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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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but speaking, those that concern narrow spheres, where it is still possible to criticize the government, where it is still possible to tell the government about some mistakes and where it is not possible. we did not conduct special surveys, but contextually we see from our various studies of communication with people, here rather the question is whether such criticism shakes the situation and undermines the country's defense capability, or whether it contributes to solving the problem, because if you find an issue related to corruption in the ministry of defense or in the ministry of education or another ministry. but which can be removed and improve the defense capability, people support it, if it is criticism conditionally there is a woman and a haprot, who will simply destroy and tell that the president, for example, is illegitimate, that our government is problematic, that the verkhovna rada should be dispersed, people will perceive it as, you know, an attack on the country's defense capability and will oppose it, even the question of the law on mobilization is quite specific in our country, on the one hand, many people are worried, and this spills over into tsiktok videos, comments, complaints and so on, but in fact more...
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according to polls, ukrainians understand and agree that the mobilization should be carried out, they demand, perhaps, a little more justice, but there is no categorical opposition to this, and here it is often a question of communication, or the power did it communicate enough, did the ukrainian society approach criticism constructively enough, and not, let's say, just dump everything in a heap and everyone blames each other. but, for example, at the expense of the verkhovna rada, we we know that many people in our country, at least according to those. which we saw there even a year ago, six months ago, do not trust the verkhovna rada of ukraine, that is, the verkhovna rada has one of the lowest trust credits, according to the latest polls that you may have conducted, what is the attitude towards the verkhovna rada, to its activities, that people think whether the verkhovna rada should be re-elected there, or whether this verkhovna rada should still work further, you are asking the right questions and in the right context, because if you want to... criticize our parliament, you
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will of course see that only 10-20% of ukrainians trust the verkhovna rada. confidence in it really increased after the invasion, but then it decreased, and traditionally, throughout the history of independence, the verkhovna rada enjoyed undeservedly low confidence, i say undeserved, because in critical periods the ukrainian parliament demonstrated its subjectivity, this is 2004, this is 2014 and in general, there are enough decent people in the ukrainian parliament, but the population, unfortunately, has a persistent impression of a collective irresponsibility, and when there is a request for... a certain order, the verkhovna rada is indeed particularly criticized for corruption and incompetence, but more than 70% of ukrainians believe that ukraine should have a strong parliament, that is, again, we criticize it, we do not we love certain things, but we understand that a democratic ukraine will not happen without the parliament, more than 90% of ukrainians now steadily believe that ukraine should be a fully functioning democracy, and the parliament is one of such key roles for the development of democracy, and if before after the invasion, 60% of ukrainians preferred a strong... hand that would bring order,
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now 60% of ukrainians prefer a democratic system, so we need a parliament, but updated with a more effective one, but other authorities, which very often fall into corruption scandals, is it including the court, the courts, individual judges, some possible other bodies or law enforcement agencies, there is some balance here, who is trusted the most and who is trusted the least and what is the trend? the more the organ is associated with defense of the country, the higher the trust in him, for example, that is why trust in the security service of ukraine increased significantly after the invasion, and now most ukrainians trust the security service, because it is associated with defense, with the police, the situation has also improved, because many police officers show personal loyalty, courage and indeed the defense of the country. at the same time, if we are talking about judges and prosecutors, then the situation is really critical: after the invasion, a window opened, but the latest corruption cases, they really greatly reduce trust in judges in general and prosecutors, when a drunken judge
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was detained there for killing a national guard, this is a long and drawn-out investigation, it has a negative effect on the entire sphere, and on the one hand, people also want the independence of judges, and by the way, when ukrainians talk about democracy, then the number one criterion is a fully functioning democracy - this is fair justice for all, this is transparency, this is the rule of law and of course this is the courts, and this is what ukrainians lack, and such things as related to judges really demoralize a lot of people, unfortunately if we again... we return to the topic of refugees, to the topic of people who, unfortunately, left our country, here is another question that i would like to ask, whether these people are satisfied with their stay in the countries in which you conducted the survey, how well or not well they are there, this is also a very important question in the context of whether our citizens will return, you know, we used this to calculate how well we... because again, we are hospitable and our
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allies provided housing. certain social there help, opportunities to take root, learn the language, adapt, education for children, medicine, so, of course, this satisfies many, the more the question in comparison, by the way, it is an interesting phenomenon that now ukrainians often assess the economic situation better than it was before the invasion, about the objective situation is worse, but people 's coordinate system is changing, with which we compare, of course, we can complain about something in kyiv, but we understand that life in kharkiv is many times more difficult, and that's why people in surveys say everything is fine, with our refugees for the situation is similar across the border, people... i understand that compared to most of your relatives and friends in ukraine, the situation is quite good for them. another such pressing topic, which, in my opinion, according to polls, in principle unites society, is the topic of the russian orthodox church or the ukrainian
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orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, this is something that has been dragging on for more than one year, the bill is in the supreme he cannot stand the council of ukraine. on the second reading for a vote, so regarding this, you also presented a survey this year, on at the beginning of may, if i am not mistaken, and it related to what our citizens expect from the authorities, from the verkhovna rada of ukraine in relation to the moscow patriarchate, what are the trends here, do you see whether the majority of ukrainian citizens now still support the ban. or some state intervention? you know, this is a difficult question, because if we are talking about the public opinion of ukrainians, then in fact the majority of ukrainians now associate the uoc with, unfortunately, with russia, with russian aggression and are in favor of its ban. we offered three options, by the way, one of them is conditionally not to touch the church, i.e.
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to investigate only individual offenses. the second option is to establish state control, but not to ban it completely, and this is, by the way , an option for those who simply do not like state bans, and the third option is to ban it completely. and the fact that we stably... have about 60% who are in favor of the ban and another 20% who are in favor of state supervision, indicates that the population has a stable association of this church with russia, although they claim their formal lack of connection "yazuk, but it's not is happening convincingly for citizens, but there is a more difficult question, as sociologists know a lot that in the process of modernization, much in society is secularized and the role of religion is decreasing, by the way , trust in the church in ukraine has been decreasing in general in recent years, not only the ooc, in general, but in particular and through... the uoc and the mp, but, for example, the high influence of religion still remains in the usa, and the citizens and politicians of the usa are very sensitive to the issue of persecution of christians and restrictions on religious freedom. and, unfortunately, for all of us , the question of the uocp is presented there as an example persecution of christians. the average ukrainian does not agree with this. they understand that this is not
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persecution. but there are our allies in the west who are affected by this, who do not understand the situation. therefore, i have a feeling that the observance of this law is most likely connected with the fact that some are not saved. of our allies among the western countries, nevertheless, do you think that people's deputies will return to this issue? look, we have already talked about the fact that it is really urgent, that is, there is a request from society, what should we expect, yours again still the opinion, let it be subjective, is it expected that the deputies will vote, at least for the draft law that is now ready for the second reading, or will this issue be fully resolved? ignored and this public request will be ignored, including, i have a feeling that at the moment it is possible, due to the unstable situation with the support of ukraine, in particular with the elections in the same usa, which have an unknown result for us, this law may be postponed precisely because of such political considerations. there is a demand from society, but it is up to
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things are not so acute, because people now talk more about the fight against corruption, in addition to the war, if you ask what is more important to eradicate corruption or to close the uocp, then the majority say that... corruption causes more damage, so in fact there is a question, but is not so updated, and many people can say that we trust the security service of ukraine, it effectively exposes collaborators and traitors, and if, let's say, all measures have already been taken so that this church, not its representatives, not the church, representatives of the event, country, you can do it the question is postponed for the future, in this context, if we are talking about the share of people who refer to some denomination, who are religious or directly or not. as to who has the churches now or which church has the most trust now, maybe you have some percentages? you know, one of these directions in statistics is how to present data to emphasize your point of view, and if you are a supporter of the uoc, you can say, cite
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the number of parishes and say that indeed the majority of parishes now belong to the uoc mp and formally most people probably go exactly in this church, and from the point of view of the whole map of our country, that is, in relation to... yes, but you are right, when we ask in surveys who people associate themselves with, it is an emotional moment, and in this case we have about 70 % of ukrainians consider themselves orthodox christians, and among them the majority, rather there are 50 or more , associate themselves with the orthodox church of ukraine, and about 5% of ukrainians associate themselves with the uoc and about 15 more who will say that we are simply orthodox and do not belong there is no difference to the churches, let's say there is a church next to their home, yes, and they go there, not depending on whether, some of them are a way to avoid the answer if you are supporters of the uoc, but even with that, it is still a minority of the population, that is, it is not not compared to the number of parishes , which they have, but you have to understand a certain problem that... uocp has a much larger network, and let's say you live in a small village, you need a certain service of the church, and you only have the only
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available option of the uoc, and you have to understand that many local uoc priests, they can be quite normal people and completely to share pro-ukrainian positions, there is a certain feeling that the bigger problem is in the top management in the middle than in the local one, and if the local priest satisfies the community and also has pro-ukrainian views, then people can calmly continue to visit. and trust, for example, in the ukrainian greek-catholic church, is it... or the number of people who identify themselves with this church, which is now the percentage equivalent, about 10-15%, depending again on the methodology of the survey, as we conduct it, the situation is fairly stable over the years is happening, but something is also happening in reality, we have a general decrease in trust, by the way, before the invasion, we had about 50-60% trust in the church, this is when we talk about the church as a whole, in december of the 23rd year it was already less than 40 % of people, these are natural processes of secularization. that take place in society, especially among the younger generations, who are less religious, but also the question of the position of the church, let's say the ocu earlier
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and the kyiv patriarchate were associated as conditionally , i am an atheist, but of the kyiv patriarchate as a pro-ukrainian church, as a question identity, now this question is not so acute for many people, and the question of what the church can offer, and the emphasis on conservative values, i can say, which repels many, because it has a certain association with russian scraps and the role of russian orthodoxy, and the question is whether the church and greek catholics and ocu, will they be able to be in the spirit of a modern ukrainian? how many atheists are there in ukraine according to the latest data, at least during of a full-scale invasion, we have about 10-15%, but together with those who call themselves not atheists, but do not believe there, of an unimposed church, this is about 15-20% of people will leave, and it is a little more among young people. therefore, by the way, this is an open question for all churches in ukraine, what they can offer spiritually to ukrainians, i
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can say that now ukrainians want a certain unity with the state, this is a certain open patriotic position, and this is definitely euro-atlantic european integration, so actually those questions that would say how lgbt, gender issues and so on, if there is categorical opposition from the churches, it will, on the contrary, push away rather than cement the conservative electorate, and once again we will return to... displaced persons, but already within our country, this is also very it is important, because several million of our citizens, they were literally scattered in different regions of our country, if you interview them, how objectively can these data be considered, because people, we understand, move, some may say a little bit wrong, as it really is, or do you reject such an argument, and in fact we can say that... that including internally displaced persons within the country and persons who have left the borders of our country,
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give objective answers, we say, we can at least talk about objective sociology, we are currently conducting a survey using the transparent method of telephone interviews, and considering that almost 100% of ukrainians have telephones, internally displaced persons participate just as intensively, in every election we have, it is about 12-15%, this is internal displacement of a person, and it actually fits statistics that are in... they participate in the survey, they want their opinion to be heard, and by the way, in many issues, especially those who left the occupation, they demonstrate absolutely pro-ukrainian positions and readiness to support ukraine as much as possible. it is important that there is a certain line of separation that is moving forward, that is between the host communities and the displaced people in ukraine, but we conducted a survey, and the absolute majority of the internally displaced persons themselves, and the absolute majority of the host communities claim that relations productive enough, and in fact, in the conditions of a tragic situation, it is a benefit for... in the fact that millions of ukrainians from the south and east moved and communicated with ukrainians in
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the center and in the west, and it turned out that we are all the same ukrainians, again , these are not some mythical residents of donetsk there or the south of ukraine, for the residents of donetsk, these are not some mythical banders all in the west, it turns out that we are all ukrainians, we are all people, we support each other, and this is once again the creation of a greater unity of the ukrainian nation. i would like to talk with you about an important aspect: the ukrainian language. its establishment, after the full-scale invasion, we saw a surge of ukrainian music and a return , in fact, to our own, that is, to the ukrainian language of many of our citizens, for... how long now, for these two years, what are the trends, are you not now observing a certain decline? at least, some say so, we see on the same facebook, we see how people in their bubble bubbles are actively discussing this, this transition to ukrainian continues language, how many people are now, conventionally speaking, ready to switch, have they already switched, or have they conducted
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any, at least such surveys, for understanding, before the invasion, about 50% of respondents answered that... they mainly communicate in ukrainian at home, among the rest, about half, that is, a quarter of ukrainians mainly speak russian, and a quarter of us speak both ukrainian and russian equally . now you, who mainly communicate in ukrainian, about 60%, but you must understand that part of the russian-speaking territories is occupied, so this indicator, it and increased, but not that much. at the same time , 80-90% of ukrainians answer that they use the ukrainian language more often in their lives. among russian-speaking citizens , more than 60% say that they use ukrainian more often. language, it is necessary to understand that the situation is really changing, but it will take a generation, many people, they will not be able, especially middle-aged and older people, to, say, suddenly switch from russian to ukrainian, because it is a matter of content, it is a matter of the environment, it is a matter of certain convenience, that who switched from one language to another, understands these difficulties, but the attitude towards the ukrainian language has changed over the generations, ukrainian is the only state official language - it is our state
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symbol, the attitude towards raising their children has changed, and the question is that now those who are russian-speaking people are more likely to raise their children in the ukrainian language, and accordingly, in a generation or two, the situation will change, but there is a certain risk that many of those who want change right here and now, or reduce the russian language to there, speak russian language, you support the enemy, this contributes to the additional division of aggression within society, which should of course be avoided, because this is a gradual process, it goes on and let's support people, and not create an unnecessary artificial fault line, well , the state should also include it, in my opinion to support, and the state in our country... very often does not finalize in this direction, so we will still expect some kind of further support from the state, i will give an example, as i pointed out 15 years ago that when a certain western series is released, literally every other day a russian-language translation appears, there are several versions, now we finally see that there are also ukrainian-language, high-quality translations from which you can choose, there is content for young people, but again, we have a nuance in what
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we specifically publish to say goodbye often in terms of language, to show that russian-speaking ukrainians also... stand for the ukrainian language as a single state, for euro-atlantic integration, hate russia, fight and so on, that is why there is a certain unhealthy narrative that tries to create a narrow image of a proper ukrainian right here and now even trying to provoke a certain hatred, we must support the right, and the state also plays a big role here, as well as the understanding of such people who are famous, who should, by the way , show by example that we are switching to the ukrainian language, so here i am with you i absolutely agree, regarding those people who are popular, they should... do it and should demonstrate that we should support, well , everything ukrainian, that is, it applies to music, culture, language and everything. one more question, it concerns the armed forces ukraine, an issue that is quite sensitive is the issue of mobilization, the issue of the relationship to the same assembly centers,
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tsk, yes, regarding mobilization, to what extent now do ukrainians... support a tougher or less tough mobilization, and maybe you already conducted some polls regarding the new law, so about mobilization and actual actions in the context of this law, for example, the same assembly centers, are there such data to what extent ukrainians are aware of the importance or unimportance of such legislation? well you know, the issue of mobilization is probably one of the most successful hostile information operations against ukraine. yes, because, on the one hand, 60-70% of ukrainians in our country agree that mobilization should be carried out, of course, ukrainians would like it to be exclusively voluntary, but ukrainians understand that it will not be voluntary, because we need people to repel the enemy. if we ask the question whether people are ready to take up arms, we have, by the way, a huge percentage who are still ready to take up arms in the movement, and taking into account those millions of people who remain in ukraine,
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there are actually enough human resources in ukraine. often this question was artificially diverted from the issue of weapons. many ukrainians answered that in the case of improper supply from western partners, it somewhat demotivates them to supply weapons, but then we strongly rely on tiktok and other videos that we see, because really an unfairly negative image has been formed in relation to the ccc, and this is an interesting moment, because this actually applies to all state bodies of ukraine, when people have direct contact, it turns out that the absolute majority have a normal, calm experience, but on the internet you only see emotionally charged non-representative cases, they really are. you have to deal with them and work with them, but they do not represent the whole experience of contacts with tck and those who are engaged in mobilization, because most people have had a completely calm, normal experience, but this is something that can really undermine to some extent. although, anyway , yesterday we published the results that 60% of ukrainians see the war as existential, and accordingly there is an understanding here that we cannot to evade mobilization, from this process,
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because as a result we will simply be destroyed. the end of the war, territorial concessions, various compromises, you conducted such surveys last year, in 2023, as far as i understand, you have already conducted some surveys this year. and we said before the broadcast that you are also investigating some things now, what we have now, what is the situation in this direction, part of the ukrainians say that it is necessary to fight to the borders of 1991, part of us, we see, expresses the opinion that there should be possible somehow there to stop the war, which is now the sociological situation in this direction, the majority of ukrainians remain flexible and are open to carrying out certain or... treaties or understanding that there may be certain complex agreements, of course, the majority of us would support a return to the 91st year of borders, and publicly we cannot refuse this, because you know, it's like in
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diplomacy, if you withdraw from this, then you will be speared and the whole world will hit you, but once again, ukrainians are flexible, we really have a growing share of those who are ready to certain territorial concessions, but when we discuss this issue, the key point is not even so much territorial concessions, no matter how difficult they may be, but the issue of further security of the country, because... for example, ukrainians are grateful for the security agreements that are being signed now, grateful to our western allies, but, for example, they do not feel that there is a sufficient security guarantee for the future, there is membership in nato, or military bases on the territory of ukraine, this could be a certain package that the ukrainians would be ready to discuss, but if just such a humanistic approach, let's stop shooting, freeze so that we don't die, ukrainians understand that this will only lead to a repeated attack in the future, that is , formally, we really have a little more of those who are ready to make concessions there. but in fact, the majority continues to realize that these cannot be unilateral concessions without ukraine receiving certain security guarantees. the question of nato and the european union. well,
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the european union, we've seen polls, there's a steady number there, and it's even been increasing over the last years or months. of nato, can we say that some people are still ready to give in to these issues, what are these figures for the eu and nato now. now about 80% support joining nato, depending on the wording of the question, about 90% support the european union, and this number has been fairly stable over the past few years. at the same time, ukrainians are becoming more critical of these institutions, but they do not give up this goal, realizing that only nato and the eu are our safe future for us, our children, and where we should go. but at the same time, relatively willingness to give in, even in the case of nato, only about 20% of us are ready to give up membership in nato. exchange for the end of the war, in the case of the european union, the figure is even lower, but again, even the refusal of nato membership will involve receiving at least certain other guarantees that ordinary ukrainians will trust. unfortunately, there are two
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such unpleasant experiences, the first is the budapest memorandum, and ukrainians remember it and are still recalling it, although we had a survey in the 90s that showed that ukrainians generally had a normal attitude towards nuclear disarmament of ukraine at that time, and the second moment is the minsk agreements. ukrainians remember that de facto ukraine gave up part of it. in exchange for an end to the war, we got an invasion and more casualties and destruction. and the last thing i wanted to ask you is whether we have any regional division in the context of the eu, nato, some ideological things, and the concessions we talked about. it used to be, you and i remember, before the revolution of dignity and even after the revolution of dignity, now this ice, as they say, has broken, but... still there is specifics, is there absolutely, as they say, such a straight line, and with that everything is normal in us, there is no straight line and in fact there never
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will be, because our country is very interesting and heterogeneous, even this issue and industry, agriculture, what people are engaged, but pessimists can still say that there may be a little more pro-russian citizens in the east, or not so euro-atlantic supporters, but in fact the majority of the population in all regions supports euro-atlantic integration. and accession to the eu, and they still hate russia, that is, now we, as sociologists would say, now have unity between the regions, it is clearly there and has been preserved all these years. mr. anton, we are very grateful to you for this conversation, for the relevant answers, i think that it is extremely important for our country, for our viewers, to get these answers. anton hrushetsky, executive director of the kyiv international institute of sociology, was on the air. we can only say one thing, that ukraine should continue to unite around a common goal, which is victory over the russian enemy. we thank you,
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