for some reason a minimal number of enemy tanks, the headquarters seems to have reported two tanks there today, the day before yesterday there were zero, but before that... there were dozens of destroyed tanks that were acquired, which i think, now, probably, there is a certain rethinking of the enemy, how to act further, the formation of some new conditional
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tactics to put pressure on our defense, yes, mr. serhiy, and this new statement by stoltenberg that nato should bring nuclear weapons to combat readiness, to show its power and might against the background of the fact that russia is constantly blackmailing it. and china, of course, is building up its arsenal, or could this be the next step that will deter, or on the contrary, rather lead to the fact that the russians will begin to scare even more? well, in fact, this is an extremely important statement of the general secretary of nato, because it has been a long time in general the alliance's nuclear doctrine has not been revised, and now, as i understand it, a certain stage of adaptation of the alliance's nuclear potential to the actions carried out by the russian federation, which says that it is possible to use tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield, is beginning, the answer
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there is countermeasures there are some russian threats there, and this, in fact, significantly erodes all the existing foundations of the role and significance of nuclear weapons, from the side of the alliance, we know that the alliance has three levels, relatively speaking, of the actions of nuclear weapons, that is... in particular, when three countries , which have nuclear weapons, france, great britain and the united states carry out individual deterrence policies, then there is a group of nuclear planners in the format of an alliance, this is the highest collegial body for the use and planning of the use of nuclear weapons by the alliance, and this is nuclearing, that is, the placement of nuclear weapons on the niche sites of countries . we know that there are five such sites, in particular belgium, germany, the netherlands, italy and turkey, so relatively speaking, now saltonberg's statement
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that nuclear weapons, relatively speaking, have be re-examined the role and significance just reflects that now the alliance will probably increase the number of nuclear warheads that are on combat duty because yes... are our weapons of the alliance in any case operational and probably now during the summit nato will discuss these new conceptual principles that increase the effectiveness of the use of nuclear weapons by the alliance in the form of a new doctrine that will precisely reflect modern reality. mr. sergey, does defense express have any confirmed information about... which our military man denys yaroslavskyi told us, because he talked about ammunition with the poisonous substance lewisite, and how
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dangerous it is if it is used, and does it belong to the list of prohibited substances? yes, lucite is indeed a combat poison, several cases of human use have been confirmed. as recently as last year, this is actually such a substance, which causes skin irritation and then poisoning, and extremely negative consequences for the life and health of military personnel, illusite is prohibited until use, as well as all actual combat poisons and the obligation not to use them , was undertaken by the russian federation, before that things like chlorine-picrin in the format of ee... combat grenades, which are used during, so to speak, well, the dispersal of demonstrators, and this chlorpecrin was used in drops from drones from
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the russian side. a new step towards escalation, towards the use of military poisons, and i think that this should be a reason for consideration of this situation by the international structures that are responsible for observing the rules of hostilities. we understand that russia ignores all such rules of hostilities, but in any case we will give maximum publicity to this fact. extremely important at the current stage, i hope that our bodies will ensure the collection of data on this case, and the maximum informing of the world community that russia is resorting to the use of combat poisonous substances on the battlefield . mr. sergey, have you already evaluated the characteristics and have an idea where the new marine ones will be most effective drones, i'm talking about stalker 5.0, they were presented in odessa at a security forum.
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what do you say? well, i think this development belongs to a team i don't know yet. anyway, uh, this development still has a lot of work to do, team, to reach the level of the drones that the security service uses, when we talk about the sip baby, or the magura v5 that the intelligence headquarters uses, because this drone , which was seen by the participants of the odesa security forum, has. there , the range is 600 km and the weight of the warhead is 150 kg let me remind you that in the extreme versions of sybeby, these sea drones have a range of more than 100 km and the weight of the warhead is within one ton, that is, in fact, they significantly exceed this example that we now see in the photo, but in any case, we understand which is very positive, that there are new teams that offer new solutions, and it is precisely this
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creation and... intellectual level regarding the creation and appearance of various types of weapons that is extremely important now in order for our war to move to a technological level with using various means of impressing the enemy. and how quickly can production be scaled up, that is, they showed it at the forum in odesa, and from that moment until they sailed there in the direction of the crimean bridge, how much time should pass? well , we do not know the potential of this team, we know, this is a new sample, i repeat, now we have the main scaling, this is the scaling of drones gur, magura v5 in different versions, and the further development of all drones, which now have, relatively speaking, a unique world -class potential in comparison with those samples that we other states have, we still have one minute, we have one more minute, do you know anything that the russian
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dnipro group made public about... a powerful attack and transport drone perun up to 200 kg, have you heard anything, or is it still in theoretical development, we have a minute, in fact we really see many different reports from both the ukrainian and russian sides about the creation of new types of weapons, only practice is the criterion of truth, when these or other types are widely used on the battlefield, then it becomes there is some effect of influencing the situation in hostilities, if it is a one-time advertisement. in fact, we attribute them to the elements of information influence. ugh. mr. serhiy, thank you for participating in our broadcast. thank you for answering our questions. as a matter of fact, while we were talking, the head of the national security and defense council announced that putin could, if he felt bad, if he saw that they were defeated, use tactical nuclear weapons. well, let's hope that the next scarecrows, in the meantime, it's almost 9:00, the time when we commemorate with a minute every day
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silence. of all those who died because of the russian occupiers on our ukrainian land, both military and civilian. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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