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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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in kharkiv bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, is already in touch with us. mr. bohdan, we congratulate you and all indomitable kharkiv, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. we would like you to share with us the operational situation in kharkiv, how the situation with shelling of the regional center itself and kharkiv oblast looks like now, after our partners allowed strikes on the territory of the russian federation, is there a significant difference, yes, after that decision, and whether less started to arrive? of course. the difference is big there is shelling or there is no shelling, well , these are two big differences, of course, in a month to kharkov, to the outskirts, let's say, only two or three munitions flew there, they were cabs that were launched from the greatest possible distance, they flew to the outskirts of shevchenkivskyi, kyiv district, yesterday it flew to a children's recreation camp and no one was injured there, the building was simply destroyed, and if we compare it with the previous month. with
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this from may, it was 76, if i'm not mistaken, shelling, it's s-300, it's shahedi, and even lancets flew into the city of kharkiv, we all, we all saw it and talked about it on live broadcasts, every day, destroyed houses every day, suffered, well, it was quite difficult and morally for people, but kharkiv held on, and now i can state , that thanks to this permission and, first of all , the armed forces of ukraine, kharkiv can live more or less comfortably, people, someone returns, business works, that is, to say that this is an empty city, which everyone has left, they can't wait, everything it's normal, the second city of ukraine is holding on, look, we would like you immediately ask about the situation in the north of the kharkiv region, yes, vovchansk, bugruvatka, there are ongoing battles, but the question of the intensity of the battles and maybe there is some...
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news, yes, is it about enemy activity, or about our activity? well, for several days the situation does not change, ah, what about in the direction of lybtsiv, also in the direction of vovchansk, they are trying to go, let's say, attack, especially vovchansk, to unblock, let's say from the aggregate plant , their forces that are there now , but nothing works, because well... how can i tell you yes, just the forces that are now attacking, what letusov and other officers of ours reported there, who i am talking to, that is, not to humiliate the attackers, but still , these are not the professionals who attacked 22 -th year, this is the majority of those mobilized, even the officers who command units of the russian army, this is not all, not all of them are like that, there are exceptions, of course, there are also... some airborne forces
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that try to attack in more important areas, but in general, this is the group that they, let's say, gathered in the belgorod region, attacked kharkiv oblast, they represent a kind of conglomerate, they suffer very large losses, serious and sometimes senseless, and what we see at the aggregate plant, where they have not yet unblocked, but are trying to somehow help their fighters who are there . their number is still unknown, how many wounded there are also unknown, well, at least i don’t know, our military, of course, they know more, so if we move to liptsi, then the situation is the same there, it has leveled out, they will make losses, achieve something they can't make any decision or retreat or let's say dig in there to make strong points for themselves, they don't succeed either, because the equipment regularly catches fire, and i have...
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excavators, they try to work somewhere there at night under some kind of cover, but this it also doesn’t help much, you have to maneuver, you just have to dig some small trenches with shovels and cling to this ground, that is, such a situation occurs, if we are talking about the use of enemy tactical aviation, or now he continues to use it more actively, or on the contrary, now the enemy's tactical aviation has calmed down a little due to the same... permits to strike on the territory of russia? no, she attacks, as they attack, more or less day to day, i can't tell you the exact statistics, but the air force is what allows them, as i said, to cling to this land, the air support is constant, and they still have high hopes for her, so far they are attacking and and, let's say an example, what happened yesterday is... the bombing of the camp, says about
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the fact that if it reaches kharkiv, then the line of combat, of course the cabs go there, but it should be noted that our aviation is also working, and we saw these shots from drones. which were filmed when the hospital was also attacked earlier in ovchansk, now the aggregate plant is being bombed, this is all our aviation is working, rotorcraft are working, we have been doing this since the 10th of may, and we see them quite often with the city of kharkiv, when they are either rotorcraft, or the planes go in to carry out these operations, then return, well, the people of kharkiv are watching the picture enough often, that's why our artillery also works, thanks to ours, thanks to them for... protecting kharkiv, well, that's the situation. mr. bohdan, kupyansk, kupyansk is nodal, two-year, and accordingly the direction east of kharkiv. well, what can be said, the attacks are going on, here is the latest report - these are four settlements, senkivka and
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smaller ones there, which they are still trying to attack, but because the plans were such, we attack from the east and attack. in the direction of vovchansk in order to pass from there between the two rivers and thus force our grouping to move away from kupyansk, it didn’t work out near vovchanskyi, they don’t leave the main front, there are heavy battles, they attack there, they can’t achieve a certain situation, they are shelling, they attack, they get, let’s say, a response, and there is another plus that everything after all, the problems with , let's say... with ammunition , have already been solved there in the last few weeks, if not 100%, then at least you can safely respond to their fire, beat their artillery, counter-battery combat, and here is today's information, if it is more positive, then these are the actions of the third assault in
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in the srebyn forest, where they report, several kilometers along the front have been freed and enemy units are being knocked out a kilometer in depth, at first it was... they had such a desire, why they attacked there, it was to delay our not maximally combat-capable, let's say, the third assault unit brigade in this direction, and in order for them to remain there and not be able to quickly transfer to a more dangerous part of the front, the same vovchansk or somewhere further in the donetsk direction, well, they got what they wanted, they are suffering losses, retreat but thanks and respect to the third assault unit, as well as to all other units that are defending kharkiv oblast at these moments, these days. yes, and we thank boreviy, a unit of the national guard of ukraine, which also fights there. mr. bohdan, i also wanted to ask you what
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the current situation is with electricity in kharkiv and kharkiv region, we understand that this week promises to be difficult, as there will be warming, and one nuclear power unit is being taken out for... repair, ukrenergo has already informed about that this week will be more difficult than the previous one, and if we say, in particular about kharkiv oblast, what is the current situation with outages? the situation with outages has normalized, they don’t disconnect, at least this week there were no outages, in the past, well , the ones that passed, there one day they literally washed out for three or four hours, another for two hours, that is, kharkiv compared to the whole of ukraine looks a little better. here there are electricity forecasts, well, what can i say, everything depends on how ukraenerga will supply us with electricity here, because we no longer produce our own, our capacities have been destroyed, these are those, let's say, these lines that operate from the main part of ukraine, from poltava oblast,
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stretching from the dnipro to kharkiv, what else can i add, that's enough for now, let's say this, we all work together on... we are trying to install by winter as much as possible, let's say, to concentrate the production of this electricity, this is also cooperative installations that are purchased or supplied, let's say by our sponsors, our allies from europe, this is all being done, i will not disclose something and how, visually it is not yet visible, but the preparatory processes are going, and i talked with our city leaders who deal with these matters, the process is going, i hope. that by winter, if everything is not done, then at least there will be such a large reserve in order to provide kharkiv not only with heat, but also with electricity. mobilization in kharkiv and in the kharkiv region, how are these processes going now and
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in general, well, to what extent it is possible to book certain representatives of critical areas of the city's infrastructure, well, in kharkiv at the... session, we approved a new department that will deal specifically with mobilization issues, assistance to the army and in general everything related to the power block, the head is appointed there and a... they will deal with the reservation of utility companies, because it is extremely important, i can translate an example to give an example, this is kharkiv-vodokanal, i was from last year i spoke with them last year and the managers told me that in fact it is 60 plus most of their workers, there are not enough of them, and because either they are already somewhere in evacuation or in the army, that is, to recruit new ones for, let's say, not... temporary enterprises, so private are engaged with this issue, hiring people,
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workers, well, this is such an increase of the problem, in general, the process is going on, many enterprises, accordingly, we cannot hire with this money because there is such a big, let's say, bureaucratic moment, it has to be passed, it has to be done in different... who to reserve interest there, to constantly update them, it is not easy, but you have to, if you want to work, so that you have employees, please deal with this issue, contact the tsc, contact the administration, there the relevant ministries that reserve , well something else, this process is going on, and here you want it or not, but you have to do it, thank you, bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, was on our air and informed us of the operational situation. in the kharkiv region and in the regional center in particular, now we will take a short break,
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but i would like to randomly remind you about this qr code that you see in the corner of our screen, this qr code will actually lead you to the bank for which we are currently collecting funds, to get the drones for the hundredth brigade, they are now in the hellish east direction, so please be active, also join, remember that your every hryvnia is important. now we go to a short break, after it. we will continue our information day, so stay with the espresso. attention, mega sale, strong cordless saws with a discount of only uah 799. reliable, powerful, convenient. order while the video is streaming. strong forks will cut trees and bushes with ease. they are convenient to use for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 790. choose base model or telescoping handle model and order now.
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ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? on these and other questions. which concern ukrainians, the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, the most important events were, of course, connected with the big international peace summit that took place in switzerland. yes, well, in order to
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to fully interpret, we will involve relevant experts a little later. well, but for too long... it is a pity that russia is currently not ready to listen to peace proposals, and this is evidenced not only by the situation at the front, but also by the blasphemous cynical putin ultimatum, which the russians and posypaks tried to present there as some kind of pseudo-formula, it is not known what kind of of a peace proposal, in fact no, it is an extremely harsh boorish ultimatum, because it is about the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from ukrainian sovereign history, when, in particular, when we talk about the four regions, well, but we will talk about international events and the situation with the implementation of our and european peace initiatives later, now we will talk about the situation at the front. nazar voloshyn, spokesman for the operational-strategic grouping of the khortets troops, lieutenant colonel is already in touch with us, mr. nazar, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good day
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to the presenters, good day to all ukrainians. well, we would like you to share with us first of all the situation in the pokrovsky direction is one of the hottest right now, so let's start with it. well, that's how it is at the moment. the most intense and brutal battles, in particular, continue both in the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions. the last pokrovsky direction has been the hottest on the entire line of battle for more than one month. only last week , 240 attacks were repelled there, compared to the previous one, there were 252, that is, this indicates that... the enemy does not stop trying and does not reduce the intensity of its offensive actions even today. in particular the enemy troops are concentrating their efforts: these are the areas of the settlements of novooleksandrivka, yevgenivka, nevelsky, yasnobrodivka, sokil, umanske and novoselivka, and not tailove, i'm sorry. in this direction , 20 enemy attacks have already taken place today, but the situation
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is complicated by the fact that the enemy does not stop attempts, but controls. defense forces, our soldiers are making every effort to prevent the enemy from advancing deep into the territory of our country, and in that direction the enemy also suffered heavy losses in the past day, more than 300 occupiers were killed and wounded, of course destroyed and damaged several units of armored vehicles, as well as hit and destroyed five bunkers along with the occupants. mr. lieutenant colonel, we would like to clarify with you immediately. when we talk about the battles in the pokrov direction, how intense are these battles, if you can describe them, are they small groups, or are they some kind of massive attacks using armored vehicles and aviation for cover? of course, there are cases when the enemy does not stop his assault actions and under the cover of armored vehicles and columns of
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armored vehicles are trying to carry out assaults, but just like in the video, there were also... moments when the enemy, well, in one way or another, tries to establish himself first with small mobile assault groups of several people, and then under cover, like aviation, and the artillery is trying to conduct combat operations in one direction or another, in particular, as well as pokrovsky, in particular, as well as urahivskyi, kramatorskyi, and , of course, the kharkiv direction, where the enemy has also been quite active recently. mr. rechnyk, please also describe the situation near the silver forestry, what is happening there now is a very sensitive topic, the people of azov say that they had success there, but it has been a very long time. there was informational silence, however, the silence was broken and said that indeed there is some progress, so we ask that you anything that can be reported in this direction, please share with our
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viewers, well, for now, i will say the information that cannot be said, that not only the enemy tried to storm our positions of the defense forces, they are also storming the positions of the enemy and repulsed its defensive lines and firing points, and of course we also carry out counterattack actions and occupy certain firing positions. these enemies, so the tactical situation in that direction is quite dynamic, not simple, it was changing, and i can say that at the request of the units of those who fought there, they are currently asking for some informational silence, so that the enemy also does not use information that is publicly available , so soon everything will be made public and voiced, as to what achievements and what units have achieved certain results. in particular, in that direction. mr. lieutenant colonel, the situation with art projectiles, art ammunition, multi-purpose, yes, we are talking about the czech initiative, and not only about it.
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the key story is that there were shells, well, but i would like to believe that the czechs have already managed to deliver what they promised, well at least part of it to the front line. so, what is the status of artillery and what kind of parity do we have with the enemy. i say that we did not have a projectile famine in principle, but there is none at the moment, but when compared with the russian army, everything is known in comparison, of course, against the background of the fact that the enemy uses its ammunition endlessly, because they have a lot of reserves since soviet times, we use all ammunition compared to the enemy mainly quantitatively, our weapons their forces are spent wisely, each line is aimed at the goal. of course, international aid is coming and it is being used at the front quite perspectively and topically, so it can be said that thanks to partners, the enemy will feel that
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that he must feel that we have no shortage of ammunition. and what about the enemy, we would like to understand to what extent the enemy now has the resources to continue active offensive actions, whether there is a certain decrease in the intensity of their attempts to advance, and actually whether. isn't the situation observed, on the contrary, before the appearance of certain new fronts or preparations for some more specific and significantly more serious offensive actions? well, i will say that the enemy, of course, does not stop trying, does not reduce his assaults, according to comparing this week with the last in terms of combat clashes, this week there were more than 130 combat clashes, the previous week there were 700 combat clashes on... this morning there were already 123 combat clashes along the entire front line, i.e. every day the enemy is on the battlefield in the morning there have been more than 100 combat clashes in the past day, this is
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says that the enemy is not diminishing its attempts, actively, of course, conducting offensive operations, well, the defense forces are holding, the enemy is not being allowed to advance, and the daily losses of the enemy in our eastern direction indicate that... the defense forces they also give the enemy a good chance, and he feels it every day and feels it every day, because every morning no less than a thousand destroyed and wounded servicemen and a considerable amount of enemy armored vehicles are destroyed precisely in the eastern operational zone. mr. lieutenant colonel, in general, if we talk about the sense of the enemy's intentions for the near future, well , there is a week, two weeks, that is, there is a feeling that they are going to... somewhat raise the level of the intensity of the fighting, or they will try to advance at the same pace.
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well, these questions can be voiced as and experts and analysts, but i will go back to what i answered earlier, that recently, in the last few weeks and months, it can be seen even from the fact that the enemy does not stop his attempts, on the contrary , he increases them every day, so we can say that... the intensity of the enemy's actions does not decrease, on the contrary, it increases, although we stop it and destroy a considerable number, but they still crawl like those cockroaches, and on the contrary , the number of equipment, armored vehicles, we destroy them every day, in they still appear and it appears, today there was another video, i apologize, yes, yes, yes, mr. lieutenant colonel, you will continue well, and today another video is proof that our defenders from the 22nd... captured a russian tank, the tank was boiled, this the turtle, nicknamed by the people, was covered in sheets, and under those sheets of protection was an old russian
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t-60 tank. even this suggests that if the enemy runs out of some equipment on a certain line of armed military equipment, he will try to replenish it with other, slightly newer models of weapons and military equipment equipment, well, of course, the enemy's intentions are the same, it is to reach the administrative borders of donetsk and luhansk regions, and to have some definite result in the north of the border of kharkiv region, but the defense forces are together. they are doing everything possible to prevent this from happening to the enemy, and this, i repeat, can be seen every day, every morning in the daily losses of the enemy on the territory of ukraine. thank you, nazar voloshyn, spokesman for the operational-strategic grouping of khortets troops. the lieutenant colonel was in eterispress. let me remind you that we talked about the operational situation on the eastern front, also about what it was like the direction now remains, well, pokrovsky, that is, he is now the most passionate about whether
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now. we manage to reduce the difference in the amount of artillery ammunition, there are certain positive signals from the czech initiative, and we also tried to understand what the situation is and what the enemy plans to do in the near future. i want to remind you that we have our youtube channel where you can watch our live broadcasts and also you can watch the main theses that are heard during our broadcast, it's all available on our youtube channel, so please subscribe if you haven't already. in the department in the video department, there are actually clippings from our live broadcasts, there are also special projects and programs, in the shorts section you can watch short videos on hot topics, do not forget to like, comment, this is how our content that we create will be get into the recommendations and it will be seen by as many people as possible, so thank you marta, well, dear tv viewers, we understand that the war until... the war
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continued and everything is not as good with finances as we would all like, well, but the fighters need help, so if there is a possibility, a certain amount, let it be small, but regular, so let's help our soldiers to close the collection, and here is such an important news not of a political plan, not of a military plan, well , but anyway, so let's be careful, in a word , an exposé of the ministry of education was charged with mocking not for... the independence of ukraine in his post on facebook, this official until recently called ukraine's independence kydalov. this is reported by the kyiv city prosecutor's office. so, the investigation the prosecutor's office established that the suspect posted publications with headlines on the topic of the withdrawal of ukraine and the baltic states from the soviet union, and
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mocked them. this one is about ukrainian independence, and as the western edition found out, it is about the ex-employee of mon andrii vasylenko, and last year, last year on the day of the independence of ukraine, this state expert in the group on digital transformation of education and science published a post in which he put questioning the desire of ukrainians to leave the ussr. well, that's it, that's it fired this, so to speak, employee, employee, from his position, well, but only fired, you know, this is the case, i would like not just dismissal, but some kind of adequate punishment, because we see how the security service is actively working, identifying russian agents on the territory of our state, there is publicly available information about an employee of the ministry of education, i think that our special services should definitely be interested in him, well, actually, if we know about how in the personnel, and in the personnel, we could look like this so to speak in universities, in
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others higher educational institutions, are there sometimes such strange shots, or maybe everyone should be checked on the detector, there are not enough detectors, oh, more about current events, we will pass the floor to our colleague irina koval, who is ready to share with us, by the way, iro , your opinion is interesting, do you think our officials should be tested on a lie detector in order to detect russian agents among them, for example, well, my opinion will probably be unpopular, some will not like it, but i believe that it would be at least it's very interesting to do and it's worth it, but in the news release i will talk about something quite relevant: the russians continue to attack our cities, and also about the situation at the front, so wait.


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