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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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achieving complete demilitarization and de-nazification, while it is clear that the interests of the zelensky regime and the interests of the ukrainian people are directly opposite, ukrainians want peace, and zelensky with the western puppet masters of war, even at the cost of exterminating the ukrainian people, and this people must be freed from this criminal nazi government , i emphasize once again that this was said by putin's best man, medvedchuk, a human being. which has actually been engaged in destroying our country for many years, and this statement, it correlates with another statement, putin's statement, which he did on friday, and on friday putin said, let's also see, he said that he is ready for peace talks, but for that ukraine must withdraw its troops from all the occupied territories. russia's regions, well, which, so
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to speak, are included in the constitution, the so-called constitution, because why is it so-called, because after, because after russia actually included the territories of another state in this constitution, i'm sorry, it's not a constitution , well, when, when a spoon with a brown substance falls into a dish with honey, then the seat is damaged, how can i explain it on my fingers, i wanted to do so at the same time. putin the conditions are very simple: the troops must be entirely luhansk, kherson, zaporizhzhia regions, and i draw your attention to the territory of these regions within their administrative boundaries, which existed as part of the composition. in kyiv, they will announce that such a decision will be initiated. troops
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from these regions, and will immediately inform you about the plans for entry from our side, immediately, at this moment, the reliability of the negotiations, your statements by putin and medvedchuk, which from an eternal point of view, and from a geopolitical point of view point of view, and from the internal, intra-political point of view of the occupying state, they are correlated and they were understandable. were made from the same methodology, which was sent to the framework actually within the framework of the peace summit within the framework of all other ukrainian successes, within the framework of the same successes there at j7 and so on and so on, so we must understand that this and there is this racism, this is the russian world. well, if putin is the type of head of the russian state, he is the type of head. chairman, because frankly speaking, his
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elections there, which he held for himself, are very it was funny, like the head of the russian state says that ukraine should withdraw its troops only from those territories that he wrote into his kind of constitution, but medvedchuk just goes a little further, he thinks it is already inappropriate to transfer donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia to russia and the kherson region, he believes that... it is necessary to aim at odesa, because ukraine is not capitulating, well, that is, how it is generally correlated with each other, i do not fully understand in the mind of this person, but if you do not agree to those conditions , which you just nominated the russian president, get ready, we will do everything in order to conquer even more of your territories, well , we understand, and in general, the odesa region in a certain way has its own specifics, as well as other...
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ukrainian regions, and of course, we, you know , as journalists, we would like to talk about good news, but our job is to tell you about not so pleasant things, and now, unfortunately, i will do the same thing again. language scandal in odesa, the next one, local blogger yulia karavajak was asked to leave the so-called networking evening, such an event, as i understand it, at which bloggers gathered there, maybe some local opinion leaders, i don't know, she demanded that the speaker speak ukrainian. right now, i can't let you listen to how exactly this dialogue with a speaker who speaks russian takes place on our television , but ms. yulia asks to speak in ukrainian, to which she is told, i'm not very comfortable, so what do you start, ms. yulia asks if she should expect an interpreter, and is forced to leave the event, once again a girl.
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a citizen who asked to speak publicly on the territory of the ukrainian state in odesa in the ukrainian language, which is directly proportionally prescribed in the ukrainian legislation. she was taken out of this event, where there was, oh, so to speak, the leader of opinions, or who he was speaking in russian, we were never able to find out, i also searched on the internet to generally understand who it was, what it was, well at least the organizer, a well-known odesa activist, maryan hanul, came to him there, for which he is very grateful, he talked to this... man who organized this event, the man apologized, i don't know, can we do it to show can't we, the man apologized, said that this will not happen again and so on and so on, let's listen, let's listen, i want to apologize for the fact that we did not
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finish, i want to say that it is i, as the organizer, who should be responsible for such questions, i am fully responsible, i apologize to all the people who were affected by this, and to yulia, with whom we will say, with whom we had a misunderstanding. i want to say that we are adequate ukrainians, we are for ukraine, we help the armed forces, but this does not justify us, because now everyone needs to help in the armed forces, but i understand that in order to achieve some large scale in ukraine, it is necessary to completely switch to the ukrainian language. language and conduct events in ukrainian. well, here is such a video, another apology, why another one, because there were already many of them. yes, and now it is very important to articulate, it is not about emphasizing the specific region in which it
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happened. the same happens regularly in many ukrainian regions, cities and so on, and for me it remains open to this day. wondering why in the third year of the war language scandals still have some place in general, in particular in the discussions in the ukrainian segment of the network, i do not know what the fate is and whether it is possible to consider the reputations of those who spoke and those who made such a decision in relation to ms. yulia karabaghak to be nullified, that is, to try her from this event, but it seems to me that kenselite needs not only... russians, but also to make remarks of his own. by the way, about the level of this cancellation, i don’t know, andrei, how you look at it, but how not to cross this fine line, that is, there is an apology, there is an understanding that maybe something happened, on the other hand, there is also
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a regular event in the same circle, if not the same people, then the same bodies, well, first of all, at least... i would like us to move away from such a concept as a language scandal or there is some language problem. what happened here is far from a language problem, it would be a language problem if it happened there in germany or in the united states of america or in poland, it happened in ukraine, where the legislation on the ukrainian language, the law of ukraine on ensuring the functioning of the ukrainian language as a state language. article 29 of this law. clearly states that all events are public, must be held in the state language, no one should ask anyone to switch to the state language, no one should ask anyone for an interpreter, the event that
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takes place wherever it is, in lviv, in odesa, in kharkiv or in any other city of ukraine, the state language must be held. this is an axiom, this is a law, and to talk about the fact that someone should ask someone for something, no, no one should ask anyone, we have one country, and in in kyiv, and in odesa, and in the dnipro, and in ternopil, there is one law that applies everywhere, unfortunately, to many people it is simple, well, banal , they do not even, i am even talking now about the moral aspect, about some aspect of what we pass. i apologize to this russian youth, we are in fact breaking the law, this is a violation of the law, moreover, i want to say that what happened is essentially an encroachment on the constitutional system, on
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the norms of the law, so it is not just the commissioner for issues that should work here state language, who has already responded to it, and special thanks to taras kremen for this. the security service of ukraine should work here, because if a person is taken out of the hall, the hall for asking to comply with the law, if these people say: "yes, listen, we will continue, go away, we will continue in russian, then this is already the undermining of the constitutional order, when people directly say, yes, we spit on this law, yes, we spit on all this, and now another issue, moral and political, by the way, the entire russian press has already reacted to this scandal, all russian television, they are applauding, they are delighted." to the people, by the way, of all the speakers, only one spoke there
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in ukrainian, everyone else spoke russian, yes, and now this statement by medvedchuk, which we have already talked about, is coming out, and it will come out and there will be medvedchuk, medvedev, putin, solovyov, all other rashists of all stripes, because we, as a society, as a state, give them the opportunity to do this , unfortunately, it still does not understand that this is important, at least in public space, no one climbs up who, you said, where is the limit, no one touches anyone in private space, no one tells you how to speak at home, at home, even in swahili, even if, well, even in any language of the world, this is your right, but there is a public sphere, television, radio, performances, education, culture, cinema, everything that is currently in the current
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legislation, it must be the state language, and bloggers and public figures now have a very big responsibility to really switch to ukrainian language and promotion of ukrainian culture, that's exactly what i wanted to note, that odessa is not only about such people incidents, this is also about, for example, sternenko or lieb, and so on... photographers who are engaged in a very important business are quite popular now, they document both the crimes of the russian federation and, in general, the course of the russian-ukrainian war and the heroism of ukrainian defenders, konstantin and vlada, they are from odesa, in connection with this video that we just showed, and with this case that we just showed, they wrote on instagram today when they ask us why we moved from odesa to... we will show this video in odessa many incredible people, a lot of real patriots from odesa at the front,
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but as you can see in the video, unfortunately, they are also present, and it’s just a shame, i really hope that the regional leadership, yes, the blogosphere is regional in some sense, that’s all will also be reformatted, well, let's say this, from... the main trends that exist in our country, because in my opinion, the trend for the ukrainian language is finally healthy, natural, i don't know how, right hand, i have a trend now, that's all it is now, why is it so actively resisted, i do not understand, some, for example, talk about that there is a rollback for a certain group of citizens, i gave comments today, and i am also asked, some say that there is a rollback for some of our citizens, who... conventionally speaking are returning to the russian language again, here
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the issue is very complex: in fact there is extraordinary russian propaganda, who will go to tiktok, to facebook, to instagram, well, to a greater extent in tiktok, apparently, there is just an insane amount of russian propaganda against the ukrainian language, when these were all situations... including there with farion, including several other situations, do you remember, with the kyiv taxi driver, russia simply cut this russian propaganda at a crazy pace, and unfortunately, many of our citizens cling to this propaganda, moreover, we also have to be frank that ukraine, as a state, is not doing enough now in order to fight... with russian propaganda, including in ukraine, it is not enough, for example, laws
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that need to be strengthened, again, we are talking about the work of the parliament, which we cannot re-elect, but this one was also dissolved to nothing, the same topics, platforms, here we are digital platforms are simply teeming with russian music, we can legislate this , we can, by the way, many such things regarding the removal of content are accepted by the european commission. in the european union, if there is any content that is unacceptable, the european commission applies accordingly to one or another platform, this content does not work on the territory of one or another. state or the european union, we can do it, we can do it, russian music, russian films, russian culture, it has from ukrainian digital platforms, from of ukrainian, to disappear from the ukrainian public space, and the state must work here, we cannot be like you,
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me or someone, or a large number of our wonderful citizens who every day contribute to the fight against... racism, make a contribution on a completely voluntary basis, because they understand that today it is, and tomorrow we will turn back to what happened before, and when we talk about the istanbul treaties, yes, which putin promoted, which the occupiers promoted, not only there there was the question of the army, not only was there the question of nato, there was not only the question of... the movement of ukraine or the foreign policy vector, there was a huge amount who read these treaties, devoted to ideological issues, decommunization, decolonization, language, culture, even prohibited, according to this agreement, to name the streets after the names of ukrainian heroes.
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russia perfectly understands what culture and language are. that information policy, that historical and cultural policy, this is no less important than any other policy, no less important, and they by force, with this hybrid war, they strangled ukraine, starting from the time of restoration of independence in 1991, they strangled ukrainian television, strangled ukrainian music, they strangled ukrainian cinema, strangled literally everything ukrainian. and in the 22nd year, not having received all of ukraine, not occupying it, they wanted to push forward to destroy the law on language, destroy decommunization, decolonization, destroy everything related to ukrainian identity, they know very well that this is the preparation of the ground
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for the future further occupation, they this one the ground was prepared until the 14th year, they prepared this ground, then, they invested billions and billions of bloody dollars, bloody rubles in this cultural and informational propaganda, and believe me, they will do it further, the question is how effective it will be for them , they, there is nothing surprising in the fact that russia continues to do what it has done for centuries with all its circulars and prohibitions of our language and so on and so on, i am surprised that you know, there are rakes, there are our favorites, on which we dance , and this is about ukrainians who are ready to make the rollback that you just mentioned, i remember the first reactions during the large-scale invasion until it was black out , the russian language could not be heard, this is such a crazy trigger that was present in the minds of many ukrainians, and it seemed to me that
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finally some kind of reflection people woke up, i was very happy, because... the reaction is so intolerant of the language and culture of the aggressor country, but how does it happen that the more blood russia pours out of us, the more our people die and the more missiles fall on our head, little by little, this rollback is still happening, it is probably some kind of psychological effect, and for sure it must be studied, maybe such studies already exist, but less so , personally, the situation seems to me to be inexplicably difficult, because what could be simpler, here is the one who attacked you, and you don't want to know or hear about everything related to the aggressor, but no, unfortunately for us, well, someone says that it is another, that culture is outside of politics, that it is not putin, of course, for this thesis you can get what the problem is, the problem is
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that many people for some reason believe that putin is to blame. is his entourage to blame, or is the kremlin to blame, but it is not the fault of russia or some individual representatives of russian society, and i always ask the question, who is to blame then 500 years ago, 400 years ago, 300 years ago, then you had the syndrome and me too, lies in the fact that it is far from putin, far from... medvedchuk, medvedev or any other representative, well, putin, well, well, substitute any other name. the question is that this is permanent russian. imperial policy, which is many hundreds of years long, it will never change as long as this
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state entity exists, but it will exist, what will we do with it, well, that is , hope that it will collapse in its place there and its will be swallowed by the ocean, we can't what we have to think now what to do after the end of the war, i say why is it important, because after the end of the war we can... go in circles, russia will be, russia, if it stays the way it is now, and it's likely to, well, let's be honest, it's likely to stay, even if there are some movements, maybe some minimal liberalization at first, like when yeltsin, yes, but in the end russia will slide into the same thing, it simply cannot exist without it, we must already think about what we should do next, how we should build this border, what laws we should adopt about... , how should we work with society, how should we work with youth, how should we work with with with state institutions, what should we do so that
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we don't slide back into this russian world, into this racism, and what should we do so that we don't become like them, some of those who are watching us can obviously notice now , the fact is that we mentioned that ukraine is doing everything possible to join the european union as soon as possible. nevertheless , our viewers ask questions: roman chervinskyi, roman dudin, andrii malakhov, tuman, andrii yangolenko, slobozhanshchyna, serhii pashinskyi, oleksandr vodolaskyi, does he know the event that there are so many political prisoners in ukraine, this is what the person who left the comment calls these people, will they help us despite the fact that a dictatorship is actually being built in ukraine, and this is also the subjective opinion of a particular contributor, i would didn't speak now about the fact that we are building a dictatorship, but definitely cross the line in a situation where, on the one hand, you are defending yourself against an extremely powerful
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neighbor, on the other hand, you need to work on moving precisely in the direction of western civilization, because you chose and entered it's yours basic law, it is very important. on the third hand, somehow it is still necessary to keep the internal political and economic situation, now the energy situation, in balance. situation, or all this is insanely interconnected, in a word, the ukrainian state now needs to sit on absolutely all chairs, not to fall from any of them and make as few mistakes as possible. and in this aspect , the issues mentioned are related to the restriction of freedom of speech, the restriction of the work of some media on specific sites, the actual arrests, which are not always clearly articulated and argue from a judicial and even a legal point of view. all these questions continue to be asked to us and will continue to be asked, and i really thank the viewer who
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left this comment, and here is andrii, can we really talk about some sort of dictatorship, in your opinion, does the west know about that we have certain problems that can be traced back to these symptoms, at the beginning of our first hour of this hour, i spoke about the fact that, first of all, our institutions should... work, the verkhovna rada should work in our country adequately, uh, government, and there should be full accountability. it cannot be, i say once again , that someone somewhere does not work, or someone somewhere does not obey someone there, we must understand that we are a parliamentary-presidential republic, and by the way, all these issues, they would be resolved if, for example, a government of national unity was created in ukraine, if such a government was created. we would then understand that the parliament, the government, that all political forces are involved in this process, and then there were counterweights, that ukraine, it always
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why didn't we slip into a dictatorship, we had such periods after, after the restoration of independence, i say again, since 1991, when we could slip into a dictatorship, we had such and such moments, there were not one and not two , but always. ukraine was saved by the fact that we had this balance, even a balance, relatively speaking, of absolute confrontations about opposing parties with different views, and this balance always made it possible to keep some kind of democracy in ukraine, when there is no balance or there will be no, this purely hypothetically, we have to understand that there will be certain aspects that will concern... in fact, some semi-authoritarian things, well, yes, the compliment that andriy made to the ukrainian state in some way, in some sense, was
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to restrain the counterbalance, we know that it is increasingly about the united states of america, we are trying, we are stretching, but, but not only this attraction, but also the kickbacks, which very often any power in ukraine can provide a field that would be able to gather in our country at any time, and i think that this is the sword that hangs over everyone by the authorities, this is a certain safeguard that actually protects us so far. really saves, i offer a little signature to sum up the results of the survey that we conducted among our television viewers on the phone, thank you very much to everyone who participated, and let's look at the screen, i will remind you that we asked you about your impressions after the global peace summit, whether do you believe that it is capable of leading to real peace, and as we can see, 14% of our viewers believe that it is possible, and
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the majority. most 86% don't believe it, shame? well no, well this, no, it's not a pity, well, that realistically people look at the situation, which is a shame, people understand that this peace summit is not about peace today, not about peace tomorrow and not, not about peace the day after tomorrow, it is an agreement of political and geopolitical positions, relatively speaking, of our allies and those states who can... be on our side, and peace and victory can only be ensured by the armed forces of ukraine and all of us, on all fronts and in all spheres of our lives. thank you for being with the new week program, you and i will now meet on mondays, andrii smolii and khrystyna yatskiv, take care believe in ukraine, develop ukrainian and see you next monday at 8 p.m. goodbye! we will
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