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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. we are coming back and we already have news from across the eastern border, because the russians were talking about various drones that were flying there, and they seemed to shoot down, shoot down everything, but already the sources of our colleagues, in particular the 24th channel reports, citing their own sources, that it was not just drones and it was not just explosions that worked on military facilities that were disguised as civilians.
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enterprises, for example, in the bnr, say that there is a hit in the warehouse of iranian ammunition, well , the same thing happened with the same lipetsk, they said that everything was destroyed, but for some reason the factory is burning and smoking, as they like to talk about it, let's talk about her things are historically difficult to question, because the word lie is a synonym to all russian history and russian aggression, oleksandr alfyorov, military officer, historian, you can. say a military historian with us, mr. oleksandr, glory to ukraine, glory, congratulations, friends, or what we just talked about, when they say that they destroyed everything, that they have some civilian objects there, actually military ones , in fact, warehouses of ammunition, weapons and so on, this is actually a new thing in the war, or has this already happened before, and actually they draw on old methods, oh, i immediately know, i remembered the absolute abomination of the times
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of the second world war, when they said that with hard battles, our army is advancing, taking new frontiers, there are no losses, and these are scumbags who simply do not care about human life, they do not care about everything, the main thing for them is to say their propaganda mantra about , that they are the winners, and even when they talked about the blockade of moscow and leningrad, there were still no victims. these are banal intrusive messages that their government is absolutely immoral, i am not talking about putin's government now, i am talking about the russian government in general, about the moscow government, because this is the only essence a structure, a mechanism that operates under different names, with different political currents, then they are empire, then they are communists, then they are republicans, then democrats, then anyone, white, red, green, it's still...
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the mechanism is the same , as it has always been at all times, therefore, mr. alexander, how can you explain this phenomenon, even if you resort to ancient history, because putin likes to compare himself as a st. petersburg gopnik, to compare himself with st. petersburg peter i, they have such a tenacity , peter i lost to charles xix and the cossacks the treaty of prut, you know, after that battle, he barely bought his life for a lot of money. he was allowed to escape, and after just a few days, it was all a lost battle, when they were taken into the ring, it was presented as the greatness of the victory of russian weapons, and this was peter the first, that's how they persist in submitting their defeats as victories so that it works, because we also remember the battle of pskov, and they made it the day of the soviet red army, that is, how they manage to reforge their defeats into... legs,
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mr. roman, can i tell you a short anecdote, and then i will continue your topic, when lieutenant kryzhevsky wakes up, looks at him wildly, and he has a guard cleaning his coat all vomited, and the lieutenant says: oh my god, pierre, it was general kapustyakin yesterday poured water on the boy, the boy says, yes, lieutenant, he also pulled your pants when we talk about... the fact that they, excuse me for the words, urinate under themselves, yes, and in the context of defeats, they then go out in these pants and they say, we won, this is the usual scheme of their, their ideal of life, because they repeatedly lost battles, russia, the moscow kingdom, repeatedly broke through, well, one of such... the most losing battles,
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let me remind you, it is, for example, the ukrainian-polish campaign, when they, in fact, won this miracle, when all these bodynov armies won . and together with the polish army, the army of the ukrainian people's republic, and then they also said, well , they advanced, they advanced, although in reality they did not get anything, we are talking about the fact that their overall hierarchy, this worldview says that the master, he is always right, he always wins, and no one can dare to tell the owner that he lost, yes , mr. alexander, but look, this could have been done... those times when communication and narratives worked, and now the digital world, the war is almost online, why does it still work in the digital world, mr. roman, this is only an espresso to the information marathon 845 days
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online, for them you understand that the online mode and the digital world are just, well, let's say, one of the methods of influencing people, i'm not ... convinced that in fact digitalization is a huge problem for putin, for his mode, definitely, but, well, you know, when you have some people watching not online, but watching in the refrigerator because it's beyond the real limit of survival, and there's a huge problem here, although on the other hand, look, the digitalization of everything, it is filled due to their coercive power, filled with such... phrases as kinoagts, organization is prohibited, and this is necessarily attribution or necessarily speech, besides, it should be noted that their restriction in digitization resembles more and more china, where are we too we see our social networks, our internet, and
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this is obviously what russia expects, because it is trying to narrow this field of information, because russia itself, like muscovy, like the ussr, are countries that gravitate towards... self-isolation, that is a great ideal option for them - is it something between china and north korea, or what we are talking about now, understanding that they are both deceiving and conducting such cruel propaganda against their population and their army, or are these elements a comfort, a support for those who who is at the front for our fighters, or actually knowing this? understand if it do they understand that this enemy can be easier to defeat? of course, you know, when we talk, well, in our third separate brigade, we talk with the soldiers, it is always work, and i will say this, that
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it is important for us today that, as a whole , moral and psychological support for our fighters, because after all, there is an accumulated fatigue, so to speak, in addition to this... in that, we now need to model and make for ourselves , in principle, this is actually a corridor in which we have to collect everything important for understanding situation, that is, what is victory, what is the integrity of ukraine, what is the russian federation, as an aggressor and as, let's say, the last dictatorship of europe, and it is precisely all these understandings that we must bring through, let's say, this prism. the point of view of military personnel, what we do in the brigade, and at the same time i will say that the understanding of our personnel in all units of the armed forces of ukraine, that russia is not really as big as it tries to demonstrate, that it is already faltering, it cannot fight on its own weapons, because we are constantly facing this
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they said that bnr or some iranian weapons are lying there, that they can’t anymore, they are shaking, they have, they are forced now... to take other weapons, they are now forced to put pressure on other diplomats, that is, russia, by the way, as a historian, i want to note , that russia has never been, let's say, a country winner over long distances, all its victories are actually sprints for a short race, and then it runs out of steam, this is connected with its economy, always with its logistics, because it is a huge country, huge problems, and if we... about russia, then she has already suffocated in in the 23rd year, to what extent they began to make contacts with kim chin iran, and we see how much they are already beginning to manipulate and are ready to do this directly, directly, ready to delay time, because they are madly short
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of time, and all this proves what we have to say is that russia is not run over a long distance, their tactic in history is to come and attack. and actually, to create such an illusion, in fact, no. i wanted to return to what the occupiers returned to, that is, it was very ancient. a pseudo-historical narrative which they used it immediately after the occupation of crimea, for a long time we did not hear about it, and only last year they, the occupiers, again returned to this narrative of navarosya, because the end point, at least for today, is these demands, remember putin, to completely give everything to get out, armed forces of ukraine must withdraw from the territory of ukraine. at least within zaporizhia and other southern regions, why did they return to this, to this
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navorossiya, because these fairy tales of catherine and potemkin, they are in no way comparable to the historical facts of those cossack lands the south of ukraine or the territory that was the crimean khanate and the ottoman empire, one way or another , ukrainians lived there, but there were no russians there. let's start with the fact that we always understand the word novarossia as it really is. of course, well, let's put new zealand there, that is, zealand is a province of holland, this is new zealand, that is , these are territories that are foreign, that were invaded, or new cappadocia, or new caledonia, new france, the prefix new always carries the following meaning, that these territories are ethnically alien, ethnically do not belong, but were conquered and named after some state or province. new ame, new spain, i.e. new russia - this does not mean that these are some oo, russian,
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russian lands, it means that this name absolutely in the context of european names, was itself, by st. petersburg, outlined as lands conquered and taken away, and putin forgets to tell everyone, because these are really lands where the ukrainian population lived. regarding novorossiya, putin has such general visions, because when he outlined novorossiya in april in 2014 in the 14th year, kharkiv, for example, entered novorossiya, although kharkiv is a slobzhanshchyna, and all these moments, they do not stick, so all the names, as russia had for them, there, all the others, this convention is big enough , about the fact that he is returning to... to unite himself in a speech to the ministry of foreign affairs before the peace summit and it is interesting such conditions
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that they will start negotiations, well, we know there weapons, nato, the withdrawal of troops, and again we are talking about the borders of luhansk, donetsk oblasts, kherson zaporozhye oblasts, well, it is clear that due to the fact that he took it into the constitution, it is difficult for him to somehow explain his other position, we understand that it was blackmail, and we understand very well what all this is for... but again, putin's ignorance , it also implies the following, which he says about the territory of the regions that says that they became part of ukraine. well, here i am completely, you know, completely paralyzed as a historian, because, well, excuse me, precisely zaporizhzhia, kherson oblast never left ukraine, just like luhansk oblast, donetsk oblast, because at the beginning of the war. russia and ukraine, let me remind you of december 1917 year, these territories were part of ukraine,
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what the bolsheviks then divided and ruled is another matter, but even under the bolsheviks they were in the territory of ukraine, well, let's just understand with you that kherson is opposite kherson oleshki, oleshkivska january 1711-28, zaporizhzhia region, so the core, not even the core, but the umbilical cord of the cossacks. a large meadow, zaporozhye sich, that is, we are talking about what, in fact, a person measures now for top-headed russians, or for inattentive listeners of the western world, he pronounces simply a whole thread about some borders of some regions, trying to push the same system, as they push under luhansk and donetsk regions, which seems to be within the borders of luhansk region, well, the regional border of ukraine, there live within the borders of luhansk region... some people from luhansk, yes, as a separate ethnos or the donets of the donetsk region, and all of this
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is bordered by such a border, it is trivially banal, and an attempt at manipulation, to get out, at least, get out to the constitutional of some of their decisions, i wrote to the decision, but there is no restraint behind it, not one, let's say common sense. mr. oleksandr, we just got to the starting point that defeat is victory, well... orwellianism was synonymous with the word lie long before the birth of george orwell. and we have touched on the issue of the peace summit a little, but in parallel with the peace summit in switzerland , another summit, another forum, was held in ukraine, it was the maritime forum in odesa, and we will now talk about it with yulia klymenko, a people's deputy of ukraine. ms. yulia, welcome you good morning, i greet you. we have already discussed today's tables and new drones, we
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have already seen and enjoyed how beautiful they are. we hope that they will act. also nice and efficient and will please all of us, we want to ask you about the fact that, to summarize, we already know that somewhere around a third of the russian black sea fleet is not feeling so well, what further steps we can take in order for the black sea, and then azov, it was becoming quite safe, well, first of all, we should talk about our... i can i believe that naval victories are ours, we have something to tell, and therefore, if, unfortunately, it sounds very little in the international arena, and in fact we should convey these victories more, well, let's say this, significantly and constantly, because we did an incredible thing, and this is recognized by most experts, it seems to me, in the world
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, that ukraine, which de facto did not have a fleet, destroyed more than 35%. of the russian fleet, which was considered sufficiently powerful in and in our region, not only in our region, so i think that this victory should be served, and it in fact, for me, you know, this is the beginning of our great victory, the victory at sea will be a great victory, including on land, and what do we need to do next, we need to continue what we are doing and finish off the remnants of the russian fleet, and optimally , what we can do is generally seize the russian merchant fleet, then in the black sea, as it was after the crimean war, because unfortunately, they use their merchant fleet as a military fleet, they use it for illegal transportation and weapons and replenishing their stocks, as well as in order to steal ukrainian grain, there are such calculations that about 16 million ukrainian grains
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were stolen and taken out of the occupied territories, including by the navy, so there is no... what to do in the black sea, and this was actually the main discussion at the black sea forum, there were a lot of foreign guests, there were also ambassadors and distinguished people, and if this message sounded like the main one, it was very good that it was in odessa, and most of the foreign guests could to see how they live under their own skin, so to speak odesa, where electricity at the moment is no more than 4/8 hours and where there is constant shelling. infrastructure of the port and the city, so i think that such forums should be held regularly, and that is where we should bring foreign guests, you know, not to warsaw, not to lviv, not to uzhgorod, where it is safe, but where there is real threat to life and war. mrs. yulia, at that black sea security forum, yes, international, what else were they talking about, only the black sea, or
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the region in general, did they mention the azov sea, because we see that they have their fleet from novorossiya. with did they drive the black sea into the azov region and call it the intra-russian sea? well, let's say it directly, they also call the black sea their sea on international platforms, you know, when people have klyptomania, or they are a little crazy, they can call it anything. in fact, for us, the black sea region is such a large ecosystem that starts from the sea of ​​azov, includes the black sea and includes the danube region, it is all a huge ecosystem. topics , including internal rivers, which actually feed each other, so we must fight certainly not only for the black sea and for our right to free navigation there, freedom in navigation, including for the return of the sea of ​​azov, where we have clearly defined boundaries and including arbitrary, let's say, calm and
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unhindered navigation on the danube, because we see that the danube port... is also heavily shelled, but we will do everything so that, well, the world will see it, the russians will feel with these beautiful naval drones that you have in the picture, they reach 100 m, and that's why i think we can reach novorossiysk and a little further, when we speak, so i will be in a good mood, when we actually see these pictures and talk about those 100 km that sea nobles swim, we are happy that already after... the beginning of a full-scale invasion , we have appeared and magura, and sibaby, and now we have stalkers, or we say all the time that this is all in the context of the liberation of the black sea, and this is... the way to the deoccupation of crimea, so the question is what further steps should be taken in order to we had such success with sushi.
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how fast can this process be? of course, everyone wants a quick process, but we must understand that, unfortunately, it is very difficult to achieve such a quick victory on land, as in the sea, asymmetrical, because the russians actually learn very quickly, but we can see. that we also study and produce drones that already reach 850 m and, kilometers, sorry, and further, and we successfully use them. our task, as a civilian population, is to do everything so that both the financing and the production of these aerial drones are as well established as naval drones. i also want to say that here we are looking at marine drones and must understand that such a drone costs 100 times more there. less, even, i think, 300 times less than the ship that he sunk, here the question is not only that, this, this is a war, also a war of cost
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and cost and money, because if you can there alone a million to sink 100 million, then the issue is completely, you know, changing, the strategy of security at sea and protection of its borders, i think that this technology... will be unique and not only in the black sea region, it is more difficult on land, we need weapons , it is necessary constant, constant replenishment of weapons, i hope that both the g7 is clear and the peace summit, including this denis, that we cannot without weapons, no matter how many people we have, we cannot defeat this rabid bear, so supplies and weapons production, this will be the main thing for the next few years, i think. mrs. julia, we know. that the session week is ahead, we have one minute, at least to find out, maybe you have a note of optimism, because a very large agency works day and night,
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it is called the russian church of the uoc mp, the second reading, we already have how much, how much they promise, they say that there are already enough signatures, they have almost collected it, will it appear on the agenda, look, i think that it will not appear on the agenda at this session, the signatures are on the right. in fact, let's say, the agency, as you rightly said, did its job, intimidated some, but bought other deputies, others simply, well, some such, you know, they tell fables, i think, they also bought, they are just ashamed to say about it, that's why , unfortunately, the deputies stopped representing their people, which 80% of ukrainians say that this the church must, the russian church must disappear from the territory of ukraine. to become a ukrainian church, no matter what patriarchy it is, but it cannot represent the fsb in ukraine, so we will
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push this issue further, but at the moment, in this agenda, which has actually already been sent out, there is no upcoming meeting and the issue is not included consideration of the second reading of the church, which , unfortunately, is very bad, because the further we drag on with this issue, and if we do not regulate it legislatively, then people, well... if they figure it out themselves, it's just a question of whether we want we still have such, let's say so, courts and such lines of conflict, definitely no one wants theirs , so i think so. mrs. yulia, thank you for participating in our program, yulia klymenko, mp, who just told us about the forum in odesa and the work plans of the ukrainian parliament. we ask you to inform us in the future, because we are collecting drones for our military, and in a few minutes the provost will not have news. khrystyna porubiy will talk about... this is the most important thing at 11:00. there are discounts represent unbreakable discounts on
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possibility of free delivery. powerful saws strong, what you need, call! 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time... khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. ten people were injured due to enemy shelling in donetsk region. during the day, the russians shelled the region four times, - said the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin. in the pokrovsky district , two five-story buildings, three private and two industrial buildings, the building administration and two infrastructure objects were damaged. consequence of an airstrike in the city of selidove , the fire and rescue unit was damaged.


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