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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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in ukraine , it's 2 p.m. news time on the espresso tv channel in the iryna koval studio, right now to the most important events. so, let's start with the fact that the russian troops concentrated their main efforts on the pokrovsky direction, gathering the majority of their shock troops there. brigades and regiments, said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. according to him, fierce fighting continues in the areas of the settlements of hlyboke chasiv yar, staromajorské robo nekrynka and near the islands of the left bank of the dnieper. the occupiers are making efforts to expand hostilities, to wear down the defense forces and prevent their offensive. russia understands that the arrival of western weapons, in particular the f-16, will work in
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ukraine's favor, and the russian federation's chances of success will decrease, syrskyi added. the newly elected chairman of the defense committee of the bundestag, markus fabre, visited donetsk region and kharkiv region. people's deputy of ukraine yehor cherniv told about this. the trip to ukraine is fabor's first foreign trip in his new position. although usually, according to tradition , the newly elected chairman of the german defense committee. make their first visit to according to cherniv, during the meeting, various practical issues were discussed, including the quality of certain types of projectiles for german self-propelled guns and the parts needed to repair the equipment. the ukrainian military captured a russian tank with an anti-drone superstructure. our military nicknamed them sheds. the crew of the combat vehicle also surrendered. after that.
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the yellow-blue flag was raised on the trophy tank and the shed successfully reached ukrainian positions. in social networks, they write that the tank and the prisoners were captured by fighters of the 22nd separate mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the metal superstructure is designed to protect against impact drones. in addition, they are equipped with a rep station to suppress the control signals of fpv drones and equipped with mine herbs. more than a thousand russian tanks have been destroyed by special forces of the security service of ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. most of the equipment was destroyed by our soldiers during fierce battles in the donetsk and kharkiv regions, the security service of ukraine reported. the enemy often used tanks to cover their attack aircraft, and also for attacks in the zaporozhye direction. russian armored vehicles were knocked out even before they went out to storm ukrainian positions. the part... managed to be destroyed together with
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the crew. there is a powerful fire in russian belgorod. local media reported hitting the warehouse. it is noted that there may be ammunition on its territory. eyewitnesses write: first they heard an explosion, after that a thick cloud of smoke rose over the city. in addition, there was a fire in the electrical panel at the scene. the authorities there are currently not commenting. profited from the sale of weapons. the state bureau of investigation reported the suspicion to the sumy law enforcement officer. the man kept a makarov pistol, magazines with cartridges for it, as well as a grenade launcher, grenade launcher shots and grenades. i looked for clients among acquaintances. the law enforcement officer was detained as a result of a special operation, he faces up to seven years in prison. investigators are establishing the origin of weapons and ammunition.
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a vog-25 fragmentation grenade was destroyed in the kherson region, it was discovered near the village of barvinok during an inspection of agricultural land. this ammunition when hitting an obstacle, it seems to bounce and explode in the air, has a large radius of damage. pyrotechnics also found f-1 and a 122 mm artillery shell. all ammunition was transported to a specially designated place and there it was destroyed. by detonation, the state emergency service reported. canada allocates 53 million dollars for ukraine, the country's prime minister justin trudeau announced. 15 million dollars will be directed to the return of ukrainian children who were illegally taken to russia. part of the funds will go to restore the ukrainian energy system, and more more than 10 million will be allocated to help vulnerable sections of the population, former military personnel.
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and searching for missing persons, as well as to support victims of war crimes, funds are also provided for demining ukrainian territory. two adults and 15 children were injured in a road accident in romania, four people were hospitalized, including two children. yesterday evening, a bus carrying ukrainians collided with a truck on the way to constanta. there were 57 ukrainians in the transport. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from zero to life. it's time to collect atvs for quick evacuation. and delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they will choose victory every day, they will not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, for evacuation, atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you
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to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the soldiers of holodoyariv not only to successfully perform combat tasks, but also to win. become of them alive, so join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. the history of the moor garden, located on the territory of the oleksandria arboretum, began in 1815, when countess branytska invited a group of bioenergetics experts from italy. after examining the territory, the specialists felt an overpowering force on this piece of land and proposed to create a health reserve here. later , a tasting hall was also built. our correspondents will tell you all the details. the moor garden, located on the territory of oleksandria park, is famous not only for its unheard-of energy, but also for a large number of unique trees, fruit and berry cultures, medicinal plants that grew
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even in the times of the counts of branytskyi. to this day , aromatic juice and wine are made from such fruit trees. according to the head gardener mykola, then... they even built a wine tasting room here. the premises were restored, focusing on the appearance of that time. this is the tasting room. we have not found the date when it was started to be built, but we think so, four or five years after the garden was laid. we restored this house almost exactly to how it was, the fireplace, that's all, you see, small windows. uh, oval, oval entrance, columns, oak, and so on, from this house, when we started to restore it, there was only a piece of wall and a piece of e fireplace, and here, there was only a foundation, and
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here on this foundation we it was put up, they also keep an apiary in the garden, because without bees it is impossible to pollinate plants, on one of the beehives they even set up a special couch, on which to rest... and is famous for its beneficial properties, it will be better here, what do you hear, they say. in 2022, the moore garden was rented by bilotserk restaurateurs, i now in these picturesque locations , wedding ceremonies and various solemn events are held. the head of the establishment, olena, says that the atmosphere is as close as possible to a village one, which is why the visitor. come here to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. in the 22nd year, in the summer, we somehow started holding banquets here, various holidays, weddings, and somehow it already went, went, went, and people really
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liked this place, because it is so mystical, because you come here, you rest your soul, your head, you forget about everything, and here it's quite like this... the sphere that inspires, i really like it here myself and everyone, if guests, everyone also, everyone comes here with children for pleasure. this garden is an example of how historical places can be transformed from neglected thickets into aesthetically attractive institutions, the atmosphere of which can be enjoyed by every visitor of the famous arboretum of alexandria, in particular, and see the old map of the white church. of the time of the branitskys, which was found during the reconstruction, look, here are the surnames, here are small plots, tiny plots with numbers, and here it is written in numbers, whose land it was, forever, at that time
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everything was done openly, so we need to take an example from someone, they developed this territory, and people lived beautifully, that is, these ukrainians all had land, their own land. and naturally cultivated, built on it, but here is the alexandrian part, this is our park, ours, where we are now, here is a... reclining rectangle, this is our wall. olena boyko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. and that was the news at that time. you can read more on our website espreso tv. also follow us on social media networks and watch our unique content on youtube. literally in a moment, meet my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskyi, who will continue the broadcast of the espresso tv channel. we will see you at 3 p.m.
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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, marta uliyarnyk is in the studio and in the next few hours we will analyze with you the main events of today and not only today, there were many important events at the weekend, the peace summit in switzerland has ended. we will also analyze how this communiqué was signed by the countries that attended it summit, will affect the future of our state, will the next summit be, what it may be and when it may happen, we will also talk about all this, well, but traditionally i will remind you that our tv channel continues its volunteer activities and together with the foundation of our colleague iryna koval, who actually just presented us with the main events and news as of this moment, we, together with her fund , are collecting 2.5 million hryvnias. to cover the need of our military for drones, we understand that there are not many drones, so now our
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task with you is to help collect on drones and components for artillery reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, which are currently serving in the hellish east, so please , if you have the opportunity, join the collection, bank card numbers and qr codes in monobank and private bank, you can now scan from your screens. attach your smartphones to them and make your donation in a few clicks. remember that there are no small contributions. we are ready to add petro chernyk, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine to our airwaves. mr. peter, i am you congratulations, glory to ukraine. the hero of the word. well, the peace summit is over, right? we are all waiting for what will happen next, because the basic provisions of the communiqué are very correct, but everyone is now trying to understand how the mechanisms can work. what mechanisms will these be, how can they work and whether certain
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practical mechanisms will be introduced that will help bring ukraine closer to its peace, as we also saw zelensky's address after this summit that in the coming months, most likely, the next summit will be prepared, on which is rather than everyone will invite russia, so how do you generally outline the consequences of this summit for yourself, and actually, do you think there are certain mechanisms that can... force russia to sit down at the table of changes not in the language of ultimatums, but in the language of certain concessions? there will definitely be mechanisms, because a summit of this scale would not have the right to life in any way if there was no understanding that something would be squeezed out of it, but i do not think that this summit is breakthrough, why exactly those three points were taken from which something can be implemented, if we really manage to organize the security of our shipping space at an even better level than it is now, and we... understand that the mechanisms that we once signed with the un and with
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turkey, and for its part russia also signed with turkey and with the un, are working now , because we did not sign anything with each other, if it is possible to work the formula of all prisoners against all prisoners, and the russians will really go to the point of ceding the zaporizhia nuclear power plant to us, because we have a huge need for electricity, it is somehow the largest power plant in europe as such, of course. everything will be beneficial, but there is one fundamental point, only china can really implement such a formula, let's be honest and sober, indeed, the world has shown great consolidation around the problem that is in ukraine of our eternal war with the muscovites, but no one so it cannot help but put pressure on them, like their friends in quotation marks and spokina, because in reality they are also far from their friends, russia has long been vassalized in relations with china as such. and the very fact that there will be the next conference is a sign that there is a lot of work to be done
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the search for a formula has begun, and it will definitely be finalized, the only question is in what form and most importantly, what will the combat situation be until then and what will be the potential line of demarcation, so you have known my position for several years in a row, how are you going through donbas, really it's a puzzle for the moment. yes, mr. peter, we completely agree with you that the russians would like. to hold their peace summit, they would try to carry out their agenda accordingly, on the other hand, we received on the eve of the swiss summit, the russian ultimatum, yes... it is quite clear and quite specific, and it would be wrong to say that the russians are trying to present some proposal there, no, it is a very tough, unprecedented ultimatum, and it means that putin and the kremlin feels strong and is preparing, perhaps, for some other or protracted scenarios, or some more acute scenarios during this
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summer. in general, if we talk about the russian ultimatum that accompanied the swiss summit. how do you rate it and what should we all prepare for? any an ultimatum is backed up by force if it is a truly serious ultimatum. why did you manage to do this later? in a strategic sense , he was defeated in terms of working with the elites , primarily of the western countries, because the summit as such was held, they had the task of disrupting it. why did he take this step, my personal opinion, he realized that the establishment was beyond his reach, but now all of europe is in... the vat of major election processes, so it is necessary to put pressure on the resident, on the ordinary citizen, because there after all the main right of choice and new ones apply political elites can be formed. the alarm bells, the fact that the far-right and far-left have improved their positions in the european parliament, did reach us. i am more than sure that the common man,
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the man from norway to greece or from the czech republic to great britain does not care. what will be the line of demarcation, will we return some of our territories, will we not return them, will they give something to the russians, it is important for them that the war ends, and now putin has started to play on this field, if you look at it from this angle, then this is not a position power, because the position of power is when the elite goes to accept the ultimatum, it started a new strategic game, and most importantly, and what and how can surprise us, russia is at the top of its military and technological capabilities, except for weapons of mass destruction. there is nothing else to add, there is still a rather large potential of meat as such, the mobilization resource is up to 3 million men, but even they do not dare to raise the monthly mobilization indicators to more than 32 00, this is a very sensitive topic for putin, and for may month we invented more than 30, almost 39 thousand of their personnel, yes, excuse me for
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a little clarification, so this is more of an attempt in a ... very bad game to show that he can do something and that he still has some trump cards up his sleeve, except for terror against of the same elite, because i am more than sure that it was they who shot at phyto, and there a firecracker went off in dudu, and i will mention a second time, a potential nuclear strike, nothing and no way they can use it. mr. peter, you mentioned weapons of mass destruction, jen stoltenberg, nato secretary, says that the alliance leads talks. on the deployment of more nuclear weapons amid the growing threat from russia and china, so we understand that putin's threats to use nuclear weapons used to scare our allies and partners, and now it looks like our allies and partners are instead trying to up the ante on this confronting such a verbal confrontation with the russian dictator, do we
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understand correctly that the west is now moving to some kind of more offensive diplomacy and ... and this will change the course of all diplomatic conversations, meetings, summits that may occur in the near future. power is always the foundation of any diplomacy, there is a misconception that diplomats decide something by themselves, they do not decide anything, this must be understood very correctly, of course there are genius diplomats, such as charles maurice talleyrand, from the time of napoleon or the time of the formation of the austrian of the empire in 1802. clement maternik, but these are exceptions, not rules. diplomats are mediators between those people who actually approve something, and in big geopolitics everything is approved solely on the basis of armed force and no other way. now the so-called alliance, because i have doubts about its power and efficiency, is deploying additional nuclear forces. and what are additional nuclear forces? great britain is a
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vanguard-class submarine with us missiles, and france is a submarine-class submarine. triumphant with missiles, if i am not mistaken, what or mk-45, everything, the deployment is possible only under the auspices of the americans, they have a beautiful agm86 missile, which can have a warhead, nuclear and the b-52 takes a sufficient number of these missiles on board, or rather, they, unlike the russians, still have classic b-61 free-falling bombs, but they can also be imported, brought to the contingent, by the way, my position is in the same poland. including, that's what we're talking about, not about the alliance, but about the buildup of the nuclear component , first of all, the usa, and they pack it into the alliance, because they also, they need to save face in some way, all of me... earth, all of them are innocent, there are nine countries of the club, this phenomenon, brought everything to battle order, the stakes are growing, where is the point i don't transition, i really don't know, but the fact that
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finally the west has also started playing this game, because as we understand, it takes two to dance, it's really very good, because there is this gradual , but still, alleviation of fears in front of putin, well, since you have a nuclear baton and say that you are ready to use it, then we also have it, and... much better quality and much more powerful. mr. petar, i would also like to clarify with you how you assess the current situation in donetsk region, in the so-called pokrovsky direction. yes, the situation is serious, enemy active and in abundance, what do you think might change now over the next couple of days? nothing has changed and will not change there in a strategic sense. we have already blocked the water of the ledges, probably soon on oliv. will turn into part of the strategic plan of the enemy, it is to reach the administrative borders of donetsk region and luhansk region, and they should gradually move in this direction, although, let's say,
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there is great news in luhansk region that the azov regiment managed to recapture that at least one company stronghold , it is up to a kilometer in width and up to 2 km in length in depth, and there is really a lot of politics here, because they cannot fully occupy even one region, it is occupied by 98 or 9, and donetsk region by 57. this should also be understood, the enemy pressed, is pressing and will press, as before with this summit, he tried to show that he is worth something and that he can do something, and before the fall, i have no doubt that vasanets, an enlarged summit with the presence of russia and china will definitely be there, and really, who would be better and a more dynamic battle in mutual understanding in the sense of this cycle, whether we reflect ours or they. something is being occupied in us in the future, and the negotiating positions of the two large configurations of the global north, which is for us, and
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the global south, which is mostly for putin, although not absolutely all, let's say argentina, which is associated with the global rooster, is still for us, will be formed. thank you, mr. peter, we let you go, as requested, petro chernyk, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, was on our airwaves, andin and i continue to inform you about the main events. is a statement by the head, of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr syrskyi. he says that when weapons and fighter jets arrive from partners, time will play in ukraine's favor. syrskyi shared this on his facebook. sirsky's direct speech, the enemy perfectly understands that as a result of the gradual arrival of a significant amount of weapons and military equipment from our partners, the arrival of the first f-16s, which will strengthen our air defense, time will play in our favor, and his chances of success will decrease, therefore, the command of the russian troops is currently reporting. all efforts for increasing the intensity and expanding the geography of hostilities with the aim of maximally exhausting our troops, disrupting the preparation of reserves and preventing the transition to active
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offensive actions. the chief of staff reported that he has been working on the eastern front for almost a week in parts of various groups that are defending the most critical areas of the front. and an important message that concerns our farmers. farmers will be booked for a year against mobilization, about takero. held the acting minister of agrarian policy and food of ukraine taras vysotsky during the black see security forum. according to the acting minister of agrarian policy. yes, the existing reservation will be automatically extended for three months without the need to submit any additional package of documents. the second, subsequent booking will be for 12 months, up from six months. third, in certain professions, for example, tractor drivers, agronomists. veterinarians have the opportunity to book the number of workers that is critically needed, while receiving approval from the military. well, let's go now
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for a short break, after it we will continue, but i want to remind you that you can now watch our live broadcast on our youtube channel, so please subscribe to it if you haven't already, and remember that the main theses that are heard in our live broadcast are on our youtube channel in the video section, there you can watch the whole thing, and don't forget to like... like this content, if you like it, like and comment, yes this one the content will be included in the recommendations and i will see it as much as possible people, and for us it is very, very important. we go for a short break, after which we continue the terrace. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only. dust, but also the moisture that a person emits during sleep. a new mattress pad or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and
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from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. today , the enemy tried to launch a missile attack on poltava oblast. yes, it was reported reported the press center of the air force command. high-speed target through sumy oblast in the direction of poltava oblast. myrhorod in shelter - added to the air force. and now we will have the opportunity to talk about the operational situation in kharkiv oblast and kharkiv. bohdan
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tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council. we are already in touch, mr. bohdan, we welcome you and all of indomitable kharkiv, glory to ukraine, good day, glory to the heroes, we would like you to share with us the operational situation in kharkiv, how is it now in general looks like the situation with shelling of the regional center itself and kharkiv oblast after our partners allowed strikes on the territory of the russian federation, is there a significant difference, yes, after that decision and did less people start arriving, well, of course, the difference is big, it’s whether there is shelling or not.. . there are no shellings, well , these are two big differences, of course, in a month to kharkov, to the outskirts, let’s say, only two or three ammunitions arrived there, these were cabs that were launched from the greatest possible distance, they flew to the outskirts of the shevchenkivskyi district of kyiv, yesterday it flew to the children's recreation camp, and no one was injured there, the building was simply destroyed, and if we compare with the previous month.


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