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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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so to speak, in universities, in other higher educational institutions, are there sometimes such strange personnel, maybe check on the detector, there are not enough detectors, oh, we will pass on more about current events to our colleague iryna koval, who is ready to share with us , by the way, iro, your opinion is interesting, do you think our officials should be tested on a lie detector in order to detect russian agents among them, for example, well, my opinion is probably not. some will not like it, but i think so it would at least be very interesting to do and it is worth it, but in the news release i will talk about something quite relevant: the russians continue to attack our cities, and also about what the situation is at the front, so wait.
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it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. so, let's start with the fact that the russians once again attacked the poltava region, the enemy hit the civilian infrastructure in the poltava district. there are victims, and people may be under the rubble of the building - the head of the regional military administration said. philip pronin. the information is currently being clarified. and to the situation at the front, in the direction of kharkiv, the russian occupiers became more active. today, four combat clashes took place in the vovchansk region. the situation is dynamic, according to the message of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the enemy is trying to suppress units of the defense forces and occupied positions with the support of aviation. the russians dropped two guided aerial bombs on the city, and there are three more.
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russian terrorists hit the lyptsi district with kababs and one near zakharivka. the enemy carries out airstrikes from belgorod and shibykin. on kubyanskyi, our defenders repelled four attacks, and another one is in progress. russian troops have concentrated their main efforts in the pokrov region, having gathered the majority of their shock brigades and regiments there, said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. according to him, fierce fighting continues in the areas of populated areas. hlyboke, yar times, staromajorskoe, works of nekryna and islands near the left bank of the dnieper. occupiers are making efforts to expand hostilities in order to exhaust the defense forces and prevent their offensive. russia understands that the arrival of western weapons, in particular the f-16, will work in ukraine's favor, and the russian federation's chances of success will decrease, syrskyi added. the newly elected
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chairman of the defense committee of the bundestag, markus faber, visited donetsk region and kharkiv region, people's deputy of ukraine yehor chervniv told about this. the trip to ukraine is fabor's first foreign trip in his new position. although usually, according to tradition, the newly elected heads of the german defense committee make their first visit to a neighboring country. according to cherniv , various practical issues were discussed during the meeting. issues, in particular, the quality of certain types of shells for german saws and parts that are necessary for the repair of equipment. for another year, the european union extended sanctions against the russian federation for the annexation of crimea. this was reported in the press service of the council of the eu. restrictive measures will include a ban on the import to the european union of goods originating from the illegally annexed peninsula, as well as infrastructure goods. or financial investment and
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tourism services therefrom. in the european union emphasize that they do not recognize and continue to condemn the illegal annexation of crimea and sevastopol by russia. ukrainian fighters of the 22nd mechanized brigade captured a russian t-62 with an anti-drone superstructure in the bakhmut direction. our military nicknamed them sheds. the crew of the combat vehicle also surrendered. i will tell you about it. one was sitting with a grenade, wanted to blow himself up, but managed to convince him to surrender. the third russian escaped, he was captured later, after that a yellow-blue flag was raised on the trophy tank and sarai successfully reached ukrainian positions. he went on a robbery spree to avoid mobilization. in odesa, an 18-year-old boy snatched a wallet with money,
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a phone and documents from... a woman, and then got on public transport and went home, he was detained by law enforcement officers, the boy did not deny his guilt, told the stolen... threw it away, because he wanted to get a criminal conviction to avoid mobilization in the future. he is currently in custody and faces up to 10 years in prison. profited from the sale of weapons. the state bureau of investigation informed syumsky of the suspicion law enforcement officer the man kept makarov's pistol, magazines with cartridges for it, as well as a grenade launcher. grenade shots and grenades. customers. searched among acquaintances. the law enforcement officer was detained as a result of a special operation. he faces up to seven years in prison. investigators are establishing the origin of weapons and ammunition. in the village of simer in transcarpathia, a regular bus
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overturned on its side, as a result of which people were injured. the police in zakarpattia region inform us about this. the accident happened in the morning. bus driver driving by the village of simer in the direction of uzhhorod, did not manage. with steering and allowed the exit to kuvet, where the bus overturned on its side. in a few minutes, the medics were at the scene of the accident. among the injured are six women aged 18 to 60, a six-year-old boy and the bus driver. they helped lost tourists in the mountains. in the evening, a couple from the city of lviv lost their orientation between the mountains dantsysh and pozhezhevska in the ivano-frankivsk region. travelers for... contacted rescuers and employees of the state emergency service set out to search, they succeeded to establish the location of the tourists, the couple was taken to their car, from where they drove home. a vok-25 cluster grenade
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was destroyed in the kherson region, it was discovered near the village of barvinok during an inspection of agricultural land. when this ammunition hits an obstacle, it seems to bounce and explode. in the air, has a large radius of damage, pyrotechnics also found f1 and a 152 mm artillery shell, all ammunition was brought to a special designated place and there it was detonated by detonation, the state emergency service reported. at least 15 people died in a railway wreck in india, dozens of passengers were injured, a freight train flew into the tail of a passenger express train. in the state of west bengal. the train was going to calcutta. the force of the impact was so powerful that one wagon was thrown from its end. according to preliminary data, the tragedy was caused by the driver's mistake, who ignored the semaphore signal. the union of european
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football associations has banned placing russian flags during matches involving ukraine at the european championship. she asked for it. national football federation, they say it can provoke riots and fights in the stands. he noted that at yesterday's match between the national teams of serbia and england, serbian fans massively placed the flags of the terrorist country, which are visually similar to the serbian ones. today, the national football team of ukraine will play against romania in the first tournament of euro-2024. the match starts at 16:00 at the alliance arena in germany. munich. a bicycle race in verkhovyna helped raise more than uah 17 for a car for ukrainian soldiers. for a donation of uah 100, more than a hundred participants could take part in the drawing of prizes from certificates for the purchase of clothes or jewelry for
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a varied dinner in a cozy hut. our correspondents saw the sports race in the village of hutsulshchyna, and now you can too. be able to see it. from small to large, more than a hundred participants got on bicycles. the youngest is five, the oldest is 75. the route runs through the picturesque villages of verkhovyna region. the convoy, accompanied by the police, covers a distance of 23 km. how do you like the distance today? nothing is normal. remind me how old you are? there are not enough bikes in the rental for everyone, so some ride a scooter. a sports event of this scale in verkhovyna takes place on the fourth,
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says organizer maria makivnychuk. usually, we held these bike days to promote a healthy lifestyle, to promote cycling, and this one. this year we have a goal to raise funds for a car for oleksandr minenko, for the 10th mountain assault brigade, the distance is really long, it is 24 km, but it is very affordable. much more, and all this for the main goal: to raise funds for a pickup truck for one of
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the units of the tenth separate mountain assault armed forces brigades. the gathering was organized by the wife of one of the soldiers of the unit, oleksandr minenko. natalya tells: her husband voluntarily went to the front almost two years ago, she says, this cycling race moved the defender. he, it was a surprise for him, to be honest, i didn't tell him that i was going to lead this event, he just knew that i was a veloday. what some, some boxes, some, well, like, but today when he saw my live broadcast on facebook, he said: you are a real woman who stands behind me and gives me cartridges. the cycling race brought more than 17 hryvnias per car, the collection is ongoing, there is still 200 00 hryvnias ahead, so that there is enough for a pickup truck for our defenders. from ivano-frankivsk region for espresso tv channel. that was the news for this time, our team is working so that you can see the updated
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news release already at 16 o'clock, and you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube, marina forge we thank the editors of the news that there are a lot of events, of course, we will analyze the situation related to with the holding of a large summit in switzerland dedicated to the peace formula, but the key story is the situation at the front and now we will talk with anatoly sydorenko, deputy commander of the 97th battalion of the 60th separate mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. glory to ukraine. mr. anatoly, congratulations. glory to the heroes, have a good day. well, first of all, we would like to ask you to describe the situation in the lyman direction. currently
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, the situation is stable on lymansky, in our direction, the enemy, of course, does not stop trying to storm, all the time there are assaults in small groups, but the situation is currently under control, we are holding the defense where we can, we are counter-attacking , we are doing small counter-operations, but now the focus is more on holding the front line. what tactics are you using now? uses the enemy in the estuary direction and what is the current intensity of fighting, has it changed recently? as for tactics, now the main tactic is assaults in small groups, but the enemy suffered heavy losses in large assaults, so now they are concentrated in small groups and try, sometimes with equipment, sometimes without, but in fact, small groups are the main tactic in this direction, and also throwing, throwing us. artillery, kabami, it's all as usual, and you said that the enemy suffers heavy
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losses, if we talk about the losses of the enemy, then what losses are our defenders inflicting on the russians, how critical are these losses for them? well, we know the resources of the aggressor country with which we are fighting, they have a very large human resource, so i do not think that they have any critical losses there, but we also now... understand that they have overturns on the front line different subdivisions from one point to another, so there are moments when they are short of people, but they replenish these losses very quickly, and their losses depend on the intensity of their assaults, when they make big assaults, well, they try, then of course more occupiers die , when in such small groups, well, which group went, that one was killed, sir? deputy commander, serebryansk forestry, this is how information of various levels comes in, well, we would like to ask you
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to describe what is happening there now, well , we are not standing in the serebryansk forest, it is our brothers from azov who are standing in the national guards, so i can't comment, as far as i know, the azov brigade is counterattacking and, well, we all know how this brigade fights, so i think that in that direction the guys are doing their tasks very successfully, you mentioned about... using the enemy kabiv, how intensively the enemy is currently using aviation in your direction, and how actively they are now dropping guided aerial bombs. cabs, actually, it's a big problem all along the front line, not only in our direction, there's a lot of throwing, and it's like, it's really a problem, so somehow we are fighting this situation, but the intensity is high, and also the enemy is now in our direction, the situations when the enemy
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uses chemical weapons, these are discharges with neuropolitical gas, have increased. so how can we work like this, and let's go with that paralytic gas, how does this work look? well, drones, drones on drones release chemical weapons, which are revealed and these vapors then enter the body and people feel sick, and drones, by the way, about the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, we are not only talking about reconnaissance drones, we are also talking about combat ones drones well, in general, about various types of unmanned aerial vehicles, how is the enemy doing with this now? the enemy is doing very well with this, they have adopted and learned a lot from us, that is why they have no problems with supplying all this, that is why they use a lot, very often and fpv and for drops, and there are planes such as lancets, they have all this in
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large quantities, all this is used on the front line. well, if we are already talking about drones, well, it would be a sin not to ask about the situation with artillery and the supply of artillery ammunition, well, a few months have been extremely difficult, when we talk about the fact that some of our allies, due to many political reasons, did not fulfill their obligations, but what is the situation now, as if they say that it is being corrected, but, well, political issues, for now let is engaged in politics, regarding the front line he can... say, the situation is already getting better, there are more shells , but we all must understand that this is still not enough, if we compare the number of shells of the occupier and ours, well, of course, we have much less , for preservation positions, there are enough for defense, but in order for us to be able to counterattack normally,
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of course we need more people and more ammunition and weapons, we really want our partners to understand this as soon as possible and give us as much as possible so that this war does not reach their countries we thank you. anatoly sydorenko, deputy commander of the 97th battalion of the 60th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, was in direct contact with us, and we are already including oleg magaletskyi, a researcher of regionalism in the russian federation and co-organizer of the free nations forum postrosia. mr. oleg, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, have a good day. well, so to speak, an unexpected situation for the enemy, in general it is quite textbook, but this time it was successful, it is about rostov sizo, where prisoners were taken hostage and a corresponding operation began, we would like to question you, well, we all we cherish certain hopes that there will be many
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more such stories, and they will somehow be able to paralyze the russian state totalitarian mechanism, although we understand that history... will still have less often a local dimension, but you have a word. yes, in fact, such things will definitely happen every month, year, as long as the colonial empire exists more and more, because here two aspects of all the events that have recently taken place in surst have come together, on the one hand, this is the maximum huge number of prisoners in russia, and this amount, despite the fact that this regime largely disposed of it in ukraine. in his aggression, there were many very dead, recruited by wagner and other institutions, all of them in russia, a colossal the number will only increase, because in this state the criminal attitude is romanticized, going to prison is like cool, you have succeeded if you are in prison, and on the other hand, this story is connected with the growth of fundamentalism and various other on
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the border with the terrorism of islamic movements, since any adequate protest or possibility... of political islam in russia is limited, it is all under the role of the special service, only this very idealized wahhabism remains, and this is what happened in prison in sizo is exactly the point of intersection of these two trends. mr. olezh, i would like to briefly mention the events that took place a few weeks ago, these are important events, because they were accompanied by a very ambiguous reaction from the ukrainians themselves. i mean the forum of the russian so-called opposition in... lviv, and we also understand that if we want to have some kind of civilized relations with the russian federation in the future, no one says that we will be friends with it, but at least coexist in a civilized manner with each other ago that, at the moment, we do not see the desire of the west and the civilized world to destroy the russian federation as such, and actually, in your opinion, what role can
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the so-called russian opposition play, can it really become a so-called legitimate government, with how can the west conduct certain conversations about peace in ukraine and the future of the russian federation in general? unfortunately, it is necessary to know and understand that in russia... there is actually a so-called opposition, because in the conditions in which it exists, russia, yes, is not that opposition, it is fake, which is actually a sparring partner of the regime, it was either created or managed by most of the special services, because these people do not want to change anything, and actually they did not do anything and are not doing anything to change this regime, to make their country free, because in the war against ukraine, in their zaharnytskyi people die and they kill not only ukrainians, so that a person is truly a patriot of russia, a person who stood up... for the freedom of its peoples, he would first of all fight by force, and therefore the understanding that in russia is possible only opposition military, this is a fact, because here are those who
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call themselves the old russian opposition, they did nothing, they did nothing on february 24, they did nothing to avoid february 24, they have done nothing for three years, i think it is necessary to talk more about that, of course geography will not change, we will have a border with some state creations, it is very important that under... this russian federation, smaller and multiple states will arise, some of which may be quite normal, and it is necessary to say no about the future of interaction of ukraine with the russian federation, and with the post-russian states, regional, national, which will arise on its ranks, in particular on our eastern borders, this is the independent don, independent kuban, this is a state there, maybe smolensk, the smolensk republic, of course it is bashkartastan, tatarstan and so on further, and now it seems to me, we need to focus on the fact that... both in ukraine and our western partners communicate not with the moscow empires, which represent the so-called russia from keninsberg to karafuto, but with various representatives of the regions of siberia,
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of the urals and peoples, yes, the same central committee, the buryats, who are in favor of the complete dismantling of this entity and the creation of their own independent states, and they will be the legal successors, in particular with them we will talk about the denazification of this population, yes, which led to the war and about i will correct reparations and about... some kind of normalization of relations, but not with the moscow chekists, who play the role of this pseudo-liberal pseudo-opposition. well, we understand that this plan, so to speak, requires significant resources, both human and financial, as well as political and intellectuals, but i would like to talk now about such a narrower story, which is called the islamic state in russia, going back to the story of rostov sizo, yes, it is about the people who are accused. in certain connections with the islamic state, and we understand that the story in rostov demonstrated that the russian penitentiary system is not in a position
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to control, well, prisoners with a red mark, yes, that is, this should be the highest degree of control and to protect them, but they went for it, well, in general, if we are talking about the real opposition, the real russian opposition does not... have russian surnames and no buryat surnames, yes, because they are not buryat lamaists in any way, except for crimes in ukraine, they did not manifest themselves, but what concerns the muslim community, yes, its "connections with what is called central asia, and turkey and not only, that is, this is a huge space that still needs to be analyzed, analyzed and analyzed, that's how you see, for example, the potential role of what is called the islamic... factor in real, possible armed actions of resistance in the territory russian federation? unfortunately, we have
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a war going on, which is taking away hundreds of ukrainians every day, and it has been going on for 10 years already, and the third year is going on very significantly, the largest of the second world war, so in my opinion we have to interact with all the forces that contribute to this , so that moscow... ukraine won, and peace was waiting for ukraine, for the whole of europe, but at the same time, it seems to me that there is no need to take into account the experience of previous conflicts, wars, when interaction with certain fundamentalist movements, which are actually allies of the kremlin in its chauvinism, v impatient, just from the other side, not, let's say, there is imperial, there is pro-russian, but from the religious side, and it can be not only islam, it can be other religions, then the same entities. with those with whom they were at a certain time against the common enemy of the ally, they became the problem of the whole world, so it seems to me that it is necessary to precisely interact with adequate muslims, political islam,
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with movements that advocate that... the peoples of the yedelra region , i.e. tatarstan, bashkartastan, chuvash, odmurti, peoples of the north caucasus, ingush, circassians, ichkeria, which is independent, but occupied by moscow, they could be independent and could have , among other things, stories of freedom and the kind of islam that people aspire to, but in no way do i support interaction with the movements around edil or any other kind of pro-taliban, they only speak out and do not recognize flight ... this factor is not recognized by the nations, they believe that there should be one caliphate in the entire space from cordoba to the ganges, these are in fact in many respects affiliated with the kremlin and its special services movements that only discredit and make cooperation with normal political islam impossible. yes, we agree with you, we should distance ourselves as much as possible from such movements, but they have their own program and they have their own goals, and they will, so to speak, i think,
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implement them. in particular on the territory of russia in their own way, therefore, if we talk about the strength of those movements, in particular in what is called the russian federation and , accordingly, their efforts to recruit people in the same north caucasus for certain actions. how serious can it be dangerous and threatening for the kremlin? this is threatening for the kremlin, because it is in many respects a genie it has already created since the time of the descrit attempt. these independent republics, when their own state, absolutely civilized, progressive, they inspired their agency there, which announced the liquidation of independent shkeria, the creation of the caucasus vilet, and so on, and these people who worked were connected or created or sent by the russian special services , they became even more radicalized and started killing their own curators, these movements are people, they have no inhibitions and they can do everything, including what we
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saw in crocos, that is, they can be mercenaries, they can be people who ideologically can kill any people, and of course this is a destabilizing factor in the russian federation, but in my opinion, again, ukraine, as a civilized, any normal state, should not interact with terrorists, even if they harm our ideological, military and such existential enemy, because they take away not only certain damage to the enemy, they discredit in many ways , again, the process is related to the price. with the russian special services, normal political islam and other normal insurgent movements, in particular in the north caucasus, their goal is to squeeze constructive, constructive insurgent resistance out of it and replace it with such idyllic clichés, one must be very careful about interactions with whom it is possible to interact with, and with who is not, even a point one. thank you, oleg magaletskyi, researcher of regionalism in the russian federation and co-organizer of the free peoples of post-
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russia forum. we move on now let's go now for a short break, literally in a few minutes we will continue our information day, we have a lot of useful, interesting things ahead for you, so stay with us, stay with espresso in a few minutes, we will continue. attention, total sale, kors garden trimmers under unpack tv with a discount of only 799 uah, only 799 for a reliable one. high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, have time to order while the video is being broadcast, three recors, light and very powerful, bevel gas near fences, along path lines, next to pavements, curbs, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simple and easy, leave big heavy mowers a thing of the past, choose pors trimmers, classic or lawnmowers, call now to order at a special reduced price, just look at how powerful our
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