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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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were announced to all our citizens of ukraine, in particular, it is provided that in the event that a person of conscription age did not appear at the time specified in the summons, or refused to receive such a summons, or this summons arrived at the tsk department with a post office employee's mark, that the person refused or there is no addressee at the indicated address, then the tsc has the right to resend such a summons, because it will be properly... formed and will be considered as having been sent to the address of the declared place of registration or residence of the conscript, after the second summons, the tsc makes a request to the police department with a request to carry out the administrative detention of the specified person, if the district police department did not find this conscript man by interviewing neighbors, finding him physically, in the future, these materials are collected in one pile and... employees of tsc have the right,
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and most likely they will, to send lawsuits to the court for the purpose of imposing fines, as well as the prohibition to drive vehicles for such conscript men. and this will be criminal liability, or are we talking now about the executive service, which will make certain decisions and, in general, when this criminal liability will occur. criminal liability applies to men conscripted into military service. age only in those cases when they passed the military-medical commission and did not appear at the shopping center according to the specified combat summons, that is, in essence, what happens is that the mobilization process has already rested, an order is being prepared for their mobilization, and they did not appear according to the summons with things, then it will already be criminal responsibility, until this moment, when the person has not appeared, then it will be administrative responsibility, and it is within the framework of the execution of the court decision, which will be decided according to the results... the execution
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of this decision will be the executive service of them process, accordingly also has the right to impose other restrictions and seize the card accounts of such a conscript in order to collect these 17 or 25 thousand hryvnias, depending on the amount of the fine that will be imposed on such conscripted by a court decision. panikaterina, well, accordingly, we would like to ask you about this nuance, such as the sending of the summons by mail and the lack of confirmation. we understand, well , some of our fellow citizens may not be at the place of registration, this is of course a violation, well, but, but, that is, how will this mechanism be worked out, this mechanism of absolutely responsible, since all men are of military age, if they changed the address of their place of residence, as forced migrants, or moved from one place to another, or it did not become... as forced
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migrants, they are obliged to register for military registration with the tsk where they are physically located, and if they did not notify this information, did not update their data through reserve plus, did not update these information through the reserve plus, through snap, then , accordingly, the only address of the place of declaration, place of residence and stay, this is the address where the summons will be sent, and accordingly all the consequences are borne by the person who did not update this information, i understand... that it will be a big layer of work for our judges, for the bodies of the executive service, but again, all responsibility rests with the conscript who did not update the information about himself. and isn't there a risk that our courts will be overloaded with these cases, we understand what a huge layer of work will fall on them, on the other hand , we also understand that now many conscripts choose for themselves different ways to act in those or other situations.
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someone goes, registers and updates data, someone hides, that is, there are different situations, there are different people and they feel differently about it, is there a danger that our judicial system will not handle it? 100%, this is a large layer of work for the judicial system, but in such cases, the legislator also provided for the possibility of relieving the judicial system by allowing the courts to consider such cases in a short period of time in written proceedings according to the law, it is called, that is , without... the presence of the applicant and the person, in relation to which the specified statement of claim will be considered, the court will also send a summons to appear before the court at the same address, which was in the tcc, and accordingly, if the person does not appear or does not check the status of the case against himself according to his local registration on the website of the judiciary, then accordingly he will be convicted in absentia for the specified offense. ms. kateryna, look, after the new law on strengthening mobilization came out, it... talked about a certain lowering
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of the mobilization age, however, as you know, certain conscripts can be up to 25 years old, for many men this is also the case becomes a surprise, please explain to us'. when a man under the age of 25 can be mobilized a man under the age of 25 can be mobilized and, by the way, there are not many such cases when such men are mobilized if they have completed military service, such as if they are in the reserve, yes, if they are reserve officers, that is, they studied in higher educational institutions and have a military department behind their shoulders, also these persons, even if they have not reached the age of 25, they are obliged to serve in the military and are subject to military service. have mobilizations, unfortunately, this is a very big such gap, as citizens do not understand, yes, if he passed the military department, even if he never served, but he has a military department, he is conscripted, and by the way, there are already decisions of judges regarding this, which are negative judgments of judges, which are negative for those men who
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have a military department, but there a 24-year-old guy even told the court that he was simply afraid to serve, and the court still convicted him of evading mobilization, which is true. the law clearly provides. panikaterino, and if, for example, we return to administrative proceedings, yes, regarding those people who, well, first of all violated ukrainian legislation and did not report their actual location to the authorities of the territorial centers of staffing of our armed forces, well , accordingly, how it will all happen in reality, therefore, that is, the tcc will send its claim to . and the court will consider this case accordingly and it may be without the presence of the accused defendant in this case there will be a person against whom the case will be considered yes the accused in criminal proceedings i think that, god forbid, we will not get to the criminal case on this matter. the legislators
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have not come up with anything on this matter yet, but nevertheless , the court really has the right to consider without the presence of a person, if he did not appear when summoned by the court and the summons was sent to the person. .. the last known address of the place of registration, the court also has the right to make an announcement to this person through the court website, but we well understand that not all citizens even know how to use and find this announcement that he is being summoned to court on the website of the judiciary, but the legislator predicted it and allows such cases to be considered in abbreviated proceedings, without summoning the parties in written proceedings, and so on, for example, a person was not warned, a court session took place, and quite naturally this or that legally disobedient citizen received his administrative fine, well, he, for example , he does not know exactly, so then the business of blocking accounts and levying a fine in favor of our state begins, but what
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will happen to that citizen, what can await him? and then the decision is actually given to the enforcement department of the executive service, the executor within the framework of enforcement proceedings has the right to impose. seizure of card accounts and other property of the debtor already within the framework of the law of ukraine on enforcement proceedings within the limits of this amount, and further occurs as follows: even if the citizen found out that he was unable to use the card there, when he went to the store there, he was unable to make a cash payment transfer and so on, he realized that he has such a court decision that needs to be paid, he also pays the amount stipulated by the court decision, as well as the costs of the enforcement fee, because the executor also charges these funds will be seized. removed from his card, as part of the executive proceedings, but this person will be in the wanted status, since the tsc, when he will file a case in court, will also submit an application to the police department, so that this person will be entered,
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as well as wanted, yes, and an administrative arrest was made, and the wanted status will not be removed until the person appears at the shopping center that imposed this status. wanted, in addition, if we say that the decision of the court will be a decision on the ban to drive a vehicle, then this ban will also be lifted only in those cases when, after all, a conscript , either forcibly or independently, appears before the tsc and does not update his military registration documents, pays a fine and receives a military id with a new sample with a qr code. kateryna anishchenko, a lawyer, was on our air. thank you, ms. kateryna, and we are adding oleksiy bezhevets to our broadcast. of the ministry of defense of ukraine on recruiting issues. mr. oleksiy, welcome to eter spressu. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good day. well, another recruiting center has opened in the city of kropyvnytskyi. please tell us the details of this new recruiting center. we are continuing our
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practice of opening recruiting centers in public places, that is, in completely civilian, beautiful, bright, large administrative service centers. throughout ukraine, today is the 25th in kropyvnytskyi, two recruiters, these are female recruiters, directly provide consulting and information services to those who are interested. even on the first day , people come, ask questions, and here she is a woman asked about her son very recently, that is , people are interested in how to join the defense forces, really choose a part, choose a specific vacancy, a specific position? yes, we understand that this is an extremely important story, and here we would accordingly ask you, mr. oleksiy, to draw up a certain algorithm of actions, so we understand that there are needs of the armed forces of ukraine in terms of personnel, there are certain, so to speak, normative ones. .. documents that descend on the tsk and sp from the general staff and so on and so forth. well, we understand that there is
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a person who would, for example, prefer to serve in a certain unit, yes, in a certain brigade, in a certain position, but there is an additional need for other people, well, a person registers, comes to the recruiting center, so to speak, with his vision, in the recruiting center, in principle, he is supported, but here the reality also includes what is called: strict ukrainian reality, and here is how to do it right to those people who want to serve, but in one or another unit in one or another direction. if a person, as you say, understands from the very beginning in which unit he wants to serve, he with this request and comes and says: i know this brigade, i have someone serving there, as a rule, it happens like this, i want to go there for a position, to serve together with my acquaintance, close friend, friend, relative there. if it is extensive enough at our base, we have contacts with this brigade, we immediately contact and clarify what
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vacancies there are, how relevant it is, if not, this information is quickly available, we have a mechanism, then contact is made with this military unit for so that she could look at this person, talk, conduct an interview and to understand whether this person is really suitable for this position based on his profile, if so, a letter of recommendation is issued and then the person goes to apply, and we monitor and help... at all stages, so that there really are no misunderstandings, and the person can apply and after training really get into the military unit that issued the letter of recommendation. an important point, as of today, this is already directly provided for in the law, recruiting by letters of recommendation directly provides that such a person must and does get into his military part, and now this whole mechanism is being improved as much as possible so that it works effectively and not only according to the contract system. which we primarily promote and offer to people, as well as for mobilization in priority
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units, that is, a person does not want to enter into a contract so that he can be mobilized based on a letter of recommendation and actually get into this unit, the general staff is now communicating the relevant changes to the training centers, to tsk, tsp, how to properly account for these people so that they really get to where they are going. and there is a reverse communication, how people, for example, who come to tsk and sp, they are told no, we will direct you where we want. and we will not take into account the fact that you went to the recruiting center, is there any possible hotline number or other means of communication where this matter can be settled at the level of the ministry of defense? there is a hotline at the level of the ministry of defense, it also justifies such requests, this is the first moment, the second moment, our support service, which works through our recruiters, uses a similar function, we are very quickly, and as of today absolutely effective. we react, we communicate with the general staff, because our goal, and it
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is realized, is that everyone who comes through us, actually with our help, gets into this system, so that a person really gets to where he is going, and it works, and by the way , wanted to ask, but recruiting from the center and recruiting for the army in general, can it someday become a priority direction, in fact, what will we use as a mechanism for attracting people to the army? volunteers, it is about a person who made a choice, came, has made up her mind and goes on to say: yes, i am going, yes, i am going to a specific part, but i am myself, this is my struggle, my desire, my choice, the more such people we have, the less there will be a need to carry out any mobilization measures, of course, you should strive for this, because a motivated person, and the one who came himself, he is motivated as much as possible, he is ready to serve, he is ready to protect the motherland, is a priority, look... we would like to ask you about the recruitment of women , so how many women are now turning to
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recruiting centers, what is the need for certain units, maybe for women, well , we understand that this is the medical service, and in general, what is the situation with the registration of conscripted women, that is, as far as we understand, it is primarily about officers reserve, and about women who have received one or another medical education, we understand that not everything is okay with doctors now. according to the number, according to our data, according to our statistics, more than 10% of the people who apply are women, and from those who are further in the recruiting process. remain to whom a vacancy is selected and then we work with them, 17-20%, i.e. almost every fifth one, is a woman, it's cool, we see great potential in this, because the specific weight of women in the army is currently the same as today, in our less, of course, various women apply for vacancies, recently in lviv, for example, a woman applied to be a sniper and was recruited and
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went on to study, just as you mentioned, people who are already women who have... have some medical experience, medical education, for them separately the mechanism of joining is provided, namely, if you have a medical education, yes, then you join positions that require a medical education, and you already serve as a medic in the army, and for those who hold ordinary positions in this way, but have a higher medical education, there is still an opportunity to quickly become an officer, there is a mixed online-offline training, that is... quite quickly, if you are a doctor, well, with a higher education, then you also become an officer and serve as an officer, providing medical assistance at various stages, accordingly it works as you right noted, women are currently applying as much as possible, although the important point is not only for such positions that are related to medicine, whether there are staff positions or logistics, support,
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also for combat positions and the demand is quite high, because if we look... ' for all the conditions of service, financial support, social status, the opportunity to realize yourself as a specialist, as a person, you can really join the army, and compared to civilian life there are a lot of advantages for this, and it is far from unnecessary, yes you will be on the front line thank you thank you oleksiy bezhivets, the authorized representative of the ministry of defense of ukraine on recruiting issues, was in direct contact with us, today the 25th recruiting center was opened in kropyvnytskyi, now we are going on a short break, after it. we are celebrating espresso information day. attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 99. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 99. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200. and we
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time will play in our favor immediately after the appearance of the f-16s. we include radomir mokryk, an academic employee of the institute, in the conversation of east european studies at charles university in prague. mr. radomir, we congratulate you. good day. well, we often do. we try to explain to our viewers and , in general, in various discussions, to explain to what extent russian culture reflects the idealism of russia itself, and how through culture it tries to influence not only ukrainians, imposing this inferiority complex on them, but also positioning itself in front of the world. how, in your opinion, should we communicate with our allies and partners, how should we, personally, ukrainians here in ukraine? to relate to some, well, let's say, not very unambiguous personalities, such as, for example, bulgakov, in order to ultimately demarcate one's own
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cultural identity and russian cultural identity, well, for me, bolgakov is just an unambiguous enough character, so i think that we basically just need to understand that culture plays a very important, if not decisive, role in modern warfare. that those ideas about ukraine, about ukrainians, which are still, apparently, in the heads of russian society, they arose, well many, well, several hundreds of years ago, at least, they were created by russian culture, often by russian writers, so this is the idea of ​​the great russian people and at the same time about some weaklings, so funny... russians, that's all there is in russian literature 19th century, all this is in the russian literature of the 20th century in the soviet period, and
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it must be understood that it is also in the ukrainian literature of the 20th century, you know, let's not immediately forget about the great, beautiful ukrainian writers, this is also a problem, because it makes it difficult, you know, with bulgakov everything is easier, there is still more... optics and these optics are problematic, so how to be with people who consciously engaged in colonialist politics, but under the banner of what, ukrainian culture , radomyre, no, it is actually, in fact, it does not complicate anything, because the soviet union was a so-called inclusive empire, yes, that is, it is about the fact that your ethnicity, yes, your, your ukrainian nationality there, it is not was... key the key was the extent to which you actually adopted these imperial discourses, this colonial policy, which was dictated by moscow, and without a doubt, without a doubt, that
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a large part, well a large part of the figures of ukrainian culture, both in the soviet period and in the period of the russian empire , they adopted it, they supported it, even cultivated it, because they were part of this imperial project and, accordingly , they created these stereotypes about ukrainians, so this is the specificity of russian-soviet colonialism, it really has a place, here and with that, you have to talk about it, you just have to have the courage to call a spade a spade . mr. rodomir, allow me to return to the topic of bulagakov, we still have his museum on andriivskyi uzvoz, and how to explain to our partners that if we understand that we are not russians, we position ourselves as completely different, completely identical . both ideologically and ethnically a different nation, but at the same time we continue to delay some issues of decolonization, this causes a certain cognitive dissonance, how to explain
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correctly to our partners that we are not russians, although we still have many things that connect us with them. well, actually, i am convinced that it is necessary, it is necessary to be able to rethink culture, it is necessary to be able to explain, yes, it is necessary to be able to explain. actually, in the case of bulgakov, it is absolutely not difficult, yes, because in the texts of bulgakov, this is this ukrainophobia, this is his rejection of the ukrainian project, political project, cultural project, it, well, it is striking, yes, it is simply in his his texts, and this should be emphasized, it should be explained that bulgakov, we can have different attitudes to the quality of his works, but they were clearly hostile to ukraine, to ukrainian culture, to ukrainian politics itself. history, here, and you have to be able to, you have to be able to explain and explain that we are actually moving in the direction of decolonization, here, but
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we are... a democratic country, yes, well, i don't think this is the right way, just without without explanations, demolish everything without discussion, for this it is necessary, it is necessary to strive for the purification of one's culture, one's territory, but civilized by the way, without a doubt, i am convinced that sooner or later we will reach this consensus, when it will be clear to everyone that, well, such things simply have no place in the center of kyiv, especially in the time of russian rule. the ukrainian war, yes, well, together with marta, you touched on such a big, deeper problem, here the specifics of the fact that bulgakov lived, lived for a certain time in kyiv, yes, when we talk about the most active bulgakophobes, they were, by the way, ukrainian communists, who once went to see joseph viserionovich stalin, who later he killed a significant part of them in the literal sense, but they went in addition to visiting...
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the moscow bolshoi theater, big, yes, well, they also wanted to talk about the bad writer bulgako, they came from the red ukrainian positions, well, from the position of bolshevik ukrainianism, or ukrainian bolshevism, i don't know how correctly, this one, well , it was also very interesting, i watched some fragments of this transcript and discussion, and here we have not only bulgakov, we have a whole graft. without that, but here this is the layer, how can we surgically or somehow with the help of radiation therapy, you know, exfoliate this, peel this from the grain from the chaff, yes, because a lot of things are somehow interwoven in this way, and this, for example, well,
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the best manifestation is memory yantic to bohdan. so we know, in what way, so to speak, the funds were collected, what was supposed to be there, and what was there in the end, and what black hundred stood, so to speak, next to this monument? no, well, of course, that it's all, it's all complicated stuff, in the sense that, you know, it's it's wrong to look for simple answers to complex questions, it, it doesn't work like that, it shouldn't work like that. and the world is not black and white, but returning directly to this situation, well, right away, you cannot act according to the principle that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, that is, whatever relations bulgakov had, relatively speaking, with by the bolsheviks, yes, even if they did not develop, or rather , the relationship did not develop, this does not in any way change the fact that, what... was against
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this whole ukrainian history, yes, that is, this, these are just different, different layers, as far as i’m concerned, of this history, well, regarding bohdan khmelnytskyi, you know, i think that this is a story that has already been discussed, thank god, for almost 400 years, and i don’t i think that we will be able to clearly judge all this at once, but we must... we must at least try, right? thank you! radomir mokryk, an academic employee of the institute of east european studies of the charles university in prague, was on our air for a very short time, in fact, such a conversation needs a more thorough, i would say, analysis, and more time, but thank you mr. radomir for the opportunity to talk, because it is important, we will say goodbye to you now, there will be news from our colleague iryna koval ahead, after that, by the way, you can see
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the interview of our colleague. andriy smoliya, sociologist anton hrushetsky, antin and i are saying goodbye to you for today, see you tomorrow, be with espresso, take care of yourself and all the best. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers and just now to the most important events. the number of wounded due to the russian shelling of poltava region has increased to 12. among them are two children. three people were hospitalized, the head of the regional military administration philip pronin said. the enemy attacked the poltava district with rockets during the day.


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