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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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because their parents went to defend our country. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went out to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's give memories together that will melt hearts and help you survive these difficult and scary moments.
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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine and the release is for your attention news on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all the viewers and i will just now tell you about the most important events. russians injured two women in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk region. they are 44 and 86 years old. both are in hospital in a moderate condition. the enemy shelled the city with artillery. three private houses and two farm buildings were damaged, serhiy lysak, the head of the regional military administration, said. and the number of injured people due to the russian shelling of poltava region has already increased to 12, including two children. three people were hospitalized, the chairman said of the regional military administration philip pronin. the enemy attacked the poltava district with rockets during the day. damaged power lines. 53 thousand household and almost 25 legal consumers are without electricity. emergency crews are already working on liquidation of the consequences. the enemy attacked the civil
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infrastructure of the poltava district, people were injured without any casualties. several high-rise buildings were damaged. the information is being clarified. and about the situation at the front. in the kharkiv direction, the russian occupiers became more active. today in the district four combat clashes took place in vovchansk. the situation is dynamic. this is stated in the notification of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the enemy is trying to suppress units of the defense forces. from occupied positions with the support of aviation. the russians dropped two guided aerial bombs on the city. russian terrorists struck three more kabs in the lyptsiv district and one near zakharivka. the enemy carries out airstrikes from the direction of belgorod and shibyekino. meanwhile, in france, ukrainian pilots are undergoing an accelerated course on alpha jet jet training aircraft. this the course is mandatory for the future. mastering
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f16. according to the publication lemont , there are only 10 ukrainians at the airbase. some of them have never flown, others have experience flying on l-39 training aircraft. they are not allowed to talk to the press. only the age of 21-23 years is known. they arrived in france in march. the training will last 6 months, compared to the usual course of 18 months. and about help from taiwan: ukrainian hospitals received more than 150 new functional medical beds. humanitarian the cargo was provided by the taiwan community development organization, the world-taiwan asia center, and the country's presbyterian church. nine hospitals of kyiv region and cherkasy region will receive new medical beds. this is not the first shipment of aid from taiwan. during the full-scale invasion of ukraine , more than... 150 special
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purpose cargoes arrived from the country. these beds are needed for, for example, an overweight person who cannot get up and sit on a rather high bed. these beds are functional, they can rise, fall, the back is also adjustable, raising the legs, which is very important. we are a national institution under the patronage of the president who is engaged. palliative care, that is, provides palliative care to seriously wounded soldiers, we have a whole building designated where 142 beds will be located for such patients, such patients, they cannot be in regular beds because they need functionality to be able to be lifted, to be it is convenient to use it in various directions, so it is extremely necessary for us such help is greatly appreciated. an unfortunate
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defeat. the national team of the country lost in the first match at euro-2024 to the national team of romania, although it was considered the favorite of the match. yellow and blue conceded one goal before the break and two more in the second half. and on the eve of the first match of the ukrainian national team in munich, part of the tribune was installed from the kharkiv stadium, which russia destroyed with rockets. this is reported by the reuters agency. the sonyachny stadium, where the destroyed tribune was taken from, was built on the eve of euro-2012. during the tournament, the dutch national team trained on it. the organizers of the exhibition want to draw the attention of the international community to russia's regular war crimes. today we start our matches at euro 2024, there is only one team on this field, but millions of our ukrainian soldiers remain on the battlefield and defend ukraine, we are all together. today we are playing for the country and for the people who protect our lives and
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our state. the bike ride in verkhovyna helped raise more than uah 17 for a car for ukrainian soldiers. more than a hundred. snacks for a donation of uah 100 could participate in the draw prizes ranging from certificates for the purchase of clothes or jewelry to a romantic dinner in a cozy hut. our correspondents also saw the sports race in the heart of the hutsul region. more than a hundred participants, from small to large, got on bicycles. the youngest is five, the oldest is 75. the route runs through the picturesque villages of verkhovyna region. column accompanied. of the police covers a distance of 23 km, how do you like this distance today? nothing, fine, so weak, nothing, fine, remind me, how old are you? and what about 75 bicycles for rent not everyone has enough, so some go by scooter,
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the lion is from the wrong region, a sports event of such a scale is in the highlands. takes place on the fourth, says organizer maria makivnychuk. usually we held these cycling days to promote a healthy lifestyle, to popularize cycling, and this year our goal is to raise funds for a car for oleksandr minenko, for the 10th mountain assault brigade, the distance is really long, it is 24 km, but it is given very easy, because we know our goal and why we are doing it, so far from'. ran, at the start, the guests were entertained by animators and a long charity lottery, one ticket is a donation of uah 100, more than 20 gifts were raffled off, most of them from local partners. we have a support team, and we will ride, we will, among the prizes, certificates for
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food delivery, cosmetic services, goods and much more, and all this for the main goal, to collect. funds for a pickup truck for one of the divisions of the 10th separate mountain assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the gathering was organized by the wife of one of the soldiers of the unit, oleksandr minenko. natalya says that her husband left voluntarily to the front almost two years ago, he says, this bicycle race moved the defender. he, it was a surprise for him, to be honest, i didn't tell him that i would lead this event, he just knew what you were saying, that some, some boxes, some, well, type. but today, when he saw my live on facebook, he said: you are a real woman who stands behind me and gives me ammo. the bike ride brought more than uah 17,000 for the car, the collection continues for another uah 200, so that there is enough for a pickup truck for our
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defenders. from ivano-frankivsk region for espresso tv channel. and we do not forget to support the armed forces of ukraine tv channel. espresso invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are indispensable helpers, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the cold springers to not only successfully complete combat missions and return from them alive, so join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. such was the news at that time. you
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can read more on our website esreso tv. also, follow us on social media for a summary of the highlights, and don't forget to check out our unique content. well, i'm iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i'll say goodbye to you already until tomorrow, meet my colleague vasyl zymo in a moment and take care of yourself. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you? a special complex of active substances of dolgit antineuro helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. capsules dolgiit antinevro - help your nervous system. ask at pharmacies good day pharmacy and dolgit antineuro capsules pharmacy with a 20% discount. euro 2024 only on megogo,
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exclusive interviews, goals, highlights, emotions, a project for both experienced fans and just people, who appreciate a non-committal view of football, the football format every monday at 10:00 pm on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings , dear viewers, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, for the next hour and 46 minutes, my colleagues and i will talk about important topics, the results of the swiss summit, what was achieved and what was not achieved by ukraine, when is the next summit and why some countries are withdrawing their signatures under the final communique. in munich, how the ukrainian national team was embarrassed and they already say that it played its worst match in history, this time
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the opponent was romania, the result of the match, his discussion with yevhen postukhov, economic news from oleksandr morchyvka, well and also the situation near vovchansk, the enemy counterattacking, how nato treats the nuclear threat, sergey zgorets will talk about this. and actually, i invite him to the conversation, serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency and leading the military summaries of the day column. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. greetings, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today we will really talk about two topics, the first is nato's plans to change approaches to the alliance's nuclear weapons and assessment. of hostilities in the kharkiv region in a conversation with the commanders of the third separate unit assault brigade, more on that in a moment. nato countries have begun discussions about deploying more nuclear weapons because of the growing threat from the russian federation and china. this is one of the theses
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of nato secretary general stotenberg in an interview with a british publication. telegraph. he also says that the alliance is holding consultations on removing missiles from storage, as it is written, and bringing them into combat readiness, and that nuclear transparency should be a cornerstone of the alliance's nuclear strategy as a deterrent. actually, in this one the article contains a number of such inaccuracies that can annoy experts, but this is more of a journalist's problem, but in fact it is... these are new statements by the general secretary and they are extremely important, and this is a new reaction from the leadership of the alliance to the regular threats of kremlin representatives on the possibility of using nuclear weapons against ukraine and against european states. and now we are joined by oleksiy yezhak, an expert of the national institute of strategic studies. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. congratulations.
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have you deciphered what the secretary general is talking about? nato, what are you... moscow and european countries and what changes can actually take place with nato's nuclear arsenals, primarily in europe? well, regarding aviation, it is basically all aviation and b61 bombs on f-35 combat planes, they are all in principle, well, it can be assumed that they are deployed, they are not in such a condition there. that this is a reserve, they are deployed, the only thing is that of this number of bombs that are in europe, maybe a part is considered to be in reserve and also, well , i think, everything that is already in modification 12, well, we do not know, the exact plans, how it happened modernization, these are already drafts, maybe there are not drafts yet, but i think what we are talking about,
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if we talk about the actual physical part of the issue, when... when there were a lot of nuclear weapons in europe and decisions were made, historic decisions regarding medium-range missiles range , separate decisions, they are not formalized as a treaty, but they are important in relation to the drastic reduction of the arsenal of nuclear warheads, there is generally a lot of nuclear ammunition, a lot was destroyed, artillery was destroyed, mines, there was a lot destroyed, but still of the two types, well, at least two types, the fact that... the ground variant of the tamahawk, relatively speaking, and pershing-2 missiles, the warheads of them were not destroyed, but partially destroyed, and they were transferred to the reserve, in principle, even now the united states has a new new generation of missiles, including, i do not rule out, that there are discussions about the fact that there are missiles,
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there are warheads, relatively speaking, where to deploy them, in principle. that was until this day, it was known that these missiles, first of all, the americans are making missiles of a new generation medium, well, intermediate range, they are still for the far east, but now the situation is like this, well, this is an interesting statement, i think it is symptomatic, as they say sometimes, in principle always, starting with the korean war, nato planning and planning in the far east , what is happening, it was agreed, now, now... the situation is that two big nuclear countries with big arsenals, china and russia, and china is building up these arsenals, they are trying, well, they are conducting their policy, i understand, in nato came to the conclusion that all this talk about how russia can be separated from china, it is already, it is already the past
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day, and now it is obvious that the russian nuclear arsenal can serve china, and in connection with this from... there is such a change in policy , the policy of western countries, it consists in the fact that the combination of states, europe, well, you can say, if you say, a signal, what a signal, i would decipher it so that the united states in the current situation cannot do without european allies, without european theater, in order to to resist this joint, well, so far it is not a threat, an onslaught. such a nuclear one on the part of russia and china, but this is what they are actually talking about, whether there is, or whether it is worth diverting a part of russian resources, respectively a part of chinese ones. resources for the european theater from what they are trying and planning to do in the far east. oleksiy, i wanted to ask again, that is, what i interpreted
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as a translation error, where the word rocket was used in relation to arsenals in europe, in your opinion, this is not a mistake and the return of missiles equipped with nuclear weapons is possible bullheads to europe, as another element of the nuclear designation. alliance, well, the way it was said, this is clearly not a plan, not a decision yet, let’s see what will be written in the decisions of the vashen summit, but this is a reminder to russia that missiles and nuclear warheads are not only in russia and only in china, and there are actually a lot of them, in general, well , if any, what is the structure of nuclear forces, what is deployed is directly ready. fly and shoot, these are strategic nuclear forces that are in constant readiness, there is always just a command, it flies and shoots, there is a little lower readiness when
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you need to equip, let's say the f35 needs to drop bombs, but it's not done quickly, but not in a minute, not in minutes, it's a certain time, but it's also deployed in less less readiness , or naval systems that are needed for... and there is also a reserve, what is in warehouses, and there are reserves in this, the united states allocates such and such a component, as, well, even, i don’t know, sometimes they say reserve , but this is what, well, in principle, this is the reserve, it is ready, but there are no carriers, now there are discussions they are talking about the fact that since china and russia are combining their nuclear...
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once, and secondly, without removing part of the warheads from this hedge, from the reserve and equipping concrete carriers, it is also impossible, this is being discussed, the news is that it is now being discussed in nato, and in the united states. the united states has been discussing this for about a year, when it became clear that china and russia are united in this of nuclear planning, was close to this, they talked about the fact that part of the warheads from the reserve should be transferred to carriers, and now nato has joined, this is an interesting new, new circumstance, well, those are the inaccuracies that you said, they say that this is just the beginning of the discussion, because there is nothing concrete yet, mr. oleksiy, thank you very much for your clear and... interesting explanations, let me remind you that it was oleksiy yizhak, an expert of the national institute of strategic strategic studies, then we will move to the front line , where the enemy tries to
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using the advantage in manpower to push through our defenses in certain areas, continues his creeping attitude, at the same time receives a decent rebuff, as it happens in the kharkiv section of the front, and now we are joined by major rodion kudryashov, deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade, mr. rodion , i welcome you to the espresso channel. glory to ukraine. herom glory, i wish you and our viewers good health. what is the current situation in your battalion's area of ​​responsibility, how have the dynamics changed over the past week, and what exactly is happening now now, because the general staff reported that the enemy has resumed offensive actions in the direction of kharkiv, in particular in the vovchansk area, what can be said right now? in the area of ​​responsibility of the third brigade with... the situation is tense, during the month the enemy, for the last month the enemy is trying to concentrate all efforts precisely in our direction, as
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formulated by various data, from interceptions and from information from the enemy, then we the third brigade are on one of the main directions of the enemy's efforts and attack, i.e. the enemy with all kinds of... his available forces and means is trying to break our defensive edge, against the background of what is happening, we see both raid and strike actions, assault actions in which the enemy uses technical infantry, and the use of a large number of infantry, which, if translated into civilian language, the enemy's infantry is trying every day in large and small groups to form our front line, today the enemy has not had any operational successes, although a lot of effort is devoted to this, yes, that's why... well, in general
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, the situation remains tense, but absolutely controlled by all our forces and means, including modern means of destruction, it is fpv, drones, which help us to hit the enemy who is trying to storm our positions more efficiently. mr. ardyon, you have tremendous combat experience, you and your brigade fought the enemy. in different areas, in different time periods, how can you now assess the training and equipment of those russian units that are fighting against you now, what changes in the enemy are the most threatening and what conclusions can be drawn from this? well i will say so that the enemy evolves during a shock-scale invasion, he tries
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to correct all his mistakes that are there. now all enemy assault units are quite well equipped, they have powerful support, that is , artillery support for their assault actions and any actions in general, and if in general, the tactics of the enemy's troops have not changed, they continue to use their two main advantages, this is the number and ammunition for the means of destruction. well, in my opinion, yes, respectively, what are the numbers we see the limitless human resource that he constantly uses on the front line, again, to translate into civilian language, then after one attack of the assault detachment of the group or platoon, yes, they, we neutralize it, they send the next one, and so on thus , for a month now, active combat operations have been going on
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directly in our area of ​​the front. you are a battalion commander and would like to ask how the effectiveness of a commander is determined, how do you determine the effectiveness of company platoon commanders, how is promotion ensured commander in the hierarchy on the career ladder, based on the approaches of the third separate assault brigade, well, the management approach that we use in my opinion... today it is a unique approach to the implementation of combat tasks in the armed forces of ukraine, it basically begins in the microclimate that prevails in the unit, that is , today one of the main reasons for such, for the implementation of such effective work is communication, in our brigade
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there is not, relatively speaking, an officer. and soldiers' tables, separation between, officers, sergeants and soldiers of the brigade, there is a normal microclimate, which is within the limits of subordination and a certain subordination, this is what creates trust from the soldiers to the middle rank of officers and the senior rank of officers, who understand not only the expediency of the task, but also that this task was successful . from the point of view of the awareness of all commanders who are at different echelons of the situation that is happening on the front line, in terms of logistical support and including provision, it gives, it gives a greater potential for the implementation of future tasks, and the main thing is that we do not spare the soldiers, but protect them and... it is
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with such, with such, shall we say, ideology that we work in the format of a third separate assault brigade, the same, shall we say, potential and the same use of its troops is used by such famous units as kraken, which consists of former servicemen of the azov regiment, and directly the commanders of the azov brigade, is also one of our military families, as it uses exactly such principles and principles that help us to be more effective on the battlefield. and what is the difference between pity and protect, and how to determine the balance between the maintenance of the area to be obtained and the level of losses in one's own unit? what does your experience say? today alone, well , first of all, we must understand that war...


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