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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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in the morning and afternoon in the southern part of ukraine , it is dry, sunny, hot, 30-32 above zero, and in kyiv, in the capital, tomorrow, june 18, uh, there will be no precipitation for most of the day, the air temperature will gradually rise, as you you see up to 27-28°, this load that you are seeing on your screens now, it can be as late as tomorrow, that is, tomorrow there will be such a short dry pause in the capital, and as vasyl already announced, this week will be hot, the temperature is really the air will rise already on wednesday in most places oblasts of ukraine, it is expected to be 29-34° above zero, so get ready for the heat, and of course, keep a close eye on updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you very much, mrs. natalie, i wish you a quiet evening, take care of yourself, we will be there until tomorrow. strength
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of ukraine, i will meet with you tomorrow at 18:10, well, you stay in espresso, it will be interesting from now on. good evening, we are from ukraine. congratulations to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. new week, new events, new analytics. khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoliy. thank you for being with us. i am very happy to return to the team and to calf dachas, but today we will talk about this. the peace summit is the ukrainian formula for peace, the consequences for our country, for europe and for the whole world. let's summarize. the situation on the line of combat, missile terror of the russians, what targets do they mainly choose for themselves now, and is it possible to expand the geography of hostilities. we also have a second part at 21:15, there will be a... analytics will be our thoughts and we are very much
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looking forward to your questions, ask them on youtube and there will also be interesting topics. we will talk about what worries us the most now and the ukrainian welfare sector, and ukrainian society, and the ukrainian segment of the network. why are language scandals still possible in some ukrainian regions? and all this can be connected with medvedchuk's statements. all these things have caused such a surge of russian propaganda now. let's talk about this and the so-called istanbul agreements, which putin promoted back in 2022. a few moments and we'll meet in the studio.
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espresso week is a new week for our country. my name is khrystyna yatskiv and i welcome my co-host andrii smoliya to ours new program. hello. well, let's start. let's start. and of course, we will sum up the results of the global peace summit, what it was, it was somewhat ceremonial, symbolic. will we see any practical consequences of this extremely important event? so? well, of course, and we will certainly discuss many other topics as well. let's talk about
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putin's statements and about the actual scandal that happened in odessa, but we will discuss all this this hour and the next, from 9:15 p.m., we really want to hear you, your thoughts and your questions, and in if you have the opportunity to put them to us, in particular, during the broadcast, in the chat of the broadcast on youtube, espresso, come in, write if possible, we will scan everything and , of course, voice it on the air, we will even answer something together with the guests, also, by the way , you can ask questions on my pages, in social networks, in particular on my facebook page andriy smoliy, come in, write for sure, we will try to answer all questions, by the way, we also have a survey, you can see it on the screen, it sounds like this: will lead global peace summit? to real peace and
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for free you can vote accordingly yes if you think it will lead then please dial 0800 211 381 on your... phones if you think no then please dial 0800 211 382 , all your calls will be free, and at the end of our program, we will summarize this survey, a survey on youtube, and i think we will start, so we will start with... it seems that it can be done most successfully with by our tatiana vysotska, correspondent of espresso in europe, who was present at the global peace summit in switzerland. tanya, congratulations and invite you to speak about your accents of this extremely important event? greetings, greetings from
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strasbourg already, i am now on the sidelines of the council of europe, and the council of europe was also present at the global peace summit and... council of europe secretary general maria pejchynovych burych also signed the final declaration, and in fact the summit became a real a global historical event, at least in terms of representation, because in the summit was attended by 100 delegations from all corners of the world, from all continents, by the way, an interesting moment, during the summit, president volodymyr zelenskyi kept saying that 101 delegations were present at the summit, but in fact there were 100, i counted, before the summit literally in the last minutes , the colombian delegation canceled its presence in switzerland, and thus there were still 100 delegations, but all the key powers of every continent were represented, and even such as india, saudi arabia, mexico, argentina,
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brazil, although in observer status, south africa, australia, new zealand, that is, the geography was powerful, not all these states signed the fin'. declaration, but the fact that they came, took part and took part in the discussions is also a lot. in order for all the states present, as many as possible, to support the final document of the communiqué summit, it was decided to discuss at this first inaugural summit not all 10 points of the ukrainian peace formula, but only three points, which are more compromising, it is a matter of nuclear safety, food security. and also humanitarian issues, and based on the discussion during two days, on these three points, in the final, final communiqué of the summit, the following was decided: they called on russia to urgently transfer the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant under the control of ukraine, and also
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to stop blackmailing ukraine with nuclear weapons, which it is doing now putin. the second point is to provide ukraine with the opportunity to freely export food to... world markets, including african markets, and for this purpose russia is called upon to grant ukraine access not only to the black sea, but also to the azov ports, as, as we know, the azov sea is now completely occupied by russia, and perhaps even this moment from the final communiqué also caused the reluctance of some states friendly with russia to sign it, and the third moment, in the comenius calls on russia to exchange prisoners in the format of all for all and also for russia to finally release illegally deported civilians and illegally deported tens of thousands of ukrainian children back to ukraine. it is interesting that , of course, not all 100 signed the resolution delegations, and here too there are interesting games with
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numbers, because at first it was announced that there were 84 signatures under the final communique , then they disappeared. two signatures, these are iraq and jordan, and it turned out that these states withdrew their signatures after they agreed to sign the document, apparently it was under pressure from russia, and today it became known that after all, now there are not 82, but 83 signatures , because ecumenical patriarch vamiy joined the signatories and also signed the communiqué, by the way, bartholomew very actively participated in the summit and even had bilateral with president volodymyr zelenskyi, zelenskyi, therefore his signature under the communiqué is absolutely logical, and we congratulate him on this decision, and of course the question is what will happen next, will there not be a declaration, only a declaration, and as the ukrainian delegation insists, the process will continue, the process will continue work, then there will be
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work in working groups, and not only on the three points of the ukrainian peace formula, which are included in the final. over all 10 points, president of ukraine volodymyr told about it at the final press conference zelensky, let's listen to his direct speech. and now after. we proposed and agreed to continue our joint work at a more technical level, at the level of advisers, and ministers in the format of special meetings under the leadership or co-leadership of the country. we already have previous agreements with countries such as france, czech republic, turkey, kenya, saudi arabia, usa, norway, poland, canada, qatar, chile, ghana, finland, netherlands, germany. united kingdom to accept the work of the groups,
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lead and co-lead, and we invite all countries that recognize the binding nature of the un charter as a basis for the cooperation of nations to participate in the groups and express their ideas and proposals. as you can see, the level of support for the next steps is relative. the crowd of the next peace summit is quite powerful, so we hope for fruitful work, and i would like to note that from the very beginning of the summit and already at the moment of its conclusion, when they began to talk about the preparation of the second peace summit on the sidelines of the summit and from the stands of the summit, they began to hear voices about what needs to be involved before the negotiations within the framework of the summit, russia, as some states emphasized the side of the conflict, in fact... the aggressor state, and the voice of switzerland was the loudest in this regard, because
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as we know, switzerland insisted even during the preparation of the summit that the russian delegation, although should be invited at some level, but when ukraine made it clear that it did not want to see any russian politicians or negotiators on the sidelines of the peace summit in switzerland, then the issue was dropped, and again china announced that it would not participate in the summit. but swiss president viola amgerd and other swiss negotiators constantly insisted that this is the first summit without russia, but then russia should appear at the negotiating table. let's listen to the direct speech of the president of switzerland. if we want to direct the process in the direction of peace, it will be necessary to involve russia as well. this is clear to everyone. as. in the international community, we can contribute to the preparation of space for direct
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negotiations between the warring parties. that is why we have gathered here. but yes, yes. tatiana, here it is a small clarification. we have already seen in principle the position of switzerland, it is quite neutral in relation to russia, that is, they, relatively speaking. are ready to see it at the next peace summits, and do the other participants of the peace summit have a principled position on this, maybe someone expressed the position that they are in favor of inviting russia to the next summits or the next summit, maybe someone on the contrary said that no, in in no case, as long as russia has such a position, it cannot be invited. actually, we can say that all participants. the summit agreed with the opinion that at some stage, when peace negotiations are underway, when
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preparations are underway for the establishment of peace, the participation of even the aggressor state in these negotiations is inevitable, because it must withdraw its troops and, as it were, insist on some conditions for the establishment of peace, and it can be said that the only state that clearly tried to articulate on what conditions it is ready to see russia at the next summits, it was ukraine, because at first, even when the first voices began to be heard that russia would be at the next peace summit, and everyone, how, how, what, well, is it really it will be simple, i don't know, it will come putin will sit next to zelenskyi and have a conversation with him, then already on the second day, when volodymyr zelenskyi went to the press, he had several direct questions about it, and he made it clear that ukraine is not against negotiations with russia, but not on on the terms of russia, not on the terms of... ukraine will enter into negotiations with russia, if this negotiated peace
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process is based on the 10 points of the ukrainian peace formula, which primarily mean that the state border of ukraine should be under the control of ukraine, i.e. ukraine should to return all its territories, and it was volodymyr zelenskyy who said that if russia is ready for negotiations even now, we can start them even now, if they leave our laws. territories, well, that's the position of ukraine, and it's nice that it still holds back, because of course, for example, turkey itself, and saudi arabia itself, they are ready to see russia right now. at the negotiating table, despite the fact that the unified position of all states regarding the peace process has not yet been formed, we discussed only three points out of ten. tatiana, well we can't help but ask, after all, the european council is meeting informally today to decide who will lead and who will be present in key european institutions, all this is happening already
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after the elections to the european parliament, and actually, as a mood, what vibrations in. .. do you catch on the spot? well, this is how they will have a working dinner, after two days in switzerland, today they are going to brussels for dinner, they have actually gathered since 4 p.m. and have already closed the perimeter of the place where this dinner will take place, and they will discuss not only the first names of the first persons of the european union, who will actually lead the european union for the next five years, but also i... i really hope that they will also discuss the conference at which the accession negotiations with ukraine will begin to the eu, which is planned for june 25, but official invitations have not yet been sent, because there are still nuances with the netherlands, which must be approved by the parliament, there are still some formalities, but the process is going such that
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most likely next week it can be started already... in fact, the procedure of negotiations with ukraine on joining the european union, well, moldova will also start negotiations together with us, and as for the candidacies of the heads of the european union, there are actually no big intrigues at the moment, but we remember how 5 years ago, suddenly during such evening negotiations of the leaders of the european union , the candidacy of ursula funderlajen appeared, when no one thought about her at all, she was proposed. angela merkel and all the leaders of the european union agreed with this, today ursela fondelain is again the first main candidate for the position of the head of the european commission, for the position of the eu high representative for foreign affairs in the place of barroso, borell, gentlemen, barroso
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mentioned, the current prime minister claims to replace joseph barel minister. the position is the position currently held by charles michel, it is the head of the european council, former prime minister of portugal antonio costa can become it, these are the candidates, but what will happen behind closed doors today, when the leaders will to have dinner together and talk, we'll see, thank you, and tatiana, thank you very much for your thoughts, tatiana vysotska, correspondent of the espresso tv channel, was just live. eteri told us about the actual situation after the peace summit, her feelings, her thoughts and about the results of the elections to the european parliament, soon there will be elections for many, many positions in the european commission, in the european parliament, and i want to remind you that we have poll on whether
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a global peace summit will lead to real peace, you can... answer yes or you can't vote on youtube for the youtube broadcast and you can also vote with your phones, if you think yes - 0800 211 381, if you think no, 0800 211 382, ​​all your calls are free, yes and we are happy to attract now to talk with us volodymyr horvych, political analyst of the institute. of euro-atlantic cooperation, an expert on foreign and domestic policy. mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good evening. after everything we saw and heard in the results global peace summit, i would like to know your opinion, how optimistic or skeptical you are about the presence of
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the russian federation at such an event in the foreseeable future. can you imagine it now? based on the situation on the ground, well, it is very difficult, to be honest, for me personally to imagine such a situation, when the russian federation will be sitting at the table and will be represented by a war criminal, vladimir putin, who has an international criminal court warrant for his arrest, this , well it will be very painful to see, not only for me, but probably for all ukrainians in general. to people of good will, well, you see, the fact is that we are forced to really exist and... in this situation, as our, our partners imagine, unfortunately they imagine such a picture, and, well, when we we are talking about
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the fact that this, well, the west, the swiss, i call it a conference with the pathetic name of the global summit, the peace summit, it, well, if there is such a zero ground floor in this construction, peacebuilding, yes peacebuilding, and after it maybe we expect some next steps, the ukrainian leadership announced the holding of the second summit, as president zelenskyi said, not in years, but in months or months, and that this second summit should coincide with the end of the war, this is what we, of course, all wanted to hear ukrainians wanted to hear that this is not a matter of years, but of months, and this is what our, our western partners wanted to hear, that it will not be too long and exhausting either. and their efforts will not be in vain, but the position of the aggressor country and the position of its senior partner
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china, as well as the position of other brics partners who were present in switzerland, but did not sign, deliberately refrained from supporting, in fact in ukraine with their signature, in the final communique, tell us that... everything is so, everything is not very simple and not as rosy as, perhaps, the participants of the conference themselves are telling us about it now, in particular from the ukrainian side, i honestly fear that this bloc, china, the russian federation and the so-called leaders of the global cock, but these are still countries brix, first of all, they will try to intercept. now this one the conference in switzerland is an attempt by ukraine to take over the peace initiative, well , in general, the plan of ukraine itself, these 10 points,
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the peace formula, it was an attempt to take over the peace initiative, it had, as diplomatically, that formula had to be accompanied by military actions and military victories on the battlefield , the formation of a so -called negotiating position, a strong negotiating position for ukraine, and this was imagined... a year and a half ago or two years ago as the success of the ukrainian counteroffensive, and accordingly, here is the ukrainian formula for peace, this is how it was planned, but the counteroffensive did not go as well, and actually speaking, the diplomatic process was not as successful as it was planned, well, we did not succeed in subduing the global rooster, we must admit, admit this, well, this bitter truth, they either ... do not care at all about what is happening in ukraine, many countries do not care, well, it is somewhere far in europe, ukraine, russia, they do not see any threat to themselves and do not
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care, the countries of the same brics, such as china or brazil, er, maybe even india, they are trying to play at all in this situation, they are not very interested in ukraine either, they are interested in the struggle for a place in the world with the united states. states, especially china, of course, china competes with the united states, and just as russia does not see ukraine as a subject, it is fighting when russia is fighting in ukraine, because it actually sees the united states as its potential partner in negotiations for the division of the world, communist china, or imperial china, if you like, also has approximately the same approximate optics, well, strictly speaking, it does not give we have some hope that the further track after... the swiss, swiss conference, it will follow our, according to our plan, yes, well, the chinese will try to seize the initiative,
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maybe it will happen already at the beginning of july during the sco summit of the shanghai cooperation organization, which will take place in astana, in kazakhstan, it seems there on july 3-4, by the way , on july 4-5, but on the eve of the washington nato summit. there they can , in principle, act, actualize this sino-brazilian plan, as they call it, with six points, not 12, and in fact, it is a russian plan, it is a plan in russian interests, yes, which would consolidate russian conquests, at least territorially, and freeze it on this line, if it is not in the shoos, no, they will not have time, then somewhere at the end of... august the beginning, well, the beginning or the whole of september, the date has not been determined, the brics summit is to be held in russia, more precisely in tatarstan, the capital of tatarstan, kazan, and there may
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be... this attempt to intercept the initiative has been made, well, china will only go for it when it will be understood that most countries of the global south will be in his position, and the pressure that chinese diplomacy and the russian military exerted on the countries of the global south still had some effect, if, if we did not fight against it, we successfully countered it, we must give due credit ukrainian diplomacy and the efforts of switzerland itself. and our other allies and partners, but this event showed that our closest partners and allies are the west, there are countries and states and peoples, political leaders of europe, the european union and north america, the united states, canada, and also japan, australia and all that we call the global event, regardless of geography, these are our reliable partners, these are the countries of the state, including payers.
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taxes, which provide us with real, real help, thanks to which we can and still resist russian aggression and , in my opinion, have not lost either the initiative or the chances of a final victory over and punishment of russia. mr. volodymyr, you have already mentioned , among other things, that the highest officials of ukraine and officials of other states they talked about the next peace summit, that is, which one will be there, someone said in five months. someone called closer to the elections or after the elections in the united states of america, but we have putin's position, he expressed it last week, he said, did he actually cut himself off from any kind of talks, these kinds of peace summits, even if, conditionally saying, to invite russia, as switzerland wants to do, what will it give, will it lead to at least some minimum?
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your opinion, and one more question, if we are talking about any dates, then before after the presidential elections in the usa, a similar global peace summit may take place, where at least the states of the civilized world will gather. well, first of all, if putin is seated at the negotiating table for a peace conference, it will mean that this conference will have the same consequences and will take place in the same way as the munich one. the 1938 conference, which actually opened, opened the way for hitler to er-e further aggression on the european continent. this trend is after the swiss conference, if the situation goes, well, the process is exactly on this path, so let's go let's put russia at the negotiating table, it will be the munich conference. putin's words were spoken the day before, well, in fact, any
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hopes were cut off. and hope to find a compromise, russia does not make any compromises until it is defeated on the battlefield, this is their strategic culture, they have always acted this way and will continue to act, they simply do not want another way of acting, a mode of co-operation do not imagine, everything else they consider it a weakness, and therefore do not show this weakness as much as they can do it, therefore, as i said, we are the closest and most important partners of the country. of the west are still in some kind of internal illusion, the illusion that it is possible to reach some kind of compromise with putin, unfortunately, we cannot reach any compromise, at least officially and publicly, because the plane for this is some kind of concessions or points of contact in the russian- the ukrainian existential conflict simply does not exist,
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western leaders... do not pay attention to this, they think that they can still talk, but even in such a situation, conducting a dialogue is better than, than not, than than to wage war, well , from the point of view of a tactical delay of some kind, it may be justified, but strategically it does not solve the problem, but mr. volodymyr, lately we are witnessing really fundamental decisions, in some of it would have been hard to believe them just a few months ago, well, first of all... the decision is still to provide ukraine with 50 billion in profits from russian confiscated assets that remain frozen. this is a very important point that can be recalled from the last one, it is actually good for us to beat in russian sovereign territory, and azov was eventually allowed to use american weapons, and this is also a revolution in the minds of the western world.


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