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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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i won't go into the operational details of how many nuclear warheads should be in the field, how many should be in storage, but we have to consult on these issues, and that's what we're doing, so it reaffirms that it's not just russia that is raising the stakes during the great war that it started in the 22nd year, and the west is raising these stakes, and in fact for russia it is to some extent... such a survival, and for the west it is a survival, that is, we see a situation when, as they say , who who, and it can actually last quite a long time. in your opinion, here such a position, who, whom, how long it can last, whether this increase in rates can be for another six months, or it can be, relatively speaking, stretched for several years, for a year. well
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, one cannot help but welcome the words of secretary general stoltenberg, he is absolutely right about this , but he, in fact, it is not his initiative, it is the united states that is reviewing the capabilities of its nuclear potential and the military is thinking about it and working on it, and this everything is very correct, very good, the only bad thing is that these decisions and actions took two years, this is the reason. why the world is now faced with a very long confrontation, which already resembles a cold one, and may turn into a hot third world, but unfortunately, this strategic reassessment and reassessment of the strategic thinking, first of all, of the leaders of the united states, it has been going on for a very long time and now it enters the phase of the election campaign, it is not known what else... this process
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will end and end, because the internal political struggle will restrain, restrain these, these decisions are political, strategic, it will simply divert attention as a political resource from this, so how long can it last, it can last a very long time, and i think that this will not end quickly, well, with russia we consider ourselves to be in the phase of a war of attrition, but for behind russia. china and if we can win this war of attrition only at the expense of western resources of weapons, money and technology, then russia may also find itself in such a situation that it will turn to china for help, and this may then last for a very long time, well maybe even infinitely there i don't know, in our lifetime, there is such a new long, cold war between the two blocs that will be formed. around the united states and
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china, there is the european union and ukraine near it somewhere in the american camp, and the russian federation, respectively, in the chinese one, and india may try to try to restore its influence through the so-called non-aligned movement or the third world or as they say now the global south, to take some kind of neutral position, it can really last a long time, it is important for us to endure, to persevere in this war, the active phase is still cannot last long, the cold war can last long, the active phase of the war does not, and it is important for us to endure it, and it is important to use this time to enter the western, european, first of all, economic and security structures, the european union and nato , this is the task that is now a matter of life and death for us, in relation to the nuclear issue, it is generally accepted that at a certain moment... in a certain episode
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of the russian-ukrainian war, it was china that acted as the factor that calmed putin from thoughts about using possible nuclear weapons on the battlefield or in some other way, how will china now build its dialogue directly or indirectly with the western world after what stoltenberg remarked, and mr. volodymyr, here are some more questions, in particular: and from our viewers, the page of andrii smoliya, now this question is actually demonstrated, oleksandr lytvynenko, the head of the national security and defense council of ukraine, in an interview with the times, did not rule out that putin may resort to using nuclear weapons, but this is, let's say, at the moment when he will understand that he has lost everything . if hitler - it's a bullet to the head, then putin will use nuclear weapons, and we don't need a light storm from russia. why do we need him? i
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thought about another option, it should be a nuclear bullet to putin's head in the bunker, but the thing is, i don't think it was. a very successful statement of our current secretary of the national security and defense council, even if he thinks so, in principle, publicly to a western audience, this could not be said, because this is what scares our western partners, they are afraid of nuclear escalation, accordingly there will be more pressure us with with the aim of forcing us to make concessions, and to end the conflict on russian terms, from a tactical point of view this is not very correct, as for... china and its participation in nuclear policy, they really counted on the fact that china could influence russia and to deter it from using nuclear weapons, at least tactically, why, because china positions itself as a responsible state on the world stage,
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and all their statements about nuclear weapons were previously, if they were so peaceful, why? because china has the third largest nuclear power in the world the potential after... the united states and the russian federation, the current and former soviet union, and this potential is many times smaller than the american or russian, so china does not see itself as a leader in the nuclear club and, accordingly, is against leaders using with their own arsenals, but the latest trend is that the internal decision that china has made is to increase the number of nuclear ... warheads to somewhere around 100 by 2030, they need this, again, to reach the level of the united states , well a commensurate level of both russia and russia, and even then to speak, so to speak, from the position of equal strength with its three partners and competitors at the same time in the nuclear club,
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so it is not worth relying on the fact that china will deter russia from a nuclear strike for a long time, but so far in the near future. which hands, this can and should be used, mr. volodymyr, thank you for your thoughts and your analysis, volodymyr horbach, political analyst of the institute of euro-atlantic cooperation, expert on foreign and domestic policy, and we will to move on, but first let us remind you that we are conducting a survey, and we are interested in your opinion, your belief in that? how effective this weekend's global peace summit in switzerland will be in practice, and of course you can vote, i emphasize again that this poll is purely telephone and if you agree that this summit can lead to real peace, then
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please call the number 0800 211 381, if you think that it is not, you should not hope for it, then 0800, 211 382. under the broadcast on youtube on espresso, we are happy we will accept your comments, reflections, maybe even questions, which we will try to answer already in the second part of our new week program today. and now about the situation at the front. and we already have a new speaker, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, already in direct contact with the studio. espresso. mr. oleksiy, good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good evening. mr. oleksiy, i would like to talk with you first, probably about the missile a terror that has unfortunately intensified in the last few weeks. we saw regular night strikes on starokostyantynov and vasylkov,
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kyiv region. today , a strike was made on poltava oblast. we can see that the russians are probably hunting for... f-16 bases. we see that the russians continue to attack ukrainian energy and infrastructure facilities. if we are talking about these massive strikes or point strikes, to what extent can we expect their intensification in the coming days or weeks, in particular in the context of the same energy? well, the russians set themselves a certain goal. to destroy our energy as much as possible so that we don't have much time left before winter in winter, although it is only the beginning of summer to prepare, as they say sledges must be prepared in summer, well
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, as experts say, we are not able to repair some energy-generating facilities quickly or at all to restore, there is sometimes a conversation about the need to build new ones, that is, they focused on... this is more dangerous, it can lead to the fact that in winter, in addition, and in autumn, in addition to disconnection. energy can also be a heat shutdown, this the region is dangerous, well, if there is no warm water in the pipes for at least a few hours during frost, but it is cold, it will freeze, the pipe will burst, we know how this sometimes happens and what it leads to, so they try to achieve their goal by destroying our energy, regarding our airports, where we are, well, not necessarily in the 16th, where we generally keep our planes. all these cities that you mentioned, well , it's not a big one, it's not a secret at all that there are airfields there, military
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airfields, and they're trying to destroy in this way, if not the landing strip, it's there it is possible to get rid of it quite quickly, namely the infrastructure of these airports, communication systems, repair bases, bases where you can hide, well , they don't stand, just don't worry, well... often just planes don't stand, so their logic is quite clear, this is on the eve of our receiving, well, we hope that this will still happen, the destruction of places where they can be located, and in terms of energy - this is nothing new, they continue to do this gradually, methodically, destroying these objects objects, so should we expect an increase, well here it is possible, and there is no need for an increase here, if our energy infrastructure continues to be destroyed in this... regime, then we will have very big problems,
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starting from october. and this is a clarifying question: can the russians return to strikes on power distribution stations, actually, because this was their tactic in 2022-23 during that difficult winter. now we see, as you already mentioned, a slightly different tactic. but many people ask and think about this, can this very tactic become double, both the first and the second? no, well distribution stations will be destroyed after destroying those that can be destroyed by generating, well, that's obvious, that is , what starts is beaten, what gives us heat is attacked, well, we understand that they will not be able to destroy everything, but. .. we will redistribute, we will turn off and on the electricity there, so i think
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we will do the same with heat in some way in order to provide heat and electricity to the country, so the next step is that they will try to be at the distribution stations to don't give us that to do, it is a complicated procedure in our country, because redistributing electricity and heat, well, it is extremely difficult, you need to look for ways to do it, well... everyone can think about it and understand how difficult it is to do, when not everything works, you need to transfer from one to another, there is a lot to take into account, if you hit somewhere else and on distribution, then you can spoil the logistics of, say, the distribution of the energy that is still generated in us, or that we can get from as a last resort from europe, well, their plans are clear, whether they will succeed or not, well... it depends on how well these objects are protected, how well they are protected, depends on
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how much we have to protect, which are anti-aircraft missile systems and aircraft, because in all nato countries, in the united states, in israel, including, not only in the country, that at least 70% of air targets must be destroyed by aircraft, as it is written in their combat statutes, remember the attack on israel, how many were there? raise more than a hundred planes, which shot down more than half of the air targets that flew at israel, exclusively anti-aircraft missile systems, no matter how many of them we have, without air support, we will not be able to intercept everything that the russians attack us with, so we need planes not only as a means of long-range strikes there and also all this, listen to everything, that tell how we 're going to use, we're going to use primarily as countermeasures. look, mr. oleksiy, we are supposedly already on the threshold of handing over to us, at least
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the appearance in ukraine, of the long-awaited ones, we have been standing on the threshold since last year, something threshold a very long, very long threshold or a high one, and neither we nor our partners can cross it in any way, i agree, but nevertheless, i would like to understand the amount that we can count on now, let's be optimistic, how much effectively it can carry out our against. air defense, and after we get these planes, would it be appropriate to go back to the question of the closed skies over ukraine, which i mean, it's no secret that... a few months ago, whether it was last year, i don't remember exactly when, but theoretically thought about the history when nato actually closes the territory controlled by ukraine, well, so that russia could not destroy our infrastructure, our generation, or so on, at least over the west of ukraine, do you remember these, do you remember these discussions , so about the west of ukraine, so
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if we have these planes, it means that even theoretically we will not be able to return to this... this conversation with our partners, well, if they are not, if they are, something, you somehow, i did not understand the question, if we have them will be, or how, if they are not, because we are on the verge of destroying enemy targets, which are illegal targets, illegal air targets on our territory, they have illegally violated our airspace, since the end of last year, and we we have the right to ask anyone in the world to protect... our skies and destroy valuable legitimate targets, we are not, we are not proposing to attack, as mr. biden says, the kremlin or moscow, we are not proposing to attack any objects even military on the territory of the russian federation, if for ours partners, is there some kind of red line, are they afraid of not pleasing putin, i do not understand this logic, we are asking to close our skies, they closed the sky over israel, and this is not a violation of any international rules of law,
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it is our right to ask our partners to close our skies , use even not only their anti-missile complex. not only the f-16, but the f-35, any aircraft that our partners have and with their pilots, it does not mean that they go to war, they protect our, our our skies from targets that are illegally crossed our borders, from trespassers, they and we even emphasized the fact, emphasized the topic, that we will not have any claims if some destroyed missile, an enemy missile falls into the ranks, and something damages us some... uh- object and there will cause some material damage, we will not have any claims, that is, you know, it is a kind of grim democracy, as they used to say in the soviet union, it is difficult to understand, israel was attacked, israel is a small territory, kyiv region is larger, raised 100 planes, they were not israeli planes, they were american planes, they were french
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planes, they were british planes, and they were american, french, british pilots, and so they... fulfilling their agreements with israel, they destroyed, not even on the territory of israel, on the territory of other countries, the missiles that flew over, at israel, we ask to destroy over our territory illegal, illegally violating targets, which illegally violated our airspace, what is the problem, why, why, russia will not like it? well, if you do you want to please russia, well then, you know, well then it is clear that we will, in general, to be honest, and, to be honest, the logic... we will not shoot down russian missiles even over ukraine, which is very strange, because actually a missile is even not a plane, and there is no pilot about direct lines, well, let’s say it like this, what kind of days in the air, about any air battles, there is no question right away, so it is very strange that the west used this thesis for a long time as an excuse for itself, well, to justify it's impossible, it's the fear
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that it might lead to... there is something, well, this may lead to the fact that russia will not like everything, well, once again, if you help our country to conduct hostilities from russia, help significantly with finances and equipment, but you are afraid that russia will not like it, well, this is what you convey to us flowers then, well, we will be pigeons of peace, i do not know, well so so, i do not have that that logically, i would like to stand on the side of a person who can find a reasonable explanation that such a situation, something .. . i can't find words why you can't shoot down rockets, especially those rockets, as you said about the west of ukraine, you don't need to say western ukraine, we don't have west, east, all of ukraine is west, east, south, north, which can, they fly in your direction, how do you know, it will turn this missile, or will fly to warsaw, why here, what is the problem here, the more so we, we ask,
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we give permission, you do not want, you are afraid of displeasing the russian federation, well, for now, civilized. the world will be afraid of displeasing the russian federation, then we can expect very bad consequences, to very bad ones. i also wanted to talk to you about the current operational situation on the fronts. we see that somewhere the russians are advancing, somewhere we are holding them back, somewhere in the last days the defense forces are still trying to push back the russians, but in particular the situation in the pokrovsky direction remains tense and in fact in the avdiivskyi direction or in the direction back. tavdiivka, we also have these words of mr. syrskyi, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, he said that the enemy is building up or continues to build up. intensity of hostilities, works on expanding their geography, actually, why? because he fears the appearance of more
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western weapons, which are gradually beginning to arrive in ukraine. here is the actual quote: the enemy perfectly understands that as a result of the gradual arrival of a significant amount of weapons and military equipment from our partners, the arrival of the first f-16s, which strengthen our air defense. time will play in our favor, and his chances of success will decrease, here, in fact , i would also like to talk with you, mr. oleksiy, about how threatening you currently see the situation at the front, where possible may be the next breakthrough of the russians, or vice versa, where it is possible that we will be able to push them back for some time. even mr. syrskyi said that the f-16 should be placed on air defense, which we, what we just talked about with you, that this is primarily a means of air defense, this is
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an aircraft where they, well, they are increasing the number of stomachs with equipment in them not so good, they have a negative balance in terms of heavy equipment, but with people, for example, the numbers for may , the month when we couldn't say that we were happy or proud, we stated that we destroyed 39 thousand. of the russian military, this is a large number, this is a serious loss, even for the russian army, but they have replenished their troops, thanks to the mobilization of contract workers and even conscripts, which they also begin to use on the battlefield here and there, amounted to 41 00 for this month , that is, we destroyed 39, as a result, plus 2,000 russians on the battlefield became more, and so was the number, no matter how much we destroyed so far. the number of russians and military personnel on the battlefield is not decreasing, but increasing, here we are again destroyed 39, as a result they have plus 2 thousand and
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so on, where they are, they are trying, they plan to increase it even more, significantly increase their army by the month of august with relatively trained fighters, wherever they can break through, and wherever they can to concentrate a large amount of manpower and equipment, especially for the time... until we received the necessary amount of weapons from our partners, to think that they will be able to earn some kind of breakthrough, well, i don't think it's worth it, after all, we can to keep the defense is not clearly along the line, because in addition to the positional defense, the combat statutes prescribe both maneuverable and mobile defense, that is, you can defend in different ways, this does not mean that on some line there is not the first world line, but a copy and not chess... back yes, it doesn’t work like that, we conduct active defense, that is, if on the front line, by and large, in many cities it does not exist, you can call it a front line or a very thick
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front line, that is, this is a city where there are constant changes in firing positions, forward, back, left, right, this is active defense, we counterattack, we repel positions from which the enemy is superior to us, this is possible, this is, i repeat, this is tactical. active defense, but when we recaptured some positions, well, let's report the news somehow, i don't mean you, it's realistic to report all of us, it's recaptured a position, it's not, it's a counteroffensive action, that what is called the words active defense , i.e. not just standing in a trench, but constantly counter-tapping whenever the opportunity arises, this is not a counter-offensive, this is not something like the beginning of a counteroffensive, but now we have advanced even further, where yes... we will advance how much we will advance for 10 km, what next? the unit has advanced 10 km, who will bring him food, who will bring him fuel, who will bring him shells, who
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will bring him ammunition, no one will hang out, no one will take any offensive actions, but there will be no enemy in this position, at least he won't feel so comfortable, once again there is mobile, let's go there is maneuverable defense, maneuverable defense, maneuverable defense. it is written in the combat charter, the military does not invent something, they, they are not, they are not sailors, they are intelligent people, they have learned this for many years, when the enemy sat down , significantly prevail, we understand that we cannot hold our position, we, we, we we make a decision, the commander makes a decision, to use a tactic called a maneuverable defense, that is, withdrawing, having fewer numbers, withdrawing, biting the enemy, not holding the front line, withdrawing to the left, right, entering the rear and so on and so forth, this is maneuver defense is mobile defense, it's also about... in both statutes, when we allow the enemy to advance recklessly in order to then take counteroffensive actions, and there is ultimately positional defense, when we sit in the trenches, the commander must use the tactics in the conduct of the battle that are prescribed in
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the combat statutes, which... thank you for your analysis, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. there are discounts, representing unbreakable discounts on penistiel 20%. you can save money on plantain in pharmacies. mom, i threw up and i'm sick, the heat is always easier get poisoned in case of intoxication , dehydration may occur, and it is important to restore the water-electrolyte balance. when ordinary water is not enough, i recommend reo to adults and children. we will save ourselves with reo water. reo saves. reo - water for special medical purposes. there are discounts, they represent. unbreakable discounts on dog balsamgel. 15% at travel pharmacies
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for you and the saver. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. that cause resonance in our society, drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's get out, help us understand the present and predict the future, for the world.
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trump's presidency will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday about 20:10 at espresso. summer is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace for children, whose world was destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they, like no one else, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am turning to you and...
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a request to support our project, we are planning arrange two trips this summer for the children of the fallen heroes: the children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, the most important thing is that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists, and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses, who will be ready to join and help. remember that... your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed my trip to austria. loved the museums we went to every day it was amazing and i really loved how we went out to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me,
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i became more cheerful. thank you very much. thank you for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. we're back live. new week. new thoughts, a new vision of what is happening in ukraine and the world, and we now have an hour of our thoughts, our analytics, and communication with you, which is important, and communication, yes, we will answer the questions that you, you, at least, asked us in social networks, on the youtube channel of the tv channel espresso, well, we remind you, of course...


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