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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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it is necessary to do in the country, of course, and unfortunately, this is not the problem of one person, it is the problem of those who were brought to power in 2019, despite the fact that i have never been a particular fan of prime minister arseniy yasenyuk and groysman there, but well, against the background of these, they look like giants of the intellect, which should be measures to stabilize the economy during wartime. understanding then from your point of view, again, this is what i said, you need a completely transparent monetary policy, so that there is access to credit, completely transparent and the situation with the exchange rate is clear for business, what the national bank will do, because the exchange rate depends completely 100% now on the national bank, well, it determines the exchange rate with which, excuse me, on which foot they will stand and what they will do with the exchange rates, so that they are in such conditions when it is not transparent. then this
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creates huge problems for business, you need, i repeat, you need a clear, understandable position regarding the mechanism of mobilization and economic reservation, because again , business must understand what you are doing, you need an adequate budget policy, you, excuse me, when in the conditions of war it is absolutely normal for us to continue moving tiles or building roads while armed. the forces are in dire need of military equipment and everything related to war, then of course this indicates that you are doing something wrong, you are not using the funds that you mobilize or that are given to you from the outside in this way, so i emphasize, this is a set of actions that need to be done, well, the example, you know, was a very telling example, we constantly shared it with khmelnytskyi, the city management during the last 8-10... years
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, built a model of gas turbine power generating stations that provided the city with heat and electricity, it is not the only one, there are six or seven of them, i don't remember how many, so they ensured the stable functioning of the city, but this been done for years, it's definitely telling what you should do here and now, if you haven't done it for years, for certain cities, then you definitely have the answers. the kind that will give you the opportunity to exhale and say: we have done everything and everything will be fine with us, such there's definitely no answer, we're going to have to deal with the issues in there in a firefight based on what we have now. thank you, mr. boris, boris kushnirok, economist, chairman of the expert council of the ukrainian analytical center, was in touch with us and we talked with him about what... what is happening
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with the ukrainian economy, and now from ukraine, let's move from economic to of the middle east, let's talk with vadym polishchuk, historian, political observer in israel, congratulations mr. vadim, good evening, i congratulate you, well, what do you think at the moment, how things are going with the probable end of the conflict, to what extent can it be assumed that they will reach some kind of agreement, is there such a prospect at all? well , regarding the agreement with hamas, it is somehow not working out, and most analysts have the impression that hamas does not need this agreement at this stage, and they want, their main demand is to stop the war, and then we will talk, and i want that the guarantors were political players, first of all the united states, they called it the last time china... russia also joined some arab
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countries, and so on, so that they would have hostages left, because not all of the hostages they are talking about are in their hands, and then they will somehow hand someone over there, someone are holding back for further some conversations, trades, demands and so on, and that is why they pull, um, the biden administration makes even greater concessions, inclines to... them israel, and then they refuse and wait for them to be offered even more interesting , or when a team from iran does not arrive to either continue this conflict, or it can sort of flipping around a little bit, but the main goal is really for them to maintain power in the gaza sector, and it doesn't matter what kind of victims this struggle causes among the civilian population, but on the other hand, how realistic is
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the idea that it is possible to destroy hamas in gaza, taking into account the level of its influence on the population, and in principle the attitude of the population to the force option. solution to problems, well, it can be destroyed as a structure or significantly weakened so that it turns into some kind of partisan movement, from the power in the gas itself, and although the last one was a survey of a well-known an arab sociologist, whom even israeli sociologists trust, the level of support for hamas in gaza, in the west bank of the jordan river, as you call it, or judea samaria. well, somewhere it reaches 70-80%, so many are already saying that saying that we are at war with hamas is such a thing, you know, actually myself, well, in fact, the war is going on with the so-called palestinians, because they are using this propaganda
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for many years, in fact, well is the base on which hamas and the palestinian authority are based. autonomy, which many hope will come in gas and will to rule there, she has a level of support, well , there is somewhere around 20%, among all the so-called palestinian arabs, and the same applies to football, we see that it is like, well, we pretend that we are at war with hizballah, but now the parliament of lebanon decided to pay these families of the dead. who gave hizbal somewhere around a million dollars of support, and in fact it shows that the war is actually with lebanon, not with hizballah, hizballah is only the structure that directly participates in this war. and as far as can generally be considered, that there can be a real war with lebanon from
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the israeli state, that is, a real war with cyran, not with lebanon, and not with by the militants of hazbela as such, so that there is a war on the territory of iran and so on, it is possible, but this requires political will and the understanding that threats have already been made by iran that it will join this war if there is a full-scale war with lebanon, and it is necessary to understand that hezbollah is hamas at maximum speed, as they say, it has more weapons, and its strategic situation is better, and its rear is more powerful, because behind it... behind it, in fact and the syrian regime, and iraq, and iran have access to lebanon and to the positions of hizballah, and it will be much more difficult, although the south of lebanon is not as populated as gaza, and it may be somewhat easier to fight there, but these mountainous
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areas, no matter how many fortifications are built, there are some underground levels, there will be many surprises, but... you see that israel is trying to avoid this war in any way, and america is encouraging it, but france has now joined in, but that's all - still hezbollah's position, it largely depends on the position iran what do you think iran is interested in now? well, iran is interested in weakening israel in any way. you see the war directly, not so much that i would like to talk about... but he plays on the fact that the united states does not want a full-scale war, primarily the biden administration, it wants to come to its elections as a peacemaker who settled this middle eastern conflict, no possible conflicts between china and taiwan, maybe from
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ukraine they would be happy to settle something, but you see, they have now occupied such a larger a tough position regarding the conflict with russia, i.e. from a peacemaker. they came to pressure on russia, actually economic and military, here in the middle east they are still playing some kind of peacekeepers and they want to settle something by some kind of peace, there is a danger that now israel is losing international support first of all, well, it has been losing it all these months, well, that's what i'm saying about it, it loses, wastes away, here, first of all, there is danger. there is a loss of support from the united states, primarily to the un security council, and because of the existing agreements between israel and the united states, and what would not hinder ukraine is the status of the main ally outside nato, so
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it would be difficult for any administration to deprive it of military support, but to somehow vote the wrong way in the security council, that would be a danger. indeed, and this is feared by a lot of people in israel, and in the government, you see, the government has now shrunk in israel, that is , the center-left left it, this hanse azinpod. who have been such guides of american politics are actually in government, and government has become more so tough on these issues, but less protected from any attacks from the side of the united states, those forces that want to force israel to come to peace at any cost. and in principle, to what extent does this government now allow any decisions to be made, because we know that the right-wing government ministers there are already ultra-right. they said that if netanyahu there agrees to the american plan, they will leave the coalition, the coalition will fall apart,
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there will be preparations for early elections, and the prime minister will be in this state, on one side is the united states, on the other on the side is a far-right minister, he cannot even reveal his position. well, netanyahu's positions have always been like this, you know, he somehow tried in this difficult situation to sweat, let's say, between reality and desire and desire. somehow, whether he will succeed this time, it is very difficult to say, well, to lose the government, it seems to me that he does not want, he understands that if elections are called now, then his party will not have such good results as there were last time, and there is the danger of the coming to power of those people who resemble any plans of the united of the states, well, first of all, this is the same hans, this is lepit, who, he... to be the leader of any policy, well, as we saw, how he was a football player gave gas, well, probable gas
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fields in the middle of the mediterranean sea, and said, what have we now agreed with hizbullah, we gave them some disputed territory, everything will be fine with hizbullah, well, we saw how everything is fine, the same was said by the people who handed over the gas in their time, who gave southern lebanon from the control of israel, well now we are all from... it is called, but tell me, please, how you imagine the principle of existence israel outside of this concept of peaceful coexistence with neighbors at the expense of territorial agreements, in this case, it has always been the essence of the security policy that made the monk mebehen and anwar saddat happy, well , the agreement and the possibility of those countries that in principle recognize the existence of the state of israel, for example, with egypt succeeded. possess such a condition that really works. so , more or less, as long as there is
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a royal dynasty in jordan that is more or less conscious. similarly, such arrangements are possible with jordan. arrangements are possible with arab countries, which are somewhere far away, which in principle these territories are, you know, of no use. and how to come to an agreement with people who, in principle, do not recognize the rights of israel since its existence. here are the latest palestinian polls. arabs, well, they have the concept in their heads that even this concept of two states for two peoples, it is in them, well, somewhere between 10-15 and 20% find supporters, no more, well, what can be agreed with them, that is, they every agreement they they imagine that now we have taken a bite of something, and tomorrow we will take another bite of something, something else let's take a bite, well, until there's nothing left of israel, look at the map, well , there's not much here to actually bite off, this
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country is not that small, well, it's microscopic, if we understand that on the one hand, the palestinians don't want an agreement with israel, they want to dominate throughout the territory of the former mandatory palestine, right-wing tendencies are intensifying in israel, which is already visible in the votes for such parties as the party of tamar bangvir and... saleli smotrych, who are considered such far-right politicians there even with from the classical european point of view, this means that the conflict cannot be resolved in principle, we have to count on a war without end, well, for now, yes, until the palestinians, they do not see for themselves a world in which the existence of israel, an agreement with them is possible it is not possible, they can somehow be forced into a temporary one. some kind of coexistence, but realizing that again, that
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there will be war again after some time, yes, yes, well, that is, israeli society needs, perhaps, like the ukrainian one, to abandon this idea of ​​​​living in peace, as in the norm that has already prevailed for the past decades, how can you live, support the idea, live with people who want to destroy you, and this concept, they, they do not give up on it, you see, well, if with russia this concept has become so obvious only there for 10 years, as it began to manifest itself in the world, then israel by the arabs. this idea, and already the first pogroms on this land began somewhere in the 20s of the 20th century, quite so powerful, and then in the year 48 it flared up with new force, arab figures, you can remember sheikh jerusa, well, the mufti of jerusalem , hussein, i think his name was, he was friends with
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hitler, they once discussed the idea of ​​extermination of the jews very lively there, and this idea... was fascinating, and these ideas live and flourish in this environment, so uh, well, somehow israel, well, managed to survive as long years in this environment, but you see, now it is fueled, chief, the main thing is that these palestinian hamas and so on, what they are crediting themselves with now, and this is supported, precisely in this survey, that they are this idea of ​​palestinians, they are her ... uh, from some kind of closet they took out a little mold from it, with which it was already covered, they removed it, and it played with new colors, you see, and they like it very much, they don’t even feel sorry for these victims, this destroyed gauze, well, they think that now they will be given it again money, they will certainly steal most of it there, but they will restore something there and move on, but the fact is that
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they again actually broke this agreement with saudi arabia. which was already almost at the stage of such implementation, and for china, for iran, for turkey it is important that this project of a trade route from india through saudi arava, israel to europe, that is, they actually destroyed the competitor, well, not that they destroyed, but in fact now this project is not on time, and it was just a very strong competition for this. the way from china to europe is a long long way, and you see, china is in profit again, turkey is in profit again, because this way goes through it, iran is the same, well, some of the people of the marxist school, they always say that for many political events always involve some kind of economy, some kind of
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money, well, looking at this situation , you can believe it as well. thank you sir vadim, vadim polishchuk, a historian and political commentator from israel was in touch with us and we talked about the situation in the middle east, the conflict in the region has been going on for 254 days, we know that by and large this conflict is now distracting the attention of many countries from the russian-ukrainian war, which vladimir putin is also interested in there, and in this regard it is of course important to understand how this... conflict can end, although we have already heard from israeli politicians that the conflict will at least continue until the end of this year, and many believe that this is an optimistic forecast that, in fact, the conflict in israel and ukraine will co-exist in parallel for long months, maybe years, and become the norm of existence for the residents of israel and ukraine for 20 years of the 21st century, this is the kind of conflict
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situation that is possible in at best, it will be interrupted by some periods, periods of peace, which we all continue to hope for. we're going to a commercial break now, we'll be back later, so please don't switch. attention, total sale, garden trimmers kors unpack tv with a discount only from 799 uah, only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, hurry to order while it is broadcast. light and very powerful, mow with gas near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simple and easy, leave big heavy mowers in the past, choose trimmers korce classic or with lawnmower function, just call now to order at a special discount for the price, just look at how powerful our trimmers are, they can handle even
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megogo, try flebodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids, phlebodia 600, cure hemorrhoids without no oops vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. see this week in the collaborators program. as a traitor from melitopol, she led
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the russian youth movement. i thank vladimir vladimirovich putin for his strong-willed decision to start the svo. but which of the kremlin propagandists received 15 years in prison? russia has already said that no one will talk to this scarecrow at all. watch on tuesday, june 18 at 5:45 p.m. the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. we continue the politclub program on the tv channel. let's talk with oleksiy garan, professor of political science at the kyiv-myhyla academy, scientific director of the ilko kucharev democratic initiative foundation. congratulations, mr. oleksiy. i congratulate you. well, against the background of this peace summit, how do you... see the position of the global rooster, does it have any common position at all? i would say so that not everything is lost, regarding the common
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position, we saw a very contradictory position, yes, that there is actually no common position, that is, there is definitely the influence of russia and china, which have worked quite fruitfully. in order to level the participation of the countries of the global south in this, in this event, and, but, and, let's say, even from such countries that were represented, however, not at the highest levels, well, let's say, the same mexico, indonesia , ah, india, saudi arabia, they abstained, thailand, abstained after... on the signing of the final communique, but in at the same time, there are quite a lot of countries that supported it, well, here we can talk
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about qatar, which is very important, about jordan, about, yes, who else is there from bahrain, in latin america, that's a lot of countries, it and argentina, and chile, and... ecuador and guatemala, costa rica, which were on, and uruguay, by the way, if we look at africa, then there are, say, such countries as kenya, ghana, côte d'ivoire, liberia, rwanda, and a number of smaller countries, they also supported this communique, so , well, we can... say that we don't managed to unite, let's say, the entire global south, and here it is obvious that there is actually
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a lot of work ahead and... to be honest, it's hard to imagine how we will manage to do it further, but that's the art of diplomacy to do something like that , which seems impossible at the moment. and you understand the practical meaning, well, we united the global south, well, well, what's next? well, this is your question, which you traditionally ask, when they said, i remember, that we will get a second expanded crimean platform. that's a good question, a good one question, and in fact, in fact , there is no unequivocal answer to it, because the question arises, indeed, how this work will be carried out further, i.e. now if there are three points on which it has been decided to continue working, i.e. the working delegations will work on them, but will it go
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to this is russia? well, again, a big question mark, well, it is written that ukraine has full sovereignty over the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, but how will russia react to this, well , it is difficult to say, yes, i think that it will most likely not leave there, because this is an attempt does not blackmail only ukraine, but also other other countries, i want to remind you that putin demands that ukrainian troops leave the entire territory of the zaporizhzhia region. even from the part that we control, which is zaporizhzhya nuclear, absolutely, absolutely fair, well, i think that, for example, maybe there will be more traffic on the point of food security, yes, because our grain corridors have already been restored, here it really is there are a lot of countries in the world that are interested in this, so i think that here, let's say, there are more chances, but imagine the exchange of captives and even the return
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ukrainian deported... children, we see how many countries are working on this, including the countries of the global south and the same qatar and aman, and other countries were here, and are being made, movements are being made, they are returning gradually, but very little, but very little, that is, this process is very, very long, so i would not like there to be, you know, inflated ... expectations, and well, the president says that now it will take months to prepare for the second summit, and it's months to the end of the war, but it's hard for me to imagine how it's going to happen, you know what i 'm going to tell you that we have, i think, had inflated expectations for the first global peace summit, somewhere else, well, six months ago, and then...
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when uh, when it became clear , that not everything is so easy, and that we will even reduce the number of discussed issues from 10 to three, thank god, if we at least started not to build up these inflated expectations, yes, and we experts also played a role here, and you too, mr. vitaly. and another thing, let's be as realistic as we can to achieve, that, we will be able to achieve, so i don't see any harm in holding these, these summits, that is, this is another, if only, diplomatic initiative, maybe something will come of it, we see that through the un, well, it seems that there has united 141 countries, voted for all the right things, but the aggressors are now there, well
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, let's try to use this... how can you say a track in which not only western countries participate, but also non-western countries, but we have to be aware that it will be, that it will also be very difficult, and again, if we say that the next global summit will be held in two months, so i think we need to explain here what we expect from it, whether it will be a peace summit, whether it will be a meeting at the level of advisers, or whether it will be working groups, so that again not inflated expectations were created, and then we start to get disappointed, and why this didn't work out, and why that didn't work out, again what happened in 90 countries, even 92 countries, and what's not bad, what...


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